xt70rx937t9n_97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_12/Multipage4274.pdf 1908 June-August 1908 1908 June-August section false xt70rx937t9n_97 xt70rx937t9n Natinnal Amman mnman gmffragr Aaanfiafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.Swarlhn1or& Pa.
First Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pa.
Second Vice President. Florence Kelley.
‘05 East 22nd Street, New York Cily. ,
Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Cordon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

1800 Prylania Sheet. New Orleans. La. Warren Ohio

Recording Secrclaw, Alice Stone Blackwell.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylo

\ Laura Clay,
xlur/ilars: 7! Mary Simpso

3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
1’ Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Lexington. Ky.
n Sperry. . ‘
2100 Paolfic Avenue. San Franmsro. Ca}.


 ‘ //7r . r
/a/ , L/L (.Z /(_./ A/ 0gp! 17/ /f/ L


 National Amerimn Martian Smffragv Afianriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan. Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmorc, Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley, ‘

105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secrelary, Kale Mr Gordon,
l800 Prytania Street, New Or‘lennl, La.

. 3r fiinc Clay,

Writes we


to condemn wen who

ampuflition with Which

‘. m H,
ivllfi‘ . 131.) l“





her off against fie f

W ‘- M 1-3 ' T -.
.‘vcm-réu. ‘3)61._9(3'El,’ .100

are OPTO F“,

in ,

of the paper and your

allow who

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
Mary Simpson Sperry,
2l00 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.

71 2

Warren, Ohio

June 8, 1908.

Audi'lors .-

OTWJAt ?ii9

that he in very “10b crbooed to

nah eats F11


F“ a bit

on naauge we have not

to up b

fiefenfl alrcelvaa We


F’vCI‘L' =7

wanv ywonle Vho would




tatslly opp,

but Will atop a 9333? that Tepgncri"

the moment it disagrees Vimfl


it? Save Inriher in


not venting ii " s_mplv set

withdr** wubeaription because

of the Public's oeaaaional sapport of woman suffrage and let it

go at that".



 Natimtal Amvriran 1131mm: gmfl’ragz‘ Amnriai‘iuu.


Dear Member of the Business Committee:—

When we were in iaehingten at the time of the Hearing,
larch Sru, Senator Owen saiu that if we'woula prepare a Memorial
he would present it to Congress anu we coulu circulate it by the
thousands. Whrn at the Hoylan Meeting the next day we voteu. to
pay Mrs. Harper $50 for preparing this Memorial. On April
17th she writes that she has talkeu the matter over with Sen._
Owen , having been in lashington for a week, one she says he want
just the same statements anu nothing now. She refused to prepare
each a Memorial. 0n the 30th she writes she has had instruction
from Miss Shaw to prepare the Memorial an Senator Owen wants it,
one she will, therefore, no it. I reseireu.this Memorial frenf ”W:flf
Mrs. flapper on the 30th am I transnitteu it to, Senator Owen on
the some day. I tolu him he was to make any corrections. I
thought it wise to take out one sentence which Ere. Moreuith uie-
pntee. It is a statement of Mre. Bradford's. . On May 4th I sent
Senator Owen were that he hau been made a Life Member or our
iesoeiation by the Oklahoma women. On May 6th he writes, "The so
calleu Memorial sent to me ie as interesting as a thesis, but is
edureeeed by nobody and signed by nobody.. I will try to correct
it one send it to you for signatures”. I replild promptly that
we had talked this matter over with the Officers so we were at
liberty to sign it without waiting further. I wrote him again
on the 14th asking him what hau become of the Memorial}. again
on the 38th asking him the same question;


 B": y;-

? ‘f

1.! ;.


 Natinnal Amvrimn mnman gmffr‘agp Afiznriafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmorc. Pa‘
Firs! Vice Presidanl, Rachel Foster Avrry, Swurlhnmrv, Pu.
Second Vice P’CSI‘IL’M' Flam”: Kelley. Trrm’urur. Harrie! Taylor Upton, W'arren, Ohio.
105 East 22nd SlH-r'l. New York Cilv. . .,
("nrrmpnmhng SPCn‘Iuru, Kalr‘ 1U. Gaulnn, NATIONAL I» lADQUARTF‘RS /111(]H(7r5' ‘llfijluri?sxcnl:3;onL§;:f\lfm‘ Ky-
1800 Prx'lama Stu-M, New Orleans. LA, Warren, Ohio (

Recording Sucn‘luru, Alive Slum: Blackwv“,
3 Park Slrrel. Boston, Mast”

211K) Paci w Avpmxe, n anrirm, Cal


 . 32:

.u .«



Jurren, Juno 1?, 903
Yrs. Anne Harlin Sgoncer

»eu York City

“ear "rs. fipencmyz-

W“cka? »" fps $oioraiion

(75ft -
livvr.d5 Tfi;u fiquor EFT i Iv “.1 Ovlesns? T ~'=: w; 1T4? would
not axglain much is her, Wnfl ; 3?Qn? LS l @fifllf We? Sitinfmc-

*. . . ‘ . 1“ w -. .‘ , .,... ‘» .1. ‘r;,‘..'.,- T,~ .
:LCO u“ {elephomez awen, too, :6. .: -‘, a 'quD inure



12:9 ?mwnl workirr**.or morn: £11 :‘q 2‘ , 13%03‘anjinla~

fimraméinrumwk _, w'mro


s}10111x1 a2; . +széerr fiflfi's
ancugh time ' . x :J all aiaea
tion; bu* since the J separates ma,
does no? 3eaalpgsnibl.
telegrwyh in such a way w- '“ be satisfactnry ch
0? the ihuociation. I have xrittvn Kiss flnrrofii
efffiot, finfl.ausgasted that as Wra. Kalley an&
and yvu will be in Btsfon you might request Mrs. hacker to
appoint a cormfittée wish payer fio act, nnfi we can nonmulfi

aboufi .t later, and bring 1% to the attentiwn a? the suffra—

gifits at Buffalo, where we could.appoint a similar committee




"5.11:3 “any f‘nrrett

£3.15; more 13:11.
T363633.“ Vim
‘13}11'.r'a 31013112111. arrived,


.11". Kay,
11:". £5 1112213. «3111;, - .11.?; £42.12 "Ta'QiQHAR. “ 1, , ._* A 2333351351,. on 2.1311111 dc:
331115.131. .: ‘3'." “ '3.73nn'11 72.17.13,, with the
”21.130911, 333-33;- Corrcspondinv fieez'efi.n,rf"'



I (3113121135.. 39.33011 1136:." 1"." ionhone I do 1113'?)
~ . fl , ‘ .

:anmr c :5: EDCLTSiblT” "we Igivan that 3:10 11::
“firs. 11:11:33.1, .ygsu'i 2;.‘113'
131341323011. " Spencer, 3311.11
“41:35.1 3 the proposition "2:0 {thew-20.1 rahiony
1:31.211 stand 1337 it.
1101“- :10 long: I
”“0117‘5123‘3-"1 ‘13:: telephone. "3.3
2311": 775133;; Gordian 37113011 ”r 215-: 2113331: during“: £2.11 fihis heat in
75.1.1. on 13.01.1559 on some We 31 important legislative :3'1bi30r13, "ltd. 3.3.3
I 3.1 . at 2.11 1311118 .3 .at .2110 is; in New Orleans, I 3:110
not we 371311 while 4.30 do 4.21115. 30133013013, I :1’1 sag-1.111.111" :3. copy 3:31

8:3 313cm” letter to 331th 775.. Clay 1nd iii-as ("53:31:31011, 5.721311%.

"they 11.0.3." telegraph :rra 1311033.: 013 53.1 11011 of 13318:! consider ii new csaam"




111’s ‘1

i: tvue. nttondo d


of-Women, anfl.was yresenf J“

5101191 Ci 1

”fitionml Council of the

N . . .:
buUfiCL 3


, ()2 1011,17 O

' '1‘ . .. ~ v
idea. 1,111. 111331131

. It]. i 113* 0121; 1" re

tn, :‘133n
.:. . .1...

{7"5333 {EL-fl?" .. =15“:


Errgjizts iirtvn ._ i710}; Y'El".f‘-'(‘.

(1 TI: r... 33“,

TOvamnt, an

._ _ ..
(1:12; .1.1.YL:.?2.


branches of





carrze 11““; {3:41:53 115‘1n


. 1.: -. J. A,
51$; M; 1:733:13:

."r .‘I .-
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Ki°fl Blaix eLl and 'Tafifiyoncur


“ carmgttue fxom the FCfifiratinh. arm

5”V0 Powex from the Paflnratiop

1-. ,. "1 ,. ,., _. J = n \ -
vauruu 11 afi :JLtalo. Ia


:u'flz"; to «:"i’midcz '13th 719.131;



I run 1nritirtf V”I$"‘”°1¢I"

“Ova: in o1de;‘


to leave home early

nwmtinv ifl-another part of flux

VU [Half Clear.

.x- ""3 H1.)
1. 1V») .JAMu


Cordially yours


:t meetin“



Stat G o

.r - ‘
(1.3. .51...

w(3 .




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’21:”;(3 "


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Sewan's "Qunc 11



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1‘0 ‘7"

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160: 1nd

would hm wonderful.
3d amt

JR would


owe? 1.1.1; ‘m It;


up "

w b x'k


morning 10 apeak

31.3113, '.3;‘.. 531703.", I

fi.:1.y;=.0r zipévn .



r3. {Ipucm

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("13. .7

12M: l/JtC

.1. K;


ing of


DO p0“31ble

” you

Juno 18/1908

onumnni St.,Baltim0ve

a léttcr I
1?? Tayl"

ngwflnr, togfith”“

mu -w - r‘ ‘3
.dummn mum I

.- J‘ ‘ . '
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‘,‘,}.C'"."!C".‘ ‘3

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10 “0%0?um

.1 - ,, H ,. -‘ » ‘ ,V, ‘ ‘ M.
‘1tm duu-o v_ yaopzbiousr
- . _ ,_ “Pf. ,§,'I
*cr ynri u; :30

1. urifirs.Kolley caulfi ;
'fl?:=g “1133:

33:3:er for two won hsa
1103,? 1‘03: 1331051013313, {$011.16.

‘3! .fob
: 11:)CL Ii.(3

11 th thrra];21nr f *
uh. ; favorably of ihe scheme,'uoulfi
‘Krs. Kw-

ccwvmnicnte wifih

"a you
for 39k t0



and shn apyrova t0 cable T-ns
mr3.macker at

be wrought in a


prop&r ?ay hmfore

in Benton next we; oak?



K?iiflx Ecirld
Vary ain.erely youra
Hary E. Garrett



 (30 3’93. 0'




4 '3 .I,‘ N
HAN-I. J:Ci.: 1,


l , a ,‘v‘ C3









. I M .. ~
‘de wk}

copiud and nnclome

’ { ”xv .
6 Q/L fl” 4/1/«x/L


:3 $1.7"! F,







 (305 1:21.115th St. ,“Iew York,
June 12/1908
Ti :53 may Garye t1: ,
Bryn Mawr, Penna.
"37 (3.033." Tins (?-z1.1":r'ett:u
I send. herewith an intni'oductmry note from Our :mtual
friend,3rs.Blankcnburg,of Pennsylvahia. I hwd intonded aft~r
main 1 37:m.331:3nl::enburg N223: 19 :md 2'30 to unite you at oncmbut
::ircvr1Rir;a.zicos ‘lmyonc’: :15: control have prevented until now.
presented to Hrs.Blankenburg the mntter that
2230?. :19 {for 30:15:: time in Torjarc} to ruthods of? mre raflvanond
21.71:: '{Jonan'zs .uffrmgc cause. Ska: z“,(,7.T,Ti‘:.Od :13
5:33:32 yoints I p'rreaaentod 1x: “5:, 2" fiftJCGTIlJ‘lGIl. Tim 1225’»; visit
{733.12. ”1:33 Amman? paid. to 710 at
“m: life, 37-25“: 71:23:36. 1113021 :"1.('-, 7.“:
1.0 "‘ntionnl {1011311313. :22

I should 2.2.01: .:3 . 2. -‘ “ 7)fid§;’“-,Fm.€: vista/apt

under that <1 3:39.313 ration inc: 2:2. :1? 1:72:62 “things: about. which I
now :..z.~:1.t(‘: 3-1211. '

Full knowledge on :15: part of the actual 002163.121 (:an (3:?
{he National Council of ":;<.u1.14h made it seen :0 vac wholly impassab-

v n g

111:: to achieve the maulizrs desired through 11.23.11; .2;‘~r:.1<_:;a.niza.tion._
I "filmiegforn , have considamd some .. :3 3” rmcoxi‘lplimhing
"Mme results. In hffi‘jfiffifhai} seem: “to me " " be needed in the
3.1101313; range of :7;pecial activity in hit-malt}? of wozmn’s’ interests,

22:5 221311 :12; fax advanced war}; in the Women’s Suffrage causefia

1"‘:nfl; we should Tums: 51 7153121011131 headquarters at Washimg-f;c:::":,l‘).(3.,r

cry-“tn for. at least; a. pcyrtion of each saaaonmmr from threc to
five months. Ewmmr important interest is not only fodornrhing na-
‘tionnll3r,bu-t; lookinfi more and more towards Wade-3329.1 Law or in-

fluence. The ihteresta of women and children need not only“ feder-


 ation 18 10 yarhiwulmr elements gIax 23 is new

Consumers' League :3“ ”La *ntionul ,hilfi Lmbur Cum

11deration o? 130 various intwrests in sona co—opa?niivc Nove-
fifint 10 'nocure L10 1‘0n162 go'fiible flagrPSnwgfiIMon cf “:Lne
1111;036:3133 :11, 0-1111 21131031121 Capital. II“ the Woman 5-? 1:?"2‘11‘ 11"" Amo—
Ciation, 11a flangrnl ?~fierntion m? Women's Clubs, 52¢ Collégiate
Alumnae Assuciation, IL” “ofihers' Cwnfl?033;‘Th0 Connuners'


I ue,1he a1toaul AB' aocia1zion of her king (a "13‘ “lnIs.

corujttee§of wamen from 1he ”ation 1 Ch 1a ZahUfl 00:3:

Fationml Peace Soaiaty, thv ”atiunal

Cerrnction, mnfi oihmr sirilwr W0:“ 3.03, g)?"

a headquarters an; uwmon's intnrosts in

forward uoulf be made. If 1V 1 at unnvq1xrth. ”Hero canli he
a9 rcaidnub humtefls m w011n in 1H9 confidance a? all those asso-
cimtiona capable of balancing 3" 1y 1;; new racomnanda1iuns of
each particular element, 1nd able 1; inflnmnce 1jSmlu1wr$ and
’H3 general public in all matteI monournin: “to “Elffiro

n15 chilfiren, we Shauld hvvw «Q0 most vitfl

Vance and in: protection 21 chilaren.


gflstcd Lhat ;ho intornsLs of somen,:*11

'“n :annervod by a cabir IQt GVEioer at thn
depértmcfifi of the qéneral invernmont. Such a civil
partmmt 21011111 uncioubtedlrfi hr: 0179:7166. .mr'e «mm o 11:21

law. As it is, 1km examplm 0“ sunh a departmvn

mu"t me set by private entnxprise.

The rec ant meetin1 of the ”jOVOTflOTB of 1316 fl‘lrmroni

811165 at Washington indicates Quit: clearly what I hnvn in
mind respecting wamefi'm and chilflron's in‘I1 19:315. TMQ pres. 1&0 nts

'@ various g ,mt national mrgav13.za tiona of women "11h1 wall


 100‘: 213': .3 15111;" tum 0.71.031 mintnr to atudy, rmtuallj' 11m? .rstand,

"3‘13: 311;] -01" 1.1113 affiliate 1:310:11: Giffrzren'fi. enterprises for: the sake

:1" 0013111011 ends. Somuthin': like ‘uhis was the original plan 1;:1‘.‘ the

'1':~.‘1'.i03‘1z9.l Confdrence 0f ‘1'1'1711011, 31:11:12., 31:5 I haw: $3.1m, “Lint 1100.3:

incapable 11'? realizing: its: ideals. 12111220. I mafilined

.11's..filmmcnnburg ‘i‘hifs plan 013 :2. 31:11.; 5.011.711 hendq‘urarfiam 0,1161. 00-

12.31:“: :1'n.tivn 1:1:- ntin'“ place 0‘13 '.'.'03*11'zn':'3 interests, xiii]: r1. resident

10:1: :11" it). C(‘>:‘1."’3:1nd, 3310 311;":7355313011 first {flat 3. ‘31:”: idea.

‘120 firméarah Flatt Decker, Presidan: 01' the General Eudoraticm 0f

‘v."1.>r:1:~.n'r-1 Clubs, 117113.. 2:" to present if, 0.1:. 1.2110

1310‘; “006.31“ in 7305413011,:‘1315

7:1;1 c :r‘gn.:-1i:-:n.til:1 le:1:30r,:13::3_ p.310 vmulc’. 311:0"1mblj' 31m 2100 913': 118,05 2:10.171: 1'20 as

yorson ".mulé‘. be 0 "£310. '7: Hour. societies named. I 173.0
:i‘cczl 1112.11“v<‘r,. 1:11: 3:310 (0:0:“11 marauo 0:1" ".fozvvm's‘s Clubs ifi’
body 11.311031: '1le lead in this matter.

13;»? :1, happy coincidence “.21".
"":~S.I)oc}:<:13r,is"nn extremely" lexical 5.11:1 eff: 0133.170 '.’.1'C;:r:‘!.'3.fl snitf'ran
M T320370 if: nothinmhowever, in $23.10 arganizaticn 151'; Harland.
Tara‘s. its president should “0:3. such,:md'13ra.dj.t:i.0m:s of its rmmagc-

3.1m age: inst ranch :1 leadership, 3‘. 11131112er tilt-XL ." would not
helpful "no the main idea. 'I have! in 1113.116. to have the
3170:1011 ‘3:1 "fr 5.1% Association assume $311118 résymnai‘biliuy 330.1." 13.110
headquarters at Washington 11.110. appoint 011:: 01 its: 1:31.6101‘5 2:10:01

7201013: or cluefly for suffragé 11:02:31: 1.3.5:. 311.1:1'Lesa. On

handfl Twlieve that the suffrage element 31:13 ineradicmaly

V_‘nmmd ..+¢1.iian...oni' cam-n4 nn'anfl «:th-wa‘i-‘ninn +’3-\n+: -1 f‘ wnn'l A ‘hxs 513%”



hounfi 10 1;; e *mv,r1.se, 1nd ihare efocn t11n¢ if wuulfl be safer
10 I» a fix: Tuman Suffrage Association take the initial step and
invite menaporation frofi,1heae miner organizations. The jndera—
‘imn w? Cluhg is brondeninn «t3 work no as to take iv want of
2“e rwvw‘ents ?ur the advanoawnni u? woman and tin pvotwcfion of
“hilfran. It is also year by rear tukin~ n more frioadly atti-
fiude tawnrfi 2A9 suffrmgo cause. Thane tFLLL. woulf make the
?ofi1.ut1uh, I hulieve, rewéy to join, as @10 fi.r:,‘1.nnd most imy
yomtnnt o"gnnizaaion inv1.ted. ”, - ;;: fictional Yomnn Ruffrfiée
sociation; in thc atinmPt flu 1'. onwardiwute £31 intfi?esta
W'B omnqnjl.t IOHS. The . £3 th1w takin"“
snn oo—oporation pf oihhrs, gould, u? gourne.
”ume its share a, g?) expense nrd uffnr suggestion?
£10 uhola enfivrprise nhoulfi he managed.
If there were time before the Vmflcrafiion
should like to see fhe general offi,nrs
-' 30 A3800) 5.11.011 2‘21c1 “art "1:?! "me
113153 Pam: t. p ,- 5.1233“) “(In
1% that meeting. Then, on the basis of a“ ..; gent
"rnmtnr arganizationa, hnvt invifiwfiians new: 1: cfihtr knflies.
Am flfltrnctivc headquarters 31 Vnu‘Wnrfion qonlé w; assured, pref*
11~blr 'VJ for the entire 1,,r-h An axecutivb ancrmtany,who
fifimnlfi Ct . aalnried persnng V jz,“ rujc'“;' 1m carry an all

a » ingfiiry, afiatinfiiwal tnhulaticn of 1n“1?wwt10n,

~“"wasi “FL' 1 and {general mrrk,11uu1< he in pa r”? J1fint charge.

If fHa “1mm? tould be raiaed I should 31%“ find: person 10 be as

vhle anfi as well known fin Tato Clmcrorn, or N?8.F10rnnceifielloy,
:r fi1.3~a Urackinridge of Chicfifim 1;. M w." RU”? 1 man whose

”(nexul ;, . g.. 1 x1 1 Hz“ '1“ , 1.; cammanfl respect and

inTluencn. '. u’” . fl to haw: maxnod a3 spegial hostess

”V ..



31:33.3, :r 03‘ 3.3317? 2'3‘3tmf‘th3 3"33.:v?i3;17 "Kin: C.CI‘§"“(“1.;.3(}1’1("1 32(33310113
(Changing thm mayoxw,n!nt each two Years,y~fihap8), 30m3 woman
'hu, like Hrs.henk3r, pculfi hold the honorany, 3 33333ried
der 0? forcés of the women, rmceivin: thg
zations, taking fl reofion n? the great
loaderr :hip. Cculfl Wendy be
for 1133363633330? 33.3303 iii/"in" expcnt'arm Of'SUCh :3
must N'fi:“0d the ngpo figment 0f 33 executive
3fi7‘1ight wait; hut I 3mlievn the 3133 iv; some ufinn

“ethods must 1d ndoptnd by “:3 “r;*;» e nmvcrent, and
we vital nflrrellmtion u1 3‘; 3; :4335i3u forces he
(mi :31 .3,“r-_3f0rm. .

gather convinced bflliQVOrB.

“:gnnizmtionm ovcr~1ap 336 oftra confume the gen-

in flho suffragv n~*sc,333 many 0? them
Chanfin j 3?. social point sf

3334:- 3.36.30 rialigs’ .tj<3: ‘.‘:03"i.c-.n'a 33.30;?leactivities, :30 far
3h0 unitad farce £433 win3 3300:333. A3 sixty 3.3“? ago
311 clemenfis 0F mocialvproqrmsa rélatinfi-to woman were combined
73.33 3113.33 {"370736231'33Rig-ht ”(WW'WW‘ :0 '3'2cm I "333'. "' ,. 3. 7'3" fiivm Ema
33mm For a rvuconhinaticn on 333 mivar3oed plane of our yresent
janition. Wmthinr but 3h: pyassnra 33 33'. " m1 dutiea has
prevented Wf‘ $313 , marli r in iha matter. I havo,however, been
6ecply mfiirrcd towards such.effmrt for a lam; “in . Hrs.B ankenv
burm'wms aura alxt you w uld be interested,3nd I,t3eréfore,make
no apology fer the length of 3his letter. Wars I frne from
other bonds I wauld like to aid 3bntaatjnlly, inaugurati n3 some


change in our suffrage activities, M comm..ae I ma‘ieve it is not




alarm a .ij ' J 5'13:

59513;};71393iihmfii? 8.
AS} ,1 L,



L .-



017: “hinges, “nut by

{M16 <13 m. t r.- :',1, (Warm c: .

'17)" 1t»

“.1 . n A ”.1 a, .w,
lA-lbrl Abe/717.14 -c;


 in 1331mm: Smfi‘ragp Aaanriatinn.



Honorary President, FRANCES M. CASl-ZMHNT, ’uinuuvillcr

President. HARRIET 'I‘;\\'1.uu l’l’TUN, \VarrmL Cor. Swrrtm‘y, “IZR'HIA L‘mwlm, London.
Vice-Pr idenL PAULINE S'rmxuM, 222R Scuttwund Aug, ’l‘olcrlu, ’I‘ruxmxn-r, SAME): K. IZAX’I‘, Warren.
Rec‘ Secretary, CARRIE CHASl-I DAVIS, M. 1),, Snmlusky. Auditor, SAM“. R. \ICLICAN. (‘ylcndukn


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LOW'I want an diifar from San 1h nLinklng we Have no ammunition Wlpfl

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83.14%. E'zercnez, l finirzzk we Emir: 110 {ms nee adJIL ms: 9:12.:nhicim153 until
Show sane Means 0f halping and gingering Glam. The Suffragetfios
nave iiacoverwfl maana to &o Luis; so have the temperanc& women it

our own ouunfirp. It 15 time that we suffragists should devise mwans where-

by we can Q0 tne Seme. if we have no votes ourselves, we have anffragists

~mong men wu,h votes, by the tens of thousands, as our various camguigns

have groved many times over. If we coula so 6rder our forces as to prove


that we can t&ke a real part in helping our friends Wlfl hindering our dpa

,ponenfis, w“ might inspire fihase voters vifih energy to help us for the help


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 Natinnal Amerimn 133111113111 gmffragp Azfintiafinn


Presidcnl, Rev‘ Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore. Pa‘ . Recording Secrclary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
I, . ; 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.

Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swnrthmorc. Pa‘
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley.
\Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.

l05 Easl 22nd Street, New York City.
Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Gordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ,4ur1'ilors: , Mary Simpson Sperry.
IBOOPt 33x LN '01. .,L‘ ‘ ’
[y ann YCC C\\ [earn 3 Warren, Ohlo

2100 Pac}fic Avenue, San Franciscn, Cal.




 Natimml Amm'irau Woman Svufimgr Asmmiafinr.


Jul? 13,


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 National Amerimn mama gmfi‘ragv Azantiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan, Pa. % r , Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
First Vice President, Rachel Footer Avery, Swarthmore. Pa. 3 Pail: Street. Boston, Man.

Second Vice Pruidenl. Florence Kelley. Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.
105 Em 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Calrupanding Secreiam. Kate M. Gordon. .
I800 Prylania Sheet. New Orleam. u. Warren, Ohxo

Aua'flors: LMZuII; gkgnlflliflw N. Mill St. Lexington. Ky.
2l00 nyPaafic Ave , San Francisco, Cal.


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aha press alone.

We have aluwya &.we so much prenfi 303k.
matter no that when we come to vote for
1f we are going to have 0r0;afl lintfiirg
of the states
hall work.

Cordially yours,



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 National Amvrimn moment $uffmge Assuriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan. Pa. V ' . Recording SecreIary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore, Pa. 2 U 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
Second Vice President. Florence Kelley.

'05 E 22 d S N Y lr C' Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
at n “”t' ew °' "y’ NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ~ .
Corresponding Secrelary. Kate M. Gordon, Audilors: {Laura Clay. ‘69 N' M‘” 51" Lexmgton, Ky.

- M ry Simpson Sperry,
1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La. Warren, 01110 a ZIOO Pacific Ave., San Francisco. Cal.


Dear‘fiiss Clev*-

u n

Your letter of July 1? is ner


firs.McLendon had not written me .bout Georgia, and we hid

an item from the press clippings. I was glad, though, to

on me to correct some errors..

have he: come
people get their f2

,. . - 4n- v.“
vb, ILQ’ fa vii‘C-i,

ankle is all right. His wris
first day, and he thinks he dislocated some ligament or

muscle. If-it does rot improve, he will go to a bone—setter.

You reaember our correspondence regarling Hrs.Boyer\\

expenses, and that you told me 1. she ran


0 tell her we couldn't pay any more, and that was the
way it was left. She rai over $4.80 last month, which was
veg? little of course, tut I told he she would have to let it
go on the next month,— that is, take it out of the next
‘ month's expenses. Now she writes that the next month's expenses ,
\ ' /

u v I I "‘" -....- ‘l
\y‘ will have to be $100. She has done a lot of 1nterv1ew1ng, got


some candidates in line, and feels that she ought to nail them.

Our special friend, J.Harvey Lynch, who was such a ”4nd for us,
turns out to be a penitentiary bird, and has skedaddled to

Mexico. They are making it hot for Owen, and Mrs. Boyer reports


 Haskell is weakening and maybe One of our friends wil be
put in his place. This, I doubt. Haskell will never weaken
until his heart stops beating.

It does look as if she had gotten a little semefihing
in Oklahoma, and it seems very poor policy not to nail fihis
ast wor . She says it will be over the 4th of August.
Kiss Shaw is opposed to paying anything above ex-
penses, and Hrs. Kelley feels exactly the opposite, so I feel
thatfl being abroad evens up things I am.therefor; writing

lfiss Gordon, Kiss slaokuell, Yrs. Avery and yourself, and hope

you will give me your opinion prowptly. \\

I was instructed to pay only $60.00. Is the Com? }

mittee going to rescind its vote?

Cordially yours


 Natinnal Amman Mnman gmffragv Aeenriafinn


Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmorc. Pa. m Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwe".
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore. Pa. '1'" 9‘ 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass.
Second Vice President. Florence Kelley,

'05 East 22nd Sheel. New York City.

Corresponding Secret/cry. Kale M. Cordon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Audilors: ‘ [Mitvsggénl‘gggrn‘ Ky-

IBOO Prytania Succx. New Orleans. La. Warren Ohio ' 2'00 Pacific Avenue. San Francisco. Ca],

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.

July 25,1908.

Dear Member of the Business Coamittee;—

I wrote you sometime ago in regard to the 0&liiurfiifi

money. Now I have a letter from Mrs. Sperry part of which

I am cepying. It seems as if states ought not to go to can—
ventions, pledge money to a fund like the Memorial Fund and
then send the money and want it used in the stlte; heoause

it makes it appear as if we were having so much more money
than we ought to have. I am sure this is right as a general
rule. But here is Cnlifcevia :hich took care of its own
splendid campaign years ago, has grown all the time in num-
bers, has been very generous to us always, gave most ‘iber-
ally at the time of the Portland Convention, and new Iron hrs.
Swift's letter and from Mrs. Sperry you will see that because
pf the disaster they really need all their own money. When
we consider that we often send an organizer at a good salary
into a state to pay for setting up and running Headluarters,
it Seems as if it was good busineSS policy to help Galiguznia
inst now, especially since she will have to close Headquar»
ters if we do not, and the closing of Headquarters means jeo-
pardiling the coming legislative work. It is too bad all ways
but I must know what to tell them soon, for they are nhliged

to plan.
Cordially yours,

“H W 057547 W




\-4 J,’

u ..




 Natinnal Amerimn Iflflnman Suffragv Afianriafintt


Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarthmorc. Pa. Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarkhmore. Pal . 3 Park Slreet. Boston. Mass.
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kellcy‘ Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. \Varrcn. Ohio.
. '05 East 22nd Streel. New York City. Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.
Correspondmg Secrclaru. Kale M. Cordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Auditors: .l Mary Simpson Sperry. .
1800 Prylania Streel. New Orleans, La Warren, Ohio l fl ZlOOVPaCIlfiC Avenue. San Francisco, Ca].

‘ ., 4 r,
3‘. .L/Xw ':

r /
(Ti/”$353.14" /,fl/ __'—-‘ /
5374' W


 National Amerimn Iflflnmanfiufl’mgv Assuriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev, Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa. a 1,, Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore, Pa. _ 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.

Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley, Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren Ohio.

l05 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ,
Corresponding Secrelam, Kate M. Cordon. Audi'lor: : {IN/Eli? Sciirigsori 85:13:), Mi“ 5!" Lexmgton. Ky.

I800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La. Warren, Ohio 2100 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
7.11 239/1908
Dear flies Olav:-
T must say that I tTink you are one of the most

just, fair, impersonal people 1 na.ve ever known;

of Yours in sendini $50. ; Foyer at


four usual prinezple.
that you sav in reiard to 0k shone 's exactly true.


We have had many responses, and a large proportion of them from
the Republicans and C00 isli mt Towevsr, it will cause dis»
cus sion, and we a t“ * 7 , t ‘ g -.-1 time.

Yrs. Boyer, but as I
judge from.your th * ,- 7 n * xs_t me to tell her in is
your contribution, '3 1: let me know if I


em rigiit about this.

I note what you say about New 3e3ioo a.nc I

iss Class.
I do not know whether or not she would want to go there next
winter, I thiik her trouble is largely nerves, but she was so
well in Oregon that I presume a mild climate is good for her.
However, she told me her work tlere was the worst s} 18 ever had,
because, instead of being steely coll it was « shall con-
sult with her about it.

I am glad to write you that my father is well,
Tr.Upton’s ankle is all right, hut the Rector thinks he split
one of tlie bones in his wrist when he'fell. If it does not

well soon, we shall consult a surgeon.



 Natinnal Ameriran 133111113111 $uffragv Aaantiafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Swartlrmorc. Pa.
First Vice President. Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pa.
Second Vice President. Florence Kelley.
'05 Easl 22nd Street, New York City.
Corresponding Secretary,