xt70rx937t9n_94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_9/Multipage4154.pdf 1907 June-September 1907 1907 June-September section false xt70rx937t9n_94 xt70rx937t9n Natimml Amrrimn 1351mm gmffragv Afianfiafinn ‘

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Show, Swarlhmore. Pa. . Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery. Swartlimorc. Pa. ' 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
Second Vice Presidenl. Florence Kelley,

l05 East 22nd Strcel, New Yorlr Cny. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secrelary, Kale M. Gordon, _
lSOO nylania Sheet. New Orleans. La. Warren, 01-110

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.

Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.
: Mary Simpson Sperry.

2|00 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Ca


 Natimtal Amvriran 133111112111 Smffragp Azanriafinn


Presidenl. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore, Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenf, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmom. Pa. “1
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley.
IOS East 22nd Streel. New York Cily.
Corrcsaonding Sacra/aw, Kale M. Cordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

H300 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La. Warren Ohio


.r'?cfv"'53.n>zt“fifi gmv 47:63"

T wanimh 7:

f? a. l. {I ’1

Recording Secrclmy. Alice Stone Blackwell.
3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

\ Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Audilors : ' Mary Simpson perry.
l 2100 Pacific Avenue. San Francisco. Cal.


3 mar

V 54:} I





 June 14 , 19:“)? .

Dear 512-193er of aha Busine 93 'Yozxnniisteu :9
At the last F3.xee(:-:’:i-ve 515911;“i21t‘1’1lk‘3 ms: ting, "n <17h.‘.cn;'gor, “-4.115

enclomd Milan suhmfi’izimd b5" ‘01:. Siawars 511,1:5111‘01531‘2. ‘5': our ~5“:3:1t:5:w..
. I . D M:


It. was remrrm! ‘32 Lht: “Cum-211.5; 1;». '17:“; ' :5 “51:1. Pzaa":sf Vymon's ”l“h$. You remember she is also
Cor.Sec.of *~ K" L l l -“S {We wife of fhevEresidewt of the Eastern
Hormal 305001 of K5,

I gee Z la 3 soronal 1 Sfigzé ll,fi 3;? which mesa acknowledgment, thougb‘
not one mrS Yea, I “afxr jun atav:n;i Ir“. Lucy Hobart Day exactly right.
I believe we ooulfl gov gyoat good out of Chfiroh work, if it is rightly
conducted; and I think we Lave a pracfiioul ana‘sonsible woman now at


the heal of the ““mmxuqe2

JESS ROSE BOW” . W. ." be glad to la vo Miss BoWer employeé, I think


 crease our Rabiunml H“;-
30 increase our number of W :imna1 organizers. I do not

Dr.£00is 3001

~r Joe: 3001 would

‘011635? 11:? f.’ " if ”4 3.132.")?90‘531", {14137.1 ’1? ”1 :3-1 into
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nnfl movfi vrufl

:gexon. ”.13 reason I shoulfl not


Oklahoma, though I shoulfl an ;% a a; _ zww y
’.Vli 1T6: 1; prefer 3/1 * _.u' " for Clehcma, a; sue

ve cm1fl0

more 10011

T? (1')"“7'1‘ n ' “an-DP :T 711T Mn».—
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-o..~..1..1 1 1;.;1:.-
u"~“ urif.$
e110“ PL. T 1."elborn.
not Wigfi any subscripfiion,continuefl
sometimes subscribe for a particular jurpoSe,

even forge+ had in hhis case, " 5 I haé subscribed at all,

Love to all in fihe office and W1th much to yourself,

Cordially yours,»






 Natimml Amprimn Mnmatt g'uffragp Azfinriafinn


Preaidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarthmorc, Pa. ‘ r , , Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
Fin! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmorc. Pa. fl . E, ‘ 3 Park Slrcel. Boston. Mass‘
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley.

Treaxurer. Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.
'05 East 22nd Street, New York Cily. .

. Audilars: 7/ Mary Simpsori 563637;. '5 F _
Warren, Ohlo . I at! c Avenue. San rancxsco. Cal.

Corresponding Sacrclary. Kale M. Cordon,
IBOO Prytania Slrecl, New Orleans. La,

'ar vacation 0

L..- :







 Natinnal Amprimn mnman Smffragv Aannrtafinn


Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmorc, Pa.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swanhmore. Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

105 East 22nd Slrcel. New York City.
Corresponding Secrclaru. Kale Mr Gordon,

IBOO Prytania Street, New Orleans. La.


Warren, Ohio

1).: 3.1"

Recording Sccreiary. Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park Street. Boston. Mass;
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

\Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Auditors : - Mary Simpson perry.
' 2'00 Pacific Avenue. San Francisco, Cal.

"hr-3° Wire??? 8110109 Emir 71.3: 017151

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 Natinmtl Amprimn filament fivuffragp Aaanriafinn


Prexidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmorc. Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmorc, Pa.
Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley.

Recording Secrelaly, Alice Stone Blackwell.
3 Park Slreet. Boston. Mass.

Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Uplon. Warren. Ohio.
105 Ens! 22nd Slreel, New York Cily.

Corresponding Secretary. Kate M. Cordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Auditors: ,l lfiaall-Y;SCiilqflpl;anc::-:;om 33"
l n. V ; I " lfilflll’filgficwvéiuc. San Franclsco. Call

“300 Prylania Slreel. Vew Orleans, La. Warren Ohio

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 Natinnal Amritsar Woman $ufi‘ragv Afiantiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

PresidenI, Ravi Anna Howard Shaw. Swanhmore. Pa.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmorc, Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

105 East 22nd Street, New York City.
Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Cordon.

l800 Prylania Street, New Orleans. La.


Warren, Ohio

Recording Sccrclary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

on it as sure to be establis shod.

I miink: it is Gesiru.nle to help Ethakota, nd Iowa; too, with a sweak—
or, if we own. ,ut 7 do not believe in sacrificing the interests of kla-‘
home at this time for anv other 1mint; therfioore, unless it is clear that
giss Gregg is not need.ed th ere just yet, ” should object to her staying
away and we ought to content ourselves I.rmth offering Hrs.Bradford to those


 states. Beyond. 131115 general eX11res-553 " minion, I would r21 ”Cher not
say 2m;f1¢i:i.ngg more 22220 21:. ’\ '101 mm, 2:. . no 22022121; ‘23".2 ("um -1z—-:.s in;
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22nd « 2.173813 0 211161 of 2 nyL.’ Lil’l‘g ' 2.521: 11: "2, 112m: .
Pie ease gi‘xe 2:11; regguflf‘o ’F“. :r2embers of the conference amo‘. to
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'» 2L2 ,. , . :14.


 Natimml Amprimn 1331mm gvufi‘ragp Aaanriafiun

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President. Rcv‘ Anna Howard Show, Moylan, Pa. _ Recording Scale/aw, Alice Stone Blackwell,
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmolc, Pa. ' 3 Park Slrccl. Boston, Mass.

Second Vic: Pmldznl. Florence Kclley. Treasurer, Harricl Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

I05 East 22nd Slrcck, New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS . ‘
Cornapandl'ng Sccrclaru, Kale M. Cordon. Auditoru I Lauxa Clay, '89 N. M1” 5L. Lexington, Ky.

. I M y S' pson Sperry.
1800 Prymnia Street. New Orleans, La. Warren, Ohlo 81’ "n 2100 Pacific AWL. San Francisco, Cal.



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 Natinnal Amerimn 1331mm Smffragv Afifinriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenl. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan. Pa. Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.

Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pa.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley.
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS . jLaura Clay, l89 N. Mill SL. Lexington. Ky.
Auditors: [Mary Simpson Sperry,

Corresponding Secretary. Kate M. Cordon, .
l800 Prylania Street. New Orleans. La. Warren, Ohlo 2l00 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.

94730 Or

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 Natinnal Amerimn 1331mm gmffrage Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Preu'dcnl, Rev. Ann: Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa. Recording Sucre/am, Alice Stone Blackwell,
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swanhmorc. Par 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
55‘0“! Vi“ President. Florence Kelley, Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.

'05 East 22nd Skeet, New York City.

Corresnonding Secrclam, Kare M. Cordon. Auditors: {IMEUH Clay. 189 N. M111 SL, Lexmfllon. KY.

. y Sunpson Sperry.
1800 Pryranin 3mm, New Orleans, La. Warren, 0th E" 2100 Pacific Ave.. San Francisco, Cal.

“r“: -’ r. ’ » ,.
LL. . 143.31,, 3