xt70rx937t9n_90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_5/Multipage3950.pdf 1906 September-October 1906 1906 September-October section false xt70rx937t9n_90 xt70rx937t9n  

 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY“ i7 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.

President, Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass

Vice President 31 Large, FLORENCE KELLEY. Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren. Ohio.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. Auditors' {LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M, GORDON, DR. Amuse JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

1800 Pryiania Street. New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABcocK, Dunkirk, N. Y.





 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President. Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW

7443 Devon 'sneet. Mt.Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,

105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. GORDON,


800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary. ALICE STONE BLACKwELL, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON. Warren, Ohio.

, LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
Auditors ‘ {1312. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St” N., Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK. Dunkirk. N. Y.


: resign





 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honomry President, Susan B. Anthony,

'7 Madison Slreel, Rochester. N. Y.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.
Vice President at Large, Florence Kelley.

d' { Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. A“ ”a" " Dr. Annice F. Jeflrcys. Portland, Ore.


Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Gordon.
[800 Prylania Street. New Orleans, La.
(213% THE Recurding Secrefam, Alice Skone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mast.
2 Treasurer. Hamel Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.





 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary Pmidenf, Susan B. Anthony.

I7 Madison Slreel, Rochater, N. Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Skeet, ML Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.
V ice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

Corresponding Secrelo ry, Kale M. Gordon.

H300 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.
Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Sheet, Boston. Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Wancn. Ohio.

, i Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
’05 East 22nd Street, New York City. Audrlors " 1 Dr. Annicc F. Jcfireys. Portland. Ore.




 181 K. Mill St., Lexington, 7y.
Sept.8th, I906.

my dear Ers.Upton,

I answer your letter of,Sept.5th first.
Endorsement of Dr.Devis. It seems to me that is a question for the Ok-
lahoma esso. to decide entirely for itself. Mrs.Biggers is a competent
women; and she will be able to find out for herself much better than we
can tell her how far the suffragists can help hr.Devis with advantage to
our cause «nu wwmmKh~J«4n.mvmnwuu-. Being on the ground, she can also
ghange their policy more quickly, it there shoéld appear to be occasion
to do so. The trouble we are just now having with Oregon, and the plain7
way in which Tashington is letting us know that they think too much di-
rection from the National is not wise, ought to teach us the lesson of
not directing except when there is a clear necessity for us to do so. I
do not think this roguest for advice from Mrs.Biggers is an imperative~
, reason why we should give it either one way or another. I should advise
her to consult her own Executive Committee, and explain to her that the
National did not think it best to indicate any settled policy in those


iRS. DUNIWAY. I am of the opinion that we should continue to help with the

vork on the petition till it is finished, and then leave the Oregon fec-
aions to themselves for awhile..to settle their difficulties for themselves.
If we give up that petition work, I doubt very much whether they will
complete it themselves; and then our thousands of dollars which heVe been

spent there will be practically thrown away.


 WEST VIRGINIA. I like your answer to Dr.Jones. It is what I would have
. advised. V
DR. weeps. or course, I should be willing for a salary to ‘rte paid to er.
Yooas for the time she uses to go to Oklahoma for Labor 3ey.
MISS FLORENCE HOGE. I answered Miss hogs to the best of my ability, thOugh"
there is really no answer that is perfectly satisfactory to those who do
not believe in the abstract right of women to a share in government. Usual-
ly the danger from the negro woman's vote is greatly exaggerated by fear,
Vend this I pointed out to Miss fioge.Meny persons are ignorant of the rel-
ative numbers of white and colored women.I return Miss Hoge's letter.

--Can yea tell me how to reach Mr. Wm.Wal1ace by letter? I wrote to him
several days ago about the notes-I left in charge of the Terr n bank; but

I have had no answer.

I did not know'that Miss Shaw had arrived; but I sspppsse we shall

soon havens call for a Business Meeting now.
Give my love to all in the office, and with much to ypurself, I

am yours.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary Preaidenl. Susan B Anthony.

17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y‘
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

d‘ { Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.
l05 Easl 22nd Street, New York Cilyr A” "a”: Dr. Annice F. Jeflreya, Portland, Ore.

Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Cordon,
H300 Prylania Sheet, New Orleans. La.

W9 Recording Secrelary, Alice Slone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
2 Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.


September 11/1906

Dear Mis s Clay:-

I am sure you will be overwhelmed with letters from

Miss Shaw for a. few days. My, but I am sorry for her! She has to
study up all the things which have happened in the past three
months and get hold of matters, then start out into the field
about the 15th of this month.

I note what you say about Dr.Davis, and I have written
Mrs.Biggers acwrdingly.

I am not going to touch on Mrs.Duniwa.y. I think the
Business Committee will have to sit on her a Whole day.
Glad you wrote Miss Hoge.

I am sorry you had to bother to write to Mr.Wallace.
I could have attended to the matter for you. He is in England, and
I suppose the appearance of your note made the people think it
was persorfi'land they forwarded it to him. If there is anything
sped a]. you wish to write about, Henry Dietz, Cashier Union National
Bank, will be the one to write to.

Cordi ally your 5



 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Amhony.

17 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

105 Ensl 22nd Street. New York Cily.

Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon,

1800 Prylania Street. New Orleans, La.
Recording Secretary, Alice S‘onc Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
Treasu rer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

_ { Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
Audtlnrs " Dr. Annice F. Jeflreys, Portland, Ore.




 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony.

l7 Madison Street, Rochater. N. Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,

7443 Devon Sheet, ML Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.
V ic: President at Large, Florence Kelley.

[05 En! 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Gordon.

IBOO Prylania Street, New Orleans. La.
Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

A d' { Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.
u ”0’5" Dr. Annice F. Jcflteyn. Portland. Ore.

NA TION‘\ L H ICA\D(QU‘\ ll’l‘ERS, ‘\' .\ RR EN. OH] 0.


 ( cow)

Boar Hrs. Upton,

Enclosed yloose find a list of quostionn wklch seems to
me to cover the ground is well as I am able to make them; ? so
Norerogs has bee: helping me akin afternoon anfl.will lalt to get
tfiem out. I want you to examine them and see if they can be mafia
stronger and better. I do not want to ask for legislation that i3
not constitutional. In one suffrage romort there i3 an endorsement
of a congresfi‘onal bill aohing for a board of dzild ind animal pro-

tectiOn and I was undeciflod whotharto ask for that ova commission.

it in shape got; when We flo we will submit it. I think we should
use the latter head but out on OomgremmtOnil Committeoe instead of
National Usadqyarters and Washington inotead ofllarron. I am sorry
'53 could not get tlw list of political women but I have delayed

too long. We can perhaps get that later. Will write agaon on a

day or fwo.

We also yriod to fro e a letter to send but have not got

Cordially youro,
3.”. Gillette.

1. Aroyou in fbVQr of a commission to invesiigato conditions of
women in industry as suggested by Prosiiont Roosevelt in his “os—
sage ho Congreow Deo. 5th. 1906?

a commission to investigate tho can;
Statefi and Territories an& the laws govern

of o‘ilfi labor in L
2“» 1" me?

2. Are “on in favor of c

8. Are you in favor of‘arbitration as a means of gobbling Inher—
national difficulties?

4. Are you in favor of equal pay for oqual work regardloso 0: sex
and of such legislabion as will secure to women ogually with men

Opportunities for appointment and promotion under the civil oor~


5. Are you in favor of an amendment to the Federal Constitution pro—
tecting nemen citizens of the Uhitod States in their right to vote?


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street. Rochesker, N. Y.

President, Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW. i
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa. Record ng Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass
. , ,Treasurer. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

Vice President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY,
LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky

[05 East 22nd Street. New York City. - . .
Audltors. {DR- ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,
1800 Prytania Sireet, New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.



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 181 N. Mill St., Lexington,
Sept.I7th, 1906.
my dear Mrs.Upton,

I was much interested in your letter of the 11th inet.,
concerning flies Gillette's proyoeition. Of enuree, I feel that the‘Sub-Com.
on Congressional york enould have the principal voice in deciding on the

i' just as well for me to say imet I approve of it ve-


'mueu. ” ,3, ;. £9 wl’ teat a good committee in Uaehingtop would fio
300( than the epesmoaio efforts of delegates to the

flagkington convention, union l believe to be one of Lne reasons why some
of our suftrvgiets hold so firmly to the immovable convention. I would ap-
prove of inviting Kiss Gillette to attend the 3.6.meeting ifi Terran on the
11th or October, though it does not appear to me to be at all essential to
have her pteeent, as the work just new, at least, is n03 eo complicated that
it ccfild not he carried on by corresponienco. However, it would be a cour-
tesy and an exyteeeion‘of appreciation of its importance to invite flies Gil-
.lette, and leave it to her to decifle if it_ielneoeeewr3 fat her to come. I

like he? liet of questitne; and personally I'an pleaeefi that taking the pro-

tection of animals under charge of the suffrage association has been left

t. However highly‘philanthropic that idea may be, it hae always belittled

a work of the L eooietion in my mina. If I Ktéknetxfegt that Tomen,(with
angitel T ) die not need the Ballot for their own protection, I should ceré
inly flotfidetote my life to getting it fol them; and I am not disposed to

raoket women and animals together evefi in poilenthropy. As for children, I

believe women to be their natural protectors, and they will be protected very

nearly in pomenreion to women's power to do no. It is our beet.method to get


 the power and then proceed to use it-Thet is a point that the enfranchised
women ovaoloredO'oyerlooked when they foisted that resolution on the Nation-
al Convention. 1

I am pleased that Kiss Shaw showed the appreciation she did of yOur ef-
forts in Oklahoma by intiting you to take charge of that correspondence, as
‘she ex lains in a recent letter. I do hope you will see your way clear to
accepting the charge; for I em like you, I am hopeful of winning something
in Oklahoma, and I think the best chance of doing so is to leafs the corres-
pondence in.the hands of one who has done it so well.

I have neVer been able to write any of the Oklahbma letters you have ask-
ed me to do. I>r<fl3bsbly you have no idea how disabling the heat has been. I have
considered it even dangerous to exert myself any more than necessity required.
I hhve not spent a summer in Lexington for twenty years ,perheps, and nothing
but imperative business would have induced me to do so this summer. I do not
know how important you may considefi my writing those letters. If I thou3ht
”you laid great stress on them, now it is cooler I would do what I can; but I
really do not see what excuse I could frame to write to that young lawyer in
rChiekesha, to whom Mrs.Biggers wishes me to write. It seems to me her request :

‘s a more anxiety that something should be done, without really reflecting

hat that something should be.

‘I noted what you said about your letter to the Fresident.’I an delighted
on have such an-inviteticn, and I think you should act on it, if at eny time
you should think it an OppOrtune time. ‘
_c Thank you for giving the address of Mr.Dietz.
I expect‘to attend the V.C.T;UlConvention a part of the time, and we

we get a resopution.
ford ielly yours,


 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony.
l7 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Sheet. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley.
l05 East 22nd Slreet. New York City.

Corresponding Secrelury, Kate M. Cordon.
lBOO Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Sheet, Boston. Mass.
Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

, Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Audrlors : l Dr. Annice F. Jeffreys. Portland, Ore.




 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B, Anyhony. Corresponding Sacra/my, Kate M. Gordon.
'7 Madison Strcet, Rochcslct. N. Y. Prytania Sheet, New Orltans, La.

Presidenl, Rev‘ Anna Howard Shaw. _ ‘ . ’ Rccnrding Sccrclaru, Alice'stonc Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
' 7443 Devon Street, Mt- ANY. Phllfldtlphm. PL ' I ' Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
1/ ice Presitlvnl a! Large, Florence Kelley, 5 Laura Clay. Lexington.

105 East 22nd Sum, New York City. Audi'm: ( Dr. Annice F. Jemeys, PKoyxiland Ore.


xietfeI‘ 0811 meiJii

{med :IOLE \;;:‘./‘ u‘ J. iavve 32¢.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street. Rochester. N. Y.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. :ecordlng :ecrelary.TALmE STONE B;cxszL.h3 Park Street. Boston, Mass
Vice President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY, raasprer. ARmBT AYLOR UPTON' arren. O 10'

105 East 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors' {LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.
. ' DR. Anmca JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12m Sh. N.. Portland. Ore.
Correspondmg Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.

1800 Frytania Street New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BAacocx. Dunkirk, N. Y.



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY. i7 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa. Recording Secretary. ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass

T r, HA . . -
Vice President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY. reasure RRIET TAYLOR UFTON Warren Ohio

, LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
Auditors ‘ {BIL ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St., N.. Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee. ELNoRA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.

5 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.
1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.



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 National American Woman Suffrage Association


l'Ionomry PresirIL-nf, Susan B‘ Anthony. Corresponding Secretary, Cale M. Gordon.
17 Madison Street, Rochcsler. N. Y. . 1800 Prylania Street. Ncw Orleans, La.

President, Rev. Anna Howaxd Shaw. . ‘ ' .m\ Recording Sacrclary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
. 7443 Devon Slrecl. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia Pa, _ aggig‘ggw Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
Vlcc President a! Large, Florence Kelley. «.2 5 Laura Clay. Lexington. K .

'05 East 22nd Shed. New York City. Audilors ‘. ( Dr. Annice F. Jeffieys, Poyr'lland Ore.


’v. .,,.~1v»..e


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.

President. Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW .
7443 Devon 'Street. Mt Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. :ecording Secretary. Auca STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass
Vice President a! Large, FLORENCE KELLEY, reasurar. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON. Warren. Ohio.

05 East 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors: {LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. Gannon, DR. Achz JEFFREY Mvzns. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

1800 Frytania Street New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABcocx. Dunkirk. N. Y.





 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Member National Council of Women
Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17' Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

160 Bay 3lst St, Bensonhurst, N. Y. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
Vice-President-at-Large, REV. ANNA H. SHAW, Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON,
7443 Devon Street, Mt. A‘irv. Philadelphia. Pa. Warren, Ohio.
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON, Audit m \LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
1800 Prytania Street, New Oricans, La. 0 ‘ ‘( MARY J, CUGGESHALL,
554 Seventh Street, Des Moines, Iowa.






 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Street Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass

Treasurer, HARRIET TANLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.
Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. Auditors‘ {LAURA CLAY, Lexington Ky.
' DR. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East iZth St.. N., Portland Ore.
Corresponding Secreiary, KATE M. GORDON
1800 Prytania Street New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.

0%: NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. WARREN. onIo O,~. !~ '3 V' .' f‘( f- ,
\I U . I

Dear fiezmbwr O. ' 1, .3, ; '70iri1AU/i.£m;—

WC!“ _, ‘1

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Vary truly “Gum,



 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anthony.

l7 l\4a&ison Street, Rochester. N. Y.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Street. Ml. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.
Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley.

Conesponding Secrela ry. Kate M. Gordon.
[500 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.
, . gr. Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.
«1% T H ' I '
2 reasurer, arnet Tay or Upton, Warren. Ohm.
1 Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky

105 Easl 22nd Street, New York City. Aux/flora " l Dr. Annice F. Jeflxeyx, Porllancl. Ore.




 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street. Rochester. N. Y.

President. REV- ANNA HOWARD SHAW. Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass

7443 Devon Sireei. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.
Treasurer. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON. Warren. Ohio.

Vice President at Large. fBERENCEZIéEé‘LgY. t N Y 1: Cit L C L i t K
as! n tree . ew or y. . AURA LAY. ex ng on, y.
Auditors. {BIL ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St., N.. Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.

1800 Pryiania Street. New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BAECOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.


Warren, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1906.

Dear State President :

At the Baltimore Convention it was voted to make Progress
3. monthly, provided we could afford to, and make it the organ of the
Association. It was also voted that States organize one club for
each. hundred members in the State.

I have made application for the admission of Pregress to
the mails as second-cl ass mater and I am hoping that we will be
able to gain begin with the Novembernumber. I am therefore writing
you to have you give me some information for that number because this
Progress is not to be at all as it haSr‘:been in the past, a periodical
for propaganda, but it is to be a simple sheet for the workers alone.
I therefore Want you to tell me what your Convention did, provided ,
it has already been held, in regard to Legislative work and who your
newly elected officers are, and how many clubs you have organized
in the past year. You may also give me one other point,which you
think Was a strong part of the Convention»

Now I know that some of you have not had your Conventions
yet, but it isimpossible for me to write each one of you a separate
letter, so I must make one letter cover all. Those of you whohave
not had your Conventions will robably have them before the Novemb er
number of Progress goes to press and you can then send me the
information. If it is too late for that number it will be all right
for the December number. It has been my pet idea for a long time

to have Progress stand in the National Association as the News Letter
and Club Letters, etc., stand in the States, and it will depend
somewhat upon you whether it is a success. If you will send to me
items of interrst in the suffrage line fromyour State the periodical
will be a success. All I am to do is to act as a gatherer of news
and put this news .into as concise and simple a form as I possibly can.

Knowing that you appreciate the necessity of such a sheet
for interconnnunication, and knowing that you will do everything in
your power to make it a success, I remain,

Very cordially yours ,




 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anthony,

'7 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Sheet, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice President at Large, Florence Kelley.

. l Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. AUJ'IO”: Dr. Annice F. Jefireyu. Portland, Ore.

Concapanding Secrzlary, Kate M. Gordon,
IBOO Prylania Street. New Orleans, La.
4%.}?! charding Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
' 2 Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

October 19/1906
.landid letter this morninv from Vrs.“¢fiullocfl.
She certainly can put courage and enttusi;sm '1‘ us all. QPfi is
raporfiinv to us ghout the “at10nal Purity Conferemce of Octoher 11,
our Regulation.
»"c alsa says f7wt €%e Illinoia vederation of Women‘s
Clubs to-day want on record for we an suffrmne by endorsin the
'enrotia Ruff“ fie “ill. w“ic®.s§e q-uloaes. 9 a hoyas a will not
:untion t“is in grint, but t“at gFe prefared fihe latter of
Dr.Rowles, which 13 printed;and on fike otrer side is the bill known
as the ”enrutin 2111, and the 3ill 1"or Wife Desertion, known as
t%a “cfiulloch Bill. Trs.ficfiulloch gregared all t‘is printed mat-

ter, and sent out 1500 o? tken to nifferent AQflbCTS of the Wedera—

tion hefore their meetinfl, and before firm.V9nrotin or Dr.Bowles

ever ;' 'w‘ WTS.” nrotiw, She says, pruSthdd tbe bill splen-

didly. , ,_ 4.: 'I 1 ..-
Next Tuesday they ”ave anocwer meaning, oczore

Ybartar Cemmifitea. At t”& first maetin~ tFey mere limited to tfie
qmestion as to whether the extension of wunieipal suffrage to
. J.“,

C%iCA”O women would he congtitutional. TTe 1&WAVRB sat upon uwis
question fer'momths, and on October I? decided in our favor,— that
is, tkat it is constitutional. firs.WcCulloch, in reportinw t“is,
quotes: "”irst blood for ua".

New they are gain? to argue t“e wisdom and t?e justice

of tfie question, having gotten t%e constitutionality.


 Hrs. Woflulloch 5a “ w a 13 delighted tkat '3 are


"oinfi to tbke 5,000 of in" ;;”=; Hts w'ich aha asked us to do.

Ska will get file copy a.; ”'g»+ away.
9V3 '2;; 7:; 'w; ¢"T:; t%u fit an ”ederation of ”osw
Oluhs. Qie axf “rs.Ht:ww i; ; Lo: of yood .ork amonu the
vates. She says club wo.sn likw to ‘ear live topics.
firs.rcnrofiip got i?» Phiaimn Art Club, 0? Dixon, an ultrapcunservatiw
group, to endor,m suffrggs, are ch adds: "We keep all t‘is mood
news joinf around. Wurruh for t%e Wort? A uriC%H Raviww."
”Wis C Clnria' of the constitutionality of €93 “Unicipal
business is u s lanpi advance, I think. T amass a are making
no mistake in 'oin“ fio Chicaro fur our convention.

Cordially Jours




 National American Woman Suffrage Association


I‘ionarury Preside/fl, Susan B. Anlhony‘ Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Gordon,
17 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y. ‘ 1800 Prylania Slrcel. New Orleans, La

Presidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Show, ~ Recording Sccrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Sirocl. Boston. Mass.
7443 Devon Strcel, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, PA a ‘ Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

Vice PrL'siJcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley, v ‘ . ( L C] , L .' k , K ‘-
105 East 22nd Sum. New York cny. Aud'lm: 2 DT'Zinnfli 17.1131: Paynland o...


Warren, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1906.

Dear Miss Shaw and Miss Clay:

We three make up the sub-committee on Campaigns & Organ-
izations and I am writing you in regard to the condition in Arizona.
Yo u will remember that Mrs. Munds was the one woman who stood by
Mrs. Bradford in her Arizona work and Dr. Woods as well. You will
possibly retriember that in the spring, I wrote to her at Phoenix
asking; her to let me know vhat the situation was in Arizona. After

many weeks the‘letter came back. I then wrote to Dr. Woods, asking
her What the matter was and she said that possibly mrs. Munds had
left Phoenix and had gone to Prescott. I therefore re—wrote the
letter and sent it to her at Prescott. I have just received a'
reply. She says that there isn't a particle of chance for Arizona
Territory and New Mexico to have joint. Statehood: You will remember,
undoubtedly, that .he F0 raker Amendment wrrlzrioh was finally passed by

Congress provided for the admission of Oklahoma and Imiian Territory
as inc State and left the questim of joint Statehood for Arizona

and New Mexico to the voters of those two territories. It now seems
that the people of both territories are opposed to joint Statehood;
Mrs. Munds sent me a little celluloid button which says " 66 - 44,
NIT " and that means that New Mexico would have 66 representatives
in the Constitutional Convention and Arizona. 44 and that Arizona.

is not going; to stand it.

Now Mrs. Munds says there is no use whatever of our doing
much work in a suffrage line in Arizona now; she realIby thinks it
would be wiser for us to do things quietly . and let people forget
all about us, then later take up the work again. She begs us to
send Mrs. Bradford to Arizona for the Meeting of the Federation of
Women‘s Clubs. She says she will look after her when she gets there.
She says if we can get the Federation of the Territory interested
in suffrage we will be doing a great deal for suffrage. She thinks
that she and Mrs. Bradford could do it together. She says further
if Mrs. Bradford will come for the Federation Meeting and then will
visit the clubs of the Territory that she will make the arrangements
for this trip and thinks that Mrs. Bradford could get almost enough
from the collections to pay her expenses, although she, Mrs. Munds,
realizes that Mrs. Bradford is not a financeer by any means. She

says that although the club women have been very offish on suffrage
they are veering around quite a good deal and she feels as if Mrs.
Bradford could influence them. She says the Federation Meeting will
be held in November in Prescott. She also asks me to answer her at
once as to whether Mrs. Bradford can come.


 It is really quite a relief to know that there will be
nothing doing in Arizona this year and it does seem to me that if
we can afford to send Mrs. Bradford to Mrs. Munde it would be one
of the wisest things we could do. Will you give this matter your
early attention and let me know the result? Miss Shaw can write
Mrs. Monds or if sne prefers to have me do so I will Write her.

I have, of ooaree, answered her letter, it oontainedxnany other
thingef and told her that this question of Mrs. Bradford would have
to be ref-rrei to you, since you were on the sub—committee. Please
let me know also at your first opporttnity.

Faithfully yours,

HTU—J' . M
‘ - / / 7/7


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conveniich next womwwnw 31Leawe put ‘T much N 1; JnLnJmu-
in your weekly volumn from Hemdgunrters.

.P- .4. ..
iVS yua wnv lhr /OSUGTH

fiase send a number to I. f gsulanfi at

'0? B.C.me$tina :réie


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President. Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY.
105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.
1800 Pryta