xt70rx937t9n_64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Ida Husted Harper text Laura Clay correspondence with Ida Husted Harper 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_3/Folder_21/Multipage2540.pdf 1919-1923 1923 1919-1923 section false xt70rx937t9n_64 xt70rx937t9n r; :5: ,5 Li"; I r "T“ m, :2". ’d_ __H , I” IE: ”#31 “47"," :3 , ,V U!” 5:} ‘f 7 1/,
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1‘73; Madesmw A‘Vémfle
Nwew Yrezciksg




Volume V new in Preparation




1 J‘l finite”; Au same
New York; J anmr.l_._n_ll* 1 1. 9L9;—
My dear Miss Clay:
I am going to acknowledge your letter immediately to tell you
how glad I am to receive it. I am still living in the Eartha Washington)
where I have been for over two years but I am taking my meals at a very


nice boarding house near here, one of the best in the city, and a

Spencer is living in the house who says that she took my seat at the table
in the hamilton after I left that Winter when you were there, ani that she
heard you speak of me so often that she introduced herself to me. I told
her that I hai a letter from you anfi she said to remember her to you when I
wrote. “

I went to Washington for two months in the Winter of 1917 out stayei
in the Hational Heaiquarters)wherc I gave a course of lectures ani also con-


tinned the editorial work I ha? been oin C"at the hcadonarter hero in flew
York. I came back here the miidle of march when the Leslie Commission opened
its Bureau anfi here I have been ever since. " r o hat I have written
you several times during this period.

I never stay in New York a day when I don't have to. Nothing but
the opportunity to do a better work for woman suffrage than I could flo any-
where else, has kept me here all this time and Will keep me here through
another Winter. flhen I have finished it I think I shall make my home in
.ashington if it re turns to the ole-time pleasant conditions. They tell


me, however, that I have been fortunate to be out of it since our country

ngtered the war and I think from what I saw during my brief visits there



that I should not have found the efldzdfinm enjoyment there.

You Tilt be interested to know it has been decided that I shall be-
gin at once the Fifth and last volume of the History of Yemen Suffrage. I
have been reouested to do this by the Boards of the National Association
and he Leslie Commission and they have placed every facility at my disposal.
I occupy alone a large, delightful room} and am to have everything necessary
in the way of stenographic help, supplies, etc., while I am engaged on it. I

worked steadily eighteen months to complete Tolume IV in 1900-1901, and am

alIOWing as many for this one. He feel sure that by the time it is finished

the suffrage mavement will he finished also. If it is not, the publication
of the book will.be delayed.

It has seemed a pity to give up my editorial work, WllCh was having
such good reSults and there seems to be nobody to undertake it, but this is
considered more important and I am very glad to be devoting my time to some~
thing permanent inatead of transient as for the last two years. It will re~
ouire unremitting attention on my part and I shall cut out everything but
work from my life, which in fact I have done for the past two years. My only
Wish now is to have the health and strength to write the book and I hOpe
that all my friends, in their own way, will pray for this. It rocuires a
good deal of courage for me to undertake it.

By the time I have finished)it is expected that the National Asso-
ciation will be ready to close its headquarters for all time and our feeling
is that if this book is not written new}while we have this excellent equip-
ment and the Leslie fund to draw on, it never can be done.

I think I fully understand the position of Miss Gordon and yourself
'n regard to the Federal Amendment and to a great extent I sympathize with
it. But I am thoroughly convinced that it will be another generation before
we can get universal suffrage by any other means and that the difficulties

which it will create in some of the Southern States can be overcome, as


 those of the Fifteenth Amendment have been. Ihen only a portion of the

Southern s’3t3tes «nynuyeonwmh strongly apposed to it, it is not fair
M “£955,422:-

that the women of all the javtornflpart of the country should be kept dies

franchised on account of a mere fr3ction of the States in the Union. It
would he just as easy to get a Suffrage Amendment in South Carolina as it
would in Hassachusetts or Pennsylvania or er Jersey or Ohio or Visconsin.
It can only come in these and other States through a Federal Amendment.For
rany years funtil all the Stat es have it, the lIIational Associ3tion will
feel that it must 1:;m op its organization in/tgct and 'Llflb&ll headquarters.
Not one of the three Statesxwhich were carried last Uovemherjcould

have been, e:ce opt t}m* ugh the help o:f the 1I3tional A sociation and the LGS‘
lie money. Twelve or fifteen 0: our best organizers were kept in thoee
States for many months and about 335,000 were invested in this campaign.
The States themselves cOuld never have furnished the money or the workers.
If we had put both in the same proportion in the many 3t: tee which have been
lest, they could have been carried. But we cannot keep his up much longer.
30 many of the States now have the suffrage and the women have become so
much 'r”' w in other ouestions that every year it is becoming more and
more iifficult to get the funds to carry on the work and in fact‘ nothing
but the Leslie money ens bles this to he done. The moment the Feieral Amend-
ment is submitted, the big expensive headquarters in xisnlthon ca n he closed
and the force of we; here there dismissefi and this will enable the hational
Ass ciation to use What they cos t for work in the States.

I do not believe that the evils you fear from Federal supervision
Will materialize. Tie < ctions last hovem or have put the North again in
control of Congres . 5 t will not see any menafice in the Southern repre-

sentation and therefore no particular need to interfere With it. I think

that you are mistaken in saying that "there are millions of men and women



who are willing to have women vote, who are not willing to give to the Fed-
eral Government the right to supervise State elections." I am confident

that you could not find hundreds of thousanus outside of the Southern States,

who believe in the principéhpof woman suffrase, who are not entirel Willing

to have it come through the Federal Amendment. The Eemoeratic hational Com-
mittee representing all the States, declared for it by a two-thirds' majority.
President Vilson and all his cabinet are in favor of it and fourteen Southern
Senators voted for it on October 1.

If the National Association shOuld cease its efforts to get this
Amendment, it would lose its membership and.enother organization would be
formed immediately, as the suffragists of the whole country are determined
to have is and this is true of a very large'number of those in the South as
well as the horth. The Opposition to it in the Senate, as you must see, is
confined to the reactionary and non-progressive members from flew England and
the Southern 3 ates on the seaboard. Only two Northern Democrats voted

Hitchcock of Eebruska and Pomerene of Ohio, both representatives
iquor interests and a German constituency. You and Miss Gordon are not
ood company, my dear Miss Clay.

I render if you are equally opposed to the Federal Prohibition Amend-
ment. I am almost as happy at its marvelous success as I an at the close of
the war. There never has been a time in my life when I would not have been
entirely willing to make the movement for woman suffrage secondary to that
of Prohibition, and I am just as happy over the victory of the latter as I
shall be over that of woman suffrage.

I smiledat your saying that you got more satisfactory information
out of my articles in Jus Suffragii than in the doman Citizen. You are not
the only one who says that. Its editor is a young woman with no background

of knowledge of the suffrage movement and therefore cannot get a grasp of



the many lines of current events that relate to it. Besides, I think she

”as not a great deal of time for ‘he general reading which one must do to

keep up with the rapid progress figégifis being made.

It recuires strong effort to concentrate one's mind on@£Zthing but
the tremendous events which are taking place in Europe and the terrible
suffering,which it seems only the United States has the power to alleviate.
I will not read of it} but confine my reading to the political movements in
the various countries and especially to the Conferences in Paris which are

to affect the destinies of the Whole world.

I have thus far escaped the influenza by keeping out of all crowds
and the street cars and the subway but am feeling very anxious about a be-
loved sister who has it end is under the care of trained nurses. I hope
that we shall see each other at our next National Convention, which will be
the last we shall ever held if the Federal Amendment has been submitted.
Should it go through this winter, the Convention will be called in April or

May to meet in St. Louis. Ye must try to "demoholize" with out ranks un-

Affectionately yours,

". 3. Since writing the above I find that Hrs. Catt is calling the Con-


vention in St. Louis, April 21-26 to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary

of the founding of the National Association.
fish. 5, 1919.
By clerical mistefe this letter went to iich‘ond, 72 Is
' properly and it was returned marked "not in dir story”
to your old address. They cauld not get a ' ”
_ so 7*rs . {Ea/{1t has change d the Convention to
shall not cure to go West at that inclement

-‘ ..' -'.3... g} -- '1 ~— ».~.‘ ~f-‘ ». ’3 N-.- - . ._ '
riot CLUUGNJL the (winvcxruion EILL Du ilOb xiOSJ_tivc.

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he. when (sewer a” .3 (142.2 mam/m ’ “

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 Lagging , ingestion, Ens.
fid‘é‘i‘f’mflf ‘03“ Widmihrd SUFFfiAGE
Vomina V new in. Preparation



171 Madison Avenue
New York, , 7M33L~l9+—lfil94y___
Miss Laura Clay,
My dear Miss Clay:

I read your long letter and your printed article with the deepest
interest and am filing them for future reference. I know of no one who
can put the argument against the Federal Suffrage Amendment so clearly
and strongly as you can but I believe that it has now gone so far that
nobody and nothing can prevent its submission.

You have noticed, doubtless, that the Republicans have put it on
their program and the dispatches this morning say that President Wilson
will urge it in his message. You surely cannot think that after the

National Association has spent fifty years in the struggle for this

amendment, that it can now be persuaded to abandon it. For good or for

ill I think it will have to 'bide by its consequences. Those of us

Who have advocated it are just as sincere in believing that thesewill
not be injurious, as you and Miss Gordon and others are in believing
that they will be. The steady advance in favorable opinion in the
South is surely an argument in favor of the amendment. You will remem-
ber that it received the votes of fourteen Southern Senators and that
nine of those from the West, who supported it, were Southern born and
educated. Every one of the Southern State Suffrage Associations is

endorsing it, and there is little doubt that it is a finality.



You must always hear in mind that the State can make any qual-
ifications it chooses fogkgxercising of the suffrage, and the United
States Government cannot interfere if these are made to apply to all
citizens alike. So that the only interference there will be with
State's rights will be that they cannot discriminate on account of sex.
You speak in your letter about the Japanese and the Chinese. Only the
United States Government can provide for their naturalization, but all
who are bgrn.in this country ngw'hgge the right of suffrage and there
never is the slightest attempt to prevent their using it)even in the
Western Stategso far as I know, so our amendment woull make no change
in this respect.

Your reference to the refusal of the Ohio voters to remove the word
"white" from the election clause, is the strongest possible evidence in
favor of our Federal Amendment, for it shows how little the voters can
be depended on. In Ohio they have voted against every amendment relating
to woman suffrage and even against the act of the Legislature giving
women presidential suffrage, and yet you would have us submit our cause

to the voters in every State. I think you would be afraid to do it
even in your own dear State of Kentucky. We know What was done in
Louisiana and we shall soon see what will be done in Texas.

Dr. Shaw has just come back from three weeks in Texas and doesn't
think our amendment has any chance. We get no encouraging reports from
the State, but the alien clause may pull it through. You probably know
that the Florida Legislature turned down everything and would not even
take a_vote on presidential suffrage. The Connecticut Legislature voted
it down. The New Jersey and Pennsylvania Legislatures would not touch

it, and so the list might be entended.

I don't know how you can possibly say, as you do; lgt looks now as

though all the women will be able to vote at the next presidential


election". Most of the Legislatures have adjourned and will not meet
again until after that ngggiggiggfis over, so that we have abeut all
the presidential suffr ge we can hOpe for>except from some of the few
which will meet next winter. Do you expect to get it in Kentucky?

You may have noticed that South Africa has given the full suffrage
to women, which leaves the United States as the only English speaking
nation in the world that has not enfranchised women. You have yourself
been through several State campaigns that have failed and you know what
they involve in time, labor and money, and yet you would have us keep
on with our expensive headquarters, our publishing company, our big
force of workers, and have our ablest women give up their whole time to
this cause for years to come until we had gained it State by State. I
certainly do think it would be better to risk the effects of a Federal
Amendment than to go on with this great task indefinitely.

Mrs. Stanton often said, when Miss Anthony would restrain her from
taking up some political question: "I am sick of sitting on the gate-
post and singing 'suffrage, suffrage', forever." Most of us feel the
same way and we cannot and won't stand the present situation much

So this is the way it looks to me, my dear friend, and we cannot

know which of us is right until the experiment has been made, as I

think it undoubtedly will be. I hepe we shall both live to see Eh$£«L&LL

result. We had twenty—$2352gtate Legislatures this last winter pledged

to ratify, leaving only eight more to gain, but now that work will all
have to be done over again and must be deferred until 1921.

My daughter and myself escaped the influenza, but both of my sisters
were very ill with it, and I was anxious for a considerable time)but

they recovered. I have never Seen or heard of Miss Brigham since I



left you and her together at the table in the Hamilton. When I have

been to washington since then I have stayed at our National Headquarters.

I appreciate your confidence in my friendship for you, which I
assure you cannot be affected even by so large a thing as a Federal

Affectionately yours,


. /
egg?" U?4»%2%Z g?W/,~
l l

P. S. Jill you tell me on this post card the full name of Professor
Giltner, President for forty years of a woman's college in Kentucky,
who was at the National Suffrage Convention in Portland, Oregon, in



 Lexington, Kentucky.

,irs.1oa Hustel Harper,
How York.

fly dear firs.Hsrger,

was much pleasefi to rot vour letter of Jan.14th,

friendly pleasure T teke in hoering directly

from you, but alt Jocovnt of the fair minded way you treat subjeots
where there are differenoes of ooinion.
I went to express my deep satisfaction that you are going to write
the Fifth Eistory of ”omen Snffrege. T know of no wiser expenéiture of
.hv Loslie fun& than to trke advantage of the present oprortunities to
)ecure such a veluable contribution to historical ootks as yous new
volume will he. Of course, it will tax all your powers, but then it
is a permanent contribution to literature of a high order; and I suppose
all authors make up their minés to endure personal sacrifices for their
noble end.

I went to the St.Louis convention, which was a most interesting
occasion, and pleasurable to me, as : sen so many of my old friends;
though I missed you, and would have so loved to have had your views (
some of the points under discussion. Miss Gordon and I made it evident

t we did not believe it the part of wisdom to try to renew efforts

for a suffrage Federal amendment in the form which Mrs.Catt says is

mistakenly celleé the S-Q.Anthony amendment. The fact is, that miscelled


amendment is a reproduetion of the 15th amendment, whose history uni
f eots woulfi in themselves be an argument against it in the
of all who know them. Even if the enforcement clause is omitted, xi
the fact that the 15th amenfiment has the enforcing clause insures

all the objectionable features of enfrnnokising women by an ameniment

equivalent in principle. I hope you will be patient with me if I am


prolix in my explanation of my objections; for it is e mntt er of the

Cei‘pe”t importance to me, and i feel that now that there must be a new


start in mongIeS'ional work every true sojfr gist should use franknés

ant bring up differences of opinion in order that the best results may

be obtained in a friendly spirit,iherefore, I went to say that the intho~

ny amendment( for I continue to use.tnet name for the sake of being ex~
is flangerous to the liberties of tne peeple because it puts in]
hanfis of a dominant party in iongress the power to interfere in
tne enforcing ciause, wnieh is not diminis had even if
'tot repeated, since it exists in the 15th amendment. This power might bem
made use of by 3‘ ' ‘t' ' medeuup cases in every state at eveyyelee-
just as women ~-7"e“ was defee on in Veenington Territety by
of a ngyugt . n 'eoper's wife, as you have so well told in
J03? history. But - all women are enfranohised, the Anthony amenfiu
much more dun igerous than the 15th, because there are women
and in every precinct. He; cover, the corrupt interests
would not be confined to one section or one party; but might be used with
equele ef3?eot b;:7 an; rartyand against any section. For instenee, ”race,
oolor or ;revious ooniiticn c: servitude"applies to Japs and Chinese as
well as to negroes, and tons involves the Yestern states and their oro~
blen of Crientel immigration even more vitally than it flees the Routh
t tn its negnn problem. It might be used against the manufacturing
ste tee, by oorrugt manipulation of the ignorant foreign vote of indistria
a1 messes. It is dangerous, and its injury may not be measured by that
is likely to happen in our life times, but is to be considered with ref—
erence to ihe future as well as to the present.
Again, it has the effect of grouping women p03 itieully with 001 area
peonles instead of with white men. The political eVents of the sett1e~
ment of the European new nations on lines of raeial sympathies warns us

that alignmentsxon xxnnnig racial lines is recognizefi as a princi pl of



Those of


military niraiix . Remsmbering

if written on the

.0. -. A.
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be ”OIITICBlly grou3ed exaw

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confiition of servitude

3w unlike white

eral govwinmsnt, and

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passes are still dis tin.

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suffrage situation.

may some up in State elecbions,

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Federal sleotions. These things

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193 L0 Kentucky.

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her anti—sulfrvge Views.

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Volume, V mow 1111



171 Rflaém§©11ékvemmme
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 “fill "L,, Lexington, *ien’bucky.
Lav 29th, I920.

Ars.ldu Busted Harper,
I71 Madison ive.,

fly dear irs.Ha r'm3 r,
I did not intend to be so long in answering
Ler of joy 4th, but I thought at first I would try to write
Hicle explaining the UniLeé “totes Tleotion Bill I worked for five
we Spent at the Hamilton, on& I never found Lime to 30 it. How, however,
I have concluded that it is not needed, snfi Lizat you can make 01L with
a full answer to y if quest.i_ L ns, and the printed leafleL I used Lhat W1 nts
Lory “High I enclose
(I) The difference between my bill and that of firs.3ennett‘s was prin-
cinslly that she based her claims uyon the 14th amendment,
Lion in the right of Federal suffrage,~ the
tors, fiepgsse LsLives and fienstors of L e U,¢.
3y bill was basefi upon the second seoLion
Lons LiL.m ion, asking pxofeo oLion by a fieolaratory
for 3.5.Representatives and 'enators.
There was no difference between my bill and chat whi
Brown's society originally demanded. Francis Jinor made
gument for it after the Yurbrough decision of toe supreme
Federal suffrage isso.(Mrs.Brown's) was organizei to work 'L His argu-
ment. But when 1 came into toe work i foind LnaL firsLColby had abandoned
his argument one started up another on another olause ‘v ‘lL H,S.Con-
n my 0; nion, infringed upon Lhe doctrine of states
.Hinor‘s argumenL did not. Then l sskea

abandoneL Jr.fli m: or's positi0r she anew ered Lhai

it, whiol was Lo me fentemonnL to an sémission "1.' s; had never under-

stood it. 01‘“ she seio just before "+’ " ; ':=:“ fl anion Lime

she Lcld me 31 would nave had no objec rice to LDLiLuLing my bill for



hers which sue had introduced in the ions e by ir.Raker. jut it was then

toe late to do anything about it.
£8 to why I did not work Vith her, you
and I agreed that you, as one of the member
~eak to firs.COlby whom 51 were going tg meat at some
her reply pIaCL aisu ‘ w Eff 311 couuparation
wc.1d allow me to work with her on her ml and ivit
ferrefi with firs .UIomn, as the nrasideut of the A350,, and
receive any offer of co~0ueraticn an any otaer terms.
«bill did " ' * ‘ coincide with my views( those of
co~aperation, and 1 went On a

Ema ad Sign: the

‘thzwuugfix 30:1, azui LLRLB
did not understanu,
icn to war}: wi .511 me: saauapé,

clearly her place an&

u; UL bale- _

rather yuan exVeut Mu ac 7'c5 =v' V a“: “ '22“ = = “0‘,


as you mtg

CPL? a”

upon the

to tne Itates rights

avtnun" amendment.

at- large to


very 1nre

w With your


 “i as: is JVO‘fiWW‘
3123""? JR‘?‘ OLE“ W®MAM J33“; 331279131
V aniline V new in Pragmatism


3.271 Madison Avenue
New York;


Miss Laura Clay, 2
Lexington Kentucky.

My dear Miss Clay:
I want to have a chapter in the History about other suffrage as-

sociations besides the National. Among these I shall have a little account

of Olympia Brown's Society. I know that you never organized for the purpose

of pushiné7gt: suffrage bill but I do want to speak of it and of your long

and able effort to secure it. I never could understand the difference be-
tween it and what Qlympia Brown's Society wanted. Was there any difference
or did you simnly not care to work with them? Or did they not want to work
with you? Could I compile from these enclosures. your argument. or would you

rather send it to me in the form in which you want it used? I cannot give a
great deal of Space as I am in desnair at the immense amount of material that
I have on hand and do not know how it is to go between the c0vers of one vol-
ume, which it has to do. If you prefer to send me a few hundred words/I will
be wlad to have you do so.

Will you tell me the differenge between Mrs. Bennett's measure
yours? I have several of herflannealsflbut they are all too long for me to
use and I wish that I could eyflain in a naragranh the difference between
her bill and yours. Could you tell me this?

I hid exnected to have the Hietory finished by July I but I have
been hindered in every possible way and shall be fortunate if it is entirely
comnleted by fall. Mrs. Catt has urged me to lay it aside and so to the

Geneva meeting but I cannot think of doing so, as it would weigh so heavily


 on my mind that there would he no nleasure in the trip. I expect to stey
right here without even a vacation until I hxve entirely finished the task.
Did you go to the Chicago Convention?
Very sincerely yours.






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