xt70rx937t9n_553 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Scrapbook text Scrapbook 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_22/Folder_1/Multipage27841.pdf 1820s-1840s 1840 1820s-1840s section false xt70rx937t9n_553 xt70rx937t9n  





The \Vn(nll:1|uls,':!:,*/
Dnrs lhv mansion "u
Liucilchfl with hemp,

She bus

'5‘ U E 1') EA ’2'





No more shall Ihc riff
In llw flush of " .
Their pride. hilt: ..

And rest; 2‘


No more shall her .
Nd llw slmngc' [0‘
Her work, it is «lone 1-

And (hm-Hp; in



h‘g‘t! hm] fi'irn'i



To the
You may ‘-'I'

0 \‘CS, she is fur '1'
in’htmw-n “here u-
And walks wilh I"

0.r glor’




Then wm-p nnl fmu;
' ~ - w .9



Your (laughh I
in huuvcn,é_ ;

Ye sweet Ym';
Ilcr form sh'.‘
llcx' Burrow,

mu .'


1n hcuvl‘zz
l’lt’l' 5px!
And Inma-







iv, tniity cent... ._


t . A . a ~~rhufi an , .
\ t l V. r - ,.r,,,_r_
\1 ~ \ 7 | , P0 CURE SHEEP SKINS \vx'rn 'rms W I. 'r
\ . \3 \ I ,1" 1’ ,. _ _ . 00L Olmh
\ l , 1' t .n u: u spounlul 0t ultnn and two of sultpetre; pul~


vertze 11ml mix well together, then sprinkle the


* ‘23 J L)” k [JO\\’(lCl:()IJ'[llC llesh Sillt) ot'lthc sltin, and lay the

\i m "a. [two llesh snles tngether, leuvmg the wool Otilsido

.5..- ‘ , 7‘? f fl‘hun l'nltl up the skin its :5th us you mm, mm} lmnii l V'
‘3 t x , it in a dry place. In two or three days, as slit)” (A: /

lmtlt‘r, till clean and supple. 'l‘his completesthela
process, and [Italics you n most excellent smltllel
cover. ll, When you kill your muttmnyou treat the ‘


,4 ‘ . l A |\
ft x2, Xit ts thy, tnltta it down and scrape it with 21 lilnntl’l














‘ A . — 4. skins this way, you can get more for them from the (
..l c A , ” lsntltllur, than you can get for the Wool and sltinscn- ‘
1 $5 ‘ ‘ . W arately disposed of' otherwise. I‘
i. ; ' t , , r . .
\ \ l Other clxllls which you (105110 to cure wnh the fur ll
“Ca, '2 K "R ‘ )l 01' hair on, may be treated in the same way—[lint ‘ F
t k . . . , r
,~ . \\ itrrttnt’s Huntl—liunk. l/
l q ‘4 ‘\ t l a , _
lit —- \ i o i l ¥ h __V , ’”"‘ " -
3 .’ '~‘~ 1. , ' LS], 11R. . .
[ ‘T‘l. , \ . ‘ "I ., l V:,.:
g 1 , \‘\ v , txlllllllill ”luv”.
it, t. “x: {‘3 ‘l' in :L 'l'k. ,i‘llt t't'lml-
M N x i t, .2 2V ‘EtiIiCE'
g, t ‘ . .
' ‘ ‘._ K t, ’ hill._‘,'.
“ lg ml tin: now lnutm‘; ,
.‘ ‘ \l .l l .‘ August last, l1}; Mr. itlwnrn (jux, lli‘lu iEItllil'I,
. ‘3‘ , ‘ i .3 , ’ clay "/l)lill1l(:tll nt-nr lltl,‘ \V:I>‘llllt”lml Unttun F'u-tt t
. A V: \l . l {at (llnltttt‘ tur Point, I‘lm'.’ .i In the (tn-‘It'E-w . l
'- " . 1" n. ltzw \w‘ V C, thuy lJL'CiUHh .. '='_‘.' Lill‘til";
KW“ V x ll. \Q \' ‘ l inilnmrtht: :‘innr: nl‘ iht: nun zttnl . l,11(‘l1l,g, I;
9 ‘ZSQRV {it {P ' ., l1! inchtr.‘ lUIlL". I} innlw- u: Llitl ii iEl('ll’!.\: tlt'rup— l'
‘t . i 1‘ r "L; rontnining quantity :t;:.1 .~ antic ()llll‘ll tn ulmn: ‘
N. fix“, ‘ =53 , ‘ (amnnimn ln‘inlm nzn‘ nnc-th‘ (1 Thu tf}fl')t}l'l]111',;i lull:
" \fx' El. 1N ‘_ *V‘ ‘ Gauntlet-Ur SllL‘lit slul! :incl_ll t"? ~n>ivcijv :ulnptmlJ'f
' ' r ' ‘ will ulll'ttt 1L gt't-ztt snvtngr 0i (_':-::)r\,ns(: in huiltlin;r in
r ‘ \1 l ‘ | V I " ~1/‘1‘ . 1- ., . 4
“N. \“l . '\ ' many parts (if the Umun.--j'“Mulder/Hut; (Jun/nip.
‘1 “2.
‘fi‘ \‘ "i '5 "a ‘ t =
. m “ \ ' SmcmNG \V'l'l'l! (_,rri,n.'j-:i»‘.#lt mu; rat 1“; hum. ,1
\E H '\ ta: :tll l'nrnn; thuir own <-lu\'t;r M 111'
'f‘ a-l‘ r; the strnw, :tll:".' lln't-i-l'
‘ B“ i'L‘ "' \ J '- ’lV" '1 tl-it'L "mp“:w '0 tl‘ ‘
\ x \,x 3‘ {7 r. r. . turn,“ ti‘uj t: ‘ t, i: . ..,
5%“ ' (‘3 ‘r _ FIH‘lIlCC‘. Dr. (1.0011, (ll. tannin; l'titnt, tum‘.’ ‘x’tn‘lr, l'il' ,
' N \., " “ rum: this prntrtnw \‘ui‘y sum‘z, thlly. ll»: ttl'l't'él‘lr?
U \ thin Cunt Ol' tlzr- :xtr'm' uvtgr tlir- urnutnl :1: -

ir; llill'l'UVJCtl‘ whit-h tlllClw’ not injure, hut rul'n ‘




”/33? 17‘







‘- his tltt: v‘ i, (is it (wmnv: Hi! lln'ungh lln:
h. Aa‘i { ; v-. x ‘_ \ whirl: :2 (‘1 52ml.Q tlt‘<-:x_‘,;:. 'l‘hl: Ht‘i {l V
\\ Vii“ ‘a .1 \_. .l ' 21ml :1llin'vl.’<:t \"‘l'_‘,’ [llll‘l\
Vex: ‘- “x: V K ' "a ti: A Dm‘ltn”; umn Wimlr,
» ‘4 I e .223; [t h"
,_ ”m ‘3 cl)“; in ’A‘
‘2 a; _ 'V- ' , "irr— 24¢‘2—ei/7" m ‘ “ ’
. V)\ i A; “v. _ .. 7- _ " __ ”a
A g, “as a S A. VALUABLE {Return—«A gentleman of thin
‘3; ‘1; r ‘ . leounty who has tried it successfully, informs t ‘
‘1! 7" l \g \ ‘n‘ that a (lecoction of the Tomato, is a never” faili"',;‘
‘ ‘il ; \§ remedy for Bed-bugs.—-This discovery is an it?
x “\X - one,as it substitutes 6t :imple and harmlea .
A ' ~ - . -l ~ u
q \ +‘: . t f for the poisonous substances so oltuli ,
'. . iii-3‘ "
y m Q I} '—‘_———"
. \ \1 .\ ’ ,‘— ,.. ,, ,u ,, V“
S ‘: t a \L . ‘1 , ,, I __ r7T‘fi .31 L <77 fr," "F3?” II. ,1} , ) _
‘ \‘u \" . Q Y Q . ”($317 1!!" (u r . -; funk:
J . —“ " ' I
, t “l . , "l
N A t: ‘ ‘\ . .”= HtlilC-SlwmlfUl 0f ( tnnnmu salt and it
" b l“. \\ ‘X . a spnnnlul of vinegar, 3;?» ll' - rt pint of


‘ water, taken warm, is rucommended 215'
:m ini'nlliablt- cure for dysentery, 0,: '
cholera morbns. ;

f A. ll :va1,?y£illfl%. /


_J§5(L,—.Qf ; S lire/t







 i V 1' 'v1l
”he potatoes were half to ttio-t.li..os

, J . . . . ,2 .
y*'.-tonst some brood, out in sippit,s,* lay them in the

it minmson TUTA’I‘OES.

Iii)“; f‘IrZ'iifor:—-—As the potato rot is .113
tintr a very alar g appearance It‘v’lillf

n the il'TSl week in this vicinity, i Wlll
oi you the result: of an experiment in
ny garden. the present season.
7 no, some time since, a recom-
Li'Lil. tile mow oi“! the vines ot‘ pota-
to prevent the rot, 1 caused the
From a part of my hieroerfipotalo
- ; in my garden to be mown oil, wueu




4' xi
\‘-’ Ll'ui

’ lily ,g‘ratif'yii

large. prep



, , ,.
and thesresnlt is or};
.e c H . ,
not i'i'iown of: ate, a,

i' ' ’tr 1 n/‘ ‘ ‘ .
tion of them, ( amt toiton, and



among those mown oil not one CllSGEtSCt

i rotten potato can be found.

I thiixk thrillers who have late {1

i i ' - . m: ..t

“iatoes, where the Vines as ye, si. t

its of disco. ', (lint ii‘ 5:: tiered

' ".Cl' ‘11 a few weeks become wort 1-
, r- 'i them by mow-

" i' U “I *, , rm» 2-

{mg the tops on \ _ - ~lty. Mo po

'i e the fines h: 7-? been. mo'vu,

*oes, wl p
nearly or :piite ‘ai‘ “ as these
'i {)ne






'i "by t;



it} :1 Oil.

. ...... _K__
iRmramts UN Cootm :.
9m in saltwater will prose ,
titre green; it" you have onlj, lard water, put to it It
~arimoonfnl 0t" salurntns. This branch of cookery
goalies the most vigilant attention.
Xe a minute or two too long over the
1 their beauty and flavor.
» Gwen Pcrzs.——Pnt your sane
"ll ol‘ water; when it boils.
,:,"tlilc:spo ‘iil of salt; let them boil till they are
cie; thut is, root twenty to thirty minutes, accordingr
illieil‘ ago; then drain them in a colander, put: them
' U51 deep dish, and pour melted butter overtliom.
pig-ts waiting chickens and peas usually make their np-
‘ it the some time, I will here give directions
j’innkn ' one of the most delimit: soups thatcan in)
chickens, which

Tiiko the trimmings ot‘ the
i] ; put them in u
:5 a

Yr: the color best of such

8 pan on the tire half
put the peas in, with

pet with n. little salt; shell the
gust aside and the oldest in th
' grist alone, and when you
ley, onion, a sprig of thyme, a p
or" a‘waliiut, robbed in llout‘, pu

.st of the gililots, neck, {Illt'l l‘izot
peas, putting the

i: soup; boil the
put some the, t
lace of butter the
t the young: peas

ureen, pour half a pint of cream
lioup,iand send to tnhlo.
'Within the reach of Him
:Mar, 18-16.

over it, dish thcl
This is a delie
ost every one.


\f'l‘liis wm


‘d, sippits, we tippriiliend will puzzle some if
' 11;de V ._.

Mr‘“ ,7 _

\‘ENTION or MiLDsw ON Gowns—Early Iii
ring, the main stems are peeled or SQlflpet
clciin, then are whitened With a mixture
e and sulphur, as much of the latte‘I'as to
a very strong smell. Since usnig this com-
n, a correspondent. states his grapes rave


i l


"ts distinguish



is core from ratsa

"i'rton'm 1; RES —’I‘o boil *



It' vegetables '
lire, they lose =-



m in the selectii
of always pursues th: fol

of the









‘ ‘ , ——ll ”.Farmer.
rerfeetlvtra: i mildew. A. L .


\‘zsztrne to all cultivator


. _ v
10118 SOUP, If) t

" st


Selection of Seed Conan,
A. writer in the American F
)D of his

put“ 9

armor, says

corn for seed, he

lowing plat nd re- '
marks in regard to others:~“l woiiil ad~

vise that in cutting the topsoil” their (3'
this fall, to leave ’he top on these st.

havfng two or three line ears,

are very lbrvv'ard and the shoe E or i 7
dry and white, thereby showing; their
wardness. By the top, they can 2::
the seed corn at gatl: .' .4
time, and gather and her

e it to it elf,
and not take the shtick off till planting
time in spring

keeping it until then so-

ndvermin, And bv con-

tinuing this process a few years, they will
materially increase their corn crops; with
so little trouble that no 1) ctical farmer
should fail to try it.

I have never known one
did not acknowledge
creased yield of corn. Several have
lately rode through my corn crop, and
every one expressed their great surprise
at, seeing vastly more stalks with four or
five large ears on each, tutti they ever
saw botbre, and not one in insigyi doze;
without: two or three fine on them. 32.,

l ask all to try it a few years, and if not 0,71—
l leased with the result, to ( iscontinuc it, x
By this process they materially iiiitrvnse l
' prodne , and increase its fibr‘w'arik. I‘
am Fully satisfied


1; (l

a til it}. ,i‘: ‘1




'9in Jo; iqi‘ii: dn ll email
"ti 0mg 33295 ;0 pguoods atqm



1 n




to try it, who
its benefits and in-






limo long expert,
(great, ad vaiitag
)est oi many of our

ind JUl.l:lllg them g
iarvcsting; and ear

ot'reservingr the L
products for seed,
row fully ripe he
nestly recommen
s ol" the soil.

7'" 'J ' _ .


r 'V

B noKnN-wn'onn H01:
rie Farmer says :——~“Wl
tunate as tol
Ct horse, and desires to euro
him better should
for some time
lime water.

" I


wsum-The ~Pini-


ioevor is so t.’"-L:1‘»

or makc‘
not suffer him to drink
any other drink than weak
., The horse will Soon relish -
ind it seldom fails to pi'ooizn'e t'. radi-

- .19 mp 30 GIHE‘SQI

cal cure.”

I will state another way for those who
may prefer it. Take from one to two ta-
ble Spoonftils of ground plaster of Far“,
and stir the same into his messes three
times a day. At first, if on hand, bran
for two or three days——then bran and oats
for a Few days more, . then clear oats

for .1 Few days, villi lllltl plaster, s
., ,g--~ V .4 '



shire g"
cl the /1:



iave a heavy or broken wind- .

d aq‘i pit-e uioo

logos Sll Suisodiewi Aq asea qontu

WGSSW; " _ fi'

H.302) I! 331



1.13:0 dam
to mil uaq) ‘Jnoq on .101an an r.

in: U ll

ipisoa owns out, soonpotd



‘htiiddiap so osma


0 oi pappn noun
'loorus Kliaq‘tled ll

. «A3 I



erg uasmlai,

pun ‘Luoo 2 seq, ) .tou

11 email ntax ‘iiep Malia panauox





to or: Haulage; "i: 33W
ngidoiiefileiio pun ‘aafina 330i J0 spunor

om ‘P’dOllB some} Et‘mum ;o weer.) )0 *zo_

in 30 due news V

mm 901 v pUllOlB 1nd Eutppn

, - ‘ ‘ l thi
'emtt n to; tustiiamo ‘saseolsotu tit max 30m

-U.l9[ min .tO ‘U.t01l$1.l131{ (mm Lump Bruno,“



.iopiioI ‘.it)x\‘l?}f‘0[q1‘.09.l

.Iallllq II}




‘ all 3.1:
. 19 mod 1° 20 as
o sinuous-no _}.O snuiomp Help 'JeJll‘q ”EMS P? l *

s In risen .toipio


fitiissossod ‘


l i

unod 03.11;; o1 ‘epos 1


ago all] 01 aiqissaoooni no 01 snpoinmis Os,

“ ‘ 9 " ooxa MIR-911108:
member; are pun f[ll}UlTl(l Ali moat 1

anal p2

A‘l 1.: -
«atrium; Xian, tiayo on: $301 9111 1180.t\.idqsu.100
; x a s . l ‘


'3 ,0



‘l FLLJ. r}


tppii rtg[—'

,o l



[ name .i: 3 oil







(i “(2 fl,~u7 [/7 O /

fl - t)"
2 2



._._ ‘ ¥ ,

, 6/4612 Eda/(flfé’éfl/ZLW/

;77 :? ӎ/fl/JM. 4,4,



72172 /£//Af2v








€22 3


'E‘ij“ Ivl‘










/2 2

252/2 2/[2 ’ 2‘4; ”/2" 7 7 //


2 1/ 2/9 2
7Z7 )7/7/1/(7 f/ét' m/ (/ 5/7/4125 2:7 )7










,7 9751/22 ”244/[// Zy’ézfflqg, £47;



—'n “ “‘NN773: 1' ,ju

-’ DL/CJ



31226 /






a bushel or more 0



































f i - :_ *
:mith’s Sho old . C nders flom black— : REMEDY FOR THE Bows—A correspondent oil
This ox 'd' p Iron .Would be better. 1 the Albany Unllivalor says: “ 1 [Wing seen many
. d . 3 1595 by the rams 0f. the season, 5 horses die with the bolts ""L r/fafim‘ethes gwen
an 15 taken up In the sap as it ascends in Without cfl'cct, I Was i Vim-co by a merchant in
the Sprlllg.—-Tlns is a Simple experiment v ' Cambridge to try the fullowing for a horse (u my
and one that will be high1y prized by all i; :0\\'n,atterllmd tried mostofthe remedies in CUHHIIOU
I ' '~) -4 J “x c ‘ 3*. I - ~ " '—
the lovers of fine fI‘UitS-—Extract from the .p', nse pullout tilect, and gnen him up‘ tor lost.
minutes AARON CLFM ’ R "1., Hall pint of Vinegar, halt F‘Wt of sottrsoup, halt
I EAT, ec. Sec. 3% pint gin, and halt pint . mses, well shaken to-
T“ m", v EM 1--,_ n5 gether, and poured down while learning. To my
»';_'z:._..l- ‘::|;Q£IDM ,A 1:: -— H “"4" *"'“' ‘- . . . ~
.. ' ." great surprise, the horse was in five nnnutes wholly
:ceives,he will, necessarily fall into pover- { tree from pain, and ate freely ;- the next morning I
i), -———Hunt’s Merchant’s lllawzzmc. I was on my Journey. I have smee reconnzmled and
b 1' given the some in perhaps fifty cases, with the same ”x
— l" good cll’eet ; not in one Instance has it failed to efi'eet ’ .‘
Dr. Frankhn,1n speaking of edeeatlon. Eta—flu perfect cure. fl '
says: “If a man emptles his purse Into ln ‘ 'W ‘ _ 7 . - ~
head, no one can take it from him.” lm'“ v” A RE A - / g;-
' l l'- To swnmnN Barren—By adding two and a 5' '
' l - halfdraehn'is of carbonate ofsodn to three pounds 1"“5 n, - x. H :r .7
.~. Charcoal ground to powder is one of] of eitlhlerfllresh or salt hptterf, ptclmsessmfugisp- t g ”E“ l {3'3 43' E;
,. s - , , . ,1 . v ,. green) 0. avor, reneerm per at: y swee. Leta : 5-, a: .. g
ilhe. beSL in”??? elm mscoveteu LS Cleen reduces the sameresults whenaddedtoother cul- * .35 .H ”g o as
' ,knlves. This is a late 1nd valuable dlS-l mary greases, as dripping, lard, elm—Far. Herald. _5 59:; O a: .. M
.,._:r:‘-:_°r" -‘ . .7”; \ fl *' ’ ,\ S E g 0.4: a
,) . >hgéé>fié 05539;":‘j .935’>’—:c'03’: 5‘1"" f. 8 g 0 SS =3
- - 13...: _, H.:::‘“. 3'20 JE' _‘c‘-; ‘5,“ ,
-* 17,535.15 g?3‘"’5;; ,.._.\;;.vzi~w .5”. /.:’/”7‘J¢1?¢d a SEE-g5};
r ';3mo¢:-:E 7733”"? ~o$$i=e= we UE~ “or/23900
~c>...‘:::~: e B.»:£7::=>~:~w~;"~j_c <2;_:4 Famous—.4
,_:;:VVE£~'T~Ed:7¥—LE: 59:50 =E~V£ 9":0 .2! "c>‘m¢-Ic
azd~¢xEH.—:¢:,e,gom_:r—fi ,-:—._ a $7,“:- vat:
>fizezawe—egaz;59%;:“'33:: ~eEe:,~£‘: deg; gee-’05:.
dawemmw—e mm... fem—=2"
0”,:326501ewe:":'- u=”v:;::=c:* :7“: V ‘mt’f “2.90
33:,::gC:_:;:;;2;;v'-1m“:m£:;:c— 745.3 WWW-WM Q5 n
eéifi dye”: c3~~~ .C'dHCL’r/Jv::-Q'—« .- O “5*“ ll? :3“ '. o
_£y_-Ec:"‘~« v .3; :n-fi-Twc" :“Efgcagzze 91—49». MW 7. 0:51? ,4 .
0.:— ~— I a; sigh-":3": vtcgg“:—=-—53 :Ohe ~¢3 wst
E.-. “'2 " Disc=€rifafrc ~.,‘——7;,"’aa.'—:r- 3.10”": :3 «9550170
gszi" =:’2¢;: ::=2=:°._'._::“; :.?5’ up i' . =~U A:-—«
-‘v:»- -.”5:"3=~'.L EEVE:::>‘=-=’§5 719;" u .45“: at:
: im>z 62-.9>.':'-:—*7.- oz—fisz'“: 5 c3“ \ .OOWuuz-l
~:25::2 E‘12:;3c‘35'28:~5“54-52429“: 4'5": ‘ 15‘3‘5'5—1.“ 0
:gocgg’fi :S®E>:>'7—EE“~'CZfi-E;»O~:i: .535 i Q’s-5 ,, r'“ a):
'13:}:3; A“;""Z;“E£OJSEE—2§§°VE’°35 >».—;_5 :zfigpw. 3;; b0
#Ptczfi'fim S.) ,£SE:£E=aEE,‘oE—‘" - E 23’: 'CBOQL‘W‘
vSZE $5~ "' 2;'—:_=—.“‘co:20;j -—“‘_ é—Q—m- mwmgfii l m
3>E>~302 E .:-F=2=?—’“v5
, .a.—. ,,_,—4-—-dp~®_ 74,-1“'—" ‘-’ A-“ ‘0
,_.'--r~‘—»—: - O . uo—‘gk—A-;~~d,n- ut> —--._ P :HQ’ #0
ii 552:; _ c x». .—",-’—ac3:_~>‘.dz;;.¢ “ego 1 cu, .cfloz.
‘ W»~‘§“'“T . H‘T’Skifiggivc~> 5‘ “—3: .xwflw: :3
30973 :32“? 0“ CD"- T—""$5>—"‘2°r~’ ~‘cu oowggfitz».
~~~ -~' “:- -— “—cw—n: 3' r—«z ': rm, .—. ..
9§E.i;§&“é‘—‘ B~EE~,c€39-d=::£355; ‘ * 'Mw—+. své'zmfis
"' flee .~. Benzeemigssw ‘ “’0 ==ec
“ s‘:'~ -— —,~—< =EE:.—.‘: 2:0 m
53‘ -2. ~93 E-r:fiE.:22:Da¢ " ~ r ,. , -> '-





















N“ S 11:01“. Trees. . f _ \lethod oFcuringv Pork Hams t , . f Q) . a) u) 0 Ac)
‘ P . mime O.rd’ at a meeting 0f the "' la" Superior to those cured " o lma {U ”mm 3 m5 ‘5 i: 73 ’3
hlmlelphla Soctety for promoting Ag- 1 war. In Me common, (“fl-LL r. :1 m ..
.' , ‘ ,. 'V. V n" .' O ’4‘
llcultme, held on the 7th ult.,made the fol— lo twelve common size hamq mph ., «:5 m 0 3* g) \
0 4‘ '. r, ‘ . . ‘ * I ~ , t C C L U
lowxng statement as to his method of im- .‘éufij'i’gntfl’h'sWr'tzllmetmm 14-0 to 200 {)msm? , ‘“ 373.2 : g o
‘ plovnig the frult Of the pear-tree. He punt mm: fine salt, 8 oz ot’suil pun. . .1. 3,; gr! 3331-3 “7.2
i ‘ ' ' ‘5 U '5' ‘ ‘_ - , .~ :17
Sad, “me 6Xperlence, I can state the [hp hum with“; ryll‘xlhem Wt~llt0grnu~1~ .ml *3. 25 mean; >1.
. ‘v I ‘~ . a 1 . ‘ . 3:) Z _ .
i advantage to be del'IVEd from the applica- in,» cmk a”, let be”: {1-iCkntl)¢-Inrl!:i\vlnin u m, v.2 an}; 0 8,5
" '« ‘ ’.' 'o‘uru- . "&::r_ _
, tion of non to the roots of the ' "” ”rem pzckle t- l r y . w: ’ H“ " pm 0 w'E 33—: >3
L It . ]_ . pear “693. t I ‘ n ""15“ IO emer hlem made a~ Q—c; r": c u
"‘1 Is mown to all n'dull‘allsts thatiron enters 7 " '°\"S:“1 ” " g“"”“-“ ""- WH'C“, hut fink- sm ”s 3‘ 8‘??? : 3 3
{largely as a component part into the fI‘Uits 'ln‘lllhgh tnolnllke! near m, 9gK--a(l'l 1 qua-M “f ”.23 5;; >3 3 r~ “.5
. w . , “WW“ af' ‘I':§:; ;- 4 .. &-_ _,.._ ~ L.
unf the pear-tree , and ”do many of our cholc- u-un, 34.7.5. willie” lagrm-{IMMS '3’“: ("Ind l ,2 U, 5.“ 13:2 m
3,. _ H ~ 1 . . . ) M - G)
Iesft Vlarieuces have very nuch deteriorated, ‘ "Willi-d girl-ntigenuuq «ciddmie: '.).',’(',‘”,”"”:’* "ll .: 53 E“ 3 >‘8‘
" ' - , " —’ m H in 31' 5',".:...E
‘ beee It a Idu-ty to State that my fX‘UIt has Mull “PPM““L’H take them out and hung," thump E E,» if S 5-:
1 CI] muc 134.1%‘Eroveda and some that were‘ 2"? l‘n‘ a (l'yt'oom—Ttt-twn dry they are fit tor Inso.‘ $3 E (E E S: g) 7-3 :5
Lrnost “’0rlfi1tf15‘8810red by the following \hm ‘l‘llud m ”“3 way ”re Cit“. lender jw 3 9“Z 2 a“: a“:
' ' . o r . J r, , _ t - _. - .» : 5 5 '
-1ppllcat10ns 1', --Dur1ng the Winter when . gig, ’llL H.l\()tll€:tl. Without the w.:stu 0ch ‘3 5 “:32 53 :73!
the f t '11 ' ’ .L ’.‘ ”'6 (l'ymg~ and fit h of s'nnk‘ r '. E U " cE—l a; m as;
y ros W1 admlt, I have my trees du 'he \imoey or smoke 1101152 \l‘ ( mt, in 1 ,5: a 35.: 5-4:
.yound to the distance of three feet, baring (1);“le ~L. [~ CWlmrr (95.272: :3 ,_. u: at”:
'I then ,. . , x. _ . iffi‘gp—ew 5..
P pper roots, and then have applied 7" ”—‘T a” [5-5—1 74%,...” T 5.5.222"


' 95?": ‘



'mnr rvf/‘flu... \ _ A.

,‘ra’. “3,335“






 _;,.». ‘1























:w o
3 :.
5 I”
)3 .
_ t: f 7 N
I :0 - ‘ ICE
2 \ F AND VV
1 AM H '
E‘ 1 quantlty of . 1 are, Or -' WELE’FT',“
-’ - _ the SWeat “0t "'“‘A‘£‘S'
, .>» 4 1 11 0‘ Stung 11PPles - 1 as YOU ch FOR Jrn
3" 3 A a “:3 . 7 u o dim '
g ’ - $03, and it» 1h n " add a fit: them in :1 Be, a 111'1-‘51‘00L {‘1 ”I ARTN'HM' ,
1° tr— Ju'cys a 1' " 6 up 1 1e su “ 6an 'm . Mm . 11‘3"qu
2 . ,\ ”V 0f flOu lttlg \Viuer P (33 are “Otgal‘ and m0 ; 11.111101] 0f 1111 D ’ 1111001), find (‘ ' 1110 ““11““. -
. I ,/ ' _r 1 . . -‘ 0 _ t 111"}?5; H ’atflg . ' . ' 1”“ .‘
1'5 W Wltl an Wate .. : COVer w. Sufficle Publish ”10f :-\K(J1mVC 1 15mm“, L ‘
., , 1 Your '0 .1.) and _ lth a th- ‘ I'll-1y VMOr ]\ Ollowm” _ “might it mg the
m ‘ - ,, nmh Tend PM 1m 'Gk , . ‘ 108513; ( D’mnarl— Warm .
o ' o t. T ' Let 0 a [ - PaSte ' dlm-«y ' 3001'” ‘5110111 1 - Whip
‘ he. - {l )l‘ l he ( U" , - ,—,C,Lr, . 1. 11750 - 7 »
.Q‘ 18 1C . . l 111 , t.) l ‘ ,
[he Y “n“ b H] ( 0 ,, . lltx. f 1pm ,. \H)( .
2 at, having ”'1 fl 6 {Ound a dremain in Ven L.) gr") they“ a“ 0 11113301’ullm 5' 1“: Co. 01“ l'uul'
e‘ a 1' - 0V , Itl'in]. 10 ,4 , ‘ Sup 1
_4 1101‘ 9 101 er 1‘I . . -U(,h P y
,_.' *' . 0f 011$ . 10 art '\ “'3 W0 -
a .~ Scaldzna " , baked S‘Veet. W01, 'er ‘11‘110150i51 1111111110
EL 11:) managiq a JILL/1. '"Th Pears ”"1y( vand 115 In)m Very linl
,.. __ V F . a ' y ' ' ‘ ’A )- > ~ _
:3 1 0" otkfewg-mnk! Wheth e Devonsh'. 1 .\ ass-.3111511391m311”.:1111-‘1 fl11d 11115131101111.119 nf‘
'3 r: ’ is - . - 1 «age, is 81‘ lute He mOd ‘3 (In a 17111101111 ‘ -‘ 1111331 film '9 are 110: 111111
.: r4: . “law. (2 f ‘ 1° Scald 't nded for u, e 0? Mme-“111‘“ ‘ ”1' """vu M111 110- “I‘ll-“"1111"
t1 ‘1 1 It do 111 1 1101'“ [h 1 im ‘ 90! n ' ‘Befla '5’ -' iBrOW. I 1151‘Uot '

~ ; as v 6 c de 1ul‘n‘ 1ch ' t‘:~ 4 ml] . tam . 1
'U"‘- . fit; 5 0w 1 late] «1nd “Into ”1 , rflnd ms t .
.— .: and ‘ - ‘ Our . ' Aft . . y - ' Slave. 1 Of i7 . 181cm . 9 ‘
u. If . . Sr.) er~ ' as s .. Imp , ,. . cu , buff.

4‘ have 5:: 1‘1 1ntended8(}ons evenfllns1111‘3rati0nIt 13:2,: “7111821713191 . ‘11'11‘3’r' ‘11111111‘1‘fihic6ilct1‘ 1?

I ‘ ' ' Bet ' 0r n s - . i 1 1‘; ‘19 llen- C‘ other ' 51111 ~ { 1‘“ fmv .
. is taken 06mm; fer famu bum.)r makpmmer : 111213311%“iv1:(l,‘{;p‘1‘-'“‘-P0ye(f'1,1111“this1’ 1:0 "2:
351 from Sc-l-ld 1“ Winter {huse' after {Lng’ y0u 01’ "5110121111? ‘V0J11qft‘2m1 TTt‘ngglefe 1. Sick-"In-
. . ' Hm Yam . (1-0‘4— ‘)s
:an 1» _" 8d m 1 ' e ere e ere Posheqw 1" Haul a , 161 t1) _ , _\ _ _, my
0 m , ‘ ~ 1 k w' am m . Rm n ~bt.sam.n_ “l’1eml‘ at CC . . m 1
[er 11‘uteg 1“ n at 13 ' . 1011309}. . 2’ ”1110(1m] .( 11-101‘0 1‘ 1‘4"
. ‘ Chur . 0t, re . tak_ 111 . ” (‘11!) 'l ‘d-Ut’ln 1’. AS "re _
. “Inuit (lune -' . 1’0111LUf 1' 11110051‘ ‘,‘-*050vm. . . L :1. ‘2" 1n
D 0 b1" . mo ' Hm- Vulul ‘ ”-95 lm - .‘ 3116-, “CWD I:
[n . re . to {my (, 011111“ . 2-.311111V _., , , m‘
—-____fiv : ,— . 1' 1 '5 " , .1 '.‘ y '
1 If“ Make G0 5- g ‘1 ““0 bum I 3‘3: 3"
0 Y 5 , {u {m- “tuna: " 8011101 ‘ ' 1. ' “ 1
1’ ()f b Bast ’ = r§ :nt ‘ 10Y1tou mg. (3111‘) , . 111- 'f‘p.
' r0" '_T 1 "'2 1n Se . ’ ’0 vn , '1161 ‘ Uf
gyanht)’ 0f Sfllin sugar .I 4 (The Of'gOdd fl 1 “221013111. 0111115211111 11nd 1-ilfliltf;the 1-00“ .4 1 to 11‘0 W
1 1“ an h I 0' ' - I ' Ou- 10: WI: . 61- (m5 Cur ‘1’.” -t() Hx
Our . ’ ‘1 in w and . 1 ! Cum . 1101‘ 1.41 1 “13' fro ed, 11' v‘ T’s1‘vh01 1
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Pu m l ‘ and . 9 Gus . 111m] . Ilene ‘5 led} We 50 1“
u 1 k x ' ‘let « of i . . 1P? am“ " 11'1va 1- ’3’ sh“ tons '1’
> 53- Varm '- th atand water : 11111111) ’1 1110 fil‘qt “10%,; ' 1‘1 Jr hon. 1101‘ x11.
. " 1 en b t1“ CO 1111“” C .LTI'Ound _ ‘ 50mg,“ ’ 1[ (h :5 , "C’s, mld 1 .1
a O: ' Ottl ‘ Oi - 1) from - «111V», 11, 11nd 110: 1., . n _
“‘v- $1 {‘1 [116 Fun of Hf e and cork,fm 1 bandilledll [11"107'111L" mum“. Wilhoth'5 0101) 111L11u11’0
- H - ls . I . ' )an . 11 t1 . Ht ,1 , 21y 1
‘ 1bs1 02115151“? willyim’ Says th 0‘ 1111‘3'11‘1111‘11016111111;31:0311101‘\lfJintcfmrfler11111161111115‘31'23
I ‘ . ‘ 1 sex. ' 3 1'00 c 11'. ” 1‘00
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‘2 A ‘10 7 b ad 1' to n' and 1.110 :LVC {Cd 1 1'10111 ( S 0f s
.z. r. - 4 ho a y th Y of mak vf 'Cflcc . hem much H took
:4,» «1‘. . USew' e w . our 8 ‘8 - U xv” AL CVldw to 11] , V - 1110 1 8.1"}
“I: -. L lfer ay, 15* -_ : BC - ,- , 01 mm x 1/111] v 7 3 \\hl)lx two
§ - -‘ 'no '3 qUax . 1111M . 11111119 y Wits . 1’110c— ~ 111%
,4 ‘ \* 219 makBSQBTbYS that withteu f“? herntanCe. g tln'if't’yuhqfhlow [$113113W0s to131;??ea501fi121g-flmop,
0» ‘5: r 5.. 7 0" Qua] 5- W 0‘16 a d gom : Chokp’ ‘- 1‘ Vim-(3 ‘1” largo 'I 1 311m” ’ “Own,
M m 1" ;~- ' Ity on 6 on n n l . a 1 ."1'lfe1 ‘ 1151mm ’ 180.00 11mm“
.3 ' ~ 19 [1 le - Hill" . 1m 10‘ “ mm _‘ >n. p.. .43 and (leaf
'U I? :1 M «r bread 1 Stlry t0 plnt - I 111101- U. (I . . 0031” Lhn levlnuq an: 1-”
:1 O ‘5} 1' 1 713" BUL '—1VIa" the Su 1 ’ haven“ (“1104] 11w 7" 311111111111 I 1011511” ”'1’
“3 fl ’ ' § ”,4" . BOU r 2026 .' pe- 9 1.101101? 1 ' 1011 5‘0 v A -. ‘CfU1‘(3~ ‘ ) duller L, up“.
‘1‘ ”3 1‘ 1 1 (lug hard SIROOTS-—-N - 0161611111507 5 81'0111;:1"i T119 191513311 mmlgéhér 1 but 1 give
5 "S C: E" 5/ I I {Ulipq y JU‘bOLIS - 01V IS the - 1 ‘Vithu 1: 500d UF(1(\ .“1011111 r9(‘ocuhivatinf§ t] E
a z c: Q u & ~ , hyllciu TOOtS of time ['0 three {.11 0119?“,an "13 as for " Innted 19E 10 at. [I
8 ”I: g g, 1’ 1 ,1 0" But “’1 l hsiiirises 4C all kinds ,5 r. Set— ‘ plonqheg’t “Pm“; 1:: 1111'1‘0'wq II(;(311;111068 01'. 6811:111- the [1
::.. 2' ' . ' ‘ "J; . ~ 1'» ~"« say,‘ “ ' A
53.2 o 4* , mam In ll ‘9“; they I ’ 1001139.3 2 uch as 1.0%. TluulmmM £15111 as rmgihcheg (16914114, r
A ~ 2: ) . ‘6 gr "”0 b ' “arcns , 11“”!‘m 3‘9“ «1m , “1 Workb "We 5 ”P M v
5 — “ \ 111110”?! a d'ou'“, the ‘13“ sun‘e 511595, pv-opg’s'l“lw-ve1u11‘0m ten -““Vcen ’clo" “m a e“
: t ;>\_ ;" 1 ‘ after 1 n. the 1‘00“; red to r cmv 0.1 11-201} "913 “1'0 115, “”1305 :1 1’0 1,0 the ‘
_. S L L. w} t e 1101180 y Should not b have all e‘ '11‘11‘1‘11111'11fl )r 111111163139 “11} leVC'lnpburt 1111119 (1
n E,_ U '1 ‘13n> De ha ' _ ‘ead ‘ 10:1”,1: _1 (“17-7113 - . 11111‘1v1n'. K 901‘ ' . ,‘.
3 .5 (he {'1‘ “Y may beg} ff‘hnved ‘1 ‘1‘S‘urbed {if} b1toRfinjwumaii;IzqéntoeSE‘tiiuo
. :4 ‘est a [a next ”me 1“ mwu '- '1st of 1 ”11:13 '1‘ 11'
. r1) - 't Wa- ‘ vn 11 Su . .’ “Haw ’ ’ehrg w; 9- Iho D ”I'm *-
> m C: Ober Y) Tet - p and mme (,umv, ed 1) , "10:11]” I‘onuh] w. .‘

:1 0 ~ and t1 ’ alned ' req 1‘ 4101‘ m , ~ 3 1W0 .‘ \ 3mm” 19“. Jill‘m 1
“‘ f: ‘3 *- . len In ”at 0 1 "f rim—r. _ Numb , - 01 turn L"Help W‘ p'
1 1 ‘4 —' "‘1‘ ‘ ’ A 1'; V ‘ I, '1 'r g‘ " V I 5
. “ g 1;: g ‘ u Infllres the be trans leY are Want 'd Ct.‘ f.I genr—‘I‘HHV 1 1'6 '3 118C054 1.11;:100111113—1111): .

S 90 13 2- 1‘1 sPring 1313*g19atlv {11 fluted this 8 ' {11111111'10iu ‘1 i‘j1‘""‘=tho Mb - 11 J, m 0‘13““ a

p» v ;,.%_—' :2 --— -’ o m ‘ ‘ £21 A ”3‘ -- . “1 V . ‘

1 $ / ’ "“Twwi Orcester Spy 1e"10ve ‘theouth- PloughLSffzu“ ‘ 1111-11511,1‘11110111361111.101111‘1 till 11m

> :5 £54 _ .' c»f‘v I in in fired‘th: .1)“ > 1,‘ 7:1 r- ‘1'1 that CH. £11110 r. .r l

5 p 4"; 4’" , ' ‘nr- __ _ Cuom‘ 11.1 t In- {(1 11(1flguim 11 110 {0111310111111 ‘
J C : ~ I ‘1‘,” “PH/1 1 10‘9”“ 10¢! [1111111 111 this] X‘rhcu ““1 111.119“
& d r 1 &V 1 U1 P 1‘1 “'01). W “ ‘1 111mm . ‘ "WV. u ‘. 111’ Kath-

'- .. ; A, H m . - R, 6101 Hmmd ' 11v“ U , 51mm ‘ . 1510 w‘

(I? 3 ' ‘ a , l ' I? ~" ' { 18 x , I an . 1C v r; ‘11 \v 111]

:3 PS 8 g a ,1-” = > , 111g illeionflHAM, Es. / 121110115“ “111111;:f 1'1 Tier'ogm} l’luntsn'ihprlmlnmfin):
__\"fi ‘8, ,' ' ‘_ _ . _ 8111 ., 5;:13‘” ‘ ”1‘ t x ‘1 )({{n
.N 4-,; 2 fl ; h) v, 111 prqs and Silnifl- NI}, PI 5 TepOfllfilnttslt“1011'111'511\()1:Ef)ra11(1011(111'{i: dang i; 1:20‘4'0 .:

‘ ‘ " . ;" ab :{ ‘S as {011(CUC6 at myar Vines (an). for \Vfirk \V'1T111::E11(3l uiVntizgfithhCu {3112:1111}, in 5'10th ‘
. L120 f O‘VS . gar! 9 ‘V Vii . ‘. . . ‘11111Lffm-v n wU' 01' - 1‘1“th .
1 00’ . ' In Lenl Ch I'm .3 ‘1'11V19HMC 115000114 ,. 1111'60 t' ' By :1 ,
”Equine, f0 1119 Centre :51; Sum- / 14.21131 1"" (Nile 211111111111 articflfip' 1mm, 1110 --;'
~ , 1‘m a u .' ‘_ “like me . ‘1 ”her ~ ‘03 Who 6' .
,Elflnmfimyi , n bed. 0/ . n1," Mme and “Ms ”01715111 years, as {11? ”‘95! can ,,
., , M, , Olded CV ‘0 gr 1 15 I] f' ’
' ‘N W \xih 11101111111111 1-é1?u11‘1v and b; 1321111". '
‘ , u. ’ ,or. . ’untin' " Shes, A ‘
flolund ()ccnciZfiuilge’ 110 1mm 8' m thel‘ebv
‘ V I! r, ’3«Ssa- _.
a _‘ £12111“? 7“ Elfin}? mam“? U
'1111113111VL61V 128111.101‘13' r1
' '1 Vamhr‘





2/7/5 : '/_
. NEW-
Vthgg'glldal? ageing; Yellow Ir‘ev‘erJ—LWe' tub“ 19h
‘ in S‘ha'o'wmg letter, {Wm *1 genti’emun’reémlfit‘” 1
ing thewggptzwn, Illinois, entire, recommends .-
against e110 the P’aptamflfieflsan antidote ‘
t e unosle 19W. fever, With theimpreésion that
iviews or a," all?!” edtfl'estfiessand, beneirolebt l
ism. defini". W”)- at Mattie-rims“ io’ a l
men-015051 4 .‘ge-al'e, diaposed‘m thinkthatthe
«——~ on the sh 9P1 etmcs Which hay
conta ‘ ores of the fitllf‘othexi‘co, and [h '
de 5'9”? fevers Which OcCaaionan ,; , .0 ‘
populate the A - ~7~ “51‘. and

. tinnti‘c ‘- -~ ‘
their naturwnd that $2638” ‘Jlflercnt‘m





ORLEANS, September'- 12.; m3 malEdi-llor of the Louisiana ddfi'értfier,

’\. V

8 their origin we‘ll-(p.54

2 .The-Juice offlwfirofléhflfifiroioteasedzl’lafla In, . 3 ‘
_ . min,eitherflill838x969!2 ' ' i

/ . ,- .2

~ shunnemnnfinee, 182%,; j_, jig.


; Slii.,,-—L-Our.-information is that ith'e “Yellow
Reva-rhea commenced itsravugea in your city.
"Will it .be'considered presumption ~ln'99d3‘il‘1i3

i.-diralr':bé“é&uee..hc;i_s:not a physicianfiorcommufi-w -\ _y 2

' ‘nioatewhat he believes; fromhis‘ own ‘egperrv __
Waterloo,- and veritable testimony, 1to be a. remedy ‘
,é‘l. for this fatal diseasetztmll .;yoq,,81.~lj-,~rc.onegder

me presumptuous-and laughat my. Simplicity, 3




'i‘l trusty“ “fill" “Oil.
VXZ: '

' {atfi’émfs . rém’e‘d‘y,‘


‘ and therefore ‘v‘eh'tu'réggo

. . The .3986;- in ordinary siaedrivineiglass'thll
{every ten ’niiuu't‘e‘s-"unffl the fever inter-nuts, ‘ is i/
whichwill ,be in two to three hours» ’

3 ”The patienti‘to,jberkepti1) afree Circulation , ‘:

and allowed to dp‘riukwaterad Libit’umm, ’ ‘




knows that at the times, for some peculiar came


most generally extra sourness or bitterness of the
cream, much difficulty is experienced in, making
the cream into butter. A lady writer in hills
aha Farmer, recommends the following co n
such cases. We have for years used soda, or .
~ratus for the same purpose, and found them use. '
Jy successful: ‘
“I wish to inform my sister butter-makers, of
, the means I used which so successfully removed
m the difficulty. Ichurned perhaps three hours, to
no purpose, and then tried to think of something
that I had read in the Indiana Farmer or some oth:
er periodical. I could not remember precisely;
butl recollected the reason stated, was the cream
being too sour. I then thought of sada', (pearlash
'. I presumed would do as well,) and dissolved a large
tea-spoonful .in a pint of warm water, and as I
poured it in, churning at the same time, it changed
in amoment, and gradually formed into a beautiful
solid lump of sweet butter.”
'guide public authorities in the precautions that
ishould be taken against the danger of intcrring,
prematurely, persons notreally dead:
'. 1. A greenish blue color, extending uniformly
j'" /'over the skin of the belly, is the real and certain
,,//‘sign of death.
' / 2. The period at which this sign appears, varies
much; but itrtakes place in about three days, un-


if: ‘

_ .»



.ON THE SIGNS or Dunn—Dr. Descampé, of
Milan, has presented to the French Academy of


3. Thorough discoloration of various kinds, and
from various causes, may occur in other partsfthg
characteristic mark of death is to be found ohly
in the belly. '

4. Apparent death can no longer be confounded
lwith real death; the belly never being cblbred