xt70rx937t9n_546 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Bills, acts, joint resolutions for the Commonwealth of Kentucky text Bills, acts, joint resolutions for the Commonwealth of Kentucky 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_21/Folder_2/Multipage27311.pdf 1980-1933 1933 1980-1933 section false xt70rx937t9n_546 xt70rx937t9n ,"vr .
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LL. ..









Mr. Combs introduced the follmving bill, which was
ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on Suffrage and
Elections, viz.;

AN ACT to amend Section 145 of the Constitution.


That upon the concurrence of three-fifths of all the
members elected to each House, the ayes and hays being taken thereon
and entered in full in their respective journals:

1. That Section 145 of the Constitution be and it is
hereby amended and revised by striking out the word "male", being the
second word in said section, following the word "every", and preceed—
ing the word "citizen," and by adding the words "or she," following
the word "hefl and preceding the word "offers", so that the said sec—
tion as amended will read as follows:

Every citizen on the United States of the age of
twenty—one years, who has resided in the State one year, and in the

county six months, and the precinct in which he or she offers to

vote sixty days next preceding the election,shall be a voter in said

precinct and not elsewhere, but the following persons are excepted
and shall not have the right to vote:

1. Persons convicted in any court of competent juris—
diction of treason, or felony, or bribery, in an election, or of such

high misdemeanor as the General Assembly may declare, shall Operate


 as an exclusion from the right of suffrage; but persons hereby ex—

cluded may be restored to their civil rights by executive pardon.
2. Persons who, at the time of the election, are in

confinement under the judgment of a court for some penal offense.

3. Idiots and insane persons.

II. This amendment shall be submitted to the voters
of the State for their ratification or rejection at the time and in
the nammer provided for under Section 256 of the Constitution of

Kentucky, and under Section 1459 of the edition of the Kentucky

Statutes compiled and edited by John D. Carroll and issued in 1914.





FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1888.

House Bill No. 1253.

On motion of MR. WOOD, the following bill, which was introduced by
Mr. Langley, and referred to the Committee on Judiciary, was
ordered printed, and recommitted, Viz:

AN ACT conferring the right of municipal snfifrage upon all females
over twenty-one years of age, residing in any incorporated city or town
in this Commonwealth.

§ 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, That no person over the age of twenty-one years,
who is a resident of any city or town incorporated by an act of
the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, shall be denied the
right of suffrage, on account of sex, in any election held in such
city or town, for the purpose of determining any municipal ques-
tion; nor in the election of any officer of such city or town,
except those which are named as constitutional officers.

§ 2. That any officer of such election who violates the provisions
of section one of this act, shall be fined not less than fifty nor
more than one hundred dollars for each offense.

§3. That so much of any and all acts, or parts of acts, whether



local or general, as conflict With the provisions of this act, be, and

the same are hereby, repealed.
§ 4 That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after

its passage.


tion, whether the same be her separate estate or not, she may
transfer the same by assignment, indorsement or delivery, as if
p she were unmarried."
§ 5. Inasmuch as it is necessary that the law respecting mar——
ried women shall be made more certain, and that certain correcfl

tions should be made in the sections hereby amended, an IN SENATE,

emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this act shall take
Senate Bill No. '73.
effect from its passage.



MR. WEISSINGER introduced the fellowing bill, which was read the first

time and ordered printed, viz:

AN ACT to amend certain Sections of an act, entitled “An act relat-
ing to husband and wife, and entitled ‘Husband and Wife,m ap-
proved May 16, 1893.

Be 2t enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of"
Kentucky: § 1. That section 32, article 3, of an act, entitled ‘l‘An
act relating to husbandjand wife, and entitled ‘Husband and
Wife,’ ” approved May 16, 1893, be amended by striking therefrom
the words “and not unduly influenced thereto,” so that said

‘. section will read, as amended, as follows:

§32. Marriage shall not give to the husband, during the life
of the wife, any estate or interest in her real estate, including
chattels real owned at the time of marriage or acquired by her
after marriage. Such real estate, the rent thereof, or chattels-
real, shall not be liable for any debt or responsibility of his
contracted or. incurred Vbefgremor‘”after,Amarriage, but shall be

for her debts and responsibilities contracted or incurred before


marriage, and for such contracted after marriage on account
of necessaries for herself or any member of her family, her
husband included, as shall be evidenced by writing, signed by
her. The husband’s contingent right of curtesy or life estate
shall not be sold for or otherwise subjected to the payment of
any separate debt Lor responsibility of his during her life. A
conveyance of real estate by a married woman, to be effectual,
must be executed in conformity to existing laws; and a mai—
ried woman, if she be of sound mind and twenty~one years of
age, may dispose of her estate by last will and testament, and
she shall also have the power and right to rent out her real
estate, and collect, receive and recover in her own name the

rents thereof.

§ 2. That section 3—4 of said act be repealed, and in lieu thereof

the following section be enacted :

Ҥ 34. Husband and wife may sell and convey her lands and
chattels real. The conveyance must be acknowledged and re—
corded in the manner and time required by the chapter on con—
veyances, and the proceeds shall be her separate estate; but this
shall not be construed to prevent'a mortgage for any purpose

§ 3. That section 56 of said act be amended by inserting after
the word “ death,” in the seventh line, the word “ intestate ; ” and
by inserting between the word “she” and the word “ may,” on
the seventh line, the words “may transfer such stock as if un—
married and ; ” and-by striking out thewords “on such stock,” in
the eighth line-and inserting in lieu thereof the word “ thereon ;”
that said section, as amended, shall read as follows: We

§ 56. If any 'stock in any bank or other corporation in this

State is taken for or transferred to any female, and it is ex—


presssed on the face of the certificate or transfer book of such
stock that it is for the use of such female, her husband shall
take no interest in such stock or the dividends thereon; and at
her death intestate, it shall pass to her heirs. She may transfer
such stock as if unmarried, and may receive the dividends there—
on and give acquittances therefor ; but she shall not in any way
anticipate the same; nor shall any dividend be paid upon an
order or power given by her before the same was declared.

§4. That section 57 of said act be repealed, and in lieu thereof
the following section enacted: “ § 57. Separate estates and trust
estates conveyed or devised to married women may be sold and
conveyed in the same manner as if such estate‘s had been con—
veyed or devised absolutely, if there be nothing in the deed or
will under which they are held forbidding the same, and
if the husband and trustee, if there be one, unite with the wife
in the conveyance. But where the deed or will creating the V
estate shall give or reserve to the trustee alone any power to
charge, encumber or diSpose of the estate, or to consent to any
charge, encumbrance or disposition thereof, the trustee may
exercise such power without uniting with the husband and wife.
Where, by any deed, will or contract, an express power has been,
or may hereafter, be, given any married woman to charge, en—
cumber or dispose of any estate, or to consent to a charge, en-
cumbrance or disposition thereof, by a trustee or other person,~
such power may be exercised by her in all respects as if she
were unmarried, and by such instrument and under such forms
of law as an unmarried woman or man would exercise a like
power. Where a married woman shall own, or have any inter——
est in, anypro‘rngrt‘ynote, bill ”of eXChang'e, poI'iCy of insurance,

stock in .a bank ‘or other corporation, or any other chose in ac—


 In Senate.

'Regular Session, 1902..




Mr. Whitehead introduced the following bill, which was read the first time

and ordered to be firinted, Viz.:

AN ACT granting female citizens of this Commonwealth the right to vote for

Presidential electors in all Presidential elections held in this State.

Be it waded 53/ Me General flssembly of flu Commonwealth qf [Q72-
tu/By :

§1. That by Virtue of the Constitution of the United States, eyery
female citizen of this Commonwealth of the age of twenty—one years, who
has resided in the State one year and in the county six months, and in the

precinct in which she offers to vote sixty days next preceding a Presiden-


tial election, shall have the right to vote for a number of Presdential elect-
ors equal to the Whole number of Senators and Representatives to which

this State may be entitled in the Congress of the United States at the

time of said election; but no female shall be a voter at said elections who,

at the time, stands convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of
treason or felony or bribery in an election, or Who is imprisoned under the

judgment of a court for some penal offense, or Who is adjudged to be of

unsound mind.






The following bill was reported from the Senate, ordered to be printed
and referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Viz:
AN A-GT to repeal and amend Sections 2016, 2020, 2021, and 2033, of

Chapter 01, of the Kentucky Statutes, Carroll’s Edition of 1909.



Be it enacted by HM), G'cncml Assembly of NM? COHI‘HIOTLlL‘Ca/Z'Ht 0f 6 for the tI‘USt'

'7 Second: If either the father or mother be dead, then the sur—
Ii cntucivg/ :

.- SECTTON 1. That Sections 2016 and 2033 of Chapter 6]. of . Vlvmg parent 1f deemed suitable for the trust.

the Kentucky Statutes, Carroll’s Edition, 1909, Guardian and Fluid: If bOth the father and mother be dead, then the testa-

- - - - m n r 0' r ian named b ' the last survivin arent.
Ward, be and the same are hereby repealed and in lieu of said 10 e ta y gua d 3 g 10

sections it is. hereby enacted that the father and mother shall have 11 Fourth: 5151310118” out Of sub—section 3 the words g'iVing prefer—

. . . . . , . 12 ence to males so that said section ‘18 amended shall, read as fol-
the 301111; custody, nurture and education of their infant child, or ’ c 6

children, and, in the event of the death of either one of the parents, 13 1mm:—

- ~ - ’ . O'E"'c -‘ttt'i
father or mother, the SUI‘VlVOl.’, if suited to the trust, shall. have 14“ In appomting a bulldnn the court shall pay piopei a en ion

the custody, nurture and education Of such infant child or c1111— 15 to the followmg Oldel 0f precedent m Wlmno’ and 1101: 0p”

d" , d T , ' - . . - - . . - , - 16 therefrom unless it deems that prudence and the interest of the
ien an may, by Will, appomt guaidian to his 0i hei infant child,

. , . . . . . . 1? infant so re uire-
or children, during its minority, or for any less period, and may q ’

appomt the guardianship of the infants estate to one and the 1'8 FlrSt’ ‘The father 01 mothei 01 one most suitable fOl he 111g

custody, nurture and education of the infant to another, but the 19 Second, If either the father or mother be dead then the Swim“


,. 1 .. . , . . ,. ,. QLW' 1. ngni ifidegnmdirsuitahlo fmf the trust
I‘dtl’lel‘ snail be primarily liable for the nurture and education mg}

of his infanit’cliild 01- children. 21 Third, If both father and mother be dead then the testamentary

22 guardian named by the last surviving parent.

SECTION 2. That Section 2020, of the Kentucky Statutes, be

. . . . 9. . T n X f kin.
amended by inserting immediately after the word “father” the “3 F0u1th, he e t 0

words “or mother,” so that said section as amended shall read as‘
follows: “If the will of the father or mother so direct, the other
parent being dead, no security shall he required from the guardian,
unless from change of circumstances in the gnardian since making
the Will, or other cause, the court deems it imprudent to dispense
therewith. ’ ’
SECTION 2021 of Chapter 61 on order of precedent in ap-

pointing a guardian, to be amended as follows:

By repealing sub—section. 1, 2 and 3 of Section 2021 and in lieu
thereof enacting the following :—

Subsection 1. First: The father or mother if deemed suitable









Mr. Stoll introduced the following bill, which was ordered to be ‘printed and
referred to the Committee on Constitutional Amendment’s, VlZ;:' .

AN ACT to amend Section 145 of the Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the. Comnumwealth of Kentucky:

That upon the concurrence of three—fifths of all members elected to
each House, the ayes and nays being taken thereon and entered in full in
their respective journals:

FIRST. That section 145 of the Constitution be and it is hereby
amended and revised by striking out the word “male,” being the second
word in said section, following the word “every,” and preceding the
wor( “citizen,” and by adding the words “or she,” following the word
“he,” and preceding the word “offers,” so that the said section as
amended will read as follows:

Every citizen of the United States of the age of twenty—one years, who


 has resided in the State one year, and in the county six months, and the
precinct in which he or she offers to vote sixty days next preceding the
election, shall be a voter in said precinct and not elsewhere. but the
following persons are excepted and shall not have the right to vote:

1. Persons convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of
treason, or felony, or bribery, in an election, or of such high misde—
meanor as the General Assembly may declare, shall operate as an ex-
clusion from the right of suffrage; but persons hereby excluded may be
restored to their civil rights by executive pardon.

2. Persons who, at the time of the election, are in confinement under
the judgment of a court for some penal offense.‘

Idiots and insane persons.
SECOND. This amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the

State for their ratification or rejection at the time and in the manner

Ll!- ' 70.55;. H»-

under Section 1459 of the edition of the Kentucky Statutes compiled

and edited by John D. Carroll and issued in 1914.


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Senate Bill No. 114.

' " 'JPQWVTV»$VW‘A'C&rPERDAY1fiLvE-%BJIAR‘Y*’1 ," -1:.89*{—)-.~--~"~‘= W ._,.. .-";vv-~-«-»:»v=~«—<1w~ .mmcmzvgvzévn-m w,"

THE following bill, introduced by MR. LINDSAY, was reported by the
Committee on General Statutes, twice read, and, on motion of MR.
‘ WRIGHT, ordered printed, and recommitted to the Committee on
General Statutes : H
AN ACT to regulate and define the property rights of husband and
§1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ‘Oomjinonwealth'
2 ovaentac/cy, Marriage shall give to the husband during the life“
3‘ of the wife no estate or interest in the wife’s property, real or
5 During the existence of the marriage relation, the wife shall hold
6, and own all her estate to her separate and exclusive use, free
7 from the debts, liabilities, and control of her husband; and in
8“ the management thereof, if notprohibited by the deed or will, or
9 other muniment under which she takes title, may contract and
10 be contracted with, sell, convey, and purchase as an unmarried
11 woman: Provided, First, no part of her estate shall be subjected


' at
.4 l
u! v



tothe payment or satisfaction of any liability upon a contract,
made after marriage, to answer for the debt, default, or misdoing
of another, including her husband, unless such estate shall have
been set apart for that purpose by deed of mortgage or other like
conveyance; and, second, a conveyance of real estate by a
married woman, to be effectual, must be executed in conformity
with the provisions of existinglaws.

§2. After the death of either the husband or wife, the sur-
vivor shall have an estate for his or her life, in one-half of all the
real estate owned by the deceased, or held by any one to his or
her use, and an absolute estate? in\one—half of all the surplus
personality left by such. decedent: Provided, Nothing herein shall
prevent the surviving wife from asserting claim to dower or
homestead under existing laws ; but if she shall. assert such claim,’
then, so far as the real estate of the deceased husband is con-
cerned, she shall take (under existing laws, and not under the
provisions of this Act.

§ 3. A married woman, if she be of sound mind, and tWent'y-

one years of age, and not unduly influenced thereto, may dispose

of her estate by last will and testament.
§ 4. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of‘

this Act are repealed.

.. ,..-~g..,._.,.a-- "—,?_‘3~”’—'x‘4 . r .4 'v;: .1" - - ._. i. .3“


Amended So As To Read

AN ACT relating to unlawful carnal knowledge of children under the age of
eighteen years, including both sexes, and prescribing and fixing penalties
for violations thereof, and amending and re—enacting Section 1155, Ken—
tucky Statutes, (,‘arroll, 1915.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
That Section 1155, Kentucky Statutes, Carroll’s 1915 Edition, be and the

same is hereby amended and re-enacted, so that said section when so amended

and re—enaeted shall read as follows:

Section 1155. Every male person who shall carnally know, with her con-
sent, any female child, not his wife, under the age of eighteen years, and every
female person who shall carnally know any male child under the age of eighteen
years, not her husband, shall he punished as follows:

(1) \Vhen such child is under the age of twelve years, by imprisornnent
in the State Penitentiary for not less than twenty years nor more than fifty
years, or by death, in the discretion of the jury.

(2) \Vhen such child is of the age of twelve years and under the age of
fourteen years, by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for not less than
five years nor more than twenty years.

(3) \Vhen such child is of the age of fourteen years and under the age
of sixteen years. by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary not less than three
years nor more than fifteen years.

(4) \Vhen such child is of the age of sixteen years and under the age of
eighteen years, by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for not less than
two years nor more than ten years.

(5) Any male person of the age of seventeen years and under the age
of twenty-one years and any female person of the age of eighteen years and
under the age of twenty-one years convicted of a violation of any of the pro-
visions of this Act may, in the discretion of the court, be punished by confine-
ment in the county jail or in the State Penitentiary not more than one year or
fined not. more than $500.00 or both, in the discretion of the court, and not as
provided in (1), ('2), (3) and (4) of this Act.

(6) “Then the complaining witness is of and over the age of sixteen years
and the defendant being under the age of twenty-one years, is found guilty, the
court is authorized to hear testimony in aggravation or mitigation of the sen—

(7) Any female under the age of eighteen years, and any male under
the age of seventeen years, charged with a violation of any of the provisions
of this act, shall be dealt with and proceeded against as are other juvenile de—
linquents. under the provisions of. Section 331e, Kentucky Statutes.

But this Act shall in no way affect Sections 1152, 1153, 1154, 1158 or 1214
of Kentucky Statutes, Carroll 1915.

This is the Age of Consent Bill as its proponents wish to see it!




AN ACT relating to unlawful carnal knowledge of children under the age of eighteen years, including
both sexes, and prescribing and fixing penalties for violations thereof, and amending and re—enact-

ing Section 1155, Kentucky Statutes, Carroll, 1915.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That Section 1155, Kentucky Statutes, Carroll’s 1915 Edition, be [and the same is hereby amended
and re-enacted, so that said section when so amended and re-enacted shall read as follows:

Section 1155. Every male person who shall carnally know, with her consent, any female child,
not his wife, under the age of eighteen years, and every female person who shall carnally know any
male child under the age of eighteen years, not her husband, shall be punished as follows:

(1) \Vhen such child is under the age of twelve years, by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary
for not less than twenty years nor more than fifty years, or by death, in the discretion of the jury.

(2) When such child is of the age of twelve Years and under the age of sixteen years, by im-
prisonment in the State Penitentiary for not less than five years nor more than twenty years.

(8) ‘Nhen such child is of the age of sixteen years and \under the age of eighteen years, by im-
prisonment in the State Penitentiary for not less than two years nor more than ten years.

(4) Any female person under the age of eighteen years, and any male person under the age of
seventeen years, charged with a violation of any of the provisions of this Act, shall be dealt with and
proceeded against as are other juvenile delinquents, under the provisions of Section 331e, Kentucky
Statutes. ' .

But this Act shall in no way affect Sections 1152, 1153, 1154,1158 or 1214 Kentucky Statutes, Car-
roll 1915. ,


 xu HOUSE.

House Bill No. 336.-

, - l y

, A

MR. .ililltanSHN, from the Committee on Municipalities, reported the
following bill, with the expression of opinion that it ought to pass.
which was read the first time, ordered to be read a second time

and that it be printed, viz:

A N .A CT to ma/ce women eligible to flee afiee 0/ Sex/mo! Trustee and meméem

of flu Board 0/ Education, and Z0 e77zfower women. 2‘0 vole 2'72. e/eez’imzs for

said ofi‘eem.

Be 72 emzetea’ by Z/ze General issemély of flze Conzmmzwea/Z/z of Ken—

me/cy: § I. \Vomen are hereby lmade eligible to hold the Offices of

. l
School Trustee and members of [oard of Education in the counties and
at" - Vi'u‘A'H ”a

cities of this Commonwealth, and {women having the qualifications pre-

scribed “by law for men in such elections shall be, and are authorized and

empowered, to vote in all elections for such officers.



Senate Bill No. 95.

MR. BRONSTON introduced the following bill, which was read the first time and
, ordered printed, viz: .

AZV 1? C T 10 “mo/2m “flower of Reform, one for bog/5am! one for girls, and
Z0 provide for file government l/zereof, and flea/5mg cm appropriation More-
for.” I

Be it enarlea’ by t/ze Gefleral Assembly of z‘lze Commonwea/z’}; of [Q72-
tzec/cy: § I. That there shall be established in this Commonwealth, im-
mediately after the taking effect of this act, two institutions, one for girls,
to be known as the House of Reform for Girls, and one for boys, to be
known as the House of Reform for Boys, and that the sum of one hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000,) be, and hereby is, appropriated, out of any
funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose
of purchasing grounds and the erection and furnishing of suitable build-
ings therefor.

§ 2‘. The general supervision and government of said institutions shall

“be vested in a board of trustees, consisting of six persons, three women


and three men. -The said trustees shall be appointed by the Governor,


by and with the consentof the Senate, and at no time shall a majority of
said trustees be members of the same political party, or of the same re-
ligious denomination. They shall hold their ofi‘ices for the term of six
years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, but the first
board appointed under this act shall hold their offices, two of them, one
woman and one man, for two years, two for four years and two for six
years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified as aforesaid.
\Vhenever a vacancy occurs in said board, otherwise than by the expira-

tion of a term of appointment, such vacancy shall be filled by a nomina-

tion from the board, and confirmed by the Governor. The trustees may

be re-appointed. They shall receive no compensation for their services,
but shall be allowed all expenses incurred by them in the discharge of
their duties. They may be removed at any time by the Governor for
sufficient cause. Said board shall meet annually and elect, of their own
body, a president, treasurer and secretary, to hold their offices for one
year and until their successors are elected and qualified. The treasurer
and secretary shall give such bond as the Governor may direct and ap-
prove. Said board shall make an annual report of their action and the
condition of the institutions to the Governor. They shall appoint such
subordinate officers and assistants as the requirements of the institutions
may demand, and shall. subject to the approval of the Governor, fix their
salaries and prescribe their duties. They shall, with the like approval,
adopt and enforce any and all such rules, regulations and by-laws, for
the government and discipline of said institutions. as they may deem use
ful and proper.

§ 3. The trustees shall have power to receive, by gift or purchase, suit-
able building sites for said institutions, to consist of tracts of land of not
less than one hundred acres in extent-and in healthy locations in the
vicinity of some city, but not less than three miles from the corporate

limits thereof; to erect suitable buildings thereon, and to properly equip,



 appoint and furnish the same.

§ 4. The trustees shall be a corporation, by the name of “The Board
'of Trustees of the Houses of Reform,” for the purpose of taking and
holding unto themselves and their successors, in trust for the State, any
grant or devise of land, and any donation or bequest of money or other
personal property, made for the use of said institutions, and for the pur—
pose of preserving and investing the proceeds thereof in good securities,
with all powers incident to, and necessary to, the exercise of the powers
aforesaid, and to carry out and fulfill the purposes of this act. The funds,
property and estate that may be granted to, or held by, such corporation
for the uses hereinbefore .expressed, shall, with the income thereof, be
exempted from taxation.

§ 5. The said- board, having selected sites as aforesaid for the said insti-
tutions, shall immediately deposit with the Secretary of State a certificate
of their determination, together with all conveyances of land granted and
securities for moneys or material donated. They shall also prepare, or
cause to be prepared, and adopt plans for the grounds, buildings and
fixtures necessary for said institutions, of such form, style, dimension and
finish as, when completed, shall come within the cost and limit of the
sum hereinbefore appropriated. The trustees shall, in the preparation
and adoption of plans for the necessary buildings, keep in View, if prac-
ticable, the possible future enlargement and improvement ofsaid build-
ings, and so enlarge the plans that such enlargement can be made without
materially affecting their symmetry or usefulness.

§ 6. Said board of trustees shall advertise for proposals for the erec-

tion and construction, furnishing, etc, of said. buildings, and fix a time

within which said proposals will be received, and, upon the expiration of

such time, they may, in their discretion, and With the approval of the
Governor, make contracts with the lowest responsible bidder, taking

into consideration the price, time of performance and responsibility of









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the contractors. Said contract or contracts, when made and properly
evidenced, shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.

§ 7. In the construction of the buildings herein provided for, and in the
arrangement of the grounds, all cells, bars and grates shall, as far as
practicable, be omitted, and what is known as the “Cottage Family Plan”
shall be adopted, as it commends itself by accomplished facts as the
most intelligent, economical and successful system in use. Each of these
family houses shall be occupied by from eighteen to twenty-five girls or
boys, with their matron, teacher and housekeeper. The inmates of each
cottage shall be as nearly as is possible of the same character as regards
innocence or culpability, and each of said cottages, in their general ar-
rangement and discipline, resemble, as nearly as is possible or prac-
ticable, a well ordered and regulated home.

g 8. The object of these institutions shall be, not merely a place of
detention, but the reformation of those who, by reason of vicious con-
duct or moral depravity, have rendered themselvesburdensome to their
relations as well as to society, and who may be, under the provisions of
this act, committed to these said institutions; and it shall be the duty of
each and every officer of said institutions to see that all rules and regu-
lations are strictly enforced and observed. Kindness, firmness and com-
petency are qualifications which shall be required of all officers and
employes, and it shall be incumbent on them to see that a kind and
proper tone of feeling is observed among the inmates, and, by example
and precept, to do everything in their power to reclaim and improve the
moral character of the boys‘and girls under their care, fitting them to be-
come good citizens and useful members of society.

g 9. It shall be the duty of the boardof trustees to meet once every
three mont