xt70rx937t9n_54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon text Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_3/Folder_11/Multipage2191.pdf 1912-1913 1913 1912-1913 section false xt70rx937t9n_54 xt70rx937t9n ..
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.~ ., C I ., .,
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President: ‘ Executive Secretary: Treasurer :

Mrs. Elliott H. Pendleton V Miss Bettie Wilson Mrs. Frank H. Simpson

Vice-Presidents :
Mrs. Samuel Allen
Mrs. Hamilton Bell
Mrs. Moses ButtenWerser (JL‘ WM
Miss Edith Campbell
Mrs. Arthur T. Cobb
Mrs. George Dittman
Mrs. Louise Eastman
Mrs. Henry N. Hooper
Mrs. Fenton Lawson
Miss Mary} MacMillan
M'ss Emilie McVea
M 5. Bernard Pollak
Mrs. Carl Rankin V
. E. R. Stearns
. A.- G. Strong
. F. C. Tattle
. Geo. B. Twichell
. Stephen Wilder
> Mrs. John M. Withrow '






 ifimfiziana $713112 :gmffragp Aaanrmfinn.




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“ A government is not complete that withholds
from its most enlightened citizens what it freely gives

to its most benighted men.”

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 flew Orleans, July 3, 1913.

hear 3*ate Fresident:

no yam ihink it pagaibla far yen to get awe of your lead—
ing nfiwagagera fiu pay far a aynéioate Sautharn latter an woman Suffrags.
I find that the fiaele Smufih is wafully xgnuramt 3? the history at wnman
fluffrage, and m onmpariaen 4f “0% and fifififi, 5huwing aha impravad status
of woman flufifi in the light 4f camgarisun with tha womafi of fifty years


ago; is a? travenfieus $ervice in making canvarts, both of man and wgmen,

Wiflfi Anhhany uxeé ts fiff that ghe canfiidfired Iaa Rusted
3&39er's weakly letters, that were carried an for a number of yearfi in
the weu ¥ork Sun at ”123 Anfihcny'b eagenue, had a great anal as a; Wifih
mat only making converts, but in caucatihg bwlievwra t9 enable them to
argue tke aufxrage qufisfiicv.

aeaira ig.ta WYitfi a fififiklg lattwr and, if possible?
m&k& tha ‘ . ~ gay fer the expflnse af thia finifrage wurk. The
WeW'ereau& mes fiemocrat will gladly Lake aach a letter ané, accnrdn
ing ta its aditcr, §£.5C a wa&k 13 a vary FfifiSQHablé aum ta ask far it.
If a number of pmywrs in a Stase‘woqld pay for it, we cauld make it at
a chaayer rata, but peggibly onfi leaéing ygpwr iaaturing it wonlfi d0
tha graatest &fiuflflt a? gaodg If a auffiuien; numbér af payers wuulfi
aubxcribc ta it, I scald afforfi saihavc fixpertfi, like if . Harper and
Erw. Beyur, Gcc&aionally prayara iattera.

. I haliéve there is a Southern viawgaint that wnly a South-
arner can give ans which will giva Lo theae lattmra a lanai ouiaring
that will he 0f valus. Take, far infitanCfi, Maryland aha Ennisiana an&
the granfifathar ClfiU$6¢ What a wealth cf aypcrtunity is being 103% in
net chewing my in bath 0? these Stateg haw men 0i the yailtician txpe
preza. to Cffifité an ignor&nt eléctorate rafihar than to emiranchiea fidu~

: ‘ «

.rtellignnt women a5 Lag bml&nce in_preaurving white flupremaflayfi
* P fiixtwanah amandmant 1% amethu: miflc that #e cauld eXylcit
_vutharn Viewgoint. The agraafiing uf tha infanuatian that Vsnb

Southern State, wag the fiffit to accurd an wemen the rimht ta
vota as ‘uman h¢ingg, up a dumucratic bafiia, whfin the Snane game widews
with children cf ahhaoi age the yowér an vute an achmol matters. @han
thare ifi’tha infiereating inffirvmtinn aboui Hannah nee Corbin and the
wnmen 3? $58 connniaa 0f Ruwam and Tecklanburg 9: Earth Carolina, anfi
fiargarez‘Mrmntu- a1 Santhernera, aha in Favalutianary times Endorfied
the grinuifila 0f wuman suffrage.

$3 I said befsre, a laLtwr sf comuarifion will, I think,
bfi Gf extréma Service ta the movam&nt in the South. Would you, tharea
fare, pcmmnally 3% same 53? 3131.3“ Iiisnxiirlg editara and a8}: whethwr the???
wauld he willing t0 fake wank cogy. fihwg might teat it fur a manth 9?
six waaka. I think, howevar, it will requira personal attention at 10¢
081 women #0 aecure a reaaanawifi number uf paperfio

Weuld you kindly 13% me hear from yen &s goon as pcbaiblfi
upon theae two point$ thafi are aubmittaa in theme :wu lettara.

Youra c¢rdially,

Kata 3. Gordon,
Pres., La. State Suffrage Asa'n.


 ifinuiaizma $13112 Smfl’ragp Aafinriafinn.

“ A government is not complete that withholds
from its most enlightened citizens what it freely gives

. to its most benighted men.”




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“ A government is not complete that withholds
from its most enlightened citizens what it freely gives
to its most benighted men.”





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 Enuiaiana $16112 fiufi‘ragp Aaanriafinn.

“ A government is not Vcomélete that withholds
from its most cnlightenedkitg/énls \H'at it freely gives
to its most. benighted men. ”





1800 rytaniu 6t.,

New Orleans, NCVV 6: 1915-

I have reed with great interest 3Cur letter. I wish I
oculd i eel like you~~ that suffrage will he here for all of us in five
years. T}~e is but one we; thnt I see wherein that could he possi—
ble, and test would he thrOugh ever3 pol iticel party taking an active
stand ori Gee questi (1:.

I had elreed3 discussed my committee the edvisahili~
ty Cf organizing e Southern States' ri oMfTToVH conference on the
liries of the Mississippi Valley cm mifer ith no president and no
con stifuzicn. I would rather have had 5 mt» e ccmple te or ganizetion,
if I crn-d have had you at the head of it. But I re elize that gour
hands will he full wit.h a campaign in prospect in Kentucky, and I im—

PtC t eke 3:0u Cit of Kentucky would remove the most active force
8.,ste .

I am greatly interested in the clipping vou sent me. I

shall seine legal advice and discuss this phase of the ouestion at

conference. I would give anything under the sun 11‘ Mrs. Bennett
oCnld cone and present it to us, and I am going to send her e tele~
gram toniqht :o tha.t effect and ask her tC leave her friends for a
while to the ender mercies oi other members cf the family and join
us In our delinereticns.’ I feel deeplyt he are at danger oi any mends~
tor3 amendment, unless we could make the Hifteenth Amendment only ap~
plicahle for Federel elections. The discriminations against the South
in more Ways than one should make all of us hesitate to force a Na—
tional Amendment, which csn, if the lesso ons Cf the pest are worth any-
thing, be made to work ver3 disaonntwceCuslv for a section. Not
only from this vieWpoint, but I view with eleim the reopening of all
kinds of of suhterfuges resor rte d to tC get erund the negro woman vou
ting. In the constitutions oi the South, designed to preserve white
supremacy, we have such an awful boomerang in the understanding and
grandfather clauses. what excuse has kept us back at e rate that on~
ly those woo are in touch with the situation can feel the influence of.
It has oeen a verit ehl egoel for literacy among the negroes and a goal
for 1111 terec3 on the part of the white, and, if in order to get around
the same suhje t, women sui’frsge has to es the excuse for a little
more of crooked political conditions, I can see the point oi view of
the many who would regard it as d doubtful oenefit. I, of course,
went it at en3 cost, but, ii in the mesntime I can get the peoyle of
the South roused to see their duty, that seems to me to be the most
important thing before me today. But it,is a disheartening job at best.

I do not expect to go to the convention of the National
American Women Suffrage Association.

I would he delighted to he with you all in Louisville end
enjoy your State convention. Many thanks i‘or ‘our kind invitation to
'be your guest.

- cordially yours g:
Dict., but not read, /7 J/é%7' /Z‘ fl%£&92:45: