xt70rx937t9n_534 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Speeches text Speeches 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_20/Folder_3/Multipage26645.pdf 1905-1911 1911 1905-1911 section false xt70rx937t9n_534 xt70rx937t9n wag L;—



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. “A“,
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 \1iV+2,ne *arn

a: cur‘


QQVOCHCy of the Tom;

\‘5; '.

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an& to flraw Ihem inta hfisfnass,lifierature and sénial and'civio sgrvice


in ‘M,As unknewn td them a few decufleS‘agn;This woman's mavemént{i$\sa

rca,nt ihwt it is hard ta‘cust eff frumvaur minds the_trafiitions'®f


the 5555, 1n which-the home and fiomesilc accupatipns practically ab- \


sarned Lhe whole 5t559 ti n of w V

Lions of “amen 9; 6f men an& weeen tagather;‘are gathered for‘ethei1puru

pages anfi cdnduot sucéeg full;u bus iness La arduaugas tnat ddné in the
Lfi 1ue mamen fie, “,rre equally creditahly as the ment¢
eculfi be enly a Wu . ‘3 the mave./ I have heard it urged
to Lamen's 11;, T ,; 94y new church work that if they dié

am the u”: h - Léa nuw daing it w*' M 19:1;ve it entirelv ta tie'wcmen‘and~



’merely J. i» n :harda elves. .J thié ohjectinn I

or tag hivhlv 9f


{hat man Lrn
firvatns +flam finfi avarratefi “ amen. Rut

enongk wor?~¢r :L; kinfl for

we will all
mh ere_f are +heja Lra
\ ' VW .11" Jlufx
_ ,3, L 1,,” , _ .. L A w
.0?n tgmfi a , 4 v L; rowan vii} ever 1ake afla? from

,L L. ;;,1

~. .A‘. 1 "z

rt 1%an is
n, 7”“

tzmxnsalzrm.ir~f 3» L. ”W car'-

m. 9. 1r 1;. _ a .a‘v‘;r ..9
:QHQJ mark : .r will flflturalw

nr more ewfi

‘ . 1 . ””1. . - .... - -«
uwnt Genehua :-L,4,an1uce men to fle.Let u:
. O _
-LVine arfier it was 1* T Ln“h+ 1ha.t max


{L0 Manpm
v'hen thmy her_fihey supplv insv”“wto


Lnfl moLn 18 gov Qm1J lishen than

hagpene in the Rage we are oaniéar

laymen 9f ihfis

nfl greatly in need a; rewflnfercefienfis



 > ’y I; f {#3
. ._ J

G. 1 V“ V E:\ if" 3 /
in the Council. *flg fine Jeubnal of last year' 3 Council. held in ashland

in June, recerds that @f 29 congregafiions in the Diaoese only nine had
lay megufiies; and of:bnsginle 8” lay degfiu ies,enlv 15 were_in attendanée.
I am Lola this is a Fair average of %he Jaw aftendanoe; How when we rea
fleet that anywhere frcm three fifths ta fiwe thirfis aféggurah member§>
are wamen,‘9nd name at them are in the Council; unfi that 0f the men ens.
veTy few go, it is easily seén that the mark in the Cani-
flnne by lay members curxat be game efm
numberS.If thase nnreprase

erim not only finfl
‘9‘ «F
wwn3231mgr .544 3,9 Jffien
n tn m9?w effesfiva
merbarm a?
3471913 «31 ':3933 acfiian, -fi1cmwztf 019::

”.15. ~ .5 . , .' 1 .41.. w- 9‘ ,,
lbw‘ék-{LQ‘U}, 4‘3» 7‘3}? .175 I . rétfi‘fi. 3.03'.‘ 1162‘,


:~/':‘,‘ri:":::,n':: “(Wm M

M2>d F1217 €u1,ez~ an .


 iedam President and Friends,

The subjects df consideration in the re-

marks I have the honor to address to you this afternoon are certain as—'
pects of what has come to be called the new women's movement, and some
suggestions for turning to the advancement of the Church the newly men-
ifested peters of mind and energy of woman. The study of how to do this
has been one of much thought to me for years, and one result is ny belief
that the time has come when the Church beneficially to itself can offer
to women a more reSgonsible position in its organization then it has done
hitherto. The particular step in that direction which T submit to gour
attention as desirable is an amendment to the Canons of the fiiocese of
fexington which would make women eligible to be elected as deputies to
the Diocesan Council. The amendment required is on to Canonll, P sec-
tion 3, which hon reads as follows; "The Vestry of each ‘erish in union
with the Council, and which is ssgeased for the support of the fiiocese
may elect 5 Lay Eeputies from the male communicents of their respective

Congregations, who shall be members of the Council until the election

of their successors". I advocate that the one word "@239? be struck from

this clause, thereby waking women equally eligible with men for election.
Tn our organized efforts to evengelixe the world it is surely the
tart of wisdom to watch the signs of tee times so that we may derive
impetus to our work from all the currents of human society. As nonen we
should m rk and gender especially the social novements among sooen. In
doing so it is imgossihle to fail to observe that the new women's move-
ment is tearing euey from women many of the limitations of the pest.
“ithont attempting to analyze its causes we see that its effects cave
been greatly to enlarge the field for the activities of uonen end to
draw them into business, literature and social and civic service in

forms unknown to them a few decades ago.


C ‘91! 4‘ \ ’5’

‘ '1 b ,, . .A .9 ‘ -,_ . ‘ at) .0 I,
This woman’s movementisso recent Duet it is uuzd to oust oil irom o

our wirus t1e tren1tifive of tge gsst, in which the home anfi fiomestic
«can utiors practically thorbefl tLe we 10 attention of women. Eut aet-

ever tiese trufiitions any effect our theories the facts are that easily

within tee UGMOTF of many of those {resent the time was when taeir reasse-
tive'c;ure.es uffordefi wen x txeir orcn dest ontJOux upon social service
and their chief ofening ” . 11 W 4 flow all this is changed. There

outburst of .t‘cn.g


energy and u der its im ulse wévzen are
a sur ris mg degree in all philanthroiic endeavers for to“:
"rlift. ?he fuurch, also, is undo11bteul feel.w ; this new
in ionnnhocs are such share of its “or? as is assigned to tone
Islen on new vigor and Space 8. Yet T believe u discriminating survey
of tie tom:r 's movem,nt will discover at least two sourees for so Wli itude,
on the pert of tqe Chur91, which should inpOl it to take some forward

fleet the new greet, w- ‘1 .; "o.en. t is a well recosnized
prime inle in so i' ggi7‘a i‘J ‘ : people demand leaders; unfi when
they have forms them I ., I th more 0:1 19 ess cimmtion. Tow as
wonefi as “J es sen 5 mend leaders, we see taut all these urgenizat‘ons
ting wonen are continually 1.» k r _M , as it vere, ans
‘hurch, us eleeehere, the women whnse advantages of

leisure,dis;o~i;;_' “‘ W. . ._ e ‘ ".;' fit them for assuming lender-
sai; and jvtfijf” l m f' positions of resgxnsihility in their own Circles.
”e 0e the ‘nurch is continually losing iron its own entergrises wen; of
the tower the are best suited to manage them SHW(C imul] lrreovor,
these women unturull' attract it the fiirettions in which they gave be—

lenfiers Con iderable {art of the interest of the women left to t1e
Cnurch. Twe irevmifsbler es111t is that the Church is losixg too much of
its vitality by ties e C(L tent nrei:s u on it fro» tie outside,

Arother Glenn: “e1irg as not is this:thet wh le there is much to be

eon ended in these e0 tivi1gies, and tee; are reelly:1eni estetions of tn


 5‘ f‘fii é‘w
Christ Spirit, yet it is true that many of them, even some which
might preperly be :nrtur,d in the very bosom of the Church, own very
little or no ulleg iance to the vi ible Church. I will take only one
instance to illustrate mv meaning/~tha1;oftne fact though in some of
our cities the Social Settlement work is Christian in its teachings, in
other cities the Social Settlements make no attempt in the I contact with
with the ignorant untaught peonle to whom they minister to :oint to the
levicr as the source of the love they are manifesting in Sympathy, educa-
tion, fellowship, and charity. The; are in a measure nuilding up a Cl vi1-
izetion in which Christ is not acknowledged as the chief corner stone.
Surely tnis is not in accordance with Christ's injunction, ”F
your light shine that men may see your good worFs and glorify your Father
the is in 7enven.
Io counteract these tendenci19vvhic. epgenr to me ought to arouse
solic ituoe tie knuron inst take some steps to me} re more TOOi within it-
self For toe newly lioereted energies of women. While I woulfi not for a
moment cl in that giving women a place inttne councils of tne Chunch will
entirely meet the requirements I do oelieve it would be a step in the
right direction and would give moa,n as well as men a vantage ground fnr
studying tze needs of tee situation.
if we look for tie charm anion clothes t e organizatir ns outside of
the organizoo Church he do not Vino it in a promise to an indolent ‘ nd
of es;e sue irresponsible enj v cz:t of vs riety, but in tne stern Joy

devolog rent of a greater ;\.. the accomplishment f u

under the Weight of res;r :‘.'_i ,, labor and sacrifice.

Cnurch fioes not cigar within itsel;€ 0:»«rtunity to women of initiitfve,

'bilityesrd ac ievenent worthy of 'Le b. t hat is in them, ongor-
Pferefi outside,-tne Church does not eu.s ure u‘ to tao
new toman’s movement.

.s see not much of such cybortunftg would be offered if women




p“ .

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 it enfiirely t0 ;9




men or L0\hignly cf

servi a to

11".311 lUVfl.

II} "16“) 1';



int 3: p‘ufi the idea


-a . v .. , ,
zor Rena men


in want hm

c+£vzwjll ever voluniturily

1‘: man; I‘d.

. l; 1’":
if “Owen




3 .




WHUL n9 T011807,

”7,; -r



women ayd

~ ,
Ly flash

If tne objachiwn

tneir fiesire

fibuuld work

jeven 1
hut hr


Were} do 1931 fihemfielvea. *n m¢eting this



“nether 50 any twat it Sgenks too pearly of fiha


5‘ ”rue wqu in t:e unurch is insrirnfi hy

23 VI (7‘26?) .

19 Easter, and tiara in NO di?ferenae in Fménfind




means ihnt men are leaa earnest :

for service it unflfirrntes ren and OVUTflfitOb women.

is fight tgerfi is roullg enfit n %crk of th~

{mat the men ail 1 gialfl what

term it is worth; to give tfa

coxvinunfi van be s?0%n not much. I balievo

momnn LTO n0 feaaer t4un fien of mark 30? morF’S

are tarea aln#sea of “ark that no ona need

taPe away firmw men: Est, ”ark t1

Vcrk that men 0 more nuaily than women, 3


For? tzafi uomen aunt dune

1,38,, x 3.0

mofiflh ha required ta

.3 correct¢ wnencver women mor? fraely

tnxe WHICH tkfif Cu:

tkat yart

“r n1 fiche


;L the iivifie order it was meant


:‘m‘ti’f;e3.;', am? vfimn Easy war}? 1.r:,a;n?.i’zcr 12:15:;


to flame}: (Jamar, and rum-'9



(1: _,»_ ?-'!"£"lt£7§ 3, 32' ,

L 31?. I:

we are cwxsiflmring tze laymen of


:3‘.‘ 7'9-urti‘orcmme711:3 in 1; ,9 (:(:=‘:;nc.i3..



10665-36 071!"

‘9.- ,_, 4 . “
Tin.'.0;,: Lift}..-

a; dag

yw:ore from tnree to the

of thew are if tie


 that Oi tie (an untitled to Rents very few 50, it _ ”~‘ 3 seen

work in tie COURCil “931C395 by tfifi “hurca to he done by 153 newherfi
nut be Snne ef¢ieient14 fgr ghcg 5f J m , . 7f thnue unregre-
Bantefi er ;nrtially refrenented omniregntions mare ravresantaé by 5033
.7? a? 0Vq>ifiii ‘.¢<‘;E‘-1e 2‘;


frfin LAeir brnufler vfiaw ; ,; w yxi" . : i a L ;Lut

'< I

‘"" ‘ ”" "3' "“ ' »-V .~ x": .- .7: ,. .u.
4::_x3€‘}nit1d {Suki {1‘} 1.1 .. .&e _,m(; "A"! “ ‘ J _ VOunG.,_. (3!; GMTJ‘; fiUZ’LCZr-

their confra;z.12_a nae tam aften iaalufiefi axfi ’41 '” new

:3 yum-um _ I

Lrinnd€, .; ; a>\ fl »3 age hmfiy of p;

3LT bust

”w. h, ._ L‘, 3” 1 ".‘¢ 1’
H‘q'e:n\ni, “xx: r6H.w31;0(»t1}¢1 3",


‘f 51"5 firnfi2u2;8. 3}}t uw rxd: fear

«:1 /

+3, r -, . (1 ‘ {3‘ . . ‘ .. ,‘ ., .. . . ._
,uib 30M Horne «5 $Libflfi9.a :gm Ant:



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all; :3 t;e men do. There is a long list of associations, composed of momen

or of .omom :26 men, outside of . - .mffrugc associations proper, which have

of suffrage for uomen. The call of their names
igtorests of fhose they regresent.


xnx league, ; Vufn« T . .U.,

”exiilc 'orkers

., 1,: . ,..
C“ ne'QCh’


';,,. ‘
i)\_‘ {1...

raw." '- -‘ JM

~ nun; ‘. R l.'\.

on mode of expressing an Ogigion on caugl


5. C 7 i

x 4

without in the least affecting the essential nature of our present demana

Now thou3h the Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrgge to Zomen

nominally set themselves in opgosition , really in their way they also are

asserting our inderlying principle, because they are organized to egfiress



4in7.on on one questiTl‘€?f?ji;.j.t. a bu up ,3, .; \,  ,. .1 ' i 1.037 Out; 0.1.

.un‘. ,1 . .1 .1
. List-.. 3 an. L» .. an us.
“(1’3 #53:} 'egjgfjt “7’7
-~ in. . 3:5: ,. Eng . H». _' t .
-ce;1.i . a. a--,.i. .»,,vr, i >Gz1 fflwfi :31iovrwau Nigeri, (in(

«3 ww


e J?1;:;e: (« 1;]. .“31116 13163 of En: fr1pf
infilic expressi'ns of Opinion, fwllv committed

momen.3xsififi7shere in public interests,end i§h~


ngfifiw ought to help in decifiing them.

dies, from ity councils ,mhere women

to the

‘ 3‘

cleanin~ ordinances, National

. k


Iaoor lows, Euro food

public ai‘j uxs is come



, .‘ tyixxmm :Emits

”ongress, xhere they

or interstate Commerce

J‘Lfibl‘r 1)} 0’7?" #1]



Through all grades of legislative bo-

petitiOH for police matrons or street

yetition for Child

Fegulations, the desire of women

into eviuenoe. The toll,

eir gnfox cod attitude
3 f? f

MWvét W

fidhe §tnagg,/

adv cutofi

—, i .A

(«a inlusfiriul
1...“. V“: . '

> r
~v >“I !. (3 ll

‘j‘fi" (‘4‘ 4,.
I'J‘L‘! L)‘4\ ‘x«\‘

and r0 eform 07* 190"“ of





1v endorse moman suffrage. Just as there is bnly one woman's association Op-


posed to woman suffrage, thougi not very aonsistiently, so there is but one

with the fiifference that that-one is thofiroughly

ios news floor oroans its public actsafi
.& n ._2 9 ,.,

nzmzfixuffixn‘nrxxii a“ u* a; ; :fiuie raallv emboflies tkat antagonism
, 9 V -


a .9 1-... ‘
USéLC in? ificpseimnb

- - a ‘ ,_ A
gm..-~a».-..;fu r -. 1“

15 1RGTE91V89




the sentimental theory that men are only Waiting to finfi{out that w:men want

to them; but there is much to rejoicethe philosophy


the ballot to give in

which holds tnat fihe union of the intoresfis of men and women is so vital tqat

it is 516 over to so}

live issue for

v? vofos nfiprehonfl {hat fikeir


tge Hanfis of u(mex, it follows

a whom. Our allieg, m.n whose


fefimfii most from


Unfiirc ,;
offhaix‘kaxiskatnrns.‘ ”:Lion-



il‘ give their 1











gritten Febr.. 1913'


Va have all heen mere or 1-0 w: intfresm, pd ir fhe gerles a! Jubilee Els—


sicn meetings 3hich in this goofl wear at any Lurfi 1911 have stretchea
3 the continent. They ma3k fifty years at leving labar for the

heathen, especially far .g. c _ ‘g :30 Chri “tian women af America,

whe have net leaked far any earth}y rom:ru. Eat in knewledge, knewledge

9p 1315 princip1,s at IniverS? 3 }n.rzv 1 . : 3n abundant reward
ts thTt the 1333033 -.:~.' frnm the heathen
‘uwht inta
revlan. Eat3ing HOT’
5’T'.1":ivz', 33.“. 1.31531”;
fiflnrneé 3. 3%.? 02' are fihe
33363 ?erq?.--
’fin vmrfliat
‘la wemen
are two grant f3atas undarlying
than knew nething;— aha
'Lefl, :33:$ i£3n o3i3537, fiELaf; t33e 702: 33? (2652 33:3 t~:I‘1:?9.33evi
3:303: 22.3 max-3 ‘:. (363'3’6‘3163p the H.111 . {But {$1239.39 11:9 trint‘ns
Jelf~resyeafi nhich in cf 3 different quality frem selfu
.13 Gofi:ient in heathen wnmon. Every
CHW:W4 m1 Class is 7 'e. 3'1? V . from tda 1033 favarad thether
Tle Scrzimunce 0u13 frmm 33X or some Ohaer alas circumsuanne.
is a?--;, ». -.w‘.ent gain of ease 9r preéenfi privilege ah p tempts ta
mnese self-r03 pe< t 34; mat grounflad 6n 3 sure anfi en-
530 “3.3023313 331 hp amen 1:333:13379. 103mm Homemed bvr
,. xxxxxyxxxxyxxxyxxrxxx
mexxnnnfi acceptance of afich pattyhgméngggg§§§§§praflaedfibehmmtwhgtright

mm ju“ t ,

And haw about the men? The heathen


 r4 , 1;
2. CFJJflrI‘”! _/_I 3

man far mere teen the Christian imaginies that Nature has endowed him
vn;i:n in the scale of Weingcover the woman. He has entrenched

ages in laws and customs which pre— euppese such superierity/