xt70rx937t9n_532 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Speeches text Speeches 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_20/Folder_1/Multipage26451.pdf 1893-1894 1894 1893-1894 section false xt70rx937t9n_532 xt70rx937t9n  
































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We are assembled here today for the
purpose of nominatingr a candidate for
Congress. \Ve must not forget that the
power vested in us is a delegated power,
and the obligation resting upon us is to
so cast our vote in this convention as
that the vote of each county when cast
shall be responsive to the will of the
majority of the Republican voters in
our respective counties. Not since the
memorable contest in 1864, when the
fate of the American Republic hung on
the re election of Abraham Lincoln, has
the demand on the Republican party
for harmony and unity been so im—
perative as at the present. As a politi—
cal organization the Republitan party
has made its impress on every page. of
American history from its origin down
It has been in the

to the present time.
past and is today a. grand party.
utterances of its great leaders, the ad
its efforts as our
and the beneficial

complished facts of
bodied in legislation
results following shine with the 1118‘ re
oi" the most brilliant gems among the
common pebbles of old ocean's bed,
and as a. result recognized by the civil-
ized world. the thirty years of Republi-
can supremacy in the National Gov—
ernment, are the golden links in the
silver chain of American history. As
it has been in American politics the
party of the past, the star of its destiny
today stand out in the future beconing
us on to nobler and grander achieve
merits in the great work ol‘ lilting hu-
manity up to a higher place. We are
now under the cloud of a national de-
l‘eat, the first we have ever known. But
the hour of panic is past. there is a sil-
ver lining to the clouds, in the light of
which the lines are reforming. In No—
vember of 1893.111 advance was made
on the outer entrenched positions of
the enemy. Under the leadership of
McKinley. of Ohio, the man who is the
idol of every home in this broad land;
when the bread of honest toil is eaten,
and the comforts of the ideal American
home appreciated, and every point as
saulted was carried and the captured
guns of the enemy trained on their re-
treating columns. And now when in
November next the advance is to be
made all along the line, and a, leader
is to be chosen to lead the Republicans
of this Congressional District, Hawk-
ins County has : randidate and 1 am
commissioned to present his name to
this convention. If you. had been on
the streets of Rogersville during the
years of 1866 and 1867, and stepped into
a little tinner shop by the wayside, you
would have seen, toiling at the bencha

beardless boy. His face was black with
soot and dust and his garb bespoke his
poverty. He was a boy thrown out
into the current of a busy world, with-
out the guiding hand of a father or the
carressing care of a. mother. If later,
when the days work was done you had
stood on the street and looked into an
upper window of an humble home that
gave our tinner boy shelter you would
have seen him burning the midnight
lamp in a tireless effort to educate and
lit himself for a higher sphere in life.
That boy had our sympathy then and
since he has gone out from amongst us
and cast his lot with others, we have
followed him with a just pride because
we have always thought of him as our
tinner boy. We have seen him toiling
in. the dangerous position of a railroad
engineer, lured thither by the prospect
of accumulating the needed means to
enable him to attain to something
higher. We have seen him enter the
journalistic field and there win favors
championing the cause of Republican—
ism in a solid South. We have seen
him honored by his party in being called
to the chairmanship of the Congress
sional Committee. Later we have seen
him honored by the Republican party
of the State in being called to the chair-
manship of the State fixecutivc Com-
mi tee: and again we have seen him
honored by the Republicans-of the State
in beingr selected as our Representative
in the National Republican Committee
in whose council chambers the national
cam )aigns were planned and under
whose direction greaternational victor—
'cs were won. We ha.ve seen him honor-
ed by the chosen Representatives of our
party in Congress in his election to the
position of doorkeeper in the lower
House. \Ve have seen him honored by
a Republican Senate in his appoint-
nent to a responsible position in that
body, and as a. 11‘“ ard of merit rc ap
pointed six times. and retiring only
when the Senate was no longer Repub-
lican. In all these varied positions our
tinner boy has proved himself worthy
the, confidence of our people, and it is a
pleasure to me to stand here today as
the representative of the Republicans
of Hawkins Couutv and put in nomina-
tion our tinner boy of twenty seven
years ago, now known in every home of
this district as Walter P. Brownlow, of
the county of Washington. We do not
ask his nomination on promises of what
he will do in the future. His life work
for the Republican party and for the
people of this section running through
a period of more than twenty years is
the magnet that ought to and is today
drawing to his support the Republi-
can votes of this Congressional Dis-
trict. and we gladly rest his claims
to recognition today on What he has
already done rather than on any prom-
ise on what he will do, for the all suf-
ficient reason in what he has done we
have a sure guarantee of what he will
do. And this is a more sure founda-
tion of which to build than the prom-
ises of any untried man, however hon-
est and honorable he may be, for good
purposes often fail of accomplishment
for want of abillty, and when we rely on
promises alone unsuported by past

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services, on the same line the factor
of ability is an unknown quantity. It
is a fact that for the two years he
served as door keeper of the lower
House of Congress and the twelve
years he served in the Senate he gave
to the Government the required day
service and burnt the midnight lamp in
the service of the people of this distri :t‘
I make the assertion and challenge its
contradiction, that no man ever 'rote
Walter P. Brownlow a letter that de-
manded an answer and failed to get a
prompt reply. It alfords me pleasure
to bear testimony to his efficient serv-
ices in behalf of the surviving soldiers
and the widows and orphans of the
dead soldiers of my county. Brown-
low‘s hand has unlocked the vaults of
the treasury at \Vashington duringr
these fourteen years of service as an
emplove oi‘ the Government and made
glad the hearts of hundreds, and per-
haps thousands, in this congressional
district. who, through his untiring
eli‘orts in their behalf have secured an
adjustment and payment or their
claims against the Govern ment. And
I would have you remember and never
forget the fact that for all these serv—
ices rendered to the people of this dis
trict by Walter P. Brownlow he never
demanded nor received a dollar out of
any claim as compensation; out of his
meager salary he met all the expeu. as
for stationery and postage necessary to
the demands made upon him by the
people at whose hands heis now asking
the i‘avorof a nomination for Congress.
It the action of this convention .3 re—
sponsive to the will of the majority of
the Republicans of this Congressional
District, Walter P. Brownlow will be
our next Representative in the Congress
of the United States. If Browniow is
nominated and elected he will enter
Congress with his reputation already
established at Washington. He is
known, not only at home and by his
Own people, but he is known throng; -
out the entire country. from Maine to
California. and from the lakes on the
north to the capes of Florida. He has
been for years the friend and associate
of the representative Republicans of
the Nation, and standing as he does in
touch with the great leaders of the
party, he can command their influence
and their votes in support of any meas-
ure proposed for the benefit of our peo—
ple. All who know Walter P. Brown—
low can testify of him as some one did
of Wellington: He is a man

“Who never sold the truth to serve the hour,
Nor paltercd with eternal (jod for power,”

This is the man that I am commis-
sion:d by the Republicans of Hawkins
County to present to this convention.
Place the banner of the Republican
party of this district in the hands of
our tinner boy and itwill never be low-
ered in the face of the enemy. He will
bear it aloft through the thickest of the
fight, and in November, in the last
grand charge, he will it plant on the
captured fortress of the enemy,\vhere it
will proudly wave as the signal of vic-
tory—the grandest victory ever won in
this congressional district.




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