xt70rx937t9n_524 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Peace movement pamphlets and leaflets text Peace movement pamphlets and leaflets 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_34/Folder_4/Multipage25254.pdf 1894-1914 1914 1894-1914 section false xt70rx937t9n_524 xt70rx937t9n /

Convictions of the Universal Peace Union



Mrs'ric, CUNN., AUGUST 16, 1894.

Whereas, Peace is an essential element in the development of man, his
progress and happiness, and Whereas, it must be deserved in order to be secured ;
Therefore we are Convinced—

’ and re-

Ist. We must “follow after those things which make for peace,’
move the causes and abolish the customs of war.

2d. That until human life is held so sacred and inalienable that no human
authority can destroy it by legal enactments upon the scaffold or battle—field,
we may expect peace to be broken, and war and bloodshed to continue. And
so long as there is a legalized sale of pistols and other deadly weapons, and
so long as the drunkard, the insane, the criminal, and the misguided can buy
them, we may expect bloodshed, suicides, assaults and assassinations, and as
we would prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor, likewise should we pro—
hibit the sale of deadly weapons.

3d. ’l‘hat mediation, arbitration and conciliation are competent to settle
every difficulty, and the claims of civilization and religion are not answered
until these peace agencies be practically recognized in private and public life,
among and between all nations; and where voluntary arbitration is rejected,
conciliation should be provided by law. The action at Chicago in the Fifth
International Peace Congress in appointing a committee to select a commit»
tee of jurists, publicists and eminent men in different countries; to formu—
late an International Court of Arbitration, was wise and opportune, and we
trust the committee so selected will report at an early date.

4th. That the United States Government deserves high honor for inviting
other governments to form international treaties of arbitration, for appointing
a commission to investigate recent strikes, and for acting as arbitrator on
several occasions.

5th. That a War Department is inconsistent with government and should
be supplanted by a Peace Department that would comprehend such adjustment
of difficulties and such educational methods as would prevent the recourse to
deadly force, by furnishing a permanent, wise and impartial tribunal, open at,
all times to meet any emergency. , , > /

6th. That any increase ofthe army and navy or State militia is unnecessary,
unwise and detrimental to peace, imitating the worst features of monarcl‘lQl,ftK
countries and leading our country into military despotism. ” »

7th. That military drilling of boys and young men in schools and churches
is fraught with the gravest dangers. Both school-house and church are thereb
perverted from their high purposes and the pupils are diverted from the mt ;

./ "pigtvlectual, mriral and religious intfluences th t school and church profess to tegh
”" ’ "‘ _, . iotism that is. dep‘endei t upon drillin-r - boys as soldiers, 15 1194‘" ,I ‘

worthy of the name of‘ patriotism; ' , Ci day School that hasto
depend updnv military drill'o b0 unwort‘ " 'he mm?
a Christian Sunr. . . h ,_ ' '


 8th. That the stability of our institutions and the dignity and protection
of law are threatened by the frequent lynchings, which not only disgrace any
country, but are directly in the line of war, and need to be met and overcome
by the supremacy of law, justice and morality.

9th. That the workingman should be the best peace man. In war he suf-
fers the horrors thereof, and, after all is over, he pays the war debt. It is
always loss to him. He should never be a soldier. In the relations between
capital and labor we favor “ profit sharing,” and with the eleven rules we have
offered we find all fairly well recognized except that “persons not members of
an organization should have the right to seek employment and to continue em-
ployed, without molestation or interference by those connected with an organi-
zation.” The employment of the people on public works, for the good of all,
will prove an effective means of preserving peace.

Ioth. That the university movement for teaching peace principles is
wise, and we strongly recommend all schools and colleges to introduce the
study of arbitration and to practice it in mock trials, and have text—books (li-
vested of the illustrations and glory of war, and present the victories and bless—
ings of peace in the civil side of history, that we may raise up men and women
competent to be arbitrators. The press of the country, instead of pandering
to the sensational by presenting the criminal phase of life, would aid the peace
cause by publishing the higher, moral and peaceful news of the day.

11th. That the International Peace Congress at Antwerp should promptly
appeal to China and Japan to stop the war and submit the difficulty to arbitra-
tion. It will do wisely to further the proposition for an International Treaty
providing for a Truce of Peace and a Limitation ofArmaments during a defi-
nite number of years, as experience will prove the value ofa permanent peace
policy to present the causes of war and propose the remedy therefor. Also to
favor an International Court ofArbitration; ltieace instruction in schools; in-
violability of human life; protest against dueling, and against military drill in
schools and churches, and to encourage visits of students and crowned heads
and those in power to other countries with friendly and pacific purposes; and
to suggest the meeting together at one time of the annual International Peace
Congresses and the Interparliamentary Peace Conferences, and we have instruc-
ted our delegates to so represent us.

12th That China and Japan in their war over Corea are repeating the
history of ruin, man—killing and wickedness, the loss and cost to be settled
hereafter to the injury of each, whether victor or vanquished; and we implore
them to withdraw their armies and battleships and submit the difficulty to wise
and impartial arbitration, and to allow Corea to proclaim her autonomy.

r3th. That the organization of new Peace Societies and the renewed vigor
of the old; the establishment of the International Peace Bureau at Berne and
American Branch at Washington; the annual Peace Congresses and the Inter-
pa iamentary Peace Conferences; the introduction of the numerous Arbitra-
:: w L. Bills into legislative bodies; the church movement “for the arbitration
7 ')le; the visiting of the croivned heads of Europe; the demands ofthe
‘ 39P1 for arbitration in all the concerns of life; the propositions for disarm-
' y . d for a truce of peace; the continued appropriation for the education
EV11 atiou of the Indians and the better recognition of their rights; the
umver‘sal in jerest for temperance and the equal rights of women ; the efforts in?
behalf of trade and the N" rela 'o ' between all iiiailkityW’bl, am“
e e tion (TEMP; s; beneficial recip-
’.“. the h ”akin": 6“ i thb wider scope of philanthropy,
human ‘ ‘ty * e'r approacli’to peace.

, r,-




Slliitll’s Quartcrly, Chicago, Ill., April, 18%. Vol. 1. N0. 5.
10c; 40c a year, Entcrcil second class at postolficc.

\VORLI)'S UNION AND Al} U‘\N'l‘A(ll£S—-
A Practical, Rcliahlc Political Education
From “ Christ as a Politician "
Suggestions liy IIOth publishers—S])ccial Prices
From “Cln‘iSt as a, Politician "
Pages .H to .30, m.’ and (>3; without music, 50.
From “The Political Cruszulcr’"
From “The Political Crusader”
Politicians Rob thc Peoplc to lfinricli ‘lic Bankers
"“77“ FIED CHRIST ?—~
» From “P"



Practical politics, C3 013— —day religion
it3 the ke3 note
A st1r1 111g appeal
for liberty; a just
and Vigorous ar-
‘aignment of the
sellish 1ieh for op-
pressing t11C1)CO-:
ple; exposes plu-
toeratic hypoc-
risy, and its un-
just assumption
of power.

Price of a dance before plutoeracy.


Treats of the forces which should work to-
gether in the cru—
sade against greed;
who they have to
fight and how best
to work; gives ex—
perience and obser—
vation in the camp
of the enemy, with
some descriptions of
terrific wickedness.


Either, by mail, Me; to Union members, 5c.
Information about Union, pages 5 to 8; sug—
gestions from publishers regarding bestpolitieal
literature, beginning on page 14; this number.


Send this line and SC for membei ship cer tificate.



1. Membership certificate (\V. U —see pages
5 to 8) and cop3 of this or an3 other numbei of
Smith s Qua1te1l3 —see pafre " . . . . 10c

2. Membership certificate and sample copy of
any one paper 111 hst, not costing more than
EEC—seebeginmng,r on page 14 . . . . . 10c

3. Membership certificate and sample copies
of three different papers, ourselection from stock
011 hand; you may choose subjects for one of
them, as, initiative and referendum, finance, so-
cial democracy, labor unionism, single tax,
etc. \Ve will have to reserve considerable lib—
erty in filling this order, but will do the best we
can to meet your wants for . . . . . . 10c

4. Membeiship certificate and Merrie Eng—
land, Debs edition. . . . . . 10c
Add 5c foi o1iginal—Common“ ealth—edition.

5. Add 10c fo1 Union certificate, time and
postage, to price oi any one item in the list,
and we will 01 der it fm you, and send certificate
by retuin mail.

The membership ce1tificate Will entitle you
to all the discounts Organize a Union. If you
do not desire to do this, join and get some
friends to do so, make your selections, change
with each other, and get the benefit of all. The
information is the very best, being official and
reliable upon the leading issues ofthe day.

Write your name and address plainly.

Address all communications,

915 N. Albany Ave, Chicago, Ill..



This number of the Quarterly is devoted prin-
cipally to organization and kindred matter
bearing directly upon the political work needed,
and the manner of performing it.

The public schools, the telegraph and the
press have prepared the people of this country
to intelligently consider and direct law—making
politics in the interests of the masses. \Vhat is
lacking is organization and co—operation.

Political usurpers used to have only each
other to fight, the rulers using their followers
as so many cattle. They now find their hands
full, even when united. The day of their down—
fall need not be far distant. The tactics of the
tyrants is to divide the people and crucify their
leaders. In these methods they are rapidly los-
ing ground. The masses are coming more and
more to recognize the common brotherhood of
man, and are realizing their inability to stand
alone, and their power when united. This les—
son a little better learned and they will be in—
vincible, at the ballot-box or anywhere else. In
that day the cry of the helpless and the hungry
, will not be met with leaden hail.

' That The World’s Union may be helpful in this
' work is the earnest desire ofits founder.
915 N. Albany Ave, Chicago, Ill.

\. ~
1 ii cu.

Copyright 1898, by Allen Henry Smith,
Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. i .
Publishers send for free copy of any number of “
' ‘ ly and use extracts at pleasure. ’



POSE.—I believe that the

laws which govern the

people should be made

and controlled by them

upon principles of hu-

manity; that the great

majority of people desire

humane laws; th at a

g e n eral understanding

* f of legislation and con-

ditions affecting the people should be had by all

of them that they may intelligently unite for the

public good; and so believing, I will use my in-
fluence therefor.


‘ SECTION 1. The object of this Union is indi—
vidual and united effort for the promulgation of
knowledge, making of laws, and such other ac—
. tion as may be considered necessary under and

in the spirit of the Declaration of Purpose. .

SEC. 2. Each Union shall make its own rules
and regulations, under the Declaration of Pur—
pose and Section 1 of the Constitution; pro-
vided that no action of any Union shall bind any
member, except with said member’s individual
or delegated consent.

SEC. 3. Unions may- unite with each other
for business, under the Declaration of Purpose
and Section 1 of the Constitution, provided, no

, action of others shall bind any Union except with
said Union’s individual or delegated consent.






 To join the Union, sign the Declaration of
Purpose and Constitution, and forward with
ten cents; write name and postoffiee address
plainly; by return mail will be sent certificate
of membership; also a copy of this number of
the Quarterly, which contains

Suggestions for members ofthe UniOn, by lead—
ing reform publishers, concerning the best books
and papers to read for reliableinformation upon
the leading issues of the day; this alone is worth
much more than the cost of membership;

Special prices on papers and books to mem—
bers of the Union, which will save many times
the cost ofjoining; ‘

The following patriotic songs with music:

“ America,”

“ Native Land,”

“ Right Over Wrong,”

“ The American Flag,

“ The Star Spangled Banner,”

“ God Bless Our Native Land,”

“Battle Hymn of the Republic,”

“ Columbia, Gem of the Ocean—Three Cheers
for the Red, White and Blue.”

Without music: “The Song of a Thousand
Years,” “warren’s Address,” and “ Auld Lang
Synei” " ,

Also suggestions for organization and work;
‘ the methods of some of the enemies of man, and
; yvhat must be done with them; plan for.co-

, .. 6



 operative subscription list and study, etc. Any-
one desiring to be reliably informed upon the
issues which are stirring the souls of the best
men and women of all the earth, may thus be
brought into constant touch with them, an d may
feel the thrill of the noble impulses and purposes
which 1 *ad to *arnest words and valorous deeds
against oppression and slavery.


Societies, churches, clubs, labor unions, benev-
olent organizations, etc., may join the, Union in
a body. A careful reading of its Deela ‘ation of
Purpose and Constitution will show that while
it gives full liberty in the war against oppres-
sion, it does not impose any arbitrary ideas or
action. The purpose is to secure the great bene-
fits of united effort in seeking the truth and se-
curing simple, plain justice for ourselves and our
fellowinen, and bequeathing it to those who
must inherit the government we leave them.
Get your preachers, teachers, lawyers, and every-
body who can, to give short talks upon the duty
of the people to control the laws in the interests
of humanity, discuss measures best calculated
to uplift the masses and give all a chance to be
self—sustaining and respectable citizens of a free
country. Some able preachers are devoting a
few minutes before each sermon to these points,
and others preach sermons upon them. Labor
unions and other organizations are discussing

7 .


 them. Meet together, unite your forces and
double your power against the common enemy.
Subscribe for papers and books devoted to dif-
ferent issues and exchange with each other, giv-
ing each the benefit ofseveral at the cost of one;
keep good literature moving; keep papers and
books on file, and let the public know where
they are; send short notices of meetings and all
interesting points to the local papers; pledge
all candidates to all issues upon which you can
agree; do not hide your light under a bushel; use
and support your local papers liberally; they
may thus be made much more powerful for good
* in the present conflict. The meeting and its best
points are known to a few; through the papers .
they may be known by many. '

Small Unions give splendid opportunity, for
study. Fiveormore persons may form a Union.
Give your Union a name, if you desire ;. the num—
ber will, be supplied in the certificate. Write
plainly, to avoid errors. Sincerely,

Founder VVorld’s UniOn For Humanity.

915 N. Albany Ave, Chicago, Ill.




>1st.——The selfish rich and aristocratic classes
were/ against Christ; they crucified him. The
masses and the humanitarians among the so—
called “upper classes ” were in favor of Christ
and his teachings, but through lack of intelli-
gent organization and co-operation were not

2d.—-'\Vhile John the Baptist was in prison
for his friendship for the common people, Christ
said of him that “Amongst those who were
born of women there is not a greater prophet
than John the Baptist.”

3d.—“No man can serve two masters, for
either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will hold to the one and neglect the
other.” A

4th.—A Prophecy: Upon these lines the po-



 erjitiearl‘bat/tiles of the United States will be fought,

A and by the aid of the present facilities for com-
munication and united action the masses will ,
be enabled to bring the big tyrants to justice.



Those who profit unduly by the power of
wealth are grandiloquent in their talk about
arraying class against class in thepolitical war-
fare. Let us see who is doing that. Take the
cases of the great strikes in this country; the
effort of the masses and the humane element of
the upper classes for the honorable settlement
of differences—who has stood in the way? What
reason have they offered for refusing the over-
tures of citizens’ committees and others in favor
of justice, further than that they are protected
by technical law? What influence or power do
they bring to bear for their success other than
that they have the power of endurance and the
guns which uphold laws? Are these people alive
to a sense of justice and fair play? or are they
dead not alone to justice but to mercy? Would
they stop their work voluntarily, even though
they knew they were starving helpless mothers .»
and babes? They will tell you that society
must take care of its helpless members, to which
society" must reply by protecting itself from the ‘
ravages of the money-maniach If this isn’t




 class against class,will somehair-splitting theo-
rist say what it is?

America has not been spared the spectacle of
mighty corporations arrayed against their la-
borers with so little of right upon the side of the
corporations that almost the entire community
was against them. we have seen these corpora-
tiOns appeal to the power ofarms in support of
technical law, rather than to any settlement in
the name of justice; we have seen the right
often defeated by these unholy and disreputa—
ble methods. Can these murderous, heartless
labor crushers be trusted to stay within the
bounds of justice and equity? Rather, must they
not be kept there by force—by law enacted for
their especial regulation. Nothing is legally
criminal until the law declares it to be so; any-
thing is legally criminal when the law declares
it to be so. It has not been long since slavery
in the United States changed from legality to
criminality; and the slave—owner was far more
humane and respectable than the notorious and
soulless labor crushers who are murdering and
starving men, women and children in the name
of the law. These people must be, by law, de-
clared criminals and dealt with as such. How
is this to be done without arraying class against.
class—the better class against the inhuman class
and its hirelings? Is this not class against
class? And since laws are made through poli-

ll ‘


 tics, must not class he arrayed against class in
politics? Much of the talk about arraying class
against class is hypocrisy pure and simple—is a
trick to keep the people from uniting against
their common enemy. The masses and the self—
ish classes ARE arrayed against each other. On
one side the American masses are striving to
maintain their manhood, and bequeath a bet—
ter life to their offspring; on the other side the
selfish plutocracy, the traitors to popular gov-
ernment of equal opportunities, are striving
to make mere mud-sills of the masses, upon
which to build their glittering and pompous

Outside of war (which should not be a neces-
sity), the people have just one of but two paths
to follow—they may go down, down, as cow-
ardly poltroons, and leave their children an in-
heritance of poverty and shame, or they may
choose the nobler way, which the Constitution
of the United States has prepared for them, Viz.:
through the ballot box outlaw the heartless
methods of money-interests, make criminals of
those who follow them, turn the legal guns face
about and train them upon those who would

‘: destroy manhood; make law what it should
be—a power for justice. Popular franchise is
a means of obtaining law without resorting to
war; Our government was not founded with
the hope that there would be no traitors—that

12 '


 the selfishness which has ruined other countries
would not attempt our ruin; but it rests upon
a foundation of general intelligence, which must
have the strength to Withstand the onslaught of
the classes which are, through their selfishness
and egotism, the natural enemies of freedom.
People whose interests are mutual are many to
one of these, and are all-powerful if they but
unite at the ballot-box, and make well-defined
demand for the laws desired. They may thus
call their enemies to speedy account.

Let humanity and equity be the guiding star;
require of law-makers such law as will surely
put a stop to the terrible business methods now
erushin g hope and making mockery of justice in
many shops, mines and factories.






The following books and papers represent the
thoughts and issues that are leading the world
to liberty. The list, of course, is not complete.
Additions will be made to it, including publica—
tions from other countries. The plutocrat and
his minions say that all reformers are “cranks ; ”
but against that we have the fact that the
martyrs for liberty have all been reformers.
Religion and politics, together and separately,
have a glorious roll of honor.

Liberty 1s not secu1 ed by heeding and follow-
ing its enemies, nor by holding out your hands
while they place the shackles. Lincoln said
there were two classes of people he was willing
should be slaves—one, the man who desired to
be, and the other the man who desired to make
a slave of another.

You need not hope to agree with all the fol-
lowing; take your choice, and may you choose
wisely, remembering that one head may not?

14 '



 contain it all. These may be loved for the ene-
mics they have made. Take fair warning that
no man can read them intelligently and wear the
plutocratic collar with any degree of content-

Plutocracy crucified the Nazarene because he
stirred up the people and opened the eyes of the
blind,—that is exactly the reason it does not like
reformers of our day.


To be read forthe good with which it abounds,
and not, for infidel or sectarian criticism. The
Lord’s Prayer, confined to no creeds, but em-
bracing all human needs in “Thy will be done
on earth,” etc., is worthy of the profoundest
thought, This is the standard given by the
greatest of all advocates of a government by
and for the people; the goal set by the practical
man, the plain mechanic, the simple yet pro-
found, the very God-man who had no patience
with the mock religion which built fine syna-
gogues and left the poor and helpless to the
tyranny of the selfish rich and powerful.


Official organ of the Federation of Labor. Gr-
ganized labor is the advance guard in the prac-
tical work of fighting one of the temporal agents
of the devil—the labor crusher. It has a way of
materializing, religion. In some things it can
take lessons of the church,—in some things the




church can take lessons of it. They should work
together, and that right speedily.

Sample copy of Ii‘edei'ationist 3c, to members
W. U. 40c a year. Washington, D. C.


Comes very near being a practical worker for
heaven on earth; and that is saying a great deal
for a religious paper. It and the Christain En-
deavor are doing much good in bringing the peo-
ple to' realize that the right is worthy of united
effort. The Ram’s Horn is one of the connecting
links between the material and the spiritual lives,
which many people try to separate, but which
belong together so long as the soul and body
stay together. If the creeds be allowed to com-
plete their work of sending each other to hell
there will not be any church members in heaven;
and if we may all have the same power, when
we have done with each other, the dear Lord
will have to put “to let” in all the windows of
the New jerusalem. ;

\Veekly, illustrated, $1.50 a year, to members

ofW. U., $1; sample 2c. Chicago.


Mr. Chas. H. Kerr, manager, makes a very
liberal offer to furnish sample copies of The New
Time for 3c, (in Chicago SC on account of special
delivery), and gives the clubbing rate of 60c,a
year. It is a large, illustrated monthly mag‘a


 zine, generally accorded the leadership in all-
’round reform work.

Upon the subject of reform reading, the mana-
ger says: “If as I presume you wish suggestions
for low priced books, I would suggest, on social-
ism, 1st, Merrie England, as the best available
explanation of what socialism is; 2d, President
John Smith, as an explanation of how it can be
introduced by political methods; 3d, the C0—
opolitan, which explains how it can be intro-V
duced through a plan of colonization. On direct
legislation I would recommend Sullivan’s Di-
rect Legislation in Switzerland, published by].
A. \Vayland, Girard, Kansas, and Air. Adams’
two pamphlets, The New Democracy and The
l\Iajority Rule League. ”

The lite ‘ary department is ably conducted by
Mr. Adams, and its columns contain the richest
thought of many of the best reform writers of
the world. They are making a heroic effort to
furnish a magazine of the highest order ata
price which is wonderfully cheap. Their success
will be the people’s gain. Chicago.


Devoted entirely to reform work; monthly,
50c a year; to members 'W. U., 25c. Says:
“Among the best books for the purpose you
name, are, In His Steps, by Rev. C. M. Sheldon;
Amos R. Wells’, Prof. Heron’s and Josiah







Strong’s books.” Sample Citizen 2c. Chicago

Official, monthly, $1 per annum. The General
Secretary writes “I regret that we cannot ar-
range to make any club rate. Perhaps the best
list of reform books, or as good as can be found,
is the one run in theJournal. ” Washington, D. C.


The Debs paper and organ of the Social De-
mocracy of America. Its editor suggests Merrie
England, Groundland’s (Do-operative Common-
wealth and Bellamy’s Equality as good reading
in the order named. Also the Fabian Essays,
Schaeflies’ Quintessence of Socialism, “contain-
ing the real science, should be read by all who
desire to get a clear idea of the question.” They
publish Merrie England for Ge, in ldts of onehun-
dred $3.50. Sample copies of Democrat 1c; $1
a year; to W. U., 75c. The Social Democracy
is working along the lines of colonization. It
is striving to put the advance views of com-
mon helpfulness to immediate practical dem-
onstration. thcago.


The editor and the publisher are veterans in
reform work. They do not wait for a measure
to become popular, but when convinced that it
is right they fearlessly defend it. Such workers
are the salt of the earth. 'When the rollcall in
heaven is sounded, they will be with the army








of patriots who began long ago in the warfare
against the “financiers” who rob the people.
The paper is a large weekly; price $1 a year; to
members of the Union, 65c. Samples free. Chi-


A large S-page weekly; known as Senator
Teller’s paper; a splendid champion of the rights
of the people, and recognized authority on the
silver question. Price $1 per year; sample copies
free and 60c a year to VVorld’s Unions. Wash-
ington, D. C.


Official organ, $1.50 per annum; to members
W. U. $1; sample copies 2c; publishes valuable
list of inexpensive pamphlets; recommends for
educational work, 1st, Land Question; 2d, So-
cial Problems; 3d, Protection and Free Trade;
4th, Progress and Poverty. Minneapolis, Minn.

Answering our inquiry, F. W. Maguire, Libra-
rian Chicago Single Tax Club, recommends The
National Single Taxer; The ,Land Question, So-
cial Problems, Progress and Poverty, as good
first reading.


Upon the subject of the initiative and refer-
endum, Mr. Reynolds, the editor and publisher,
writes: “There is not, to my knowledge, any
other weekly paper giving as much attention to
this as we are.” The Express is a fighting pop—







ulist, and a fearless exponent of What it believes

to be right, Without much regard for fine-spun

theories concerning expediency. 25c a year to

members of the Union. Send for sample copy,

containing book list. Address the publisher.

On the money question, “7. H. Harvey—Coin
Harvey—says: “The thing to read first is the
March number of Coin’s Financial Series, 1898;
2d, A Tale of Two Nations; 3d, Coin’s Finan-
cial School; 4th, Horr-Harvey Debate.” Prices
are: lst,10e;‘ 2d, 25c; 8d, 25C; 4th, 50c; Bulle—
tin, 8 pages, sample copies lc; to members of
Union, 50 per cent. discount. The Patriots have
an educational school system, for the study of
general politics. 443 Washington Boulevard,


A wheel-horse in reform journalism. It has
furnished many workers for liberty with inspi-
ration and ammunition. When parents are sub—
scribing for papers for their children to read,
they should be careful to select such as will stim—
‘ulate patriotism and foster a spirit of helpful-
ness, man for man. It is a serious mistake to
put the writings of time-serving, unpatriotic
hirelings into the hands of the young. Sample
copies free; to the Union 65¢ a year. Chicago.

Organ of National Direct Legislation League,




monthly, 25c; to members of Union, 150. It
gives the following definitions: “Direct Legisla-
tion—Law making by the voters; The Initia-
tive—The proposal of a law by a percentage of
the voters, which must then go to the Refer—
endum ; The Referendum—The vote at the polls
of a law proposed through the Initiative, or on
any law passed by a law-making body whose
reference ispetitioned for by a percentage of the
voters.” This is Eltwood Pomeroy’s paper; he
is president of the National Direct Legislation
League. All lovers of liberty will help to de—
velop this principle, when they come to under-
stand it. Pledge all candidates to it; it will be
a “ deadener” on political thieves. For litera—
ture address Mr. Pomeroy, Newark, N. J.
Tom Watson’s paper; a rattling campaigner

and a hard hitter. To the Union 500 a year. At—

lanta, Ga.

J. A. Wayland, publisher, You will have to
judge of this paper for yourself, as public senti—
ment is woefully divided. Plutocrats, thieves,
cowards and hypocrites hate and fear it. If you
would rather snore in a cushioned pew than fol—
low Christ into the byways, let this paper alone,

lest a thorn from the crown prick your sluggish -

conscience. You may try it, if you like, for one—
half cent acopy; 3 months, 7c ; one year 20c. Mr.

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