xt70rx937t9n_520 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Petitions text Petitions 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_18/Folder_15/Multipage24548.pdf 1889-1919, undated 1919 1889-1919, undated section false xt70rx937t9n_520 xt70rx937t9n 4—1

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 To the President of the United States :-—

We the undersigned Citizens of the United States, Men and Women, unite in earnest protest against the
exportation from this country of “the things that kill” for the use of nations engaged in the present conflict,—f0r
humanitarian reasons—respectfully petition you in the cause of humanity and justice to call an extra session of
Congress at once to invest you with the power to place an embargo on all arms and ammunition—basing our
petition on International Law and precedent as follows:

Woolsey International Law : “If the neutral instead of wheat, should send powder or balls, cannon or rifles, this
would be a direct encouragement of the war, and so a departure from the neutral position."

“On january 23rd, 1871, long after the Franco-Prussian \Var had begun, President Grant signed an embargo
on arms. The result of this was that the'war was settled within a few months and the shedding of much
blood was preventet ."

“President Taft in 1912 issued a proclamation forbidding the export of arms and munitions to Mexico."

“In 1913 you yourself placed an embargo on munitions of war to Mexico.”

“The British Government, has a law on its statute books, conferring discretionary power on the King of Eng—
land to forbid the export of arms and ammunition. On April 23rd, 1898, at the time of the Spanish-American War
that Government warned British subjects against unneutral acts, among which were enumerated the supplying of
arms. ammunition, military stores or materials.”

“During the Spanish-American War the German Government stopped the sale of arms and munitions of
war to Spain.”

“At this time every neutral country, except the United States, has placed an embargo on munitions of war.”

Beside all this, we have your own declaration of Neutrality : “We must be neutral in fact as well as in name
and we must put a curb on every transaction, which might give a preference to one party in the struggle over

four Signature will help stop this war.








































Eighteenth Amendment


To the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Pursuant to Section 4 of House Bill No.1, entitled “An Act to provide for a conven—
tion to act upon the amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for
the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment and to appropriate funds for certain expenses,”
passed at the special session of 1933 and signed by the Governor on September 7, 1933,
we the undersigned and each of us, being citizens and residents of the State of Kentucky,
state that we and each of us desire and are legally qualified to vote for the candidates
hereinafter mentioned, and respectfully petition you to nominate and Cause to be placed
upon the official ballot under the heading: “For ratification of the Amendment to repeal
the Eighteenth Amendment”, each and all of the following group of nineteen delegates
to a convention to be held at Frankfort, Kentucky, in the room of the House of the General
Assembly in the State Capitol Building on Monday, November 27, 1933, at ten o’clock
A. M., to consider and act upon the ratification of the following amendment to the Consti-
tution of the United States proposed by the Congress of the United States to the several

“Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United
States is hereby repealed.

“Section 2. The transportation or importation into any state, territory or possession
of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors in violation of
the laws thereof is hereby prohibited.

“Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several states, as provided in the
Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the states by
the Congress.”

Each and all of the nineteen candidates, the names and post office addresses of which
are hereto subscribed, is in favor of repeal of the eighteenth amendment, as the heading
of this petition may indicate; and is a citizen and resident of the Commonwealth of Ken—
tucky and is at least twenty-four years of age and is legally qualified to hold such office:

MRS. J. G. GAITHER, ................... Hopkinsville, Ky.
ROY M. SHELBOURNE, ..................... Paducah, Ky.
MRS. JAMES M. YEAMAN, ................ Henderson, Ky.
GEN. WILLIAM LUTHER SIBERT, ...... Bowling Green, Ky.
MRS. JAMES ROSS TODD, ................. Louisville, Ky.
BRUCE HALDEMAN, ............ ' .......... Louisville, Ky.
G. LEE McCLAIN, ......................... Bardstown, Ky.
C. C. BOLDRICK, .......................... .. .Lebanon, Ky.
R. C. SIMMONS, ........................... Covington, Ky.
HARRY J. ALLINGTON, ..................... Newport, Ky.
MISS LAURA CLAY, ....................... Lexington, Ky.
g. RUSSELL DES COGNETS, .................. Lexington, Ky.
HENRY D. FITZPATRICK, ............... Prestonsburg, Ky.
DR. W. J. SMITH, ............................. Belfry, Ky.
DAN S. KEENAN, ......................... .. .Ashland, Ky.
D. E. SEE, .................................. Maysville, Ky.
MRS. WILLIAM M. MARTIN, .................. Harlan, Ky.
BEECHER SMITH, .......................... Somerset, Ky.

CHARLES P. FARNSLEY, ................... Louisville, Ky.


 rl‘he 1esidenee of each and eve1y one 01 the petit1011e1s he1ei11 is set c111eet1y opposite
his 01 he1 name in the list which follows:



Name Residence Post 01fice Address





































 We, as citizens who set a high value on the national platform

of the Republiean party declared at their national eonv+ntien:
of 19I6, ask a hearing of fifteen minutes before an applopri-
ate committee of the State Republican convention, to present an:
petition that Kentucky Republicans put in their State p1at~

form a plank re-affirming the national suffrage plank 03

I916. and pledging their candidates to support in the next
General Assembly the submission to the voters of an ameniment

to the State constitution granting suffrage to women en the

same terms as to men; and pledging their party organization

when the amendment is submitted, to support it at the polls.

ML (5/14, ,
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Mrs.Woolfolk Barrow
Miss Edith Berryman
Miss Florence Carnody
Mrs.Dsingerfield. C.
AMI-O x) a :‘I . NI .thry
Mrs .W.C. Goodloe. 0
Miss Goodloe. C
Mrs.L.Haggin ASk Mrs.Voorhes
Mrs. S. Halley
Mrs.S.'T.Harbison. C
Dr. Josephine Hunt
Mrs. Prank H.Henderson
Mrs.Presuon Johnsuon. C
Mrs. G. D. Kelly. 0
Mrs. Cnarles Merr
Mrs.Fletcher Mann
Mrs.Sam. Y.Mark&
Mrs.Silas 1..ason
Mrs. Wellinc:tcn Payne. C
Mrs.Mickliffe Preston. C
Mrs. K.3.:ulliam. C & Didlake.
Mrs.J.D. }?urcell

Mrs.Geo. Ranck
Mrs. James Robinson

Mrs. J.H .fioser
Mrs s.£.D.°chnauffer. C & Graves
Mrs.Minor Simpson. C
Mrs.Harrison Vimrall
Mrs.Junius i.Smfith
Mrs.M'lbur Smith. C
Mrs.Mvery Minston C
Mrs. Orin amith
Mrs.Sidr ey Clay 9 Belle Clay.C

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