xt70rx937t9n_514 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. What Women Are Doing leaflet text What Women Are Doing leaflet 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_5/Multipage24402.pdf 1920 1920 1920 section false xt70rx937t9n_514 xt70rx937t9n ' , ”the Democratic party in its .,
Hal Convention is Significant. On June

Bureau, Definite, ;
" Suite‘fi‘izs WOOd'

arranges, D. c. _

l ‘ \



' ~ '“ ' More Than

,The representation given women by
‘ Natioii—

l-Q'Ithere‘ were seven States in which

. conventions had not been held. De-

;spit'e many1h'opes justified by what ap—
[peared to bethe-lbgic of events. the

f".'-.ra»tificatiOn‘ of the Federal suffrage
~ flamendment 'by a thirty—sixth State

.had not been achieved. Nevertheless,
“ the list of;.women elected to serve as
delegates Sand alternates in the Na—

} __tional' Convention at San, Francisco

~ex.ceed‘s-.‘the expectation of the most
uitsanguin’e of the women.
’Therinost coveted ,honor of del—

: Ce’gate—at-large has been conferred on
j .ntwenty—five women. Twenty-three are

.. ialternates—at—lar‘ge and more than
"’threemhundred will go to‘ the conven—
f'tion as district delegates and alter-
..nat'esfi Each Stat’e'is sending woinen
'w110‘ha've demonstrated their ability
::in_ public'vse'rvice. Beginning in their

inelocal clubs, most\of-them have devel-

..*,"-f~oped extraordinary political acumen


f'it’hrOugh the long campaign for suf-

*frag‘e. Many have been prb‘minent in
jwel'fare~ work, .1 and,‘ through ~. the
Jiknovvle‘dge'of what ‘thevote means as
, a power‘fOr bringing about needed re—
(forms, have allied themselves with the
Democratic party, which stands for

"progress that 'will ‘make liberty‘ and

“equality more than~mere words.
‘ Abrief surve of the delegations
fromthe various States is of interest.

'. 'Necessarily incomplete, a typical bi-.

"'“ography here and there Proves What

”fine"material‘for citizenship the wom-‘ at-llarge.

-.‘ enibring to the party.
‘ -. ARIZONA; _, _
“a'Ari‘zona. sends .as delegates-at-large

'Mrsxgsettié White, of Douglas.._ Mrs.

also of Douglas, is' altér-

\ .‘2 :There 'are'rfour district
3" ;- Mrs. 'Theo’dora . Marsh,
s,;,‘1\I/I=rs'.‘"George Foote, saffOrd;

Alice}: BirdSall, ’ PhOenix, ~ and,

\ Brice, .' Tucson.“ , . Mrs.

iatei' national;: committee},

is identified “with the State’s
'ibe'st; interests: ' Mrs. iI-Iirst is . promi-
"nent as a club woman andhas‘done
much. public W'Ork in Douglas. Miss
‘Birdsall is an attorney who has,’made
'_ aire‘putation in the practice of law.
' Miss Mary E. FQY,..0f Los Angeles,

O'Hand Mrs.” Charles {L. D’Onohoe, of

‘Oakland, are idelegatessat—large. Miss

‘ ‘Foy isassociate national committee~

II :C. Orms‘by,

woman and it is said that her per—

SuaSive speeCh before the national

committee did much to bring about

' the selection. of San Francisco-as the
.convention place. MissFoy belongs
to a pioneer family of Southern Cal—

ifornia and long has been identified
Vwith p,ublic-'work. Six women have
i been elected district delegates: Miss
N. Carpenter, Placerville; Miss Sarah

Hagan, Saif Franciso; Miss Georgis

Oakland; Mrs. W. A.
Fitzgerald, Fresno; -Mrs. Force Par-
ker, Los Angeles, and MiSs. Violet
Campbell, El Centro. ‘1“

"Mrs.' Helen L. Grenfell-,'delegate—at-
,large from Colorado, ie a member of

ibi‘e'r‘fial..;Rep1:esentation Given Prevesii‘Significant .In That It Shows
‘l-Spiritin‘Which women Are Welcomed Into the Party—— A
Three Hundred Accredited Dele-J ”



,othergwomen delegates are: Mrs. C.
1J. Cash, Anamosa; Mrs. L. E. Court-
lette, Oskaloosa; Mrs. Harry C.
Evans, Des-"Moines, and Miss Ruth
W. Sumner, Adel. The alternates are:
i\'lrs..‘-Jennis Courlett‘e, Oskaloosa;
Mrs..Edith Clarke, Sioux City; Mrs.
1T; H- O’Neil, Columbus Junction;
Mrs. ;. N. Nabers, Fort Madison;
MrsfF. A. Swisher, Iowa City; Mrs.
Marie, Moore Frederickson, Cedar
Falls;-.' Mrs. G. C. Stockman; Mason
City;‘..“Ar-Irs. H. H. Schulte, Elkadar;

E. T. Rife, Shellsburg; Mrs. Victoria
Dewey, Chariton; Mrs. Eva Rhea,

Forest" City. ..
dudiana sends as delegates—at-large
Mrs. “Alice F. McCulloch, a young
woman who has proved to be a bril-
liant leader. There are three women
alternates—at-large; Mrs..\M._K. Mc—
Nuttulndianapolisf Mrs. H. T. Moore,
ROckville, and Mrs. B. ‘Lauenstein,
Evansville. Mrs. C. G. Mitchell, Bed-
trict, and the following are alternates:
Mrs. \Vebb‘Moffett, Bloomfield; Miss
M. Paddock, Greenwood; Miss H.
Renfro, Madison; Mrs. S. A. Smith,
VVinche'ster, and Miss E. Stembel,


Mrs.“ Caroline Drennan, Arkansas
City, is delegate—at-large, and Mrs.
Anna B. Morish, Aberlin, alternate-
There are two district del—
egates and four "alternates. The del-
egates are: Mrs. John Keith, Coffey-
Ville, and Mrs. W. A. Cachel, Manhat—
tan. The alternates are: Mrs; J. C.
Ward, Horton: Mrs. Blanche E.
Smith, Strong City; Mrs. Pheobe Van
'v'Vliet, Fr nkfort; Miss Florence Far—A
ley, Wic-ita. ‘ . , i " x

KENTUCKY. ' . - '

Threezj‘i ‘gwomenj ' delegates-at-large,
.hsaslsdjtby :~..M.i..ss..Laura-....nny....-AAAA
famous "“suif’rfa‘gist, go to San Francis-3
co fromjKentucky. Besides Miss Clay,
of LexingtOn, Mrs. Nora Layne, Fort
Thomas,” and Mrs. C. W. Stewart,
Frankfort, are-delegateseat—large. Miss
June Gayle, Owenton, represents the
Seventh district. The alternates are:
Mrs. Edmund ‘M. Post, Paducah;
Miss Lula,T. Cox, Calhoun;Mrs. Tat
D. Terry, Glasgow; Mrs. J. 'A.
~Mitche11, Bowling Green; Miss L. M.
Stiles, Frankfort, and Mrs.,‘x.-.T. L.
Richardson, Elizabethtown. '


Massachusetts sends four; women
as delegatcs—at-large and fifteen dis-
trict' alternates to San Francisco. The
alternates—at—large are heaaea by Mrs.
Susan W. FitzGerald, Jamaica Plain,
Chaif‘man of the committee;r of women,
Democratic State,,C01nmittee. Mrs.
FiatzGerald is widely‘known, as a suf-
fragist'and publicist. She has devoted
much time to educational ’vork.’ She
is the Wife of Richard Y. itzGerald,
lawyer and author, of Boston. Other
alternates—at—large are: Malry A. Car—
.son. Pittsfie‘ld; Mary Keegaln Shuman,
Boston, and Helen G. Thayer, Bos—
ton.‘ The alternates arezlI Catherine


‘ Mrs. E T. Koch. Cedar Rapids; Mrs. ‘

Leo,n;.’.i\lrs. Ethel Plummer VVacholz,-
- r

ford, is delegate from the Third dis- -

, ,

\ll -‘ '


In view of the co
.voters and in sh,
dicted that benea
women alternates
substantially corract.

Compared wi
tion, the Democr
party of Jefferson
of the country wi
citizenship, the p
to June 1, with
been elected to 5
States have accor

States have been
tions, and in this
prise, since‘in so

tial vote until the
ninety delegates,
two women as del
- gates and forty a
State has elected
and twenty alteriiltes. «.



For the first tinge in history women
that require conh nation by
they have places
the Department ,' the Interior.
that women are.

With the facts
mind, women who

Democracy to do all in her power
who is the choice of the convention


lBy~Mrs.«i, George Bass. i

, 1 - 1

. W'hen the,Deinocratic National Convention is called to order June, 28,
in San Franciscoi there’ will be a political assemblage more representa-
tive of" the whole people than any that has hitherto come together to'
select a candidate‘for the highest office in the United States Government.
‘diality of the Democratic party in welcoming the’ new
ring party honors with them, it has been long pre-
th most of the State banners women delegates and
would have seats.