xt70rx937t9n_498 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Tribune text Woman's Tribune 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_32/Multipage21517.pdf 1903-1905 1905 1903-1905 section false xt70rx937t9n_498 xt70rx937t9n The Woman’s Tribune.








VOL. XX N0 33









Voices are crying from the dust of l‘vre,
lrom Baalbec and the stones of Babylon-
‘3 We raised our pillars upon Self-Desire.
And perished from th: iarge gase of the sun."

Iternity was on the pyramid.
And immortality on Greeca and Rome:
But in them all the ancient t‘raitor hid.
And so they tottered like unstable foam.

There was no substance in their soaring hopes;
I The voice of Thebes is now a desert cry.
A spider bars the road with filmy ropes.

Where once the feet of Carthage thuudcrzd by.

A bittern booms where once fair Helen laughed:
A thistle nods where once the Forum poured-
L lisard lifts and listens on a shaft
Where once of old the oliseum roaied.

In house do stand. no kingdom can endure.
Built on the crumbling rock of Self‘Desire.
Nothing is Living store. nothing is sure,
That is not whitened in the Social Fire.
' . -—Ed in liars/tam.

Itl leN LIVE.
If i can live
To make some pale face brighter. and to give
A second lustre to some tea —d‘mmed eye,
6r e’en impart
One throb of comfort to an aching heart,
'Or cheer some wayworn soul in passing by:

If I can lend
A strong hand to the fallen. or defend
The right against a single envious strain.
My life. the ugh bare
Perhaps of much that seemeth dear and fair
To us of earth, will not have been in vain.

The purest joy.
lost near to heaven. far from earth's alloy,
.Is bidding cloud give way to sun and shine:
And i: will be well
If on that day of days the angels tell
Of me. "She did her best for one of Thine."
- Helen Hunt lecture.

Social Life in London. ‘

The December Cosmopolitan has a tel
iiug feature in au or unit: by’ Lady Henry
Somerset on “British Social Life," It
is profusely illustrated by portraits.
Lady Henry says nothing has so broken
down class barriers as progress in means
of locomotion. She says she can well
recollect her mother telling her of the
first drive she ever took in a hansom
cab. It was considered quite an adven
ture. The change in the pomp of daily
life has invaded every realm of society.
The "Splendid though solemn recrea
tion" of the ball has becr me a “crowded
romp." Money today is the touchstone
of power and Lady Henry says if the
pedigrees of the great families were ex
amined not one would be found which
has not re inforced its exchequer by an
alliance with a great commercial house.
Sixty years ago no Iew could obtain a
social standing in London. Today a
large jewish plutocracy forms one of
the pillars of social life. Another great
change noted by the writer isthe mod.
ern mania for publicity which has
broken down the seclusion of domestic
life. “Decorum is almost extinct. There
is scarce any subject that is not discussed
at socrety’s dinner table, ne illness that
is not mentioned, no story that is not
told." -

Incidentally Lady Henry touches up
on American society which she finds far
less diversified and interesting than
lritish society. The great families of
Ingland have vast estates to manage;
the society woman is “often a keen po
litical partisan so thoroughly posted on
the afiairs of the nation that she can
criticise parties and policies with insight
and keenness." "In London soc1ety may
be found the most prominent men of af
fairs, while New York society is scarcely
interested in anything or any one outside
Its own more oriess narrow limits. Lady
Henry acknowledges the debt of British
aristocracy to the wealthy American
girls; that it has not only replenished
its exchequer but through them ll has
acquired new vitality and greater vigor
Rather inconsistentiy with her former
statement Lady Henry seems to attribute
to these marriages the awakening to the
needs of their fellow men and “the
quicker concept of the eternal truth of
the great brotherhood of the race The
TRIBUNE is inclined to think that Lady
Henry was more right in her conception
of American fashionable life as more

narrow and less concerned with vital
things, for in chronicling the doings of
the International Council of Women in
London, where Lady Henry took an im-
Dortant part, not a single American
Duchess or other lady of title took any
part in this gathering which was dealing
with every phase of the brotherhood (if
the race, although of England’s leading
aristocracy half a hundred or more were:
prominently identified with it.

Governors Night.

The Methodist Social Union had 1%
Governors’ Night at Tremont Templé,
Nove nber i6 Governors, Lieutenant—‘1
Governors and ex Governors, talked on:
the need for and requirements of good»
citizenship. But it does not appear that"

_'tributing, active and associate.

N_W M thods of Organization.

The Kentucky Equal Suffrage Asso-
ciation has adopted the plan of havrng
unofficial members who undertake no
obligations excent giving the name and
paying annual dues. and this has been
found very efficacious in increasing the

Many years ago the editor of the TRIB-
UNI advocated having three kinds of
memberships in any association, con—
presupposed a thorough canvass of the
community, which suffrage societies
ought to make in any event, and the en
rolling of all those in favor of the move


ment as members of the Association un-
denwhichever head they might prefer..
Active: those that pay dues and do thel


in their incluswe statements and their
comprehensive appeals they, with one.
very notable exception, had any thought
of women in connection with Christian

Women are accustomed to being ruled
out from such generic classes as citi-
zers, people, persons and inhabitants,
but let us hupe that as long as they form
at least three fourths of the labeled
Christians they will be included when
this term i: used. Yet, in the absence
of any specific statement to the con—-
trary, we must infer that when Gov, S.
R. Van'Sant of Minnesota, said “Every
Christian should take an active interest
in politics—should attend the primaries
—and see that honest, efficient men are
chosen to represent us" he did not mean
women notwithstanding the broad scope
of the phase “every Christian." The
strongest advocate of woman’s particr:
pation in polities would hardly recom—
mend that women should go to the
primaries—popularly regarded as the
“dirty cesspool of politics” as long as
they were not voters and could not
spPak with any anthnrif}! . .

Perhaps women were indirectly in—
cluded in Governor Garvin's appeal to
citizens to “apply a spec1fic to our legis
latures and our legislation.” Women are
capital at making applications—physical
and intellectualnand when they are
voters they will doubtless be a great
help in applying the spr cific referred to
which is “a system of proportional rep-
resentation.” Gov. Garvin is neither
afraid nor unwilling to take his stand-
for woman suffrage and as thespeeches
are but meagrely reported in the Boston
papers it is hardly fair to infer that he
said nothing about it on this occasion
when it would have fitted in so well.

But it is comforting to note that ex-
Gov. Boutweii's unequivocal endore—
ment of woman suffrage did not escape
the reporter. He said:

For success in life. integrity. industry
and urbanity are needed. The world is
not governed entirely by politics or by dog»
matic theology, but by auniversai belief
that mankind can be made better. Women
should have the opportunity of voting, not
as a privilege, but as a right. Public men
make the mistake of regarding the vote as
a privilege when it isaright. Vtomen's
votes will temper if they do not neutralize.
the passion engendered by authority;the
voice of the women, it it could be heard,
would relieve the country of this enormous
burden of war.

Dr. and Mrs. Workman have made
new records in mountain climbing, the
former having attained a height of 23,
394 feet. Mrs. Workman broke her own
and all women’s records by reaching a
height of 22,567 feet.

The music for the Ohio Suffrage Con
vention was furnished by the Fox 815
ters’ Orchestra. There are six of them
—really sisters, and the mother leads the
music. The convent meetings were
held in Library Hall, a building given to
Sandnsky by its women.

Bulletin No. 49 ot the Bureau of La
her is almost entirely devoted to labor
conditions in New Z aland. The Com
pulsory Arbitration Act is treated fully.
One hundred and ninety seven disputes
were settled—54 by the board of concili
ation and 143 t)» the arbitration court—
from April 1896 2.0 June 30, 1902.

"The gloomiest mountain never casts a shadow on



work. Contributing: those that will:
' pay a certain sum annually to the sup—5
port of the work, but wish to assume no
obligations. Associate, those who are
gunable to pay auriliary dues but
wish to be counted in. In this lat—
ter class might be included those who
wouldpay a small sum for aux liary
gdues while the contributions of the
’ ealthy would make up the auxiliary
diners and meet the expense of distribu-
ng literature among the associate mem-
}bers. The treasurer ought to have an
“pecount with every person favorable to
Woman suffrage to collect dues annually
from members letting none slip off the
list through remissness or inability to
PW— .

It is interesting to note that this plan
of enrolling associate non paying mem
here has been adopted by the Central
Women’s Suffrage Society of Great Brit-
ain and the effect of the new plan is
said by the Woman Sufirage Record to be
magical in producing increase of mem—
bership and vitality.

.- Th. as French Congresses. _


Lc [oumal dc: Format: gives an ac-
count of three congresses recently held
in Paris, and which may be called femi-
nist: although two of them were com—
posed of both men and women because
of their resolutions favoring the equality
of the sexes.

The report of the Congress of Human
ity, held in Paris October 25, 26, 27,
shows that it took up the labor question,
the relation of the social Vice to health.
It places first the enfranchisement of
women. Next year the programme will
include a study of vegetarianism. M.
le baron Saint Georges d’Armstrong is
president and the general secretary is M.
Vodoz. . .

The first National French Congress
against Alcoholism was held October
26—29, under the presidency of M. Casi-
mlr—Perier. In the Hall of the Faculty
of Medicine where the congress was held
were many professors and physicians
considering how to make an effective
warfare against alcohol.

The congress of young church wamen
held October 31-November 1, was of
the greatest interest because it took un—
qualified stand for the three-fold entran-
chisement of women philosophically,
industually and politically. The
first two days were devoted to the two
questions, Lay Morality and Christian
Morality; and Militarism and Patriotism.
The last day was devoted to “The
Emancipation of Woman.” M. Lucien
Le Foyer, and M. Vivrani presided, and
although there were able women speak-
ers in the Congress it is good to know
that men took the lead in what is really
more their business than it is women's,
both because the sexes are equally con-
cerned in the result and because men are
directly responsible for the condition
that calls for remedy.

Miss Mary L. McGee of the National
Census Bureau has been sent to collect
the statistics of wealth debt and taxa—
tion of Utah, her native State. This is
considered important work, and she is
the first woman to perform it for the

Miss Iessre Cook won the Callaghan
prize of $50 in law books for the best
essay delivered before the John Marshall
Law School at its commencement exerv


,both sides at once."




Notes from Englishwomau‘s R:-

“South African Expansion" is the
name. of a committee of British women
organized for the purpose of sending
women out to South Africa trained and
equipped'for colony life as teachers,
agriculturists, dressmaking, cooking, etc.
The young women are received and
taken to a hostel which is their home
until they find employment and to
which they may return at any time. As
there is a large surplus of women in
Great Britain and a dearth of British
women in South Africa, very good pros-
pects _are before the proteges of the
committee, both for getting employment
and for getting an English husband. In-
deed one great incentive for the work
is the hope of the Committee to thus
prevent the Englishmen in South Africa
from seeking wives among the Boer or
native population.

lizabeth Harcourt Mitchell makes a
strong plea for representation of women
in the proposed ecclesiastical body, the
National Church Council. The intent
is to form a gr‘ver ing body in which
ratepayers and non-communicants are
to be included, but the indications are
that no woman will be eligible to the
Councri. It will be in vain that the
writer cites the honored names of St.
Teresa, “St. Hilda, St. Catherine of Siena,
as showrng the value of women as a fac-
tor in ecclesiastical matters.

It is learned” from Daguy that the
women students at Upsaia, of whom
there have been some in the city since
1872, organized into the Women Stu-
dents Association in 1899, with fifteen
members. The Assocration has now
three times that number and it has re-
moved the social isolation and mutual
distrust under which the women labored,
has contributed to their health, happi-
ness and comradeship and is a protec-
tion against unwarranted attacks nnnn
their reputation.

Mrs. S.'L. Ooerholzer of Philadelphia,
National Superintendent of School Sav-
ings Banks, reported to the W. C. T. U.
Convention that the deposits made by
scholars since the system was inaugurat-
ed fourteen years ago aggregated $2,109,-
661. The convention passed unani-
mously a resolution to ask Congress for
the enactment of a law introducing the
system into all the public schools of the
Territories and those over which the
National Government has jurisdiction.
This action should be endorsed by all
organizations of women.

Pearson's for November contains ar ar-
ticle on ' The Electoral Commission," by
D. S. Barry in which there is the following
descriptiou of a. famous picture in the Capi-
tol painted by a woman:

"0n the walls of the bean ifiil tessellated
corridor of the eastern galleiylfloor oi the
Senate wing of the Capitol at Washington.
just opposite the floor of the caucus room
of the Senate Democrats, hangs a large oil
painting that never fails to attract the keen-
est curiosity of sightseers and legislators
alike. And for good reason: that painting
depicts i1 glowing colors a scene of mo—
mentous import a chapter of American
political history of graver consequence and
more far reaching results than any other
since the Civil War. The printed legend
on the frame of the picture reads:

'The Florida Case before the Electoral
Commission, February 5 187] Painted
from life sittings in the United States Sis-
preme Court Room by Cordelia Adele Fas-

“The painting belongs to Congress. hav-
ing been purchased from the artist for fif«
teen thousand dollars. As you face the
picture the portraits of two hundred and
fifty eight men and women. who, twenty six
years ago, wr re part and parcel of
the legislative. executive. judicial, social.
and j .urnaiistic life of Washington, look
strait at you as if they were still lfving and
breathing things. as indeed many of them
are. As a work of art the picture is unique,
for each face is so turned that the features
can easily be studied, and the likenesses of
nearly all are so faithful as to be a source
of constant wonder and delight.”

The perpetual phenomena of life fur-
nishes all the material for culture. There
is not a day but makes its demands on one
for his highest and sublimest qualities.
There is not a day whose experiences do
not test the most exalted ideals. The work-
ing energy of life is to hold the faith of its
increasing beauty and power.—Lr‘lz’afl













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National American Woman Suffrage As-

Honorary President. SUSAN B. AN'riIONv. 17 Madi-
son street. Rochester. N. Y

Mident. CARRIE CHAPMAN GMT. 2008 American
TIaCt Society Building. New York. ~

We-Presideut-at-Large. Rev_ ANNA H. SHAW.
use Diamond street, Philadelphia. Pa.

Corresponding Secretary. KATII GosDON, National

Recording Secretary, ALICI S'rONx BLAcxwaL. 3
Park St.. Boston.

2nasmr,HAnuiur TAYLOR UrrON.Warren. Ohio

Auditors. LAURA CLAY. Lexington. Ky.; M'Aitv
COGchuALL. Des Moines. towa. '

National Headquarters, 2008 American Tract So—
ety Building New York




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All signed articles not credited ‘ to
IOU): uthbs y9si5=lleal a :5 cash-.11. no“,
tributions to the WOMAN’S TRIBUNE, and
all unsigned articles and paragraphs are

written by the editor.

f Thereis Often a call for the Wyoming
Bulletin, which is republished in this Is-
iiue. Those who are familiar with the
shbject pass the paper on. It has al»
ways been found a most effectiv argu—'

Please notice always the "number of
the paper as it appears'on the date line,
and if any is missed as may happen
through" mistake in the TRIBUNE Ofice
or somewhere along the ling-please noti-
fy. the publisher at once that the mistake
may be remedied.

' The North Carolina Federation Of
Women’s Clubs at its second Convenv
‘tion, held in "Concord, October r4, en
tered the General Federation. The
North Carolina. Federation has forty li-
braries now in circulation.

The History of Woman Suffrage in
four volumes, may be ordered of THE
WOMAN’S TRIBUNE at publisher’s prices.
Single copies, cloth. $3.00; sheep, $3 75.
Full set, cloth, $I2; sheep, $15.

Each new yearly subscription to the
WOMAN’S TRIBUNE sent by one already
a subscriber, may count fifty cents on
either of the above prices.


A. C. McClurg & Co.,Chicago, are obliged
to postpone until January 1 their promised
book on “The Birds of California” by Mrs.
Wheelock, as it is being prepared in a very
elaborate styie. The work treats of about
three hundred birds of California and ad-
jacent islands. One of this firm’s juvenile
books is in its eighth edition and has the
honor of being included as a part of the
punitive machinery of the Chicago court
according to an item which appeared in the
Chicago T Howie of November 7. It is as

“Barney Ryan, 12 years Old and wearing
a sweater twice his size, yesterday was sen-
tenced by Judge Tuthill to read to his
mother each night from a book designated
by the court. The boy had been arrested
for smashing a store window and stealing
merchandise to the value of $200.

‘I’ll let you go Barney,’ said Judge Tut-
hill. ‘if your mother will buy a copy of “Mrs
O'Callaghan’s Boys" and agree to make
you read to her each night from it.’

“Mrs. Ryan, who lives at 139 Gault Court,
agreed to the stipulation."



Rhode Island W. S. A.

The annual meeting Of the Rhode Isl-
and Woman Sufifrage Association was
held at Providence, October 28, after-
noon and evening sessions, Mrs. Ardelia
C. Dewing presiding.

Monthly meetings have been held in
Providence, Little Compton, and Paw
tucket. The latter SOciety has doubled
its membership and established a bene-
ficiary society.

Officers were elected as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs. A. C. Dewing;vice-presidents,
Mrs. Jeannette S. French, Mrs. Camp-
bell, Mrs, G. A. Aldrich; secretary, Mrs.
Annie M. Jewett; recording secretary,
Mrs. E. M. Calder; treasurer, Mrs. Mary
A. Bailou: auditors, Mrs. I. O. Angeli,
Mrs. E. C. Ormsbee.

Mrs. Ellen M. Bolles read a paper
dealing largely with the difficulties en—
countered in the early days of the suf
frage movement.
French gave a talk on “The Elements
of Greatness in the Character Of Lucy
Stone." The evening was given to a
scholarly lecture on woman suffrage by
Rev. Clay McCauley.

Hon. Amasa M. Eaton was the speak
er at the first meeting for the season of
the Providence League. Mr. Eaton has
for a long time been a strong woman
sufiragist. He and Lewis L. Angeli,
both lawyers, were Of great assistance in
the legislative work for Presidential suf-
frage last winter.

The third annual Woman’s Almanac
is received from the editor, L. Lavenere,
who is also editor of Eoolueiom'sfa, pub
lished in Maceio, Brazil. _ 1t Opens with
portrait sketches Of Maria Juca and
Rita Coutinho de Moraes, distinguished
in literature. It appears to be a very in-
clusive showing Of the position and pro
gress of Brazilian women with some rep
resentation from other parts, as for in.
stance, there is a general article in
French by Madame Maria Martin. There
are original poems, sketches, charades,
etc, by women. In the list of publica-
tions relating to the Woman. Movement
are included two from Brazil and twen-
ty~six in all.‘ The book closes with a
professional directory which beginning
with two women heads Of colleges con-
tinues with other teachers and business

“UL-LAC:- L»

The San Jose Herald Of October 30
brings us the sad news that Mrs. Sarah
L. Lnox—Goodrich passed away on that
date. ‘Mrs. Knox—Goodrich was ment
the bulwarks of the woman suffrage
movement in California and also a
liberal contributor to the national work
Her elegant homevon North First street
has been the rendezvous for suffragists
visiting the State and the beautiful city

of San Jose which she had made her 1

home since 1894, and here the editor of
the TRIBUNE had the pleasure of seeing
One who had been a friendly supporter
of the paper almost since its start. Mrs.
Goodrich was born in Culpeper, Va.,
75 years ago, her maiden name being
Sarah Louise Browning. She will be
greatly missed in California.

“Life as a Fine Art."

Miss Frances Elmina Cox, who ias
spoken ‘before the District Federation.
the Short Story Club, the Excelsior Lit-
erary and other clubs Of the city, has
opened a studio for the winter at 2420
Fourteenth street northwest, where she
will be glad to see any interested in any
of the lines of Expression under the sig
nificant topic Of “Life as a Fine Art."

This embraces the founfold culture
of soul, mind, body and mice. Under
the first comes “Literature in its Rela-
tion to Life," Browning Interpretation
is a specialty; each poem being stud-
ied as a key to the whole. Under the
second heading comes an original study
in “Concentration," an articulated sys
tem of thought or just how to Obtain
maximum results with minimum efiort
and time.

The body as an adequate instrument
of expressron is an important phase for
all women interested in self culture,
health and breathing exercises are com
bined with the aesthetic side. All im-
portant is the right use of the voice in
which short courses are given with
definite results assured.

Open lessons illustrating the methods
employed will be given at Mrs. Emer
son’s parlors, 1914 Pennsylvania Avenue
Friday, December 4, 2:30 p. m., and the
same evening at 8 o'clock at 2420 Four.
teenth street. All are invited, no sex
or age limit. The subject will be de-
veloped under the topic “Life and Ex

Mrs. Jeannette S. -.




Woman Sufi'rige in Wyoming.

Article 1. SucriON a. In their inherent right to life.
liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all members of
the human race are equal. ~

SECTION 3. Since equality in the empIOyment of
natural and civil rights is only made sure through
political equality, the laws of this State affecting the
political rights and privileges of its citizens shall be
without distinction of race. color. sex or any circum-
stance or condition whatsoever other than individual
incompetency and unworthiness, duly ascertained by
a court of competent jurisdiction.

Thus'reads the Declaration of Rights of
the Constitution of the State of Wyoming,
and these sections are enforced by the first
section of Article 6, which says: “The right
of citizens of the State of Wyoming to vote
and hold office shall not be denied or
abridged on account of sex."

If the status of Wyoming has been ma-
terially benefitted by the vote of women,
where it has prevailed for twenty-seven

ears, it will certainly be the best argument
{or its adoption in every State in the Union.
In compiling the first volume Of the laws
of Wyoming, Secretary Lee said: “In the
provisions of the Woman's Sufirage clause,
enacted in 1869, we placed the youn est
Territory on earth in the. vanguard of c vil-
ization and progress."K That this statement
has been verified by practical experience
the testimony is unanimous, continuousland
conclusive. N at a link is wanting in the
chain of evidence, and, as a. Governor of the
Territory once said, "The only dissenting
voice against woman's sufirage was that of
convicts who had been tried and found
guilty by women jurors." Women exercised
the right of jurors and contributed to the
speedy release of the Territory from the
regime of the pistol and bowie-knife_ They
not only performed their new duties without
losing any of the womanly virtues and with
dignity and decorum, but good results were
immediately borne. Chief Justice Howe of
the Supreme Court, under whose direction
women were first drawn on juries. wrote in
1872: “After the grand jury had been in ses-
sion two days, the dance-house keepers,
amblers and demi-monde fled out ofthe
tate in dismay to escape the indictment of
women grand jurors. In short," he adds, “1
have never, in twenty five years of constant
experience in the courts of the country, seen
a more faithful and resolutely honest grand
and petit jury than these." And there is no
doubt that the superior conditious that exist
in Wyoming are in a great measure due to
am sitting of women on juries in these early
It may be stated here that the same result

was Observed when women were voters and
jurors in the Territory of Washington. Af-
ter they had exercised these rights, Hon.
John Robson, Secretary of the province of
British Columbia, introduced a woman suf-
frage bill in the British Colombian Parlia-
ment as a government measure; for he said
the women of Washington are voting all the
gamblers and biacklegs out of their Terri-
tory, and if the women of Seattle have the
ballot, in self-protection we must give it to
the women Of Victoria.

In the official record of Governor John W.
Hoyt, in 1878,he stated: “Attendance upon

school is Obligatory; teachers are equally
psid, male and female alike, for the same
service." Does not this indicate a favorable
result from we nan's sufirage, when it was
the first commonwealth to adopt compulsory
education, and the: first, and the onl one, to
pay teachers equally without regar to sex,
until Utah adopted such a law at its first
legislative session after the women of that
State had become voters?

Governor Hoyt's testimony with re_-<
ard to the direct benefit Of woman's suf-
rage was also very strong in I882. In his-

Oificial report, he said: “Elsewhere object-
ors persist in calling this honorable statute-
of ours, ‘an experiment.’ We know it is not;
that under it we have better laws. 'better of-
ficers, better institutions, better morals and
higher social conditions in general than.
could otherwise exist—that none of the pre-
dicted evils, such as loss of native delicacy
and disturbance of home relations, has fol-
lowed in its train; that the great body of
our women, and the best of them, have ac-
cepted the elective franchise as a recious.
boon and exercise it as a patriotic uty—in-
a word, that after twelve years of happy ex-
perience, woman's sufirage is so thoroughly-
rooted and established in the minds and
hearts of the people that among them all,
no voice is ever uplifted in protest against
it or in question of it.”

In 1879 the Speaker of the House. Hon.
N. L. Andrews. a Democrat. ratified what
had been said by the Republican governors,.
saying publicly; "I came to the Territory in
I87I, stron ly prejudiced against woman
sufirage. t has produced much good, and
no evil that I could discern. In my opinion
the real health-giving remedy that would.
counteract political degeneracy would be
the ballot in .the hands of women in every
State and Territory." ~

In 1883, Chief Justice Joseph W. Fisher
stated: “I have seen the eEects of woman
sufirage. Instead of encouraging fraud and?
corruption, it tends greatly to purify elec-

tions. ’ L
i Governor Francis E. Warren said in 18857


"‘1 have. acct. muse-h f the workings 0f wom

an sufirage. I he. yet to hear of the first“
case of domestic di; ord growing therefrom.
Our women nearly a lvote. As the'msjority
of women are good, t e result is good—not
evil." Inthe same yiear he reported to the
Secretary Of the Interior: “The men are as
favorable to woman sufirage as the women
are. Wyoming appreciates. believes in. and
indorses woman sufira e." In his official
report next year. he sai : “Woman sufirage
continues as popular as at first. The wom-
en nearly all vote, and neither party ob-
'ects." And in 1889, he 'reportedg‘fNo one
will deny that woman's influence in voting
has always been on the side of the Govern-
ment. The people favor its continuance."
Official evidence as to the beneficial ef-
fects of woman sufirage is supported by the
universal testimony of residents and visi-
tors. On the other side are only random
statements born of a prejudice whose wish
is father to the thought. We are, therefore,
bound to believe that the status of Wyom-
'ng has been favorably afiected by woman
uErage if we exercise the ordinary trust
nd credulity on which our other beliefs
nd daily transactions are based.
eWith such an experience of twenty years
twas not strange that the delegates to the
Constitutional Convention of July, 1889, the
first framers of organic law ever elected by
the votes of women, should embody the
magnificent declaration quoted at the out-
set, and present to the world the first con-
stitution adopted by man which gives each
citizen the same rights guaranteed to every
other citizen. .
It was not strange that when the admis-
sion bill was trembling in the balance, and
at a mass meeting of citizens women ex-
pressed their willingness that Hon. Joseph
Carey should be telegraphed to allow the
temporary disfranchisement of the women to
secure the State’s admission, the reply from
the fathers. brothers and sons was, “No, we
will wait a generation. if need be. We will
not go in as a State without our women."
Following the example of every Territo-
rial governor, Gov. Barber, the first State
overuor says: “Woman sufirage does not
egrade woman. On the contrary, it enno-
bles her and brings out all the strong attri-
butes of true womanhood. To their credit,
be it said, the women are almost a unit for
ability. honesty and integrity wherever
found, in high life or low life. A man must
walk straight in Wyoming. for the women
hold the balance of power and they are usmg
‘t wisely and judiciously.- They make the
nose of education their first aim. They are
making our schools the models of the coun-
ty, and, too, they can make a dollar go
such further than their