xt70rx937t9n_489 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Journal text Woman's Journal 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_29/Multipage21345.pdf 1917 1917 1917 section false xt70rx937t9n_489 xt70rx937t9n ._( .
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mm... FEBRUARY“ 1,10,. 241917

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nut'BW99fi-i .

‘ Duer Miller

. York Tribune '

'r. Root the other day,
'love their liberty 80‘
{e willing to give lib-
well as claim it’ for
suffragists discovered
hat that is what we
in the State of New
er a half a million of
LS, Mr. Root was not


y with passion}—
:aying so,——, ,

r type and fashion
years ago.

y lady

'Ilow and shady,
they answer “No."



that satcheli’f cried
man just telephoned
~ that he couldn’t live

wife, who had taken
hat call is for your



'ay Stories
ardest part of your
" asked the toastmas-

lied the professional
'-st part of my work
hce up after the man
has concluded his re-


.ington Star

) variations you have
2 dancing!” “I am en-
replied Miss .Cay-
ball variations were
trtner and myself to
:h other’s feet.”


iening a. very pretty
ithe famous painter:
3 I saw your latest
iit because it was so

bu back?” asked the

iso not!“ was the as-

fiargent, _f‘it was "not‘

i" 'i- .-

lFOR ,HIM- -

h eifigoesfl’ Professor.
‘st. ‘- e spaced:
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his): , “Let me
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3 goal,'pay the
dig-Elna for the
0111? attend to

ness . is a


' f;,.j.-¢-.~:-wry-‘AREPLICA OF. MAN?- I


Last hi ht,

a» 1 i

‘ (From "Denver - ews 'of Jan. 26, ~19"17)
,__ So that’s how- it'; came about. The
woman in the case had nothing to do
with the final result.
counter, not more than a replica of a
man. She was docile and obedient, and
did what she was told by her lord and
master to 'do, as has- been her wont
since cave days!

This is not our deduction or dictum.
It is what is set forth in amplified de-
tail in -“The Woman’s Protest," the
official'organ of. the “antis.’-’ '

We, with a large share ofsthe nation,
had been going on the supposition that
woman’s antipathy to slaughter had had
much to do with the result of the presi-
dential election. Candidly, we have
been offering some explanation and


apology for this view that was sup-l

posed to control the woman vote in the
Western States; and at the same time
the hostile East has assailed us as
mollycodples due to the woman vote
and the woman schoolma’am.

But, taking the word of the anti-sur-
frage expert, the result would have been
the same without the woman vote.
Listen; “The woman’s vote is a dupli-
cate vote; a miniature, an echo of
man's vote; possessing no independent
political power, and unable to reward
its friends or punish its foes. While
it cannot be used as a lever to effect
the ‘emancipation of woman,’ it may be
used as a tool for the enslavement of
men by other men.”

To support this contention, an elab-
orate chart is supplied, giving the vote
cast in twelve double suffrage States
and the votes in twelve “single blessed-
ness” States. And this table is made
to prove that the women voted as the
men voted, and it was nothing but a
sort of doubling-up process. For in-
stance, the Colorado abstract is put as
follovvs: Vote for Wilson, men, 113,910;
women, 64,906. Total, 178,816. For
Hughes, men, 65,173; women, 37,135.
Total, 102,208. Leave out the woman
vote and the ratio for Wilson would be
about the same. See!

But where, it may be asked, did these

figures eome from? ’ Here at home at
this moment we do not know how the
women voted in Colorado as distinct
from the men. , ,
' The answer is that Illinois rwas taken
as a basis for the whole set of figures,
as well as the deductions drawn from
them. Illinois is the only State that
counts the' men’s and women’s ballots
separately. The statistician found that
in the latter State the women voted
pretty much as the men did. “He kept
us out of war" did not have muCh effect
with the Illinois women, ergo, women
being all drawn from a. single mold,
what they "did in the “sucker State”
they did in Colorado and California and
in_‘Utdh!“.‘ . is)», ; : ._
‘ There is “another guess” coming. The
hypothesis is all wrong. It looks _as if
the enemy was hard pressed for argu-
ment to' build a house of cards upon
such a flimsy framework.




(From the Ohio State Journal)
The Keating resolution offered in the
lower house of Congress is in the right
direction. It proposes that'civil service
examinations should be open toall citi-

. a U l. l‘:

She was just a'











,Edgar A. Guest, in Detroit Free Press

Life is a struggle for peace,
A longing for rest,

A hope for the battles to cease,
A dream for the best;

And he is not living who stays
Contented with things,

Unconcerned with the work of the days
And all that it brings.

He is dead ‘who sees nothing to change,
No 'wrong to make right»;

Who travels no new way or strange
In search of the light;

Who never sets out for a goal
That he sees from afar,

But contents his indifferent soul
With things as they are.

Life isn’t rest, it is toil”,
It is building a dream;

It is tilling a parcel of soil

. Or bridging a stream;

It’s pursuing the light of a star
That but dimly we. see,

And in wresting from things as thfif

are . ' _
The joythat should be.


(From the Ohio State Journal)

The Ohio House has paSSed the bill
giving women the suffrage at presiden-
tial elections by a vote of 72 to 50. That
was right. ‘~ The House did itself credit
by giving so good a majority. No mem-
ber who voted for the bill will ever
regret it. 'As the days and years pass,
he will find his vote in harmony with
the true evolution of government. It is
in support -913. the realization.“ a truth
and a life that must gain the ascendency

' in human affairs.

Some people think the ballot should
not have been restricted to presidential
elections. Perhaps not, but it is a step
forward, and that is a big thing. Growth
is the process ofnature. Edmund Burke,
the great statesman, said: “Whenever
we improve, itiis right to leave room
for further improvement." The present
bill is leaving room for that improve-
ment, to be occupied when. the time
comes and the people are ready. It will
not be wis‘e to defeat the present bill



(From the Cleveland Plain Dealer)

The Ohio House of Representatives
meets its first important test of fidelity
this afternoon, when the Reynolds bill
to grant women of the State the right
to vote for presidential electors is
scheduled to come up for passage. Both
sides of the House are pledged by their
party platforms to equal suffrage. To
reject this _measure Would constitute a
repudiation, for which no Democrat or
Republican can care to answer to his

Happily,- there is 2 no indication that
the House will fail to meet its obliga-
tion in this respect. So far, its work
has been highly satisfactory. Credit for
this belongs with members of the House

V, :as well as active suffrage workers who

at Columbus and elsewhere have been
insisting that. a pledge is a. pledge,
whether given by an individual or a
party. . .

From the House the suffrage measure
will go to the Senate and then to the
Governor. There should be no question
of its approval in both quarters. The
Senateis bound by the same pledge that
binds the House. The Governor is un-
der no less binding an obligation. He,
as Well as representatives and senators,
was elected upon a platform declaring
for equal suffrage.


(From theOhio State Journal)

.We note in-the reports that the Re-
publicans in the Legislature are gen-
erally in favor of the measure provid-
ing for woman suffrage. Why cannot
this be said of the Democrats? What
is the-sense in putting this reform off
any longer? We will have to come to
it some time, and in a very few years
it rwill be no pleasant recollection of
any member of the Legislature that he
voted against woman suffrage. 'And, in-
deed, it might be a pleasant recollec-
tion when the women get to voting that
he did. The women are going to have
a voice in the coming elections, and no



regret it. As the days and years pass,
he will find his vote in harmony with
the true evolution of government. It is
in spgppor_t‘pf,the realizationbf a truth
and a life that must gain the ascendency
' in human' affairs.

Some people think the ballot should
not have been restricted to presidential
elections. Perhaps not, but it is a step
forward, and that is a big thing. Growth

being all drawn from a single mold,
what they did in the “sucker State”
they did in Colorado and California and

There is “another guess" coming. The
hypothesis is all wrong. It looks as if
the enemy was hard pressed for argu-
ment to build a house of cards upon
such a flimsy framework.

are goes Professor

st. 3 e argood‘. (From the Ohio State Journal)

.We note in-the reports that the Re-
publicans in the Legislature are gen-
erally in favor of the measure provid-
ing for woman suffrage. Why cannot
this be said of the Democrats? What
is the‘sense in putting this reform off
any longer? We will have to come to

pI‘OBatém‘ $98155 in Utahv-:

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. Now you
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1 mother



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. ' \

walking _




(From the Ohio State Journal)

The Keating resolution offered in the
lower house of Congress is in the right
direction. It proposes thatv-civil service
examinations should be open to_all citi-
zens, without regard to sex; that there
should be a square deal for women in
the public service, and that appointments
and promotions should be made upon
grounds of capability alone. Equal pay
for equal work is also provided for in
the resolution. This is reaching up to
high ground in the social and industrial
situation. The time is ripe when women
should be favored with at least as good
conditions for making the race of life as
men are. The resolution should' pass
and it will be a grave reflection upon
Congress if it doesn’t pass. That women
should be handicapped by the law is a

011, the stirring and rough and impetu-
. ous song——
The song of the heart that dares,
That keeps .to its creed and gives no
To the faces that Fortune wears!
That heart that_laughs when the foe is
' met,
thiives and fires at taunt and
And finds no toiling o1 t1avelling long
For the sake of the good it bears!
——-Kansas City Star.

From Boston Post -

”.When Arthur proposed to me he was
so 'eXCited he couldn’t speak.”

“But how did you know ‘he wanted to
marry you, if he couldn’t speak?”

“Well, he'was down on his knees, and
I knew he 'wasn’t lookin’g'for a lost col-
lar button}:


From Birmingham Age-Herald
“A man cannot alwaystell when he
reaches the door of opportunity.” “That
may be true, but the fellow who tries

'eVery door he comes to will open one

sooner or later.”


I'Little‘IElizabeth and her mother were
having luncheon in a restaurant, and the
mother, who always tried to’ impress
facts upon her young daughter, said:
“TheSe little sardines, Elizabeth, are

geometimes eaten by the larger fish. ” '

Elizabeth gazed at the sardines 'in
wonder, and then asked:

"‘But, mother, how do the large Vfish.
get the sardine tins open?"


is the process of nature. Edmund Burke,
the great statesman, said: “Whenever
we improve, it is right to leave room
for further improvement." The present
bill is leaving room for that improve-
ment, to be occupied when. the time
comes and the people a1e 1eady. It will
not be wise to defeat the present bill
because it does not go far enough. It
goes far enough probably for the present.
It suits the people, they favor it and
want it put into the form of absolute


By,Allce Duer Miller
From New York Tribune
We take pleasure—emcere pleasure—-
iii announcing that the anti suffragists
are going to give a Fete de Vanité. We
don’t know just what this is, but it
seems to be something which justifies
even the most womanly woman in leav-
ing her home. _
During the past campaign the antis
used a cartoon which represented a
home-coming laborer and his little child,
standing in a deserted house. On the
table was a message from the wife and
mother, reading, as nearly as we remem-
ber, “Gone to a suffrage meeting.”
It seemed very, very sad; but if the
message had read, “Gone to a Fete de
Vanité,” it would have been all right.


During a Bible lesson a teacher was

trying to explain the parable of the

. tares.

“Can any of you tell me of any person
like the evil one who sowed the tares?”

A hand instantly shot up. ,

“Well, David, what person do you

“Please, ma’ am, my mother ”

“Why?” asked the teacher, in astonish-

“Because,” answered he, eyeing his
patched trousers, “she sews tears."

' From Birmingham Age-Herald

“Mv poor woman,” said the settlement
worker, “what ca. ‘ do to relieve your
distress?” .

“Can you sing, ma’am?” ’ -

“Why—er—a little.’,’ » ,

“I wish‘you’d’Sing some of the new
ragtime songs, ma' am. Me and my hus-
band ain’t been to a cabaret in two
years” . .

Nurse (to yOung husband). "‘Beauti:
ful ten- -pound baby, s11. " ‘ 1 .

Young husband (getting. things mixed
in Eis excitement): “Glorious' Am I a.
father or a mother?" ‘ H . '

. ...:—-«..,..ga—AmeMLw-wunr-idfi‘ah:.‘ 1



' ' ' boyd’

it some time, and in a very few years
it rWill be no pleasant recollection of
any member of the Legislature that he
voted against woman suffrage. 'And, 1n-
deed, it might be a pleasant recollec-
tion when the women get to voting that
he did. The women are going to have
a voice in the coming elections, and no
temporizing now will exclude them from
it. Who wants to occupy a place in the
band-wagon as it moves along in the tri-'
umphant procession had better jump
into it‘ now,‘so as to participate in the
coming triumphs. Far better to do that
than lag along in the ranks of defeat.



By Victor Gaege Kimbert

You said I must stay in my own four
And you’ve locked the door and hold
the key;
Without is the moat and the dungeon
And naught but death can set me free.

But no bars nor bolts can encage the
I am still my own, I must live my life,
Though the waste and war of the fric-
tion scar,
I must be myself

in (the endless

Not endless, nay, for a sun shall rise
0’ er a race of women brave indeed,
Who little by little have won the fight,
And find their bodies and spirits



Freed not from material bonds alone,
But from every thought that harbors
From all that enslaves the race today,
And closes the door of life to song.


The inventor of a. new feeding-bottle
for infants sent outgthe following direc. '
tions to mothers:

”When the baby is done drinking it
must be unscrewed and laid in a cool,
place under the hydrant. If the baby
does not thrive on fresh milk, it should
be boiled.” '


Mrs. Bacon: “I don't think the streets
are nearly as clean as they used to be.”

Mr. Bacon: “Of course not. Just see
what short skirts you women are wear-
ing now!”

x. . h—— ,.
From New York Times

“I tell you, old man, Angy is a bright.
girl. She’s brains enough for two. ”
"‘Then she’s the very girl for you, my




.T'riic‘ WOMEN "S jOUF




I 4-“ .
. z


omatf5$31 manual



“ f2 ‘ Founded By

Weekly’Newspaper Devoted to Winning Equal
E- Rights and especially to- Winning, Equal

‘ .- -. , Suffrage for Women

' - Editor-in-Chief ‘

‘. . Contributing Editors
- Mary Johnston Rabbi Stephen S. Wise~
Zona Gale Reginald Wright Kaufiman
Florence Kelly Caroline~Bartlett Crane,
Witter Bynner Josephine Peabody Marks
Ben B. Lindsey Mabel Craft Deerlng
"lllis Meredith Eliza Calvert Hall
. Artists
.ayme B. Harwood‘
. Fredrikke Palmer
Deputy Treasurer
Howard L. Blackwell
George Brewster Gallup
idea, 45 Boutwell Street, Dor-
chester, Boston, Mass.
Telephone, Dorchester 4810.



Blanche Amer!




Entered at the Post Office, Boston.
- chusetts, as second class matter


Subscription price, one dollar per year.

Receipt of payment must not be expected
to show on address label under two weeks
from date received.

3‘Checks and drafts and post-office orders

’ should be made payable to The Womans

Journal. ,i

Advertising rate will be sent upon applica-
tion to advertising manager.





FEBRUARY 10, 1917




" [The break with Germany and the pos-
sibility of war have been the all—absorb-
ing tepics this week. It is a time for
women as well as men to keep their

_/i1\. isf‘If war\comes, we may be sure

that the women of the United States,
like the women of all the other countries
inVOlved, will rise to the occasion, and
show themselves able and willing to ren-
der every kind of service that may be

In the meanwhile, there are several

'points that we may remember with
- profit.

is felt towards Germany
country’s government \has
been acting upon the principle that
might makes right. This is the funda-
mental principle of the anti-suffragists.
Over and over again, in their speeches
and literature, they have ridiculed the
American idea that governments derive
their just powers from the consent of
the governed, and have declared that all.
government rests upon force, and that
- women have no right’to a vote as to the
laws which they must obey, or the taxes
, which they are forced to pay, because

because that

women are not as well able as» men to '

back 'up their claims by physical force.
,It 1-? exactly the principle upon which big
"'““ strong countriesé—Germany and oth-

‘ . . \ ‘i' . .
leads the bulletin of the Southern States

Woman Suffrage Conference to remark,
“What a fine Fourth of July program
North Dakota can arrange! ”


The Legislature of South Dakota has
voted to resubmit the constitutional
amendment ,for equal suffrage. This
will be the seventh submission in that
State; and, for the first time, the Legis—
lature passed the measure without de-

South Dakota now holds the record
for repeated submissions. Oregon won
on the sixth referendum; but in that
State all the later submissions were
secured by initiative petition. In South
Dakota, ' after each defeat, the next
Legislature sends the question to the
voters again.

When it was first submitted, in 1890,
the equal suffrage amendment was de-
feated by a vote of more than two to
one. Last November it came so near
passing that a change of less than
3,000 votes in a. total of 112,000. would
have carried it. No wonder that the
legislators of South Dakota see the
handwriting on the wall, and refuse to
stand in .‘the way of manifest destiny!

We congratulate our sisters of South
Dabota; and we point out to the Mass‘
achusetts anti-suffragists, who were
said by Mr... McLean to have financed
his campaign against the amendment in
South Dakota last year, that you can
no more keep down equal suffrage than
you can keep down a cork in the water.
It bobs right up again.

A. S. BJ


Friends of justice in North Dakota
.are rightly proud that the first bill to
be passed by the new Legislature and
signed by the Governor was the bill
giving votes to women. But they are
mistaken in thinking that in NorthiDa‘
kota (as Mrs. Mary Darrow Weible ex-
pressed it) “for the first time in the his-
tory of the suffrage movement,:men
have treated women in the collective
sense with the same courtesy that they
would have treated their own special
Women, and voted their measure first.”
The first bill 'passedby- the first Terri-
torial Legislature of Alaska in 1913 was
a bill giving full suffrage to women—
and it was passed by a unanimous vote.

Denver papers are just now boasting
’ that Colorado is the first State to have
.a woman as Assistant Attorney General.


Some years ago, a man and woman ran .
for the affine . of - nit-Hornet? flt-nerél in i .


these‘same objectors beg the legislators

not to'submit it, but to decide against.
it on their own; responsibility. V
In --Maine' the Republicans are pledgedi
by their'éparty platform ,to...submit the
suffrage amendment. Does Mr. Luce
look upon Republican party pledges as
sodmuch'pie crust, made only to {be

S. B.


{The Massachusetts Legislature has
turned down a petition to make women
eligible 'as Park Commissioners. It
caméfrom the men of Groton, who want
to appoint Miss Georgiana Boutw‘ell, ex-
Governor Boutwell’s daughter, :a mem-
ber of their local.board. ,Apparently
they are not to have the privilege. They
set forth in a convincing manner Miss
Boutwell’s suitability and semices, but
without avail.

The Legislature has also rejected the
bill to make women eligible (as members
of health boards, and eligibfle as public
administrators. Mr. Burr of Boston
contemptuously described the last named
measure as “a bill to make jobs for
women.” Opponents of, equal suffrage
have often told us that the ballot could
be of no help in getting: any- woman a

It is Obvious that there are women
well fitted for such positions. In
every suffrage State, they would be
eligible. Yet we shall, still be told by
the opponents of equal rights that
“women suffer no injustice in Massa-

' chusetts.”

A. S. B.



When women have labored long and-

zealously for some legislative improve-
ment, they often. have hard work to
hold it. '

The Minimum- Wage Commigsion of
Massachusetts is; only advisory and has
no power to enforce its decisions; yet
it has accompliished a good deal by its
indirect influence. The Merchants’ and
Manufacturers’ Association, made up
mainly of emfiloyers of women, is bent
on getting the Commission abolished,
or, failing this, on crippling it so that it
can do nothing. At the legislative hear-
ings this week, most interesting evidence
was given. ..

The merchants had manufacturers
have money, social influence, and votes.
The working women have none. It- is
glaringly‘ ‘junfair that in. a. question so




392m flit:

By Allce


From New
We need, said M
more men who, "
much that they a:
erty to others, as
themselves.” The
a long time ago i
need. Last year :
York was found ov
such men; but ale
among them.
Some love Libert,
Or are always t
But they love he
Of a thousand
The contemporar
They think very~
When she calls


“Quick, hand me
the physician, “a :
me in a dying voice
without me."

“Wait,” said his
up the receiver, “t
daughter Edith.”

From Str

“What is the h
work as a lecturer?

“As a rule,” rep
speaker, “the hardc
is waking the audio
who introduces me


From Wash

“What picturesque
introduced into your
titled to no credit.
enne. “What you I
the efforts of my pt
quit stepping on car


At a. party one 6‘
girl said to Sargent,
‘40, Mr. Sargent,
painting, and kissed
much like you.”
“And di it kiss y
artist, gr vely.
“Why, no; of com
tonished reply.
“Then,” said Mr. -

. like me.”

Too Mil—5;.
Miss _Gillot: - “Th
Fox, the great scien



tioris, . ~. .

‘ Germany and Austria have been noto
riously reactionary in their attitude
toward equal {rights for women. Up to
a few years ago, women in Austria were
forbidden by law even to have a suffrage
society, or to be members of any other
association formed for a political pur-
try have quoted and commended the pub-
lications of_the German “Men’s League
to Combat the Emancipation of Women”;
and in State after State of our own
Union, equal suffrage amendments to
the constitution have been defeated
largely by the German vote. The Ger-
mans have many noble qualities, but
among their faults is a rooted aversion
toward equal rights for women.
' anti-suffragists, who are

«override the rights of small na-

Anti-suffrage organs in this coun-

just now pro-
fessing, and doubtless feeling, so -much
horror of German principles and actions,
are lined up in closest fellowship with
the Germans in their attitude towards
equal" suffrage. A. S. B,



Last week a sensational dispatch
from London reported that an accusa-
. tion- of a conspiracy to poison Lloyd-
" George had been brought against three
women formerly active in the suffrage
I movement and a. man 'who was a “con-
scientious objector” to conscription.
This was published with scare heads in-
‘ a, multitude of American papers as a
“suffrage plot” to murder the British

'If there was any conspiracy, it cer-
tainly was not a suffrage plot. In the
first place, Lloyd-George is asuffragist.
In the second, suffrage militancy was
dropped entirely as soon as the war
broke out; and even when militancy
was at its height, Mrs. Pankhurst and
her followers drew the line at human
life. '

/ , A conscientious objector to military

\‘\'. service generally objects because he
thinks it wrong to kill; and it seems
\ ' at; least unlikely that such a person
would plan to murder a. prominent
.istatesman. \The man and the 'three

women, whose names are wholly: un-‘

', 5 : known} to us as suffragists, all indig-
‘ nantly deny the accusation. All sorts
" of panicky rumors and fantastic tales get
'tl'spread about during war time; and we
“shall be .much surprised if this one

:proves' to have any foundation.

I > ‘1 , . ' f A. S. B.

l ' M.”

,1. ..


North, Dakota ' woman suffrage bill

u. 'go the; effect; July» 1, 1917. This


Montana, on opposite tickets. The man
was elected. Thereupon he appointed
the woman as his Assistant Attorney
General. Later the two were married.
History is making so rapidly in these
days that it is dangerous to speak of any
instance of a- woman’s achievement as
being the first of its kind. Before mak-
it is Well to in-
A. S. B.

_________'_,______.__—-——~— .

ing such an assertion,

with care.

Every war or possibility of war calls

afresh to the fiimsiness of the
arguments. 5, In

favorite anti-suffrage
reckoning .up the available military
strength of the country, it is announced
that the government could draft 500,000
boys of 20 years of age, and 500,000 more
boys of 19. Boys from 18 years up-
wards are old enough to fight, though
they are not allowed
are 21. On the other hand, a man of 45
is exempt from military service, ale~
though he may go on voting till he is,
And still we are told that the
ballot box and the cartridge box must.
go together.
A. S. Bi


The eight-hour law of California. has
been taken as a model for the urfiform
eight-hour law which various organiza-
tions interested in the welfare of; work-
ing women are now trying to -7secure
throughout all the New England. States.
It is of interest also to note that it is
not the original California law, passed
by the same Legislature whibch voted
overwhelmingly for the suffrage amend—
ment, but the law as amended and ex-
tended, after the women hfil obtained
the vote.

A. S. B.-



At .the recent legislative hearing on
equal suffrage in Maine, ’the Hon. Rob-
ert Luce of Massachus‘etts, and an
anti-sufirage woman f‘igom the same
State, urged the legislaitorsnot to give
the voters of Maine ‘3. chance to say
whether they want equal suffrage 'or

Practically all the opponents of equal
rights have been dermuncing the Federal
Amendment for woman suffrage, on the
ground that this its a question" which
cannot 'properly bé decided by Legis-
latures, but ought falways to be decided
by the voters. Yfiet wherever the suf-
fragists ask 'to {have a constitutional
amendment submfitted to the voters, as
the \women are now doing in Maine,

to vote until they _

closely bound up with women’s health
and lives, the women themselves should
belpolitipally powerless. A. S. B.


Attention has lately been called to the
curious position of John Armstrong
Chalioner, - formerly the husband of
Amalie ,Rives. He is -legally insane
in New York, but legally sane in
Virginia and all other parts of the
Unflted States. He cannot control his
property in New York, and has to have
it managed for him by guardians, while
all the property that he owns elsewhere
he can manage for himself. Mr.
Chaloner must feel something like Tom
.Reed’s daughter, Mrs. Katherine Reed
Ballentine, who reminded the Maine
Legislature the other day that in Cali-
fornia for the last six years she has
been a full-fledged citizen and a voter,
but when she returned to her native
State of Maine she finds herself relegat-
ed to “the humble class of lunatics” and
other persons held incompetent to cast
a ballot.

In thirteen States a woman has now
the legal right to vote for President of
the Republic; but by crossing an imag-
inary line she may find herself unable
to vote even for the smallest of the
officials who are to control her liberty
and spend her tax-money. Such a situa-
tion is too_ridiculous to last.
said that the country could not continue
half slave and half free. No more can
it go on forever with the women half
enfranchised and half. unenfranchised.

A. 'S. B.




(From Christian Science Monitor)

A full-page advertisement, in
colors, addressed to Iowa farmers, set-
ting forth that “Woman Suffrage
Means High Taxes,” and hearing at its
foot the inscription, “This Advertise-
ment Paid for by Popular Subscription
Among Patriotic Iowans," appeared not
long since in publications in the State
named. An appeal made by a private
citizen having failed to bring out the
names of the “patriots" who paid for
the-advertisement, the problem involved
has been brought to us. As we see it,
women. are enemies of the liquor traffic.
Give them the franchise and they re-
duce the public revenues from that
traffic. This is how suffrage affects tax—
ation. And this leaves the natural in-
ference that the “Patriotic Iowans” who
paid for the advertisements are prob-
ably people whose business has suffered
from prohibition. It 'is all very simple,
andvery patriotic.

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News From the States




Suffrage School Tours Cities, lmparting
Knowledge on How To Get Ballot;
Also, How To Use It After November

Buffalo, N. Y.-—A thoroughgoing edu:
cational campaign for the dissemination
of suffrage knowledge has been launched
in this city. Miss Elinor Byrnes, an at-
torneyof New York City, is meeting the
pressing demand on the part of the
rwomen of her State for instruction in
suffrage methods. Miss Byrnes boards
a train, goe