xt70rx937t9n_480 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Votes for Women text Votes for Women 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_25/Multipage20803.pdf 1910 October 1910 1910 October section false xt70rx937t9n_480 xt70rx937t9n I ' . pressed any opposition.

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VOL‘ 1.

"Celebrities at A.Y.P. who Favor Woman


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“ I congratulate the women of Colorado upon having the right to vote.

I believe that women should have a voice in the government."—

William Howard Taft


' HEN the roll of distinguished visitors
at the A.-Y.-P., whose public utter-
W ances have been in favor of woman
suffrage is finally complete it will
be led by no less honorable name than that of William
Howard Taft, president of the United States; it
will contain the names of the-late Governor John A.
Johnson, of Minnesota; Senator William E. Borah,
of Idaho; Senator George E. Chamberlain, of Ore-
gon; John Barrett, president of Bureau of South
American Republics; Congressman William Sulzer,
of New York; Governor William Spry, of Utah; Gov-
ernor John A. Brady, of Idaho; Judge Ben B. Lind-
sey, of Colorado; Judge C. E. S. Wood, of Portland;
W. S. U’Ren, of Oregon City; Mrs. Henry Villard, of
New York; Professor Charles Zueblin, of Boston; E1-
bert Hubbard; Professor Frances Squire Potter, of
the University of Minnesota; Ralph W. Pope, of New
York; Professor James De Loss Towar, of the Uni-
versity of Wyoming; Bishop F. S. Spalding, of the
Episcopal Diocese of Salt Lake; J. Ellen Foster and
Janet E. Richards, of Washington, D. C.; Abigail Scott
Duniway, of Portland; Laura Clay, of Lexington, Ky.;
Chrystal Mac‘Millan, of Edinburgh; Gina Krog, of
Christiana, Norway; Annie Besant, of London; Rev.
Anna Howard Shaw, Florence Kelly, Caroline Lexow
and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, of New York.

Few Opposed to Woman Suffrage.

Of the many Exposition celebrities interviewed on,

the subject of equal suffrage, surprisingly few ex-
One or two said that the
matter had been given no consideration and desired

A' not to be quoted, but the great majority, so far as

"they were reached, were much interested in the fact
that a suffrage amendment is to be voted on in this
state inNovember, 1910, and expressed a hope that
it would carry. '

President Taft, while on his way to Seattle to
make an address at the Exposition, in a speech made
at Flagler, Colorado, congratulated the women of
that state upon having the right to vote. He said
he believed that women should have a voice in the
government and suggested to the men that if they
voted as the women did, they would vote right.

Two of. the suffrage states—Idaho and Utah—
erected buildings at the Fair. The Utah visitors
were apparently unanimous in their hearty support
of woman suffrage. Both men and women said that
the women in Utah voted just as generally as the
men, and all agreed that it was a benefit. There
was a fine spirit of independence and democracy
about the Utah delegation. Governor Spry, approach-
ed on the subject of suffrage, invited all lVashington
women to move to Utah if the amendment failed
here. He said: “\Ve have no apology to make for
woman suffrage. Our women vote as generally as
the men, and the effect is beneficial. Better men.
011 the Whole, are chosen for office.

Utah, a Suffrage State, Has Largest Number of Home


“Whenever a woman accepts a political position
she discharges its duties faithfully and honestly.
School offices are most often filled by women. as
they are deeply interested in education, but we have
women in some important county clerkships. They
are excellent officials in this position. Utah women
own much property and have large business inter-
ests. In Utah, we believe that to own property,
makes a man or a women more independent—more
nearly the arbiter of his 01' her own destiny, and
we boast a larger number of home-owners in pro-
portion to the census, than any other state in the

Union. Washington can make no mistake in giv-
ing women the ballot. It will stimulate enter-
prise.” .

Senator William E. Borah and Senator George E.
Chamberlain Visited the Exposition while touring
the west on the Senate Investigating Committee on
Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Both
have defended women’s political rights from the
stump in their own states. Senator Chamberlain
believes the amendment now pending in his state—
Oregon—should carry and that Washington, South
Dakota and Oklahoma, which vote at the same time,
should enfranchise women. “I hope every state in'
the Union will give women the ballot,” is his state-
ment. I

Idaho gave women the suffrage in 1896.
Borah, speaking of Idaho’s experience said:

“We have had woman suffrage in Idaho for a
number of years. I would be entirely unwilling to
see it abolished, for I believe in it as a matter of
right. I do not claim—and no calm observer will
claim—that woman suffrage does all, or will do all,
claimed by its enthusiastic advocates. It will not
purify politics, but it helps. I believe it has been
distinctly beneficial, and the influence exerted by
woman suffrage,: while not as great as is sometimes
claimed, is, in so far as it goes, entirely on the side
of cleaner politics and better government.”


No Political Scandals in Idaho.

Governor John A. Brady, of Idaho, who made the
principal address at'the Fair on Idaho Day, gives
this testimony:

“I do not think that exercise of elective franchise
by the women of Idaho has had any effect upon the
social or home life of the people of the State, except
it be by reason of better citizenship on account 0f








purer political life. Politically, the effect of woman
suffrage has been immeasurably uplifting and bene-
ficial. Through the enactment of this princi—
ple of justice to women into the law of the State,
better men have been induced to become candidates
for office, administration of governmental affairs has
been constantly placed in more honest hands, and
the affairs of the commonwealth have been bene-
fited. Legislative activities have been along wiser
and cleaner lines. Laws have been passed of rem-
edial and reformatory character, and the beneficial
results of woman suffrage are everywhere notice-
able. There are no scandals attached to either the
law-making or the legislative branches of State,
county or municipal government in Idaho. Women
who are elected to office prove among the most ef-
ficient servants of the people. \Voman suffrage has
been an unqualified success, not only in Idaho but
in all Western States adopting the principle. I am
heartily in favor of the wide expansion of woman
‘suffrage. The West has set the pace for the rest of
the world in giving women justice in this matter.”

Suffrage at Conservation Congress.

Woman suffrage bobbed up several times at the
First National Conservation Congress which held all
its sessions on the Exposition grounds. John Bar—
rett, president of the Bureau of South American
Republics, a delegate and chairman at one of the
sessions, is in favor of giving women the ballot.
Ralph Pope, of New York, representative of the
American Society of Electrical Engineers, after
commenting on the. large number of women at the

sessions and on the clever way some of the women
delegates made points of order against the chair,
declaredthat it was time women were given the
right to vote.

Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Washington, D. 0., rep-
resenting the Daughters of the American Revolution,
addressed the Conservation Congress on “Conserva-
tion and the Child Life,” and her Witty thrusts
brought her round after round of applause. She
made a brilliant plea for the ballot'in the hands of
the mothers in order to save the children, and she
warned the men not to be hoodwinked by the em-
ployers of child-labor who assume great concern for
the “widowed mothers and the indigent fathers.”

She said: “Don’t you men ever think we women
will neglect our children. We want the ballot be-
cause we want to take care of our children better.
A. child, like a tree, is of more use to society if al-
lowed to grow and develop. Why should the chil-
dren support the widowed mother and the indigent
father? Pension the widowed mothers and put the
indigent fathers in jail,” she added, amid great ap-
plause, “and give the mothers of Washington a bal-
lot that they may guard their young.”

Few Divorces in Wyoming.

Professor James DeLoss Towar, professor of Ag-
riculture at the University of Wyoming, and a dele;
gate to the Conservation‘Congress, said that the
value of woman suffrage in Wyoming is that even
though the women do not attend the caucuses, the
mere fact that they have the right to vote insures
the putting up of good candidates for office; that

Memorial Services in Honor of Henry

A memorial service, in honor of Henry B. Black-
well, was held at the Boylston Avenue Unitarian
Church, in Seattle, on Sunday, September 12. The

‘Tf‘BpeakeI‘S were Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway of Port-

land, Mrs. Marion Baxter, Dr. sarah Kendall, Dr.
Cora Smith Eaton and Miss Adella M. Parker, of
Seattle. Speaking engagements in Island county
made it impossible for Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe
to be present, but she sent a message calling atten-
tion to the fact that Mr. Blackwell was deeply in-
terested in the Washington campaign and urging
that. “no higher honor could be paid to his mem-
ory and to that of his sainted wife, Lucy Stone, than
to bear forward the suffrage banner they had car-
ried so long and so gallantly.”

A large audience filled the church, including
many from other cities who had known and revered
Mr. Blackwell. Rev. J. D. 0. Powers conducted the
service. The words of eulogy and appreciation which
fell from the lips of the speakers were eloquent
with the deep emotion which all present felt in
rendering homage to the devotion and single-heart-
edness of this great champion of women.

Mr. Blackwell’s generous interest in the State of
Washington was mentioned by all the speakers. It
was recalled that in 1889 he had spent much time
in the territory speaking in behalf of the suf-
frage amendment then pending, and that again, this

simmer, though in his-eighty-fifth year, he had trav-
eled from ocean to ocean to take part in the Na-
tional Suffrage Convention, held in Seattle. On this
trip he surpassed himself in his speeches made from
the rear platform of the Suffrage Special and in his
brilliant address made in the Auditorium at the ex-
position, his voice rang to the farthest corners of
the large building with all the vigor and eloquence
of forty years before.

Recently Mr. Blackwell sent $100 to the campaign
fund of the State Association, and, since June 1,

, nearly four hundred copies of his paper, The Wom-

an's Journal, have been sent into the state in the
interest of the campaign. These copies will be
continued until the vote on the amendment in No-
vember, 1910. With this gift came the following
message: “This I consider to be my dear wife, Lucy
Stone’s, contribution to the cause which she loved
more dearly than life itself.” This incident is typi~
cal of Mr. Blackwell’s devotion to Lucy Stone.

Among the several eloquent addresses made at the
memorial service, Dr. Sarah Kendall spoke as fol-

“In this particular age when law and order rule
the world, when the sharp distinctions between lord
and vassal have resolved. into a growing democracy,
when the evolution of intelligent womanhood has
become in a great measure an armor of self-pro-
tection, it may seem that the spirit of that distant

party leaders do not dare to offer inferior men; that
in Wyoming, where women have had equal political
rights with men longer than in any other part of
the world, there are fewer divorces in proportion to
the marriages than in any other state in the Union,
and that \Vyoming was the first state to adopt the
Australian ballot and the first to pass adequate
laws prohibiting child labor.

W. S. U’Ren, “father of direct legislation”' in Ore-
gon, speaking at the convention of the \Vashington
Direct Legislation League, at the Exposition, gave
the suffrage cause a strong endorsement. He said:
“I think women should vote, not because it is a
right, but because it is a duty. All should assist in
the affairs of the nation. I see no reason why one-
half of the intelligent population should be relieved
of this duty. lRecently I spent some time in my old
state of Colorado, and I noticed that the women of
that state take far better care of their children
now that they have the right to vote, than they used
to before they had that right. I hope you will give
the women of Washington the right to vote. I hope
you will do this for the sake of your wives and
your daughters and your sweethearts, and for the
sake of my relatives who live in Washington.

“The amendment lost in Oregon through a curi-
ous fact. Men do not vote on a direct legislation
amendment, unless they understand the measure,
but if there is one thing every man thinks he knows
it is whether or not a woman should vote, so the
suffrage amendment brought out the largest vote
ever cast on an amendment in Oregon, and this de-
feated it.”

(Continued on Page Three)

B. Blackwell

time, that sentimental age, which manifested itself
mainly in the romantlc protective attitude towards
woman has passed away, but far from this is the
fact when souls such as animated the man whom we
desire to honor, souls which recognizing the living
princ1ples 01. justice and right action, and the strength
and dignity of womanhood of today, enlist under the
banner of their righteous cause anu unfalteringly
serve it through more than half a century to the
end of a life full of the highest type of chivalrous
living for womanhood.

“Such a man was Henry B. Blackwell, and it was
a proud hour to the speaker during the recent con-
vention in Seattle, of the National Suffrage Asso-
ciation, at the reception to its officers, to stand by
his side and introduce to him the women who
thronged to greet these distinguished workers in the
Suffrage cause. It was a pleasure to remind them
of their privilege in taking the hand of their life-
long champion. Many of whom, no doubt, had not
even heard his name so simple and unassuming was
his life, but to all women it should be a fact to be
very thoughtfully considered, that Mr. Blackwell
from his young manhood to his snow-crowned eighty-
fifth year has been the one man who has devoted
his years and his brilliant talent to the promotion
of the success of woman’s cause by crowning her
with the honor, the opportunity, the responsibility
and dignity of free citizenship. He was indeed ‘A
knight without fear and without reproach and it is
indeed fitting that women should do him reverence.
Though he has passed on the cause remains, and let
us not falter in serving it, thereby promoting, not
one interest, not woman’s cause alone, but the great
cause of human race.” . v

Suffrage Convention at Kelso

The Cowlitz County Suffrage Convention, held in
Kelso, August 25th, was the first of a series of coun-
ty conventions which are being organized through-
out the state by the Washington State Suffrage As-
sociation, in the interest of the suffrage campaign.
The enthusiasm and effectiveness of this first coun-
ty convention argues well for the success of the
amendment. The cOnvention called out a delegation
of representative people of the county, a substantial
sum of money was pledged and a thorough canvass
cf the voters of the county was organized.

During the two weeks prior to the date of the
convention, suffrage rallies had been held throughout
the larger towns of the county. Mary G. O’Meara, of
Seattle, had made two addresses in Castle Rock, one

at the Methodist Church and one at the Christian
Church and she had spoken at Kalama also, and at
Shanghai. At the latter- place a splendid meeting
was gotten up in two hours by using the telephone.
Everywhere much interest was displayed—the news-
papers, the school authorities and the churches all
giving cordial support.

On the morning of the 25th, when the delegates
arrived in Kelso, they found that the merchants had
decorated their windows with the suffrage yellow in
honor of the convention and a great banner in the
campaign green, “Votes for Women” was stretched
across the main street.

The meetings of the convention were held in the
Methodist Church. Flowers adorned the auditorium

and graced the tables below where the dinner was
to be served in the evening. Conspicuous in the
church was a handsome suffrage flag, bearing the
four stars, typifying the four suffrage states, Idaho,
Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. This flag was made
and presented to the convention by Mrs. Roy Welch
of Relso, and Mrs. E. S. Collins of Ostrander.
Mrs. Roy Welch, president of the Kelso Suffrage
Club, opened the convention. The main speaker of
the afternoon was Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe, presi-
dent of the State Suffrage Association. Mrs. DeVoe
outlined the plans of the campaign and urged a
canvass of the voters of the county by precincts,
This plan aroused so much interest that the Kelso

(Continued on Page Six.)


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Women’s Day at Puyallup Valley Fair

The appointment of Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe as
President of Woman’s Day at the Puyallup Valley
Fair, recalls the fact that the very first celebra-
tion of a VVoman’s Day, anywhere in the world,
was at the suggestion of Mrs. DeVoe and was carried
out under her management, at a state fair, held in
South Dakota, during the suffrage campaign of 1889.
On that occasion, Susan B. Anthony rode in the
procession, which was three and a half miles long
and which represented every woman’s organization
escorted by the corresponding men’s organization in
the two states of North and South Dakota.

Since that first Woman’s Day, twenty years ago,
state fairs, cOunty fairs and world’s fairs have
celebrated this day. It was observed at the Ore-
gon Exposition and Woman Suffrage Day at the A.-
Y.-‘P. was a brilliant success.

The following letter sent out by Mrs. DeVoe to
the prominent club women of the state and the many
responses which have been received indicate that
Woman’s Day at Puyallup, on October 14th, will be
a rousing success.

To the Women of Washington, Greeting:

The Valley Fair Association will open in the city
of Puyallup on October 12th, and continue until the
16th, inclusive. The Association has designated
Thursday, October 14th, as Woman’s Day. Elaborate
and extensive preparations are being made by the
women in charge for the entertainment of the
large numbers who will visit the Fair that day. The
program will be rendered in front of the amphi-

theater, beginning at 11 o’clock and concluding at 12.
At the close of the exercises we will retire to the
amphitheater tent that has been provided for our
use, where an accredited representative from each
club will be given an opportunity to discuss the ob-
ject, scope and practical methods used in promoting
the respective club for which she stands pledged.

Addresses will be made by noted women. Music
will be furnished by a ladies’ quartet, arranged
especially for the occasion. The Goddess of Liberty
will lead the procession accompanied by young ladies
representing the four free States, namely: Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah and Idaho. A marching club of young
ladies in uniform, accompanied by a ladies’ drum
corps, will be a novel feature of the day.

Women’s Clubs and organizations throughout
the state are earnestly invited to participate. Espec-
ially do we invite the women .rom the farms, and
the wives of artisans, to join us.. A loving cup will
be given to the organization or club which reports
the greatest amount of work accomplished in its
respective line during the last year. This offer is
made to each and every woman’s club in the State.
A suitable reward will be given to the woman offering
the most practical and feasible plan for carrying the
suffrage amendment in the 1910 campaign.

At no time in the history of the world has there
been such a spirit of inquiry, such a desire for in-
forma..cn by women, as there is at the present
time. The act of our last legislature in submitting
the constitutional amendment to our voters is now
being thoroughly examined as to its purpose and ef-
fect; and for this awakening all along the line we
are largely indebted LO the educational power of
woman. In Washington, during the past year,

woman’s cause has advanced beyond our fondest ex-

pectations. Women of Washington, our business is
to work, to surmount difliculties, to endure hard-
ships, to solve problems to oVercome the inertia
of our natures, our training and environment; and
the reward for all of this is the capacity for more

The courtesy and consideration shown us by the
Puyallup Valley Fair Association merits our heart-
iest co-operation in making this one of the Banner
Days of the Fair. May I. not depend upon you per-
sonally to use your best efforts toward this end?

In confident assurance of seeing you on ”Woman’s
Day,” I am,

Sincerely yours,

President Woman’s Day.

The officers of the day are as follows: President,
Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe; Vice-president, Mrs. M.
E. Hay; Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Ellen S.
Leckenby, Seattle; Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Q.
Mason, Tacoma. The followmg named women will
make addresses representing their respective clubs:
Mrs. Margaret B. Platt, preSIdent W. C. T. U.; Mrs.
Rose Houghton, president Ladies of G. A. R.; Mrs.
Nellie H. Lambson, state commander L. O. T. M. of

the World; Dr. Sarah Kendall, of the D. A. R.; Miss ~

Adella M. Parker, president College Suffrage League
and Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, Equal Suffrage Associa-
tion all of Seattle; Mrs. Rosa Ruth, Grand Matron
of the Eastern Star and Mrs. J). B. Lord, State
Grange, both of Olympia; Mrs. W. H. Allen, past
president Federation VVoman’s Clubs, of Spokane;
Mrs. M. T. B. Hanna, Woman’s Press Association,
of Edmunds; Mrs. Lettie Brown, president W. R. C.,
of Columbia.

Celebrities at A.Y.P. who Favor Woman Suffrage

Suffrage at National Council of Women.

When the international delegates addressed the
National Council of Women at the Exposition most
of them proved to be ardent suffragists, and every
suffrage speech was applauded to the echo.

Gina Krog, international delegate of Christiania,
Norway, delighted the Exposition audience by her
droll wit. She looked a very genial voter and said
that the men of Norway had more respect for the
women now that they have the ballot.

Chrystal MacMillan, of Edinburgh, the Scotch
delegate, said that the British women were deeply
interested in these western campaigns, knowing that
success here would help them there. “Though,” she
added, “we shall get the ballot in a short time, in
any case.”

Miss MacMillan, though she has received a de-
gree in law, is not permitted to practice in Great
Britain, and though she is a registered graduate
from a Scotch university, whose registrated gradu-
ates, according to law, have the parliamentary suf-
frage, she is forbidden that, too. In England and
Scotland women vote for all other officers. Miss
MacMillan recently argued her own case as to the
right of parliamentary suffrage before the House of
Lords, but they construed the word “persons” in
one line in the law to include women and in another
line not to include them.

It was under the auspices of the Washington
State Suffrage Association and the Exposition man-
agement that Judge Ben B. Lindsey addressed one
of the great Auditorium meetings at the Exposition.
Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe presided at this meeting
and the officers of the State'Board, together with
the Exposition officials, sat on the platform. Judge
.Jindsey was enthusiastically received and in his
position as Juvenile Court Judge, he is an embodi-
men of a real achievement of women in politics,

namely, the existence of the Juvenile Court. Speak-

ing on the Subject “What tne Juvenile Court Has
Done for the Boys of Denver, and How the Women
Won the Day for the Kid’s Judge,” he paid a high
tribute to the women of Colorado when he said:

Women’s Votes Protect Home and Child.

“Women are on the right side of every question
where the home or the child is in danger.

(Continued From Page Two.)

The Juvenile Court would have been forgotten long,
long ago, if the women of Denver had not had the
Women Should not be blamed because they
have not, in fifteen years, abolished all the
political ills, when men have not been able to
cure them in a century. We have no right to de-
mand from women in exchange for the ballot a
purity in politics we have never demanded from
men. As the case now stands in Denver. 99 per cent
of the political corruption is carried on by men,
so that this argument for political purity logically
resolves itself into a reason for taking the ballot
from the men altogether and giving it to the women

Numerous other interviews in favor of equal suf-
frage might be cited. Congressman William Sulzer
of New York, declared he had always believed in
women’s voting, and he felt sure it was coming in
America much faster than is appreciated. “I never
could see,” he said, “why our mothers who trained
us from childhood, and whose devotion is ever di-
rected to our good, should not have a part in the
making of the laws which govern us, inasmuch as
these very legal arrangements so vitally affect the
welfare of the youth.” _

Mrs. Florence Kelly, secretary of the National
Consumer’s League and the world’s foremost ad-
vocate of child labor laws, said:

“If we who have spent many years seeking to
protect the children, had spent the same years striv-
ing to secure the ballot for women, the children
would be better protected, today.” ,

Caroline Lexow, daughter of Senator Lexow, of the
famous Lexow Commission, believed that a victory
in Washington would give the cause in the east a
great impetus. “You have no Conception,” she said,
“what it would mean to us in New York, if you carry


Mrs. Duniway’s Interview with Fred Douglas.

One of the most, interesting visitors at the Fair
was Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, of Portland, the
pioneer leader of the suffrage movement on the Pa-
cific Coast. She tells a good story of a famous in-
terview she had years ago, with Fred' Douglas. She
had been refused the church of her own pastor in
a town where Fred Douglas was given the theatre at
the expense of the town council. After the lecture,

Mrs. Duniway sought out the noted colored orator
and told him how she had been treated. “Never
mind,” he said, “never mind. I remember the day
when I couldn’t speak in any church or hall in any

city~when I had to speak on the streets. , Never.

mind, the time will come when you can speak any-
where you please—when you will be treated, just as
well as a nigger.”

On four special days, suffrage was the dominant
theme at the A.-Y.-P. Three of these were under the
auspices of the State Suffrage Association, namely,
Woman Suffrage Day, when the “State” entertained
the “National” at the Fair, the. Sunday previous to
this, when the Auditorium meeting was devoted to
a national suffrage program, and Judge Lindsey’s
address. The international delegates made suffrage
the dominant theme at the Exposition program of
the National Council of Women.

Different persons will differently estimate the
leading note of the Exposition: to some it will be
the cleanest fair, to some the prettiest; to some the
most comfortable. Thoughtful women will recog-
nize in the pains taken to serve women and in the

space given in the program to women’s projects an '

indication of the increasing part women play in the
life of the world, and suffragists everywhere, will re-
member the generous and cordial spirit in which the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, both officially and
unofficially, has furthered the cause of woman’s po-
litical freedom. ‘



At the Arcade Hall, Seattle, an extremely, good
vaudeville entertainment was put on by Isabel A.
Helmich, assisted by her sister, Aloysia Helmich.
Monologues, costume dances and playlets delighted
the audience. The sketch entitled “The New Man,”
was especially well received. The Helmich sisters
generously donated the proceeds of the evening to
the state campaign fund.



Mabel Buland, who received the degree Ph. D.
from Yale last June, is the daughter of Mrs. G. L.
Buland of Castle Rock, and is one of the.charter
members of the Washington Branch of the College
Equal Suffrage League. Miss Buland is the young-
est Ph. D. in the United States.












Editor and Proprietor, MRS. M. T. B. HANNA




Associate Editors—
Adella M. Parker.
Mary G. O‘Meara.
Rose Glass.


Subscription, $1.00 a Year. 10 Cents a Copy.


Published monthly at Seattle, Washington.


Official Organ of Washington Equal Suffrage Associa—
tion. Headquarters, 323 Arcade Building, Seattle.


Affiliated with the National American Woman Suffrage
Association. Headquarters 505 Fifth Ave., New York


President—Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe, Seattle. ».
Treasurer—Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, 1629 llth Ave., be-
attle. ‘
Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Ellen S. Leckenby,
323 Arcade, Seattle.
Mrs. Bessie I. Savage, Seattle.
Miss Jennie Jewett, White Salmon.
Mrs. John Q. Mason, Tacoma.
Mrs. Alice M. Grover, Spokane. .
Rec. Sec., Mrs. Anna E. Goodwm, Columbia.
Miss Bernice Sapp, Olympia.
Dr. Anna W. Scott, West Seattle.
Dr. N. Jolidon Croake, Tacoma.
Mrs. H. J. McGregor, Tacoma.
Dr. Sarah Kendall, Seattle.
Mrs. B. B. Lord, Olympia.
Mrs. George B. Smith, Anacortes. '
Member of Nat’l Executive Committee—Miss Ariella
M. Parker, Seattle.

VOTES FOR WOMEN asks the attention of the
public to the general question of woman’s political
enfranchisement and to the special consideration of
the amendment granting suffrage to women which
is to be \‘Cth on in this state in November, 1910.
It will give the news of the progress of the suf—
frage campaign in Washington and also items of in-
terest with reference to the struggle being made
throughout the world to secure woman her po-
litical rights. The magazine will be issued monthly
and will be the oflicial organ of the Washington
Equal Suffrage Association.

The Price of Liberty

By Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, State Treasurer, 1629 14th Ave, Seattle.

We get what we pay for in this world. What we
want from the voters in November, 1910, is justice,
“a square deal.” But between now and November,
1910, we want their attention so that we may con-
vince them that “Votes for Women” is the only
square deal on election day.

If you wish to travel, you buy your ticket and
take the train or the boat or the electric line.
But you do not get your ticket and you do not go
unless you pay the price. Our goal is Enfranchise—
ment. The time has come for us to arrive. But we
must pay the price, not only for ourselves, but for
the many women who cannot pay even the little
money it costs per capita to carry on a campaign
of education in a state.

It is good to be well and strong, to have trained
hands or trained minds, to be possessed of money
or of the ability to earn money; but it is really
glorious to give money for the cause that makes us
free. We are almost free now, almost voters. We
have asked the question of the men of Washington,
“Shall not the women vote?” The Legislature
has stated the question and now it is open for dis-
cussion, until November, 1910, when the question will
be put on ballot and the men’s vote taken.

But it costs money to discuss a question with the
voters of a great state. We must pay postage, print-
ing, publicity, transportation for speakers, clerk