xt70rx937t9n_479 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Votes for Women text Votes for Women 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_24/Multipage20786.pdf 1910 May 1910 1910 May section false xt70rx937t9n_479 xt70rx937t9n Uotes for women









President 6(1fo in Error—Read the Facts

VERWHELMING and unanswer-
able is the mass of evidence which
goes to show that President Taft
was in error when he voiced the
fear that only the “less desirable
women” would exercise the fran-
chise if it were That


sky may be well imagined since the President repeat-
edly during the past two or three years has declared
himself in no uncertain terms in favor of woman suf-

At Salida, Ohio, in October, 1908, while a candidate
for the presidency, in an address before a high school
assembly, the President used these words:

“My dear children, you do not vote now, but some
day you will, and I hope that when you do, the girls
will vote as well as the men.”

011 his Western tour last summer the President
again expressed himself as favorable to woman’s
voting. At Flagler, Col0., he used the following lan-
stesea . . _ .

“licongratulate the women of Colorado upon hav-
ing the right to vote. I believe that women should
have a voice in the government. If the men will vote
as the women do, they will vote right.”

Surprising as was the fact that the President
should have chosen the occasion of a speech of wel-
come to the National Suffrage Association to recede
from his previously cordial attitude toward woman
suffrage, even this was not so surprising as was the
particular statement which he gave as a reason for
his new-found reluctance.

For the question which the President raised as to
character of the electorate where women vote is one

which has not been overlooked by those who have
studied conditions in the suffrage states. In fact,
wherever women vote, the great and all-absorbing
question has always been, “What women vote and
how many?” Data on these points has been forth-
coming from the very first and the facts and figures
are all on record.

I What are the facts?

Fact No. 1. There is no nation, no state, no city,
where women vote where the vote of the “undesir-
able women” even remotely approaches that of the
women of good repute.

Fact No. 2. “Almost 30,000 women voted at the last
election in Denver. Of these, only 400 could be con-
nected with. any bad element.”——Sarah Platt Decker,
in a letter to the w. E. s. A., Written April 2.1910.

Fact No. 3. ‘Washington and Colorado have nearly
the same population ,but Colorado has about double
the vote. 111 1900, the figures were as follows:
Population. Vote.

Washington ........... 518,103 107,524
Colorado ............... 539,700 221,336

Fact No. 4. In Denver, the women cast 55 per
cent of the vote in the best residence wards, and
only 4 per cent in the “slum” wards.

Fact No. 5. Women are only 42 per cent of the
population of Colorado, but they cast 45 per cent of
the vote.

Fact No. 6. In most States of the Union, about 60
or 65 per cent of the men vote.

Fact No. 7. In Wyoming 90 per cent of the women

Fact No. 8. In Colorado 80 per cent of the women
register and 72 per cent vote.

Fact No. 9. In Idaho women cast 40 per cent of

the vote, though they are in the minority:
Fact No. 10. “In Utah quite as many women avail
themselves of the right to vote as men—this, of
course. in proportion to their numbers.”—Governor
William Spry, in a letter to Votes for Women, writ-
ten April 7, 1910. , _
Fact No. 11. In New Zealand, at the first'election
(1893), 78 per cent of the women voted and 69 per
cent of the men. (The women less frequently “lose
their vote” by being awayvfrom home on election
day.) . ' ,
Fact No. 12. At later elections in New Zealand
the vote of the men steadily rose. In 1905 (latest
available report) 80 per cent of themen and 80 per
cent of the women voted. 7 7 1}
Fact No. 13. Because women vote in such large
munbers woman suffrage has increased the vote of
the men from about 60 per cent to nearly 80 per cent
in all the suffrage States and in New Zealand. 9
Fact No. 14. In letters presented to the Chicago .
Charter Convention in October, 1906, the 140 may—
ors of the five States where womengvote in city elec:
tions (Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Kansas)»

‘were unanimous in agreeing, first, that the women

of those States do vote in large numbers (in many
places 90 to 95 per cent); second, that the women
are public spirited and take an intelligent interest in
political affairs; third, that the vote of the “undesir-
able women” is an insignificant factor. p
Fact No. 15. President Taft in his address in
Washington. D. C., before the National Suffrage As-
sociation acknowledged that in the Great West

“woman suffrage had not been a failure.”

“By their fruits ye shall know them.”
A. M. P.



The Denver Times, commenting on the President’s
speech at the suffrage convention, says:

“This is one place, however, where argument is
needless. The thing has been tried out, and the
President’s fears have been proven baseless. Women
have voted in Colorado for years. Women form 42
per cent of the population of Colorado. And women
cast, on an average, 48 per cent of the total vote of
Colorado. This does not look as if the better class
’ 'of women shirked their duties as citizens. We may
‘ add that the women of Colorado vote intelligently,
that they take pains to inform themselves .on the
questions at issue, and that if you want correct in-
formation on a Whole group of legislative activities
in this state, you want to go to the women’s clubs to
get it.”

But for a few of our brave pioneer women who
fought the way for girls to obtain a liberal education,
our young women of today would not be competent
to hold the business positions which they are now
filling with so much credit.

The suffragettes have won their “hunger strike.”
Winston Churchill, the new Home Secretary in Eng-
land, has changed the prison rules so the “political”
prisoners are no longer subjected to the rigorous
prison treatment meted out to prisoners whose acts
imply “moral turpitude.” This is precisely the
ground taken by the “suffragettes” and is a signal
victory for them.

As prisoners they resorted to starvation because
the prison authorities refused to recognize their
“demonstrations” as “political” and therefore sub-
ject to lighter discepline. “Forcible feeding” was
then inflicted on the refractory prisoners who were
not in the peerage or near that level. Winston
Churchill, whose mother was an American, has re-
fused to carry out this program.

President Taft is something of a genius in disap—
pointing his audiences. Recall his speeches before
the “tariff reformers,” the “insurgents,” the “con-
servationists,” the Alaskans, and even the bankers.
The “National” should have induced the president to
welcome an anti-suffrage convention. In that case,
he would doubtless have made a “perfectly good”
suffrage speech.

Good News .
Tumwater, Wash, April 24, 1910.
To the Women of Washington:

Greetings: We wish to assure you that the Grange
is decidedly favorable to the cause of equal suffrage;
that, in theory, each subordinate Grange is an Equal
Suffrage Association, and in our organization the
women are, in'all“matters ‘on an equality’withvthe“
men. Wishing the cause of equal suffrage the best
of success, we are

Yours for the cause,
' FRED W. LEWIS, Secretary,
Washington State Grange.

Sidney Smith’s pithy comment to the education
of women is as keen today as when it was written

years ago. “I should like to enquire if the world
hitherto has found any advantage in keeping half
the people in ignorance, and whether if women were
better educated the men might not be‘better educat-
ed, too. Just as though the care and solicitu-de which
a mother feels for her children depended on her ‘.
ignorance of Greek and mathematics, and that she
would desert her infant for a quadratic equation.”


 "—“~‘r‘ri'story““of"tire"great woman movement.









$5 Votes for Women as:



Editor and Proprietor, MRS. M. T, B. HANNA


Associate Editors—
Mary G. O'Meara.
Adella M. Parker.
Rose Glass.

Circulation 3'lanagcr—Mrs. H. l). \Vright.


Subscription. $1.00 a Year. 10 Cents a Copy.

, Bundle rates, 50 a copy.



Published monthly at Seattle, Washington.


Entered as second—class matter at the Postoflice, Se—
attle. \Vashington.
Address all business communications for Votes for
TVomen to the editor and manager, 497 Arcade Bldg.
Phone: Independent 1891.






The management of this paper has decided to en-
large its scope and thereby increase its usefulness
and power for the suffrage movement in the State
of Washington as well as in the whole Northwest. We
will therefore appreciate suffrage news from any in-
dividual or club in the state. Any help given the
circulation of the paper will push the good cause

Colorado Protests and Offers Proof

President Taft’s statement that only “the less de-
sirable women” will vote when women are granted
the ballot is stoutly denied by both the women and
the men of the suffrage states, according to letters
received in this office. Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker,
Chairman of the Board of Charities and Corrections
of Colorado, in a recent communication takes up defi-
nitely this question of the “undesirable vote.” She
says, “Of the 80,000 women who voted in Denver
atthe last election, only 400 could be connected with
any'bad element. In the best residence districts
women cast 55 per cent of. the vote, while in the
‘slum’ districts they cast only 4 per cent. Not only
do the women of Colorado vote in large numbers,
varying from 70 to 80 per cent—but the vote of the
women increases the vote of the men. In all the suf-
frage states a larger vote is recorded on the part of
the men after women vote, because the women vote
in such large numbers as to put the men on their
mettle not to be outdone. The ‘unfortunate women’
do not wish to register their names. They do not
wish to be known; their vote is an insignificant fac-
tor. The mothers of Colorado, the professional and
business women and the working women are the
ones who go to the polls.”

Another letter from Governor Shafroth, of Colo-
rado contrasts the vote of Colorado with that of
Washington to prove that women vote in large num-
bers. He writes, “In proportion to the number of



National Suffrage Convention Meets

The month of April, 1910, marks an epoch in the
Folded in
the heart of that budding month were six golden
days which, when blown to their full, disclosed to
the public of Washington, D. C., and to the people of
the whole United States, a. concrete answer to the
overworked question, “Do the women really want to
vote?" Here was a convention of the National
American Woman Suffrage Association encamped
at the very gates of the nation, asking, in no uncer-
tain tone, to be allowed to come in and share in the
patriotic, political privilege of governing the soci-
ety of which they are a part. The beseiging army
made use of no militant methods—for the present
they seem to prefer diplomacy, or rather the quiet,
straight forward method of asking for what is their

It was a convention representing progressive
American women from Maine to Ca1ifornia,—women
of every social rank, home women. professional wo-
men, society leaders and wage earners, all bound to
gether by the magic of a oneness of interest,—mak-
ing common cause of their struggle for political
liberty. Such a concourse of women, imbued with
such a purpose, was a sight almost to rival the
scenes of 1776, stirring as they were. More than
5,000 suffragists from every state and territory were
in attendance, the merest fraction, however, of the
many thousands whose vital intertst was focused on

the culmination of that week’s proceedings, for the
convention closed with the presentation of the Graet
Petition containing the names of many thousands
who “really want to vote.”

The convention is pre-eminent, in that it is the
first of its kind to be honored by an address from
the President of the nation (who, by the way, seems
to stand in need of a little judicious missionary
work by some of those who understand his type.
He’ll be talking for us, yet. Men like our smiling
President are not to be hissed—they are to be won.
\Ve want to capture our friend, the enemy, not to
dynamite him. \Ve‘ll need his able assistance when

once we have conquered his hitherto man-managed

The various reports of national and state officers,
national committees, the Equal Franchise Society
and the College Equal Suffrage L‘eague all rang with
the same dominant note of determined optimism.
Most encouraging messages came from the four
states in which campaigns are now pending: South
Daokta, Oklahoma, Oregon, and our own beloved
Washington. The direct relation between political
influence and the economic status of Woman was
strongly emphasized, and effective organization and
wisely conducted publicity were urgently advised as
methods of scientific propaganda. Then on the
morning of April 19th, as a big climax to the grow-
ing crescendo of the week’s sessions, a great proces-
sion of automobiles (one for each state of the union)
proceeded to the national capitol, where a commit-
tee, assisted by a hundred or more women. carried
in the petitions of the several states and laid them
on Speaker Cannon's desk. In fact, the floor of the
House was literally covered with the documents,
which comprise the largest petition ever presented
to Congress. Who knows? Some day the “Great
Petition” of the women may be as famous as “Mag-
na Charta!” Thousands ,of women thronged the
galleries andcorridors of the Capitol building on
that memorable occasion. Immediately following the
presentation of the monster petition, representatives
of the Equal Suffrage host were given hearings be-
fore the Senate and House Judiciary Committees,
in behalf of a bill to amend the Constitution of the
United States, by enfranchising women. Surely, our
law-makers cannot altogether ignore such a demon-
stration, or treat lightly such a giant petition. The
progressive womanhood of America is thoroughly
aroused and tremendously in earnest about this mat-
ter, and mean to hold on like grim death until their
request receives the consideration it deserves, and
the good men of this country grant them the same
political privileges that they have
alone these many generations.

been enjoying
The women of this

women in the suffrage states as many vote as men.
Contrast the vote in any of the four equal suffrage
states with that of other states of equal population
and it becomes apparent that theydo vote in as large
a proportion, according to their numbers, as men.
In 1900 Colorado’s population was 539,700 and Wash-
ington’s 518,103, but the vote of Colorado was more
than double that of Washington, being 221,336, while
in the latter state it was 107,524. In 1904, Colorado’s
vote was 246,393, Washington’s 128,713. In 1908
Colorado’s vote was 263,877 and Washington’s 183,-
879. It is unfortunate that all the counties in Colo-
rado do not tabulate the male and female vote, but
in Denver the vote is separated. In the city of Den-
ver there were registered in 1908, 41,530 men, of
whom 36,891 voted, and 35,620 women, of whom
29,085 voted.”



country are practically unanimous in their disap-
proval of the so-called “militant methods” of their
English sisters—and yet, if all “peaceful” and
“proper” means fail ,American women have it in
them to become as obnoxiously insistent and as spec-
tacularly demonstrative as the ladies across the sea.
“Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just.”
and the great tidal wave of victory is steadily roll-
ing toward our shores with all the majesty of the
inevitable. And, mark you, when it breaks, it will
sweep everything before it. R. G.

Our readers will be glad to know of the growth
of Votes for \Vomen, which is the only suffrage paper
in the state. The addition of four pages to the May
number is required to take care of the suffrage news
and the increasing amount of advertising. Not only
is the circulation doubling and the sales at its own
stands most gratifying, but it has become necessary
to again enlarge its quarters. Mrs. H. D. Wright,
circulation manager, has taken another office adjoin-
ing for that department. The stand at 1414 Second
avenue, which she established, and which has been
in charge of Mrs. G. L. Lake, has been widely patron~
ized, showing that there is much interest in the cause.
has been widely patronized, showing that there is
much interest in the cause.

Mrs. Lulu Young, who has presided at theistand on
the third floor of the Bon Marche during the past
two weeks, has made a record by selling 700 papers
in that time. Mrs. Young won the cash prize of $5
offered for Mrs. H. D. Wright for the most sales
made by one person in the past three months. This
stand has been very popular with the house’s large
patronage. Votes for Women has been sold at the
First Avenue Quaker Drug Store also.

The artistic cover page advertisement which the
Quaker Company has been running in Votes for
Women for the past three months has received much
favorable comment.

The Health-Ray Company, at 1005 Third Avenue,
has not only given place in its store, but has sold
Votes for Women during the past month.

MacDougall & Southwick Co., has given space at
its Pike Street entrance, where Votes for Women
will hereafter be sold. Votes for Women is sold at
several news stands. Blind Ned and Jennie Roberts
have each sold the paper, the latter many copies.


Votes for Women is binding its poster with the
magazine this month, as the third class rates under
which it had to be mailed when the poster was
separated made the postage bills too heavy. With
a little pains the poster can be removed and posted
up. The poster is an important campaign document.
Do not fail to use it.

.---_ “A“. - -



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Four days after President Taft’s address before the
Suffrage Convention in Washington, Senator Simon
Guggenheim, of Colorado, in presenting to the Sen-
ate the Colorado section of the great suffrage peti-
tion, used these words, as reported in the Congres-
sional Record:

“I wish to say in this connection that the right of
woman suffrage is very popular in Colorado, and we
find that most of the women vote on election day.”

Senator LaFollette, who followed Senator Guggen-
heim, said: “Mr. President, I present the petition
of 17,000 men and women of Wisconsin for an amend-
ment to the Constitution authorizing women to vote.
I hope, Mr. President, that the time will come when
a large and representative body of the intelligent
members of every community will no longer be com-
pelled to petition for that which ought freely to be
accorded as a fundamental right in a country that
boasts of equal opportunities for all.” [Applause in
the galleries]

Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, was also greeted with
applause when, in presenting the petition of 23,000
men and women of his State, he said: “It is need-
less to say that it is a pleasure for me to present
this petition.”

Suffrage States Urge Extension of Ballot to Women.

The suffrage States were all well represented in
the petition in behalf of the non-voting women of
other States. Governor Shafroth, ex-Governor Adams,
Mayor Speer of Denver, and Judge Lindsay headed
the Colorado petition. Senator Borah presented the
Idaho petition, headed by ex-Governor Geoding; the
Utah, petition containing 27,000 names, was pre-
sented by Senator Smoot, and Senator Clark pre-

,S§nted the petition of Wyoming with the name of

Governor Brooks leading it.
Noted Senators from the various States took part
in the proceedings by presenting the petitions of


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their respective" States. Among them were Bever-
idge of Indiana, Dolliver of Iowa, Burton of Ohio,
Bristow of Kansas, Owen of Oklahoma, Burkett of
Nebraska, Rayner of Maryland, Gallinger of New
Hampshire, both Burrows and Smith of Michigan,
Money of Mississippi, Lodge of Massachusetts, Per-


Senator Guggenheim

kins of California, Crawford ofSouth Dakota, Dilling-

ham of Vermont, Bradley of Kentucky and Oliver of .

The Pennsylvania petition had 50,000 names;
Massachusetts, 35000 names, and Michigan over

32,000 names. The petition as a whole is the largest
ever presented to Congress—over 400,000 names.

A Mother’s Right

When the son of Senator Tillman deeded his child-
ren to his parents, ignoring the natural rights of
their mother, the Supreme Court of South Carolina
refused to recognize the transfer as binding in law_
Yet this was in the face of a statute expressly grant.
ing the privilege the father exercised. Public senti-
ment is changing, but it must not be forgotten that

in all but 13 of the 46 states of the Union the law,-

oven now, expressly provides that a father may will
his child aWay from‘its mother and this may be
done even though the child be yet unborn. Men are
better than 'the laWs they make, yet injustice always
possible, too frequently is done the mothers 'who
have no voice in the law. For 55 years Massachu-
sett’s women petitioned the legislature for equal
guardianship and then secured it, only after a ter-
rible tragedy. A poor hard working mother support-
ing five children by washing was told by her drunken
husband that he would give all the children away.
She appealed to her neighbors who told her she
was powerless, as the law gave her husband absolute
control of her children. She became crazed and
killed all her children and herself and then only
after 55 years of pleading mothers in Massachusetts
were given equal guardianship with fathers. And
this happened as late as 1902. In Colorado, women
secured equal guardianship from the very first legis-
lature that met after they got the vote.

Subscribe for Votes for Women and lend it to your


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“I Would Like to See; the

‘_.,A,.,,N_‘v— M . , ., _

Ballot in the Hands of Ev

Woman ” , I _Mark

”Lab 9","ch
@"mgrcouum 33
/ ,

Poster “Votes for Women”——497-499 Arcade Building, Seattle, Wash.
[The Northwestern Printing Co., 83 W. Pike St.








rfl Notes and News





Saffrage is the most popular movement of the

Miss Mabel Fontron, is a charming Headquarters
ters secretary, making all feel welcome there.

At the Bon Marche stand more copies of Votes for
Women were sold than anywhere else in the city.

Wyoming was first organized as a territory in 1868
and women were given the ballot the very next

Among those working overtime on the poll lists
is Miss A. Hermine Stauber, who has c0pied about
twenty-seven poll lists, along with the duties of a
busy life.

ti: :i: :4:

Seventeen Governors signed the Suffrage Petition.
The name of Governor Carter. of Hawaii, was se-
cured by Mrs. George Adrian Smith, president of
the Alki Suffrage Club, who spent the winter in

:l= =i= =l=

That was a very pertinent question a New York
senator asked one of the protesting “antis” at the
Suffrage Hearing in Albany this winter. “Why do
you want to prevent any other woman from voting?
You don’t have to vote.” '

=1: =l< =:=

Rose Lee Sutherland, wife of Senator Sutherland
of Colorado, has an interesting article on Suffrage
in the January North American and Governor Shaf-
roth has an article in the April National Monthly.
Senator Borah is preparing an article to appear
shortly in an Eastern magazine. '

a: :< a:

The Young \Noman’s Education Club, a suffrage
society of young busines women, held a meeting at
the Y. \V. C. A., April 21. An interesting program
was rendered. Miss Kelly, an enthusiastic member,
urged all present to read “Votes for Women” and
help place it in the hands of others who need enlight-
enment on the suffrage movement.

Tell our advertisers that yOu saw it in “Votes for

:1: =2: :1:

Mrs. Mary MacNamara of Edmonds, who has
charge of the poll list canvass of Snohomish county,
is progressing finely with it. The canvass is proving

>2: =’.< >1:

Mrs. Elizabeth Wardall gave an interesting ad-
dress on the “Relation of New Thought to Woman
Suffrage,” Saturday, April 23, before the New
Thought Society of Seattle.

Mrs. J. Annan Bryce, a prominent English Suffra—
gette, who is visiting the United States and who
favors militant methods in England, says they are
not needed here “because the men of the United
States are more tolerant than their British cous-

Mrs. Alice Park of Palo Alto, the national expert
on “propaganda by means of literature” says that
one article in the daily press is worth a thousand
bills given out by hand. True, and a poster will
sometimes reach men who do not see the item else-
where. The paper disappears. The poster stays, and
is seen again and again.

The Queen Anne “High’_’ is to have a suffrage
debate soon. Students have been canvassing Head-
quarters and the office of Votes for Women for suf-
frage literature. A boy in the Englishclass spoke
against \Voman Suffrage. The girls accepted his
challenge and will reply. Their teacher is a staunch
advocate of woman’s rights.

>:= 2: =1:

Prof. M. F. Knox, Ph.D., LL.D., president of the
Mental Science College at Bryn Mawr, near Seattle,
gave a forceful lecture Sunday, April 24, on “Free-
dom of Women.” He favored suffrage and suggested
the need of homes which were free from taxation
and mortgage for all mothers. The professor advised
an educational course as a means of securing the

Mrs. Ida A. Allen is chairman of suffrage press
work at Aberdeen. A

Mrs. Lucy M. Little has “made good’” in securing
advertising for the paper.

>9 2'5 =!<

Mrs. J. M. XValker, former County Superintendent,
is chairman of the poll list canvass of Chehalis
County. ‘

* * :1:

Several young men from both the State University
and the Lincoln High School have called at this of—
fice within the past week in search of arguments for
woman suffrage to be used in debate, which will come
off shortly.

“Help a little!” Come to the offices of Votes for
Women, 497 and 499 Arcade Building, Second Avenue,
and help the Cause by assisting in the circulation of
its paper. Any one with a little leisure time can

:k :l: =14

The women of Australia are aroused over a pro-
posal to pass a law compelling every boy of 12 to
enlist in the militia. They threaten to elect a woman
senator to guard their “interests” as mothers if the
proposal is not abandoned.


The Seattle Suffrage Club, of which Mrs. Edward
P. Fick is president, is doing effective work for suf—
frage, in the line of Dutch treat luncheons. They are
given at the Hotel NVashington once a month at
1 P. M. Every courtesy is shown the suffragists by
the hotel management, and an excellent menu is pro-
vided at cost.

The luncheon given the 27th was attended by
eighty-five ladies. The programme was “Foreign
‘Nomen and the Ballot,” as follows: England, Miss
Isabel A. Brown; France, Mrs. O. R. Williams; Ger-
many. Mrs. Geo. E. Boos; Scandinavia, Mrs. Swed-
burg, read by Mrs. Aloysius Harker; Italy, Mrs.
Beckman, read by Mrs. Jarmuth; Japan, by Miss
Masuo Kunigasa; Hawaiian Islands, Mrs. Geo. A.
Smith. Mrs. William T. Perkins made a charming









omen Will Vote








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Foulard Silks, 27 inch. Don’t pay 75c, Ladies, London

5 . V cuts them by the mile .............................. 390




Jtough Silks, Tony—Lustrous-Distingue
.................... -. . . . .390 and 490










~“.I.;.. .. ,; .’






Progress of the Campaign Over the State

Bellingham: The Union Label League, at the re-
quest of President Chas. R. Case, of the State Fed-
eration of Labor, has declared for suffrage. The
League is composed of both men and women.

New York City: Miss Minnie Reynolds of New
York will be here in May to assist in the lecture
field till the vote is taken.

National Child Labor Committee: Josephine J.
llischenhrt-uiner of New York City, membership sec-
retary, \vrites to a local worker who had subscribed
to the child labor fund, “I believe with you, that
when women have the ballot, the effort to secure
child labor legislation will be materially lightened.
A11 success to you in your \Vashington campaign.”

Seattle: Mrs. Elizabeth Mackintosh and Mrs.
Amos Brown. two sisters, who have seen Washington
through its trumphs and reverses in suffrage, and
Mrs. Brown’s daughter, Mrs. Ora Brown Richardson,
were April contributors to the Campaign Fund.

King County P. E. Club: The monthly meetings
are well attended, averaging about (30 people and
the programs are interesting. Current events as re-
ported by some member each time is always encour-
aging iu the gains made by women. An excellent pa-
per by Prof. Bliss, of the Queen Anne High School,
on “W'oman Suffrage in Australia,” was read at the
last meeting by Mrs. Bliss, in the absence if her hus-
band from the city.

Edmonds: A rousing meeting was held in the Con-
gregational Church last week, by the Edmonds Suf—
frage Club. Several good speeches were made and
members were encouraged to renew active work.

Walla Walla: From here as a center Mrs. Bessie
Isaacs Savage has been working in eastern counties,
such as Walla Walla, Franklin and Asotin, for two
months. She has met with co-operation and encour-
agement everywhere, and as she goes from town to
town is arranging for the poll list canvass.

Fort Lawton: Mrs. Florence Hotchkiss entertained
a group of twenty people at her home on the beach

cf Shoshole Bay, giving them a delectable clam chow-
der dinner, with all the extras. and her guests gave
a 25c collection amounting to $5.00 for the campaign.
These social gatherings are very popular and de-
serve to be kept up throughout the year.

Castle Rock: Mrs. Bertha E. Buland has taken
up with enthusiasm the work of organizing suffrage
oratorical contests in the high schools of the state
and has sent contest books containing selections and
with them rules for the holding of contests, to all
the high schools in \Vashington. She has also writ-

ten personal letters at her own expense