xt70rx937t9n_459 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Progress text Progress 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_16/Folder_19/Multipage20092.pdf 1908 December 1908 1908 December section false xt70rx937t9n_459 xt70rx937t9n  


Natlonal Amerlcan Woman Suffrage









25 Cents Per Year.




Volume VII.





1E5 IMPOSSIBLE —- Susan;

Number I 2


B. Anthony‘






President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,
Moylan, Pa.
1st Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore, Pa.
2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. Florence Kelley,
105 E. 22nd St., New York City.

Cor. Sec’y, Miss Kate M. Gordon,

1800 Prytania St., New Orleans, La.
Recording Sec'y,

Miss Alice Stone Blackwell,

3 Park St., Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton,
Warren, Ohio.

lst Auditor,

Miss Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
2nd Auditor,

Mrs. Ella S. Stewart,
Chicago, 111
Legal Advisor,
Catharine Waugh McCulloch,
Evanston, Ill.




President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,
N0. 2 W. 86th St., New York City.
First Vice President,
Dr. Anita Augsburg,
Hamburg, Germany.
Second Vice President,

Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett,
London, England.
Secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore, Pa.

First Ass’t Secretary,
Dr. Kathe Schirmacher,
Paris, France.
Second Ass't Secretary,
Martina Kramers,
Rotterdam, Holland.
Treasurer, Mrs. Stanton Coit,
London, England.



Entered as second class matter Nov. lst
mac 1': f'hn pm: 01 np_



day. The Spirit was enthusiastic and
determined. A street parade had been
arranged and at twelve o'clock, with
band and banners, we started. Mrs.
Coggeshall, Rev. Eleanor Gordon and
Mrs. Hallam led the procession. Next to
them came the two English girls hold-
ing over my head a large banner “Tax-
ation without Representation is Tyran—
ny.” The delegates and friends followed
and it was a fine procession. At Main

istreet we halted and from an automo-

“bile Miss Costelloe, Miss Rendcll and I


men, the highest number of women be-
ing 55 per cent in one precinct, the
proportion of women to men decreasing
toward the slum or tenderloin wards. In
the working centers where a larger
number of men than women live. 37 per
cent of the votes were cast by women.
In the tenderloin district, where we

have been told evil women would cut:

vote the good, in one precinct where
there were 700 registered vote"". 100
were j qrhen and out of that number

but 20 vei hbor'na ‘2 -.





(Continued from Page 1.)

When we parted at midnight, I said "No
one has been defeated in this group.I
You have all conquered yourselves and!
that is the real test of Self govern-

I rejoiced with the. Democratic wo—
men over the election as governor of
the man who has always stood loyally
by women, John Shafroth; and
Mrs. Lafferty to the legislature, and our ,
good friend, Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford
to the of superintendent of

We left Denver the night of the day
following the election l.aving been ten—
dered all sorts of hospitality, and giv—
en the most royal welcome by women
of every shade of political opinions and
no political opinions, for there are wo-
men, not a few, in Denver who are no
more interested in politics and who do
not vote, and do not want to, just as
there are many men likewise in every
state in the Union, but no more. I feel
the deepest gratitude to the newspapers
their editors gave



of Denver, because
us such opportunities of studying the
situation as we could not have had un-
der any

If there were space I would be glad
the friends old

visit to O)lorado

other cireuinstances.

to mention by lame
and now who made my
one of the most memorable events of
my life.

state suffrage
Neb., a Sunday mass meeting in Des
Moines, the state convention in Minne-
apolis, Minn, speaking at the univers-
and private

attended the

at Lincoln,

my way east, we


ity and SOVeral public

Schools. Then on to Indianapolis to at-
tend amass meeting and again to speak
at Butler college. Then to Mem—

phis, Tenn, where I spoke in the Good—


win institute course of lectures.
Today We are at Louisville spending
the day with Mrs. Susan Look Avery
who in her 92nd year is as interested in
the questions of the hour as any wo-
Tomorrow we push on to

man of forty.

Richmond to attend the


ta - Suffrage convention. Then on to




We all felt that the Buffalo conven—
tion marked a new epoch in our his-
tory. There seemed to be an awaken—
ing, a reconsecration, a determination
which we had never had before.

That this was not a temporary thing,
or “frothy sentiment" only, is demon—
strated b; the congested condition at
headquarters, where every desk is piled
high, every department behind in its
work, all of us working to the limit of
our strength, and yet we cannot “clear

The demand for literature, books and
supplies is great, while the press bu-
reau, in spite of our determination to do
less work in that department, is forcing
us to do more. The nearby city papers
are running our specials, the Associat-
ed Press wishes more of our matter.

Do you remember a rainy Sunday,
when you took down your cash book,
and learned from cold, hard figures
what you had Spent for coal, hats, light,
charity, etc., and how, after an evening

of silent discouragement, you determin-

_.__ a .17, , 17...“. ’



mean financial retrenchment. No man
who enlarges US business decreases his
capital. No country merchant with a
bookkeeper and stenographer reduces
his office force to one when his busi-
ness grows and he forms a stock com-
pany. I—Ie increases that force, for he
knows that office force is to take care
of the new business his company is

It‘s more money we need, and when
we all realize this we will get it.

A syndicate article published in tha?

papers of Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts—

burg and Cleveland by \V. Frank Mc-r

Clure with a number of good illustra—
tions is bristling with suffrage facts. It
also gives a good description of the
work of headmtarters at Warren, 0. Mr.
McClure has often visited headquarters
and is so good a sul‘fragist as not only
to make suggestions, but to be willing
to do certain work himself.

If all Women were as good and sweet
and just as Anna Shaw, the men would
throw up their hands and tell them to

take the earth and do as they pleased
with it. \Ve love that woman and don’t
care who knows it.





W'hen King Edward opened Parlia—
ment last year, he said it was time wo—
men were enabled to take part in the
government. It was for this reason that
laws were passed making women eli—
gible to the otllces of mayor and alder—

Mrs. Ida I-Iusted Harper, in an article
in the New York Times, “This
radical measure actually originated in
the conservative House of Lords, pass—
ed by a vote of 111 to 33, and be same
a law with only 15 votes gainst it in
the House of Commons.”

Immediately thereafter nine women
aldermen were elected, and later two
women were nominated for the etllee
of mayor, Miss Dove of High \Vycombe
and Dr. Garrett Anderson of Alde—
burgh. Miss Dove was defeated by a
very small majority, but Dr. (Jarrett
Anderson was elected.

Dr. Anderson is a sister of Mrs. Mil—
licent Garrett lx‘awcett, widow of the


late Postmaster General, and has been.

president of the English Suffrage So—
ciety for years. Those of us who have
never seen her feel that we know her


Inspector Reading Warrant to Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Pankhurst and Miss Pankhurst.





..___ .i~_._..4 1. At ‘




Mrs. Fred Breen is city_ta.\’ collector
of \Vilmington, California.

Mrs. Henry A. Pierce is president of
the Castile Political Equality club.

Mrs. Jolm llay of Cleveland contrib-
uted $500 to the Republican campaign

Dr. Amelia Keller has been elected
president of a newly organized club in

Florence. Kelley was one of the.
speakers of the Florida Federation of
\Voman's clubs recently held at Live

Vice President-elect Sherman is also
in our ranks having repeatedly of late.
expressed himself in favor of woman

.C‘llis Meredith of Denver has become
associate editor of “The Observer," a
weekly paper published at ])en\'er.
Leonel Ross Anthony is editor.

Frances Squire Potter is professor of
English at the University of Minnesota.
She has written two novels, is a lec-
turer and the mother of four child-

Miss Janet Richards one of our Life
Members who conducts Current Event
clubs in \Vashington, lately spoke at
Rauscher's llall of that city on the
sufl‘ragettc of England. 7

Mrs. Mary 1.; Stewart of Cleveland,
0.. is the president of a suffrage club
organized by Emma S. Olds. All mem—
bers are also members of the Macca-

\\'illiam Allen \Vhite in an address
before the students at the '[lniversity
of Lawrence, Kansas, said, “There can
be no real deniocracy until women are
allowed to vote.”

Miss Laura lregg has left the. In—
diana work in the hands of Miss Perle
Penileld and after stopping in St. Louis
a few days will proceed to Denver.

Miss Adella M. ’arker contributed an
article “How \Vashington Women Lost
the Ballot" to the woman’s edition of
the Seattle Times, lately and the same
has been issued in pamphlet form.







The Hartford Equal Rights club has
issued an attractive printed program
for the year 1908—1909.


The Madison County (Ohio) Demo-
Cl‘lt commemorated its 50th annivers-
ary with a beautifully bound and il-
lustrated edition. Miss Bertha Coover,
corresponding secretary of the Ohio XV.
S. A. contributed a Woman suffrage ar—
ticle, entitled, "Yet Laekest Thou One


Mary McHenry Keith who has for
some years been trying to 10rsuade the
Chamber of Commerce of Berkeley, her
home, to pass a resolution in favor of:
woman Suffrage has at last succeeded.
She has had the assistance of course of
her fellow suffragists but the determin-
ation, the secular press says, has been


' Previous to election, Catharine
XVaugh McCulloch, chairman of the
legislative committee of the state suf-
frage association sent letters to Repub-
lican and Democratic candidates for
congress and state legislature asking
each his attitude on the question of ex—
tending further suffrage right to wo—
men. Among other questions is the

“To just what extent are you willing
to apply to women the principles of our
government that taxation without rep-
resentation is tyranny, and that the
consent of the governed is the only
proper source of governmental power?”
Eleven candidates for congress replied
favorably as did fourteen candidates for
the state senate, and twelve candidates
for the house of representatives.

Rhode Island.

The regular monthly meeting of the
Rhode Island association was held at
Churchill House. Mrs. Dewing told of
Pioneer day at the national conven—
tion, Miss Garvin of the National Col—
lege League organization, Mrs.G1adding
and Mrs. Delany of other meetings. The
president, Mrs. Tingley, will tell of the
business sessions at the next meeting. A
report of poster work is given else—

This association will share a tent for;


tions and redeems the same. Following
is the list of newly elected ofiicers:

President—Mrs. Fannie J. Fernald,
Old Orchard.

Vice President at Large—Mrs. Helen.

S. Atwood, Auburn.

Vice President—Mrs. Mary W. Thomas,

Recording Secretary—Miss Anne Bur-
gess, Portland.

Corresponding Secretary—Miss Nellie
L. Guilford, Old Orchard.

Treasurer—Mrs. Lizzie H. French,
Auditor—Mrs. Emma Knight, Port—
land. '


The anuual convention was the most
enthusiastic of years. The mayor of
Boone gave the delegates a cordial wel-
come to which the vice president re-
sponded. Sixty delegates were present
and many visitors. It was voted to con-
tinue to publish the Standard.

At the evening reception three Brit-
ish flags were displayed in honor of
Miss Costelloe and Miss Rendell.

An account of the procession is given
elsewhere. The following officers were

of Des Moines.

Vice President —- Mrs.
Hallam, of Sioux City.

Corresponding Secretary—Dr.
VVilson—Dewey, of Des Moines.

Recording Secretary—Miss
Littell of Corydon.

Treasurer—Mrs. Mary A. Emsley Ad-
ams, of Mason City.

Auditors—Mrs. Sarah L. Riker,
Boone; Mrs. M. J. Nealy of Linden.

Member N. A. W. S. A.—Mrs. Mary J.
Coggeshall, of Des Moines.

$1,100 was raised in pledges for year’s

Eleanor E. Gordon,
Julia Clark



New Hampshire.

Miss Chase writes: “The prospects
are bright in Concord for a successful
club. The following officers were re—
cently elected: President, Mrs. Agnes
M. Jenks; vice president. Mrs. E. H. J.
Hill; secretary, Mr. A. L. Badger;
treasurer, Mary Q. Philbrick.

no: >l< I: * *

The annual convention was held in
Portsmouth, November 11 and 12.

Rev. Olive M. Kimball, Mr. John
Scales, Miss Laura A. DeMerritt were
among the speakers. Plans for an ac-
tive year‘s work were made and the fol—
lowing ofl'iccrs were elected:

Honorary President—Armenia S.


says, “Send on the petitions;
ready for them.”

Dr. R. V. Phelan, Prof. Frances
Squire Potter, Mrs. Perry Starkweather
were among the speakers.

The following officers were elected:'

President—Mrs. Maud C. Stockwell.

Vice President—#Mrs. Geneva Martin.

Recording Secretary—Dr. Ethel E.

Corresponding Secretary
phine Schain.

Treasurer—Dr. Margaret Koch.

we are

New Jersey.

The Ushers Union of the Linden Bap-

tist church in Camden had a debate re-

cently on woman suffrage.
were for the affirmative,
and one refused to act.

two against
The matter

Miss Jose— ,



The preliminary meeting of the an-
nual convention was held in the Public
Library, at Lincoln.

It was voted to do the petition work
for the sixteenth amendment; system-
atic legislative work; that suffrage
posters be put up at election time; and
that the next legislature be asked to
grant full suffrage.

Memorial hour to the memory of
Clara A. Young and others was held.

The out-of-towu speakers were Rev.
Anna H. Shaw, Miss Belle Kearney, of

gMississippi, and the Misses Costelloe
1and Rendell from England.

Miss Shaw addressed the State

3 Teachers’ Association in the afternoon,

Two judges .

went to the congregation which settled ,
it quickly by an overwhelming major—.

ity in favor of suffrage.
t it: t It It

The eighteenth annual convention of f G_ Andrews, of Omaha, was chosen in

3 her place.

the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Asso-
ciation was held at Bayonne November
19th. The speakers were Harriot Stan-
ton Blatch, Rev.
Blackwell, Dr. Mary D. Hussey and
Mrs. Harry Hastings.
officers were elected:

Honorary President — Mrs. Florence : coln;

Howe Hall, Plainfield.
President—Mrs. Clara Laddy, Orange.
Vice Presidents—Mrs. Minola G. Sex—
ton. Orange. Mrs. Helen Lippencott,

: ciation

and made a, most eloquent speech in the
evening, detailing her experience on
election day in Denver.

Mrs. Amanda J. Marble, who has
served as president of the State Asso—
for many years, declined re—

‘election to that office, and Rev. Mary

Miss Andrews is pastor of

the Universalist Church of Omaha, and
1 was formerly state president of the

Antoinette Brown 3"

The followinglAmanda J. Marble, Table Rock;



Clubs. The
Vice President, Mrs.
cording secretary. Mrs. W. S. Jay, Lin-
corresponding secretary, Miss
Mary H. Williams, Kenesaw; treasurer,
Mrs. Alice I. Brayton, Geneva; first
auditor, Dr. Inez C. Philbrick, Lincoln;

Federation of VVomen’s
other officers are:

1 second auditor, Mrs. Dunn, Tekamah.

Recording Secretary —— Miss Emma ‘


CorreSponding Secretary—Mrs.
A. Kilborn, Arlington.

Treasurer Mrs. Ella B. Jeffery, Or—

Press Superintendent—Dr. Mary D.
Hussey, East Orange.

Historian—Mrs. Emma L. Blackwell,

Auditor—Mrs. Mary B. Kinsley, New—

Directors — Rev.
Blackwell, Elizabeth;
Hart, Jersey City; Mrs. Joanna Harts—
horn, Short Hills; Mrs. Phebe C.
W'right, Sea Girt; Mrs. Elizabeth Vail,
East Orange; Mrs. Caroline B. Nelson,
Vineland. -

Antoinette Brown
Dr. M. F. De-

The 24th convention of Michigan
Equal Suffrage Association was held in
Bay City, November 5th. The addresses

of Welcome were made by Mr. Patchell,
7V re T .

'v erx‘ l , I 'n t 'v -Y‘

Ella ‘


N ew York.

At the first meeting of the Buffalo
Political Equality Club after the Na—
tional convention, forty new members
were added.

it 4: n: u: t

A new club at Arkport, N. Y.,has been
organized with twelve members. Mrs.
Mary Hurlburt Snow, president.

It a: t it it

The Political Equality Club Of Rich-
mond County, Elizabeth Jurrill Cur—
tis, president, has issued a very attrac-
tive program for the year 1908—1909.

it * 3'! :lI *

The Interurban Suffrage Fair in one,
way was extremely significant. Its list
of patronesses marked the first en—
trance of woman suffrage into New
York’s “400.” The names of Vanderbilt
and Goelet were never before publicly
associated with woman suffrage, and
as these society women are the most
timid and conservative of all women. it
marks the growth of thecause. Mrs.



W 4.— _,7.. - a '1. A .L .,-__.___

work and the places were thus left va-
cant for girls.

Miss Annie 0. Churchman, the sister
of Mrs. Cranston, the state president,
gave an animated and complete report
of the national convention at Buffalo.

Miss Emma VVorrell paid a tribute to
Mr. David Ferris, a Friend, whothrough
his long life always stood for woman's
equality in every line.

The following ollleers were elected:

President—Mrs. Martha S. Cranston.

Vice President—Miss Helen Cranston.

Recording Secretary—libs. Ernest

Corresponding Secretary—Miss May
R. De'Vou.

'.l‘reasurer—l\liss Emma Lore.

Auditors—Mrs. D. P. Jones, Mrs. L.
W. Emerson.

The State :range, the W. C. T. U.
Federation of \Vomen’s clubs, have on-
dorsed woman suffrage.

The evening addresses were given by
Lucy E. Anthony and Rachel Foster

Ida Husted Harper has prepared a
concise history of the movement for
Woman Suffrage in the United States.
No booklet could contain more infor‘
mation valuable for club work. Order
from Headquarters, Warren, Ohio, 2
for So; 100 for $2.50.

New Life Members—Helen P. Jen-
kins, Detroit, Mich. Rhoby ll. SiSSon,
Union Springs, N. Y. Fanny T. S'locum.
Sherwood, N. Y. Susan J. Taber, M. D.,
Skancatelcs, N. Y. Clyde McClary,
Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Inez C. Phil-
brick, Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. M. 13. Phil—
brick, Lincoln, Neb. Alice Isabel Bray-
ton, Geneva, Neb. Mary G. \Vard, Ne—
braska. Ollie K. Carriker, Nebraska
City, Neb. Fannie C. Norris. Nebraska.
Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, Oklahoma. Mrs.
A. C. Stephens, Oklahoma. Mrs. Ida
Porter Boyer. Pennsylvania. Jessica.
Coleman Romain, Louisiana. ll. Dud-
ley Coleman, Louisiana. Jessie SteVen,
Louisiana. Kate Mushct ()‘lirien, Lou—
isiana. Fannie R. Gordon,

Send 10 cents to N. A. W. S. A. Head-
quarters, Warren, Ohio, for a copy of
Susan B. Anthony booklet. Suitable for
Chritsmas gift. Supply limited.



Miss Jane Addams of Hull House,
Chicago, who is acting as chairman of
the allied forces of Chicago women






In the French “Woman’s Journal”
Madam Maria Martin in speaking of
the June Congress for Woman’s Rights
held in Paris, says:

“How many times have We had to
listen to the old song—woman cannot
perform military duty, they have not
the necessary education for the fran—
crise, they are too frivolous, or too
pure to mingle in the elections, (that is,
to pretend that at the same time wo—
men are both abOVe and beneath the
right of the ballot, so dear to men), to
exercise suffrage would withdraw them
from their dear firesides where they
reign as queens, on the condition that
they never command anything, which is
really very much like other queens. All
these arguments are out of fashion and
have gone to rejoin the moons of yes-
terday. Our adversaries, no longer dar-
ing to u*e_ these arguments, are forced
to bring forward other objections which
will probably last no longer than their
predecessors, are forced to find other
pretexts for refusing us our part in the
social heritage which the past has given
to the present.”

The French women are not yet na-
tionally united for suffrage but there
is no doubt that there is an immense
amount of suffrage sentiment which is
making itself felt through a large num-
ber of woman’s organizations which
have for many years existed in Paris,
and are now extending their influence
through local branches all over France.

Of interest in this same journal is a
quotation from an article by one of the
Deputies of Paris, Mr. Lucien Millevoye
in which, analyzing the motto of the
French Republic, he says:

“Liberty! Is 1 not our patrimony,
left us through the work of many gen-
erations? Is it not the hope of all our
conquests? Has woman given to this
history, to this progress, to this eman-
cipation, nothing of her thought, noth—
ing of her heart?

“Equality! That is the work still un-
finished by our ancestors, and it is our
work. \Ve have the ambition to labor
at it ceaselessly. But for whom? For
ourselves alone? The word itself would
then have no more meaning. It would
soil our lips. Let us be frank: Equality
admits of no privileges. The modernlaw
which deprives women of rights, of op-
portunities of service is only taking ad-
vantage of our situation, which is a

“Fraternity! What? Fraternity

I. nwv- v

. 110 s


the liberal Government break its word
to the women—have pursued entirely
different tactics. The suffragettes do
not care whether the liberal candidate
for parliament is in favor of woman
suffrage or against it. Perhaps they are
glad when he announces himself in fa-
vor of it, but that does not make them
willing to work for his election. They
work always and everywhere against
the liberal party because it is the liber-
al party which has broken its word to
them, and they rejoice greatly in pre-
venting the election of liberal members,
or when they cannot actually prevent
their election, in reducing the major-
ity by which they go in. Only last
month at Newcastle the National Wo-
men's Social and Political Union secur-
ed the defeat of the Government candi-
date and turned a former majority of
over .6,000 into an adverse majority of
over 2,000.

It is interesting to know that though
there are four national women suffrage
associations in England approving of
different methods of work, their whole
effort is to build up each other’s work.
The two branches of suffragettes—the
Women’s Social and Political Union
and the Women's Freedom League—the
National Union of Women‘s Suffrage
Societies, and the Men’s League
for Women’s Suffrage, form a
strong quartette in Great Bri-
tain, and their efforts are aid-
ed by an “Artists’ League for Wo-
men's Suffrage,” the members of which
contribute freely of the results of their
talent by making artistic posters and
banners, which help to bring the sub-
ject before the eyes of the people.



We have just issued anew booklet of
Eminent Opinions. Nothing could be

better for press work, debates or prop- ;

aganda. Price 5c each; $2.50 per hun-
dred, post paid.


It turns out that the Massachusetts
legislature, in giving Haverhill a new
charter based on the commission theory
of government, has unwittingly ex-
tended to women the right to vote in
the caucuses on the nominations for
mayor, aldermen and school committee;
and the state supreme court has upheld
the constitutionality of the act. Hith-
erto the women had not had a right to
take part in the caucuses in nominating



The Anti-Suffragists are continuing
to declare that suffrage in the United
States is a waning issue. Just now
they are explaining how it happened
suffrage was ever granted 'anywhere in
the states, inferring if it had not gotten
a hold in Wyoming it never would have
spread. In one article they explain
that the first appointed governor being
a. Republican appointed by Grant found
the half breeds, gamblers and bad peo-
ple who were ahead of him to be
Democrats, proposed to enfranchise the
wives, daughters and mothers of the
territorial officers in order to make the
territory Republican. Another writes
that the early settlers extended the
right to vote in order to lure ambitious
women of the East to their new terri-
tory, thus furnishing the supply of
sorely needed wives.


Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf of Phila-
delphia in a late sermon said, “The life
purpose of the American women of to-
day is no longer marriage—it is useful-

a a it 4: It

“She is no longer harassed by the
fear of being obliged to resort to an
undesirable marriage for the sake of
her future or for the sake of lessening
the burden of a heavily laden father.
She strikes out for herself and in-
creases the prOSperity of her family.
The commercial aspect of marriage is
banished frOm the American home, be-
cause she is her own dower and dowry.

“The American woman bringing to
her husband a pure soul, demands pur-
ity in return. One of the reasons why
we have so many divorces is because
the American woman is conscious of
her rights and no longer believes in one
lstandard of morality for man and an-
:other for woman.”


Progress makes a good Christmas

. gift.

(Special Cor. New York World.)
‘ London, Oct. 24.—In a specially writ-
? ten article for the World Lady Frances
,Balfour, sister of the Duke of Argyll
‘ (whose wife is King Edward’s sister)
. defends the “unworr.anly” tactics of the

Isuffragettes. She shows that many of
. the great reforms of the past were only
; won after conflicts with the authorities
and by demonstrations that proved the
Isineerity of the cause for which the

_ ‘ makers of trouble were striving.



The Denver Post says that the Demo-
cratic women having done much for the
campaign have organized a steering
committee to assist in directing the
affairs of the State legislature. “This
c0mmittee will pass upon all bills deal-
ing with the safe-guarding of the home
and the conduct of state institutions.
They will also see to it that measures
are passed protecting the children, de—
fending the interests of women wage-
earners and dealing with other human

By the way Miss Shaw has recently
received the information that in pre-
cinct 2 ward 6 voting place 2234 West
29th avenue, the entire election board
was composed of women, 3 judges and
2 clerks.


New Endorsements.

Conn. W. C. T. U., Oct. 6, 7, 8.
American Federation of Labor, Den—


The annual report of the “Boston
Equal Suffrage Association for Good
Government” has reached Headquart-
ers, and every active city club ought to
have a copy in order to see what a vast
amount of work the association does,
and how it does it.

This association has a “New Voters’
Festival” each year, to which new vot—
ers of the city are invited to listen to
music and hear addresses pertaining to
citizenship. One member of the com-
mittee devoted nearly a month’s time
to preparing the festival of March 29.
At the close of the meeting, the An-
cient Freeman’s Oath was read, and all
present approved by standing and rais-
ing their hands. Mrs. Lucia Ames
Mead is chairman of this department.

The report of the committee on Eco-
nomic Conditions by Mrs. Mary Hutch—
eson Page. is extremely interesting.
Since January, 1908, through the efforts
of this committee, 139 local and state
organizations of Massachusetts have
endorsed woman suffrage.

This club collected nearly $3,500.00
last year, and expended a little more
than $3,000.

Victorious Michigan.

Tax-paying women of Michigan can
now vote on tax questions. The Con-
stitution adopted at the November elec-
tion so provides. Some day people will
think this change came through gen—
.ral evolution but of" course we know.


The case of Dr. Julia Seton Sears

was heard on Appeal November 21, Dr.
Sears was refused registration by the
Board of Registration of the 27th As-
sembly District. Her attorney, Mary
Coleman, asked for a writ of manda—
mus compelling the rcgistration board
to add her name to the list of voters,
but the motion was denied by Justice-
Truax, and Miss Coleman appealed. The-
New York Tribune says, “At the hear-
ing on appeal, the judges paid respect—
ful heed to Miss Coleman's arguments,
most of them asking questions."
L’Dn. Sears voted in Colorado at three
presidential elections, and the real
question is “Has New York State 8.
right to deprive a citizen of citizen-

Miss Coleman asked when is a citizen
not a citizen and answered it herself—
VVhen she is a woman.

The judges took the case under ad-



“Susan B. Anthony 1820-1906,” is the
subject of a pamphlet which contains a
comprehensive sketch of the life of the
great leader and the full text of the ad-
dresses delivered at her funeral. Gray
cover, purple ink. Reduced from 25
cents to 10 cents for the holiday season.
Order now. N. A. W. S. A. Headquart-
ers, Warren, Ohio.


How Some of the Election Posters
Were Displayed.

Mrs. N. N. Butts of Charleston,
Wash, not only put posters at the poll-
ing places, but also on one of the Sound

Mrs. Rogers of Meriden, Conn., hired
a place on a local theater curtain. This
created much attention.

The Era club of New Orelans posted
them generally throughout the town
and have been offered free of charge
space on the regular bill boards.

The Era club arranged suffrage
slides which were tthn on the screen
between election returns. This has been
done in isolated places before, always
with success, and it is remarkable that
this plan has not been generally fol-

Mrs. Avery pinned hers to large tow—
els and hung them from the windows
of her house. People thought she was


quarantined. Rose Avery pasted hers