xt70rx937t9n_458 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Progress text Progress 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_15/Multipage20083.pdf 1908 July-October 1908 1908 July-October section false xt70rx937t9n_458 xt70rx937t9n  


National American Woman Suffrage





25 Cents Per Year.






Volume VII.

JULY, 1908

Number 7



n. I L UREIS 1 MPO s s l B L 1:: — s u s a n B.







President, Rev. Anna. Howard Show,
Moylan, Pa.

1st Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore. Pa.

3nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Florence Kelley.
105 East 22nd St.. New York City.

Cor. Sec’y, Miss Kate M. Gordon,
1800 Prytania St.. New Orleans, La.

Recording Sec'y,
Miss Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park St., Boston, Mass.

Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton,
Warren, Ohio.

list Auditor,
Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.

2nd Auditor,
Mrs. Mary S. Sperry,
2100 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.

Legal Advisor,
Catharine Waugh McCulloch,
Evanston, 111.




President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
No. 2 W. 86th St.. New York City.
First Vice President,
Dr. Anita Augsburg,
Hamburg. Germany.

Second Vice President,
Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett,
London, England.
Secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery.
Swarthmor‘e, Pa.
First Ass‘t Secretary,
Dr. Kathe Schirmacher,
Paris. France.
Second Ass't Secretary,
Martina Kramers.
Rotterdam. Holland.
Treasurer, Miss Rodger Cunliffe,
ondon. England.



Entered as second class matter
ISL, 1906, at the Post Office.
Warren. Ohio.




Form of Bequest.

I hereby give and bequeath to the
National American Woman Suffrage
Association, said Association being in-
corporated under the laws of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, the sum of 5.. ..
principal and interest, to be applied by
such association for the support and
promotion of the cause of woman suf-

Signed ..................................


Convention Dates 1908.
15th-21st (inclusive).
Georgia—Atlanta, July 9 and 10.

Indiana—Winona Lake, August 28th
Friends’ Equal Rights Association.


Ohio—Columbus, Sept. 30th,, Oct. 1.

New York—Buffalo, Oct. 13 to 15.
Wisconsin—4Madison, September.


“ ‘It is a generation too soon’. Who
knows that? I suppose there were
those who thought John the Baptist
was baptizing too soon; that Luther
preached too soon; that Savonarola
was in too great a hurry, and all be-
cause he met his death and his enemies
triumphed; that Galileo and Hampden
and Cromwell and John Howard were
all too soon.” '

Never mind, would you not rather
be thought too soon by this generation
than too late by the next? There is
something refreshing about breathing
the invigorating air at the head of the


Several columns of valuable matter
were crowded out of this number. If
interest in suffrage continues we will
have to enlarge our columns or become


We have so many inquiries for the
addresses of our suffrage officers who
are in Europe that we state here that
anyone wishing to write them can do
so by sending letters; care of Dr. Alet?

, .

N. Y., October


ta H. Jacobs, Tesselschade Str., 15,
Amsterdam, Holland. Dr, Jacobs will
forward mail.


Sufiragists seem to be more active
in hot weather than other people.
The work in Headquarters of most
associations slows down in summer,
while ours seems to increase. Mails
are very heavy and all desks are piled
high with work although all clerks
are on duty. May this summer rush
bear autumn fruit.


Miss Bertha Coover, of London, 0.,
Corresponding Secretary of the State
Association, is temporarily at National
Headquarters assisting in the work.
She has already proved herself an ef-
ficient helper and a most delightful
acquisition to our office force. She is
of a studious turn of mind, is an able
and ready writer, as well as a devoted
suffragist. Several of the interesting
items in this paper are from her pen,
and we hope to publish her contribu—
tions from time to time in the future.
Truly, another optimist we have with
us! National Headquarters has no




'It is a suggestive fact that women
have been more prominent this year
in national politics than ever before.

and that the newspapers of. the coun—
try have kept this point more persist-
ently before the people than at any
previous time. All of this special no-
tice indicates that the compass of
our Ship of State is pointed more and
more in the direction of equal rights
for both sexes,

Mrs. Lucy A. Rice Clark, of Utah,
was the only woman delegate to the
recent Republican Convention. It is
somewhat puzzling to many of the
women of this country that in men—
tioning her all of the newspapers con—
sider it necessary to state that she
was 58 years old and the mother of
eleven children. Of not one of the
men delegates has the record of his
age been given, and the number of
children that call him father. Mrs.
Susa Young Gates, an alternate from
Utah, is the mother of thirteen chil-
dren. Of none of the other alternates


mittee with the resolution, both mak—
ing excellent pleas. One of the com—
mittee remarked: “The two women
said their say better than did any of
the men who had planks to advocate.’
The resolution presented by the
women was as follows:

“Resolved, That we favor the ex-
tension of the elective franchise to
the women of the United States, by
the States, upon the same qualifica—
tions upon which it is now accorded
to men.”

Though the resolution was not
adopted, the woman suffragists have
the gratification of knowing that many
newspapers commented favorably
upon it, and more public citizens than
ever before.

Samuel Gompers, the labor advo-
cate, in appearing before the com»
mittee, urged that the Republican
Party pledge itself to the enactment
of a law to submit a constitutional
amendment for ratification to the

States for the absolute suffrage of

women, co—equal with men.

A committee of one hundred and
twenty progressive Chicago women,
including Mrs. Charles Deneen, wife



Progress is indebted to The Crowell Publishing Co. of Springfield, 0.,
for the use of the above cut of Miss Jane Addams, one of our life


This cut appeared in .the April number of the Woman’s Home

Companion in connection with Miss Addams’ article on “The Working
Woman and the Ballot.”


The editor of Progress calls atten-
tion of Club Presidents to exceptional
program on Women in the Ministry,
by Rev. Annistord Eastman of El—
mira, New York. Few, if any, of our
programs equal this and it’ it is too
heavy for warm weather, advise your
members to do the reading for it and
be ready for 'the fall.


Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith, of Berke-
ley, California, has sent $500 to the
Susan B. Anthony Memorial Fund,
whichhas been saved through‘ self-
denial in many directions. She says
that instead of celebrating their 25th
anniversary in any Other way, they
are sending this amount to us.

Mrs. Keith is one of the people who
never ceases in their work for suffrage,
and it‘ seems that she has more di-
versity of action than any of us. One
Sunday evening a few weeks ago she
spoke in the Bethany Congregational
Church, her subject being “The Ethics
of Woman Suffrage; What have the
people, the church, religion, to do with
Woman Suffrage?”


have we been told the number of his
children. _

Both Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Young
declare that woman suffrage has been
a success in Utah, and that they wish
all their sisters, everywhere, to have
the same privileges 1_)olitica.lly.

Mrs, Clark is not the first woman
to enjoy the
delegate to a. national political con-
vention. In 1900 Mrs. W. H..Jones
was sent as delegate to the National
Republican Convention in Philadel-
phia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cohen to the
National Democratic Convention in
Kansas City. Both were from Utah.
and served through the sessions, This
is the first instance of the kind on
record, although women was sent as
alternates from \Vyomiug to the Na-
tional Republican Convention at Min-
neapolis in 1888.

The Committee on Resolutions at
the Recent Republican Convention
was asked to insert a woman suffrage
plank. Mrs. Charles M. Henrotin and
Miss Jane Addams were the speak-
ers for the. delegation of well»known
Women, and appeared before the com-

distinction of being a,
' functions

is over and'thc next is Buffalo.


of the Governor of Illinois, Miss
Jane Addams, Mrs. Ellen M. l-Ienro-
tin, Mrs. Gertrude Blackwelder, Mrs.
F. I{.v'l‘racey, Miss Ellen E. Foster,
Mrs. Iva Wooden, Dr. Anna Blount,
and others arranged for elaborate en—

‘ tertainments for the visitors and dele—

roorns of the Chicago
Woman's Club. One of these social
were in special honor of
Mrs. Clark, the woman delegate.
Altogether, the question of equal
suffrage is assuming such proportions
that the great political parties will be
compelled to realize that they cannot
afford'longcr to ignore it.
. B. C.

gates in the


The program for one evening of the
Buffalo Convention will be arranged
and carried out by college women.
We remember with pride our college
night at Baltimore when professors
from the great colleges of women paid
homage to Miss Anthony and her



The International Suffrage Alliance
It is
none too early to make your plans to





The great congress of the Interna-
tional Woman Suffrage Alliance open-
ed in Amsterdam, Holland, June 15,
the first session being given over to
the appointment of interpreters and
committees. Delegates from 23 na- .
tions were present.

At the afternoon a session a cantata
composed by a woman, Catharine van
Rennes, was sung under her direction
by a chorus of three hundred women
and eighty children.

Addresses of welcome were given
by Dr. Aletta Jacobs, President of
the National Dutch Woman. Suffrage
Association, and others, with responses
by prominent women of fourteen na-
tions, Rev. Anna H. Shaw representing
the United States. Mrs. Carrie Chap
man Catt, President of the Internation-
al Woman Suffrage Alliance, delivered
an opening address that is pronounced
logical, eloquent and profound.

Among the reports of officers we
note that of Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery,
U. S. A., as first secretary, and Mrs.
Stanton Coit, London, Eng, as treas-
urer. Mrs. Coit’s husband was former—
ly a resident of Columbus, Ohio.

At one of-the evening sessions the
topic was “Woman Suffrage in Prac-
tice,” addresses being made by noted
women from Australia, New Zealand‘,
Finland and Norway, Mrs. Helen
Grenfell, oflicial delegate from Colo-
rado, and Mrs. Harriet L. Shieir: from

At a meeting for young chpxe, Mrs.
Ella S. Stewart, of Chicago, was one,
of the speakers.

“Woman Suffrage from a.-._Chri‘sian

‘ ' 'rfumvor'VIGWannjet, ("ifait

address by Mrs. Catharine WaughMc-
Culloch, from Illinois, and Rev. Anna,
H. Shaw.

Miss Elizabeth Hauser, U. S. A.,
Spoke one evening on “Why Should
Representative Governments Enfrano
chise W’omen?” On this same subject
addresses were made by women from
Denmark, Germany, Great Britain,
Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Swe-
den and Switzerland.

Three days before. the opening of
the conference one thousand seats had
been sold, at 5 fiorins apiece.

Dinners, receptions, excursions in
and about the city, visits to the mu-
seum, etc., added interest to the stay
in Amsterdam. ' -

When the International Woman Suf-
frage Alliance was organized at Ber-
lin in 1904, six countries were repre—
sented. At its first biennial held in.
Copenhagen in 1906, there were dele-
gates from 13; and at the international
meeting which has just closed in Am-
sterdam, delegates were present from
23 countries. I

It is not possible to give a detailed

account of this splendid congress, the
largest yet held, in this number of
Progress. Thefconvention is just clos-
ing as this issue goes to press, and
we have not yet received full official
reports. B. C.


We are taking orders at National
Headquarters for Volume III. of the
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony.
Price $2.50.


General Federation of Women’s Clubs.

The Ninth Biennial Convention of
the General Federation of Women‘s
Clubs has been recently held in Boston.
Several thousand cultured, earnest
women were present representing five
thousand clubs with a membership of
over eight hundred thousand women.

Some of the measures discussed, all
bearing on the progiess of our nation,
were: “Child Labor," "Mortality
Among Children." “Public Health and
Sanitation," “Education,“ "Civics,"
“Parks and Playgrounds," "Protection
and Help of Imi’nigrants," "Conserva-
.ion of the Nation‘s Resources and Nat- .
iral Curiosities and Prehistoric








Dear Co—VVorkersz—

On Saturday, May 30th, Mrs. Cath-
arine Waugh McCulloch, Mrs. Ella S.
Stewart, Lucy E. Anthony, Dr. Jennie

Medley and I sailed out of New York
harbor on the “Minnehaha,” of the
Atlantic Transport Line, for London.
I may be pardoned if I recommend
this line of steamers to any of our
people contemplating a foreign trip,
as excellent in every way for an ut~
terly weary person.

rDhe larger number of passengers
on this trip are Episcopalians, Bish-
ops, clergymen, and laymen and lay-
women, on their way to attend the
Pan-Anglican Congress to be held in
London in June. One of the delegates
is Mrs. L. L. Gillogly, Vice-President
of the Alameda (California) Suffrage

On Monday, June 19th, we Suffrag—
ists remembered it was the beginning
of the “Self Denial Week” and we
tried to think of some way by which
we could deny ourselves for the bene-
fit of the Anthony Memorial Fund,
but as we had paid all our own ex-
penses on the boat we were compelled
to postpone our time Of service in
“Self Denial” until we had reached
land. We could not help but wonder
how the week was being consecrated
by Suffragists at home. Knowing the
anxiety of the National Treasurer who
had been facing an empty treasury, I
could not but anticipate her joy as lit—
tle by little the savings of self denial
came from all parts of our land.

On Tuesday morning my first
thought was that this is election day
in Oregon when men have another
1.1.ppo1tunity to do justice by the
women of the state by carrying the
woman suffrage amendment. What
joy it will be if our first message
home could be a cable of congratula-
tion to the Suffragists of our land,
especially to those of Oregon.

_ What. a mystery the sea is with its
terrible power, its r'eslessness, its full-
, ness of life and death! This morning

a senior:
ple bui ial service of the Chuich of
England was read by the ship’s doc-
tor, and then all that was mortal of
this brave toiler of the sea was lower-
ed to its rest. A ripple on the face of
the deep and all was over. All was
over for him, but what of the wife and
three little‘ones awaiting him home-
coming? All was to begin for her
and her children. Hers was the pain,
the striving, his the rest.

Before leaving home I had pledged
my, friends that until we reached
land, at least, I would not think, or
speak, or write of suffrage, that
would ever banish it from my dreams.
I would just rest and try to believe
that all the world was free and happy.
But alas, I reckoned without my host,
for in such company as that with
whom I had sailed, and the fact that

"an “glut-161T .Ji. $65.1.11U Sam


others knew 11s, made it impossible
Not a day had passed bef01e the sub-
ject became the one all absorbing
theme. We talked and planned oil
what we should do on our return, of;
debates, of prizes to be given for es-
:,says of organizations and organizers
of college and self- suppo1ting wom-
en’s leagues, of co- -ope1ating men’s
leagues of conventions and mass-
meetings and I found there was no
escaping the seivice to which we had
consecrated 0111selves, either on sea,
01 on land ,

On Monday, June 8th we passed
slowly along the slime Of England, and
I remembe1 it is my native land and
then I thought of the land of my:
adoption. I questioned which has
been kindest 01 most just to its women
While I am confident that the women‘
of the motherland will be fully enf1an-
chised before those of us who dwell
in the newer country, I rejoiced in:
the thought that the freedom of wom-‘
en anywhere hastens the day of vic-
rtory for all womanhood. Nay, more,
for all humanity. There is real free
~dom for none until all are free. Andj
yet I could but wonder how men in,
Amerita whose f1eedom had been
won f01 them by the se1vice and
sacrifice of women as well as of men
in the past, could have such a nar1OW1
view of justice as to enjoy it for them—

selves and withhold it willingly from
any human soul.

A few days in London, only long
enough to take part in the great meet-
ing of the 13th, then will follow a
week of hard work and enthusiastic
service. I wish you might all be with
us. When it is all over I will give you
a little glimpse of its results.





Application for railroad rates for
our Cenvention next October in Buf-
falo has been made but so far we have
not met with success. You know the
rule has always been that if one hun-
dred persons holding» railroad certifi—
cates attended the meeting, the rate
of fare and a third for the round trip
would be granted. I am now informed
that many of the roads have reached
the conclusion “that they may not un-
der existing circumstances consistent-
ly accord fare reductions for the bene-
fit of conventions, meetings, etc., un-
less it be first satisfactorily establish-
ed that a minimum number of one
thousand or more will attend.” If
this demand is'enforced it will be im-
possible for us to secure our usaal re-
duction, for we hardly dare promise
that one thousand persons or more
will go by rail to the Convention.

I do not considerthe matter closed,
but make this report to you thus early
that you may be saving money for
the trip to‘Buffalo, in case we do not
have the reduction and have to pay

‘ full fare.

As I am to be away for the sum-
mer, the railroad matter has been
turned over to our National Secretary,
Miss Kate M. Gordon, 1800 Prytaia
St., New Orleans, La., who will con-
tinue negotiations with the railroads,
with the hope of securing the usual



Hotel Rates for the Buffalo Convention.

The Lenox Hotel, North street at
Delaware. avenue. will be the Head-
quarters for the National Suffrage
Convention to be held in October in

Rates, European plan, $1.50 per day,
(with use of bath near by) for one;
$2.00 and $2.50 per day, if occupied by
two; $2.50 and $3.00 with private bath
for one; $3.50 and $4.00 per day for
two; two and three 100m suites with
private bath, $2.25 to $3.00 per day for
one if each room is occupied by one
person and $1.25 to $1.75 per day for
each person if each room is occupied
by two persons. A very limited num-
ber of lOOIIlS occupied by one person
$1.00 per day.

Arrangements will be made for con-
veying Lenox guests free of charge to
and from the meetings at the Y. M. C.
A., 45 West Mohawk street. The Len-
ox meals are served on the European
plan but arrangements may be made
later for American plan for us. In any
case luncheon will be served at the
Y, M. C. A.

The Genesee Hotel, corner of Main
and Genesee streets, European plan
and quite near the Y. M. C. A. build-
ing, rates from $1 to $3 per day for
one person and from $2.00 to $5.00 for
two persons. Rooms with bath for one
person $2.00 to $3.00 per day, two per-
sons $3.00 to $5.00 per day.


All orders for Volume III. of the
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony
will be promptly filled at National


Women of Delaware Help Improve
Sanitary Conditions.

Proof may always be easily found,

if proof is needed, that women are vit-
ally interested in all of the affairs of
the municipality.

This newspaper report coming from
Newport, Delaware, bears out well the
above statement:

The Newport Equal Suffrage Club
has donated $5 to the fund of the
Woman’s Citizen’s Committee of New—
port In 1899 and 1900 the women of
the town raised a fund to put the town
in a sanitary condition until the town
commissioners succeeded in collecting
the taxes






Amsterdam, June 19, 1908.
Editor Progress:

Though I know your rule that copy
for Progress must be in your hands
011 the 20th of the month preceding
the issue for which it is intended, I
am writing “against time” to get this
off to you in the hope that something
in the July number may be set aside
to make way for a few notes from this
International Congress for woman suf-
frage. '

It is to be hoped that the press dis-
patches in the American newspapers
are giving such reports of this splen-
did meeting as its excellence merits.
My purpose in writing is to give the
readers of national organ some little
items which might not impress the
“outsider,” but which are pretty sure
to interest the “insider.”

When the Congress opened 13 na-
tions were affiliated in the Interna-
tional' Alliance; now there are 16, f01
South Africa, Switzerland and Bul-
garia have been received.

The governments of Norway and
Australia are each represented by of-
lcial delegates, whose expenses are
borne by' their respective countries.
The State of Utah is officially repre-
sented also, but the expenses of'this
delegate alc not'borne by the state.

The United States delegates are
Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Lucy E. Anthony,
Catharine Waugh McCulloch, Ida Hus-
ted Harper, Ella S. Stewart and the

At the opening public session of the
Congress a choir of 380 voices sang
under the direction of Catherine van
Rennes, who had not only trained the
chorus but written the music as well.
These Dutch women are in all sorts
of learned professions. It is Significant
that they are now “breaking into” oc-
cupations hitherto sacred to men, and
a woman pastry .c_o*0(k or as the keeper
of a bread shop is pointed out as a

The morning sessions, which are
devoted to business, are held in a
small hall of the Concertgebow, and
the afternoon and evening meetings
in the auditorium of the same build-
ing. The flags of 15 nations are dis-
played on the stage with those of
Norway, Australia and Finland in the
places of honor.

Besides the regular delegates from
the affiliated society of Great Britain,
there are fraternal delegates from the
Woman’s Freedom League and from
the Men’s League for Woman Suf-
frage. Among those from the Free-
dom League is Mrs. Despard, who re-
ceives an ovation every time she ap-
pears on the platform, little, young
Mrs. Bellington-Greig and Mrs. Amy
Sanderson, all three of whom have
been in prison for the cause. Every
courtesy and all possible sympathy is
extended to these “militants,” but the
thoughtful observer can hardly fail to
comment, as she looks at Mrs. Milli-
cent Garrett Fawcett, that it takes
quite as high a degree of courage to
stand fast for a principle for 40 long
years as it does to go to prison for it
for a month. It is the Garrett-Faw-
cetts who have made_the Billington-
Greigs possible.

Dr. Stanton Coit, a son of that bless-
ed Ohio pioneer, Elizabeth Coit, is
here as a representative of the Men‘s

Miss Chrystal McMillan‘ of Edin-
boro, one of the graduates of the Scot-
tish University, who are making a
test case of their right to vote as
graduates, is one of the interesting
young women of the Congress. These
women have been beaten in two courts
and in the fall will appear before the
legal committee of the House of
Lords—which committee approximates
our United States Supreme Court—-
for the final test. Women may not be
lawyeis in Gleat B1itain, but any per-
son may plead his own case before this
committee and Miss McMillan will
plead her case.


It seems to be generally conceded
that Great Britain is the storm cen-
ter of the movement and if the next
victo1y does not come there the mem-
bers of the Alliance generally will be
very much surprised. The 1909 meet-
ing of the Alliance is to be held in

The countries where woman suf-
frage organizations are forbidden by
law, get arbund that difficulty by hav-
ing “Committees.” It is truly aston-
ishing to hear the women of B0-
hemia, of Hungary and of Russia tell
(how they question political candi-
dates. Is there anything new under
the sun?

Mrs. Chapman-Catt is much belov-
ed.‘ It is gratifying to her own coun-
trywomen to note the appreciation of
the women of other lands of the In-
ternational President. Her annual
address was a masterpiece.

One cannot attend the sessions of
this wonde1fu1 Congress without com-
ing to the conclusion that the women
of the w01ld are awake. As one of
the fraternal delegates passed a group
of working men on the street today,
she heard one of them say (noticing
her badge), “There goes a free wom-


an. . ,


By Laura Clay.

The annual convention of the Ken-
tucky Federation of Woman’s Clubs
met in Paducah, June 2nd- 5th inclu
sive, with 98 delegates and officers
present. Enough additional clubs
have been federated duiing the past
yea1 to entitle the State to another
delegate to the Boston convention,
ann Mis. Desha Bleckenridge, of Lex—


ington, was chosen for the place
The last Legislatuie changed the
State Agricultural and Mechanical Col
logo to the name
State University of Kentucky, and
made it a handsome appropriation
The women have long desired that a
chair of Dean of Women should be
established for the institution; and
Mrs. Letcher Riker, president of the,
State Federation of Woman’s Clubs,
Wiote to each of the trustees of the

Univeisity at its 1ecent meeting, ask-1

ing f01 the establishment of such a
depa1tment. The Convention sent a
telegram, voicing this petition from
the whole Federation. In the mean-
while the women of Lexington had,

been active for the same purpose; and5
unde1 the leadership of Mrs. Warner!

Kinkead, chairman of the Social Sci-
ence Department of the Woman’s
Club, a committee composed of lepre-j
sentatives fiom two chapters of the
D. A. R. the Equal Rights Association,
the United Daughters of the Confed-
e1acy, the Chautauqua Ci101e,the
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
and the Woman’s Club obtained a,
hearing before the Trustees of the
University and asked for the appoint-
ment of a Dean of \Vomen, as a
member of the faculty of the Univer-
sity. The request was granted, and
Mrs. Florence G. O. Stout, who has
been director of the Department of
Physical Education, was named as the
Dean, having first had her department
elevated to a full professorship, which
gives her all the rights and privileges
of a member of the faculty.

The facilities and equipment of the
Department of Domestic Science, Were
also enlarged, this department having
been established at the petition of
women some three years ago, and by
the large number of its students has
proved its popularity with the young
women students.

The Federation of Woman’s Clubs
did much useful agitation and legisla-
tive work for School Improvement
and School Suffrage for Women during
its past year. It failed to secure
School Suffrage for Women, princi-
pally by the activity of the liquor in-
terest against the bill; but it will
start into the field again, better equip-
ped with a knowledge of the forces


arrayed against the rights of women.

The invitation of the N. A. W. S. A.
to the Federated Clubs to join in
hearings before Congress asking for
the enfranchisement of women, drew
forth the following motion, which was
presented by Mrs. Lafferty, of Cyn—
thiana: “Since the National Ameri-
can Woman Suffrage Association has
invited the General Federation of
Woman’s Clubs to send a delegate to
all future hearings of their Associa-
tion upon Bills to Congress asking
for a submission of a Constitutional
Amendment forbidding disfranchise—
ment on account of sex; and since we
believe this to be an educational
measure in a wider sense and that
we, as intelligent women should be
thoroughly informed upon this import-
ant measure before reaching a definite
conclusion, I move that we, the Ken—
tucky Federation of Woman’s Clubs,
signify our desire to accept this invi—
tation.” The motion was carried with-
out a negative vote.


A Word from Mrs. Harper.

In a personal letter written from Am-
sterdam, Mrs. Harper says that her
party, Mrs. Catt and Mrs. Sweet, had a
very comfortable trip—that they are
beautifully situated and very busy._She
says they slip out every day for a little
sight seeing. “Today we went through
the RoyalPalace and the show place of
worship which has the cheerful name
of “Church of the Dead”. There are.
hundreds buried beneath the immense
stones of the floor which they will have
a hard time to raise when Gabriel
blows his trumpet.” Preparations for
the Alliance meeting are going on rap-
idly. “The hall is to be decorated with
pictures of pioneer suffragists of all
countries. I hope someone has told
you how beautiful Amsterdam is in all
of its tulips and rhododendrons, its
clean streets and tree-bordered ca-
nals.” A later letter from a delegate
says that the’work of preparing for
the Alliance meetings was most ardu-
ous, and that Mrs. Catt, who seemed so
well on a1 rival was showing the effect

and standing oflof he1 labors for this meeting.



The Prohibition party of the state
of Washington has endorsed woman
suffrage. Emma Smith Devoe spoke
to the delegates and a resolution was
passed unanimously.

>1: * *

The Socialists in National Conven-
tion in Chicago passed a resolution
favoring Woman Suffr,age the Initia—

2tive and Referendum, and the Recall.

* >1: *

Ohio State Spiritualist Convention,
in session at Columbus, May 28, 29,
30, passed strong suffrage resolutions.

* :1: >1:

The Prohibition Party of Illinois
have put a suffrage plank in their


The Headquarters of the Equality.
League of Self Supporting Women at

32 Union Square, New York, is
a business office in every sense.
The walls are adorned with fram-
ed testimonials to Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and
other pioneers. The president’s desk
is in one corner and a row of type-
writers click away from 9 in the morn-
ing until 6 in the afternoon. This or-
ganization has a library of 200 vol-

Aside from the trolley trip from
Seneca Falls to New York which was
described in our last month’s paper,
early in July this League will charter
a canalboat, which will be decorated
with yellow banners and will be towed _
all the way from Albany to Buffalo.
The members of this League will
speak at towns and hamlets through
which they pass. They will also speak
from their boat at certain places. This
League will hold open air meetings
in the late summer and fall.


To Subscribers.

We will feel repaid for all the time
spent 011 Progress this year if we can
double our subscription list before the~
Buffalo Convention. Can you not se-
cure one subscriber—just one?



No. 6.

«Women in Religion.
(Prepared by Rev. A nnis Ford Eastman.)

Topics for Study.
I. Greek and Roman
II. Hindu
III. Chinese
IV. Egyptian
V. Hebrew
VI. Norse.
Topics for DiscuSsion.

The Relationof Woman’s Social and Economic Position in each

Race to Her Role in Its Mythology.
A comparison, upon this point, of the different races.
Compare “Eve” and “Pandora."



Books of Reference.
,Ruskin’s “Ethics of the Dust.”
Carlyle’s “Heroes and Hero Worship.”
Extracts from the Greek Mythology by McKeil.
Old Testament. ‘
Essays in “The Ethic of Free Thought,” by Karl Pearson.
H. H. Boyesen’s “A History of Norway.”
Geo. Rawlinson’s “Origin of Nations.”
“Ten Great Religions,” by James Freeman Clark.
“The Religions of Ancient Egypt,” A. H. Sayce.


I. In the Hebrew Mona