xt70rx937t9n_454 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. The Perfect Faith text The Perfect Faith 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_18/Folder_3/Multipage20019.pdf 1898 June 1898 1898 June section false xt70rx937t9n_454 xt70rx937t9n ES'ITABLISH'ED BY EVA (3. HULINGS.




The material out of which power is
evolved in the great mental laboratory
is 'l‘hought. As in Nature’s Workshop
the combination of chemicals produce
new substances and from them new
force and power is created, so in our
mental workshop, new thought combi—
nations——new thought currents produce
new conditions and added power—or
the converse, according to the'quality of
thought sent to this laboratory.

\Ve have daily proof that our spiritual
and mental possibilities can be demon—
strated through the power of thought.

Your thoughts of courage when com—
bined with your companions’ lofty
thoughts of doing and daring will often
evolve a practical plan for establishing
a humanitarian enterprise which would
have astonished you had it been pre-
dicted that such a work would come to
pass. The same holds good in yourown
business relationship; desires, purposes,
ambitions, in the right direction, shall
come. to success through right thought
combinations and directed by the will.

Associate with the physically well
person, who discards all thoughts of
sickness, weakness and inharmony, and




unconsciously it may be, you will begin
to think like thoughts, and these new
currents of thought in the laboratory of
your being will soon produce new con-
ditions of mental quiet, and health and
strength to your body;

When we think the downward
thoughts we cut off our supply of vital-
ity; we disconnect ourselves from the
universal supply. There is nothing so
abundant as life. It is all around us,
it is everywhere present. All nature
proves this. Hang apiece of meat in
the sun, in a few hours it is teeming
with its busy colonies of life; and
think of the myriads of bacteria inhab-
iting every part of the human body—
lifel life! everywhere life and yet mor—
tality cries out death,everywhere death
—disease, sickness, agony-Hmanufact—
ured in the mental workshop.

You may go into a decline by think-
ing, “1 am tired;” “I am discouraged;”
“I am not much of anything anyway;"
“I can never succeed;” “To fail is al—
ways my luck.” In this line of thought
there can be nothing for you but failure,
poverty and sickness. There is noth-~
ing truer than that you can be whatyou
claim to be.

Don’t depress your own stocks. ln--
flate and water them if you must, but
always decree sure dividends. Be as;




choice in your selection of thoughts and
words as you would be of colors to com—
bine with your “bow of promise.”

We can Z/zz'n/c ourselves out of this pris-
on-house of prejudice into the clear at—
_ mosphere of understanding. In it we will
find that high and lofty thoughts of truth,
wisdom andlove and allblessedness are
beautiful builders of our life structure—
of the immortal ego. But thoughts of
failure, disease, hatred, envy and all
uncharitableness are disintegrating.
They weaken and often tear down the
life structure—instead of building and
moulding day by day a grand and no-
ble character.

Live noble thoughts. “Die Mai/y" to
the mean, wicked, wretched and com-
monplace. Live only in the good. Live
well and think well in the present hour.
Enjoy the blessings of right thinking.

Forget the “Wail of DeathH and sing

the “Song of Life.” “A merry heart
doeth good.” “A broken spirlt drieth
the bones.” '

“ \Nould you be inspired? Then l/mz/a
inspiring thoughts; dwell upon unselfish
greatness in all its richness; emulate
noble deeds; have an ideal character
constantly in mind; ask yourself the
question, “Would my ideal think so
and so? Would my ideal say so and
so? Would my ideal do so and so?”
Live in the upright position, with face
uplifted, the discords shut out, and
listen—inspiration will come like a
flood—tide to bless and uplift.

Yes, we can liberate “the spirits in
prison” by our thoughts sent out in per-
fect faith. Their “darkness will be
swallowed up in victory.”
the world is redeemed. “Freely ye
have received, so freely give.” Like
ripe fruit our thoughts of good are
gathered as they fall; they shall be for
the “healing of the nations.”

The power and beauty which is in
the forest trees and in the modest flow-
eret, in the granite rock,in the tiny peb—
ble, and in the tender grasses speakto
our better nature. Straight as an arrow
’to its mark they strike and quicken

In this way-

true and loving thoughts and thus ac-
complish their mission of blessedness.
Cultivate a low for the beautiful in na-
ture and art. Cultivate an enjoyment
in their beauty. Open the whole na—
ture in welcome to God’s glorious works

of beauty. Take it as a command in.

the worship of God—Cultivate this love
and enjoyment in your children; stimu~
late it by music, by drawing and paint-
ings, by sculpture, by art—books, by
rambles in the fields, by poetry and all
that will unfold this pleasure and ap-
preciation in this Universe Beautiful.
“Man cannot live by bread alone.” The
mind needs food as well as the body.
The best is always with us; then let us
gather of their choicest, purest, holiest,
broadest and most vigorous and uplift—
ing thoughts for ourdaily bread. Think
health and be healthy. Think power
and be powerful. Think success and
be successful. Think love and become
lovely. Think “I can and I will,” and
these twin sisters of Faith will come to
you laden with all blessedness for your
present and future needs.

Keep your spiritual lamp full of oil
and always trimmed and burning by
believing in yourself and in the power
of the rig/Hf thoughts to bring all things
to pass. '

Thoughts to Hold for the Month.

THE PERFECT FAITH believes in the power of con-
certed action in absolute affermation to bring to pass
individual and public desires. In this faith we ask
our readers to hold these thoughts with us each day
at high noon.

Thoughts for the Month»—
! (ll/z t/zc I/Vay, 1/26 fwd/z, [/Zé’ [.z‘f‘c.

Thought for the week beginning May 29:

I am. Z/zc 0/)Zt/6’7266? of Z/zc God-JVm‘m’c.
Thought for the week beginning J une 5:

I am mewz‘ Low.
Thought for the week beginning June 12:

I mum! 1/16 0/079! of fwd/z.
Thought for the week beginning June 19:

I am 1/26 Power of (m End/655 Life.
Thought for the week beginning June 26:

I am i/zc Gospel (if/(W.











[Extracts from two messages]

Word for the Silence: “I am Perfect

A number of people have asked me:
“What of the life after death?” If we
are living in the consciousness of the
Truth, the life after death is now. We
have already risen from the tomb of our
dead selves by gaining the Christ con—
sciousness. If we do not know Heaven
now, we never shall know it. Heaven
is an ever—present condition, simply the
consciousness of the God—Life. I hold
that all the events in the life of Jesus,
the crucifixion, the burial, resurrection;
are facts in the spiritual experience of
humanity; and therefore the life ofcon-
scious immortalitly, the life of the quick—
ened soul, is now.

Some one asks:' “Is there a place
called Heaven?” No, but there isa con-
dition, astate of cognizing the opera—
tion of the mind of God, and this is
Heaven. '

When we have pased in, shall we
know each other? We are in eternity
as much as we ever shall be; in the
Mind of God, now and always, you
and I are each a thought! If we are
now in reality what we always shall be,
and if we know each other while ex—
pressed in the physical body, is it not
scientific to suppose that the spiritual
body will also be capable of recognition?
What is it that we know in each other
now? Above all else, it is the soul-
likeness. Do you never meet a friend
after years of separation,in whose phys—
ical expression, time has wrought such
changes. that the face seems unknown,
when suddenly the soul-light flashes
out, and recognition follows? What we
know and what we love is the immor—
tal part of us; the causative part of us.
Why should not the“I am” of my being,
the Love and Thought and Purpose;
the Peace and Power, the eternal; ac-
claim and possess the same in you,when

the vail of the Temple shall be rent in
twain? If we are simply manifestations
of the God Power, and the God Mindis
ever present, we share in the Omni-
presence, Omnipoteuce and Omnisci-
ence of that Mind in which all beings
dwell. That Infinite and Eternal en—
ergy of spirit, our definition of which is
The Omnipresent Life, Love and Truth.
We are apart of the Universal self con-
sciousness, or we could not recognize
one another now. When we recognize
our consciousness in others, and theirs
in ours, and all in God’s; that is heaven.

Thebetter I know myself, the better
Iknow you. The only difference be-
tween one creature and another, is in
the degree of recognition of the inflow-
ing of the tides of Love. When we un—
derstand the Absolute Unity of hu-
manity, as the manifestation of the
God Nature, and the personal self has
passed out of consciousness, we shall
realize what heaven is. Whether in or
out of the body, it is but the fullness of
the God consciousness.

What are some of the conditions of
this state called Heaven? Heaven is a
rest, it is harmony. We all know that
in our highest moments, upborne bythe
tremduous tides of God’s Love, we are
simply a realization that God’s pow-
er is focused in us. Positive Peace is
Positive Rest, and rest cannot be in-
action. Rest is the balance of action
and reaction. So man is both cause and
effect; the magnificent achievement of
being. Doing work unto the Lord, is
the highest kind of rest. Rest is har-
monious and perfect accomplishment.
God is neither past nor future, but al-
ways present,—thus a secure abode.
How blessed it is when circumstance
dins in our ears, to be able to go into
the Holy of Holies of our being. Truly
this is heaven. Heaven is a bettercoun—
try? Yes. When we live in the country,

. of the senses the unreal,the seeming of

life, that has no life in itself; when we
live there—we are in Hell, in the land
of shadows, of ghosts, of unrealities.
The better country is the place where




we are not dependent on the sun for
our light, for we dwell in the blaze of
the High Noon of Spirit.

The real is but the radiation of the
ideal; the newjerusalem, the heavenly
city is within man; in the human soul,
Where ope1ates the power that trans-
mutes into the God—likeness.

Heaven is symbolized under many fig-
ures, because God is Manifold, Myriad-
fold, in His Manifestation. God is in
the mountains and in the flowers; in the
stars and in the sea, and in the various
conditions of human consciousness. “In
my Father s house are many man—

If we are centered in the God Con—
sciousness by identification with the
Power of the Universal Love, we are
subject to nothing. “All power is given
unto us” and we are already in Heaven.


\Nord for the Silence: “I am the
Glory‘ of God.”

There is a very direct relation be-
tween this affirmation and the Law
given 011 Sinai; for the Ten Command—
ments are but the analysis and formu—
lation of the statement, “I am the Glory
of God,” the living Gospel of the
majesty of the Divine Nature.

Let us see what the Law as it is en-
graven 011 the “Tables of Stone,” has
to say to us.

What is called civilization is very
generally, admitted to be founded,
largely, upon these commandments, but
our search this morning is chiefly for
their interior meaning and guidance.
Let us look at them in the light of Uni-
versal Truth.

The statement that they were engra-
ven on stone, signifies that Eternal
Truths were there promulgated. Noth-
ing that is transitory is real. The only
true sayings are those in accord with
the Allness of Good. These command-
ments are an affirmation of the “All—
Good”——a part of the Eternal. They

are real ;——hence the symbolism of tables
of stone. They are affirmations of re-

“[ (ll/Z the Lord thy God which
brought thee out of the House of Bond—
age, and out of the Land of Egypt.”
There we have thename ofthe one real-
ity;>-“l am,” that in every tongue ex-
presses the Omnipresence of Deity.
Out of the seeming thunder, smoke and
turmoil of development came this name
of the Universal Good, for the c011—
sciousness of which the race ete1nally
longs, and when it is found, eternally
rej01ces in. The beautiful fact of the
Universe as the expression of God is
only now beginning to be seen by the
majority of mankind.

Truth proclaims to-day, as it pro—
claimed from Sinai, that there is noth-
ing but God. I am that which is Abso-
lute Being, and I am the Lord thy God;
I am the soul within thy body. I am
thy creative potency. Within thyself
dwells the “I Am,” which is the knowl-
edge of the Divine Power and Pres—
ence. The “I Am,” as the Universal
Soul, of which humanity is an expres—
sion, has “brought thee out of the House
of Bondage.”

But such freedom is impossible if be-
lief in the reality of personality be re—
tained. To affirm it as real with the cre—
ative potency of the name of God, “I
Am,” is “having other Gods before Me.”
In claiming personality there is implied

the one sin of the world—the sin of sep- '


The only way to manifest Universal
Love is to be free from personality and
where the voice is heard, saying within,

“1 am the Lord thy God,” the pres— i

ent tense means the loss of personality
in the glory of gaining the conscious—
ness of the Soul of All.

To affirm the reality of personality,is
to take the name of the Most High God,
the Mighty one, and give it to that
which is transitory, is to be guilty of
idolatry. When we claim anything for
personality; when we affirm anything
less than the All, we are worshipping




idols. If the spirit has reached a place
where it sees nothing but Universal
Good, the body becomes the projection
or crystallization of the methods of the
spirit. The spirit cannot be touched by
anythingbut Glory when it hears the
great diapason, “I Am,” and the body
will also manifest Peace, Power, and

Out of the storm and stress of transi-
tory circumstance has come the sure

. knowledge of the real. Pain itself has

taught us the unreality of pain. Sin has
taught us the unreality of sin. Sickness
has taught us the unreality of sickness.
All these experiences by their transitor—
iness has resulted in the recognition of
their unreality.

When we consciously live and move
and have our being in Reality, we can-
not read a philosophic book, we cannot
study a poet, we cannot see or feel or
hear anything that does not bear wit-
ness to the Good, the Unity. Every-
where the one Life has revealed itself
as such. The human race has the tes—
timony of Unity within itself. The
whole world is awakening to look at
things philosophically. When some one
has lost fortune or friends, and we say
they have taken it very philosophically,
we mean that they live in the “I Am”
of their being, and so loss is impossible.

So we decree and declare that we have
been led out into the freedom of God’s
Love, for personality is dead. \Ne
claim that the sounding of the Divine
voice is heard through all space, yea
even beyond, if that be conceivable and
we are in God, and the opulence of God
is in us.


“Beloved now are we the Sons of God, and it doth
not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that
when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we
shall see Him as He is.——John 3—2.”

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the Sons of God. ,

The Spirit itself, beareth witness, with our Spirit,
that we are the children of God.——Romans 8:13-16.”

Surely, we are all“sons of God,” since

the great creative power that we call
God, is 'the only creative power that
exists in Heaven or in Earth. So,in the
sense of God being the one creative
essence in the Universe, we must be
children of God. Yet it is only those
who are led by the Spirit of God con-
sciously, that are in any closer relation—
ship, “Sons of God.” We all know that
it is the lionesl man, the true man, and
the pure man and woman, that want to
be children of God in any closer sense.
The sincere desire begets the relation-
ship. We know we must desire a thing,
before we are willing to put forth a suf-
ficient effort to obtain it, and so strong
is my faith in the declaration in Gene-
sis, that all that God created was not
only good, but very good, that I believe
the desire to be real children of God,
children in Spirit and in Truth, is born
in us early in life; and it is only by 6072-
slam‘ly ignoring the rig/ll that we can
deaden our sensibilities to 22‘. But is
there some timid or doubting heart ask-
ing, “Who are those who are led by the
Spirit of God ?” I would answer, all
who live a righteous life, for righteous-
ness is religion, and religion is right-

There is just one thought I want to

impress, and that is: \Ne are as nec—

essary to God as God is to us. Let us
l/zz'fl/c a moment, and see if this is not
true, for I am seeking to lead z’m‘o truth,
not away from it. No matter what a
man may know, if he never expresses
what he knows, either in act or word,
the world is nonethe wiser or beller for
this knowing, and he does not really
know it himself. Our great philoso-
phers, our wisest statesmen, and our
most successful financiers, only make
themselves such,by constantly impart-
ing to others what they know, using
what they have in demonstrating their
wisdom and their power. This is the
only way they themselves can be sure of
the truth of what they know. So our
Beloved Father in Heaven needs us,
(for we are the highest expression of
Himself,) to demonstrate to the world,




and ourselves, His infinite Goodness,
His stupendous power, and His Eternal,
Redeeming love.

We can do this only by being led by
His Spirit, and if we are truly so led,
nothing but God-like actions, nothing
but words of Wisdom, nothing but
deeds of Love can enter into our lives.
We will express good (God) and only
good (God) for as the wit/m; so the
without, God manifest. We do not ex-
press God, when we are sick, or lazy, or
cross, or angry, or unsuccessful.

Now I do not believe in a personal
devil (very few people do nowadays.)
The only devil I have any acqaintance
with, or know anything about is one of
my own manufacturing, that I let come
into my heart, and into my life, draw-
ing me away from that which is pure,
and true, and holy. The only way to
get rid of this spirit of seeming evil is
to utterly ignore its mandates, by doing
nothing it bids us to do, and la led by
the Spirit of God, which consumes all,
within itself, for God is in all, above all
and l/zmzzg/z all. Our beloved Master
enjoined upon His followers, not to
take too much thought, as to the hu-
man needs, but to seek fiml, the king—
dom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things will follow as naturally
as the sparks fly upwards. Yet, if we
would have the best results, we must
work in unison with God’s laws. I be-
lieve that the religion of the Christ is
just as natural as love—just as neces-
sary as Joy, Light, Sunshine, Summer
and Winter, day and night. Spirit is
Eternal, God in us! then let us see to
it that we give it true nourishment, for
I can but believe that much that is
handed forth as spiritual manna, fails
to meet the demands of the hour. The
earnest seekers after truth, have dared
to draw aside the veil from the Holy
of Holies, and stand face to face with
God. In other words, the veiling of all
spiritual things in mystery is no longer
needed, for where there is Mystery,
there is fear. The God we worship to-
day, is a God of love, perfect, and free;

and perfect love casts out all fear. The
religion that meets the demands of the
hour, is a religion of the heart. The
meal of to-day, and the only one that
can stand the test, is “Glory to God in
the highest ;——on earth peace and good-
will, to all men.” Anything less than
this, is subject to change. With a soul
of love that is in God, with hearts full
of good will toward all men, and acreed
that does not bind us, let us take the
world by the hand, and press on to the
finishing of our good work . upon the
earth, trusting, believing, yes knowing,
that as we are faithfuloverlittle things,
we shall be made rulers over the greater
things. It does appear to me there
never was a time when the whole hu—
man family was hungering and thirst-
ing after God and his love, as now.
The world never needed dedicated ser—
vants of Christ as now. There is a
great wave of Spiritual healing coming

to us from near and far. This awaken-

ing of soul, this troubling of the waters,
means healing of all who are waiting
and are ready to receive it. We are
Christians, (it matters not whether we
are members of a church or not,) we
are a Christian nation, and as such, we
should be finger—boards to direct oth-
ers, and sign-boards to lead others out
of darkness, into the Light of Truth’s
pure rays. We, as a people, are blessed
among many. We will be held respon-
sible for the same. God expects ten
talents in return for the ten He has al-
ready given, and who but sons of God,
can lead the groping multitude that are
seeking light and consolation in Spirit-
ual things as they never sought before?

If we are lmly, and 'sz‘mcmly, led by
the Spirit of God, it will illuminate our
faces, it will shine out in our whole lives,
and make us fit temples for the Holy
Spirit that our Blessed Master prom-
ised to all who followed His teachings.

We sometime sing, “I want to be an

Angel,” but it is wasted breath unless
we have about and within us the at-
tributes of Angelhood. We do not have
to wait until we pass through the seem—







ing death, before we can be Angel-like,
any more than we have to go to jerusa-
lem before we can follow Christ. He
is here with all true hearts,just as surely
as He was in the great Jewish temple,
when He walked and taught on earth.
Jesus was crucified, and the magnificent
temple has crumbled into dust; thus
proving that the only permanent tem-
ple of God, is within each one of us.
Ye, are the temple of the living God,
permanent, and eternal, because Godis
the life of it.

Oh! Ye young people! It is for
you to stand out a bright and shining
light,in the temple of our Lord! You
are the pillars to support and maintain
the spiritual structure of which all are
a part. I have much faith in you. I
know that you are strong, because God
is your strength. I know you are true,
because truth is your watchword and
buckler, and we lmozu that it is only by
abiding in faith, by being led by the
Spirit (Christ) that we'can hope to ob—
tain the high position we are destined,
—yes, called upon, to fill.

Then come, let us work while it is
day, the ever—present now, to work for
God and humanity in the highest, holi-
est calling in which mankind can be en—
gaged. '

Then, to be children of God, we must
be like God, who is Spirit, and Spirit is
Eternal, the Divine in us. It is in the
hearts of all of His children, that the
Father loves to dwell. Since our hearts
are His abiding place, let one and all,
seek, to be so led by the Spirit of God,
that we may £72020 that we are in that
conscious relationship, sons and daugh—
ters of God.

God of Life, of Youth, and Love".
God around, beneath, above—
Clear the dust of earth away;
Let us have the perfect day——

Day without the dark of sin;
Day with Christ the Life within,
Doubts must vanish, flee away,
Let us have the perfect day.


Morning, evening, day and night— i“ '
All in God, alike, are right;

Joy and gladness—’tis His way;
Let us have the perfect day;

Day without a doubt, of good,
Faith in human brotherhood;
Christ the Life, the Truth, the way,
This will bring the perfect day. ‘
Richmond, Ind. ~


'ORAFT, room 601, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.


Services, meetings and Appointments of
Established by
\Vindsor Hall.
Sunday Services at 11 a. m.
Speaker, MRs. MARY C. C. BRADFORD.
Music, Denver Home Quintett.


Sunday School 11 a. m.
Silence 12 m.


Windsor Hall Week Day Appointments.
Every day noon silence, MRs. MARY C. C. BRADFORD,
and Mrs. Mary C. Montague, Leaders.
Monday, 8 p. m. W. T. CRAET’S class in Truth.
Second and Fourth Tuesday at 8 p. m.
The Fortnightly Entertainment and Social.
Saturday 2p. 1n. MRS. HULINGs’ Children’s
Dancing Class.

Healing treatments given by DR. MARY E. SCOTT,
from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 3 to 5 p. 1n. ”laily.


Truth Alliance.
Wednesday at 8 p. in. MRS. SCOTT SAXTON, Prest.
Present Instructors.

Charles Building Appointments.


Healing treatment, by MRs. KATHERINE B. MED—

Healing treatments by correspondence, given by
MRs. MARY C. MONTAGUE, from No. 4, La Veta Place.


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edge in the Omnipresent Life. Love and Truth, the sustaining
God-Principle manifested in the Universe.

It proclaims the unity of mankind as the logical sequence of
the Omnipresent Life.

It affirms that the Christ consciousness is born of the Christ-
life of Love; that he who serves the world is the Revealer of







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Freedom is the power to do right. It
is the willing subordination of smaller
to larger interests, the transmutation of
the personal into the larger life. Lib-
erty is absence of restraint and the full-
ness of competitive action; while free—
dom is found in the bonds of love and
-co~operative advance.

The law of life is inter-dependence—
the law of love is mutual uplift; the law
of freedom, therefore, is conscious rela-
tion to and direction of the Universal
forces by the Will and Understanding
that are in process of becoming in us.

Freedom cannot be affected by exter-
nal circumstances. To the soul in unison
with the Soul of the Universe, there are
no deprivations, for the sweetness of
love, the glory of life, the beauty of
Truth revealed to the Mind of Man,
and in the Majesty of Nature’s Mani-
festations of God; all are its possessions.
"‘The Earth and the fullness thereof”
belong to the free human being, and he
is free who knows himself the eXpressor
of the All-Good.

Let us think of the storehouses of
Wisdom that may be entered and enjoy—
ed. Let us realize the illimitable power
of achievement that may be gained, and
let us make haste to live in the fullness
of true freedom. There are no bounds
‘for the free soul, for all its energies are
working with the “Powerthat makes for
Righteousness,” and so limitation is im—
pOssible. There is no poverty for the
soul that has been smitten into love of
the loveliness of the vision of Freedom,
for he who loves possesses all things.
The free man is a seer, and by right of
enjoyment owns the treasures of moun-
tain and plain, the opulence of sea and

Liberty—Equality—Fraternity ?—are
there no better watchwords for the New
Cycle? Has the Law of Truth no high-
er meaning? Does the growing radi-
ance of the day, of Love give us no
deeper message?

If we read aright the living notes with

which God is now composing the never
ending Canticle of the Ages, we shall
find they mean——Freedom——Equality—



Nature spreads her carpets of grass
and moss over the cold, bare earth. She
drapes her rocks and she drapes her
roots and covers the scraggy place. She
garlands and decks with leaves and flow-
ers to welcome the coming of Spring.
The brook released from its icy embrace
gurgles and leaps and laughs as it rushes