xt70rx937t9n_453 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. The Patriarch text The Patriarch 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_16/Folder_17/Multipage20014.pdf 1904 1904 1904 section false xt70rx937t9n_453 xt70rx937t9n The advertisements in the "Patriarch” are all wholesome.

They corrupt neither

"Mid' nor body.

Quack doctor ads and "Cuckold Mill” ads not published in this paper at any price.








1323 First Avenue Seattle, Washington





Subscription Price - $2 per Year, $1 for 6 Months
Invariably in Advance.




The power of a paper is its readers. The support of
a paper is its advertisers. The Patriarch has more read-
ers in proportion to its circulation than any other paper
in town. Our readers should support our advertisers.




By authority vested in me as chairman of tho
cvecutive committee of the People‘s Party of Texas,
and in conformity to the request of the State execu-
tive committee, precinct conventions are hereby call~
ed throughout the State to be held at any time be-
fore April :30 prom, to select representatives to Coun-
tv conventions to be held on or before April; to sel-
ect delegates to Congressional conventions to be held
on or before May 10, and delegates to the State con-
vention to be held in the city of Dallas, June 9th,
pro}... at which time and place delegates will be
chosen to the People‘s party national convention to
be held at Springfield, lIl., July 4, ISO-I.

In precinct, Counties or districts where from any
cause the regular party officials fail. to issue calls
for said conventions, any Populist is authorized to
issue call for convention and arrange for delegates
to the, several conventions. Notice of meetings" and
names of delegates should be forwarded promptly
to me at Dallas.



Col. Felter Has Made Complete Arrangements for
the Convention. One of the Best Halls.

Editor Independent: It might be well to state
that l have full assurance from the adjutant general
of Illinois of the use of" the new arsenal at Springfield
for the People's party national convention, July -1,
5, (5. Should the delegates decide to remain longer
ample provision is made for that event. The arsenal
is a magnificent building with all modern improve-
ments. It will be nicely seated, arranged and de-
corated for the occasion. Hotel prices are from 81,26
to $3 per (lax. There are restaurants where good
meals can be had from 10 to 25 cents. I am acquaint-
ed with all the hotel proprietors and can say their
character is first class. All the hotels are within one
and a half to three blocks from the arsenal.

Every arrangement for the comfort and pleasure
of our Populist friends have been anticipated and
provided for while they are in the city. - Illinois
Populists will do the right. thing and do it nicely.
We are looking for a big convention. '

All reform papers please copy.



Springfield, 111.


We have at hand a copy of “The Great Issues,"
being a collection 01‘ reprints of seine editorials
from the Philadelphia American from 1897 to 1000.
The author of the articles published is the Hon.
Wharton Barker, who was the candidate of“ the
Middle-of—the-Rcad People party in 1900 for the miice
of president. The statesmanlike erudltion are as
pertinent today as they were four or eight years
ago, for, unfortunately, the economic situation has
been little changed—is even worse today than ever
before—and the prospects are not very bright for its
betterment in the near future. “The Great: Issues"
is a valuable acquisition to any political library and
ought to be read and studied by the great mass of
the common people. It is a book of nearly 400 pages
and is substantially bound in both cloth and paper.
It can be secured of the publishers at the following
prices: Cloth—one copy $1.00, ten copies, $7.00,
twenty copies $12000, fifty copies, $25000; paper——
one copy 50 cents, ten copies $4.00; twenty copies.
$7.00, fifty copies, $15.00. Address Wharton Barker.
118 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa.—Tlie Colorado

To the above we wish to add that every Populist
should read “The Great Issues” and we may go
further and say that every old party voter ought to
read it also, though it would be a little dangerous
to his present political faith, we believe, to do so.—
Vineland Independent.

Every thinking man in this country knows that the
only salvation of our political and social institutions
is to maintain the balance of the population on the

They know that the public domain was the most
valuable asset of the people as a whole and their
most precious national heritage.

Why then has Congres allowed this great domain
to be stolen by the tens of millions of acres‘.’——lndus-
trial Tribune.

.- ~ nin'r'v» wv‘. v..-


Cyclone Davis‘ great speech at the court house
last, Sunday on Bible defense of Prohibition was a
great effort and received the endorsement of every
man and woman. There is no doubt that these great
speeches are worth hundreds of votes in the election
today for prohibition—The Watchman, Clebourne,

We have read the populist speeches of Cy—
clone Davis for scveial years with satisfaction;
we were one of the fcw populists of this city
who called upon him when he visited this city
SCVcl‘al months ago. Davis tCycloiic) did not
make a public speech here. i do not think that
he came here for that pruposc; at any rate, if'
he is a prohibitionist, he held his pcacc upon
this subject while licrc. '

Probably he was overwhelmed at what he
beheld here—a strong Populist city of 140,000
of a population, and 2:0 saloons in it, and the
two strongest Saloon Wards, were always the
two strongest Populist Wards.

This is a condition, which surpriscs many
people whose minds have been warped by pro—
hibition sophisti‘y—that “political morality"
and saloons are an impossibility. Scuttle has
demonstrated the falsification of this prohibi—‘
tion ideal, and it is worthy of remark that the
most strenuous disruptionists, and traitors to
the Peoples" party of this city were those who
stood ready to advocate prohibition and wo—
man suffrage at every opportunity. Clark Da-
vis, George Cottei‘ill, being the foremost of
their unstable associates the "bearded elicn‘nn—
ates.” Texas it appears would be a good place
for these people to congregate in. They might
exchange their material interest hcrc, with
some virtuous masculincs of Texas, this would
be a mutual exchzuxjc the masculine would be


a valuable acqtigutm here, and the "bcarocd
etfeminatcs” would be in clover there, and if
these two distinctcharacters, and characterlcss
were separated in different sections of the
country, the world would soon learn a lesson

of value, as to which clement would make the

greatest progress in both morals and com~


Allurders, suicides, and divorces; three of the
greatest crimes known, are so common in Sc—
attle that they scarcely cause comment.

It is true, that the worst crime of the thrcc‘
is legalized and is the cause of a large per cent
of the other two, that are not yet legalized.
But we shall find a justification of legalizing
them before long. "Extravagant Education,"
lying tongues, "\Voman's Clubs" and Dr.
Matthews ought to find a way to lcgalizc all
three. This would make them respectable.

“"6 know of a case in this city a few wccks
ago, where a divorced couple went to a protest—
ant church to get married and the minister rc—
fuscd to marry them; they went at once to
Dr. Matthews of the Presbyterian church of
this city, but the “thrifty" Matthews had no
scruplcs about the matter. lie was after his
fee. Why he cvcn dispensed with a portion of
the marriage ceremony in order to please the
“woman in the case". and this too in face of
his church authorities back cast who are de-
cluring against such conduct.

Dr. Matthews is: a knavel

There is so much"chcap gab"bcing publish-
cd throughout the "Reform Press” about gov—
erning this world by that beautiful ideal of
"love", that the word duty is lost sight of en—
tirclv and with disastrous rcsults.
knows as much about “love" as the civilizcd
what does the know

The szivagc

man dots. but
about duty?

“Love" is common to the savage and the
civili'ch alike. but duty is the highest order of
civilimtion. 'l‘lic barbarian constantly sccks
his "ampules" tfrom timc to timct a in Dr.
Matthews. Cumtux?





There are 78 National Governments in the
world. I‘licrc are 0 Emperors, i4 kings, ,2
queens, 21 presidents, 5 princes, 7 grand dukes
and the other so heads of governments are
made of Amcers, Rhan's, Rcdives, Mikados,
Sultans, .\laharajah‘s 51121115, and Boys. And
the I'nitcd States Congress represents more
territory and greater wealth than 21in one of
them, and the L‘. 5. Congress also “1’1‘0591 s,

as a whole, a more intellectual body, in the fig“- \\~

gi‘cgzitc, than “ny one of flu; i, and they are
the most cl 4. sum-N- { Li‘j', or all of them.

flow long can a government progress, and
maintain. a prestige among the governments
of the world without character? Our characrer
abroad, as compared with other nations, will
compare favorably with the best of them, but
character at home is lower than the worst of
them. \l'c are a "goodly apple rotten at the
there is not a Rcaclistag or a Ministry
or a Council, or a l’arliamcnt, or a Rcichsrath
of a kingdom, or a congress of the .21 Republics
of the earth, that prcscnts such a sorry spec-
tacle to the world today as the present Cnitcd
States Longrcss.


There is not one—not a single one—~of the
whole 75 national governments of the whole
world except ourselves, that would have liti—
milizticd themselves, and recognized, by their
own acts, tlicir incompctcncy, or their own
standard of innnoralit} if you please, or their
inner luck of judgment, and inability to govern
as to give car, and official recognition to 400,-
000 gallavanting jades in relation to momen—
tous affairs in government.

V. lat would thcv (other gov l""";-.',?‘..r$

They would have :-.~t thosc
presumptious, undomesticated, woiiiaiis club
representatives home to their families!

They world'havc said: “Send your hus—
bands, fathers and brothers here; for they are
your representatives. This would represent
tdignity), character, authority. It would also
show ”masculine virtue," and not cffcminate
subordination to the undomcsticatcd, "rostrum
hunting" pctticoat; that is urged on, and on, to
disgraceful prcsuniptions and insolcncc, (mis—
taken by them for dignity) by “bearded cl‘fciii—
inatcs" who are unworthy to wipe the shOcs
of a “virtuous masculine," and who would
feign have the world belicvc that virtue is a
matter of sex, and that woman has a monopoly
of it. in my vigorous efforts to rc—cstablish
the sterling character of American ancestry, l
have the encouragement of all good people
generally, and of no less a man than President
Roosevelt particularly. Listcn to him:

"There are plenty of sCoundrcls always
ready to try to belittle reform movements or to
bolster up existing iniquitics in the name of
Americanism."——l’rcsidcnt Roosevelt in his
cssav on Reform Methods in Politics.

"The stoutcst and truest Americans are the
very men who have the least sympathy with
the 1H.01)lC who invoke the spirit of American—
ism to aid what is vicious in our government
or to throw obstacles in the way of those who
strive to reform it."—Prcsidcnt Roosevelt in
his essay on Reform Methods in Politics.

\\'c are in good company. Cumtux?

thd you say.“

”Equal rights to all and special privileges
to none" is a quotation from Thomas jefferson.
\‘ill the lying "bearded cffcminatcs" dare tell
us that he meant this excellent idea to apply to
"\\'omzin’s Suffrage"?

Take the prominent Populists out of the
Democratic Party of Seattle, and thcrc will be
nothing but a “frazzle” left.

The Mike \\'right Cigar is one of the most
famous cigars in the market. Mike \Vright
still makes that offer. See ad. in this paper.

I do,





Laura Clay. Auditor of the National
\.\'oinan Suffrage .'\ssociation.,)
Equal Rights.

The Fa} ette Equal Rights Association which met
this Week was interested and entertained by \liss
‘Laura Clay. who gave a delightful account 01‘ 11e1 1111)
to the National Meeting of the organization telliii"‘
of piogi'css made and touching upon points gained
and points 10st; ((J\ eiing the whole subject with gi'tat
skill anti eleai'ness. Miss Clay is Audi-‘01 of the .'\'a-
tional Woman’s Suffrage Association. She stated that
M.15 Carrie Chapman Catt 01‘ New York, owing to
ill health, had decnned 113 election to the otlice of
“President at d that ltev. Anna Howard Shaw was

:_hoSen to succeed her.

{-119 association was ask3d to hold then next con
,.ve tion of. 1905 in Portland, Ore egen, at the time of
the centennial celebration of that state As Oregon
has ‘declared so emphatically for womans suffrage
this will be a a1 cat movement in the cause and gives
hope or. legislative restitls li om thousand six hun-
'dred dollars v. ere en en iii pledges made on the b11 th-
day of Susan 1’1.Antlion_y, who is cigh ty- -1'our years
oldy fimlay ably dealt with the teeetit disttission
0’11 the 3111' 085.3301 \\ ontans Suffraoe in Oiegon, as
called foitli by} ' advance article in the Outlook.—
Kentucky ,lGazette. \

\\ hut-.111 iiitcllectua'i w
ra Clay. tells infamous lies concerning impor—
tant events she shall be called down 21s long
as tlieicditor of The Patriarch can wield a
pen in the interest of “public iiiO'ality.”
Neither Miss Clay nor any other notorious
“rostrum hunting" Amazonian shall maintain
an unbridled license to “lie" and not be called
down by lovers of truth. The prerogatives of
the undoincsticatcd American “petticoat” may
be cultivatcc l by the “bearded clfeminate, " but
when the v make lies 5, and such notor1ous lies,
their refuge and strength, it becomes the duty
of: virtuous masculines to lay bare their in—

It was a ti'uc standard of philosophy which
dcclarcd that: "As falsehood is always used
21s 21 weapon by the weaker against the strong—
er, so must women always be greater liars than
men.” A lying woman of Miss Clay's intelli—
gence, and “official" standing, selected by her
peers for her superior knowledge, to 'act as
"speaker-65s.,” or squealer, l should say, for
them (in the treble clef) cannot escape her
‘l'f '13s the era 1' ~.


L‘yliss Lati—

rnqnm'v'l under iilt'a 0'-

nor is she entitled to that spirit of gallantry
which is due to all pure minded, modest wo-
men. This lying jade talking to people away
off in Kentucky, did not expect that her "lics"
would ever reach here, 01' perhaps she took
chances that if her lies should reach here even,
that they would escape detection. 1 want to
tell the Kentuckians that l have lived here for
thirty-seven years, and know whereof I speak,
and that “\'\7omaii Stifl'i'agc' has been agitated
during nearly the whole of this time, owing to
the great activity and remarkable ability of a
political tcrmagent by the name of “Dunni—
way.” The last time that the “\Voman Suf—
frage" amendment was voted upon in Oregon
was in June, igoo, and it was defeated by a
very decisive vote. There are too many vir—
tuous niasculiiies in Oregon to permit this “cf-
fcminatc degeneracy"
state. 111 1902 a bill was again presented to
the Oregon legislature for the purpose of
again presenting the "\V'onian Suffrageq
amendment to the people, and in this instance
it was overwhelmingly beaten in the legisla—
ture This will no doubt settle the fate of the
political ambition of the "bearded effeminatcs”
and their she peers in Oregon for the next
decide at least. And forever we hope.

If some commonplace woman, had made the
lying assertion. about the "woman suffrage"
election in Oregon, she might have been mis-
taken, and we should have treated her to a
gentle rebuke: btit for a woman like Miss Lau—
dc Clay. who holds a very high official position
in the rctrogrcssivc of "bearded cffcin—
inatcs and political Amazons, to make use of
such a barcfaccd falsehood at a public meet—
ing: she cannot be treated too vigorously: and
she cannot presume to tradc upon the gal—
lantry of her countrymen with the expectation
of being protected in her infamous falsehoods.
The position of this ~\\'oman Suffrage Official
points directly to the standard of veracity of
the fameinine character (men and women
alike. and the stu-
performs his


cffcminacy is of cithcr scx‘l.
of events. who
tuite plainly the disas

11111115 Ul'tSCl'VCl

ditty faithfully. secs



il‘OllS C1111.“ L‘tlllt‘lit‘CS \\'lll

in fact 1. fall '1

li would ("and is fall.

ing now on the nation with w0«

to become a law of the




"Order is Heavens
is an abnorm—

mcn in official public life.
first law!" \/\"01112111 Suffrage"

Abnormalities cannot become stable;
that Abnormal Animal, the mule, cannot re-
produce himself; an abnormal condition of
mind, produces abnormal standards of body;
hence, we have a Miss attempting to dictate
matters of government to wives and mothers
and bachelors tdanin their insolencc) are do—
ing the same thing to husbands and fathers.
\‘\ hat are we coming to?

it is about time tor husbands and fathers
—iicads of families, to assume both their du—
ties, and their prerogatives, fi'oiii which they
have been partially weaned by the undue influ—
ence of women in public life. The "woman
suffrage states in this Union are the most dis—
ordered coniiiionwealths in all America, no
matter what the lying politicians may say
about it in order to secure the woman’s vote.
these designing knaves are so put”,
and degraded; "elfciiiinately vanquished,
fact, that they twitli their ideas of equity)
would make it a sacriligious offense by criiii—
inal statute, to question the words of a “1y—
iitg woman." All nature represents a standard
of inequality, but all nature is harmonious,
and where a “dismal science" presumes to die—
tatc artificial conditions to her by degraded
art; that section of country will become de—
moralizcd and degraded, for the evidence is be—
fore us, corroborated by all history. 1 am
talking to the lxentuckians, particuiarly, this
week, so that some important matter will be
ticpcated,wl11ch constant icadci's oi the Ba-
triarcn, have read befoie, as follows.

'1 he national chaiacter is lost. 1 oul cflcm—
nacy has us in bondage. Material bondage fol—
lows moral bondagc just as sure as one dc~
linquency or one crime lollows another.

"but what more oft 11:1 nations grown corrupt,

And by their vices brought to serv1tude,

Than to love bondage more than liberty,

Bondage with ease, than strenuous liberty;

And to despise, oi' envy, or suspect

Whom God hath 01' His spe1 ial favor raised

As their deliverer; if he aught begin,

How frequently to desert 111.111,, and at last,

To heap ingratitude on yyort‘liiest deeds?”



l 111s language of the poet cxpresses the sit—
uation in ~\me1ica today exactly. bondage
with case” is elfeniinatc; it is the latter—day
American standard. "Streiiuous liberty” is
masculine tThe Rooseveltian standard of phil-
osophy). This latter was the standard of the
American fathers, a time when women and
their “influence” was cherished at the domestic
hearth. The domesticated woman and moth—
ers at the fireside are 110w discarded, and are
about 011 a par with the average husband and
father—merely d1 udgcs. the home is no long—
er a sacred ideal and the center of attraction
as formerly, btit merely a place of convenience.
The sanctity of the home has kept pace, how-
ever, with the sacredncss of the marriage vow
—both are a matter of private convenience and
speculation, instead of love of parents, affec—
tion for children, and duty of all to each other.
And what have we got in exchange for the
home, and its tenderness, its modesty, its deli—
cacy, its sincerity, its affection, its everything
worth having? Lint woman's clubs, woman's
political meetings, woman preachers, woman
editors, massage operators, woman doctors,
woe—woewwoc, ad infinitum all of which has
led to moral political and material disaster,
the very Opposite in influence to that which the
bearded etfeminatc Claims foi' it. This must
stop, or the nation which tolerates it must

“\Vonian's influence outside of the domestic
hearth has kept pace with divorce, whorcdoni,
Onanism, murder, bondage, and a general po—
lntien of both morals and politics, both in
doors and out, in public and private. and the
bearded cffcminates with one voiCe will de-
clare that the saloon is answerable for the de-
sci'tion of the home. Intelligent, well informed
people will not swallow the bugaboo
set up by moral cowards and delinquents as
a shield for their own delinquency. Three—
fcurths of the saloon patronage does not go
there to drink. They go there for that com-
fort which should be found at llOlilt‘. but is not
there. There is no attraction to tender na-
no affection. no love. no sanctity in that
house where the cradle is continually empty.
‘y'hcre the innocent prattle of childr-‘n is not



ihcrc love is not, just a monstrous scltisli con—
venience, that's all. As man loves woman.
does he love children. I often think of tlic dig-
nifiet 1 position of tin 1ostrum huntc'si husband
who stays at honic of an c\t11111”, washes up
the tea things, sits down all alone and studies
woman s iights literature. and rocks an empty
cradle, whilst his woman 11 won't say wife.
the name is too sacred). rushcs out through all
kinds of weather hunting the rostrum foi' thc
purpose of instructiiiw' depraved man in his
moral obligations. \\ htn thc idcal of the w o—
n1an stitl‘i'agists the doctoi is
reached, we shall expect to see the young man
who has on the sucking bottle.
lifting his hat to his lostcr mother in the drug
store window, whilst his natural mother will
be out on the rostrum admonishing dcpravt'd
man on his moral dclinqucncics.


and quack

been raised

\ child raised on the sucking bottle should
li2t\e a Oicatci alfcction loi' iubbti goods than
anything else on earth.


Any man who recklessly uses his ill—gotten
w 'alth to enhance the interests of the connnon—
’ in order to promote his own ambitions
in public life is a dangerous man, for the very
reason that: "example is the most forcible les—
son iii life," hcncc, \\'. ,ly’. llcarst is a bad ex—
ample. The history of all “reckless moncy-
getting" by highway men, sinuglers, freeboot<
crs, pirates and bank wreckers. of all nations
of whatsoever standard of infainc, frotn llcarst
of New York, at the top of the ladder of ras—
cality, until we reach Doc Jordan and Blcthcii
of Seattle, who are upon the lowest rounds of
the ladder of iiifamc, they all stand ready to
spend their booty for fame and approbation
in the public cstccm; and the "base politician"
stands ever ready to take his money, and
him his support; btit men of principle scorn
such action; consequently the flower of true
dcmoc'acy will not support 'Llearst—they caii—

Distinguished preachers may be hired to dc—
livei' orations at the presidential christening of
'l'iearsr. but the Devil vill there to take


11': ' \


charge of the funeral after the election. “None
then, will be so poor as to do him honor."

D. T. Cooper is one of our oldest settlers; in
his early manhood hc was one of the most iii—
dustrious and his business was of such a nature
that. he earned good wagcs, and acquiicd prop—
erty: his wife died 18 months ago, and he was
appointed administrator of the family estate:
some of the community property was in Ed—
monds, and was sold nine months ago for $800.
(being a sacrifice no doubt), btit All. Cooper
says that he cannotget the money, although the
lawyer in the case has been urged by him from
time to time, during this long period, to pay
him the money according to the law which
plies in such cases. Mr. Cooper says that if
legal court has no power in the case, ll‘ is
ing to see what the court of public opinion
thinks about it.


(1‘ _

Dave Adams of the Roanoke Saloon, first
Avenue South. near Alain, raided two
weeks. ago. not by burglars or other outlaws.
but by official zeal and unwarranted tcnicrity.
it would appear by the published report in tht'
l".--l. that Sam Corbett the detective is trying
to make a rapid record with the new adminis'
tration. instead of faithful service
earning recognition the same. it appcars
that a drunk who had been ‘taking in" the
town, staggered into the Roanoke Saloon, sat
down in a chair and went to sleep; the bar—
ktcpci'. instead of kicking him out, as he most
likely would have done, had he robbed him,
was kind enough to let the poor dcvil have
his Slct-p out; so when he woke up, dc declared
that he had bccn robbed. and went tip to police
headquarters and so reported hence the visit
of tlic "ovcr—ofiicious" detective. Now :\l1'.
Adams had been a stranger here it might have
gone hard with him,
many years, and


doing and


btit as he has been here
known to be an upright
man. no responsible person would bclicvc the
Mr. Adams has been in this Saloon for
three years and three months and no complaint
has ever before been made against the house
\i'e give spam to this in order to place '\l1'.
Adams and his barl'ccpcr in the right light,




(A .\liss Lawyeress.)


The foundation of anarchy is bred and born
in "eifeminacy." l challenge any student tthat
is worthy of the name) to refute this. All his—
tory shows this!

In Roman history this is shown. in the
I’rench Revolution this was emphasized in a
most remarable degree. in the Common—
wealths of America, where "woman suffrage"
is in force, there, “anarchy” is the strongest—
Colorado, Kansas, ldaho, \Vyoming. Greater
disorders have prevailed in these states, for
several years past, where man's authority has
been undermined by a womanish sentimental—
ity, which has been encouraged by that arti-
tnzial ideal of fools; of equality between the
sexes. There is no such thing as equality in
nature; consequently no such a standard can
be set tip and maintained by fool bipeds, whose
minds have been warped by education. We
had "woman suffrage" in this 'l‘erritory once,
for a short period, and it was the most disor—
derly, and disgraceful portion of our history.
Judge Jones of this city used his prerogatives
in the interest of good government when he
declared the law to be unconstitutional; but
the "bearded effeminates" and their demoral-
ized peers, the crimminally chaste Sabines, and
"race suicide" Amazons, having little to do but
eavil, they succeeded in getting this degraded
ideal again before thc'people, as an amendment
to the Constitution of this state, but it was
overwhelmingly beaten at the polls. Why?
it was beaten because we had it on trial before,
and the experience we had, caused the people
to repudiate it. But a scene of "etfeminacy
and anarchy” was permitted to exercise itself
in the Superior Court of this city last week,
when a brazen young woman, a limb of the law
in petticoats, appeared in Court with acase,
supported by her father, P. P. Carrol—this pre—
fix P. P. signifies Presumptious Pat, or Plug
Hat Poltroon. This Court operator, and ”case"
manipulator has the most infamous record of
any man that has been permitted to retain his
position as a member of the Bar in this state,
hence he seeks the protection of the ”netti-

coat,” (which degenerate fools always consid-
er as an emblem of purity) and he assumes the
“plug hat” in order to give himself an air of
respectability. This, then is Presumptious
Pat, the Plug Hat Poltroon Anarchist, who
was Major Ginneral Commanding of Doc Jor-
dan’s Patriot Army, with Bill Van '\r\’aters,
Bill Larkins and Joe Young as his Aides.

Ye gods, what a gang of°exemplers we have
to endure. it was quite natural for this gang
of anarchists to dock to the standard of Doc
Jordan and for the Plug Hat Poltroon to be
their Major Ginneral Commanding; Now bear
in mind, this “anarchistical” display took place
in Seattle ten years ago, when the undomesti—

cated “political petticoat" was raging upon the‘

streets of Seattle, and “pimps and maques"
were used to keep honest men out of People‘s
Party Conventions; thus, this party became
“rotten before it was ripe”, and
pieces from its own “moral rotteness,' whose
knavish leaders had been permitted to enhance
their own personal interest, by the aid, and
through the organization of the "political pet—
ticoat” into “woman‘s clubs." Does anyone
think for a moment that "woman's clubs" are
going to be a greater power for good, under
the management of Dr. Matthews, than they
were under Jean Way? The demoralization
will be the same in either case.

"\\'hen the foundations are destroyed, what
can the righteous do


\Visc was that saying: "Resist the begin—
nings" \Vhen “anarchy" begins, that is the
time to root it out. \\'hen the first thistle ap—
pears amidst the growing grain. then is the
time to destroy it. not wait until it goes to

' A "woman lawyer" is the “thistle of anarchy
in the field of the commonwealth, and should
be rooted out right now. before it goes to seed:
the knavish politician will cultivate it. but the
true philosopher will destroy it. “her first
case" says a paper with a spirit of reckless ad—
vertising. which cannot be to v

”Her first case": it ought to be her "first
baby" and a christening in church. amidst re-
fined woman. instead of a


5 -


caterwauling in

it went to-



Court among vulgar tii not dcprawd) mtn.

.\'o dignified man would preside at any such
a "case" as this, he would resign his office as
Judge first; in which he
shown the dignity; of a masculine by manifest—
ing a contempt for the indignity of the law,
supported by "b‘iarded elfeminatcs."

the speech of Jiohn Turner, the English an—
archist, as it appeared in print, shows and
champions, all the “etfeminates” disorders and
retrogression which is portrayed in this article.
Strange to say, that the linglish law will up—
hold the ”‘freedom of speech" for this anarchist,
but the English people execrate him, whilst
our laws lock him up, but the people seem to
invite him. .

'1 his is easily accounted for. as America is
overwhclmingly feminine, whilst lingland is
overwhelmingly masculine.

lialsehood is feminine, truth is masculine.

case would have

l‘ools cannot see this, not even when it is_ pre—
sented to them by superior minds. -

This standard of truthfulness and falsehood
can be appreciated only by men of intelligence,
and defended Only by men of “character."

Educated Asses—Jenny Asses will iop their
ears and object to this true philosophy, but the
bray of the ass cannot disturb the roar of the

A woman lawyeress", is a smouldering tire
of “anarchy" on the edge of a forrest, ignited
by the ignorant and idle; ignorant, or indiffer—
ent people will pass it by, as they fail to coin—
prehend the fatal consequences that are ap—
parent if this incipient blaze is not "put out."
So they pass on.

But this fire of "anarchy" is quietiy if not
slyly fanned into a llame, by moral incendaries,
until the whole forest becomes ignited, and it
ends in a bloody "lfrench .Ix’evolution" before
this anarchical fire is put out.

instead of "compulsory education," thrust—
ing the coming generation into a state of de-
pendence, 1 would suggest ”comlnilsory work"
which would insure a state of independence for
the coming generation. Hard knocks and con—
stant application is a sure thing for a compe-

tency in le’thl‘lCEl,;\\'llllSt the Diploma from an
educational institaite is a doubtful acquisition.

Death to all traitors is one of the most vir—
tuous expressions that ever came from the lips
of man. It is masc