xt70rx937t9n_447 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. New Citizen text New Citizen 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_16/Folder_14/Multipage19526.pdf 1913-1914 1914 1913-1914 section false xt70rx937t9n_447 xt70rx937t9n an» Nun (11mm


(To promote the equal participation of men and women in the social and civic advancement of our countryl

Vol. 3—No. 3 NEW ORLEANS, JANUARY, 1914 50 Cents Year








V3 La .\:»eru.\\£«.









lThe Era (‘luh is a chartered body of hundreds of onIIen, banded together for
the purpose of furthering the protm‘fion of woman, the child, and the home—equal


I Mrs. V. .-\sehallfenhurg, Miss Kate M. Gordon. > Mrs. Amhrose Moore,

I Miss .ll'arriet Barton, Mrs. ilyouise Hyatt, Mrs. Emile, O’Brien,

1 Mrs. Adolph I‘Iaumgariner, M'rs. ()I‘I‘o Joachim, Mrs. Benjamin Ory,

l Mrs. James Dinkins, Miss S. Kaufman. Mrs. John Oesehner,

l Miss Joan Chafl‘e, Mrs. él'as. J. McConnell, Jr. Miss Aimee Richardson.

Mrs. Gordon Sargent,


Page, .I—(‘ul' of. Georgia Young Friei'lriehs.

Page ‘3——0Illeial Direetor): Contents. .

Page ST—Biographieal Sketch- of Georgia Young Friedrichs. Club Calendar and Notes.

(Page l—Kate M. Gordon on State llighls.

Page 5—-llaison ‘D‘litre. hy Nellie Nngent Sonnnerville. ,-’)ill for SIIIII'agein Mississippi.

Page (“I—Editorials. '

Page T—I‘hlil'orials ('eonIinued”). Poor Anti.

Page S—llook lleview. 'l‘hal' l’oor il'lih.

Page $’I—-Galhering in the Harvest. Chivalry. Why the IIeInoI-ratie Party Should :l‘lspouse Poles
for Women.

Page III—A Prize 'l‘IinIeriek. hy Mrs. John P). Parker. Votes for Women in Italy.

Page II—fil‘lqual Rights to All. -

Page 1'3~—IWhy Working Women Need ihe Vote. Only Female (‘oll‘on Staiistieian. Poem Poor Dad.

Page 13—Sn'fl'rage Status. Suffrage Epigran1s,h_\' (’oIigressInan llalx'er. California. New Orleans
(‘onsumers’ League.

Page IrI—-.\d\'ertisements.

Page IS—What the World Ought to Know.





PRESIDENT ...................................................... Miss Florence Loeber l,
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT ........................................ Mrs. John B. Parker L
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT ...................................... Mrs. Roydan Douglas i
THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT ....................................... Miss Jean Gordon
RECORDING SECRETARY ....................................... Miss Phoebe Palfry
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ................................ Mrs. H. B. Gessner
TREASURER .................................................... Mrs. H. B. Bartlett
FIRST AUDITOR ................................................ Mrs. P. J. Friedrichs
SECOND AUDITOR ....................................... ..... . :Mrs. Dave Pokorny













Georgiana Young Friedrichs.

Mrs. (lem'giana. Young lilriedl‘iehs (Mrs. P. .l.
Friedriehs) has for years heen a prominent worker
along various lines whieh. tend to the uplit'ting ot

.l’irst'ly a sutlfiugist. Mrs. ,l*‘ri(,'driehs puts her
enthusiasm tor the eause in all her umlertakings.
Mrs. Friedriehs, ex—viee-president of the lira (’tluh,
is now serving as an auditor. and has for years heen
tone, o'l.E the Board oli llireetors. Many other honors
given Mrs. 'li‘riedriehs heeause ot amn‘eeiation and
realization ol’ her valnahle assistanee in puhlie
work along edneational and soeir'i-eeontanie lines
are: First. viee—president ot the Llligh School
Alumnae and an t’ix—In‘esident and eharter menther
of this eduez‘tt'ional hotly: treasnrtw ol' l'lousewives
League: a memher ol' the l‘ixeeutive Board of the
l’nhlie Sehool Allianee sinee its m‘ganizatum: ex—
state president ot' the Louisiana l)ivision ol' the
Daughters of (‘on'lederaev: an ev—president ol' the
New Orleans Chapter, Daughters of (,‘onl'ederaev.

Having taught sehool in early lil'e, Mrs. Fried—
riehs realized the need of honds olf syml'mthy he—
tween parent, teat-her, and pupil. Working with
this thought, Georgiana Young it‘riedriehs organ-
ized the first Parent's (‘o—operative Club in New

it was while State President oli The Louisiana
Division if. 1). t‘. that Mrs. ib‘riedriehs inaugu-
rated Louisiana Day.

As the wife of a noted (Z‘ont’ederate soldier, Mrs.
Friedriehs has never forgotten her duty to the
Army of Grey. 'ller iinlet'atigahle work has heen
recognized by the many positions of honor and
trust, the Daughters ot’ (,‘ontederaey have hestowed
upon her.

Mrs. ilf‘riedriehs, like all real eluh women, does
not neglect; her home for outside duties: hut sys-
teniatieally manages her household so that she may
use a portion otf her time in aiding others in their
work. The mother of three aeeomplished daught-
ers and one son. all of whom are trained along
the hroad edueational lines of their mother.



January 10—Business meeting, Tulane

January 23—Open meeting, Auditorium,
Association of Commerce, 8 p. m. Address
by Mr. M. J. Sanders, Vice-President New
Orleans Board of Trade.




The ,Irlusiness Meeting held on l)eeemher 13th
was very interesting. Alter matters of an exeeu—
tive nature were transaeted. the president, Miss
Florellt't' ,lioeher, gave an informal aeeountt ol' the

National Sntl'rage t‘onvention held in \\‘ashington
the latter part of Novemher. As a delegate t'ront
the Louisiana State Sull'rage .v\ssoeiation. Miss
lioeher was aeeorded t'nll privilege and many amus—
ing ineidents were reealled. 'l‘he hearing het'ore
(‘ongress, in whieh the Anti—Sutl'ragists were al»
lowed to present their oh'ieet-ions to the estahlish—
ment' ol‘ a (‘ommittee on Sutl'rage in the House.
no douht t'urnished the humor ot' the day. Not
only were their statements ot' statisties ineorreet,
hut. their arguments were naturally weak in many
plaees. ’l‘his verhal message hrought to us hy our
president. was greatly appreeiated.

'l‘he open .l)eeemher meeting held on the 27 was
a eontinued disenssion ol' the National t‘onvete
tion, hy Miss .lean (lordon, who had just returned
from an extensive sutl'rage tour atter leaving Wash--
ington. Miss Gordon, .in a most eoneise. eompre-
hensive manner told ot' her leetures throughout
several States, where she was invited to speak even
het'ore Business Men‘s lieagues. In her trail. there.
.t'ollows new sull'rage organizations, that, means
added strength to the eause in the South. Miss
(tordon. as president, of the Louisiana State Snl'v-
:t'rage .\ssoeiation, was shown many eonrtesies at
the National gathering, and shared equally with
Miss laieher the representation ot’ Louisiana.

Mr. M. J. Sanders. Vite—president. ot' the l’ioard
of Trade, will speak at the open meeting on .lann—
ary 733ml. flle has ehosen l'or his snhrieet a most.
interesting and timely topie: “.\re the l‘lnglish
Militants (.‘raxy'f‘ Mr. Sanders has reeently re-
turned l'rom Il‘lngland, where he made a earet'nl
study of the situation. Memhers and friends and
those who wish to know l‘lnglish Sutl‘rage eondi—
tions are invited to he the guests of the Era (‘luh
on the ahove named date, at the Alltllttll'ltllll ol‘ the
.\ssoeiation ot' (‘ommerem (‘ommon and St.
(‘harles Streets, at. 8 p. in.

The lira (,‘lnh has planned :1 Carnival laIneh
Room, where short: orders will he served during
the day previous to (tarnival and (‘arnival Itay
at the (lernian—.\meriean )Hlllk Building, (520
(‘anal Street. ’I‘hrough the eourtesy ol' the hank
otlieials, the ground lloor has heen tendered the
lira (‘lnh tor the use of its liuneh toom.

ltlra (‘lnh pins may he, seeured t'rom Miss .\imee
ltiehardson. 728 State Street, or at. Ileadtpiarters,
Maison Blanehe.

Ruhher stamps with the slogan, “We Want,
Votes for Women,” may he ohtained from Mrs.
tohert (_)’,l’)1'ien, 53W) (lamp Street, or at the hook
depart‘n‘ient‘, Maison lilanehe. 'I‘he (llnh requests
its memhers and friends of women sutl'rage to
stamp all eheeks, paekages and outgoing mail with

“VOTES Ft)“ thM 1th."





The Letter Published Below, Appeared Recently in the Woman’s Journal, of Boston.


Open Letter to the Members of the National
Woman Suffrage Association.
Dear Suffrage Friends:

The delegates from the Louisiana State Suf-
frage Association to the National Convention re-
ported that a persistent effort was made to make
it appear at the convention that the recent organi-
zation of the Southern States Woman Suffrage
Conference was a movement to secede from the
National. Such misrepresentation calls for an ex-
planation of the purposes of the Southern Con-

The Conference was called into existence pri—
marily because the South has a peculiar reason for
wishing to preserve the right to define its elec-
torate. The experience with mandatory amend-
ments affecting the right of the State to restrict
its electorate—a right as dear to Massachusetts or
to California as to any Southern State—needs no
elaboration here.

As projector of the Southern Conference, I
wish to state that my position on a national
amendment was clearly taken when a national
officer, and stated from the platform of the Buffalo
Convention. However, as long as the chances for
a national amendment were not within the range
of possibility, I considered it a good form of
woman suffrage agitation, and an excellent way to
secure suffrage literature free, and circulated under
the franks of friendly representatives. But con—
ditions have changed. Votes for women is a world
movement, and recognized as inevitable.

The attitude of the Southern Representatives
in Congress on an amendment “forbidding dis-
franchisement on account of sex” has been, and is,
that “the suffrage is not a constitutional right, but
a right of the State to confer.” Believers and non-
believers in suffrage take this stand. Unquestion-
ably the greatest resistance to the national amend-
ment will come from a solid Southern delegation.
Unquestionably the strongest opposition to forcing
the amendment will come from a hesitancy on the
part of the other States to repeat another coercive
amendment upon a section that resists it. Herein
lies the usefulness of the Southern Conference—t0
educate the Democratic party, in control of the
political situation in the South, that woman suf—
frage is no longer a theory to be debated as a State
right, but a condition to be met.

That States right position maintained by
Southern Congressmen we heartily concur in; but
let the Democratic party which these Congressmen
represent give the inevitable to the women of the


South by State action. Failing to do this, the
Democratic party having failed to live up to its
opportunity, then we Southern women, to whom
the suffrage is greater than even the State right
principle, will be placed in a position to appeal to
the other States to force the suffrage nationally,
our own men having failed to protect us from
whatever disadvantage a national amendment may
incur. It is a flank movement, the value of which
should be apparent to every suffragist not afflicted
with mental myopia of an aggravated type.

Moreover, if the organization of this Southern
movement will make unnecessary a national
amendment, its purpose will be vindicated. For an
amendment to the National Constitution, to en—
franchise the women of a government based on
consent, will reflect a lasting disgrace in history
on any of the States that make it necessary. We
therefore appeal to every State, North or South,
to uphold the wisdom of the framers of our Con-
stitution, in preserving to the States certain State
right principles. The Democratic party, Which
stands peculiarly for the States right principle, is
in control of the political situation in the South;
then upon the Democratic party the issue is laid
to make good on the most important of all State
rights—the right of the State to define its elec-

The officers of the Conference feel confident
that if, in the next four years, $100,000 are raised
for active propaganda, there is not a shadow of
doubt that, as far as the South is concerned, there
will be no need fora national amendment to give
Southern women their birth—right of citizenship. We
feel that, by inaugurating an active press service
under a trained press agent (preferably Mrs. Ida
Porter B0yer)—~selected literature for Congress-
men, legislators and Democratic committeemen——
an annual conference, with a series of State con-
ferences, so that Within the next four years every
Southern State will have felt the stimulus of the
educational enthusiasm engendered by such con-
ferences, we will make it impossible for the
National Democratic party to fail to see what
every other party now sees—that woman suffrage
is inevitable, and the only question, as Helen Gar-
dener expresses it, “Which way?”

One thousand men and women pledging $100,
payable in the next four years, in annual. pay-
ments of $25, will mean that we can immediately
actively launch this flank movement. If among
the readers of The Journal there are those who
sympathize with our point of view of the State
right being preferable to the national amendment;
if'they agree with us in placing the onus of re-
sponsibility for the need of an amendment on the






Denny-ratio party: it they reeognize the wisdom
of this tlank movement. from a sutl'ragist‘s View—
point. then join us in memlwrship amt help us hy
donations. l\'.\'ri«: .\l. (.‘oimox,

1800 l’rytania Street, New Orleans. 1
I)eeenlhel' 2t), Itllii,


Contributions and memherships sent to the.
Southern States‘ Woman S‘utlfrae'e (‘ont’erenee will
he aeknowledgetI through these eolumns.


None ot.’ the ehildren's hospitals in London ad—
mit: women doctors to their residential or statl.‘ ap—
pointments. Even the Society tor the Study of
Children’s ]Z)iseases exelut'les women physieians.
Last year a. Woman’s it'ospitat :lfor ("hildren was
started in Harrow Road. with a staff wholly ot
women. The objeet was two-t'old. to hroyide treat—
ment for Children in the neighhorhood and to giro
women doctors a chance to study children‘s dis-
eases. This women’s hospital has proved very pop-
ular with parents. It has treated from titty to a
hundred patients a day, and has had to enlarge its
quarters three times in the eourse ot' a. year. The
Bishop of Kensingtmi. in dedieatine a new ward
this month, said he looked .t'orward to the time
when hospitals run by women would he :I'ound all
over the country.


(Nellie Nugent‘ Sommeryille.)

It there is any gilt? ot' statesmanship among
Southern women the time has eome for its ap—
plieation to sul't'rae‘e \\'Ol‘l\'. 'I‘his ean he done most
el‘l'eetiyely hy («i-operation hetween the Southern
states. There must; he earel'ul study and inyesti~
gation ol.‘ eomlitions: resourees must he dereloped:
a eentral hureau ot' intormation must he ereated;

- literature must he provided: a Southern paper

should he huilti up; in hriel’, eonstruetiye \\'t)l'l\
must: he done. All of these things «an he pro—
moted through the Southern (‘onl‘erenee and turn—
ish the reason I'or its organization. it will hinder
no e.\'istin;_:~ sut'l'rae‘e organizations hut strengthen


h_ -_fi__( )__,,,A.. ,_ ,._‘__.


.\ hill tor .I'uII sut'l'rag‘e was intrmlueed hy Mr.
Mott. ol' Yaxoo (7in in the Mississippi THI‘LIISIII'
ture now is session. It is said to have many stanneh
supporters. illiterature is heiug' distriluited in
hoth houses. Some ol' the eireulars eontain a. hriet
outline ol' the history ol' the states where women
hare already seeured the privilege ot‘ the hallot.




We Guarantee ‘

That every article we sell is the purest and best. No misrepresentation of any
nature. It, for any reason whatever, your purchases are not all we claim for
them, we expect you to return them at our expense.

A. M. & J. Solari, Ltd,








"l'inette Lichtenstein Moses ..................... Editor
Florence LoclH-r ..................... A associated EditOr

Emma ’1‘. (Dry .................... . \(Ivertising Manager

’l‘lll‘) NIHV ("l’l‘lZlCN will be published monthly
except during the months of July, August and Sep—

Subscription price, :30 cents per annum. Single
copies, 3 cents.

ADDRESS all communications to the Editor, 624
(lravier Street.






The return of ,l‘llla lf‘lagg Young to the super—
intendency' ol' the public schools in, Chicago marks
another victory for the women of that city. The
publicly acknowledgml tact that Mrs. Young was
voted out, of otlice by School Board politics roused
the women of (‘hicago to demand ,her reinstate—
ment. So just was this action that it was granted.
with the result that four members of the rioard of
Education sent in resignations. This is a telling
illustration of political power in the hands of
women of to-day. in the past, that; same request,
whether based upon grounds oli justice or not.
would have only caused a, sarcastic smile, and the
outcome would merely have been some evasive
answer I'rom those in power.

New York (‘ity has appointed its first woman
commissioner. ,llr. .l\'atherine B. Davis, Lid),
Hi. 1)., will serve as (‘ommissimier of Corrections
under the regime of the new Mayor, Mr. l.’uroy
Mitchel. l)r. Davis has served seven years as super-
intendent ot the liedl'ord ,llel'ormatory, and. has
been granted a l'our-year leave, that she may now
serve in her new capacity.

Sophie 'lrene Tech has been appointed special
inspector. State Automobile Bureau of New York.
ller duties are to arrest taxiiab gra‘l'ters on sight
and to inspect taxim'eters. Miss Loeb earned her
commission by starting the memorable campaign
of publicity lll Xew York (‘ity which deprived the
hotels of the $500,000 a. year grail; which was made
by renting adjacent curb space to the cab com—

(‘alil‘ornia has her eight-hour day labor law
for women that was successfully carried out all
during the past holiday season. This is a new law
placed on the statute books since women were en—
l'ranchised two years ago in that State.

Nevada has its first woman probation officer.
The (lovernor and the State Superintendent of
l’ublic instruction endorsed this candidate, which



was directly against the “interests" in that part
oi the country. in the short duration ol' her term
of otiice she has already improved the social con—
ditions olf Tonopah. the mining town where she
serves in the interest of women and children. it
was a woman lawyer who secured this probation
ollicei"s appointment.

it has lreen reported in the public press that
Judge Wilson, ot the Juvenile Court in the con—
servative (‘ity olT Xew Orleans, advocated a woman
judge to decide the cases against; girl ottenders.

(‘olorado has now a woman chairman ol‘ the
Democratic State (‘entral t‘ommittee. Blirs. Ger—
trude A. Lee, who has been vice—chairman, received
this honor when her predecessor became a State
ltailroad t‘ommissioner.

Many 'women are now daring to present
petitions for full sull‘rage to their Legislatures.
who hitherto would have trembled at. the idea.
Such is the gain in political power of women over
the entire universe. The above—stated. positions.
that have been inaugurated within the past few
months are but a few instances of the power given
women through 'l’orced necessity, and as a result
ol' years of agitation by women suttragists. The
New Citizen, with its sixteen pages. would not
have space enough to compile the advancement of

woman and the many honors and places in gov—

ernment al'l'airs that she has gained during ‘th 7, paist
t'ew years.







l’or ten years Louisiana women have failed. in
an e't'r't'u't to secure the an‘iending of Article 210 of
the State (:‘(mstitutiom in order to allow women
to be eligible to appointment to office and to serve
on public boards.

Indiana has the same kind of a law, as the fol-
lowing incident in regard to Mrs. Kate Woods
lv’ay clearly demonstrates the weakness of same:

Wilton Mrs. Kate Woods Bay was tendered the
presidency of: the Board of Safety of Gary, Ind,
by Mayor Knotts, it developed that the position
included, in its strict interpretation under the law,
that she would. become the head of the Fire and
Police illcpartments. As a woman and a non—
elector, she was not eligible to the appointment.

We presume that the purpose of Mayor Knotts
in making this appointment was a peculiar fitness
on the part of Mrs. ltay to protect the citizens of
Gary. By what right, then, should the organic law
ot‘ the State include a provision which works to
the detriment of the people ol’ the State? it is a
disgrace to any State to add, insult to injury, as is
the case wherever a State denies women the right
to be electors, and then makes them ineligible for
that reason to serve in positions where their service
means better 1'n'otection of women and children.





'I‘hc average person in the I'nited States may
condemn the action ot the militants in ICngland
in hunting liuildings without destroying lite, hut
we heard no adverse world—wide continent when
that peculiar individual known as an anti—sut-
‘l'ragist threw a, can ot' sulplmric acid thrt'iugh a
window upon the stage where the ',I,‘ennessce State
Hull’rage (‘onvention was in session. '\




It is with grat‘itication we announce a sull'rage
victory in the ('in otf ll‘oronto. For years the
widow and single women ol’ (‘anada have enjoyed
the municipal t'ranchise. In a recent election this
tight has been extended to married women Iiy a
vote ot' over two to one. the actual ligures heing
26288 for and 12.575 against.

The election. was launched through the ell'ort
lot the s’utlfragists. who asked tor the ret'ereinlum,
:and was successl'ul only alter vigorous campaign.

It is galling to consider that married women
have lieen at any (Alisadvantage with widows and
single women in enjoying any ot' the privileges ot’
govermnent. It. places married women at a tre-
mendous disadvantage to create the environment
.in which their children are, to he reared, and it
reflects a lasting disgrace on the 12,575 men ot' the
(Iity of r,I‘oronto who would have perpetuated such
an injustice toward married women—the child-
bearing mnstitutency otf the city.


‘.\I'unicipal competitors are reported as jealous
of (‘hicago in leading all cities in the I'nit'ed
States in the I]lIII]l)(’I' ot' her voters in coming elec—
tions. The reason is plain. Illinois has recently
given votes to its women, and. any city that l‘eels
jealous can go and do likewise.



.\s the New (‘itizen goes to press a communica—
tion has lieen received trom the National I’resi-
dent, announcing that the (‘ougressional l'nion.
which last year operated as a part: olf the National
(‘ongressional Committee. is no longer a part til
that committee, its policy lieing “to go into the
field to deteat memliers ol' the Democratic party.
whether sut't’ragists or not, unless the Democratic
party, which is in power, grants our demand for an
amendment to the National (‘onstitution at this

The New Citizen will give in the next issue out'
point of View on such a policy. We only sound a
warning to any Southern sutt'ragist associations
against lining up with such a suicidal action.


'I‘he New ('itizen seldom quotes the poor. ntis-
inl'ornied woman known as the anti—sutt'ragist.
'I'lie name anti usually recalls that which III-
l'luences others to their own destruction. whether
it he sut'l'rage or a game ot' potter:

We extract the tollowing trom a recent letter
liy .\Irs. William I‘lorse Scott. antirsutl'ragist
leader. pulilished in the \ew York ll‘itnes. with—
out connnent upon the sentiments herein e\'-
pressed. We leave it to our readers to torin their
own conclusions.

"II this goes on. either men must liecome inore
I'eniinine and women more masculine. or we shall
reach the condition which you \viselv suggest
namely that under persistent attaclv'. .lirutal inas—
culinity will assert itselt'. and women. always the
weaker. must succumli: so than in generations to
come the women in hondage will curse us ot' today
I'or throwing away the only protection ol‘ women I
the man‘s care tor the weak and det'enscless."

m_-.-.___,..._,, ,t, ,, WM. .


'I‘he much discussed .\Iolher l’cnsion I.aw in
(‘alil'ornia went into operation Septeinlier I. 'I'he
“Woman‘s Iiulletin“ says: “'I‘he law provides as-
sistance I'or halt—orphans. under II years of age.
residing with their mothers: the mothers nutst III‘
in need ot' this assistance. must lie .\merican citi—
zens. residents ot' the county one year and ot' the
State three years. 'I‘he State appropriated a t'und
oI' $Htitt.tttttt to cover two years. expenditures. I.ast
year over $Jt-Iti.ti()(i was expended on the I“unds to
I’arents allotment. of which the ;\Iolhers‘ I’ension
Fund is a inodilitation. 'I‘hese l'unds are given out
under direction ot' the (‘ounty Supervisors. ’I'he
allowance ol' money is not, apportioned among the
counties. as there are no adequate statistics on the
suhjcet. hut is kept as one I'und.“

Idaho. Oregon. 'I'tah and Washington are other
equal sull'rage States where pensions are granted
to needy 'mothers.

M.... VW_.___( ’__.¥*AW , E-.-


Eat Your Meals at the

German-American Bank Building,

620 Canal Street, Ground Floor.







Woman Suffrage. Which Way?
"Woman Sull'rage. Which Way?” By Helen ,ll‘.
(tardener. .l’ublished b_\' The Southern States
Woman Suffrage (‘on'lferenee .

This pamphlet contains the speech made at the
First States Rights Sullrage (,‘on'lference, held in
Xew ()rleans last November. it is. truly the prin-
ciples and ideals of real democraev. ’

The trend of “Woman Sull'rage. Which Way?"
is based upon the way woman shall obtain her en—
l'rancliisement—whether by States rights or by a
national amendn'ient. rl‘hroughout the entire six—
teen colun‘ms ol? printed matter we seem to il'eel
that Helen Gardener recognizes the [act that cer—
tain conditions exist in the South that are not 'to
be met in the North, and that it is the duty of
each State to attend to its own individual needs.
We quote: “It is better to put your own home in
order in your own way.”

The strength of all her argun‘ients is forcibly
presented to those who are fortunate enough to
obtain a copy of this interesting and educating
pamphlet. In. several portions of the article Mrs.
Gardener quotes parts of speeches made by such
public men as President \Vilson, iVl'r. William Jen—
nings Bryan and Mr. William Randolph Hearst.
and in a most courteous, yet clever, way, proves the
utter inconsistency of their different statements
with their avowed belief in democracy.

The pamphlet, “Woman Suffrage. Which Way?”
will no doubt be added to all sutl’rage libraries,
where it will prove a. valuable asset.


Camp-Fire Stories.

“(‘amp—Fire Stories.” By Marie Louise Benton
Bankston. Published by The L. Graham
Company, Ltd. New Orleans. Price, $1 net.

"l‘is the bugle-call to memories—memories to
the old—facts of the stories that the present gen-
eration have heard so often.

-\s tears of joy and sorrow uneonsciouslv trickle
down the wrinkled taces ol’ the past generation yet
on earth when they behold a bit olf gray, so will
this book, with its signitiea‘int colored cover, bring
youth to the hearts ol‘ a (‘ivil War Confederate

“(lamp—Fire Stories" is a compendium of Lou—
isiana’s Civil War history, told in an interesting
way. Mrs. Bankston shows a clear insight into the
Southern situation during the period from 1861—
1865. Many important happenings ‘that are lying
dormant in the minds of the Louisiana people are
recalled. Events and bits of sentiment; pervade
the book, making truth seem like fiction.

There is a special chapter devoted to “Women
Patriots” that proves that the, spirit of Louisiana’s
women was never at a low ebb. After reading the
[acts told within this gray-covered book, we
wonder why this spirit of patriotism in Louisiana
women has never been given a place in. the real
governmental affairs of this State.

‘Camp—Fire Stories” should prove valuable as a
reem'd to those who wish to preserve the history
ol’ the ancestors who gave their life’s blood. “not
to a Lost Cause, but as a witness to a Living'l’riin



At a dinner given in London a few weeks ago
to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the paper,
“Votes for Women,” Miss Mary Neal told the
'l'ollowing anecdote:

“It was 011 the occasion of one of our most pic—
turesque and beautiful processions, and the part
of the procession which was passing represented
the women doctors and graduates, and some of
the most noted women in England. Just behind,
me were two drunken loafers. One of them turned
to the other and said: “A nice thing our spare rib
has come to.”





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Gathering in the Harvest.


Child Labor.

(This paper will make the effort to secure
each month an article proying the beneficial re—
sults of one of the public improvements launched
by the lira ("lub.)

A sense of deep gratification is felt by eyery
member of the l‘h'a ("lub in reading the 'l’ollowing
report of conditions in New Orleans in regard to
child emi’iloynient. The (‘hild Labor law and the
amending of the :la‘iuisiana, constitution to se—
cure the appointment of a factory inspector is
some of the legislation of? which the (‘fuh is justly
proud. The folftm'iug proyes that some of the
fruits from the aboye mentioned work of the
Era Club have already been haryested.

Standard of Child Employment Here Higher
Than in Any City of Country.

Mrs. Marthe it). Gould, 'faetory ‘insl‘iector. \Ved-
nesday receiyed a copy of the report made by in—
speetor Lewis W. Hine of the National ("hild
Labor Congress, in which New Orleans is highly
praised for its condition as to child labor. .\lr.
Hine came through the South a :few months ago
on a secret mission of? investigation. He says in
his report on New Orleans:

“After careful study of the conditions here,
I must say that, taking all phases of the work of
children into consideration— a higher standard
is being maintained in New Orleans than in any
large city I have Visited, South or North. .\
strict fourteen—year age limit is being enforced in
the factories, the department stores, messenger
service, and the age of newsboys is Very high.
There is hope of getting a municipal ordinance
that will eliminate the younger newsboys eu—

Mr. Iline reports that he took photographs of
the toilers in various eallings.

Referring to the messenger service, he. says

there is more work to be done than in any other
service in the raising of: the age limit for all boys
sent into the restricted district, day or night. lle
goes on to say:
4 “it is not: necessary for me to state that these
conditions are the logical fruit of the years of
work 'on the part of Miss {lean Gordon, supple—
mented by the eternal yigilance of Mrs. Marthe
D. Gould: factory inspector. l must say 'in con-
clusiou that such a- situation meets me in an oasis
in this great Southern desert of child labor, and
it is conyinciug proof of the fallacy of the plati—
tude that the South cannot get along without; the
work of children. ller