xt70rx937t9n_443 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. National Bulletin text National Bulletin 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_16/Folder_13/Multipage19422.pdf 1891-1896 1896 1891-1896 section false xt70rx937t9n_443 xt70rx937t9n  



Our National Sin.

thether 9. government of men, by men,
over all worm n be the best possible govern—
;rrcn‘i ma}. treatable
guiL.‘..'..rr‘.l'r.atry‘; 1.. «,:;{,-:’:rily'

Claim, but so low},

in a land where
founded on such
; prc-f‘essedlv it gov-
:ounded on ‘n-ze right
«it half the
u. not be recs-gnizwl
. i from the region of de—
bate. w ;-: . ;'- conditions i: in Willi.
Ollififril‘Cllf 1.3: 1;: (In iii'imeralit',
dyed with tyrn‘misy,and. it is the
duty of , low of truth to denounce
' Ci‘iv? wishes to
An llCZi-trl'.

:.-:me;:1.; ;.-

313.30: {CI-lfii I;
ballo he!”

may be r. c: .
otracy mitt; . .. ii ‘ ”very government it—
iieif be ;. hypocrite moral sense of the
people run}. he hopelessly confused. There-
llJTC, ‘3']:‘1'2/ 1123.31 2717’. oma'fi evil") SLTIVCS If)
seen; e to now Lllel';ll‘lCl'll.SE:Cl half of the
people tl':.e 11‘... and privileges the‘Consti-
tution pl‘OfC‘ to cor-fer upon them is WOTK-
ing to draw the g‘nrernirient up to a higher
plane of morals. At present we behold a
right accorcetl is strongest terms by the
Constitution of Nation deliberately and
forcibly withheld by its Supreme Court; the
inheritance given to both the daughters and
the sons by the fathers, forcibly retained in
the sole possession of the sons.

Whether any worrien or all women want
their rightful. share in this inheritance, what
they would do with it if they had it, and
whether it might prove to be the best, or
the worst, possible thing for themselves, are
all side issues which under our present Con-
stitution it is unnecessary to consider. Be-
sides, there is but one scientific method of
settling such speculations and that is to ac-
cord women the political rights the Consti—
tution promises to all its citizens, and await
the results.

Butif we are to have a in e government
of the people, if half the people are to be
ruled not only without their consent but
Ht'ffll‘:".3l: their intelligent protest, why let us
at least, in the interests of. public morality,
bring our professions into harmonywith our
pfiaciice. Our 'National sin 15 not in selling
pinchbeck but in loudly proclaiming to all
the earth that our miserable pinchbeck 15
pure gold—Elle” Battelle Dz'ez‘rz'c/c.

The night has a thousand eyes.
The day has one;

Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the setting sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
The heart has one;

Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.



Federal Suffrage.

Members of the Committee for the
several States and Territories should
present the matter to every State organi-
zation of men and women; should, as far
as possible, urge auxiliaries and individ-
uals to push ll e work in their respective
localities, and see that at all rallies, as-
sembles, mass—meetings and picnics, the
matter is presented.

'l‘he work need not be confined to
uonibers of the committee, but the
chairman earnestly requests he co-ope—
ration of every person who favors this
line of work. Send on individual or
collective memorials, or memorials of
organizations or meetings officially

' The following is suggested as a form
of memorial.

To 27% Senate and flours of Ratvesentrz-
tar/(rs in Congress: Assemélm’:

WHEREAS, the right to vote for members
of the House of Representatives is, by the
Constitution of the United States, vested in
the people of the United States Without con-
dition, limitation or restriction, and women
are people: Therefore, we adult citizens of
the United States, earnestly request your
honorable bodies to pass a bill enabling
women citizens of the United States to vote
or members of the House of Representa-

(If signed by a meeting or organization
the following should be added:)

The (name of Association or meeting)
assembled on this—~day of——1892. ap-
proved the above, and directed their officers
to certify this fact, (Signaturesfi)

Petitions and memorial should be sent to
Clara Bewick Colby, Chairman of Federal
Suffrage Committee, Washington, D. C.

The Woman’s Tribune

Published Weekly at Washington, D. C,


Is the only Woman Suffrage Paper contributed to by

Has full reports of all important features of NATION?—
AL and STATE WORK of Woman Suffrage Associ-

Has a summary of whatever is of interest relating to

Has many able contributors who treat of GENERAL

Has a weekly record of Domes IN CONGRESS.

Send ten cents for Five Sample Co ‘68.
CLARA BEWICK COLBY, Editor and Pu fisher.


Gut'fflimuff» l‘i'le'f Tl'wz'r fur.‘ [litters /",-'ci;;: 5/1." Conan.“ of //.'.»' (Inmnm'd.



Vol. 2 STON, l). (3.. JANUARY. 1891.

Published monthly at the office oi ’l‘iii: ‘.\'i).‘.1.\.\“s
TPIBUNIE, \Vasltlllgl‘on, l). 1.

Subscription price 15 cents per :iiinuiii: io cts.; for 23
copies of UllCll number; 33 cts. per 100232.531361‘ 1.330.

THEE in'i‘ioi-JAL SULLHTIN is to supply \Vo'nan
Suffrage Societies wrtli information and argument
at a low priCe. .lL"Cl1 moutl: s'n ietlimg of interest
Will be presented “Incl! SliOlllQ nave 2i'.’.’1Cl<)tll:2'.!‘ll)ll-


Report of Federal Suffrage Committee.

Immediately after my appoiz'itment as
chairman of the Committee on Federal
Suffrage I published in the NOMAN’S Turn--
UNE, and afterwa’w-gis in the 1 “Yd/5min! dial/5-
z‘z‘rz, the argument of ,?r>incis Minor, which.
having been published in the Arena of De-
cember, 15.9], had engaged, public Listeniicn.

The bill as prepared by Mr. Minor was
sent to Hon. Clarence D. Clark, of ‘Nyc-
ming. and was by him presented in Con-
gress April 25th, and was referred to the
Judiciary Committee of the House. It


To protect the right of citizens of the United States
'to register and to vote for members of the House of

W/zercar. The right to choose members of the
House of Representatives is vested by the Constitu-
tion in the people of the several States, without dis-
tinction of sex; but for want of proper legislation has
hitherto been restricted to one half of the people; for
the purpose. therefore, of correcting this error, and
of giving effect to the Constitution:

Be, it enacted, by the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives of the United States of America in Con-
gress assembled:

SECTION I. At all elections hereafter held in the
several States of this Union for members of the
House of Representatives, the right of citizens of the
United States of either sex, above the age of twenty-
one years, to register and to vote for such representa-

,tives, shall not be denied. or abridged, by the United j

States, or by any State, on account of sex.

I then sent a copy of Mr. Minor’s argu-
ment with the text of the act marked to
every member of the House; and toevery
member of the judiciary Committee, the
same enclosed in a personal letter, stating
that such a bill had been introduced, its
number, and that it was now in their hands
for consideration. I begged their early and
favorable consideration of the matter, but
no reply was received from any of them; so
I have no means of knowing whether they
deemed the privilege of voting for members
of their body worthy of being exercised by
women citizens or not.

The duty of securing members of the
Committee from the States being laid upon

line, I proceeded to write letters to secure
,the iiiLGlligxmt cooperation of one woumn
in each State who would agree to present
the suquct before every organized body of
me: and women in the State. I sent each
one a bulletin which explained the work,
gave the rirgun'ient on which it was based
and the form of meinoria to be used. 1 had
much difficulty in finding women who were
«.1 filing to ever. promise to undertake s< ar-
duous a work, while at the same time I
could not give them even a postage stamp
t-f;1‘-.varci.~:iir: expense. After writing: mnnv
letttrs 1 obtained the followingmembers for
the. Coriimittec: Alabama, 0. l. l-lild cth;
f‘.r?«:ansas.l’2innie j. Chunn; California, Mary
M. Bowman; Connecticut, Isabella Beecher
l-i':.:cker; District of Columbia. Ella M. S.
Marble; Georgia, H. Augusta Howard; lili-
=rl,ois,Emma Smith Devoe; Indiana,l-lelen M.
Cougar; Iowa, Catherine M. Pierce; Kansas,
Elizabeth F. Hopkins; Kentucky, Josephine
K. Henry; Louisiana, Eliza C. Ferguson;
Maine, Ann H. Greeley: Maryland, Dr. N.
V. Mark; Massachusetts, Evaleen L. Ma-
son; Michigan, M, A. & M. E. Root; Mis-
souri, S. M. Ford; Montana. H. C. Worth-
ington; Nebraska, Helen M. Goff; New

ampshire, Marilla Marks Brewster; New
Mexico. Mamie E. Marble; New York, Isa-
bel Howland; North Dakota, Anna Giert-
sen; Ohio, Louisa Southworth; Oklahoma.
M. H. Switzer; Oregon Abigail Scott Dunl-
way: Pennsylvania, Matilda Hindman;
Rhode Island. Ellen Belles; South Carolina,
Virginia 1). Young; South Dakota, Eliza-
beth VVardull; Tennessee, Lido Meriwetlier;
Texas, Elizabeth Fry; Utah, Emmeline B.
‘Nells; Vermont, Laura Moore; Virginia,
Orra B. Langhorne; Washington, Mary l.
Chamberlain; W'est Virginia, M. M. Hol-



bert; Wisconsin, Rev. Olympia Brown;
W'yoming, Theresa A. Jenkins.

In addition to securing these persons to
have charge of the State work, I obtained
by personal solicitation the local assistance
of many persons who have sent in a goodly
number of the petitions received.

Petitions have been received from twenty
States as follows:

Georgia, 2—State W. S. A. and Atlanta Citizens.

Illinois, 4—Harvey Prohibition Club; E. S, A., 155
members; First Congressional District; State E. SA.

Indiana, 2—244 Citizens; Elkhart Federal Associa-
tion. 300 members.

Iowa, 2-Polk Co. W. S. A.; Newton E. S. 5., 40

Kansas, s—Biblc Meeting of Salina Citizens: Beloit,
Attica, Clay Centre, and Wichita Suffrage Societies.
Kentucky. 2—Statc and Kenton Co. E. R. A.



Maine, 3—Citizens of Hancock Point, Stroudwatcr.
and Ellsworth.

Michigan, 6—Suffrage Societies of Bay City 104:
Grand Rapids; Lansing, 20: Zilwaiikee; . Political
Equality Club of Grand Rapids. 62; ‘tate Convention
W. C. 'l'. U. and Citizens of Detroit, 558.

Minnesota. 2—Ellsworth W, C. T. U, and 102 Citi-

Nebraska. fie—State W. S. A.; David City Union;
Beatrice Inter-State Chautauqua; Mass Meeting of
Citizens of .Vayne; and 6.10 Citizens of Fender, Kear~
ney, Crawford, Chadron, and Omaha.

New York, ib—Fredonia and Cherry Creel: Granges;
Sherwood l. O, G. 11.68 iiieinbers15u1irage Societies
of Castile, Perry. Cassadaga, Easton; Dunkirk 120:
“Warsaw, (:7, and Fredonia am. The Unions oi Fre-
donia. Mayville 35:1’erry, Castile,:‘.hcrwood,and Scip-
ii. ville 78; [9 Citizens of South Stockton.

Olio, I3—State W. S, .-‘_.; Suffrage Societies of To-
ledo, Massillon, Warren 25, Willoughby, Ashtabula
32, Cuyalioga Falls, Talmage, Alliance 22, Canal Ful~
ton 19., Celina, Akron and Canton 30.

Pennsylvania, i——Swarthniore Woman Suffrage

Rhode Island, 15-—Pawtucll.et W. C. T. U., and 324.
Citizens of Providence. Little Compton, Fawtucket,
Charleston, Chepacket, Caroline and Pascoag.

South Carolina, i——State Equal Rights Association,
69 members.

South Dakota, 2~State E. S. A. and A. L. I. U.

Virginia, I—Col. Daingertield, Mrs. K. G, Paul,
Lady Manager, and 8 other Citizens.

Vermont, i-—State Woman Suffrage Association.

Wasliington,i——State Woman Suffrage Association.

Wisconsin, i-—State Woman Suffrage Association.

United States, Federal Suffrage Association.

These petitions have all been properly
filed, and sent to the Congressmen from
whose districts they had been obtained. In
every case when a petition was presented
to'a member for the first time it was accom-
panied by a letter calling special attention
to it. From some of the members ac-
knowledgements have been received, and
in two cases cordial endorsement was given.
Hon. Wm. Baker, of Kansas, in stating that
he would present the petition, added, " I
shall be very glad. it I can do anything for
the enfranchisement of the wives and moth-
ers of our country.” Hon. Robinson, of
Pennsylvania, said, in acknowledging the
memorial of the Woman Suffrage League
of Swarthmore, Pa., that he would be obliged
if i would notify the friends of Swarthmore
that he had given the matter proper atten-
tion. Hon. McKem, of Nebraska, promised
to present the petitions, but added that it
was his opinion that they would produce no
effect, for the reason that members are not
certain how it would be received by their

Thinking to obtain some wise counsel
that would help the N. A. W. S. A. to de-
cide whether or not this is a wise line of
work, I wrote a few weeks ago to nineteen


U, S. Senators, all of them known to be
(mildly) friendly to our cause, and with all
official formality, begged the favor of their
opinions upon the merits of this line of
work. I received only one reply, and there-
fore I conclude that these honorable gen-
tlemen are all absent looking after their
own interests in their respective legislatures.
Senator Dolph, of Oregon, replied:
V‘Jashington. D. C., Jan. 7, 1893.
W175. Clara Heroic/a Colfiy, C/zaz'rmafi.
Federal 57.! rage Col/zmz’tiae’, 1325 101/1, 51.,
./V. W., Cage—Dear r’lr’aa’am: on just in
receipt of your favor of the 2nd inst. l
have not critically examined the question as
to the power of Congress to prescribe the
qualifications of voters for Members of Con-
gress; but my present impression is that it
has not that power, that that power is not
conferred upon Congress by the Constitu-
tution, but that the qualifications of electors
for members of Congress are determined by
each State in prescribing the requisite qual-
ifications for electors of the most numerous
branch of the State Legislature.
Yours truly, I. W'. DOLPH.

As this seems the prevailing opinion,l

will briefly state the argument on which our '

demand for Federal Suffrage is based.

The Supreme Court has decided that the
right to vote for members of Congress is
based upon the Constitution of the United
States, Article 1, Section 2.

“The House of Representatives shall be composed.
of members chosen every second year by the people-

of the several States, and the electors in each State

shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of"

the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.”
in the case of Scott vs. Stanford the deci-
sion of the Supreme Court emphasized the

fact that “people” and “citizens" are identi--

cal terms. In the case of Minor vs. Hap-
persett it was held that women were Citizens

and while in this same case the Court held.

that the Constitution of the United States
does not confer the right of suffrage upon
any one, some years later, in 1884in the Yar-
borough case, the Court decided that the
right of federal suffrage does exist. The
language used was explicit. The Court

” But it is not correct to say that the right to vote-
for a member of Congress does not depend on the-

Constitution of the United States. The office, if it
be properly called an office. is created by the Consti-
tution and by that alone. It also declares how it
shall be filled, namely, by election.”

The right to vote for members of Con-
gress is thus vested in the people, women
as well as men, but Congress allowed the
States to fix the qualifications for the exer-

cise of this right. That is, it said the Uni-s

ted States would accept for voters for mem-

bers of the House of Representatives the:



qualifications that the States required for
electors. The power to make regulations
concerning the exercise of this right is re-
served by Congress to itself in Section 4.
Article I which provides

“The times. places, and manner of holding election:
for Senatirs and Representatives shall be prescribed
in each State 1y the legislature tlicreof; bu the Con-
gress may at any time by iaw make or alter such regu—
lations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.”

The necessity for having the paramount
authority over the rights of citizens rei'iirti'i
in the National Govert-‘iment was shown by
Mr. Madison,onc of to: framers of the Con-
stitution. in the debates in the Virginia Corr-
vention of 1788 which. was called to ratify
the Federal Constitution. Mr. Madison We}:
asked to explain the meaningr of the {1}")‘Cl1
section, particularly as to why Congress: by d
an ultimate control over the ti no, place,
and manner of holding elections of Repro—
sentatives,to which he replied,that the nor-«er
was reserved because “should the people of
any State by any means be deprived of the
right of suffrage, it was judged proper that
it should be remedied by the general Gov-
ernment! ”

Thirty millions of people are depriv-
ed by their States of the exercise of
their rights as citizens of those States.
and because Congress has not exercised
its reserved right of protecting citizens
of the United States they have been
deprived of all representation in the halls of
Congress. Women without a State they
have been by the wilful and wicked inser—
tion. of the word “male"into State Constitu-
tions. Women without a Nation they have
been by neglect of Congress to make such
regulations that the States should not be
able to overstep the bounds of their author-
ity and prevent citizens of the United States
from exercizing this right of federal suffrage.
Now we are asking Congress to remedy this
neglect and exercise its reserved power for
our protection. It is the sisters of the family
appealing to the father to protect their rela-
tionship to him and to let them have speech
and audience with him, and now we want
Uncle Sam to say, "Yes daughters, while I
cannot interfere with your quarrels among
yourselves, I will certainly let you have a
chance to tell me all about it, and will see
that you have a voice in whatever concerns
the general welfare of this great family of
ours. I recognized your right to this in the
first place, but I have been a little careless
in leaving all the arrangements for provid-
ing for this to the big, strong brothers who
pushed in ahead. Now that you have called
my attention to it I am very glad that I have
not deeded away all control of my house-

One who does not agree with this view of
federal suffrage claims that it is apparent

that States do have control over elections
for members of Congress from the fact that
they have made qualifications for electors
which are different from those nun-rte by Con-
gress which require five years residence for
U. S. citizenship while 'i‘. many of the States
aliens vote having been in the country only
six months or a year. flu: tum rung." do
not make one right. There is no doubt'thut
the States have tranSC‘i' ael their authority
equally in presuming to et men vme for
members; of. Congress who are not ciilzens
and in prohibiting women from, voting who
are citizens. And the National Government
has been equally negligent or il‘!(_llll3fi‘:lll in.
both cases and both errors; haw: done it
grievous harm.

Aside from the chances of St“ airing the
passage of such 2i bill the educational work
is of great value. The )1“?:5§5l.‘-’;;: sharply
home upm at; age to which .‘no principlescf
our Republican Govermrient 11:3 vc largely
become an “iridescent dream." the fee; that
women are citizens, par: of the sovereign
people, whose power has been wasted from
them by the other half, must. have its result
in arousing men to their injustice, and wom-
en to the humiliation of their position. This
insisting upon the power of the federal Gov-
ernment to protect its citizens is in the in-
terest of national patriotism and national
existence. As citizens of the United States
with all the powers and dignities of sover-
eignty inherent in us and only waiting for
an Act of Congress to bring them into ac-
tivity, we do not feel ourselves to be without
a country and we are encouraged to make
more strenuous efforts to enter into posser~
sion of the inheritance bequeathed to us by
the fathers. As we ask the States to amend
their constitution: and give us full suffrage,
but urge that they give us at once such
measure of submerge as it is plainly within
their power to bestow, so we ask Congress
to pass an amendment that toe Sta es may
be prohibited from disfranchising women
because of sex, and at the same time we
ask it to apply this limited remedy which
lies in its power to enact.

The special value of this form of agitation
is that it recognizes women as part of the
fountain-head of power, and while we. ask——
now for this, and now for that, —-~hesi°ging
the fortifications of injustice from many
sides, we will not forget that the right of
voting, and all right is ours; that our Map;-
na Charta came straight from the Creator
Himself when He made us human beings,and
that in attempting to win men to concede
the exercise of these rights we are educat-
ing them and ourselves, and are working in
harmony with the eternallaws of justice and
also in harmony with the equally inflexible
and beneficent laws of social evolution.——


. Clara Bast/2'6}: C 0112}, C lzaz'rman.




for men having made these laws, they Show
the high respect of men for Women who are
their political equals.

The property 15.qu are as favorable as are
found in any other of the States which have
enacted advanced le,,islatlon in this line,
but it is in the noon: important line of laws
relating to person that \Vyomiug shows a
marked difference. Alrhz‘iugh, in comnrn;
with rnsmv other States, ‘Nymning fixes
whutis called the age of consent at 14 years,
yet it does; what no other St... - does—~cleurly
defines the dlffsrent offenses against the
person of wzimeu, making them dowrtnil,
and thus turnishirig COlllJ-flllI-ll g'iz'ctsction.
It is a. penitentiary offense for any person to
exercise the arts of the procuror over any
femulc under eighteen y tars, even with. her
consent, or over eighteen years of age with-
out it: and the Statute omits those usual
words of limitation which extend protection
only to the virtuous, leaving exposed to the.
“under iiierCies of tile wicked” t- se who
are in SLEI'JS' need of the . gis of the law.

Seduction is in roost States a. Civil offence
laying: the ,ifuilzy party liable. to cirrmgigeS,
and I find no other Brute that makes the
betrayal of a Woman, less 1111“]. 21 years of
age, under premise of marri. 3,73, :1 well, u:—
fincd penit ntistry offense. Colorado or this
group of western States comes the ‘fi;:l.‘.“3:5t
to it. but this limits the age of [ll‘JXCCil in to
16 years.

Wyoming stands alone in consitleiing the
male and fttlilfil.‘ bubdues of transit-:5 of pros;-

' '1 as guilty of the sxni: ffence, but
..n receives 21 double punig .

ing liable to a fine of $100 and imprison-

ment for 60 days, while the woman is liable

only to a. line of $50 and imprisonment for

thirty days.

The Cruistitution of wyc-miug marks very
clen y the progress of the Com; ‘-
It is 2’. magnificent instrument. even
from the woman suffrage clause, and it has
certuiu provisions which are found in no
other constitution, as far as I have had the
opportunity of examination. The-pare in.
the line of education, preveifitiou or crime,
and reformation. No money is allowed to
be given to any sectarian or religious society.
The rights of 1:1.er are particularly recog-
nized. Perpe’uitles and monopolies are
prohibited. . _

In the article relating,r to suffrage it is
enac ed that no person shall have the right
to vote who shall not be able to read the
constitutionof the state. The oath of office
includes the affirmation that the officer has
not paid or promised to pay directly or indi-

rectly any money or valuable thing to pro-
cure the nomination or election and he is
bound to promise that he will not receive
anything for the performance of duties per-

tioii allowed by luw.

These distinctive features are all in the
line of protection, and embody that humane
and elevated sentiment which we should
hope and expect to find in a community
where women are '1 factor in gove nnient,
and having found them in 'Wyoming, and
'Ji7yomiug only, may we not regard them as
due to the influence of we: e .

Having thus shown that the twenty—two
years of woman suffrage have been satisfac-
tory to the citizens of Wyoming; that they
have conduced to good order in the elections
rind to tl - purity of politics; that the educa-
tional sy cm is im;.rrwe=:l, and that teachers
are paid without regard to sex; that VVyom-
lug stands alone in showing a decreased
proportion of crime and divorce; and that it
ias elevated the personal character of both
sexes, what possible good is there left to
speak of as coming to the State from
suflrag‘e save its position as the van»
guard of progress. and humm freedom.
‘~.Vyoming occupics the proud position of
being the. only spot in the United States
which belongs to all patriotic and truly
loyal women. To it they look as their star
of hop-:2. Every man of ‘.«vaoi‘_iiiigis a hero,
every woman a. queen. ‘Nho may even
dream of the. sublime achievements that
may follow to meet the expecrations of

Not the Bartlioidi Stain: in. New Yor‘:
Harbor, but INyzrmingg, the crest of the con-
ti lent, the first true Republic, is “Liberty
Enlightening the ‘World."

The Woman’s Tribune
Edited and published by
Clara Be’vvick Colby.
Washington, I). C,
This is the only V‘v’omau Suffrage paper in
America to which
E ZZZ/413E271 CAD YSTAN] 01V.
Contributes, and her Reminiscences are
are nr w being published. in it.

Send ten cents for Five Sample Copies.
The magnificent premium of the three
volumes of the History of Woman Suffrage
is still offered in cloth for twenty new yearly
subscriptions, and in leather for twenty five.
Transactions of International Council of
Women, 1888, piiper..6o, cloth $1.00.

Transactions of National Council of
Women, I8QI, cloth $51.00


taining to office other than the compenszr

the right of jurors and contributed to the






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Yul. 1. wurifuifiim o. c: IFEEiRU ini'. illgl.


Published monthly at the office of This \VoMAx’s
THiiiiNiz, Washington, D. C.

Subscription price 15 cents per annum: io cts.; for 25
collies of each number; 33 cts. per 100; $2.50 per 1,030.

Tui; NATIONAL BULLETIN is to supply \Vuinuii
Suffrage Societies with information and argument
ata low price. Each month something of interest
will be presented which should have :1 wide distribu‘



Hearing Before the United States Select


Committee on Woman Suffrage.
.Mr. (Mair/mm, Gaul/5mm (y t/zc COWUIZZYZc'C .-
On :he western border of the State in
which I live there is an invisible line. across
which, if :i womin passes, instead of a subject
she )31301‘1’1’15 a lmv-rualrer, a sovereign. l‘hc
political noirientiiy becaues 3. person, :1 citi-
zen, a, put of the people,impossible tux-"caf-
ter to be ignored; one who makes ltifl.’
governors, United States Senatdrs.
Pi. idents, und who his in hc._..:lf the nos»
sibility of filling any of these offices when
in the judgment of her fello'.v-citiZ'.:ns, see,
is the person ' est fitted to do so.
If I can show you that the status of "iii’yo-
nil-.17; ins been materially benefited by {he
(31.: of women it will certainly be the best
argument for your subtuittii " to the States
an ainendriient to the National Constitution
which will prohibit the disfraocliisemerit of
women on account of sex.
in CIDITIPlllIlg the first volume of the luv-rs
of V‘Jyoming, Secretary Lee said: "In the
provisions of the Woman’s Suffrage clause
enacted in 1869, we placed the. iyounges’
Territory on earth in the vanguru‘d of civil—
ization and progress.” That this; statement
has been verified by practical experience
the testimony is unanimous, continuous, and
conclusive. Not a link. is wanting in the
chair). of evidence, and, as :1. Governor of the
Territorycnce Stud, “The only dissentinrr
vorce against woman’s suffrage was that of
convrcts who had been tried and found
guilty by woman jurors.” “forum exercised

Speedy release of the Territory from the
regime of the pistol and bowie-knife. They
not only performed their new duties without
losingr any of the womanly virues and with
dignity and decorum, but good results were
immediately borne. Chief Justice Howe
of the Supreme Court, under whose direc~
tion women were first drawn on juries, wrote
in 1372: ”After the grand jury had been in
sessmn two days the dance-house keepers,
gamblers, and demi-monde fled out of the


Territory in dismay to escape indictment
by women gramlAjurors. in short, 1 have
never, iii _ twenty-five years of constant ex-
perience in the courts of the country, seen
J more faithful and resolutely honest «trand
and pctit jury than these." And there-his no
doubt that the sup-.ti'ior coitdilions that exist
in \V‘qulng' uic in a great Ill-Lifltilll‘t.‘ due to
the Sitting of woriien on juries in these early
days. ' ‘lie Territory was indebted to woiii—
rtii's suffrsge formore economical and wisdy
minimistercd courts of justice. justice
king-man, of in: Supreme Court, wrote in
1873: Of the large number ol cases tried in

,this leirittii'y by women j'lSUCCS oi the

peace, only two have been appealed, and
those two were sustained by the Apocllnte
Court, and jscégiricnt ordered in accoi'd'incn
With the decision of the women j:1)ll(~
And tl:c3:_triitli is. where time were 1“ :2“. bid
women justices in the sums ton-m and. all the
same time, and where parties brunt-ht their
cases before either, at tilttll' own Eduction
the women have had by fur the are." icf
number to try and have (given Highest ~li ‘-
friction.H U dd J
. \Vomen took this active port in lgryim‘r the
loiindutirxus of 1:72,: jurispiiillcnce of tlie'fl'l'er:
ritery, and u,;;:iin it lull} well be lit”. Vii/’37,)-
iiiiug' owes much of its solid and orderly
uerveloonief‘itto the in“ petu-i of this; time”

in toe- (.‘lflCl:il record of (.:}:'iv.:i'n;.-' .
Hoyt, iii 1878,.he stated: "At:eiitlzirijcdlii‘yi/ii
school is obligatory; ten/chars car. (finally
prim, male and female alike, for lllt‘ wine
serv1ce._” Does not this indicate a fzivor’ii'ile
result from. woman's suffrage wucn it \‘hf'lF
the first conmmnw ".‘tllh to adopt c-ziiiipuisoi‘a
education. and the first, aud‘slill the only
one, to pay teachers equally without regz‘lfd
to sex? Gow-rrnor lloyc‘s 'tcsiimouy with
regard to the direct benefit of womun s rtaut-
fi‘:3.fi;_e was also very strongr in 1882. Inihis
official report, he said: “Elsewl‘iurt; objectors
nei'Sist in callingr this honorable stutufr-‘of
ours ‘an experirncnt.’ 137e- know it iS‘I’JOt'
that under it we hive bettwr hum,
better ofiicers, better institutions bett'edi:
morals and higher social conditions" in ("en-
eral than could otherwise fiXlEt-“lil’ltilffnllc
of the predicted evils, such as loss ()f'llflllVC‘
clcli..s.cy and disturbance of home ICl'lllOl s
has followed in its train; that the ,urczfl'rhodl
of our women, and the best of tli'uii~ 11'in
accepted the elective franchise as a. previous
boon and exercise it as a patriotic dut i—in
a word, that after twelve rears of h);
experience, woman's suffrage is so lli’di):
oughly rooted andestublisl'fcd in the minds
and hearts of 'the people that, nmonor them
all, Ono v0ice is ever uplifted in protest
against or in question of it."

1 n
In 1879 t.i- Speaker of the House, Hon.




N. L. Andrews, a Democrat, ratified what“
had been said by the Republican governors,
saying publicly: “I came to the Territory in
1871, Strongly prejudiced against woman
suffrage. it has produced much good, and
no ev1l that I could discern. In my opinion
the real health-giving remedy that would
counteract political degeneracy would be
the ballot in the hands of women in every
State and Territory."

In 1883 Chief Justice Joseph W. Fisher
stated: “I have seen the effects of woman
suffrage. l..stead of encouraging fraud and
corruption it