xt70rx937t9n_436 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Legislative Federalist text Legislative Federalist 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_17/Multipage19051.pdf 1916 July 1916 1916 July section false xt70rx937t9n_436 xt70rx937t9n L EGI SLATIVE If LDERATIOVIST



Eugene Neuhaus—Assistant Professor of
Decorative Design, University of California,
and a member of the International Jury
of Awards in the Department of Fine Arts
of the Exposition, in speaking of gallery
No. 63 says:

“Of particular interest are the pictures
in this gallery, constituting an achieve-
ment which other nations could rival.
Devoted exclusively to the work of living
American artists, it contains convincing
evidence of the good results which eman-
cipation of women in this country allowed
them to accomplish in the field of art.
The standard in this gallery 15 very high,
and one must admit that Mr. Trask’s
daring innovation of putting all the women
artists in one big gallery was justified.
They do hold their own and need no
male assistance to convince one of their
big part in the honors of the exposition”

Again speaking of Mrs. Gertrude Vander-
bilt Whitney, Mr. Neuhaus says: “It is
a gratifying spectacle to see a woman,
such as Mrs. Whitney, so much heralded,
possibly against her own inclination, 1'11
the society columns of New York, find
the time to devote herself to so seriously
professional a piece of work as the Foun-
tain of El Dorado.”

111 the realm of sculpture, A. Stirling
Calder, N. A., Acting Chief of Sculpture
of the Exposition, has this to say of the
women contributors: “The Fountain of
Youth,” by Edith Woodman Burroughs,
has given 11s the eternally desired foun-
tain in a new aspect, not as the legendary
restoration that changes age to adoles-
cence, but as the fount of perpetual youth
that keeps inspiring and vivifying the
race and every stage of our life.

“The Fountain of El Dorado”—another
fountain desired by all the world, by Ger-
trude Vanderbilt \Vhitney, poetically sym-
bolic of the elusive gold sought by man—
kind in all ages and in every clime, it is
not the mere possession of wealth that is
sought. but joys of which our mistaken
iliiaginings make gold the symbol.

The l1‘ourcourt of the Seasons is of-
ficially called the “Fourcourt of Ceres” be-
cause of Evelyn Beatrice Longman's
“Fountain of Ceres,” which commands it.
Miss Longman has expressed her as exult-
ant, regal, young, glorying in her powers
to bless the co-operative labors of man
and nature; she holds her sceptre, the
stalk of corn, and offers the crown of sum-
mer to the world. The central figure is
not more lovely than the pedestal base
on which she stands. Miss Longman won
the competition for the doors of the Naval
Academy at Annapolis, for which there
were many aspirants. “L’Amour,” by Miss
Longman, is the winner of a silver medal.

Janet Scudder. an American artist. whose
work has been as highly honored in
France, as in her native land, is chielly
known t'or her poetic and happy expres-
sion of the. out-of-door spirit; her foun-
tains and garden pieces are. small, Sportive
but. intensely sincere and never trivial.
“Young Diana," “Little Lady of the Sea,"
“Young Pan" and “Flying Cupid” are some
of her exhibition pieces. She received
notable consideration in the Paris salon
of 1913 and is the holder of a silver medal
awarded by the. present exposition.

The “Duck Baby," by Edith Parsons, is
irresistible; post card pictures and ama-
teur photographs by exposition visitors
have been sent in a steady stream
throughout the land. scattering the Duck
Baby‘s good cheer far and wide since the
exposition opened. The “Bird Bath,” by



Caroline Risque, is a lovable baby with
expression of tenderest sympathy, holding

. a little bird to his breast.


“The careful details of the palaces and
courts—the minute finishing of the cor-
nice, column, frieze and vault, the loving
modeling of sculpture, the artistic plan-
ning of vistas, the inspired brushing of
murals—are marvelous beyond my telling.

It is an outpouring of the arts before the
altar of humanity. It is a presage of
what men can do when they unite in a
common service.

The Exposition has taken a titan stride
towards this unified action for a common
purpose. The artists have bent to one
perfect expression, like the strings and
brasses of an orchestra. Self was sub-
merged in a composite achievement, not
obliterating individuality but leaving it
latitude to harmonize with others. The
result is not the stenciling of a leader’s
mannerisms, but a blend of diverse and
varied characteristics, an interweaving of
sympathies, of spontaneous and ordered
impressions. Here is an object lesson in
the co-operative idea that will not be lost
upon the world——the idea of a transcend-
ent result obtained by a unity of noble
efforts, a result that no massing of indi-
vidual attempts could have achieved.




“VVaynesboro Idea” is a demonstration
of what co-operation will do.

\Vaynesboro, Pennsylvania, is a manu-
facturing town of eleven thousand inhab-
itants; strikeless; pauperless; where the
workers are shareholders in the industries
which employ them, and where the work—
men are enabled to own their own homes.

XVhere the man who has the softest job
is the head of the police force, which
consists of three men, and where it has
been necessary to make only fourteen ar-
rests in five years.

That the people are prosperous is evi-
denced by the fact that they have almost
three million dollars 011 deposit 111 the
banks. The bankers organized an asso-
ciation to provide funds to develop and
beautify the town, believing that one of
the ways to keep people contented is to
make the place they live in beautiful.

The “VVaynesboro Idea” is summed up
in the following remark made by the
cashier of one of the banks, “The well-
being of any individual depends almost
as much upon the happiness and contented-
11ess of his neighbor as upon his own.”

A fuller exposition of the “Waynesboro
Idea" is found in the Post-Intelligencer of
recent date, and is 011 file in the office of
the Federationist.



Thirty women hold state jobs in Cali-
fornia that pay from $1,800 to $4,000 a

At the top of the list is Dr. Margaret


Shallenberger McNaught of San Jose,
Commissioner of Elementary Schools,
whose yearly salary is $4,000.

Next comes Miss Edith L. M. Tate of

Los Angeles, director of the State Bureau
of Tuberculosis, who draws down $3,000
a year.

Laura Steffens, Assistant State Librarian,
has a position that pays $2,700 a year.
Three women 011 state jobs have salaries
of $2,400 a year. They are: Miss Bar-
bara Nachtrieb of Berkeley, secretary of

the Social Insurance Commission; M1s.
Margaret G Hyatt, Assistant Superintend-
ent of Public Instruction, and Grace
Longnecker, of San Francisw.



8,000,000 Women Are Working for a Living
in U. 8., Census Shows



WASHINGTON. — Government statistics
available today show that there are more
than 8,000,000 women workers in the
United States.

There are 263,315 stenographers and
typewriters, 14,061 women linotype oper-
ators, 2, 530,846 domestics. 8,20 980 fac-
tory and mill girls, 76, 508 trained nurses,
111,117 midwives, 2,000,000 women farm
laborers, 100, 000 women bakers, 8,219 tele-
graph operators, 88,262 hello gi1.ls

Eighty per cent of our teachers are
women, also two- thirds of our cotton mill

workers one- t-hird of our hat, suit and
overall makers, one-fifth of our tailors,
one-third of our shoemakers.

Women have been found working before
the flaming doors of blast furnaces in




“The German Ministry of Education
recently approved the following notice
which has been distributed by certain
departments of the Board of Health. ‘Give
your children not a drop of beer!’ And
then in detail outlines the effects of the
use of beer on parent and child. Pro-
fessor Hahnel says that '300 of every
1,000 babies are born dead among the
Bavarians, the greatest beer drinkers in
the world, and that 69, 000 of them die an-
nually in the first year of life.

“But why submit further evidence on
the subject, for has not the German Em-
peror advised his people, and especially
the army, to abstain from beer? Emper-
or William certainly has had every oppor—
tunity to study the degenerating influences
of Germany’s national beverage—White
Ribbon Bulletin.


“Co-operation requires educated intelli-
gence, individual initiative and self-reliance,
for its highest develOpment.”


“’Tis the inclusive spirit that holds
bodies together and advances the com-
monwealth of mankind.”


Mrs. Ellen French Aldrich has been
chosen President of the Board of Trustees
of Sawtelle, California, a position equival-
ent to that of mayor.




1401 First Avenue

The facto1y hair sto1e is the place
to get you1 w01k done at fact01 y 111 ices.
W'e have f01 sale and manufactuIe
Toupees, Wigs, Switches, Puffs Cuils.
Pomps, T1ansf01mations, and Old Lady
F10nt Pieces. Eve1ything to weal ”111
Hair Goods we make and ca11x in
stock. Clean, dye and make over your
old Switches. Toupees, “figs, etc.
Make up your out Hair and Combings
in any pattern you may desire.









Are you satisfied
(4) With the BUDGET BILL?
Study Referendum Bill No. 9.



. .. Jim-31..



“For the Betterinent and Enforcement of Law Through Cc operation of Home, School and State.”





No. i.




was passed by the United States Con-

gress, which enacted into statutory
law the common law principle, that a wife’s
legal existence is merged with that of her
husband. Blackstone’s dictum that mar-
riage is a coverture, or covering, suspend-
ing woman’s legal existence, was thus
resurrected in this, the 20th century, and
enacted into law.

The converse of this proposition, namely,
that a foreign wife partook of her hus-
band’s citizenship, had long ago been
made into statutory law. In the last forty
years women had gained many rights. In
most of the states even married women
now control their separate property.

Why are our laws so inconsistent? Why
should a women be incapable of choosing
,her own citizenship but be perfectly
capable of controlling even vast prop-

IN MARCH, 1901.511. expatrlation act

"““L‘F’E‘dfirétf CWution Defines CltlienshIP“

The controversy as to whether or not
suffrage is a State or Federal affair, is
puerile. We are a United States not a
Confederacy, therefore certain fundament-
als which affect suffrage must be laid
Not the states but the United States de-
fines citizenship. Therefore, though it is
true that each state may say who shall
vote, it cannot make of any person a
citizen to whom the United States denies

In several states persons who are not
citizens may vote. However, if such aliens
leave the jurisdiction of the United States
they have absolutely no citizenship rights
to protect them, in spite of their having
been voters in a sovereign state.

Citizenship means much to the American.
Voting is simply the expression of citizen-
ship usually granted only to sane, male
adults with provisions for time of resi-
dence, etc.

Since women have been adjudged to be
“people” and amenable to all of the laws
of the land, both civil and criminal, and
compelled equally with men to support
the state, then it follows that to have
her rights depend upon the eligibility of
male adults, is contrary to all American

Senator Wm. Howard Thompson of

Kansas, has introduced in our Sixty—fourth
Congress, the bill which was known in
the Sixty-third Congress as S. 4022.

” .1 The memorials siE11ed extensively DY" tlfé" bflt mam thoroughly approved ‘



many prominent Seattle people and almost
all' civic organizations in our city, were
presented to Congress by Senator Miles
Poindexter, and are now before the Judi-
ciary Committee.

In the Congressional Record of Feb-
ruary 28, 1916, will be found the protest








Newly Elected President of the Legislative
Federation of King County, and Life-
long Champion of Absolutely Equal
Rights of Men and Women.




of the signers against the expatriation

and naturalization of persons through mar-

riage, as provided by the law of 1907.
Organizations Actively Interested

Through the Superintendent of Legisla-
tion of the National Woman’s Christian
Temperance Union, Margaret Dye Ellis at
Washington, D. C., and all the Woman’s
Christian Temperance organizations in
suffrage states have joined in the protest.
The Seattle Union Card and Label League
has been actively interested for two ses-
sions of Congress.

The Legislative Federation of King
County, the Seattle Federation of Women’s
Clubs and the Good Government League
as well as the Seattle Council of Social
agencies, have endorsed the movement

The amendment offered by the Seattle
Suffrage Club, framed by Attorney Jno.
Mills Day, has been accepted by Senator
Thompson and is to be incorporated in



v-u »

by Senator Poindexter that he offered to
present the same himself if it should be

Because this question deals MW

enship, instead of one of the p v ~.
of a citizen, namely, votingr-fl%.


fundamental importance.
(in spite of amendments to ..

tutions) vote anywhere upon the same
terms as men while this arbitrary archaic
law remains upon the Federal statute
books. In every state a wife's right to
any or all of the privileges of citizenship
depends, not 011 her fitness, but solely
upon her husband's eligibility.

The shortest way to real Democracy for
all the people is to amend the. Fifteenth
Amendment of the Constitution of the
United States by inserting the words
“sex, marriage”, between the words “of”
ant “race”.

The Constitution, so
then read:

“The right of citizens of the United
States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any
state, on account of sex, marriage, race,
color, or previous condition of servitude.”

This would give woman individual, legal

amended, would



(From the Indianapolis News.)
I would rather be a builder
Of castles made of air,
To be rebuilded ev’ry day,
And dwell in fancy there
With ev’rything to make, me glad,
The doors all closed to gloom,
And the sunlight of tomorrow
Shining into every room,
Than ever keep within the walls
Of sad things, past or now,
For though my castles do not last,
They’re cheering anyhow.

And so I build and build again,
Rebuild from day to day,

And some time the Master Builder
May let my castles stay.


“Independent thinking has given the
present, and will forever continue to make
tomorrow better than today. The right to
think is inalienable—or man is a ma-

-. a; -'


_. 1
with! 3
....«':'$’ J ."-’ . -.
’ r





'l‘he otlicial organ of the Ila-gislative Feder-
ation of King County.
l’ublished monthly under the auspices of the
Executive (‘ominittee of the [legislative Ped—
cration of King County.
Subscription price, 23 cents per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Address all communications to
ll. l‘)l.l.l‘l.\' DAY, Editor and Manager
313 Lyon liuilding, Seattle.
’l‘clcphonc Elliott 4200
Application for entry as second-class matter
at the postotlicc at. Seattle, \\'ashlngton, pcndmg.


.4" .i _


Officers and Chairmen of Standing Com-
mittees, Composing the Executive Com-
mittee of the Legislative Federation of
King County.

Mrs. Sophie L. W. Clark, Pres.
Mrs. Emily M. Peters, Vice-Pres.
Mrs. Emma Merrill, Rec. Sec.
Mrs. Carrie L. Miller, Cor. Sec.
Mrs. Edith Flotow, Treas.

Mrs. Ruth Stixrud, Organization.
Mrs. Rachel Austin, Educational.
Mrs. E. M. Lewis, Council.

Mrs. Emily M. Peters, Press.
Mrs. Hannah Listman, Industrial.
Mrs. Emma Hausman, Resolution.
Mrs. Bettie Flohr, Court.

Mrs. Emma Merrill, Conference.
Mrs. Rose B. Aschermann, Library.




A recent. issue of the VVomau Statist, a
paper published at Burlington. \Vashing-
ton, came to our exchange table. On the
first. page appears an article, the worthy
purpose of which is to arouse the women
of Washington to the need of the hour:—
namely. the need of a woman’s paper,
wherein and whereby all may concentrate
on the most vital, fundamental questions
and make a systematic study of them.

An editorial appreciation is given the
Legislative l<‘ederatiouist.

We think. however. that there is some
misumlerstamling or misconception in the
statement that the Federationist is “not
given a decent support at 25 cents a
year." Also in the statement that “there
are women in your clubs who are not loyal
and are using their influence for pro-
moting the influence of the opposition to
the very points you most wish to advance
and thus you are. unable to maintain a pub-
lication in your interests.”

We beg to take issue with these state-
ments. We feel that the little paper is
being supported by the members of the
atliliated clubs and many non-members. as
well as could be expected in the short
time since its birth, and the editor is ex-
tremely grateful to the loyal women who
have been and are assisting in its nurture
and care.

.-\s to the implied proposition to merge
the li‘cderationlst with the Statist. we beg
leave to say that though grateful for the
compliment. the proposition has been re-
jected by the Executive Committee. Many
other flattering proposals have been re-
ceived at this otlice and brought before
the Committee. none of which. however.
were sought by either the (‘ommittec or
the editor. So far the Committee has seen
fit to reject each proposition, and will
publish the little paper during the summer
as a monthly. with all expectations of
successfully expanding it into an eight.-
page weekly. beginning in September.

The directory of the City of New York
gives the population as 5.528.751.


An unwarranted editorial appeared in
a Seattle morning paper on June 1st,
under the caption “No Warrant for It.”

It was a scathing, sarcastic comment——
implied at least—upon the work of civic
and welfare organizations of the city and
county, numbering nearly one hundred,
who made the request for an assembly
room in the new county-city building; a
request that was neither unreasonable nor

The above mentioned publication upheld
the County Commissioners in refusing to
grant the request; in preferring to allow
Seattle to remain among the few cities
which are not public-spirited enough to
make some provision whereby the welfare
workers of the county, who by the way are
also taxpayers, may more effectually co-
operate with those in office and thus aid
in making this a better place in which to
rear their families.

The following is quoted from Civil Ser—
vice Age, a Seattle publication:


It is to be regretted that the County
Commissioners failed to see their way
clear to grant the taxpayers of this county
an assembly room wherein they could
meet under proper restrictions. There
was a general public demand and need
for this room, but the effort to secure it
was poorly organized. Therefore they
didn’t get it. Prosecutor Lundin may be
legally correct that the County Com-
missioners have no authority to use money
for such a purpose, but both county and
city money is often used for many pur-
poses which bear no direct connection
with county or city business, in truth.

Other cities provide such assembly
rooms, and it is queer that we can’t. Car-
rigan favored the idea, Hamilton opposed
it and Knudsen didn’t give a rap, so there
you are.


“The National \Voman Suffrage Asso-
ciation has been working for a suffrage
amendment to the constitution for the
last forty-seven years,” said Mrs. Alice
Snitjer Burke, who, with Miss Nell Rich-
ardson. was in Seattle a few days last

“But,“ she added, “if an amendment to
the Federal Constitution is impossible,
we must get suffrage state by state.”

The young women were here from New
York City, after an 8,000 mile drive in a
touring car driven by themselves. Their
special mission en route was to talk suf-

Mrs. Burke spoke at a meeting of the
King County Democratic Club, at Good
Eats Cafeteria, Saturday.


Utterly unmindful of the curious glances
cast upon her by passers-by; unheeding
facetious comments which she could not
fail to hear; her beribboned hat partially
shading her brown and wrinkled face,
and her gaudy shawl draped about her.
half concealing. half revealing the gay
gown beneath. she sat with all the poise.
if not the regal bearing, of a queen.

ller fancy work lay idly by her side——
but not. forgotten. Oh. no! ,She was
ever ready to exhibit it with pride if by
chance some one stopped to ask the price.

Seattle is accustomed to seeing the Si-
wash squaw squatted upon her sunny



Tailor for Men and Women.
Men’s Suits, $25 and up. Ladies'
Suits, $30 and up.

805 Third Avenue, Seattle.
Phone Main 3417.





May 14, 1916.

On May 13, last year, the various com-
mittees and officers made their yearly re-
port and recommendations. During the
summer we held four executive meetings,
principally to hear prices and propositions
concerning our Legislative Federationist.
During the year of 1915-1916 there have
been fourteen executive meetings together
with one evening meeting to which our
husbands and friends were invited to hear
Dr. Suzzallo.

The regular meeting on the first Mon-
day of October was not held in order
that our members might attend the Child
Welfare Institute then being held in the
city, under the supervision of Dr. Mc-
Keever of Kansas.

The speaker for one meeting was on the
question of Temperance; four were Civic
meetings; four were Educational; three
were for discussion only; one 011 pre-
paredness and one was guest day, where
we became more familiar with the work
of our affiliated clubs through the talks
of the various presidents, and they With
our work, by the reports of our standing
committees. ‘

We have been vitally interested in the
establishment and progress of our Legis-
lative Federationist; have passed resolu-
tions regarding our standing committee
work; on the Citizenship of the Married
Woman; on National Constitutional Pro-
hibition; on closing the Seattle Public
Markets at reasonable hour, and on the
Minimum Wage Law for laundry workers
and piece manufacturers. -

The organization also endorsed the
Keating-Owens Child Welfare Bill, and
sent a telegram to Hon. Edwin Webb ask-
ing him to vote and work for the Susan B.
Anthony Amendment, now before he
Judiciary Committee; also a telegram en-
dorsing the confirmation of Louis D.
Brandeis for the Supreme Court.

Dues received - .................. $28.00
Expenses for the year 29.48

Received from affiliated clubs toward
assisting in the expense of the Mothers’
Pension Law Brief, gotten out by (2.
Wright Arnold, the sum of $9.00, and the
same was paid direct to Mr. Arnold by the

Recording Secretary.


Through an oversight the newly elected
officers were not published in the May
Federationist. They appear properly in
this issue. _

Another apology is due on account of
the omission of the June issue. Sufiice it
to say that the reasons for it were un-

“Censure and criticism never hurt any-
body; if false they cannot hurt‘ you; if
true, they show you your weak points.”

Keep your face toward the sunshine and
the shadows will fall behind you—Broad-
way \Vhims.



The necessity for a conference com-
mittee arose about October lst. when this
body was asked to send representatives to
the Labor Temple, together with other or-
ganizations to try to unite on a candidate
for the school board so that the united
force might elect some one.

This committee met on December 30th,
at the Good Eats Cafeteria, for the pur-
pose of going over the secretary’s records
for the life of this organization, to obtain
questions on which this Federation had
taken a definite stand.

We were ready to hear any one on
any question at 1:00 p. m. on the first
Monday of every month. This method
would eliminate unnecessary speakers
from our regular meeting and thus save
time by recommendations from a com-

A loose leaf book has been compiled,
and each and every resolution or motion
of a definite character has been typewritten
in this book to be turned over to the next
committee. On January 10th, Mrs. Austin,
of the North End Progressive Club, called
a conference of different interested or-
ganizations to discuss the advisability of
transferring the management of the play-
fields to the School Board, from the Park

Prof. Anderson called our attention to
the fact that our coming citizens are being
developed on the playfields as well as in
the school room. Mr. Bradford brought
the law on the question which states the
management of these playfields shall lie in
the Park Board, and also told us how
the Charter might be amended to make it

A recreation commission was advocated
by Mr. Harry Anderson. This, to cover
playfields, moving pictures, dances, parks,
etc. Other cities have such a body, and
should not Seattle be as progressive as
the others? He recommends we study
the function and bring it under the most
logical head.

On April 8th we met in Dr. Ira C.
Brown’s office to look into the matter of
military training in the public schools.
\Ve had already procured a copy of Mr.
Zednick’s proposed bill for the State of

'W'ashington. However, Dr. Brown ap-

proves only of Federal bill on military
training. '

As it has been installed in the Ballard
high and Washington schools, there is no
apparatus used whatsoever. The boys
and girls simply use their muscles. Dr.
Brown wishes to organize a camp of boys
this summer, giving them instructions as
to how to open a camp, how to keep it san-
itary, how to swim—in other words, how
to be clean, healthy boys. As he explains
it, this physical and mental training is
something which it would be well for
every young man to have, whether starting
out in civil life or a military one.

This Federation was asked to be present
at a pro-legislative luncheon to be giVen
by the Good Government League, at the
\Vashington Annex, 011 April 27th. Prob—
ably thirty different organizations of this
city were represented, and all were asked
to tell what they were doing in .1 legis—
lative way. There was the anti-picketing
bill, a better lunacy law, an improved
kindergarten law, the mothers‘ pension
law which several are working for, the
club who is working for a plank in their
platform for suffrage, the non-partisan
election bill and prohibition bills, the
municipally owned utilities. the proposed
midwifery bill and one on birth registra-
tion, the raising of the per capita tax for
our tubercular cases. the expatriation bill,

and Susan B. Anthony amendment, a lazy
husband act which the judges would be
proud to enforce. and many others.

From the work of this committee dur-
ing the year, we would recommend trained
supervision on every playtield in the city.
a man and a woman for each; also a
thorough physical training in the schools,
and a thorough investigation and careful
study of the bills to come up before our
Legislature, during the summer. that we
may be intelligent letter-writers to our
various congressmen.


20, 21 and 22

Miss Lucy R. Case, secretary of the
Joint Legislative Committee, reports that
Initiative Measures Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22
which comprise the Non-Partisan Election
Measure, First Aid to Injured \Vorkmen.
Home Rule Bill, giving cities exclusive
powers to regulate public utilities, and the
Fish Bill, respectively, failed to secure
sufficient signatures to be filed.

There are many reasons advanced for
this failure, the outstanding reasons which
cannot be avoided or evaded being that. a
signer must be a registered voter, and
the provision in the \Vhitney Election Bill
compelling voters to register in their re-
spective precincts.

This provision in actual practice is a
calamity to voters, for the reason that
over and over again they have been pre-
vented from registering on account of
the absence from home of the person
in charge of the registration books. Many
have gone as many as six times to reg-
ister in order to be eligible to sign the

This looks very much as though it had
been cleverly calculated to discourage

The initiative measures have failed
for the present, but we must not feel
that all is lost: There are many things
left to fight for; the next important thing
being to defeat the referendum measures;
in the meantime casting up accounts and
determining, in so far as possible, the
measures to be taken to prevent future

Look for Referendum Measures in July
number of the Federationist.


Agnes Repplier in the Atlantic Monthly.
deems it wise to guard the franchise with
solicitude, and thinks that men and women
should more fully realize the meaning of
the. ballot, and says: “If every man-
alien or native born—who casts his ballot.
could be made to know and to feel ‘all the
political forces of his country were. mainly
occupied for a hundred years in making the
act possible,’ and that, the United States
is, and has always been. the nation of
those ‘who willed to be Americans.’ citizen-
ship might become for us what it was to
Rome, what it is to France—the inter-
pretation of honor, the symbol of self-


\Vhat is a vacuum?

A large empty space where the Pope.

\Vhat is the meaning of "hanatopsis?

A kind of medicine injected to cure



Somebody said that it couldn‘t be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
'l‘hat “maybe it couldn't." but he would be
\Vho wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in. with a trace of a
()n his face. if he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn‘t be donefland he did it.

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you'll never do
At least, no one ever has done it;"
But he took off his coat. and he took off
his hat.
And the first thing we knew he‘d begun
\Vith a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit.
lle started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done——and he did it.

There are thousands who'll tell you it can
not be done,
There are thousands who prophesy fail—
There are thousands to point out to you,
one by one.
The dangers that, wait to assail you.
lint just buckle. in with a bit of a grin.
Then take off your coat and go to it.
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That “can not be (lonc'5-«aud you'll do it.
~-~Edgar A. lucst,
in “Brockton School llelper."


“Society semis unruly men to prison to
protect itself. tintil recent y ‘ars society
never bothered about what became of. the
men after it had placed them behind pris-
son walls. lint. it has begun to awaken
from its apathy toward the released pris—
oner. it, is learning that. humane treat-
ment and good environment enable men
in prison to develop good men; it is
learning that such methods are far bet-
ter than the ancient brutal trcatmcnt
which created and bred criminals. Yet
things are far from what they could be.
Society must learn how not to breed
criminals, neither inside the prison nor

“When a. prisoner‘s time expires and
he is turned out into the world with .‘I
$5 bill and a new prison-made suit of
clothes he is often placed in the most
critical period of his life. He is pr'ic
tically an