xt70rx937t9n_431 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Illinois Equal Suffrage Association Press Bulletin; Nebraska Suffrage News; Headquarters News Bulletin text Illinois Equal Suffrage Association Press Bulletin; Nebraska Suffrage News; Headquarters News Bulletin 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_16/Multipage19004.pdf 1915 October; 1913 April; 1916 August 1916 1915 October; 1913 April; 1916 August section false xt70rx937t9n_431 xt70rx937t9n  



Miss Jane Addams.
Mrs. Bessie .’\(IC()CI(.
Mrs. I". I). .‘\rnold.
Mrs. Susan Look Avery.
Mrs. Carrie ;\. Bahrenhurg.
Mrs. Alla R. Bannister.
Mrs. Joseph Barney.
Miss .'\(Itfl(7 Iarrett.
Mrs. Helen B. Barrett.
Mrs F. (j. .iartlett.
.Mrs. ./\. C. Bartlett.
Miss Florence I). ,iartlett.
Mrs. John Bass.
Mr. J. \\'. Beehe.
Mrs. t‘. I). Berry. .
Mrs. K. M. II. Iesley.
Mrs. l‘lmmons Blaine.
Miss F.. Bhunt.
Mrs. Mary Ii. Bondurant.
Mrs. U. I‘. Bourlaud.
Louise I)e I\’oven Bowen.
Dr. Marion I\'. ’iowles.
Sophonisira Breckenridge.
Mrs. T. IL. Brown.
Mrs. Clara Bttrnham.
Mrs. Mary Busey.
Mrs. Jean \\v"allace Butler.
Mrs. Margaret (,7. Carr.
Miss Catherine (folvin.
Miss Jessie Colvin.
Mrs. \‘V. S. McCrea.
Mr. F. II. Met‘ulloch.
Mrs. Catharine \'\"augh .\IcCulIough.
Catharine .\IcCulloch.
Mrs. :\\'ery tioolllcy.
Mr. .'\very Coonley.
Mrs. F. W. (.Tushing.
llelen t‘ulver.
Mrs. .\Iice I\'. Carpenter.
Mrs. Charles R. Crane.
(ieorge B. t'aldwell.
Mrs. II. t‘. ('ollieen.
Mrs. \\'. S. (iroshy.
Miss J. Ross Colby.
Mr. Ii. II. tilark.
Mrs. .\. (i. Cox.
Mrs. Rate \\iisner McCluskey.
Mrs. ('yrtts ll. .\lct'ormick.
(”harles II. t‘ameron.
Mrs. John 'I‘aylor t'owles.
Mrs. t'. L. Ilarrow.
Mrs. L. B. Ilond.
Mrs. .\nna t'. llefenhaugh.
Mrs. tiertrude I‘. Iiiugcer.
Mrs. Sophie Itelavan.
Mr. James B. Iloliyne.
.\irs. Margaret M. I)ohync.
Margaret B. Ilohyne.
Mrs. M. II. Iloel.
Mrs. l'il\ira llowney.
Mrs. t'. |.. ilowuey.
Judge \\'. .\lcF.wen.
t‘harlolte II. liastntan.
Mrs. t). II. l‘ierriss.
Laura M. Fixen.
Mrs. J. T. Fouchc.
Carrie Ii. (iihhs.
Mrs. Mary B. tiray.
Mrs. \'\'. F. (iodley.
Mrs. limily (loss.
Mrs. Mary F.. llolmes.
I'iva lee llttnt.
Mrs. F. \\’. lltmt. _
Miss Marion ilealy.
Miss .\lheraiue Ilathaway.
.\l‘iss‘ I\“t‘llt't‘L‘it IIItttL‘s.
Mrs. Mary If. Ileyd.
Mr I), ll. Huston.
Mrs. Ianuah M. llarwood.
Morton I). IIuII.
ll. ll.‘ lli\sou.
Mrs. \‘Cilliani S. Ilolahird.

Mrs. J. V. McIntosh.
Mrs. Rachel Irwin.
Mrs. D. C. Jones.
Carrie W. Johnson.
Walter Clyde Jones.

Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson.

Mrs. Stella Jannotta.
Mrs. Mary H. Knowles.
Mr. \V, B. McKinley.
Mrs. \V. B. McKinley.
Ralph Ii. Keller.

Miss Rate Kellogg.
Mrs. Lillian Kohlhamer.
Mrs. Frank Lillie.

Mrs. Margaret N. Lee.
Mrs. (i. I". Luthringer.
Mr. Frank (7}. Logan.
Mrs. Frank (7}. Logan.
Marion F.. Lichstern.
Mrs. Lyman.

Ida M. Lane.

Mrs. J. .\. McGill.

Mrs. Clara F. Miller.
Mrs. Miller.

Ida Mighell.

l’rof. George Mead.
Mrs. Helen R. Mead.
Mr. John l’. Marsh.
Mrs. John I’. Marsh.
Mr. Harrison Musgrove.
Mrs. I). S. Meyc’trs.

Dr. Franc Morrill.
Mary F. Morrisson.
Mrs. Charles Nagely.
Mrs. I'ICICII Newhall.
Margaret O’Neil.

Mrs. Mary I’emherton.
Judge l‘inckney

Mrs. Mary V. I’inckney.
Mr. John Pirie.

Mrs. H. L. Pitcher.
Mrs. C. H. Phair.

Mr. George M. Reynolds.
Mrs. Margaret Robins.
Mrs. Julius Rosenwald.
Mrs. Lillian Raymond.
Mrs. Judith Ridgway.
Mrs. P. J. Ryan.

Mrs. A. Ripley.

Mrs. Charles H. 'Scrgel.
Mrs. \\'illiam cherin.
Mrs. Isabella Stein.
Mrs. Katherine C. Steward.
Mrs. Mahcl Sippy.

Mr. George .\. Soden,
Mrs. George .\. Sodeu.
Mrs. C. .\. Steinmetz.
Mrs. I’lerhert .-\. Streeter.
Mr. Iohn \\". Scott.
Mr. Robert S. Scott.

Ih‘. Julia llolmes Smith.
Mary Rozct Smith.

.\lr. (Til‘llliflt‘ \\'. Stuck.
Mrs. Clara M". Stout.
.\lrs. Flla S. Stewart.
Mr. Oliver \V'. Stewart.
Mrs. E. L. Stillman.
F.va Munson Smith.

Mr. B. .\. Sunny.

Dr. (‘Iara Todson.

Mrs. M. F. Tuley.
(irace \\'ilhur Trmtt.
llarriette Tavlor Trcadwell.
Mr. Ralph '\'an \‘echten.
Rose ll. \Voed.

Mrs. Mary \\'ilmarth.
Mrs. .\very ti. \Varrl.
Ih‘. Lucy \\'aite.

Mrs tiharlcs \\'illis.
May C. \\'atcrs.

Mrs. Charles \Ychster.
Mrs. If. If. \\'hitncy.

‘ Mrs. II. I). \Vrig‘ht.

Mrs. M. .\. \Vhite.

I'illa Flag‘g Young.

The Illinois Equal Suffrage Associa—
tion has recently issued some new lit-
erature which is meeting with a great
reception from many of the states. The
leaflet, “\Vhat Illinois \\'omen Have Ac-
complished Izy the Vote.” compiled by
Mrs. E. L. Stewart. organization chair—
man for the State ."\ssociation, is a sum—
mary of the activity of the women of
the State since they became citizens.
Calls for the new leaflet have come
from many of the states which are nec—
essarily interested in what way the wom—
en have really helped and changed con—
ditions in the different sections of the


The leatlet on “The Mayors of Illi—
uois .\ppreciate the Benefits of'Equal
Suffrage” carries with it many strong
endorsements of the woman’s part re—
cently played in the political elections
throughout the State.


;\ cockney Long‘shoreman was telling
his friend how he had argued down his
wife who, on her way home from a
woman suffrage meeting. had tried to
convert him to the cause.

“She says to me: 'wimmcu ought to
have the vote.’

"'G'arn.’ I says.

”‘Livin’ ’II he better for all of us if
we help make the laws,’ she says.

“‘G’arn,’ I says.

“\Vell, Bill. she stopped after that. My
arguments were too strong for her.”


You’d hetter watch out;
For Grace \\'ilhur Trout
l’uts men’s plans to rout.
Sends politics up spout.

\\'ith dignified “Grace."
\\"c've found a new trace
0t" woman‘s true place
In humanity‘s race.

For Grace \\'ilhur Trout

\Ve’ll give a loud shout.

.\nd when she goes out

\\'eill still bait for “Trout."



The National .\merican \\'oman‘s Sm?
frage .\ssociation has sent out the Call
to the Forty—seventh Conventimt to he
held in \\'ashingtou. I). C.. December
14—19. At: this annual convention the
work of the past year will he reported.
plans and policies for the coming year
discussed. The Call is signed hy Dr.
.\nua lloward Shaw and her Board of


Mrs. \V. Berger was recently elected
l’residcnt of the. Milwaukee School
Board. and is the only woman in the.
country and also the first member of
the Socialist party to hold such a posi-
tion. She is the wife. of ex—t.‘ong‘ress1mtn
Victor Berger.

Little Miss Horner
Stood in a corner
Making a suffrage speech—

- ”ller logic and brain."

Said the women. “are plain."
But the man said. ".-\in‘t she a peach!"

lhc lilinois Equal





Suffrage Association

PEORIA, ILL., OCTOBER 28, 29, 30




This Bulletin is put forward by the Press Bureau of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association to which communications and marked copies may he artdrwscd




October, 1915


VOL. III. No. 7



Ob' t, The object of this association shall be to secure for women ifull suffrage, to stimulate
J CC -_intcrest in civic affairs, and to work for political, legal, and industrial equality.





First Vice President
MRS. H. M. Brown, Peoria, Ill.
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary
MRS. MARGARET C. CARR, Ottawa, 111.


MRS. MARY BUSEY, Urbana, Ill.
MRS. J. VJ. McGRAW, Glencoe, Ill.

BURG, Belleville, Ill.

Aid the state by your subscription to
this Bulletin, which is issued monthly,
25 cents a year.




In accordance with the custom and
constitution of the Illinois litpial Suf—
frage .\ssociatiou for the past 46 years.
the regular annual (.‘onvcntion oi the
State .-\ssociatirm will he held in l’coria.
October 28. 2‘) and 30. The organization
is a delegate hody called together an—
nually to plan legislative work {or the
purpose, of securing full suffrage or safe—
guarding when any opposition measures
arise. to enthuse and arouse the women
of the state to wider activity in civic
affairs and the more extended use of the

The. program is rich in suggestions for
higher constructive work. \\'hile a num—
her of prominent speakers will appear
on the program. the delegates them—
selves are to give the general reports

and lead in the discussions. liach dclc-
gate will gather her own individual in—
spiration and hring her own message
to the Convention. leside the reports
on the floor of the (fonvention there
will he a number of round—table con—
ferences where time will he given to the
discussion of special subjects.

The delegates are urged to keep in
mind the two evening programs, which
will he hrilliant in character aml present.
many prominent speakers. ()11 Thursday
evening Mrs. (irace \\'ilhur Trout will
deliver hcr annual address. She will he

-followed hy two of the State Senators

in the last Legislature. (In Friday eve—
ning a suffrage nanduct will he given in
the Gold Room of the Jefferson Hotel.
This occasion will again present a pro-
gram of splendid speakers and enter—
tainers. Miss Jennie F. \\'. Johnson.
contralto, who has for many years been
the 'I‘reasurer for the State .\ssociatiou,
will give a program of songs. Miss Zona
(iale. the well known author and writer
on suffrage and civic topics. will read
from her Friendship \"illage Stories.
Manyprominent mcmhers ofthe .\‘ational
and State Legislative bodies will also ap—
pear on the program. Delegates wish—
ing to attend the landuet should make
their reservation at once with Mrs. H.
M. Brown. .\ll reservations for enter--
tainment should he made with Mrs. F.
.t\. Richards. 4W3 \\7oolner Building.
I eoria. (In 'l‘hursday afternoon lit-tween
4 and o o'clock a reception will he tend—
ered the delegates hy the \\'onian
'I‘eachers' t‘luh of I‘eoria in their cluh

It is expected that every memher of
the l‘ixecutive Ioard of the State .\ss
sociation will he in attendance at th.-
Convention. The following program has
neen arranged:

Thursday Morning, 9:30 A. M.


.\ddress of \\'elt‘onlt'. .\Iayot‘ I‘:. .\i.

(ireetings. .\ssociatiou of t'ommerce.
Mr. \\'alter (i. t‘ansey.

tireetings hy I’eoria \\'omau's tiluh.
Mrs. t‘. X. t‘ollius.

(ireeting‘s from (‘ivic Federation, Mrs.
.\lva Merrill.

(ireetings front l’eoria l'iilual Suffrage
.\ssociatiou. Mrs. II. M. Brown.

Response. Mrs. (i. .\. Soden.

Report of lx’ecording Secretary, Mrs.
_Ittilitlt \\i. I.oe\vetttll:tl.

Report of (iorresponding Secretary.
Mrs. Fdward L. Stewart,

Report of Chairman Finance ('ommit-
tee. I)r. Lucy \\'aite.

Report of 'I‘reasurer. Miss Jennie F.
\'\i. Johnson.

leport of Auditor, Mrs. Margaret (7.

Thursday Afternoon, 1:30 P. M.

Report of Literature (ihairnlan. Mrs.
II. (i. Newton.

Report of I’ress t'hairman, Miss Mar—
garet B. I)oliyne.

Report of Legislative t‘hairman. Mrs.
J. \\'. Mctiraw.

Report of (‘ouncil of \\'omen \"oters,
I)r. Lucy \\'aite.

Support of ()rganization. Mrs. Laura
ti. Fixen. .

Report of t)1':.:ani7.atioti Lhalrntau.
.\lrs. If. I.. Stewart.

Spot Map and t'ivic I'rimer, Mrs. .\i.
I). McKinney.

Ile I\alh \\oods. Ilr. M. I). Brown,

\\'llat Httawa llas .\ccomplisIn-d tor
the Betterment of Its Schools, .\Irs. .\lar
garet ('. (‘arr.

\Vhat Has Been .\ceomplished for the
Betterment oi l‘rhana Schools. Mrs.
Marv Bust-y.

.\it‘illool and Home (iat‘tlells. Mrs. ('Iar-
ence Ilaas.

School Qtltsliotls.

School \\'elfare (lottliltiltee.

To \'\'hat I'ixtent Should the \Voman's
(‘Iuhs Take an Interest in t'ivic and
I'olitical (ionditions in Their (our



Illinois Equal Suffrage Association
MRS. H. C. NEWTON, Chairman
604 Tower Building, CHICAGO

Send for complete catalogue of Suffrage
Literature and Novelties.

Illinois Laws Concerning Women and Children by LUCY B. OWEN. Price 50 cents

The Fumlameutal Principles of the Different l’arty I’Iatformsm-A‘Irs. \\'illiam B. ()wen.... $ .to

How the .\ew Illinots Voter lised ller First Ballot—sMrs.
Soeial Forces ............................................................. ~ . V
liqual Suffrage in Its Relation to l’olitieal I’:trtiesv~(.race \Vilhur
Ready Reference on l’rincipal Parliamentary Points—«Mary Redheld I‘lumn.er. _

Leather, $1.01); cloth ....................................... 3
Civic Improvement in the Little Towns——Miss 3
Results ........................ ...)
Illinois Voters' Ilandhook, Mrs. L. Belle Goodman ........ 3
The \\'oman Voter's Ilandy Guide .........................

\\'ontan Suffrage. lIistory, Argument and

Newton .............................. .‘tS



Trout .............................. .tm


Zona Gale





munity, Mrs. DeWitt Garrison, Mrs. E.
L. Stillman.
Thursday Evening, 8:00 P. M.
Annual Address, Mrs. Grace Wilbur
Address, Senator W. Duff Piercy.
Address, Senator John Dailey.

Friday Morning, 9:30 A. M.

City Wards, Mrs. Ida Darling Engelke.

Federated Clubs of Greenville, Dr.
Louise Ravold. _

Ward Club Federation, Mrs. Judith

Commission Form of Government,
Mrs. Villa Cole Case.

Commission Form of Government,
Mrs. George. Palmer. ‘_ 7

City Business Manager, Miss Rath-
erine l’orter.

Need of a Civic Efficiency Bureau,
Mrs. A. II. Schweizer.

Consideration of Charity Funds, Mrs.
James Danskin. _ '

l’ractical l’olitics, Mrs. 11. N. Striker.

The Relation of Party Politics to Stif—
frage, Mrs. Joanna Downes.

The Relation of Party Politics to Suf-‘
frage, Mrs. William Severin.

Friday Afternoon, 1:30 P. M.
l’ublic llance llalls, Mrs. Charles

l’ool Rooms, Mrs. W. A. Boland.

J.’olicewomen and Juvenile Courts,
Mrs. \/V. S. Mack.

The Enforcement of Ordinances, Mrs.
G. \V. Wilkinson.

A Dry Campaign. Mrs. B. V. Tovcy.

I)anville's Message, Mrs. If. G. Cooley.

Farm Life, Mrs. Alexander Storm.

Farm Life, Mrs. Foster.

How to (iet New Members for Your
Organization. Mrs. Maud Cain Taylor.

The l’roblcms of the Small Towns,
Mrs. Stella H. McClung.

The l’roblems of the Small Towns,
Mrs. Blanche B. West.

Patriotism Applied to Civics, Mrs. Car-
rie A. Bahrenburg.

\Nhat the State Association Can Ac—
complish, Mrs. H. M. Brown.

Friday Evening

Music, Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson.

Greetings, Congressman Claude U.
Stone. .

Suffrage from the Legislative Stand—
point, Senator Richard J. Barr. ‘

Greetings, Senator Hugh S. McGill.

Greetings, Senator M. H. Cleary.

Reading, A Friendship Village Story,
Miss Zona Gale.

Music, Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson.

Toast. Marriage and Suffrage, Mrs.
Frank Shepherd.

Saturday Morning, 9:30 A. M.

Report of Revision Committee, Miss
Margaret B. Dobyne.

Report of Congressional Chairman,
Mrs. Charles VVilmot.

Report of Industrial Committee, Miss
Alice Henry.

Suffrage Interest Among the Negro
Women, Mrs. Ida Wells Barnett.

The Work of the Chicago Political
Equality League, Mrs. Harriet S. Thomp—

Social Legislative Work at Springfield,
Miss Kate Adams.

FOR SALE—A great chance to get a

high grade electric automobile. Good
bargain; worth looking into. Apply
Suffrage Headquarters, 604 Tower Bldg.


The declaration of President Wilson
on the Suffrage Amendment to be voted
in New Jersey comes as a climax to the
work of the campaigners in the four
campaign states.

His stand will not only affect the state
of New Jersey, but will act on the other
states about to hold elections. On Octo-
ber 19, the men of New 'Jersey will
vote on the Amendment, which if car—
ried will have a tremendous affect on the
whole suffrage situation. New Jersey
men cannot afford to be tried and found
wanting. They have as fine mothers,
wives and sisters, whose capacity is the
equal of any other group of women.
Whether the men of New Jersey Show
the great spirit of the men of the West
will be revealed on October 19.

Many of the President’s cabinet ment-
bers have also declared for equal suf-
frage and in the campaign states will
cast their votes for the suffrage amend—
ment. Secretaries McAdoo, Garrison,
Ix’edfield, \V’ilson and Tumulty, all voters
in some of the campaign states, have
taken the stand which will give a great
impetus to this most important election
which will affect the women citizens.

Colonel Roosevelt is appealing to the
men of New Jersey to come out and
support the suffrage amendment. He
says, “I, ask every decent, self—respect-
ing citizen, who has the right to vote, to
join the movement to secure for women
the suffrage now denied them.”


As the time for the Presidential Pri—
maries is approaching, the part that the
women voters of the country will play
in the election is of some interest to
political candidates. At the present time
more than 4,000,000 vote in the United
States and these women will vote for the
Presidential Electors in the next gen—
eral election in 1916.



State Year \Von Votes
\Vyoming ............................ 1869
Colorado ............................ 1893
Idaho .................................... 1896
Utah ...................................... 1896
Washington ...................... 1910
California ............................ 1911
Arizona ................................ 1912
Kansas .................................. 1912
Oregon ................................ 1912
Illinois .................................. 1913
Alaska .................................. 1913
Nevada ................................ 1914
Montana ................................ 1914 4

N >—‘ i—A

f.» l


Suffrage Headquarters recently enter—
tained a man of wide and interesting ex-
perience, when Colonel John Sobieski,
an American citizen by naturalization,
called to congratulate the women of
Illinois on the right of citizenship and
the accomplishment of great things.
Coloniel Sobieski is a Polish exile of
noble birth, who as a child had to leave
his country with his mother because his
father and other male relatives had
dared to fight and give up their lives for
the freedom of the Poles. He is a resi-
dent of California and worked to give
the women the ballot when they won in


The action of Mayor Thompson in his
message to the City Council on October
4 is covered by the Revised Statutes of
Illinois, which says: “Whoever keeps
open any tippling house or place where
liquor is sold or given away upon the
first day of the week, commonly called
Sunday, shall be fined not exceeding
two hundred dollars ($200).”

The Mayor says: “I have recently re-
ceived communications from citizens of
Chicago that liquor is sold in this city
on Sunday in violation of the State
Laws. 1 have referred these communi—
cations to the Corporation Counsel for
an opinion as to what is the law in re—
gard thereto.

“It being my duty as Mayor to take
care so far as lies within my power that
the law is faithfully executed in the city,
I hereby direct that saloons or dram
shops shall comply with the law and
close on Sundays, and the City Collector
is hereby ordered immediately to notify
in writing all persons to whom he has
issued licenses for saloons or dram
shops, that such persons must comply
with the requirements of the state law.”

The Mayor’s message brought to the
people and especially the women of Chi—
cago the assurance that he would sup—
portand enforce the state laws if the
people indicated their desire for such

The law has long been ignored by the
previous mayors of the city with' the
result that many abusesof law and order
have crept in.

One of the effects of the Mayor’s Sun—
day Closing Ordinance of Saloons has
been a marked decrease in the demand
for Special Bar Permits, to be used in
public dances. The issuing of permits
for Saturday and Sunday night dances
with Special Bar privileges where the
sale of liquor has continued until 3
O’clock in the morning has been fought
in the City Council by a few aldermen
who have been supported by many
women who have investigated and found
out that the youth of the city was be-
ing demoralized in this way.

Aldermen and citizens seemed help-
less to change this condition which the
Mayor’s sweeping order will now wipe
out, if the police department does its
part. The sale of liquor will stop from
the hours of 12 o’clock Saturday night to
Monday morning. And with the removal
of this evil will come a better chance
to bring the boys and girls of the city
to higher standards of morals and rec—



At a meeting of the State Board of the
Illinois Equal Suffrage Association at
its regular session in State Head—
quarters, October 5, a motion prevailed
that a letter be sent to the Mayor of
Chicago approving his action in the en-
forcement of the Sunday Closing Law.
The State Board stands for the enforce—
ment of all law and believes that law
enforcement works for the best interest
of all the people.

“There are a million women in New
York State who want to vote,” says Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt, chairman of the
Empire State Campaign Committee.
“We get this figure as the result of two
years’ canvassing for suffrage.”




In reviewing the work of the Legis-
lature of 1915 the measures considered
affecting women and children are the
essential interests of the new citizens
represented by the women of Illinois.

Those measures that were introduced
by the Industrial or Labor Committee.
including the minimum wage for women,
the eight—hour day for women, and
child labor bill, which should have been
passed in the 49th General Assembly,
but which were allowed to go down to
defeat, have left the State of Illinois in
arrear of more progressive states.

“As there was introduced into the
Legislature a Bill to repeal the suffrage
law the fear of many women of the
state that the suffrage act might be re—
pealed proved to be unfounded. The
State President, Mrs. Grace Wilbur
Trout, and the Legislative Chairman,
Mrs. J. \V. McGraw, were in constant
attendance during the entire session of
the Legislature, looking after the inter—
ests of the women. Several measures cal-
culated to extend woman's suffrage were
defeated at their request. It required
some explanation to many real friends
of suffrage to show that it was unwise
at this time to amend the suffrage act
in any way. Legal advisers warned that
any amendment might open the way for
further attacks on the constitutionality
of the original suffrage law, and again
compel the women to carry on a long
and expensive court fight tc keep their
present suffrage rights.”

Beside the suffrage interest in the
Legislature there were a number of
other measures in which the women
were directly interested, and for which
they worked throughout the session of
the Legislature. Among these were the
Vital Statistics Bill, which was a Bill
conforming with the laws of other states.
enforcing the recording of births by doc—
tors, midwives or parents under penalty
for failure to comply with the law. Un—
der this Bill, provision for prevention
of blindness among children was made
through the free distribution of remedies
by the state authorities. Maternity hos—
pitals are to be more carefully inspected
and regulated through public super—

Granting the use of public schools as
social centers was an act which will
make more accessible these institutions
which rightly belong to the nublie
Granted also the right to establish and
maintain facilities for physical culture in
the schools of the state. Small cities of
the state will be allowed under the law
to provide parks and playgrounds. ;\
moving picture censorship law protects
the people of the state from unscru-
pulous business interests. Likewise pro—
vision was made for the special training
of delinquent and defective children.
The State Board of Education is au—
thorized to inspect and supervise the
plans for school buildings outside of the
city of Chicago.

The state was given the power to es—
tablish custodial care over the feeble—
minded and the use of special buildings
for their detention and training.

A state—wide pension law for teachers
of the state outside of the city of Chi-

A measure was passed for the better

support of wife and children in the Bill
which amended the Mothers Pension
Act to include mothers with dependent
children deserted by their husbands for
longer than two years.

We now have a law for the punish—
ment of adults causing delinquency or
crime in children which provides that
others than parents are made liable for
contributing to juvenile delinquency
through fine and impristmment not ex—
ceeding one year.

The passage of two Bills, the Injunc—
tion and Abatement Act, and the Aboli—
tion of the Fining System Dealing with
inmates of houses of ill—fame. marks the
most effective piece, of legislative work
since the women of Illinois have wielded
a direct influence through the ballot.
The power of citizens through the In—
junction and Abatement law to hold
property owners responsible for the ac—
tion of tenants to prevent lcwdness and
the practise of prostitution is one of the
greatest safeguards against the demoral—
ization of the young. For the continu—
ation of the offense property owners will
be subject to line and condemnation of
property for a period of one year.

Through the Committment Act the
courts are given power to commit in—
mates of houses of ill—fame to correc—
tional institutions which will provide
training and treatment and continuous
care for the reformation of such vic-

A Bill was passed to allow persons on
probation to pay fines upon the install—
ment plan. The Legislature passed a
Bill to amend the Free Employment law
and place the State Employment Bureau
in the hands of an efficient State Board.
Under this Act provision was made for
a Woman’s Department in the new
bureau, for women seeking work and
women sought to fill positions.

The passage of these laws by men
who were not elected by the votes of
women gives a hopeful outlook to the
women of the state in the extension of
their power to full suffrage.

How Women Voted:

The Chicago Public says of the women
citizens of Illinois: “How the women
voted interests a few Illinois politicians.
That they voted is of world—wide in—

The State of Illinois has a population
which includes 1,600,000 women voters.
In the Fall election of 1916 Illinois wom—
en may vote for twenty—nine Presiden-
tial electors. Since they became citizens
three general elections have been held in
which women have participated. In the
first election, April. 1914, the number of
Chicago women registered was 218,000.
Of that number 163,852 women voted,
or 73 per cent of those registered, as
compared with 473,000 men registered.
323,821 men voted, or 72 per cent of
those registered. Men have voted ever
since Chicago was founded; women
voted for the first time.

In the Spring election of 1915 the first
mayoralty election in which the women
of the State participated, there were
286,000 women registered in Chicago.
248,706 voted, or 86 per cent of the num-
ber registered, as against 88 per cent
of the registered men’s vote. \fVomen

.throughout the State have voted in even

larger proportion for candidates and
upon important issues. In some places

the vote has been evenly divided among
the men and the women.


The ”Literary Digest” of October 9
prints among other statements front
hundreds of editors, the following from
the Spt‘kane “llaily Chronicle":

"A live—year test of equal sntl‘rage has
not converted the State of \\"ashington
into a sweet and snakclcss (iarden of
Eden, but it has brought into action a
tremendous new force for honesty, bet-
ter morals, temperance, aml cleaner liv—
ing. It has multiplied the list of inde—
pendent voters; it has aroused a kecner
interest in the. duties of government to—
ward the poor, sick and unfortunate; it
has put fresh support behind every law~
maker and every official who cares more
for humanity than dollars. It has made
it foolish for the rounder to run for of—
fice or for the grafter or boodlcr once.
exposed to seek election again. The
people of \\.ashington favor equal suff—
rage heartily. today, tomorrow
and as long as the Republic stands."


For the first time since its organiza«
tion, wives, daughters, sisters and wom<
en friends of members of the t‘ar I’ore-
man’s ."\ssociation were permitted to at—
tend its annual business meeting.

"Since the women have been granted
the right to vote." said Aaron Kline.
secretary of the association, "we want to
show our wives and daughters how bus-
iness men do business at a business


”The working women outside of this
and other suffrage states need the vote
because they are working citizens who
work beside men, and it is not fair to
them or to the. men if they do not have.
the vote."

This was the. statement made by Miss
Mary McDowell, vice president of the
\IVoman’s Trade Union League of (‘hi—
cago, at the opening session of the sec-
ond annual conference of the league.
“There are 8,000,000 working women
in the United States,” continued Miss
I\"Icl)owcll. “The women must organize
and look after themselves. The gar-
ment Workers in Chicago today are lry~
ing to do that.”

“This is a (Thristlike movement," said
Victor Olandcr, secretary of the Illinois
State Federation of Labor; “it always
holds human values above everything
else and invariably in the general sum—
ming up accomplishes some great good.”

lionds for a new 'l‘ownship High
School of Bellevillc were recently voted
by the women after the project had been
three times dcf‘atcd by the men at the

Mrs. Carrie Alexander iahrenburg.
member of the foard of the State As—
sociation, has long been a resident of
Belleville and worked for the interests
of the women and the community.

While attending the National Encamp-
ment of the Grand Army of the Repub-
lic. Mrs. Bahrenburg was elected Na-
tional President of the VVoman’s Relief


 BuIletln No. 3

Nebraska Suffrage News

Headquarters: Brandeis Theatre Building. Omaha



Suffrage in 1914.

The general impression that the
state will have no 1913 election un-
less established by a decision of the
Supreme Court, has led the Executive
Board of the Nebraska Suffrage As—
sociation to decide upon an initiative
petition campaign for an amend-
ment to be submitted to the voters
in November, 1914. The petition
form came from the legislature in its
closing days, leaving too little time
for securing the necessary 38,000
signers before July lst, had the mat—
ter of an election been less uncer—

Ohio, which will bring its suffrage
amendment under the initiative next
year, is now organizing for petition
work, the Attorney General having
ruled that signers may be secured
this year if the date of the election
is stated. If a similar ruling can be
secured from Nebraska’s Attorney
General, a whirlwind campaign for
signers will be planned for the fall
months and a large part of the peti-
tion secured before winter.

To insure rolling up a petition
even larger than required by law,
and the final victory of the amend-
ment, an increasingly aggressive
campaign for thorough organization
must be waged. Every county must
be roused to action. and inspired to
do its best for this just cause. \Vake
up! Organize! Work!

Mississippi Valley Conference.

The Mississippi Valley Suffrage
Conference of nineteen states drawn
together in the fixed purpose of se—
curing the ballot for