xt70rx937t9n_425 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Diocesan News text Diocesan News 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_11/Multipage18778.pdf 1910-1919 1919 1910-1919 section false xt70rx937t9n_425 xt70rx937t9n DIOCESAN N


Published In the Tuterest of tbé Diocese of Eexington.





NO. 7




,' The commencement exercises of Mar-
garet College began with'the Alumnae
Reunion, Saturday, June 7, when a
good number of former graduates gath-
ered for the business meeting and the
tea which followed.

Sunday morning the Bishop admin.-
istered confirmation to a class of five
women and girls and preached a sermon
on Patience which touched and helped
us all. In the afternoon at five o’clock
the baccalaureate service was held in
the parish church, the Rev. John Gass,
rector of the Church of the Ascension,
Frankfort, being the preacher. His
subject was ”Strength”, (from Judges
16:6, HTell me, I pray thee, wherein
thy great strength lieth,”) and he de-
veloped it in a thoughtful and suggest-
ive way.

MOnday afternoon cl'aSs day exer-‘i

cises were held in the gymnasium and
followed by the crowning of the
Queen on the lawn. Three interesting
and well performed dramatic scenes
were given after the crowning of the
Queen by the pupils under the direc-
tion of Miss Margaret Harris, teacher
of Expression. As a memory gift the
graduating class presented a beautiful
Clock for the students’ sitting room”

,The commencement took place at
ten o'clock Tuesday morning, Judge
Charles Kerr delivering the address,
which bore especially upon the respon-
sibilities and opportunities young
women will meet under the new condi-
tions of life now coming to them. This
address appeared the following Sunday
in the magazine section of the Lexing-
ton Herald.

Bishop Burton delivered the certifi-
cates to the six graduates: Miss
Martha Anderson Talbot, Paris, Ky.;
Miss Marian Elizabeth Porter, Beatty-
ville; Miss Frances Johnson Taylor,
Frankfort; Miss Mary Allen Stout,
Versailles; Miss Mary Belle Murray,
Frankfort, and Miss Alice ,Clark Kel-
logg, Richmond. The whole class was


commended for unusually good stand-
ing in scholarship; and special com-
mendation was made of Miss Frances
Tagylonwho for a period of three years

had maintaine’d' a"'"gen‘e.ral“average of:

ninety-six, and of Miss Alice Clark
Kellogg, who for a period of one year
and a half had also maintained a gen—
eral average of ninety-six.

At the conclusion of the exercises,
luncheon was served to the school and
guests. The attendance at all the ex-
ercises, including the baccalaureate
service, was excellent, many visitors
coming from Louisville, Lexington,
Frankfort, Paris, Winchester, Beatty-
ville, and other parts of the state.

The prospects for next year, both in
the boarding department and the day
school, are very bright. The school is
in a most prosperous condition.



St. John’s Collegiate Institute, Cor—
bin, Ky., held its 18th commencement
the sixth of June.

The exercises were preceded by a
celebration of the Holy Communion
in the chapel, the Bishop being the
celebrant and the Archdeacon officia-
ting as the deacon and Mr. Burman the

lay reader, assisting. The student body

assembled in Thomas Hall andin pro-
cessional marched to St.John’s Chapel.

The baccalaureate sermon was preach—
ed by Bishop Burton. His topic was
Christian Education. The sermon Was
an eloquent and forceful presentation
of the value of Christian education as
the vital need of the age for individual
character building and as a sovereign
remedy for the lawless spirit of the age:
a spirit that has contributed largely to
the wave of crime and moral disintegra-
tion that has threatened to submerge
all that is best in our social fabric and
that reached its climax in a world war.
It is to be regretted that a message so
informing and so stimulating should
not have had a more prominent occa-
sion and a more adequate setting than


could be provided by a school com-
mencement. V -

In the evening the student body
participated in the formal commence- .
m'ent Exercises. The ArchdeacOn of
the diocese, President of the school,
delivered the address in place of Bishop
Burton, who was called to Lexington
by the death and funeral of a personal
friend. _‘

The Archdefacon’s address was a
practical talk upon the value, in life’s
work, of educating s forcefully
illustrated by the ”ding of letters
from former graduates and by a recital
of the success of a large number of St.
John’s former pupils. A list of the
names and occupation of 109 graduates,
including those from the academic and
industrial department, was also read,
and produced a profound impression.
upon those present,being received with

“prolonged applause.

A miscellaneous program, consisting
of recitations, chorus singing, and
speeches of exceptional interest and
excellence, was rendered. The class
oration was a credit to the speaker, his
teachers and the school.

Mr. H. E. Wentworth, the Superin-
tendent, addressed the class and and-
ience in a few well chosen words, re-
viewing the work of the school year,
and in appreciation of his co-workers—4
particularly thatof Mrs.Starnes, Matron;
Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Henry and Miss
Henry, members of the faculty. The
Archdeacon supplemented these well
earned appreciations by adding the
name of the Superintendent and his
wife, to whose efficiency, self-sacrifice,
and unwearied labors during the year,
under exceptionally trying circum-
stances, the school was enahLed to ac-
complish its work. wi.

It is only justice to say (though none
of those concerned would desire to
have it mentioned) that one and all
have given unstintedly of their talents
and their time, and on several occasions
no small part of their salaries, to meet
the financial difficulties that the school
had to face. '





July, 1919



The Matron, Mrs. Viola Starnes, notland has by his advice, encouragment,
only donates her services, but has also and personal credit, contributed very

contributed a full scholarship.
H. E. Wentworth also contributes her

Mrs. largely to the success attained.

The third feature contemplated the

services. The Superintendent, Mr. H. ,purchase, equipment, stocking and or-

E. Wentworth, receives only a part of'
his salary from the school. Mr. Fred

Burman, Lay Reader, and his wife, havel

ganization of a farm located near the
school. The cost of the land was

$18,000; the equipment, stocking, etc.,

also contributed in no small measure to $4,000. Funds for financing the latter,

the year’s success of the mission and‘
school by their cooperation in the
school work and by the inspiration of
their sympathetic spirit and Christian

Bishop Burton publicly and privately
expressed his gratification in the fact—
apparent in both the spiritual and
material condition of the work—that
the school had accomplished so much
under the most trying conditions.

The diocese may well be proud of
St. John’s Collegiate Institute, which
has won the hearty commendation of
Diocesan and Board of Mission Officers.



Three years ago, Archdeacon Went-
worth laid before the Bishop and Minor
Chapter a plan to provide St. John’s
Collegiate Institute and Industrial
School with a more regular and adequate
source of funds for its support. The
scheme embraced three features: First,
to secure a deeper interest and larger
financial help from the Diocese and
General Board of Missions. Second,
to reorganize the work, with a view to
increased local support for its operating
expenses. Third, to provide increased
facilities for students to earn a part of
their expenses and for a cheaper source
of table supplies, finally laying the
foundation for an endowment.

The Minor Chapter did not then
think that the diocese was able. in view
of its own heavy financial obligation,to
render any substantial help. The Arch-
deacon then volunteered to finance

W“""‘\--’thcsc projects upon his own responsi-

bility and credit until such times as the






enterprise was out of debt. With the,
approval of the Bishop and Chapter,’
the project was undertaken by the:

Archdeacon, and has been successsully;
carried out.

Bishop Burton has heartily endorsedl
the Archdeacon’s project and plans,

the Archdeacon has provided out of
his official and personal funds and
credit, assisted by the Bishop. _

The Archdeacon has been heartily
commended by the Board of Missions
for his success under the adverse con-
ditions created by the war, and have
themselves acknowledged that the per—
sistent warnings of Bishop Burton and
the Archdeacon during the past four
years have contributed, in Hno small
degree,” to the inception and execution
of the nation—wide campaign for the
missionary and educational work of
our church. The diocese of Lexington
is to be congratulated for having within
its borders not only a missionary school
of such standing as to secure the inter-
est of Diocesan and General Boards of
Missions, but also men with vision suf—
ficiently far-reaching and, practical as
to plan such a school, and with faith
and courage equal to the task of pro-
ducing results.



In accordance with a suggestion re-
ceived by this committee from Mr.
Marston, of Lexington, efforts have
been made to secure the following in-
formation from" every Sunday school in
the diocese, but with little success so

1. Give the total number of scholars
in the Sunday school.

2. Give the total amount of the
Lenten Offering for Missions made by
the Sunday School this year.

3. Give the total number of Mite
Boxes issued to the Sunday school.

May we not ask those responsible to
please send the required information to
the Rev. Thomas L. Settle, Box 219,
Middlesboro, Ky., by return mail.

According to the latest reports
received from Mr. George Gordon
King, our diocese is far behind in the
amounts due on the apportionment for





General Missions this year. , Believing
that the present plan of sub-dividing
the Apportionment amongst the differ-
ent churches and missions is as fair as
it can be made, your Committee feel
that they are justified in urging prompt
attention, by those responsible for these
payments, to this matter. It is a serious
thing to assume the responsibilities of
diverting funds intended for the spread—
ing of Christ's church amongst men to
the payment of interest on borrowed
monies, and yet the Board must meet
its bills as they come due, and unless
the Church sees to it that the appor-
tionments are met as they become due,
the Board has no other way to meet its
bills than borrowing from the banks,
thus incurring interest charges. Let
the Diocese of Lexington at least be
free from this reproach.



Two conferences were held during
June in the interest of the Million
Dollar Endowment Fund for the Uni-
versity of the South. One was held at
Lexington on June 12; the other at
Covington on June 13. At both these
conferences both clergy and laity were
represented, and the Endowment Cam-
paign presented and explained by Mr.
Frank J. Resler, Field Secretary for the
University of the South, and his col-
league, Mr. Milner.

The diocesan quota in this campaign
was accepted at each of these confer-
ences, as was also the time suggested
for the campaign in this diocese.

It was further decided that there be
a regional committee for each of the
two districts for which conferences were
held, and that the work of these two
committees be centralized in and di-

rected by a central committee, which
will arch over these two regional com-

These committees are now being
formed, and further information will be
given in later issues of the NEWS.


159-163 North Broadway.
Furniture and Household Goods
Moved, Packed, or Stored.



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July, 1919






June 12, 1919.
Mr. VVickes \Vamboldt, Campaign Di-

rector, Sewanee Endowment Fund,
Chattanooga, Tenn.

My dear Mr. \Wam‘boldt’: It is the
easiest thing in the world to secure this
endowment fund for Sewanee, provided
the proper method is used; it is easier,
still, to fail, provided the wrong method
is followed. All the knowledge in the
world may be imparted, but that
method, alone, will not create interest,
will not cause a desire to be manifested,
much less action secured. The free
Supper is absolutely essential to the
success of the Campaign. It is only
in that way that other men, especially
the non—churchmen, can be stirred to
feel the same interest in Slewanee that
we do. It is also essential that every
one be given an opportunity to give,
whether churchmen or not. Often
these are among our best subscribers.

I consider it a great privilege to be
the Rector of the first Parish to go
“over the top” in this Campaign for
Sewanee. Our success was due to the
fact that we followed the business—like
program outlined by you. There can
be no failure either for parish, mission
or Diocese when such a plan is fol—
lowed. The Church is anxious and
ready to stand behind Sewanee when
she is once shown the way.

My parish, as you know, is not one
of the largest parishes in Atlanta, and
I must confess than when I heard what
our quota was to be I had misgivings.
I felt that it would cripple our Easter
offering; I had visions of my own
salary failing to be paid. But then I
thought of Sewanee and all she had
done for the Church; how she was
absolutely essential to the life of the
Church; what she had done for the
Nation, and what she had done for
me, and I resolved that, as far as I
was concerned, she would not fail. I
brought the matter before my Vestry
and immediately they objected because
of local needs. My first duty was to
convert them, which I did, with the
assistance of Mr. Dana, and. gained
their support. An executive committee
was appointed, consisting of our best
and most energetic business men.


Plans were worked out along business
lines, the field mapped out; also those
who could give, and the amount we
thought they ought to give. A date
was set for the Campaign to close; the
committee began the canvassing, giv-
ing a whole day to it, and the amount
was over—subscribed. The Church of
the Incarnation went “over the top”
before the Campaign even began. But
that is only part of the story. My
men were organized as a working force.
Instead of the Easter offering falling
off it' trebled that of last year; caused
a men’s club to be organized; gave
impetus to the plan to erect a $6,000.00
Parish house right away, and has made
us resolve to double our budget for the
coming year. I know that the results
will be the same in any parish that
undertakes the Campaign in the same
unselfish, non—parochial spirit.

With every good wish for the suc—
cess of the Campaign, and with the
deepest love for Sewanee, I am,

Faithfully yours,

[Signed] Israel H. Noe,

P. S. I know the Campaign can be
“put over" in this Diocese; and I would
hate mightily to see it fail.


Sixty—eight dioceses were completely
organized for the Nation—wide Cam—
paign on June 21 and ten others also
have endorsed the project but have'not
yet reported their organization.

The personnel of the National Com-
mittee to be composed of the diocesan
campaign chairman and others to be
named by Bishop Lloyd, chairman of
the present Campaign executive com—
mittee, which also includes Dr. Patton,
the Rev. R. Bland Mitchell, Miss Grace
Lindley, the Rev. \/Villiam E. Gardner,
I).D., and the Rev. Augustine Elmen—
dorf, will be announced early in July.
The appointment of this committee is
in accordance with the resolution
passed at the Chicago Nation-wide
Campaign Conference in June and
which also provides for a supple—
mentary survey of the needs of each
Province as well as the individual
dioceses and parishes for which blanks
have been sent out and in most cases


returned already to the Campaign’s
Central Office.

As this issue of the News goes to
press the Survey Committee of the
Diocese of Lexington is holding a meet—
ing in the Parish House of the
Cathedral in Lexington.

From the Board of Missions—Plans
for the work of the Nation—wide Cam-
paign move on apace. ‘Most of the
dioceses have appointed committees
and many of these committees are now
hard at work. A conference of one
hundred bishops, other clergy and lay—
men was held in Saint James’ Church,
Chicago, June fourth to sixth, and the
time was spent in discussing the details
of the campaign from every angle.
One of the speakers summed up the
mind of the conference in these words:
Let us keep clearly before our minds
that while there is need for money, the
primary and essential purpose of the
campaign is the reorganization of the
Church. If we lose sight of that, no
matter what we raise in dollars the
effort is a failure. We have started to
bring to the Church the great work of
the lVIaster Himself—to convert the
Church, to convert ourselves, to con-
vert us of the clergy, to make us feel
our obligation.


Calvary, Ashland

Our rector, Rev. G. H. Harrison, at-
tended a meeting of the board of
trustees of the University of the South,
during the week of June 15, Mrs.
Harrison and the children leaving Ash—
land later in the week for Griffin,
Georgia, to spend the summer.

~—\Irs. Karl Jansen.

Trinity, Covington

With the coming of the summer
months many of the usual activities of
the parish are suspended, the Sunday
School being the one organization that
continues to meet regularly. The
Sunday School is not large during the


(Continued on page 4)



July, 1919




Dio resan news.


Official Organ of the Bishop and Diocese of Lexington


Published under the Auspices of the Cathedral Chapter


REV. HENRY P. MANNING ......................... Editor
MR. J, L. RICHARDSON ........................ Publisher


Lexington, Kentucky


Published Monthly, except in August and September
Subscription Price, 50c Per Year
Payable in Advance.


M‘All literary communications or news items should be
addressed to Rev. Henry P. Manning. Editor. 218 N.
Third Street. Danville. Ky., and must be in his hands
not later than the 25th of the month.


ESAII communications relating to advertisements,
subscriptions or other business matters should be
addressed to J. L. Richardson, Publisher, 167 North
Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky.


entered in the Postoffice at Lexington, Ky.,
as second class matter.




Ashland, Calvary; Mrs. Karl Jansen.

Covington, Trinity; Miss Virginia I.

Covington, St. John’s; Miss Mar-
garet Young.

Frankfort, Ascension; Miss Caroline
A. Selbert. _

Lexington, St. Andrew’s; Mrs. J. E.



Covington, St. John’s; Mrs. E. M.


In accordance with notice given in Novem-
ber DIOCESAN News, we acknowledge with
thanks the receipt of the following new and
renewal subscriptions :

D. G. Hinks, Middlesboro, 2 yrs ......... 1.00
Mrs. Shelby Tevis, Danville, 2 yrs ....... 1.00
M. A. Jackson, Jacksonville, Fla., lyr... .50
L. B. Abbott, Jenkins, Ky., 1 yr ......... .50
John W. Hamlett, Jenkins, Ky., 1 yr ..... .50
Frank Powers, Grayson, Kv., 1 yr ....... .50
Miss Katherine A.Fahlbush, Newport,1 yr. .50
Mrs. Leroy H. Davis, Newport, 1 yr ..... .50
Mrs. Fred Lickert, Newport, 1 yr ........ .50
E. C. Newlin, Newport, 1 yr ............. .50
Mrs. F. Schwarberg, Newport, 10 yrs 5.00
Mrs. James Kidney, Newport, 10 yrs ..... 5.00
Mrs. C. M. Jones, Frankfort, 2 yrs. ...... 1.00





(Continued from page 3)


summer because many of the children
are away from home, but those who
remain come so regularly and seem to
so enjoy coming that it has been found
quite worth while to keep the school
going. This summer the superinten-
dent, Mr. Charles F. \Varrington, is
planning to give the children a real
treat with the help of our new motion
picture outfit, and this will also give
a rest to the teachers by relieving them
of all thought of a lesson on the Sun—
days when the pictures are used. The
lesson has been taught in this way on
two Sunday mornings and has been a
very great success. The films are
beautiful and all who have had any
connection with this new venture have
only the highest praise .to express. We
invite anyone in the Diocese who may
be spending a Sunday in Covington
this summer to come to Trinity at 9 :30
and enjoy the service and the pictures
with us.

With the passing of the summer
days and :the nearer approach of
October, the thoughts of the Auxiliary
women are turning toward Detroit and
the 1919 Triennial. The “little blue
box” has the place of prominence these

days, and both women and Juniors
are making a special effort this summer

to make the United Offering of 1919
a very real expression of love and
thankfulness. Miss Luidley has asked
that the 9th of October, the day on
which the Offering will be presented in
Detroit, be kept as a special day by
those who remain at home, and that
each branch meet on that day for a
corporate celebration of the Holy Com—
munion. As our rector, the Rev. Mr.
Gibbons, will be in Detroit on October
9, the Trinity VVoman’s Auxiliary and
the Juniors will keep the first Sunday
in October instead of the 9th and will
make their corporate communion on
that (lay. Envelopes are to be dis—
tributed among the members of the
Auxiliary in which they may place a
special offering to be made on that
day, and this offering will be placed in
the hands of the Lexington delegates to
the Triennial to help make up the sum
of one hundred dollars which the


diocesan auxiliary has voted to be sent
to Detroit and used by the delegates
to meet the special calls for pledges or
gifts which will be asked from the
auxiliary in each diocese at that time.

’l7ri11ity, Covington, wish-es everyone
in the diocese a happy summer, and
looks forward to the coming of October
when we may again exchange greetings
with the other parishes through the
columns of the Diocesan News.

——V. I. R.

Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington

The last service for the summer was
held in the Cathedral June 22; and no
more services will be held there until
after the restoration of the interior.
\N’ork was begun on the interior on
Monday, June the 23; and it is hoped
that the work will be completed by the
first of September. The whole work
will cost about nine thousand dollars
and some eight thousand dollars has
already been secured in cash and

Good Shepherd, Lexington
The Venerable F. B. Wentworth,

Archdeacon of the Diocese, who was
placed in charge of this congregation
after the departure of the Rev. Mr.
Marshall, who was compelled to re-
linquish his work in Lexington on
account of the delicate health of his
daughter, has served the communicants
of this church most faithfully under
trying circumstances. He has held two
services each Sunday and has preached
a series of interesting and forceful ser—
mons which have been the means of
bringing out a uniformly good attend—
ance in spite of the fact that the services
are being conducted in a somewhat
uncomfortable public school room.
The excellent choir under the able
leadership of Dr. F. E. Tuttle, has con—
tributed very materially to the at"—
tractiveness of all services. Its soprano
soloist, the talented Miss Ellen Bland-
ing, who has been a communicant of
this parish for many years, has gone
to Chicago for the purpose of trying
the Chautauqua field, for which she is
peculiarily well qualified. Many pleas—
ant social functions were given in her
honor where friends gathered to wish
her every success and happiness. One





July, 1919





of the most delightful surprises given
her was at the conclusion of the eve—
ning service on the third Sunday in June
when the Rev. Mr. VVentworth intro—
duced Adjutant General James Tandy
Ellis, who presented Miss Blandi'ng
with a handsome traveling bag, the
compliment of friends. Gen. Ellis
made the presentation speech that he
might have an opportunity to express
the appreciation the authorities of the
State of Kentucky felt for the splendid
services rendered by her in connection
with the entertainment of the soldiers
encamped here. The Sunday School,
under the management of Superinten—
dent \Vm. H. Warren, has held together
splendidly and accomplished good re—
sults under the circumstances, having
an attendance of something like 75%
of those enrolled for the term just
closed. The members of the Sunday
School went on a picnic trip to the
Blue Grass Park on Tuesday, June 17.
A special car was provided, every fellow
took his ‘lunch', and the day was
thoroughly enjoyed in boat riding, wad—
ing, swimming, and otherwise getting
back close to nature. The meetings of
the Men’s Club continue to hold the
interest of the men of the community
and the attendance is invariably good.

'This organization plans to give a fish

fry in July and watermelon party in
August. The construction of the new
church building on East Main Street
was stopped during the year 1918 be—
cause of war activities, but the congre-
gation is hopeful under the experienced
leadership of Archdeacon \Ventworth,
that practical plans will be consum—
mated in the near future so that the
work will be resumed and, at least, a
part of the structure rushed to com-

St. Andrew’s, Lexington

St. Andrews and the city of Lexing—
ton as well lost one of its best citizens
in the death of Mr. Al. Hardin, who
departed this life April 22, 1919. He
was confirmed in Christ Church in 1871
and for some time was a member there,
afterwards joining St. Andrews, where
he remained a faithful member until
his death. Mr. Hardin possessed many

noble traits of character always




honest and reliable. He was about 78
years of age. He will be greatly missed.
The last service he attended was the
dedication of a window in memory of
his daughter, Mrs. Kate Ryan, who
died several years ago. He celebrated
his golden wedding anniversary six
years ago. He left a wife and one son.‘
The Bishop showed his appreciation of
the deceased by attending the funeral.

St. .r"*\ndrews’ church stands just now
greatly in need of repairs—the floor
having given way in several places.
The members are putting forth their
best efforts to raise the necessary funds
for such. It will doubtless be necessary
to discontinue the services in the church
until repairs are made . However, dur—
ing that period the members will meet
for services in the homes of the several

At its recent commencement the
Divinity School at Petersburg, Va,
conferred the degree of Bachelor of
Divinity on Rev. E. E. Hall, pastor of
St. Andrews.

Mrs. J. E. Hunter, Reporter.

\Ve acknowledge the following gifts
received for St. Andrews:

Christ Church Cathedral, $100; two
members of Cathedral, $2; Rev.
Hutchins Bishop (New York), $10;
Mr. Ernest Pulley, $5; \Voman’s
Auxiliary of Christ Church Cathedral
——a handsome (Lectern) Bible.

Note—The gift from Christ Church
Cathedral is not the Easter gift, pre-
viously acknowledged, but is an addi—
tional amount of $100 from the LV’Iission—
ary offering.

.St. Mary’s, Middleboro

Bishop Burton, during a Memorial
Service. held Sunday, Iune 29, in mem—
ory of Sergt. Jack L. Settle, son of the
Rev. Thomas L. Settle, who died at
Chaumont, France, on Feb. 23, dedi—
cated the following Memorial Gifts:

I’rocessional Cross, in memory of
Sergt. jack L. Settle.

Brass Alms Bason, in memory of
Mrs. Delia Lever Wiggins.

Brass Candlesticky in memory of
Private I. Dewey Guy, who died as a
result of wounds received in action in
France. '

Brass Candlestick, in memory of



Mrs. M. Colson Slusher.

Efforts are being made to secure
funds to build a new Rectory, and to
reconstruct the present one into a
llarish house, in order to provide room
for the increasing activities of the
Church, and the growth of the Sewing
School. It is planned to add to the
curriculum of [the Sewing School
classes in Dietetics, Home Nursing and
Hygiene. ,

in every member canvass is in con—
templation to increase the offerings for
the support of the Church and Missions.

Miss Isabel Caples and Mr. M. C.
W’hitford were married \Nednesday
morning at eight o’clock at St. Mary’s
Church by the Rector, Rev. T. L. Settle,
and in the presence of the immediate
members of both families and a few of
their friends. Mr. Philip Keeney was
the best man.

The newly—wedded couple left on the
morning Southern train for a short
wedding trip to Southern points and on
their return will reside at Fork Ridge,
Tenn, where Mr. VVhitford is employed
by the Fork Ridge Coal Company.

Both of. the young people are well
known here and their host of friends
wish them a very long and happy mar—
ried life.


Another letter from our missionary
of Lee County: “Nearly every one in
the county knows me. Very few houses
I pass but that I am spoken to and
asked to come in, especially if there
is some one sick.

“By invitation from a small boy, who
saw me on the road, I went to see his
mother who had been sick in bed for
six weeks with the ‘flu.’ I had just
come from a house farther back in the
country where I had administered the
sacrament. The woman is a Roman
Catholic, but she was pleased to take
the sacrament from me. I have known
her, her father, her brothers and sisters
ever since I came to this work. Her
father was from \Vicklow County,
Ireland, and he had a rich brogue.
Seven years ago, when I came back
from visiting my sister and her family
in Dublin, I brought home with me





July, 1919



several bricks of peat bog turf. I gave
the old man one of them. The rapid
talk stopped: he looked at it and smelt
of it; his eyes moistened; he stood up.
I expect it took him back to the days
of his boyhood. I guess he saw the
old home and his father and mother

sitting by a peat fire. Who can tell
but that he saw a pretty face in the

turf. He put it on a high shelf so that
he could look at it. I used to read to
him out of his own service book, and
when he grew very sick, I always had
He (lied three years
ago. Three of his grandchildren I bap-
tized a month ago.”
—Rev. Alex. Patterson.

prayers with him.

(An insight into pastoral ministra-
tions. ‘\:\7ould that our city and town
congregations hungered for just such
ministrations that the church is ready

to give them I—Editor.)



I am glad to write that during the
month of June services have been held
at quite a number of new places.

()n the first Sunday in June service
was held at Irvine in an unused Presby—
terian church building—celebration of
the Holy Communion. I have arranged
to go to Irvine on the Friday before
each third Sunday for an evening serv--
ice. Service will be held in the com—
Southern Methodist Church
by their courtesy.


On Friday before the second Sunday
in June I visited Jackson, and have
arranged for a service there on the
Friday before each second Sunday,
through the kindness of the Presby-
terian congregation.

On the second Sunday I filled my
regular monthly appointments at Jen—
kins and McRoberts.

On the third Sunday I held my first
service at Hazard in the Court House,
and will go there for a monthly service,
hoping on some day to have a service
for the several coal mines on First

On the fourth Sunday I had two
interesting services at Benham, but
have not as yet been able to arrange
for regular services here and at Lynch.


\Vediiesclay, June 25, I visited
I.-awrenceburg and celebrated the Holy
Communion in the home of the Misses

On the fifth Sunday, I held an open-
air service at Kitts—~a stereopticon

service on the life of Jesus, with creed
and hymn slides. Service was held at
Harlan on the same day.
J. J. Clopton,

General Missionary.


It is pleasing to note th