xt70rx937t9n_422 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. The Courant text The Courant 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_11/Multipage18698.pdf 1913 January 1913 1913 January section false xt70rx937t9n_422 xt70rx937t9n V A IOURNAL FOR THE HOMES OF THE NORTH AND WEST , g i;


















n. l









Mrs. Pennybacker’s Message Courant States Report
General Federation News Initiative, Referendum and Recall
Suffrage and Legislatures Mrs. Burbank’s Initial Letter
Itasca Park——Its Beauty Music In the Northwest
















am (an: teak

By Mary D. McFadden

The naked arms of the old oak creak
Sport of the winds that blow;
The sentinel skeleton standing bleak

Towers above the snow.

Emblem of death is the old oak tree,
Gaunt and leafless and stark.

But within its heart and hidden from me
Is burning a vital spark.


For resurrection will come with spring.
And the livingr green of leaves,
Breezes will murmur and birds will singr

Where now the north wind grieves.

Emblem of hope is the old oak tree,
For death but a vigil keeps,

And the springtime of immortality
Will waken the soul that sleeps.

@119 Alphahpttp at a $11ft‘ragpttp

By Lil/{rm Byrnes. Secretary of the University of Minnesota Suffrage Club

A is for antiywho says "I don't need.”
_\nd others, I still am too seltish to heed.

B is for babies who need all the care

That mothers with ballots can get for them here.

6 is for chivalry. highest type yet
Of the men who are true to the true suffragette.

D is for duty of wife. maid and man.
To vote for their country as soon as they can.

E is for Englishman, stolid and stoic—
To rouse him. the ladies use methods heroic.

F is for factory where workers must stay—-

Let's lighten their toil and make shorter their day.

G is for governed. who consent to the same——
Is silence consent in the government game?

H is for homes we shall make more secure
By helping our men to a government pure.

I is for ignorant idlers who vote

\Vhile Mother and Auntie are still too remote.
J is for justice, the primary cause

For asking the women to help make the laws.

K is for Kinder and Kiiche and Kirk

To care for them, woman her vote must not shirk.

L is for liberty, laughter and love,

We want in all homes that our flag floats above.

M is for mother, so loyal and true.
She now wants the ballot for me and for you.

N- is for notions antique and supernal

'l‘hat antis absorb from the Ladies' Home Journal.
0 is for obstacles we must o'ercoine

lire victory for suffrage is finally won.

P is for polls. sh‘. a naughty bad place

lior women to enter them would he disgrace.

fl is for questions that stiftrag'ists ask,

To answer them statesmen consider a task.

3 is for Reason who reigns o‘er our cause,

\\'ho is ours for success and for wise and just laws.
$ is for suffragist. and sufi‘ragette.

We don‘t care what you call us. it suffrage we get-
T is for taxes: yes. ladies can pay ‘em.

Hut why. and for what. is no part of their sayin'.
us for usefulness. heritage old

\\'e wish to preserve both in field and in fold.

V's for the valiant. that small early band

'l‘h-at opened the way for the victory at hand.

VV's for women who toil hard and long

The ballot will help them to right what is wrong.
X is for Xantippe, anti-suffragists quote

\\'ho believed in the slipper instead of the vote.

Y is for you, all ye youths of the land
\Vllto for justices and progress are taking a stand.

2 is for zeal in the cause of the weak,
That makes us to rise up in meeting to speak.
















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By the Courant Publishing and Printing Co.



643 E/zdicott Building, St. Paul, Minn. P
Entered at the Post Oflice at St. Paul, Minnesota, as Second Class Matter, July 6, 1000, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Editorials ’
THE INITIATIVE AND REFEREN- if the servant acts in some way disloyal to i The Courant has asked Mr. Stiles I’.


The people of Minnesota have dictated
one action to the legislature and whether
for better or worse, the people's dictation
will, for all appearances, be obeyed.

The sentiment for the passage of an
amendment to the state constitution pro—
viding for the iniative and referendum and
recall. is so powerful, that a suitable hill
will be presented by several members (in
fact has been presented) and will pass.

Suffragists, therefore. have two chances
of victory. If the suffrage amendment is
killed, there will he the initiative and ref?
erendum to take it to the people.

Through the Northwest, the words of the
late Ignatius Donnelly and of Peter M.
Ringdal, were echoed favorably about the
homestead hearth in the hearing of the

It was a strange new doctrine. borrowed
from New Zealand, but the Northwestern
farmer, of the more thoughtful type. took
it to his heart. as did his wife and‘ sons and
daughters. The agitation has never died
out. The populists of long ago are still
hearing their arguments discussed by those
who plead under different party names.

And now, Minnesota will find herself per;
mitted to vote on this amendment at the
next election.

The trend of the times is toward direct leg-
islation and we will have it willy nilly.
\Vha't matter if representative government
never did have a fair trial, half the people
being disfranchised?

What matter if everybody who knows

anything, is aware of the fact that politics
is never going to be any cleaner than the
honor of the voter? The people. heedless
and heedful, the people who will hold the
franchise to a sex division and those who
are lighting for their voting rights. the great
majority of the people, in their present
mood, feel that the time is out of joint and
do not at all consider it a cursed spite that
they be elected to put it right.
. \The people want to take the law into their
own hands where it belongs. They feel
that they have not been honestly repre—
sented under representative government.
and they want a check. The arguments are.
simple. I ‘

The legislator and office holder is a pub—
lie servant. Is it not right and proper for
the employers,of a servant to issue an order
—-to use the initiative. provided the em—

ployers be sure a majority of them wish

the order issued? .

That seems to explain the initiative.

If. through stupidity or cupidity, the order
is not intelligently and honestly obeyed, or

the employers, even if not in disobedience
to specific orders, the employers would
consider it right and proper to review the

'result of such disloyal or unintelligent ac-

tion and compel the servant to set the mat—
ter right. .

That’s the referendum.

The recall?

Mr. G. G. Hartley, of Duluth, explained
that when he said every man who has em—
ployes in field, forest or office, exercises the

\Vhy should the people not do the same
with their employes whose responsibility
is so much greater?

You exercise the recall over the girl who
helps with the housework, over the children,
and the school board exercises the recall
over the teachers, \‘Vhy should not the teach—
ers, the, maid servants, the clerks and miners
and millionaires have a joint recall to use
over school boards and street commission—
ers and governors and legislators, together
with the right to compel their attention to
suggestions and use the referendum on their
acts, if the recall be not employed?

There will be safeguards in plenty about
direct legislation. There should be a low
percentage of voters necessary, for every
name on every petition must be vouched for
by a notary public. It will not be such fun
signing petitions, unless there is a strong
motive, and if three and a half per cent
of the approximate 400,000 voters of the
state want something
entire lot of voters. the three and a half
per cent who initiate should have a chance
to go before the whole. people to be’ en—
dorsed or rebuked according to merit—or
public caprice. _

If the people want to play jokes upon
the people, the laugh will be on the people
and which of us is elected spokesman for
people able to convey their own ideas, if

the ways and means and audiences are at'


Let us hope for the sake of suffrage that
the legislature will give suffragists a chance
to present their petitions, even if they~do
give them a chance to present their consti—
tutional amendment declaring women to be
people, by eliminating the word “male"
where it happens [to be out of place? '

Give us the initiative and referendum and
recall. l.ct us say whether or not we want
such a check on those who do our work for
us. It is our business—the men's business

and women‘s business of this state.

lie sure and read the advertisements and,
if you purchase, don't forget to mention

where you saw the ads.

considered by the

Jones to present the features of’ the three
phases of direct legislation in the simplest
language. Mr.”]ones is working, as always,
for direct legislation and clean politics.
Readers of the Courant will be glad to read
what this man has to say of the present
legislation, in its relation to ultimate vic—
tory for the equal franchise.

By Stiles P. Jones.

I stand emphatically for the principle of
direct legislation, and its immediote appli—
cation in workable form to Minnesota. I
believe in city and state government. I
believe it to be the most practical and effect—
ive method to this end devised since the
introduction of the Australian ballot. I
believe in it as a means of securing contin—
ually honest and efficient government. Such
government is possible only through the
vigilant and'sustained interest of an in-
telligent and disinterested people, and direct
legislation would be a powerful influence to
secure such direct interest.

I believe\in it as the only correct principle
of government, and as the surest and short—
est road to the goal of efficient democracy.
I believe in it because it. means successful
self government.

Direct legislation will prevent the passage
of corrupt and special legislation. It will
be the “gun behind the door” as so aptly
illustrated by President Wilson. It will be
a powerful influence for honest and neces—
sary legislation. It will put an end to
“jackpot” schemes, and drive the machine
to the scrap heap. It will bring the power-
ful special interests under the control of the
people. It will make public servants truly
represent the people instead of misrepre-
senting them, as has been the result in so
many cases in the past. It will establish
more friendly relations between the people
and their representatives. It will stimulate
the legislator to make his best efforts. And
in doing these things it will.not diminish
in any way the initiative of the legislator
nor detract from the dignity of the office.

Direct legislation, if enacted in Minnesota,
should be in simple and workable form.
Better no legislation at all along this line
than a law complicated and over “safe—

Beware of the joker. Driven by public
sentiment to accept the principle of the in- ,
itiative and referendum, the next turn of‘
the interests. hitherto in opposition, will be
to make such legislation impossible of op—
eration. This has been done in other states.
and will be done here if the people don't
watch out. The popular method of ac—
complishing this is to insist upon entirely,





too high a percentage for petitions. VVyo-
ming, with a percentage of 25%, is a simple
instance. The “going” percentage in pro—
gressive states is 8% for the initiative and
5% for the referendum. This is :a fair stand—
ard, and should be the one made in the Min—
nesota law. Any higher percentage would
make the task of securing names to the
petition so expensive and burdensome as to
defeat the purpose of the act. This will be
the game of the brewers and the special
interests. Seemingly supporting the propo-
sition, they ‘will be, in effect, just as vicious—
ly opposed to it as before. Experience in
other states has shown this to be the situ—

Another method of defeating the pur-
pose of direct legislation is to require a
majority of all votes cast to carry proposi—
tions coming under the operations of the
act. Still another method is to require a
majority of the counties to be represented
in the petition. This makes the securing of
petitions still more expensive and difficult.

There are no moneyed, or otherwise pow—
erful interests behind the direct'legislation
movement. \Vhen invoked, action almost
invariably is initiated against conditions
having the backing of these.interests. Ex-
pense is a mighty important factor. It
must frequently prevent recourse to the
initiative and referendum when the need is
great for it. Let us not put any unnecessary
handicap upon the people in the exercise of
their efforts to make government better
and more representative.


A Dreadnaught launched ready to defy
the world in the interest of peace, six years
ago, has now gone to the junk heap of the
American navy.

So it goes. The nations of the world
expend thieir millions. and billions to keep
up the appearance of bullies, and the in-
ventors make guns calculated to pierce the
armor of the most dreadful of the dread-

There are torpedo boats and torpedo boat
destroyers, and the millions and billions
pour in. There are women and little child—
ren and great strong men ground down to
killing labor conditions, but the peace of
the world (you will note how secure it is),
must be kept secure, while the labor in-
spectors and the pure food departments and
the roads and schools and white plague
campaigns must depend upon the most
strenuous agitation on the part of devoted
agitators—to progress at all.

The most convincing of all the eloquent
speeches the writer ever heard was one de—
livered by former Congressman Tawney, of
Minnesota, in his plea for world peace. The
thing that will send down William Howard
Taft’s name to future generations, will be
his efforts toward universal peace. It is
true that the country» is inclined to be
skeptical over peace movements headed by
certain financiers who deal in implements of
warfare, but every .voice that is raised for
peace, should be heeded.

, VV‘atch congress and study out the mean—
ing of the navy recommendation and the
recommendations having to ‘do with creat—
ing and equipping a larger army in this
country where it is only necessary that men




should know "ordinary rules of sanitation
and that they should be sure of pure food,
in order that every man may be a soldier
in the only justifiable occasions when a man
may lift a weapon against a fellow man——
the occasions of'necessity for defense of
home and country.

It is hoped, by those who do not believe
in imperialism as an adjunct to a govern—
ment based upon the votes of its citizens.
that the administration to take charge of
governmental affairs at Washington in the
Spring, stands in harmony with the ideals of a
republic. toward the Philippines.

And women should start an agitation
against the. misleading government adver-
tisements for men to enlist in army and
navy. These are a crying evil.


\Vomen who read The Courant, please
study carefully the recommendations of the
state federations to the legislature. After
you have studied them carefully consider
what is your duty in the matter. If they
appeal to you as being important, sit down
and write to your own senator and repre—
sentatives concerning your personal views.
This may be your last chance to try the
effect of indirect influence. Write to them.

convention for the
Paul. The State
Clubs has already

The legislature is in
state of Minnesota in St.
Federation of W'omen's
moved up on 'the Capitol.

The suffragists have not
solons with roses as they did when
was introduced last session,' girl
from the state university hurling the
missives, but they are on the ground.

The suffrage army is augmented this time
by the State Federation of Women’s clubs, in-
active last session, and this mighty force has
been making itself felt, for every senator and
representative finds his mail heavy with deli-
cate envelopes containing pleas for justice.

Last session the Work was done by two girls,
representing the Minnesota Woman Suffrage
association, but they had for reserve the
women under whose orders they were work-
ing, the women of that dauntless organization.

This session there are several strong suf-
frage associations besides the above mentioned
great state body of women. There is the
1915 club (it is a just correction to say that
this club worked valiantly last session and one
of the members of the legislative committee
was and is a member of this club of young
professional and business women, the member-
ship of which is elected and limited,) .

This session the legislators face a peaceful
battery womaned by the Woman Suffrage As—
sociation, first, and the splendid new Fran—
chise League and the flocks of new political
equality clubs, Jane, Addams clubs, college
clubs and last, bu tnot least, the new Welfare
League'of which its founders are so justly

Mrs. C. G. Higibee, former president of the
State Federation of Women’s Clurbs, is the
legislative chairman for the State Association
committee and also representative of the Wel—
fare League. Mrs. Alpha Hartman Boostrom,
who was a guiding spirit of the Era club in
Austin, consistently a suffrage club for many
years and always active for the cause, has
charge of the legislative work for the Equal
Franchise league.

bombarded the

the bill


The Nineteen Fifteen club has not elected
its legislative representative, but there is no
member of the organization who is not fitted
to take charge of this work. ’

.Suffragists rejoice in the fact that Senator
Sageng is rated as one of the strongest mem—
bers of the legislature.

He has always made his personality felt on
legislation and his powerful influence has
always been wielded for the people. Neither
friend inor foe can cast aspersion on his
ability and sincerity. Senator Sageng has
already begun his campaign and his rating as
a political stratagist is not lower than his
rating as a sincere progressive.

The prospect seems bright and fair_

The Minnesota press has been friendly to
suffrage for some years now. The Northern
Development association has declared for it,
the Retail Merchants of the state have declar—
ed for it and many other organizations have
gone on record in its favor. All this since last
session when one vote would have saved the
day and when the enemies of suffrage employ-
ed some strenuous work to hold that one vote.

The writer was a member of that committee
of two and the writer found it not a difficult
task to bring the state editors, the retail mer—
chants and the Northern development associa«

tion into line for the cause, for she was for»

tunate enough to have been the spokeswomen
on the occasions that instanced their declara-
tion of faith.

Suffragists 01 all organizations worked daily
under the blistering sun at the state fair last
summer and took in thousands of pledges
from men and women as well as distributing
a ton of literature and acquiring a fund of
reminiscences too funny to forget.

The field was never so well prepared. The
House, under the leadership of Henry Rines,
Speaker, is splendidly friendly and Speaker
Rines favors the bill. The House, however,
was friendly last session. The Senate presents
a friendlier aspect. Senator S'ageng is of the
opinion that the bill will go through. '

Let the legislative committees and their
armies behind them, move in good order and
keep the faith.
one and the responsibility placed
many shoulders is great.

It warms the hearts of the old committee to
know that the seeds sown, with such pains,
two years ago have borne fruit, that the con—
servative women of the state have come to a
realizing sense of their responsibility and
penitent for their reactionary or indifferent
attitude of last session, are determined to
battle actively for justice.

The Courant wishes all women in the state
a speedy triumph for the legislative committees
and valiant Senator Sageng. -


The women of fraternal lodges within the
state of Minnesota have formed a mighty
federation. These splendid women, one
hundred thousand strong in the state of
Minnesota alone, have taken a leaf from the
book of the Federated clubs, and have paid
the Federation of Women’s Clubs a sincere
compliment, in imitating their methods.
The Federation of Fraternal societies ~will
be a success, for such women as Frances
Buell Olsen and Marilla Lee Stone are
among its‘ founders. The Courant was

. named as the official organ of the new fed-

eration, and appreciates the honor conferred.


The occasion is an awesome _
upon the


' €u.~.-Wo~..s..- -












gmrial figgii‘m’ Eppartment

Conducted by Ethel Edgcrlon Hard, M. D.,
Chairman Committee OIL :S‘ocial Hygiene,
Minnesota Federation of Women’s. Clubs.



Last month we mentioned a few import—
ant things to remember. Remembered Well
generally brings the natural sequence work,
but lest we forget or fail to grasp the idea
that responsibility in this matter of Social
I’lygienc rests upon every individual, you
as well as your neighbm‘ or friend, we.
mention in this beginning of the New Year
just a few. things we hope you will work
for. '

Every organization of women should hold

special meetings to consider important bills

that are before the legislature. The Minne-
apolis Political Equality Club set a good
example two years ago by-having legisla;
tive lunches semi-monthly. with ,some one
or more good speakers to explain the object
and purpose of bills, especially those relat—
ing to women and children. These lunch—
eons were largely attended and will be re-
sumed this season. beginning Saturday,
Jan. 18. at the \Vest Hotel, Minneapolis.
A bill for the amendment of the Constitu—
tion granting the right of suffrage to women
will be among the earlier bills introduced.
This should arouse into activity all its
friends, all the men and women who believe
in‘ the uplift of humanity. \Vork for that

'bill, for through such an amendment all

legislation desired by women will be easily
Work For This Law.

‘ 2.—The red light injunction and abate—
ment ,law has proven most effective and
satisfactory in Iowa and Nebraska. Every
segregated district has been eradicated and
no public houses of vice exist. It may be
asked, do we need such a law? Mrs. Garrie

Chapman Catt has just returned from a'

two years’ tour in Europe and the Orient.
where she has made an exhaustive study
of conditions of women and children. She
tells of the traffic in girls in India, China,
Japan, Egypt and South Africa, saying in

The Toll.

“One million women are being sacrificed
in these countries to appease that social
system which makes the fallen life possible.
Just as numberless girls were sacrificed in
olden times to appease the anger of the
gods. so are they sacrificed today to aps
pease the demands of men. The lives of
these girls are from one to ten years and
countless thousands must come every year
to take the place of those who perish.

“The governments of Europe that have
made Asia their political chessboard have
shut their eyes to the terrible situation, and
the millions of victims have fallen into a
state of unutterable sorrow and resigned
despair. They look as the martyrs‘ have
looked when bound to the stake with the
fires rising all around them. No longer can

we call the selling of women the white.‘

slave traffic, but just the slave traffic, be:
cause in addition to our white sisters we
have our sisters of those alien races who



are breathing the fires of the very same in—

“When our expedition arrived in the
principal centers of these countries we
found no trouble in getting information
from the governmental authorities on any
question, but when it came to inquiring as
to the conditions of vice their lips became
shut tight. A silent conspiracy—«that is the
answer which the world gives to this crying
wrong. .

“I do not want to stand here and reveal
to you the facts which we have discovered,
but I want to assure you that we can not
tell you even a thousandth part of what we
learned and that which we have learned is

(Continued on Page 6.)

(Field, Sch lick
(9 C 0. St. Paul


This month we are conducting our 57th
annual linen sale and featuring the famous

" Shamrock " Linens of

John S. Brown & Sons





that have been made in Ireland continu-
ously for over I50 years and have won
more awards than any other linens known.


This month’s sale offers John S. Brown as:
Sons’ table cloths and napkins at

33 l-3 and 50 Per Cent Off

In addition, it offers towels, sheets, pillow
cases, bedspreads and white goods at
reductions of l5 to 50 per cent.


‘JJ Our special January booklet which will be
mailed to you free—gives our linen sale and
January sale of muslin underwear in detail.










flbarltamentare flaw

Conducted by Mrs. Mary B. Lewis,



(a) The organization of an original
primary, or voluntary, assembly, such as
the ordinary mass meeting, is accomplished
in the manner following: ‘

At the time appointed for the meeting
some one, usually one of the signers of the
call, steps forward and says, “The meeting
will come to order; I move that Mrs.
act as chairman of this meeting”; some
other member seconds the nomination.'The
one who has called the meeting to order
then puts the question to vote, saying, “It
is moved and Seconded that Mrs.
act as chairman of this meeting; those in
favor will say ‘aye."" After that vote is
taken, “Those opposed will say ‘no.”’ It a
majority vote “aye,” the chairman states
"the motion is carried, Mrs. ————— will
take the chair.” If a majority vote “no,”
she says “The motion is lost; will some one
nominate a chairman?” Another member
may then say. "I move that Mrs.
act as chairman.” The motion being sec-
onded, the member acting as chairman
would put the question to vote as in the
first case. I

(b) Election of chairman when more
than one is nominated:

Instead of one member only being named
and the vote then taken, as before mien—


‘tioned, several nominations may be made.

as “I nominate Mrs. E as chairman,”
another, “I nominate Mrs. D—————,” etc..
the member who called the meeting to order
saying as the nominations are made, “Mrs.
E———— is nominated,” “Mrs. D—-— ,is
nominated.” By a' common practice she
then (when no further names are proposed)
takes the vote on the first nominated, say—
ing, “As many as are in favor of Mrs. E
for chairman of this meeting will say ‘aye,’
and those opposed ‘no.’ The motion is lost
and is so announced, and then Mrs. D. is
vOted on in the same manner, and so on
until a chairman is elected. But this
method gives an undue advantage to the
one first voted upon. A miich fairer and
better practice, when several nominations
have been made, one after another, and are
therefore pending before the assembly ”at
the same time. is to vote 011 all that have
been nominated at one time. This may be
done by ballot (each member indicating her
choice by writing the name on a piece of
paper. which is collected by the secretary
or teller, or by division of the house, as
follows: The chairman requesting those in
favor of 'Mrs. E for the office to rise
(and counts them) while those in favor of
Mrs. D——— will remain seated; or any
other method that will distinguish the
friends of one candidate from another may
be employed that: is convenient. The mem-
ber presiding will anounce the result of
the vote, saying: “Mrs. E is elected
and will please take the chair.” She then
callsfor nominations for a secretary, who


(Continued on . Page 15.)



 ‘ .W... wuww—xy ._~.-... WWQI-Wu. ”(Wu .



(Continued mm Page 5.)

enough to make us heart sick for the rest
of our lives.

“It is a plain statement of fact without
any coloring and should the facts be put in

print the government would bar them from -

the mails. In all the great Asiatic ports,
but especially in those ports over which
flies the British flag, hundreds of thous—
ands of girls are being exchanged every year

for yellow glittering gold, only to fill the

pockets of those whose unbounded greed
for profit has made them disregard the most
pitiful appeals of the human soul. The east
and west have joined hands in.the greatest
sin 011 earth. The west provides the org-
anizing machinery and the east supplies the
This Means Us.

We are a portion of the west to which
she refers; but in addition to ”organizing
power” we supply “goods.” It is estimated
that 65,000 of our own girls are annually
sacrificed to this great juggernaut of crime.
The red light injunction and abatement law
strikes a heavy blow at the whole slave
traffic by closing its main market, the
brothel. Do we need it? A thousand times
YES! We are only a step behind older
countries—shall we not crush this “pesti—
lence that walketh in darkness" before it
destroys our nation? Work for the passage
of this bill.

Segregation Bills.

3.—It is said that in at least twelve state
legislatures bills will be introductd which
will sanction the segregation of vice in
cities. Such bills becoming a law ofi‘er
every possibleencouragement to the slave
trader, providing a ready market for his
victims. Dr. Wm. Burgiss says, “Wherever
vice is provided for,'hedged around by
special securities, by officials, the law be-
comes a Schoolmaster in sin. When gov—
ernment makes provision for vice (as it does
in segregation) there follows an idea in the
public mind that it is not wrong.”

‘A mother said to her children, “It is cold
and damp, you must not go out to play,
lest you take cold and get sick; but I guess
I better put on your bonnets so, if you do."
We preach against vice, and then set aside

'a portion of our cities and license vice!

Everyone would ridicule such a mother—is
the government not just as inconsistent.
The purpose of these bills may be carefully
veiled—study them and work against any
that may be before your legislature.
Contagious Disease Report.

4,—VVork for a law that shall require a
report of all contagious diseases and their
quarantine until all danger of infection has
passed. Present requirements make no
provision for the care of venereal diseases
—but allow the moral leper, as well as the

innocently infected to scatter the bacteria

of these hydra—headed diseases everywhere,
Sentiment nearly precluded the reporting
of tuberculosis a very short time since; now
it seems only right and proper, and this is
the result of education. Sin and shame en—

ter into the consideration of venereal dis—

eases, but it is believed that education——
turning on the light—Will eventually win,
even against this force.


Sex Education in the Public Schools.

5.———lt is not proposed in these suggest—
ions for work to enter into a detailed dis—
cussion of the various topics, that should
be a part of the club work. It may be con-
sidered a somewhat aggressive thought,
but these questions ar