xt70rx937t9n_412 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_38/Multipage18144.pdf 1927-1932 1932 1927-1932 section false xt70rx937t9n_412 xt70rx937t9n TWENTY PAGES








. The neat home of the P. L. F. club

completed during the present year at
Garden and Holly streets, has brought
this organization prominently before
the public. It was the second such
club house erected in the. state of
Washington, stands as a monument to
the enterprise of its builders and
makes the club take a recognized place
as an institution in the life of the
community. With the Aftermath now
constructing a home on extensive
scale at West Holly street and Broad-
way, Bellingham will be able to boast
two of the best edifiées of the kind in
the northwest.

The P. L. F. club was organizedA

September 8, 1900 with seven charter
members, Mrs. W. H.’ Axtell, Mrs. L.
H. Darwin, Mrs. C. S. Roray, Miss Nel-
lie' Lee, Miss Mabel Donovan, Miss Ida
Agnes Baker, and Miss Catherine
Montgomery. It was federated with
the state federation of women’s clubs
October 20, of the same year, and was
incorporated under the laws of the
state of Washington September 4,
1904. At the close of its first year
its membership had grown to thirty-
nine; at present its number is fifty.

One of the leading events in the so-
cial world of the present week has
been the sale of Mexican fancy work
and other articles, carried on by mem-
bers of the c ub at their home. This

has been largely attended and the'

means of producing considerable rev-






vv vvvvvv 'v""—" v


First president of P. L. F. club, no’wpresident of business incorporation.



v vvvv vvv'


'vv‘ vvvv v

most economical and effective way is
the keynote to success in the united
efforts of women. A live club must
not only do good literary work, but
must be a potential factor in mould-
ing public opinion and must be inter-
ested in the sociological and humani~
tarian development of the communi-
ty in which it exists, otherwise it has
only half fulfilled its mission.

“It is natural to expect from the al«
truistic work of club women immediate
tangible results. This .is such a give
and take world, that club women
should be willing to sow for others to
reap.y Ethical changes cannot be
shown like a sum in arithmetic with
the right answer at the end of the
book. In short, Mrs. Burdett’s definia

only to the P. L. F. club members but
to all sister, organizations as well:

“ A true club woman is not a sel—
fish, self—seeking, emotiOnal, tangent
woman, but rather the gracious, home
loving, humanity loving, thoughtful,
patriotic, woman citizen, working ever
toward better things.”

“Club work is oft times strenuous,
but when busy housekeepers, society
women, -authors, artists, musicians,
teachers, etc., all meet together in the
study of child-life, science, literature,
history, art, civics, household econo-
mies, language and religion, all rea—
soning together with tolerance and
liberality for each other’s opinions, all
this certainly means something for the
future culture (it a nation—for it must
be instrumental in making all our
women citizens larger in their ideas
broader in their sympathies, nobler
in their work.”

The officers of the P. L. F. club at
present are, Mrs. A. M. Muir, presi-

tion of a club5‘-WOman’s applies not'
















enue to apply on the investment of the
building. The cozy interior of the
little house was never made more at—
tractive than it is at 'the present

The motto of the P. L. F. club is,
“The world is advancinc'. Advance
with it.” The letters P. L. F. by the
way, stand for Progressive, Literary
and Fraternal. In discussing the his—
tory of the building and the progress
of the club, Mrs. W. H. Axtell, presi-
(tellL of the society for the first three
years of its existence, and now presi-
dent of the business incorporation,
said that it was found impossible to
carry on successfully the two phases of
the work, literary and altruistic, with-
out a club house. Failing in its effort
to secure a union building which
might be used by the various wom-
en’s organizations of the city, as is
done in many communities, it under-
took the erection of the modest P. L.
F. clubhouse, now completed.

“It is hoped by our members,” said
Mrs. Axtell, “ that many women with-
in and without the club may derive
much pleasure and profit from the
building and that it may become the
center of many educational and phil-
anthropic influences. <
“The Industrial School’s kindergar-

ten olass now finds. within the blub
rooms a most desirable place for work
and the club hopes to extend its use-
fulness far beyond the limits of its
own membership.

“Doing something for others in the










dent; Miss Nellie Lee, vice-president;
Miss Catherine Campbell, secretary;
Miss Mary Carpenter, corresponding
secretary; and Mrs. F. C. Pettibone.
treasurer. Mrs. Pettibone, Mrs. Axtell,
and Miss 'Montgomery compose the au-
diting committee. Miss Carpenter,
Mrs. Jewett, Mrs. Roeder, Miss Camp-
bell and Miss Johnson are members
of the program committee.

The associate membership list in-
cludes Mrs. Ella Higginson, Mrs. Rich—
ard Winsor, Mrs Jeanette Baker Hib-
bard, Miss Anna Graham, Miss Ina
Bratt, Miss Ciirrie \Vilmore, Mrs. Lau-
rel Harper Seeley. Mrs. Mittie Myers
Chapin, and Mrs. G. E. Souper.

The regular club members are: Mrs.
W. H. Axtell. Miss Nellie Abbott, Miss
Ida Agnes Baker, Mrs. L. L. Berens,
Mrs. Alice M. Biggs, Miss Cora F.
Bratton, Miss Mary A. Brownlow, Mrs.
George B. Burke, Miss Catherine
Campbell, Miss Emma Campbell, Miss
Mary Carpenter, Mrs. A .8. Clark, Mrs.
L. H.‘Darwin, Miss Mabel Donovan,
Mrs. E. G. Earle, Miss Evva Eckerson,
Mrs. Rose Ferandini, Miss Lucile
Fobes, Mrs. Blanche Jewett, Miss
Feronia Johnson, Mrs. Anna ~T. Hunt,
Miss Jessie Knight, Miss Nellie Lee,
Miss Anna McBride, Miss Catherine
Montgomery, Miss Minta Adams Mor~~
gan, Mrs. A. M. Muir, Mrs. H. S. Noice,
Mrs. F. C. Pettibone, Mrs. John Pol-
son. Mrs C. S. Roray, Mrs. Henry Stan-
islawski, Mrs. P. L.’White, Miss Mi-
riam Darwin, Mrs. E. ‘Morgan.

Of the P. L. F. corporation, organiz-
ed for the purpose of holding and con/-
trolling the property of the club. the
officers are, Mrs. Axtell, president;
Miss Lee, ~ecreta‘ry, and Mrs. Petti-

bone. treasurer. .._-. "




















Presif- P. L. F. Club. > ‘







' twain-tr; ‘ m



An invisible plaid in a' medium
green velvet. collar and cuff. The coat
the shoulders that extends down the
single-breasted with buttons and coral
shoulders and is merely a straight puff
vet cuff. The skirt is very closely fit—
full flounce is shirred on, this having
box plait appears in the back and
being too tight in the fitted portion.


is plainly trimmed with a dark
y;il~:e-sha1‘ied empiecement over
front to the hem; and the fastening is
loops. The sleeve is set in low. on the
not very .full, and caught into the vel—
ted in the top, and above the knee a
a haircloth stiffened hemp A broad
saves the skirt from the reproach of.


shn dc

h a s a


Thanksgiqing Thoughts

and Society Chat







and best composers. The orchestra of
fifteen pieces was well balanced and
numbered several most gifted young
musicians. The celebrated Marino
soon won the audience, and was ex-
ceedingly gracious in responding to
encores. After his second number, he
was repeatedly recalled and finally
responded with a beautiful selection
given without accompanimnt.

The performers and those in the
audience who wished not to lose a
note of the music, were repeatedly
annoyed by talking and moving about
during the playing of numbers. Some
strict measure should be adopted by
the management of theaters, to pro-
tect those who pay their money and
desire the benefit of the full perform-
ance. Whispering should be strictly
prohibited and no person should'be
allowed to walk down an aisle dur-
ing a number at a musical perform-
ance. To a finely organized musical
temperment one might as well beat,
loudly on a tin pan. '

The last week in society‘has not“.
far from that, yet there

been dull
has been few gatherings that might
be termed “functions.” Milady of'so—
ciety was never so busy, but as was
stated the firstof the week——"she is
working for the bazaar.” The" ba-
zaar is here and there are enough
fancy illitl useful aprons to encircle
the city, and the incense of the mince
pie and delicatessen counter is as-
cending, if not to the-nostrils of heav-

en,it has at least reached the child; i‘

ren of earth and all are happy.
+ p

The PL. F. Bazaar was the first to
be followed by numberless ones. On
Friday afternoon and all day today
the P. L. F. Club rooms have been
the scene of delightful scical gath-
erings of club women and their
drawn work brought forth many ec-
static “ohs” and “ab,” and the most
of it is now beautifying Bellingham
homes. During the afternoons

J. Jewett. The ladies of the club

served light refreshments to'.visit0rs.


The‘ week has been a very
taining one at, Beck’s... On Monday»
evening “The Runaways” was ac—
corded a most. fashionable /house,
who enjoyed this musical extravagan-
za in a high degree.
ivere really comic, the girls were
pretty and effectively gowned. Near—
ly all the boxes and loggia were oc-



On Tuesday evening'James J. Jef-
fries was here and on Thursday even-
inw Mai-inc, the celebrated Italian
violinist was keenly appreciated by a
small house.

‘ +

To—night Arizona set to music—-
“The ’lTenderfoot”——will be a. most
popular attraction, as the advance
sale also indicates.

+ ,

The ball given last night in the
Skating Pavilion by the \Vomen of
Woodcraft was one of the largest and
most “prominent events of the week,
,there, .be‘ng, ab utf three hun red;

r58 5 :

“importance came u;
After business half
social hour was el._,. 4

and .
last evening there were musical num-f
given under the direction Of Mrs. E.‘

The comedians ,

, Snohomish counties.

' lingham,
sumptuous banquet at the Mitchell ho—




The Fairhaven lo
Pythias, together wit:
lodge, will give a mason
Thanksgiving evening
hall. Cash prizes wil. ‘
other features of int


A number of Ea?“
meeting last eve’

:.x; was: ~~.. L..A«:
u LL11§LLVLC\:4,'&J
.4. all.
Several of the Oiue... ..: ti’le bay are
planning to give eat: "ailments this
coming week re'. ., ' 2-) 'l‘iianksgivf
ing. Some will.. mural dances
while others will entertainments
t0 the members L. ends and'the
Committees will t. they can to
make all who at. .iave a good
time. '

One of the pleas" -.ial events of
the week was the ,..~ given Friday
evening in Swanrvr" -‘.7:‘f\il_ by the iJel-
lii'igham courts of
the lodges on the .- th and south
sides uniting. It was ""'.'3 third annu-
al b‘all. Bardwell‘s w ::hestra fur--
nished the music for the occasion.

The Rebekah order on the

side spent a social hour \‘Uednesdal ~’

evening after the business Cf the 01--
der had been. transacted. Refrsh-
mnts were served and a good time
was had by all.

The Degree of Honor has postponed
their afternoon tea which would oc—
cur on next Thursday on account of
the day being Thanksgiving. The next
one will be held a week from next
Thursday. the committee and place

’ to be decided later at a meeting of the‘

Order. .

Grand Master Steinback of the A.
O. U. XV. of this State. was in Aber—
deen this week visiting the order s_ta—,
tioned there. > ‘
district convention


The, the

-Kn.ghts of Pythias has been in s’es—.

sion this week in Everett. District
No. 5 includes \Vhatcom, Skagit and
, The third rank
was exemplified on an Everett candi—

ate by the team that went from Bel.-
Ithis being _followed by a

tel. All of the sessions of the order
were ‘very interesting and were much
enjoyed by all who attended.

The Knights of Columbus entertain—
ed their friends Tuesday eyening in
Eagles’ hall. .A program was given
followed by a social dance. About 200'
guests were present and a fine time
was had.

In the death of Mrs. Nellie Simpson
the Women of Weedcraft No. 188 have
lost an honored and beloved neighbor.

eral was, held at Everson and
‘ b '0 the: a;

f‘ uliolic. Foresters, .

' lOn, Michigan)



lire circle honors. The or-
has been in existence in
m the past six years and this
Ileath the‘order has had,

--.l being a membes for the

y @3115.

.l'ose who attended the

i'ythiaS convention in Ev—

iJTLSt week were: F. F.

J. SfiBurrows, Virgil Per—

., (I. Judson, R. N. Gifford of

Lil.;; .J, L). McNair of Ferndale and
J. Lund of Blaine.

Foresters i =' America will give their
fourth annual ball on Thanksgiving
evening. in the K. of P. hall in South

shbors of America
friends in their hall

\Voodcraft gave a
the skating pavil-
their friends were
enjoyed themeslves.
r-zmittee consisted of

Miss Fay (Toberly,
. Mrs. Theo. IVagner,

‘ ’l


if liaith—Zlilhl‘d discussion has arisen
‘.'.'i,ll1,,i‘l (it); will be the fortunate
one to have the next concatenation
Tacoma and this city are rivals for
the honor and both are working hard
for the honor. The last concatenation
was held in Ballard on September 9,
Elfin] a specta-rcular time was provided,
especially the trip to Seattle where
some first-class entertainment of an
informal nature was provided.

1:13 ft

The members of Holly Rebekah
lodge No. 153, tendered Miss Mae
Beals a farewell party last week in
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alvira
King, on Forest street. The evening
was pleasantly spent with music,
games and refreshments. Miss Beals
left this week for her home in Man—
For the past year she
has visited in Bellingham at the home
of her aunt, Mrs. King. The lodge
presented Miss Peals with a beautiful
emblematic gold pin of the order as a
farewell gift.

The Women of Woodcraft gave an
observation social in their hall Tues—
day evening. Ti‘e time was spent in
general amusenzs it, followed by de-
licious refreshnonls served by the la—
dies. The'connrittce in charge was
composed of ND“ I eith, Mrs. Spenger,
Mrs. R. L. Kline, Mrs. Filler, Mrs. W

Mrs. M. Appleby of Tacoma, de-
partment inspector of the Ladies of
the G. A. R., department of'Washing-
ton and Alaska, was‘.in the city VVed—
nesday, and held a meeting with the
circle of the Ladies of the G. A. R. in

A number of the
* ’ed

' story that 7.




iln '


To Go East
via $t. Louis

All you have to do is to place yourself

in the care of the Burlington. \jVe will.

look after the details of your trip and

give you a service that will make

traveling a delight.

Send me your

name, address and probable destina-

tion; I will tell you what our service,

will be.

M. p. BENTON. Agent,
103 Bioncer Square, SEATTLE, WASH.





Yigortms I)!” '211 by Jefferies.
Spokane. '\"."a r , Nov. Ill—“The
have agreed to fight Jack
Johnson is not true,” stated James J.
Jeffries this afternoon. “I will never
fight a 11egro——back to the boiler
works first. I am entirely in the
hands of the press and public. Any
white man they may choose I will
fight on six weeks' notice. Unless this

is done before a great: while I will rc-‘

tire from the ring and be the only re~

tired champion.” .


d. r. WWW





Tel. Red 5774. 1207 11th St.









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Carriage “winters. I ‘

Out of town orders taken.






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Running time Seattle to St. Paul
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through Palace and Tourist Sleep-
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1‘0 St. ’aul. Duluth, Minneapolis,
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Ticket Olfice'1226 Dock Street; Phone
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DEPOT—Corner C and Eleventh.
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n 1"



Is it for Stores of harvest grain,-

or wooueu hills or stretchii'lg plain——
Is it for autumn‘s {lame and gold, '
’l‘hat unto Thee our thanks are told?
,as it for fame or fortune’s gain
Won through the way of tears and

pain— .

Is it for eloquence of men,

Of silver tongue or goldexrpen—

ls it for beauty, wealth or power

\Ve offer praises in this hour?

No, no. my Lord—a mightier word
Must reach to Thee—of men unheard!
Alone with Thee and God above
‘We whisper thanks for Thy dear love.
The world is little, Lord but Thou

A warm and loving friend. we Vow
That live alone is meet to bring

To Him who of love's-realm is King.
0, what is power and what is gold
When all the tale of life is told!
And what of wisdom is the gain
\vnen luxe is not tne greatest name ‘?

“There bet/Jty fills a far, dream-land,
Where men and women faultless
stand— -
\Vhere roses twine the sunny hours
And perfume sleeps in evening bowers
\Vhere poppy—dreams come from the
And curve the sleeping infant's mouth
In holy, tender wreathes of light——
‘111 the heart’s world—where all is
bright—- '
IVe bow in thankfulness, and say:
“Lord, Lord, we love Thee well,
today-” at...“


The spirit of Thanksgiving is here.
As {1711 seasons have their atmosphere
of sentiment, pleasure. and anticipa—
tion, sureiy the Thanksgiving time,
the close forerunner of still a hap—
pier time——the ChriStmas tide———is tru—
ly all that its name implies.

The hearts of the people are drawn
together by invisible threads of good-
wnl and thankfulness, that grow into
a strong cord of reverence that binds
us all in one great Thanksgiving har-

There is a grand, common impulse
that sweeps the heart of our land at
this time to worship. VVe' remember
all our benefits—the ceaseless loving-
kindness that follows our often way-
ward footsteps. We remember our
golden harvests, the peace within our
borders—\ve remember friends—love
—-—our mothers and God! W'e seek
the sacred portals of' the church, and
here, while the stately lily and chrys-
anthemum lift their purity all un—
afraid to Heaven, we bow our heads
in humble thankfulness, but with
hearts lifted with the certainty of the
flowers, thatour offering is accepta—
bie and well pleasing in the sight of
Iiim who delights in giving to His
children, ’

The Home Gathering on Belling-
ham Bay can afford to be one of the
most joyfu1 in all the land. Can we
name anything, that we do not pos-
sess? Our state is one of the greatest.
There is gold and precious metals in
our hills, fish in our seas, forests of
wealth and plains waiting for habita-
tion to make them a garden of Eden.
We are sons of affluence in many ways.
Our snow capped mountains, our pur—
“pie isles, our sunsets,‘are beautiful
beyond words. Our roses are still
clambering over our verandas in a
riot of joy, their branches heavy-la—
den with bloom and bud!


And then our people are treasures
——they have the sunshine of good—will
and friendship in their faces. They-
are charitable, not only in theory, but
in practice profoundly respecting
personal intellect and moral convic—
tion. In the great west we have rug-
gedness, strength of originality,
breadth and height. And the people
are Westerners,

Our houses are not yet built cheek
by jowl, we all have a front yard
where we can exercise and plant ros-
es. And We are thangful.

Shall “'e Have Only the Good, or
Shall “'e Have the Best?
iIai‘an the Italian violinist played
to a small house Thursday evening in
ieck‘s theater.

Bellingham is all right but some-
times Bellingham is too busy. Thurs-
dey evening was one of those very
busy times and Bellingham suffered a

You have all heard the story about
the ambitious young man that marj
ried a pretty wife, placed her in a‘
comfortable home and then went out
in the world to make a fortune of
dollars. He was gone day and night
for many years engrossed with his
work. His wife complained, but he
was always busy. In ten years he
came home a wealthy man to enjoy
his own fireside, but his wife was buSy
with other interests. The sweet affec-
tion of their early youth could not be
revived—a golden time was forever

\Vell, Pietro Marino was here
Thursday evening and Bellingham
was busy. “\Vhat is the particular
loss,” says one, “that you make so
much fuss about it-—even.if he was
the most wonderful, of artists?”

It would be difficult, I am afraid,
to make this questioner understand
his loss. ’ .

Any good and great influence beat-
ing upon the soul, whether it comes
through a beautiful picture, a har-
mony of tones in music, beauty or
kingly and tender words of kindness
“is a wonderful gain. It is refining,
enobling and brings us the deepest
and greatest enjoyment.

In this-Jousy day of work and ac-
tiOn, we often have to make a real ef-
fort to find time for the really good
things. It is more essential for our
aesthetic nature to be sustained, than

it is for us to have our ,daily dinner.
VYe are complex, and must have all
we need, or we will dwarf in what-
ever function is neglected.

Even if no deeper need is felt, it is
fashionable to be cultured to hear
and see the best. in art; this should
not appeal in V'iin. ,

Marino is a wonderful artist. His
temperment and personality seems to
partake largely of the harmony of
music—he is one with his art. His
face is ideally poetic—beautiful as a
Murillo dream, under the inspiration
of his work. This Marino can draw
your soul into another world by the
exquisite sweetness and purity of his
musical expression—he can also show
you that he is sure enough, man and
modern intrepeter by the way
plays “Tessie” and conducts an‘or-

The program presented Thursday
evening at Beck’s was not heavy, but
of very high class, introducing fa-


vorite compositions of the masters


The reception given by the Nor-
mal seniors at the Normal last even-
ing was a most delightful affair and
largely attended.

One of the very popular dancing
parties of the week was given by the
young men of the B. B. Club Friday
evening in Swanton’s hall. About
one hundred and fifty guests were
present. .

At the VVhatcom High School in
Assembly Friday morning Mr. VVill-
iam Prior of Seattle one of the lead-
ing violinists with the Marino Con-
cert company, rendered several selec-
tions, Mr. Prior was formerly one
of Professor Twitmeyer’s pupils iirthe
Seattle High school. In the after-
noon at the High School, the Friday
afternoon Literary society gavea very
entertaining program of readings,
speeches, and music.


The ladies of the Tuesday Cinch
Club will give a series of dancing
parties in the P. L. F. club house, the
first one to be given next Saturday
evening. They will entertain a few
guests at each meeting.


One of the most interesting func—
tions of Thanksgiving week will be
the ball given on \Vednesday evening
in Swanton’s hall by the members of
the Golf club.


The Young Ladies’ Guild of St.
Pauls met at the rectory, Friday af-
ternoon with Mrs. C. A. Darling in


One of the social events of the
week was that of the Unique club.
The members of the club entertained
a few of their friends at Marshall’s
hall at the lake on ‘Vednesday even—
ing. Lunch was served at a late hour
and all returned to their homes after
enjoying a most pleasant evening.
Those ,pesent were: Messrs. Harry
Monroe, T_.N. Slokum, Mark Timson,
Jack Milner, Perry Col’t'man, Art M0-
ran, A. Betkie, Fred '3etkie, Chet
Mayer, Will Carlson,
Ralph Simons, Otto Mayer, Fred
Warner, Jack Bard'well; Misses Bes-
sie __Bell, Maggie McAllister,‘ Ida Doug-
lass, Ienie Spence,

3eulah Kerns, Fay Coberly, -Fern
Coberly, Betkie, Annie Mayer, Haight,

Norman, B’anche VVarmouth, » Alice
Stubbs, Mrs. . Warner, Mrst. Bard-
well, V .M ‘ V '_

special song service to be held in the

ing. There will be no preaching ser-
vice, the entire time being given over
to singing. The regular choir will be
assisted by Mr. and Mrs. I. Stieles,
Miss Leah Plummer and J. F. Stark.
The evening promises to beyery'enter—
ta i nti i'rg. “

Miss Cl‘lurchman, a returned mis—
sionary to India, occupies the pulpit
at the Mission church here last Sun:

to crowded houses. Her talks were
interesting and agood collection was
taken for the work in that field, Miss
Churchman is in the country for“ rest,
but will return to India in the spring.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Denning of Onar-
ga, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
London of Winfield," Kansas, arrived
here this week on a visit to their rel—
atives and friends. They are, making


quite a tour of the west and will spend

;,day by the Pennsylviia coal miners‘
Ralph Jones,“

Flosie Kerns,.

Preparations are being made for a .

Methodist church next Sunday. even-~

dey, morning and evening, and spoke.









The total disruption of the Chicago
Federation of Labor is threatened by
rescinding of their charter by the
national executive board of the Ameri-
can Federation of Lat-Pr, who are now
holding their conventipn in San Fran-
cisco. The action was taken because
of alleged defiance f orders issued
by the national body The Chicago
officers are still defia t and have de—
clared'that, charter o no charter, the,
federation of Chicago would still con—
tinue to do business.

The Fall River prit cloth mills of
Fall River, Mass, wee opened a few
days during the past 'eek to give the
striking operatives a opportunity to
return, but so few isponded that a
number of the millswere unable to
keep their machine' running and
were compelled to cl e for an indefi-
nite period.


A special meetingdof the welfare
committees of the Nalonal Civic Fed-
eration has been in w York to con—
sider means of pro ting employes
from lean sharks. inite plans will
soon be arranged an will be formu-
lated at a later sessic.


The Ninth annual invention of the
International‘ Seaman union will be
held in San Franciscljn next Decem-
ber. Representativefrom every port
in the country expecto be present.

,. A,

.. The strike of the fephone" girls in
Portland, Oregon, {been taken, up
by the pulpit of that 'tce and now ev-
ery Sunday stirrin. sermons are.
preached condemu‘ifi-the actions ,of
the company. “ '

At a recent celebrion of Mitch-ell-

'at1Mahony city, it' ‘. intimated by
Mr.‘ Mitchell that t coal question
wOuld ceme up' agaiiji 1906 and the
anthractice miners w (1 then ask'for
better wages and a 1 united. condi-
' tion would be song“ after . between

The Twenty-fourth Annual conven—
tion of the American Federation of
Labor is now in session in San Fran—
cisco and is expected to last about a
week longer. Four hundred and eigh-
ty delegates are in attendance, which
represents 3,400,000 members of labor
unions. The convention was called to
order Monday by J. 0. Walsh, presi—
. dent of the San Francisco Labor coun-
oil, and addresses were delivered by
him, Harry A. Knox, president of the
State Federation of Labor, and by P.
H. McCarty, president of the State
and Local Building Trades’ councils.
A great deal of work was accomplish—
ed during the sessions of the past
week, a number of resolutions being
brought before the convention which
were referred to special committees.
Unions everywhere were called on to
be more careful in their actions rela-
tive to placing firms on the unfair

The delegates representing the
state of Washington, are: P. W. Dow-
ler of Tacoma, representing the Ta-
coma Trades council; W. F. Moyer of
this city, representing the State Fed—
eration of Labor; Fred Hudson of Se-~
attle, representing the Seattle IVestern
Central Labor, and Robert Sawyer, a
member of the Pressman’s union of
this city, representing the Bellingham
Trades council. '


A number of the better cl
tail stores of Buenos Ayres were clos-
ed Monday on account of strikes
among the employes. They ask for
better wages, two hours off for lunch
and the privilege to live off of the
premises, besides many other de—
mands. The storekeepers are inclined
‘to yield to the principal reuests, but
refuse to close for two hours in the
middle of the day.
The union printers have
the aged, distressed and indigent men
of the craft, which is situated in Colo-
rado Springs, and is the only institu-
tion of its kind which is maintained
by a trades union. Improvements and
additions ‘are, being made constantly
and the union finds no trouble to keep

a home for


the empldyes‘ and t~ mployers. g

. I» . $ ’ 3
some time here. Thlike this coun-
try very much. "


The friends of Mis 1a Pratt,‘ niece
of Mr. and Mrs. N. l‘ratt of Custer,
formerly teacher il‘ e Bellingham
High school, will beeased to learn
of her marriage to {1. D. U. Guag—
ney, of Port Tow‘nse' The ceremo—


the institution in good running order.

A resident 0f Marietta, who was in
the city today states that new log jam
is forming in the Nooksack river be-
low the Indian church at Lummi.

_Funeral services of Mrs. Nellie 1-
Slmpson were held at Nooksack ves—
terday afternoon. Interment was
made in the Nooksack cemetery.


ny will take place a bride’s home
4311 Twelfth avenueortheast Seat—
tle, November 24th. ",ly friends will
be present on accoiiof the recent
death of Miss Pratt’ster. -

. Cost of Cal
W’ashington, Now] ,
"report of W. S‘. Falperger, second
assistant postmastemeral, shows
that the annual raf expenditure
for all inland mail fijportation ser-
vice during the lastcal year was
$67,931,430. To th’s added $21,-
510,053 for foreign s ‘




J. L. Easton










Is something more than an
agreeable beverage to be taken
at all times ‘when
prompts the indulgence.

3-B-Beer has tonic qualities
fully equal to any of the malt
medicines so extensively adver-

B. B


Spokane, St. Paul and
all points East ....12:45 a.m.
12:40 p. m.., Blaine, New \\'est-
minster and Vancouver,
. 12:25 p.m.
For rates, folders and all informa-
tion call on or address,

G. W. P. A., Seattle..

Bellingham, “'ash.



For Seattle
,daily except Sunday, 8:30 a.m,
South Bellingham, 8:45-21. m.
Anacortes 10:15 a. m '
Arrive Seattle 4:45 p. in.







ass of re- '

the weak



one I38


Of Strength

'F or the strong—an invigorator for

It is fine and pure and gives

strength to all who use it.

Chas. A. , Nelson


Leave Seattle 9 a. m. . _’ »
City of Seattle, Nov.16, 28.


Cottage City, Nov 7, 21.
Humboldt, Nov. 11, 24.

Leave Seattle 9 a. m. '
Queen, Nov. 14, 29; Dec., 14.

City of Pueblo, Nov. 19; Dec. 4'.
Umatilla, Nov. 9, 24; Dec., 9.
Steamers connect at San Francisco
with company’s steamers for ports in
For further information obtain fol-
der. The right reserved to change
sttamers or sailing dates.
Ticket Offices:
General Passenger Agent.
_ 10 Market Street, San F'ancisco.




Bellingham lia‘y and British Columbia:
'Railroad Company

Time Card Effective Oct. 9, 1904.

Trains arriving Bellingham at 12-20
p. m. and leaving Belingham at 2:35


Bellingham, Wasl'y











Ye Colonial Press
_ JOHN C. BOYER, Manager.



I £05] '0 N


and all Eastern points.

, Shortest and best line in connection
with Atlantic Steamship service, to
and from Great Britain and the Con-

Lowest rates and all other in-
fmmation from

E. J. COYLE, ’

A. G. P. A.




left today for a trip' okane.


207 Holly Scree