xt70rx937t9n_410 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_9/Multipage18033.pdf 1920 1920 1920 section false xt70rx937t9n_410 xt70rx937t9n  



Former Advocate of Votes
for Fair Sex Regrets
Earlier Stand.

Knoxville, Tenn., July 7.—Miss An-
nie Bock, of Los Angeles. formerly
an equal suffrage leader, in a letter
to W. K. Anderson, representative
in the lower house of the Tennessee
legislature and a candidate for an-
other term, urges him not to support
ratification of the suffrage amend—
ment. Suffrage, she says, coarsens
and cheapens women, and she ex—
presses her regret at her former ac-
tivity in its behalf. She says that
since suffrage there has been an
alarming increase in immorality, di—
vorce and murder in California.

The letter follows:

“I was one of the prominent work-
ers who helped to bring suffrage to
California, and I regret it.

in politics has taught me

women are intolerant, radical,

revolutionary and more corrupt in

politics than men, also all this so-

called reform leads to the socialist
cooperative commonwealth.

“Since suffrage there has been an
alarming increase in immorality, di-
vorce and murder in California.

“W'oman suffrage has made cow-
ards and puppets of men. It has
coarsened and cheapened women.
Were the men to vote on woman suf—
frage in California, today, it would
‘not carry.

“Suffragists asked suffrage that
they might put only good men in of-
fice: now they clamor for a fifty—fifty
show for all offices.

“1 shall do penance forever for the
part I played in bringing suffrage in

“Please urge your colleagues not
to do what will bring regret and dis-
aster, but to stand for that 90 per
cent of the women who do not want
suffrage, but are glad to trust all
politics and governmental affairs to
their loved husbands, fathers, sons
and brothers.

“To the South, woman suffrage
would bring more than calamity.”








gFor Legislators Issued


Tennessee Assembly To Take1
Up Suffrage Proposals. ‘

3 Conflicting Claims Advanced By Ri- ‘
val Headquarters—Other Matters
To Be Considered.

Nashville, Tenn, August T.—The for?
mal call for the special session of the-
EState Legislature, to begin Monday,‘
,and to consider, among other things,
iratification of the Federal suffrage
!amendment, was issued to-da.y by Gov—'
Eernor A. H. Roberts.

‘ The first item mentioned in the extra
session call is action on the suffrage"
iamendment. The next is action to HA"
ithe legal status of women. The third.
Eitem is to prescribe the qualifications
{of women for suffrage, including impo-
lsition of poll tax, and to provide for;
'their registration.

! The call is lengthy, embracing many
ilocal matters. 1

Should the Legislature act favorablY,

‘ on the amendment, Tennessee would be—‘

[come the thirty-sixth state to ratify,
and the constitutional change would be-
.come effective in time for the women

iof the country to vote in the presiden-
l tial elections in November.

Conflicting claims as to the ultimate
action of the State Assembly are made
by suffrage and anti—suffrage leaders,
who have been here nearly a month.
:Proponents of ratification contended
that they had gained in the special
election August .7, at which three mem-
ibers of the Senate and ten members of
|the House were elected. ‘

—.__.4 ._.'___.._


,_ _

iIn Tennessee, Christensen Says-'
% Cox and Harding Addressed.

Nashville, Tenn, August 7.—A poll of
the Tennessee Legislature on the Fed-
eral suffrage amendment indicates its
rejection, Parley 1“. Christensen, farin-
labor party candidate for President, to-
night notified Senator \Varren G. Hard—
ing and Governor James M. Cox in
telegrams placing responsibility for the
fate of the amendment in this state

,upon them as leaders of their respect-I
ivo parties. V

Mr. Christensen is here to address the
Nashville Trades and Labor (,‘ouncil to-
morrow in behalf of ratification. The
special session of the legislature for
consideration of the suffrage amcnd~
merit has been called to meet Monday.

“You are well aware that unless the
Tennessee Legislature, which meets on
Monday, ratifies the Federal woman
suffrage amendment, the women of the
country cannot participate in the No-

. veinber national elections,” the tele-

grams said. “You are well aware of
your power to influence the members of
Your party in the Tennessee Legislature
on this question, inasmuch as your
‘party platform pledges you and your
party to immediate application of the
principle of universal suffrage. if you
cannot hold the members of your party
faithful to the party's pledges before
election, the country will doubt your
ability to carry out your pledges if you
should be elected to the 1"rcsidency.

“This is to notify you that out of 26
Democrats in the State Senate only
eight are pledged to ratification, and
out of 7.". Democrats in the House only
34 are pledged to ratification; that out
of seven Republicans in the state Senate
only three are pledged to ratification,
and out of 26 Republicans in the House
only eight are pledged to ratification.
And I further would notify you that
many of the unplcdgcd members have
said they will stand by the decision of
their party caucus.

"Tennessee is the show—down of your
sincerity in this matter. Anything less
than immediate action resulting in rati-
fication uy Tennessee will be accepted
by the thinking people of the country
at its face value of 100 per cent cam-
paign bunk. The people have had suf-
ficient of snnpathetic words on this
question from politicians of both the
old parties."



or Attitude of Republicans, After,
They Confer With Hays.

New York, August 7.—A two-hour in~
ierview with \\'ill l-I. liays, Chairman,
of the Republican National Committee,
left a delegation of 33 Connecticut suf—l‘
fragists "not fully satisfied" with the}
attitude. of the Republican party on the
Anthony suffrage amendment. which‘1
they declared they desired to be passed,
by the. thirty-sixth state "in time for;
Connecticut women to vote in Novem-~
ber." ‘

Connecticut women. said a statement-3
issued by Miss Katharine Ludington.
Eleader of the delegation, after the in-‘
‘terview. are going to wait for results,

"\\'c are now waiting. with keenest‘
Linterest. to see what their plans for:
'bringing about ratification in a Newi
England state will amount to," she de-i,
clawed. i

in the course of the interview Mr.‘.
Hays declared that he and the Repub—I:
lican party were. in full accord with the
wishes of the Connecticut suffragists.
I-{c promised to address a personal plea
to Governor Marcus 1i. Holcomb, urg«
ing the calling of a special session to
consider ratification.

‘MEF‘S'VI: . . . . New [ix'grk





The Drama at San Francisco.

ANY features of the forthcoming Democratic national conven-

‘ M tion conspire to make it a gathering of absorbing interest

. and importance. The party finds itself in a situation entirely

5 different from any other campaign in history. Looking backward,

‘it sees a vista of marvelous events in which its leader, the President

fof the United States, played a central role. Looking forward, it sees

ia cloudy chaos, which may be the beginning of a dazzling new era .
i or the wreck of all that has been.

Four years ago the leader of the Democratic party had nearly
{completed his first term and had established a firm grasp upon the
Fparty. His political genius was acknowledged by all men. He had
'Congress in the hollow of his hand. He had convinced the people
, that he would steer the ship of state in such manner as to avoid war.
“ The people were grateful to him for having maintained a neutral
position. The country was anxious to keep out of war. The Repub-
;"licans had very little upon which to base a demand for a change of
:‘ administration. Justice Hughes was admitted to be a splendid

. "Republican, but there was no special reason why he should displace

.1 Woodrow Wilson as head of the nation. The Mexican situation was

' I heatedly discussed, and Col. Roosevelt vigorouslyattacked President

-' Wilson, but the latter Skillfully appropriated the better parts of the
. progressive program and avoided a direct conflict with the redoubt—
' able colonel. The Democratic slogan was, “He kept us out of war,”
and this, with the aid of several blunders by the Republicans,
reelected Mr. Wilson. , I

That situation has disappeared as completely as if it had been
'. merely a dream. The campaign just beginning differs entirely from
3' the‘campaign of 1916. Mr. Wilson asked for a declaration of war
-‘in April, 1917, less than a month after he had begun his second
1. term. The country was ready for war. The war was gallantly and
'_ successfully fought, with many demonstrations of the American spirit
to arouse patriotic ardor. The enemy was triumphantly swept out
.' of France. The United States was the center of the world’s gratitude
; and admiration. President Wilson, personifying the might and 4
: majesty of the nation that struck the decisive blow, became the most
. popular figure in all humanity. His fame burst the bounds of con—

tinents and reverberatedacross all seas. The nations which he found,

‘ time to visit were delighted to honor—"him’a'bove‘ emperors. He loomed
. above all the peace negotiatorsas the Paris conference began‘"-'.e

- .1 .. a . .. a. . "wmwTanflhis Wish was eagerly granted.

.. The remainder of this strange, eventful history, down to the res

. ent hour, may be filled in as each reader pleases. The readeiPh -

.- been through it all, and is competent to draw his own conclusions. as

_ Now.the Democratic party is assembling in national convention

.' to cons1der its present and future. It cannot build upon the re d

: of the wanwithout building also upon the record of the attempted

‘ . 5:326:31 eII'f it claims credit for one it must assume responsibility for

( .The nations that acclaimed America as their. savior are now sull I

:i Wlth disappointment and poorly suppressed anger. The Unitzfil

. States IS exempted from an outburst of fury only because this nation

. 1s a creditor and possessed of immense resources which are need d

_: by Europe. Some of the nations blame the American people f e

3 alleged change of heart toward Europe. I Others blame Mr W011. an

; and 1still others blame the Senate. :It does not matter much wife):

3:333:38“ 3° 3:“

' unsatisfactory condition, at a time 5:72:31 1rtlaieoushar‘ldmba‘ thoroughly

- factory and beneficial. y s on e most satis~

The leadership of the world is no longer held b Mr '

; he 1s still the-leader of the party through which 3lie begfdseorllgrgsif-
dent, and which he favored above other parties after he be
President. The threats of mutiny against his leadership are came
3Pd deep, but only a few Democrats have actually dared t ndarf‘y
3:11:11 Hedhias Enlaniffisted‘ remarkable political ability as a rule) exfeny"

emiso 131 ness,a ' ‘- ’
party is indisputable. nd up to this hour hlS authorlty over the.

The question of surrenderin his ower ‘
The end of his second term is ipprogching.ls gzzuLELZEtafg-‘iwered.
nating a candidate is at hand. The Democratic party must non};-
the campaign and make an effort to win, notwithstanding thegSntn o
onisms, misunderstanding, mistakes, debts and other inheritanc ag;

5 a costly war and an unsuccessful peace. What will the leade 6: 0‘?

:, How will the party accept his suggestions or his orders? H r o.

the leader remain leader if he permits another to be .nomiciiwtcgg

.4 How can he expect to be nominated himself, in the face of bit ..

:- opflosition and third term prejudice? 1 e1.

__ is a drama of intense interest that is u i ' -

It is a living, moving picture of the next chgictlg'nig fliesiifeilfagélsco‘

row Wilson, the most famous man in the world. ~ °°di .



V ,







0f Leignégt 2 Ediso‘opafll Dio-

cese—Bishop Burton’ 3 An-
niversary To Be Celebrated
Next Year At Christ Church
Cathedral 1'

By Bessie Taul Conlnvright
Mrs. John NN'. Scott, of Lexington,.
was elected president of the NVoman's
Auxiliary of the Lexington Episcopal
diocese at the annual meeting held at
the Christ Church Cathedral parish
house NN’ednesday afternoon to succeed
Miss Kate Scudder, of Covington, who

has held the office for eight years.

Other diocesan officers elected were
Mrs. NV. H. Johnston, of Keene, vice
piesident for the Blueg1ass region:
Mis NN'. l’.NVl1eeler. vice p1esident for
the Ohio river region; Mrs. Belle
NVoodhury. Middlesboro, vice president
for the Mountain region; Mrs. J. R.
Cowan, Danville, secretary; Mrs. F.
13. NVentworth, NVincheseter, treasurer;
Mrs. Cecil Cantrill, Lexington, educa—
tional secretary, and Mrs. Samuel Ben—
nett. Lexington, custodian of the Unit-
ed ’l‘hank offering.

, Miss Seudder, the retiring president,
was given a rising vote of appreciation
for her faithful service for eight years,
and an appreciative letter from the
bishop. It was decided to hold the next
annual meeting in Frankfort, and to
celebrate the anniver‘saiy of Bishop
'Lewis NV. Linton in 1021 in Christ
Church Cathedial.

Much business was discussed and
1110p()1ts “ere made by Mrs. Samuel
l’).ennett custodian of: the United
Thank offering: Mrs. John NV. Scott.
educational secretary; Mrs, Howard
Black, junior president; Mrs. J. R.
Cowan, secretary; Miss Mary Fish,
treasurer, and the vice presidents of
the three regions.

A delicious luncheon was served by
,the “omen of the local auxiliary at
the parish house. The Gi1ls Friendly
Society repeautel “\ Pageant of Girl:
hood’ for the visitors, and Mrs. Hen-
ry '1‘. Duncan and Miss Ellen Blanding
sang a duet

Delegates present were: Cathedral——
Mrs. L. NV. Burton, Miss Laura Clay;
Church of the Good Shepherd—Mrs.
N'irginia Foreman, Mrs. N, Zimmer—
man, Mrs. Claude Miller; Danville—
Mrs. J. R. Cowan; Frankfort-—Miss
("lordelia Kendall, Mrs. Howard Black,
'Elizabeth Smith. Miss Christine Rey—
'nofds. Miss Marietta. Jackson; Ver-
sailles—Miss Mary NV. NN’assaboehr,
Mis. C. NN Saffell; NViInchester Mrs.
Randolph Nalz, Mrs. F. N\ entuorth,
Mrs. Strauder Goff;\e\1p01t—Nhs
John de N'olo, Miss Nellie Amman;
Fort Thon1as——Mrs. J. C. Layne; Ash-
land—Miss Eliza Jones. Mrs. John H.
McCleary;l Maysville—Miss Alice Gill,
M1s.B. L. Ross M1s John Stephen-
son; Cynthiana—Mrs Ixate NI Nictm,
M1s. Carl Musse1, Mrs. NI. Boyd; ’l‘Iin—
ity A, Covington—Miss Kate Scudder,
N[1s. J Houard Gibbons; Paris—Mm.
Fithian, Mrs. Stillwell, Mrs. NN 1ggins.





MA" 2, 192'


lBeat Amendment For
{South Says—Pleasant

Governor Sums Up Case Against Federal Suf-

frage; for State Action; No Glory In Being
Thirty—Sixth State to Ratify.

Ratification of the federal suffrage
amcndment by Southern states, would

timents, but it also means that we em—
power, expect, and invite. in the



Quit Eating It and “latch
Price Tumble, An EX-
pert Adv1ses
N. E. A. Staff Correspondent

llfA.SI~IIN(‘xTON. May 1.~»—The best
way to ourth the high prices of sugar


'woman the control

blew {Lowers at his feet and lmlged
their petals in his hair. ‘
Yet. with all of this he never set‘
a sail, he. never fashioned a keel, he
never mnk a shaft, hll} never made a
plow, he never painted a picture. he
never wrote a poorn he nowr ()pcnOd
a school, he never discovered a. law of
mathematics. he never got away from
the breech cloth. he never did anv-
thing that was civ‘ilizing in the eight
thousand years of recorded huntaar
history. It isn‘t in than. He cannot
create. He cannot discover. He can
only imitate. And to say that we
must share with him and the negro
of an established
white civilization which they could not


and We were born and reared in the
North, they would look at. these things
an we do. and we would look at. them

‘Ha they do. The white people of botb‘
-m~cti()lis are descendants of Caucasian
in 5

Europe. and, if they were placed
lhe same. situation, they would
alike in great rllcial cmcrgemies.

So my argument is not givcn in an
lrcr toward the people of the other
sections of the nation, nor ll Opposi-
tion to woman suffrage as such, for i
think white, women ought to have that
right through the State (.‘onstitutim
just as we men have it. Nor do 1 ill-


‘ tend to express ill temper toward th
negro. I am simply standing up for my ‘

own race. for the dominance and
rlty of its brain textur‘ and
plasma, and against anyt‘ling that will

l divisions

‘ force
hiood .


World W or, Confederate l
Graves Are Decorated

(By Associated Press]
GREENVIIJLE, S. (7.. Bluylr
orial Day exercises here, today includ—i

~Mem- 7
ed the. decoration of the graves of 200

the 30th, 81st and
died Cam}.-

soldiers of 20th

w h 0 at Sevicr

“luring the world war. as well as the
:gravcs of the (.‘onrfcdcrat dead.

, and strife. Hilffcring and sacrifice, and

revolution and death to preserve it.
Terr-fore. moved by the compelling‘
of my soul and by the resist-
lcss call of the spirits of our sires who
mu. dead. 1 shall make the fight, 1‘

have developed in ('1. billion fi'f‘t’il's 15 (“S threaten ll 01‘ (111158 lll'll'llll dlSflill‘tl
loyalty to our own race. and a mock- , ._.i-.___-...sv..._.__~ T
er}: to the. memory of SOlorr""d :l'nd‘kl‘
David and Homer and l’cricles :mdl
Phidias and Socrates and Solon

Justinian and Cicero and Angelo and i

shall keep the faith.

is to quit eating it, according to Dr.
Carl Voegtlin, professor of pharmacol—
ogy. Government Hygienic Labora—

be equivalent to a. declaration on the [language of the second sections of
part of these states “that we now the amendments, Congress to “cu-force
have finally accepted race political .the article by appropriate legislation."
equality and that we acquiesce in, and :ADDYOPHMC Legislation tinder Amend-
a/lopt, the principle of the Fifteenth ments.

Amendment." declared Gov. R. G. SUCh appropriate legislation can be

At the present time. the people of
the United Statues are consuming,r $2.-

l’leasant, in a
‘atification, which
States on Saturday.

he sent to The
lather than look

with pride upon the possibility of be-t

ing the 36th state to ratify "We ought
to be the deciding factor in its re-
jection," he said.

Gov. Pleasant declares it is a ques-
tion of principle alone. He has given
the subject careful consideration and
asserts that he is more convinced
than ever that federal suffrage will
he a, great mistake. i-lis statement
follows: ’

(lov. Pleasant sent to the Shreve-
port Times Saturday an elaborate ar—
gumcnt against the Federal Suffrage
Amendment. He believes women
should vote but. by state action.

The (lo\'el'llt)l"s statement follows:

The ratification by any considerable
number of Southern States of the pro
"posed Nineteenth amendment to the
Fedcral Constitution. giving the equal
right to vote to all white and colored
women ill the United States. means the
M'cntuitl adoption of laws by the Fed-
eral (lovcrnmcnt for the strict enforce

ment of political equality between the

whites and negroes in the South. It
will he a public, decku‘ation to the ef‘
fol-t that the South has finally accept-
n-d the northern viewpoint relative to
race political equality, and lint we
now acquiscce in. and adopt. the prin-
ciple of the Fifteenth amendment.

it is urged that we mlgllt be the
thirty-sixth. 0r decidin". state to rati-
fy the ~Nineteenth amendment
that, therefore. we ought to be for
it and claim some political advantage
, and remuneration for our action. Hath
cr. would i say, that we ought to bed
deciding factor in its rejection. and,
therefore, perpetuate our consistent
condemnation of the Fifteenth amend-
ment, and be a. leader in a cause that
is dear to the white people of
South. l-lut. whether we are for the
ialnendment or against it. principle
alone should control 0111' determination
ill-sides. who remembers which was.
the deciding state to vote for
adoption of the Original constitution of
the l'nited States. or the 2111 of Rights
Articles, or the 'l‘hirteenth. l“0UX'[(‘i‘lllll.
or Fifteenth amendments. or the in-
cilne Tax Amendment, or even the
.l’rohibition Amendment which
adopted only :1 little more than a year
ago? Not one person in one million
remembers them all. And what special
consideration. advantage or reward did
the deciding state receive? None. it is
better to be the first or the. thirty-
fifth state than to be the thirty-
:‘ixih. Then our real motives could not
be questioned. Cupidity could not be
charged against us.


lut it is further argued that. we“
- man's suffrage by federal amendment

iis coming anyhow, and we might as
well join the majority. licrt is where
many of our good people are

statement opposing 3

and ‘,

the S

was ‘

,a mere joint
, hil‘vi‘tion,
,’lion police powers, does not strike at
[the heart
,cannot be compared with the control
v of
,‘ corpuscles

l reoognize

in er-i

not other than Enforcement Bills giv-
ing the negro man and the negro wo-
,man the right to vote in the primar-
ies, doing away with all prerequisites
like the Grandfather Clause. and giv-
ing the l'nited States Courts 0r spe-
,cial examiners. or Federal Superviv
sons of Registration and Elections,
and other officers and tribunals. the
right to inquire into any and all
questions relative to the application
of educational tests and property
qualifications. placing federal police
‘around ballot boxes. cutting down
our representation in Congress if we
ldisobey Congressional _legislation. and
:scores of other regulations and re.-
lquirements. which would finally multi-
,ply and grow into an absorption by
jlhc l'nited States Government of the
lfull control of the, suffrage of the
lStatees and of the Nation.
‘(lentralization of Power at. “'ashing-
ton. ,

The tendency to centralize power at
\Vashington is already tremendous
Shall we maintain the traditions and
principles upon which the Republic
was founded? ()r shall we gradually
adopt the British scheme of govern-
ment, from which we revolted, and
finally reduce the status of our in
dividual commonwealths to the same
relative power and importance to the
;N:ltion that the English country—or.
imore properly insofar as the whole
South is concerned, lreland~~~bears to
the l-iritish Empire? States' rights
alone can guarantee home rule.

A state is no longer sovereign when
some other government has any power
"or control over that state’s eltctorate.

Sovereignty in a nation. governed by
an absolute nronarch. rests in the
king. lut sovereignty in a free demo-
cratic, state rests in the suffragists
of that state. unrestricted and un-
controlled by any other power than
‘the will of the electorate; If that
will should be straight—jacketed at the
registration office and at the ballot

thelhm‘ by the mandates of another gov"
.government would sooner or later es—
ltablish its complete (outrol within the


of the

real sovereignty
be gone. and the

state and apropriaic its authority and

The granting of the enforcement of
police control like pro—
which is only one of a mi]-

of state sovereignty,

the the

t he

wh o are

state's electors,
that course
very veins of sovereignty.
’l'he Questions Covered.

is extremely necessary that we
the fact that the proposed
Nineteenth Amendment covers, be-
sides woman suffrage. two other ques-
tions of transcendent


000.000,000 worth of sugar a, year, and
if the price goes to 30 cents a. pound,
which is likely. they will be eating it
at the ‘ate of :1 year.

To dispense with this sugar would
save $20 a year for each person or $10
for each family of five. To those who
eat it in the form of candy it. would
save much more, as good candy sells
for from $1 to $2 a pound.

The best. authorities in the l'n-ited
Statesi' including Dr. Harvey \V. \Viley
recognized as one of the wof‘ld's great
est foo-d experts, say refined sugar
used for sweetening. is not only llll-
necessary. but injurious to the sysb‘em.

“Sugar is it luxury. and not an es-
sential food," says: Dr. \'oe.gt'iin.
"\V-hen 'taken into the system sugar is
burned into carbonic acid and water
and in those forms eliminated. Tire.
only thing it generates is heat and
energy. The. indirect harm dOne by
sugar is to destroy the tiDDQ’the for the
forms of foods that should be eaten.
such as fruits and vegetables. These
foods contain sufficient sugar to fur-
rush necessary heat and energy. and
at the same time they supply proteins,
fats, mineral salts and vitamins.
Start-hos are broken down into sugar
and thereby furnish the body all the

heat and energy necessary."

vise elections: to present all alleged re-
gistration wrongs to the l'nitcd States
Circuit Courts fol: immediate deter-
mination; to challenge the right of any
person to register'or to have his name
on' the registration books; to inspect,
examine, and .scrtltinze. at any time.
the orginal books. rools or lists of any
registration system; to require oaths
of challenged voters; to inspect. the tile
terior of ballot boxes: to keep the poll
lists and lists of registered voters: to
forward the return of the canvass of
the votes; to make house, to house can
vats-s, of voters for the purpose of test-
ing their qualificatin; to make can-
vass of naturalized persons; to ill-
form the voters of election rights at
the polls; and to do many Ulllr'l‘ things
incident to registrations and elections.
The bill further provided the method
of counting the ballots. and for the
creation of l'nitcd Status Boards of
Canvasscrs which should certify elect-
ions to Congress. it provided for the
appointment of an army of l'nitcd
Stuttes deputy marshals whose duty
it would be to go to the polling places.
police them. and generally to enforce
this statute and all other federal elec.
tion laws and regulations.

President Harrison was in favor of
this Force liill, and, ill supporting it
he said: '

“Nor should it be forgotten that
every law. whether relating to cl»
cctirlrl or to any other" subject,
whether enacted by stale or by na-

force behind the

Shakespcrlr and Molivrc and Dante and
Goethe and Beethovin and Mozart
Chopin and Fulton and \Vatt and Co-
lumbus and De Montford and
ingt'on and Lafayette and
and thousands

to its present intellectual pt‘~‘)portions.

and ,

\‘l'ash- ‘
hundreds ‘
. and millions of other;
whltle men who have built up the world i

The constitutions, statutes and juris-i

prudence. the arts. sciences and li'tcrlr
ture. the customs, momls and religions

of the white nations are the composite 3

product of all the White mcn of all the
ages that have gone before. No hand
bill the white man's hand can steer
the intellectual ship that he has built.

l (10 not. say these things with mal.
icc toward the negro. Just the
trary. i say them in kindness and as
matters of fact. 'l‘hcrc are many
ncgrolé‘ls whose

con- '

friendship l cherish. i

.111 l lht-ll/J then limitations from fir—-

tual observation and from a Study of
ethnology and anthropology. Luck of
brain weight and texture carlv knit-
ting 0f c‘anial sutuses, and other
con'lparativo phyisitnl inferiorities
doom the race to countless aeons of
evolution before any perceptible
change ran be made in its creative
powers. And an intermixture with bet-

ter blood would serve only to drawutile...

higher race downward.
Let us not build any
bridge between the negro as he is and:
soclal equality. In some sections of1
the North that space has already been‘
spanned. and, as blood will tell. race
l‘lOlS are becoming frequent in that
section. ' l
i am willing to share with the negro
the benefits of our civilirzition because.
he has been brought here against hi:
will. llut i am not going to do anv-
thing to place a, power in his hand
which would enable. him even partly"
to control that which he could never
produce. ‘ ‘
No Anger, No Prejudice. i
llo not understand me to szlv that:
we Southern people will tamcly submit .
to a compulsory political or serial raccE
equality in any event. But whv invite
the untold troublcs that will come from
an attempted enforcement of the Fif-
teenth and Nineteenth amendments"
itcmt-lnbcr that ill“ North and \Vest‘
arc dauglltcr sections; of the Mast ‘
and. taken all together. tht-y are much i
stronger than we. and can cmbodv
their will in national lcgislution at any
time. Political considerations are corlw
tinually inviting the Republican party
particularly to do something in a poll
lical way for the negro. ()Aur consent
to the nineteenth anlcmlment will ”iv
it the ch'USO that it desires andh
argument that it needs. I do not be-Y
licvc that the Northern people would
ever do his, however, if they were
placed in juxtaposition with heeroes
in large numbers as We arefiBu‘i,
their environments and ours are dif I
ferent. As a whole they look at the





im rtance to- . .
DO. ' tlon. has it;

courts, the marshal or constable.
tbc- more»: cornitatlls t‘m- uriei'i
are. all and always behind the law
*' " ‘ ‘ N0 choice is left, to me
but to enforce with vigor all laws
in tended to secure to the citizen
his constitutional rights and to

equality from an academicali
standpmnt. and view the political
Jll‘lit‘tlt’ili :lnglc, if tilt-i,

utill reared in the South

Southern States against the. principle
of the Fifteenth amendment that has ,
,“v'vrndrtl enforcement and insured;
our salvation. That same principle, ' .- ,
is embedded in the Nineteenth Amend- both of them can 1‘0 'obvmted by

iamcndlng the state constitution so as

ment. the irinciple of race equality; . .
lct us seeI ,‘10 glve the woman the right to vote

. l
ror. It is the political solidarity of thei
l wit:

'lacc equality. "‘“
3. State sovereignty.


W E“ l‘Ft

:l .
iii": ,1



T13 las we men have received it. But it

' ' “sex in the Nineteenth . _ _
weld IS argued that ”MS plan has been tried

Amendment covers every kind of liti-
man being, white. yellow. brown. red

or black. male or female, just as much '

as do the words “race" and “color” in
the Fifteenth amendment. which was
written with the sword in the blend of
the South at the close of the Civil

Ratification Means Endorsement

For fifty years the white people of
the South have united solidly and de-
termincdly against the enforcement of
the Fifteenth amendment. They
[could take this position consistently
'hccause they were not a party to its
ratification. You can't endorse a law,
and then consistently fight;
its enforcement. This is the great
point in this whole matter insofar as
the race question‘is concerned. When
you once voluntarily create a
and give it
val. you cannot then
and oppose your own
Some of the Southern States were
‘recorded as having ratified the F‘if»
,teenth amendment. it true. lut
this was done when they were in the
hands of the negrocs and of the Re-
publican adventurers who came down
here just after the Civil \\'ar: and
is a well known fact that these so-czlll-
ed rtttifications were corruptly and
'unlawfully accomplished. and con-
trary to the will of the white people
of the South. Heaven forbid that we
should now say that these negroes
‘and white political malefactors were.
right and that our fathers were
wronk. and reverse our age-long pol-
icy on the race question by ratifying
ltbe Nineteenth Amendment
icarries with it all of the dangers of
ithe Fifteenth Amendment. l'nder
;the Nineteenth, or sex.
'Congress can only pass, and must en-
force. laws equally for the benefit 'of

discount. deny.



the negro man and the white woman
There can be no difference as to sex
or the color of the sex,
Two Amendments.

Note the similarity between the two

The text of the Fifteenth
ment is as follows:

"Section 1: The right of citi-
zens of the l'nited States to vote
shall not be denied or abridged
by the l'nitcd States or by any
State on account of race. color. or
previous condition