xt70rx937t9n_408 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_8/Multipage17974.pdf 1919 April-December 1919 1919 April-December section false xt70rx937t9n_408 xt70rx937t9n  



"5 F i'rst






chk‘ing Against the Pucks
THE first six states ‘01 the American Union to cast
their 1'0tes 011 the question of equal suffrage have -re—
corded them in favor of that proposal. ‘1 There is no rea—
sonable doubt that as rapidly as the legislatures of the
other states can bring the question "to a'yote the requisite
111ajori'ty to carry the Constitutional amendment willbe
forthcoming. ’ This means that the English speaking
.11'orld from the North Pacific to the South Atlantic will
have made the electoral position of men and women the
same. C ertain Seandinaiian countries ha1e aheady done
this and 110111't the I 1ench I.\ epublic 1s preparing to follow
suit. T here For be1'01e the year is out 21 law ge section
0!: the countries of the world will ha1e wiped from thei1
statute books the discreditable law of the disability of 21
1101112111 to vote. 1

\\ hat this means it is, perhaps. early yet to say. Ol'
one thing, however. there «can be no reasonable doubt.
The electoral equality 01'. women 1.11ust be followed, and
will be follow ed immediatel1. by an insistence 011 making
practical the economic equality of women T he day, that
is to say. when one person could control the expenditure
of a family income will come to a precipitate end.
not only must this happen. but the inequalities of the wage
system must be rapidly remedied. There are those. in all-

con11trie‘s..11'l1o' have seen in woman suffrage the opening
In practice. wherever female sultrage has '

of a sex war.
been made the law 101.T the land. there has been '1'1'1ani1csted
nojustitication for such a fear'11'l1ate1'er. At the same
time it is positiyely certain; and it is po'sitiyely right. that
equality should be granted to women all along the line
and it is the fear laroel1 of this equality which has so long
retarded a just deci:ion' 111 the matter.

It' is perfectly 0b1'1ous,1:'01' instance that many coun—
tr y1 where women ha1' e the 11 ote they are not going to sub—
mit to being depri1 ed of privileges 011 the mere ground
that they are women. The countiy which g1ants equal

- suffrage must be prepared for equal wages and for equal 1

opportunity, A woman is not going to labor 1n the same
factory or the same office as a man for a consideration the
man would not accept. The trade unionist equally with
the lawyer or the banker 11 ill have to recognize this In-
deed the fact 1s being tecognized in every direction as
may be seen by the dete1mination of the I ondon banker‘s

to admit women equally 111th men to the 111embership of. 1
The 1110161tr1ttl1is 11rrmnsnl woe 1.11.1“
a gentleman with an historic name. in I31'1t1sh banking

“the. Institute. of Bankers.

circles. The motion was made on the declaration by him
that to employ men and women in banks. Whilst excluding
' the one fr0m the Institute and admitting the other was
preposterous. As a result the motion was carried ap—par
ently without opposition. T his, of course is only one indi—
cation out ot the many which are becoming so common
, 11211 the first swallow 01" intermediate equality israpidly

" growing into the'whole flock of absolute equality. There
remains one point, however, on which little appreciable
impression has as yet been made. and it is the most, impor-
tant [perhaps of all.

I. he Jewish} 1hilosopher who wrote in the Bible that
the love 01? money was the root of all e1'il. had phnnbed
the human mind with scientihc accuracy. To the ordinary
‘ human being money stands not 0nl1'for the ability to
obtain pleasures or luxuries, but for 1'e1y life itself. Poy —

erty, when it, is abject enough, spells hunger. exposure, 1'

rags—even starvation. The instinct of me1e existence,
therefore in the human mind battles for money with
the ruthlessness of the philosophers beasts at Ephesus.

That is why the wage question is always the storm center.
of the labor question Those who labor know well
enough that the distinctions of class equally with the
privileges of power, are bound up in the word income.
T hey know, consequently that the whole fortress of class
distinction stands 01' falls with the contiol of material
supply. And, knew 111g this, they naturally addiess them~
sel1 es directly to the sti ate01c21l center of the struggle

But, in addition to the economic. political. or social
side of the question the1 e is 21 1' my desperate moral side.
\\ ant of money. the whole world know; has for centu-
ries spelled 11101211 degeneration. 01' e1'ero11'ding and loss
of self respect have combined 11 ith the b1tte1 ness of: injus—
.tice to lower the ‘11101'al condition of those subject to
them. As a 1'.esult it is a common fact know 11 to e1 ery so—
cial reformer, that the sweating of women has been one of
the great causes which have swollen the tide of immoral—
ity. Thousands of girls, brutall1 r'equi1ed to live 011
‘ wages insufncient not merely to sustain them respectably.
‘buta to provide them with the common necessaries of lite
have fallen victims to what they regcar ded as the neces—
sit1' of augmenting their wages by immoral means.
T liousands of others p1011ded with wag es calculated to a
nicety on the minimum of the necessities of life. have
fallen, 111 the drab struggle, a prey to the temptations of
the supper party which h 1as seemed to make life bearable
to them, for at least one intoxicating hour.
It' is no good blinking the facts. \Ian s inhumanity to

,man has my er been more firmly established than in the
economic exploitation of woman In e1'er1' 0'1 e211 ci11'01'
the 11 oi'ld toda1, and 111 every small one for that matter.
gi1ls a1e being paid wages 011 which it is impossible for
them to exist bdecently or to exist at all. T he interyie'w'
printed. in the colunins of this paper. 011 Iuesday last.
with Miss Gillespie. and those which 11211e followed it
since, ha1'e exposed the economic abonnnatiOn of what is
going 011. 1Every day that the state hesitates to 11x 21
111inimum wage for women. a wage. 1111 ich will allow
proper ph1s1cal and intellectual ('lc1eloi'1n1ent. is a crime
2'1gai11st the state. _Tl1e trade unions have not in their
degree. been less to blame than the worst e.\ 'ploiter 111"
capital in this respect. They haye protected thcm cl1cs.
and they have fought strenuously for the
union wages, but they 11211 e ne1e1 1cally

increase 1)).
come out into the


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 5'EW I ,EANS, LA., APRIL 9, 1913.




I There have been some recent dis-
plays of vicious sectionalism, but they
have been confined mainly to politi—
cxans and papers of an offensive par—
tisan type, while the? country as a
Whole. recognizing the‘groad spirit of
patriotism which prevails and unites
all classes and seetions of America,
is freer from division today than ever ,
before. The war with Spain, in which
men from all parts of the Union
fought side by side, and in which the
commands were divided between Fed-
eral and Confederate generals,
brought the people closer together.
The great war just closed has done
this work still more effectually. So
co‘mplete has the union become that
there has been scarce-1y a breath of
sectionalism until during the last few
weeks, when the ambitions of some
politicians and the disappointment of
some selfish interests have stirred up
division and old animosities. These
efforts are as opposed to every na—
tional sentiment and to every patri-
otic spirit as anything the Bolsheviki
could do.



A fair sample of this ugly and bit-
ter spirit, and the wild lengths to
\ which these enemies of union and
\ . peace go to vent their spite is
«(ell shown in an advertisement
in\<.tl‘e New York Times by the
Harriigan‘: National Bank, Fifth ave-
nue and Fords—fourth street, which
would like to stir up sectional bit—
terness and racial War, to restore the
conditions of the ' reconstruction
period, wherein billions of dollars in
property and thousands of lives were
lost, because the peop‘le of the coun—
try voted for the prohibition amend—
ment. Forty—four out. of the forty—
eight states voted, either through the
people or their Legislntures, against
the sale and manufacture of alcoholic
liquors, whereupon some of the New
York papers, notably the New York
World, the Herald, and the Sun, filled
with the mistaken idea that the life
and prosperity of New York city is
based upon the sale of liquor, de-
clared war against those states whose
people took a different view of the
question—~and particularly against
this section—because the states of
the South, like those of the West,
did not follow the leadership of New
York in the matter. Under the mis-
taken belief that they can cause trouv
ble by doing so, they now call
for the- rigid enforcement of the fif—
teenth amendment, bearing on negro

This policy of spite and hate is
bad enough on the part of the papers
and politicians embittered by their
personal interests. How much worse:
is it in the case of a bank, seeking to
stir up trouble because a majority
of the people do not accept its views
about saloons.

The advertisement of the Harriman
National Bank is a tissue of bitter—
ness, prejudice, and disloyalty. Its
statements about the negro vote and
its suppression is untrue, as the deci-
sions of the United States Supreme
Court show, for it has passed upon
the question a dozen times. Its slan~
der of the South in regard to the
service of white men in the army dur- .
ing the late war is infamous.

We call attention to this bitter 011t—
bnrst not because we believe there is
anything to fear from spite of this
kind—that it can divide the country—
but simply as an illustration of the
spirit prevalent in certain quarters.
The war has stirred up many wild
ideas, has given birth to many fanat-
ics, sectionalists and breeders of
strife. We have sought to shut them
out of this country as far as possible
wnot the Bolshevists and anarchists
alone—but all teachers and advocates
of dangerous creeds, preachers of hate
and passion. The Harriman National
is the first bank we have seen to
range itself in this class. Its so-
called advertisement is not one that
will advertise the bank to sober and
patriotic citizens, or that will heip to
unite and upbuild the country.




 all concerned with its 1) n-

working hard for its success.

Artistlcally Decorated Automobile.

The Fayette Equal Rights Association ‘ ' ‘

was represented in the reception for the
Barrow Unit by an arstically decorated
automobile, in which were a delegation
from the association an da number of
young ladies from Sayre College.

The car was draped
black, the suffrage colors, and also in
the national colors of red, white and

By special permission of Mr. Samuel
Walton, who was the master of cere-
monies and through a permit granted by
the chief of police, the car was allowedl
to be paiked on Main street in front>
of the reviewing stand.

The committee on decorations were:
Mrs. J. C. Hostetter, Mrs. C. J. John-l
son, Mrs. W. D. Drake and Mrs. Whit- ,
ney Hostetter.

The voung ladies from Sayre in the
automobile were Misses Sadie May Grc— I
ham, Nelda Kerser, Martha Gill, VVhit-
ney Kee Drake, Nancy Lee Dunn, 'With
the min the car were Mesdames Drake,
Hostetter and Davidson.
‘ -—~(o)-—-


Mr. and Mrs. Robins




Welcomed, i

Colonel and Mrs. Raymond Robinsi



noted secial economists are in Lexing-
. ton and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Desha Breckinridge, at their home on
Linden iValk, during their sta: .

Colonel Robins delighted a large audi-
ence on Tuesday when he made an ad—
dress on the Russian situation at the
Lexington Opera House". He is a very
interesting speaker, having a. charming
platform presence. He has recently re-
turned from Russia and therefore has
first hand knowledge of the situation.
‘ Colonel Robins told many of his thrill-
ing and wonderful experiences in that
land of turmoil, and held his audience
spellbound during his address.

Mrs. Robins is one of the most inter-
esting of women and most charming to
all who meet her.

Mr. and Mrs. Breckinridge entertained
informally on Tuesday in‘ honor of Col-
onel and Mrs. Robins.

The. Return of the Unit.

The Barrow Unit returned to its own
on Tuesday and its own received it with
open arms.

There had been scheduled a formal
military parade, with fitting ceremony.
But the joy of the homecoming brokge all
military discipline and the welcome ac—
corded the boys‘ was one delightful in—i
formal affair. Few organizations wer


3‘5 4

out formally to meet the unit“ but far
better, everybody was out informally to
meet it, and the smiles and the hand—

- Cecil

. son,

in yellow and




shakes and the light in the eyes of the
home folk was far better to the home—
comers than any amount of formal
speechmaking could eve have been.

The short welcome accorded them by
Judge Kerr and the city fathers when
they appeared before the reviewing
stand were a sufficient evidence of the
feeling which the city wished to formally

Never before had the meaning of
“Home, Sweet Home" been so poingant
as when mothers, fathers, sons, sweet-
hearts, husbands and wives, were united
for the first time after more than a
year’s separation. The program in
brief was a parade, a short welcome,
dinner at. the Phoenix and an hour’s
visit with the home folks.

The dinner at the hotel was a beau—
tiful affair. ' '

To every soldier and nurse there was
apportioned informally a number of
beautiful young girls and matrons who
assisted in Serving him the delicious
dinner. Pink and white carnations and
roses were the decorations.

~One beautiful gift to the unit was a
large basket filled with pink and white
carnations and tied with a tulle how.
This was the gift of Mr. XV. J. Fisher.

Another gift presented to Dr. Bar-
row was the surprise in the guise of a
beautiful white cake presented by Mrs.
Henry Loevenhart togDr. Barrow.

The cake was festoned with pink and
white candy roses, and on the top were
the words in iceing, “The Unit Takes
the Cake.” An American flag was in'the
center of the design.

The cake was charmingly presented
b\ Miss Mary Barrow .the granddaugh-
ter of Colonel Bar.row

The officels of the unit were seated
at a large table in the center. of the
room. The table was decorated with
roses and ferns and was very beautiful.
At the table were Colonel Barrow, Col-
onel Hollins, _ Major Haines, Major
Moren, Captains Pirkey. Samniis, Mc-
Kinley, Lieutenants Wilson, Kenney and

Following are ti
idinner for the uni...

Mrs. James C. '
Walton. Mrs. P
George Hunt, Mrw
John Skain. Mrs

Mrs. Preston
Gardner. F0

: who served at the

Mrs. Samuel
. Williams, Mrs. 3 .
John Cr: .er, Mrs-.5








physicians of Louisville before entering
the service. Mrs. Pirkey will accom-
pany him back to Louisville on the ar—
rival of the unit in Lexington.



Guests in Danville

A number of young ladies were in
Danville on Tuesday evening to attend
the danCe given by the Danville Hop
Club. They were Misses Ncida Rascoc.
Ada I—Iardesty, Genevieve Molly, Ger~
trude VValling-ford, Katherine and Louise
‘Davie, Anne Molloy, Elizabeth Erdman,
Juliet Lee Risque. Mary Helen W'ith-


The Girls' Friendly Society will give
a, minstrel at the Parish House the
week after Easter. They are preparing
for adelightful program of catchy
_—(o»— ,x ,
Held by Fayette Equal

Rights. ‘

songsr'and unique characters.
A. ‘

Ec'ho‘.’ Meeting

The Fayette Equal Rights Associa—
tion held a delightful Echo meeting of
the national convention in St. Louis on
Tuesday afternoon at the Phoenix
Hotel, the president, Miss Laura Clay,
in the chair.

Plans were made at the meeting for
the future work of the association.

The feature of the afternoon, hoW—
ever, was the various resumes given by
the returned delegates on the conven-
tion at St; Louis. So much was to be
told of that history making conference,
that the delegates had a wide field,
and each one gave her own particular
interest in the conference. several topics
ihaving been given out by Miss Clay
previous to the meeting.

Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson spoke on the
League of Women Voters, Mrs. Harri-
son Garner Foster on the banquet and
the Various noted speakers there, Airs.
\V. D. Drake spoke on other items of
interest, as did Mrs. Addison Gardner
Foster II and other delegates present.

The meeting was enthusiastic and one
of the chief topics of interest was the
National League of W’omen Voters
created by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
as president of the National Associa—
tion to be the women votms’ organiza-
tion since. the spreading of equal suf-
frage toward the East.

Always, in connection with this it
was stated one thinks of the National
Council of Women Voters. that splendid
organization created in the West, and
the influential body of women who have
been instrumental in obtaining suf-
frage for many of the W'estern States.
At the convention in St. Louis was
present Mrs. Emma Smith Devoe, of
Tacoma, VVa,sh., who is the originator
of the National Council of \Vomen
Voters. Mrs. Harrison Gardner Foster,
of Lexington, is the vice president at
large of the National Council of 'Wom-
en Voters. It is the influence of the
West, through the National Council of
Women Voters that suffrage is being
granted to states East of the Missis-
sippi, now, as well as to those West of
the river. Some of the most noted wom-
en of the country are members of the
council, it was stated.

Mention was made of the election of
Mrs. Campbell Cantrill, of Kentucky, to
the executive body of the National
American Women Suffrage Association.

\. The Next Meeting.
‘3 next m "“‘T‘rgf; the Fayette



.‘Miss Anna Howard Harbisofl
Wednesday afternoon at her home

Mrs. W. P. Averett will on
tea at her home on Ashland a

The Get-In-and-Gct—Out C11
\Nednesday evening at 6:30 o’clo
The Parent-Teachers Associa
Wednesday afternoon at three 0’

The monthly meeting of the I\‘
Eastern Division will be held on W
the parlor floor of. the Phoenix Hot

The Lexington Chapter of the R
the all day sewing, at the Parish 1

The Maryland avenue Red Cro
week meeting on W'cdnesday.

The Ashland avenue circle of t
meeting on W'ednesday at the schoo.



Equal flights will be with Mrs. Harrison
Gardner Foster, at her home on \Vest
Second street, ‘April 22.

In addition to the regular business
session a program will be presented on
interesting topics. The association is
soon to inaugurate a course of study
on the modern political affairs of the

For Benefit of the Equal Rights.

A candy sale is to be held in the
near future for the benefit of the Fay-
ette Equal Rights Assocation, and Mrs.
Thomas Davidson is chairman of the
arrangements and the sale.

Her committee is Mrs. E. L. Hutchin- -
son, Mrs. W'. D. Drake, Mrs. W'hitney
l-lochstetter, Mrs. W. D. Oldham, Mrs.
Harrison Gardner Foster, Mrs. Addison
Gardner Foster TI, \irs. Howard Gratz,
Mrs. J. R. Morton and Mrs. A. A”
McQuaid. ‘ ]


 First Section

’i‘hursday Afternoon



‘WllllllRN’S RIMlRlllEf

ll ASKED l

Milt PlRllllS;
llllRf l3 RRRRlER


A citizens’ committee of women ap-
peared before the Platform committee
of the Republican convention and sub-
mitted a woman’s suffrage plank with
the petition that it be incorporated.
The committee was headed by Miss

Laura Clay and among her colleagues
were Mrs. Wrill D. Oldfham, Mrs. Har—
rison G. Foster, Mrs. George R. Hunt,
Miss ‘Lily Duncan, Mrs. Hart Gibson,
Mrs. J. R. Morton, Mrs. H. H. Gratz,
Mrs. Wickliffe Preston, Mrs. Minnie
G. Johnstone, Mrs. A. A. McQuaid,
Mrs. thitney Hostetter, of Lexington,
and- Miss Lucia Bennett and Mrs.
James Burnam, of Madison county.
The plank offered was as follows:
”Resolved: That we re-affirm
the woman suffrage plank of the
National platform of 1916; and
that we pledge our party to sup-
port in the next General Assem-
bly the submission to the people
of an amendment to the State
constitution granting suffrage to
women on the same terms as to
men, and when the amendment
is submitted to support it at the
polls as the party principle.”
In different wording the plank .writ-
ten into the platform grants all em-


bodied in the proposed clause, and
more. It follows:

13th.—VVe reaffirm our belief in the
justice and expediency of suffrage for
women and call upon our representa-
tives in the Congress of the United
States, in the Legislature of Kentucky
and in all executive positions to use
their votes and their influence for all
measures granting political rights to

Miss Clay’s Talk

In presenting the subject to the
Platform committee, Miss Clay said:

“The memorable National conven-
tion of the Republican party held in
Chicago in mi?) put a plank in its
platform which ‘favors the extension
of suffrage to women, but recognizes
the right of each State to settle this
question for itself.’ That platform was
a declaration of the party policy to all
the people of all the States. We as

women who are part of the citizens tel

whom that platform was addressed,
and who set a high value upon it,
come to ask you to carry into effect its
women suffrage plank by passing a
resolution at this convention pledging
your party to use its power in the
next General Assembly to submit. to
the people a woman suffrage amen-d-
ment to the State constitution and to
support it at the polls as a party prin-

“Kentucky men spoke in that plat-
form thru their chosen delegates; and
we understand their promise was to


make Kentucky women the political
peers of themselves.
State Way Safest

“W‘e do not count as any portion
of the fulfillment of that promise the
Republican votes cast for the Federal
amendment proposed in Congress; be-
cause that is not a part of the plat-
form. Some people want it and some
do not. The wisest statesmen cannot
forecast the undesirable and danger-
ous consequences which may Toll-ow if
Congress and State legislatures, be-
sieged by strong and persistent lob-
bies, should decide to thrust woman
suffrage upon the country without al-
lowing the voice of the people to be
heard on the question. On the other
hand, women suffrage by State con-r
stitutions is tried and safe. Fifteen
States, North, South, East and \Vest‘
make women the political peers of
men by their State constitutions. We3
want Kentucky to join that noble com-i

“\Ve believe our brave soldier boys
returning from the war and the men,
who have served their country atl
home by standing behind the men at
the front want women to be their po-
litical equals. l

Have Borne the Burdens

“W“omen have been the loyal com—
rades of the men, soldiers and civil-
ians, in bearing the hardships and
dangers of the war. We might say
much of what women have done; but
men already have said it for us. Their'
words have expressed appreciation ofl
the labors of the women in patrioticl
service both at home and in the war!
zone abroad.

“Women have shared all the bur-
dens of the government. They are on-
titled to share the privileges of the
government. The men who have prais-
ed their services in the war we be-'
lieve are willing to show their grati-
tude by conferring upon them the
right. of the ballot. W‘e believe they
are willing to vote at the polls to
make women their political peers if

;the leaders of their party will present

it as a principle to do so in their par‘y

g campaigns.

“Therefore. we respectfully pe'titior
and urge your honorable committet
to embody in your platform of prin
ciples a plank reaffirming the Na
tional suffrage plank, and pledgin
your candidates to support in the nor
General Assembly the submission l
the people of an amendment to th
State constitution granting suffrage t
women on the same terms as to men
and pledging your party organization
when the amendment is submitted, ‘r
support it at the polls.” '



Friday, May 23, 1919


Kentuckians in CongressSend
Expressions oFJnhiiance Over
Suffrage. Victory in House


The Kentucky advocates in Congress
'of woman suffrage were jubilant Wed-

nesday over the suffrage victory. A solid
delegation from Kentucky with the ex—
ception of the representative from Cov-
ington is a change from the days when
the. two lone advocates from Kentucky in
Congress. House or Senate were the
Hon. John W. Langley, Republican and
the Hon. R Y. Thomas, Democrat.

A telegram received Wednesday by the
President of the Kentucky Equal Rights
Association shortly after the vote was
taken in the House read as follows:

‘Mrs. Desha Breckenridge,

“Lexington, Ky.

"Telegram much a p p r e ci a t e d.
Wasn’t that a splendid vote? Three
hundred and four to eighty-eight.
My hearty congratulations. Only one
negative vote from Kentucky, Mr.
Rouse. . ,

Says Men Did Duty.
From the new representative from the
eleventh district, came this telegram:

“The'i men did their duty. The

Suffrage Amendment carried three

hundred and four to eighty-eight. Al-
low me to congratulate you and the
other splendid woman of Kentucky
and the nation on your victory. My
first'vote in the House was for this

, amendment.

_ The representative of the seventh dis-
trict also telegraphed the good news:

“Suffrage amendmen 1: passed.
House vote three hundred and four
for, eighty-eight against. All of
Kentucky delegation but one voting

for. Congratulations.

_ A letter from Judge Chas. A. Hardin,
candidate for Congress from the eighth
district, to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of the Congressman Harvey
Helm, mailed on the very day the vote
was taken, indicates that Judge Hardin
would certainly have voted for the
measure if he had had the’opportunity.
Itj’was‘fiir‘st expected that a vote would


not be taken in the special session be-
fore the first of July. It was later de—
cided, however, that an effort would be
made to put the measure through both
houses during the first two weeks of
the session, while appropriation bills
and the peace treaty would be in com-
mittee. Failing this measure would
probably go over till next December.

one to Spare in Senate.

The hurry-order plan is likely to be
carried out. Advocates report the neces—
sary votes in the Senate and one to
spare, regardless of what Sen. J. Cripfs
W'ickliffe Beckham from Kentucky does.
Lexingtonians will be glad to know that
Congressman Jouett Shouse and Robert
W'ickliffe Woolley have been giving
splendid co-operation and aid to Mrs
Maud Wood Park and the congressional
committee of the suffragists in “Washing-
ton. '

Judge Hardin ln Favor.

Judge Hardinfs letter follows:

“In answering your inquiry, as to my
position on the Federal Suffrage Amend-
ment, would say:

“The women of America have proven
equal to every test of citizenship in the
most trying times of the world’s life.
Their achievements, at home and abroad
compel admiration and respect.

We delight to honor our brave men.
here and in other lands, for the Victory
won for Humanity, in the establishment
of Liberty, Equality of Opportunity and
Justice. \Vhy not the women, who shar-
ed equally the hardships and burdens
of the struggle? In declaring for equal-
ity or opportunity, 'justice and for lib-
erty, it would hardly be consistent to
deny the women 'of our country the
things we would obtain for others.

“They have passed through the, test-
ing days of the War, and they stand
majestically erect and, triumphant.
Thoughtful men. everyv'vhere ponder in
their hearts'their contribution in the lib—
eration of the world. They have worn
the khaki of the Army and Navy; they
have endured the hardships at home, in
the cantonments, in foreign lands, in the




 COVlNG'lth Grams

Miss Laura Clay Awards Prize of
Equal Rights Assoc-


Miss Shirley B\F( of Covington,

won the $5 offered by the Kentucky
Equal Rights Association for the
best essay on equal suffrage written
by a. student in Hamilton College.
The prize was awarded by Miss Laura ,\
Clay Monday morning, when [our of
the best of the 130 essays submitted
were read by the pupils. The win-
ning one was chosen by Professor C.
C. Freeman, Mrs. Elizabeth Colgrove.
and Mrs. \V. A. R. McPherson.

All students of the English Depart-
ment of; the college submitted essays,
and five were selected as the best by
rhe teachers. The essay of Miss Mary
Agnes Gordon, of South Dakota, was
declared next in merit to the one win—
ning the prize. Others who read were
Misses Sarah Smith, Mary Catherine
Hagan, and Maxie Auxier. Honor—
able mention was given as follows:

Inthe lli‘resl‘iman English class:
Misses Martha Matthews, toxana
\Vyatt, Lydia Todhunter and Dorothy
Crossfield. Sophomore English:
Misses Marjorie Cox, Alice, King‘sbury
and Jane Hooker. Senior English:
Misses Fanny Tarlton, Jean Elliott
end Elizabeth Hopkins. Freshman
College rhetoric: Misses Christine
\Vilson, Anna House and Mary Lee

'While the judges were in conleiu
ence Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson spoke to
the students on equal suffrage as it
is. She spoke of the change that has
come. about in the popular attitude
toward equal suffrage duringr the last
fifty years, tracing it from the first
question of right through those of
privilege and duty to the present
ideal of service.




3mm SHATS "j-



Kansas, New York and Bhio Rat:~
ify Amendment, With Extra
Guarantee Bill Passed in
Buckeye State


TOPE'KA, Kansas, June 16—The Kan-
sas legislature in special session today
unanimously ratified the Woman Suf-
frage amendment to the United States

ALBANY, N. Y., June 16.——The New,
York Legislature. without a dissenting
vote, tonight ratified the federal woman
suffrage amendment. New York is the
sixth state to ratify. ‘

COLUMBUS, 0., June 16.——The Ohio
general assembly today ratified the fed-
erad Woman Suffrage amendment, and
immediately thereafter passed a bill
that will give Ohio women the right to
vote for Presidential electors in 1920
should the federal amendment not be in
effect at that time. The vote on rati-
fication was 73 for to 6 against in the
House. and in the Senate, 27 far to 3
'against. ,

In transmitting the proposed suffrage
amendment to the legislature Governor
James M. Cox urged ratification and
gave three special reasons why women ,
should be granted equal suffrage with
men. They were:

“First—What is offered now to our
women was their right long ago.

“Second—Bestowal of the right of suf-
frage will be regarded as part reward
for service and sacrifice during the war.
