xt70rx937t9n_407 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_7/Multipage17952.pdf 1919 January-March 1919 1919 January-March section false xt70rx937t9n_407 xt70rx937t9n Sunday Mormng—








Chairman Hays Also Names
Other Members of Repub-
lican Women’s National
Body - "-

Special to The Leader »- . - . . 3‘ '

. NEW YORK, March 1 —-w1_11 H.
Hays, chairman of the Republican Na-
tional Oomrrnittee,. today announced

the appointment of Miss Maude Wet-‘

more, of NewrprOrt, R. 1., as anew mem-
ber of the Republican Wiomen’s Np.-
Itional Biecrutive Committ99'g .,
, The. other appointeesi- were Mrs.
'Tho'mas J._-. Carter, formerly,“ Mon-
tanas' now' ot' Washington, and Mrs.
John G. South, of Frankfurt,- Ky. It
is understood that Miss WetmOre had
,the backing of Senator and Mrs James
W Wadsworth Jr;:

Miiss Wletmor'e is the daughter of
. Georg9 Pea-body Wetmore, governor of

.RliOd'e Island from 1885 to 1887, and
representing his State in the United
States Senate from 1905 to 1913.

Mrs Cartenhas b9en actively iden-


~. Presto



Ititted wtth warfl work in Washington

and is- well known in other lines or

activity, altho. she has never beeni

connected with Quttraige work.’ . .~

Mrs. South is the daughter at former
Governor W. Q. Bradley, oi. Kentucky,
and has been Very active thruout the
war period in State Council of Defense
\WQI‘k in Kentucky.“ She also held the
position of president of the State ted-
‘eration of women ’3 clubs.

The rc-dmmittee, which is appointed.
to act with the Republican National
Committee in planning ways and
means of making certain the fullest
possible participation of Republican
women in party affairs, is now consti-
tuted of the ,rtollowtnrg members: Mrs.
Thomas \J. Carter, District of Golum-
his; Miss Mary Garrett Hay, New
York; Mrs. Margaret Hill McCart'er,
Kansas; Mrs. Medill McCormick, Illi-
nois; Mrs. Florence Collins, Porter.
California; Mrs. Josephine course

New- York; Mrs rs._"Jo ohn‘r3Gg

Souths. Kentucky ,‘a'nri Mia :97:
,Wietmore, Rhode Island.“

The new members, according to Mr.
Hays, will give representatiOn on the
committee to rse'ctipns ot the country
which heretofore have not been repre-
sented.‘ The committee, he said, would
act, with the Republican National Com,
mittee, “in planning ways and means
of making certain the fullest rp'osiiible'

' Seaman!»

mashingtont ‘Mrs. Raymond '


participation of Republican women in


party attairs.” 2/“ .



-___ ,

trim“ " ii




1'9 Nessa} 'Y; $11? tea-pus net, -' . . ,
Wash «'19: 9‘99 35%: ,thegsiaoulsvme
bran, pi; Karmic? Equal Rights,-
‘Aasoetat enigma gins. em,airf'parts,z
0t Kentuc ill‘ open their attuned|
onventio' tor-marrow morningr at The
”it; ~ ‘f'y-“Z ‘3 “.1 ‘1 High
Votes 19 ' 'women have the support
guises: has” Kentucky- Senator. and
.eev Reprfisentativu. .tive of whom
will‘ takethe. restrum‘ during the
meeting We; the interest or requai
rights tbi‘ women. All tour candidates?
tor-“Govern“. oi: the State are expect-
ed to'b‘e "in‘ attendance. The convert-
ti'oh curses Wednesday night. .1
The Representatives .andg their
sins: ‘w'ill ibe. guests at a tea.- to-
mor'row: afternoon.. ‘.
Delegates Hind ~members oi: ..the
'Boara'r' Eet ‘Direetors t the Equal:
Rishts association'aud various pom-

. mittees'mli rials business sessions in

the mbgnlnks.” but atternOons
the sepsis”, , wt”, . open tori the pu'bfg
”a”. high iptimisnea speakers
mm theragte comprozgrammea «1
Th‘ 9? 19 :0 stock
.t . 299711

hi fig:


Q " 3:. '_'..;;J‘.
ex ea °.fi5-
th '3'; r 31"“ step: m
. ma re a
a"; , ext ievterthsouth

6 "' i “f“ M3
.9: saggy ,19 §’%s“si§i.9. ..

grit—111mm ’aenver .a-
' women :
- s or '

xiii i1.
r m",
{gar i

L516“ {13 G999}?

{Jigdflasqéir Wilt d raga tier: .‘ha héen
iii tracts on t t ‘cdnsideraticm '01

réll‘o game agent abov all mu";
M (29%; “j

431} 43a '35

',‘?‘~.t9’ Him. 1?? Erie.
.tter~ a :19: '8'





an? .un
g l
e9 engage

actually donei'
i Mi s #86 is Gastfcggltlt out;
crop sw

“Ragga 13,: the method pur-

see #0

not‘toueh "en- fishy ‘cb .

9&2“ hrfiush.’ thé Work. {1 .
mention Wednesday

lecionrwill' be rheld’i at. the

glothing sessienpthe nom-,

B ,be 1 ade~at~’.-'t 9;, bPSiQe-‘ifii‘
amOf-i'aW mbtfign Li‘s

, . eiror'a ., 0'1;







iii ent'

'.‘".‘L I








 L'RCH. ~12, . 1919.

; ‘10-.

I of

_ _ vav

\JV‘MJ‘ \JQJU‘OICDCD giw‘u . .


. sidcrable setbackeon realizing sales.

‘. ‘.-"'(

, of increased publicintersst.

' action of to-dav‘a

” find


v New York—The openins“ to-day was nearly
with a 'good volume of trading. In the
morning. session. however. came 3 sensa-
tional rise, in the oil 'aharea;and this. seems
to have produced a disposition. to take
profits in the math! .the list... It otten hap-
pens that such tactics are the cover.10r
realizing sales elsewhere and the floor trad—l
era are gulck to act on such a theory. 'The
action of the-market was. however. more in
the nature of a. check to the. advance than
any; substantial reaction; While it looks as
ii' the strength ,and activity of, the market
would» continue. it is a time for decided cha-
clii'mina‘tig‘n}. 1n tthewseil‘ecti(‘13 aotcpurclmses.--

e is o. .

oat are 0 . a .. , ,

vyNew Yorkz—The day ended with some
sharp net cams. even after allowms' for c1911)»

weakest issues were steels and counters. which
was not surprising. ‘as the demand for both
products is small and the steel trade moss
,somefisharn cuts next week. my atten~
tionva,was- paid. to-day ‘to motors. Oils and
other specmlties and it was in those that
the‘public took most. interest Pool manipu-
lation will-probably carry. stocks higher.
with r ions groups alternating as leaders—-
Cs! udson.& Co. to Kenning Chambers
. o ‘ . ,

2‘: ._._i'~‘ —‘.———_ 1‘ I-

"1".Newv'i’orkw-e’l‘rsde ‘in stoclis'has again
been "on an enormous. scale.: with endence
n b d d ' : Sharpfi‘gvantsei
ave een recor c -;-m a ew specia ies. u
market. as a whole. has held about. or slight-
ly below.‘sesterday's closinll' figures. The
arket sug eats heavy
realizing sales in. t e' general ist. Selling
oj'ithis nature should be an! icient to force
a Moderate-reaction .from precent prices. in
which 'case'more Will .be heard 01 future
possibilities instead of present conditions.
and the upward swing be resumed.v—-(Vrhom-
.son‘firMcKinnon to if], H. Morgan 6: Co

‘Ncw -York.—lilarket keeps a. strong/under.-
ione; although price changes are 1 regular.
After such a steady advance. prof t-tnkins’
is to be.'exneeted'and results in natural
reactions. Believmg‘in a further upturn. ad,
visa purchases on the setbacks favoring the
roller-(Ware s Leland to Williams a. Mom
roe. , ' ' , -

propaganda : ._ -
,. - For Raising F ands


. k, . W .- .
-, The Rev. Alfred A. Higgins, who

' is; managing . the - progressive ,prOo

gramme of the‘ Southern Presbyterian
Church for-the Louisville Presbytery.
composed of, twenty-onecounties in
Kentucky. says the prospects are
cr'collecting the gluota. of $65,000
allot outta the Louisvi le Presbytery.
The total amount the Southern. Pres-
byterian Churclrexpects' to raise is
$3,500,000. Most of the 'Louisviile
churches will ask for pledges ,next
Sunday. The campaign closes
March 23. .- ' '


“ x5 Y. CLOSINo'mB 75in) Alison. Porous.

(Furnished by‘fiennlng Chambers It Co.) ..
~ ' ~- Bid shed.’ . Bid. Asked.
-. Gold. . 3%“ 4. planner! 10m
A.‘ Ch.105% 108 Int. Har...11‘7% 118
' B. S. .' 73 74 Int. Paper 463/ 4'7
.. K.’ C S. 20‘; 20
Lehisb ‘ 5% 55"
£6 $1 d’ '15'; fag?
r: or . . . t
. In N. ..11 14116
i‘s.. 3 Vs

‘ 671 7%
.S.‘- & 3:70 79%
o. pfd..103% 10:) .

is. R. '.11 . 20
. ‘.- 8: T107“; .
Am. Tob..2ogifz_ 210 N
Ana; ..... 631/.
Atch.‘ 9’3 9 as

, .' . 49% 49%
Do -pid.. ' '

5g .57 ,

Beth. Stl. 6 1A; -67 0'1... :48
Do pfd..104 104% P C r. 7

' DO'B .. 66 q. 67 P. I’.‘ Car,11

B. R. T. . 2-1 2 MR ‘

. 68 0

.163 163
67 u


. aw?
. Pac. .
so. . .

. - 3’: 48%
0 " 70%
201 22%
Can.'Pac. 3‘2 g "
Cen.‘ I36% 57




G. N. p

. Cent.
Ins. .Cop"

47 . 47% W?" ..
25% 254nm»???
_. f; u. a. (nn'lcfin'mnm- minus, ,
.(Frrpished pyjohu llf. d 058. Green.) .,

. . - g. , . Bid. A!“
Redmond-25. 1930(..‘..,;.."uuul 97 V W



. 9;
.il '

_. _ ~ Foasvona' RIGH
(Continued From First Page.) ~
Ask Prsidentiaifilfis’uflragc. '. ' ;
The next section. also adopted. ask»

ed the State Legislature to grant
presidential suffrage to the women of



' Kentucka‘ In this conneotion Mrs.


Leech explained that 'twenty~four

, chusetts; chairman; of the

' W 10- -
'1931 03%;,

' roan

.1"er '

‘ l

wise, as well as ‘disloyai' to-the na-
tional association, to pledge the State '1
of Kentucky to any action that. might '
be harmful to the future of the move- '
ment. Defeat. in'a. State would mean '
much harm to the national movement
at a. time when the wo ‘ en are ‘on the
last lap tovictory. shesaid.

- Miss-Clay took up the discussion ,
and again favored a. State campaign ,
as a. necessary educational proposi-
tion. ‘ Ultimate ratification is depen- ,
dent upon this. she said. That a. Federal
amendment would be de eated in the .’
Legislature. Miss Clay declared. la '
certainwithout a. campaign. . .

Mrs. Samuel T. Castleman favored j
the Federal amendment jin s.‘- brief ,
speech. ' . ‘

Mrs. South favored‘withholding in— -
dorsement of a. cam aign until the L
policy of the nationa body was de-
termined in two weeks. when a. na- '
tional convention will be held in St. '
Louis. She introduced a, resolution to
refer the matter to the incoming ex:
ecutive board. suggesting that upon
returning from the St.-Louis Conven-,
.tion the board submiblts findings to
the County Suffrage Leagues in‘Ken-
tucky. with the resulting vote to de-
termine the State plan of action. This
neséomtion was carried by a ‘46 tom
vo e. -, - ’ -

The'next section of the Platform
Committee report reaffirmed the
non artisan policies of the asso- '
ciat on. but gave alivwomen the right
to work against any candidate op-
posed to woman suffrage. This section
was adopted as presented.

The last section provided for a se-
ries of study classes for women
voters._ This also was adopted. ‘

Programme” For To-night.

A splendid programme has been
provided for'the meeting at 8 o'clock
this evening in‘ The Seelbach audi-
torium. Mrs. John Glover South. re-
tiring president. will preside. Lieut.
Gov. James . Black‘will speak on
the-subject. ”The Right ,of Women to
Vote Is ot_ the Spirit of Our Institu:
ions." .Edwin F. Morrow. of Somer-
set. will speak. Prof. H. H. C
State educator. will speak ‘ ;
clency and Waste." and an address-
Willzbe made by ,Judge John D. Car-
roll.‘after which abriéf address will
be made by the incoming president -
of the, association. ‘

‘At a meeting last night the suffrag-
lst enthusiasts were given assurance
by congressional representatives-that
the Susan B.‘Anthony Federal suf-
frage amendment will meet-.with suc-
cess in the next House of Represen-
tatives. zThe speakers. were Repre-
sentatives Alben \Y. Barkley and J; '
Campbell' Cantrill. 'I‘Itepresentatlve
Barkley stated that an overwhelming
vote in favor of the amendment; is
certain at the first“ opportunity; while
Mr. Cantrill' saidl‘that he had come to
favor suffrage because he “had be- ‘
come -tlred of being against a. propoq
'sition against which there was no or.
gument." He was applauded when he
asked “forgivcnnesa of his sins or the
gast." He urged the- women to: seek

late ratification of suffrage: ‘ ' =
» . Kentucky Women Praised.

Mrs. Maud Wood Park,«. or. Massa;
, National
Congressional Committee of Suffrage
Organizations. Sent throughMr.~Caln«¢ ;
trill a. message in which she paid tribe ‘
ute to the work of the‘women ofKen-
lucky. who are laboring for the- cause
of equal rights; Themeasagegtold of
the. fight; in'__ Washington to 'bring
about the success of‘ .the - Federal
amendment. and urged “even greater
efforts in the future. 1 ' "

Telegrams and messages . of N». i
grets at being. unable to attend, last -;
night'smeeting were received by, the .
president.'Mrs. John Glover South. '1
from Congressmen 3R. Y.‘ Thomas. <
Ben Johnson Charles F. Ogden, Sena- .‘
tor GeOrgc QB.- Martin. and;Congreas‘-
mén W. J. Field. John XV. Langley and
Caleb Powers- . . ~' ’a "

Miss Ellen Churchill Semple. inter- f

.1‘f'nmion-a1—authority-v-on geography'and ,

ethnology. told of her work on the 'Bu».
0 inquiry of the Peace'Terms
Commissxon. .She told of‘the'meth-
ods USed by them in determining the.
natural boundaries of the small coun-
tries involved in the discussions at
the peace table. Peoples we're de-‘
Vided into .ethnlcal groups. she said,

and-these. were , shown 'on chdrts.
Charts showing population. .produc- '
tlon; odoupations. of poo le basedon
production.'were made. a e said. She

.also said that previous boundaries a.

of the countries wege ascertained and ,
study was made 0 *t, a condition ‘of
the... variwaswsfislss. . r sintrisie?! =

yeas. .. - .: .
‘ _-.At 4:30 o'clock? the 'Louiavillofwom- ,
an Su rage Association gave a. tea
m honor of congressional guests“ and
933%? wil’es “1th red. room o: the_

, A iresOlution . ado‘pted ~'yesterd§,

_ when presented by Mrs. Dasha. Breck-~'

inridge plans a. $10,000 subadription i
fund for an educational campaign in

Kentucky ’in_ favor of tho suffrage j

movement. . ,






.A. —



 oununy. .Lsu. vanquuun

March 23.

(Furnished by‘flenulug (Chambers & Co.) ..
' ‘d ' . ’ . Bid. Asked.
13; Amid. Do pid...107 1071/.
Int. Her...ll71/a 118
Int. Paper 46? 47
9.8- as

i“? 1

’ . '. ' . 7

Er‘1;§r..1%g;/ 116 ‘
M . s.. .-

x lament/Z 1



N. Y. ‘c

,' .. 0 21-
% N. &. W. .1063/ 10.3%
7% . PM. .9312 94-
Pac. has. a

o. y as
. C’l...
Ca .

Ea "



P r 70 70%
P. 1?; Cannon. 12055
n ‘ o. 201/.

- salsgs'ssa



Ins. Co .. 47 . 471 ' use .. 46V 40v;
Marine‘p“ 25% sojalxxglw'm ...124s§125

.' "- U. s. unvsfiflfizm‘ nouns, .

.- ,lll‘urpighpd pyjohniii. s D. 8. Green.) _

’8' wt t d n 1030 " ' 3?s*"‘°°"
3 Here as". s . II o is so 19;!"
Con on 23.19.30" ~' ' 3" ' ' 1.».




" ‘ ‘-' . '--PQ"'E'
' (Continued From' First Page.) '

Ask Prsidcntial 'Sufl‘ragc. , ,
‘The next section.-also adopted. ask»
' ed ihs State Legislature to; grant
: presidential suffrage to the women of
‘ Kentucky. :‘ In this connection Mrs.
' Leech... explained; that ‘ twentyvfour
States ’now give, women presidential
‘ electionrights. . .She said that in these
States the women control 2 5 votes in
the-Electoral»College- and , ut. twen~
.tyvonefl'addi‘tional votes are required
to give'the womenroquai poWer. Ken.
tucky. she said. would furnish thin-'-
‘teen of these votes. -. - -. \ .
Miss Clay pointedr‘ out‘ that the
women-'must not do end upon a Fed-r
eral amendment .to. enable them to
vote-in the 1920 presidential election.
«She said it would not be possible for a
sum lent number of.“ Legislatures ‘to
mm) as the‘me sure in time; and do-
.ciared that get ing presidential suf-
frage from the Kentucky Legislaturq
next winter is the only way to enable
“Kentucky women to vote for. the next
President. ‘. - ' ' " '1
‘ ’The next s_ectlon,»asking the Legls-'
lature to 'grant primary. suffrage,
_ brought out muchde ate. . .. "
, MissClay also. too 'a leading Dart
in- the discussion \on 1 primary suf-
, frage, and saidthatdrom what she
had; heard Representative Cantrill
say]. primary, sul‘i'rage‘ was proposed
for 'the. Kentucky wmnen merely. as
a matter oi! “polling theichestnutsiout
of. the fire tor-the Democrats": This
purpose..she: hinted, was .to win back'
support which the Democraticjixirw




had 2lost, 'She' opposed the, ary
plan because 8 e‘.thought‘ t fen
'were. tryin to s‘put something '0v‘er"
tor themse ves. ‘ .4 ‘ ‘
,Other speakers, including Mrs.
Leech..-took par-tin the discussion.
fin-d some declared athey Would- not
\ pull out. theRepubiicans’ chestnuts,‘.
either.” ~ ~' '.‘.’ ~1- . -
. Opposition lei-primary suffrage was
strong because, oi: the interpretation
that,voting in; a primary would line’
the women up .for aspecitic party.
Mrs. Mengel said this was objec~
tlonable becauselthe more strategic
plan would-be to. keep a1 parties
Igufssing astc how; thewomen would
‘Mrs. Desha .Breckinridge, or Lex-.
lngton, in stating” her position. ‘said
she was not strong "either way.”
. The "primary suffrage" .plan was
automatically defeated when a reso-
lution was‘pas‘sed laying it upon the
table.‘ '- . ’ ‘ , -
Opposcs‘Nationul Aid,
The next section taken up sought
the aid of the national or anization
in making a campaignin entucky;
looking. to (the passing of a
amendment. through the medium of a.
referendum to the voters. . ' ' ~
.~ Vigorous opposition also was 0 en-
ed up on this question ,when
Clay opened debate on 'the subject,
‘There is absolutely no need-of our.
asking the national organization for
help," was her statement.
will never get a dollar from~.the na-
tional as long as, there is a'State

the Ohio .without the .' amendment.
hentuclcy is equal to bearing’its’own
burden. and thereis no reasonxwhy
.kentucky'should. put herself‘ in a
pauper position.” ,' “ ‘
“She said that it would not be nec-
essary to ask the' aid of the national
body. and said that theState amend-
ment would come if‘the “politicians
desired‘it.” She sa d she Would de-
pend upon the pled-ges’ot Kentucky
lawmakers to support an amendment.
rather than upon monetary aid from
the national source. ' ' ’ ' '


'- iihotel.

State. -

iss '

"Kentucky. ‘

west of the Mississippi-and north of .

petunia: neusuu all“. y... .. .. _ W
vote in favor of the amendment 'is
certain at the first opportunity; while
Mr. Cantrlll' said that he had come to
favor suffrage because he “had be-
come .tired or being against a propo-.
si‘tion against which there was no ar-
gument.‘ He was applauded when he
asked “forgivenncss or his .sins of the
est." He urged the women to seek
gtate ratification o: suffrage: '

Kentucky. Women Praised.-

Mrs. Maud'Wood Porky. or ,Massa-
chusetts; chairman: oi! the hational
Congressional Committee. of Suffrage
Organizatioris. sent through.Mr.~Can-o
trill a message in which she paid trip-
ute to the work of the”women of Ken-
tucky, who are laboring for the- cause
of equal rights.- Themessage told of
the fight in . Washington to bring
about the success of" the - Federal
amendment. and urged ‘even greater
efforts in the future. .

Telegrams and messages ‘ of re-
grets at being unable to attend last -
night's'meeting were received by the , ‘.
president. " Mrs. John Glover South.
from Congressmen 33. Y.- Thomas.
Ben Johnson Charles F. Ogden, Sena-
tor Gedrge {b.zMartin and;Congress-
men W. J.-Field. John W. Langley and
Caleb Powers- I. - a a *4

‘Miss Ellen Churchill Sample. inter-

mmrakauthorityuonn geography and

e .

, m
ethnology; told of her Work on the Bus
' rea‘u 0

Inquiry oi‘ the Peace ~Ter’ms
Commission. . She told of ‘the- meth~
ods Used by them in determining the
natural boundaries of the small coun-
tries involved in tipie discussions at
the peace table. . copies were de-
vi'ded into.,eth_nica groups. she said,
andrthese. were swwn ‘on charts.
Charts showing population. .produc-
tion. occupations of poo le based on
production.’were made. 8 6 said. She
,also said that previous boundaries
of the countries wege ascertained and
study was made 0- t 8 condition of
the...vari9ys —;equnt!:l98.. ,...r_-. a series. .9:‘

years. . : . - .
nit 4:30 _o'cloclgf the Louisville worn»
an Suffrage Association gave a tea
ii“ honor 'oi.’ congressional guests-and
their. wives in. the red. room o: the;‘
A iresolution . adopted >yesterday
when presented by Mrs. Desha Brock;
inridge plans a $10,000 subscription

Kentucky in favor of the suftrage
movement. . ' l ‘ . ,

kALLlES MU.s}°..;cT, - -

§(Co'ntinucdrFr0m First Page.)



forbears. in days. when the gran,-
dierqs at France, .shoulder to shoul-
~'der “Pith the sturdy. countrymen of
Washington,~'=foL-ght for the great
principle which is the cornerstone of
zourr‘republic. ;-' _ ' g. '- -_

“It was when the people of- the
‘Unitedr‘States came to a full realiza-
tion that the liberty'for which they
had fought andlto which they owed
their“ power. and prosperity was in
danger; when '.they: Irealized. that
France'and-the great ”democracies of
Europe were imperiled from the at-
tack-char; ambitious a'utocracY that
the nation with lunsurpassed una-
nimity took'up the sword‘with firm
determinagion to do its part in free- ,
‘in'g libert ”and the world from au- ,
tocracy.'. ’ ’ ,, - ~ -

Mighty 'ViCtory Won. .

‘.'A mighty victory = has been .woh.
.The imperial armicsgot the . Central
Powers have ceased to threaten. They
no longer exist. Scattered and ;brokeh..
they nave-returned to'thelr. homes.
where hunger and privation. await
.themv—hunger'and privation :which. are
the cansequences- of their own blind
faith in .evil..men, who;.ied them into
this unrighteous war. . . '

“Germahyhas suffered bitterly. is
suffering bitterly. and Germany lseu-
titled to sufferior what she has done. .L
She haspaidaffearfull’p'enalty for the ' -
crime of.plunging the world into four .
years of blood and fire, To-day.star--

. vatlon'anq want are the portions or

erma . eople. Violence 1 and v
murder stak .‘hrough the streets of‘ "
the r great cities; Political instituq ,
'tiohs. industrial enterprise 1 and. the
very structure of society are-tottern ..
ing; 1t 18 the price of their own evil 5
doing. the? just. retribution 01?? their '
Crimes. ‘ , x - " -. '

"We may 'be disposed to pitythbse
innocent among the Germans. but our
pity asalmost dried up when‘we ooh.
sider what,Francefan_d other nations -
have had to suffer from the,invading --
armies of the Teutons. Ten days aft-
er I landed in'France in December 1
made it my business to visit the bat-
tlefields‘of the-Marne. Aisne and the a.
l a

the, G



w...“ ‘



fund for an educational campaign in



By Social Vlorkers, Who Should;

Take Heed, VJarns W. J'. Norton.

That, sovinl work should br- (10110 by:
)0 church. imt has 'rwen taken (in-1‘?

snciul “'wl‘lhrl‘s lmvzmsn 211.2 wlillx‘Wli“

has: become pi'nl'r‘ssimmlizwl :lml tlt>g~
maiizwd, i:< 11m opinimn (if \\’. .i. Nurtun,

Detroit. former Director 01' ("initii‘mitlii
Council r11" Sticial Agnmtiws. \‘c-icl'd :‘xt‘

the (linnr-r of Llw Social \Vnrlqc-i's‘ (11111)
at the Ifniwifl‘sity 01' (‘inciimati last
nig lll

Mr. Norton prophosit-(l that, capital
expense budgvts, invlmling finances
for public. Works as hospitals. will '0‘“
prmlml, us the bud Ms or social or-
gnnizalions are combined in Crn‘ii'al
midgefs as \\’m' Chest, and crntml

lnulge‘x: 01' the (“ouncil of <1fifil«lfL1l

A r"l1(‘,i£<.

Muir: than 2’00 mmnbei‘s and gut—SR"

01' the Social \Voriwrs' C‘luh wc 0. given
:L (Hume-(13‘ mental lost after l
or thouigrmm :ery mental west. As
part: 02‘ the travesty memlwrs mi
vm‘inus groups, were sclncmd as “high-
;4‘i‘adu mnruns." The trust. was pro—
:zl-mod by \‘i'. \V CHM), Assistant
‘l‘SXliillhlug‘lCHl Laboratory Tlircotm' of
:thn Public Schools. 4" M. lh’mkman.
flf)i1'c-cl.m- of 1hr: Council of Suvial
Agynréios presldéxd,


hn plan 3


 R—March 26, 1919;" '"




u‘kurrnu . w . -.


National Suffrage Association
Mostly ‘Favor Plan — Miss
. Clay Asks Amendment to
Proposed Piank. ‘-
By Associated Press Lea-ed Wire.
ST. LOUIS, March 26.—~A recom-
mendation for the formation of a

League of Woman voters wasbefore

the ”National Woman Suffrage Associa-
tion in convention here today; Little
opposition was expected and it was
believed by its supporters that a con-
stitution for the League will be intro-
duced and work of the organization
started before the end of the day.


Suffrage amendment‘was up for dis-

The League is urged by Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt,‘president of the asso
ciation, it is recommended by the ex-
ecutive council. J V .

That the League is to be non-parti-
san was assured 'by the adoption of a



On the regular program, the Federal ‘



recommendation containing a resolux
tion stating that the national associa43-
tion “shall not affiliate with any polit-
icalltparty nor endorse the platform of
any party nor support or oppose any
political candidates unless such action-'
shall be recommended by the board of
directors." ‘

When the recommendation that the
Association, “continue to support and
endorse the federal amendment which

forty years,” came up, Miss Laura
Clay, a delegate from Kentucky, ob-l
jected. S-he proposed that certain sec-
tions be amended with particular ref-
erence to those parts that Would per-
mit enfranchisement of Negro women
of the South.

convention voted to support the]
amendmen‘t'in the original form, but;


the Congressional committee was an-

thorized to formulate changes 'in the


has been pending before Congress fort


With three delegates voting “no”'thel ‘




Seeks Change in Suffrage Amend~
ment At ' Convention Regard~
ing' Vote of Negro Women
A in the South. '

} .::ST.”:LOUiS, 'Mo:."'f'Mé'rcn 25,—,A league

.. and recommended ‘ by the

— .

._ .

o w r-rt-r w u. .-—.-.

.' Chapman:Catt, president'of the N ationai

. mended by the board of directors'."_

' enfranchisement of negro women of the »

,rMai’l'g , iciifi/v


bf .woman*;yoterswurgeli “by ‘ ’Mrs.‘ Carrie" ‘

American, Woman Suffrage Association, .
1 executive
council. will ceome before the annual
convention tomorrow for finaLaction,
its supporters tonight declaring there
would be scarcely any opposition. The
recommendation was taken up late this
afternoon but a final vote was post-.
poned until tomorrow. , ,
That the league is to be non-partisan
was assured by the adoption of a rec-
omendation containing a resolution stat-
ing that the national association “shall
not affiliate with any political party nor
endorse the platform" of any party nor
support or oppose any political candi-
dates finless such action shall be recom-

When the. recommendation that the
Association, “continue to support and
endorse the federal. amendment which
has, been pending before Congress . for.
forty years,_" came. up", Miss Laura_M.
Clay, a ~delegate from ‘Kentucky,-
objected. She proposed that certain sec-
tions be amended; with particular 'ref-
'erence to those parts that would permit


With three delegates noting,“no" the
convention voted to support the amend-
ment: in-the original form, but” the’
Congressional committee was authorized
to formulate changes in thewording.


Denounces As “Totally False" State‘-
"I‘ment Regarding His Actions in ‘
' Central Russia.

BOSTON, .March 25.—Col. Raymond
Robins, formerly head of the Red Cross
missiOn to Russia, 'today denounce as
"totally false" statements of Herman F.
Donner before the National. Civic Fed-
eration in New York yesterday to’the
“effect that Robins made-a. secre trip to
Murmansk and created the impression


there that the American government
supported the'Bolsheviki. ' .
_ In- a letter to VulEveritt‘Macy, .of
New” York, president ,of the National
Civic Federation; Colonel Robins said he
had.never before heard of Mr. Donner
adding: “The entire substance of, his
statement in so far as it refers to my

activities in Russia, is totally false.” '
. The letter calls upon the Federation,
president to demand from Lin-Donner
“the evidenCe supporting the ‘absolute
knowledge' he claims 0 possess," and
asks for himself “the right'publicityi
to present the refutation of his (Don-
_ ner’s) baseless. slanders before the
same persons. or as nearly as .may be,
in whose presence these slanders were
uttered," . .





 _ . Rights 3 AsysoCiatipn
I_'Aiipp‘t‘sjfflesolution jCaIIing .
.lzif‘iiziActs."'*f.BePrehen$~ib'e-.’.’, =

——_.—-—- ¥

I ”j Denouncing' he attitude ofvthe mili-
tant suflragists as “tatuous, unwom-

Annual-contention. of the- -Kentucit_y
, Equal VRigh'ts Association at? The’Seei-
ghacnthisgmorning'hy Mrs. Samuel T.
gCastleman... president- ot the “Louisville
75Wom/an. suffrage. { Association ‘ and
f Lhairm'an'ot‘the‘ Resolutions gommit-J
if??? was urnsfnimouSIy‘ 7‘ adopted 1 and
Ewithoutva dissenting ,'_'voi‘cel being
{teard‘The expected. fight ion the roses
flondidnot-materialize?""3:1. " ' .
A {second resolution :Ewa's: adopted

ifaisiningvrofisitient‘Wilson for his "1m-
g, "Herring‘ioza‘it‘v, to Zthe‘caus'e of .the
entranchisefnent; of 'iwonien'” and (or
hijingin'g'lgthe‘ "nation 'safely' through
. h 1"“


of? Beads": founded 'on' f’mércygijustlce
and'good will." '\\'. .:- _,..-,. .
- ers. John Glove South'of Frank-
. tart: president. cal ed‘the‘convention

"Will. last.‘two days. ‘To-‘morrow ofl‘..—~
‘2 cuts and delegates to\the annual con-
r'vention of‘the uNational' American
'Vi omen's'SufErage Association....in St.-
Louis. March 24-29 Will be electedr
Mrs... Desha' Bre'ckinridge. of Lexing-
ton.w‘who was the assOciation's sec-
ond president. is said toabe a prom-
inent‘scandldate for the \presidency.
On this afternoon's programme is
.Miss‘ Ellen Churchill Semple. ’inter-
*nnational Authority on geOgraphy and
5 .‘ethriology.- She will tell of her work
with the Bureau offlnquiry of the
Peace Terms Commission. *Five Ken-
tucky'Congressmen will address the
convention to-night and four candi-
dates for Governor to-morrow."
The resolution denouncing the mill-
tants follows:
"Whereas. the President of the
ted -Stat_es,_W_oodrow VWilson, has
.. ’near his advocacy of the p‘oliti:
.;ognition of women and when—
try-the weight 'of his spoken word
‘28 enlisted he has ably supported
a cause'ot woman suffrage in pow-
'u1 and’eloque’nt public utterances.

Page. )



;(Concluded on Eighth




' onlyjand reprlénensiblefl a reaclution. . _.
introduced before. '.the «twenty-ninth

, .day's‘wl'o't perple‘xity. and .
struggle—Tito 'the dawn:.of..a‘ new 1“?! .

to‘order at 10 o'clockn The sessions




ROMINENT women in the equal
- rights rho‘vement in this State.
'and who are takings leading

part in the'suffrage organization con-
vention at The Seelbach. are shown
in the above-photograph. Mrs. John
Glover South. of .Frankfort. . who .is.
the retiring president, is shown seat-
ed. being in the lower right-hand cor—
ner. Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Smith, of
Louisville. also is shown seated. Mrs.
Smith is a past president of the Ken-
tucky Equal Rights Association. and
is the president of the Kentucky
Federation of Women. Mrs. Desha
Breckinridge. of Lexington. a past
president, who is strongly spoken of
for the election to the presidency to-
morrow. is seen in the upper right—
hand corner. -while Miss Laura Clay.
also of Lexington, is in the upper

left. Miss Ch- served as president of
the associatio fortwenty-four years,
and is a'pionee in the suffragemove-
ment in this 8‘ ' - _ .- .

F iue'DoétOrsfy p -
For Trial ‘Thg’xrsday

Dr. Lee Heflin, Dr. J. T. oser, Dr.
MgP. Halpern, Dr. J. A. I exner and
Dr. P. Guntermanx Will he trial

Police Court to-morrow morning on
charges of failing 'to report cases of



influenza. The case agauflst Dr. -Ph?lin
Barbour was dismissed“ on the plea
of Dr. Barbour that, he as called in
for consultation and the ase which he
was charged with failings o repent was
that ot-another doctor. ' 2 -







‘T- . " 1“ I!
\;'.»’(>_Continued.From First! Page.) :-
‘;‘_,,3,“Where‘as.-' notwithstanding hisv-‘ab-
.solutely‘unequivocal positionp mats.-
.vor of,this~gre‘at='cause. the militant
suffragists have sought to harass and
‘embarrass him,‘ and -4 “3 ~ 4' .
.42 ‘fWhereasu true vsuffragists,‘ .have
been obliged to sufferthe sha