xt70rx937t9n_406 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_6/Multipage17936.pdf 1917-1918 1918 1917-1918 section false xt70rx937t9n_406 xt70rx937t9n ‘ W W4
WKW wwfifliifl % a

These Women Believe Amendment to Constitution is Surer Way to Suffrage Than is Constitutional
Convention Method.






EMBERS of the Amendment Alliance swooped down
I‘ll upon_the senate committee room yesterday to
in favor

advance arguments of the suffrage
amendment. They were photographed on the north side
of the capitol building just before they went before the
The alliance believes the amendment. is the surest and
quickest way to get complete franchise for Illinois women.
Those in the photograph are: Mrs. Catherine W'augh
McCulloch, president of the Amendment Alliance; Miss
Mary Duffy of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly of

Evanston, Mrs. Olive H. Babe of Chicago, Mrs. Annette
Fitch of Chicago, Miss Edith Hall of Chicago, Miss Isa-
bella Sanders of Ottawa, Mrs. J. J. Barbour of Chicago,
Miss Gratia S. Erickson of Evanston, Mrs. O. F. Barnes
of Arcola and Miss Irma M. Goldrick, Miss Eloise Rich-
ardson, Miss Charlott Neher, Mrs. William Vredenburgh,
Mrs. C. D. Wright, Mrs. G. F. Stericker, Mrs. C. B Nelson,
Mrs. F. W. Allen, Miss Annie L. Powell, Mrs. Clarence F.
Black, Mrs. A. D. Stevens, Mrs. George Lee, Mrs. Mary F.
Mather, Miss L. Johan, Miss Johan Engelmann, Mrs. Nellie
Alvey, Mrs. Elsa Warner and Mrs. J. W. Parish of Spring-

The Suffrage Amendment won in Senate Committee, Senators Barr, Barbour

Hull, Manny and Harding voting “aye,” Senators Herlih


voting “no.
would have voted “aye.”

Will you Help Suffrage Amendment Alliance?

y, Cornwell and Colemad’ .

The absent members of the committee, Senators JeWell and Ettleson,

112 W. Adams Street, Chicago

L :1} Illinois Sula HI-giilor.







By Associated Press. _

—~—Dr. E. E. Cole, superintendent of
the school at Appleton, near'here‘,
was taken from his home last night
by three men who applied a coat of
grease and feathers and warned him
to leave the community. Dr. Cole is
widely known in Coloado educational
circles. He is alleged to have made
a prtrGerman talk in chapel.

Dr. Cole’s assailants were armed
with shotguns. After they had com-
pleted the work of covering the edu—
cator with feathers, they warned him
to leave Appleton.

“If you do not leave this communi-
ty in thirty-six hours, we’ll hang you
to the nearest telephone pole,” the
leader said. '

Opponents of Dr. Cole allege that.
in chapel Wednesday morning he as-
serted the government of Germany
had done more to advance the civili-
zation of the world in the last five
years than all nations of the world
had accomplished in the last fifty.
Cole denies such a statement, citing
numerous proofs of his loyalty.

By Associated Press.

MUSKOGEE, OKLA, April 13.——-
Ten minutes after he had been re-
leased from the county jail at
Tahlequah, east of here, last night,
J. A. Lewis, alleged pro-German agi-
tator and I. \V. W. organizer, was
tarred and feathered by Tahlequah
citizens and forced to leave town. He
had been held in jail for further in-

. By Associated Press.

FLINT, MICH., April 13.——Genesee
county authorities today are investi-
gating the tarring and feathering late
last night of Mrs, Harley Stafford at
Hontrose, 15 miles northwest of this

‘ party of more than sixty persons,
uding a score of women, went to
me of Mrs. Stafford, where male


\y ,

members bound her husband ,
the women took her outside and-
plied a coating of tar and test era.
The party charged Mrs. Sta'ord
with making disloyal remarks.

Buy a. small tract at the Land‘Auo-
tion Sale Monday, April 15, at 10:30
o’clock. Good land, every tract having
broad frontage, on the Russell Cave
pike, an asphalt road. Just outside
of the city limits, on North Broadway_


Little Margaret—What's the meam
ing of the word acclimated, Alan?

Small Alan—Oh, it means to get
used to anything. Like when a man
and woman has been married so long
they don’t mind it any more,


.L‘ '.

.. . /

Call and examine PURINA Poultry
Feeds which contain the largest va-
riety of pure, sound, sweet grains and

seeds. No Grit. No fire burnt or
elevator salvage grains.


167 \Vest Short Street



G. A. McLAUGHLIN, Sales Agent.
.1. M. lv‘I'l‘ZPA’l‘RICK. Assistant.
Cash Registers bought, sold, ex-
changed and. repaired.

A full line of supplies for all

“ Cash Registers. "
2.66 \Yest Short St. - Phone 778.



a“? a
n‘l/ 4;.» "WAN $355,
,1 i2 up“),
tit,“ new ab

4’ vs.
6?? .9? t” it"
I, w "I


her esteem
Paesrttrs ARE,

Suttragist Leader Says Power of
the Liquor Interests Has Been
Greatly Broken, Due to the
Growth of Temperance

That the liquor men are decidedly
“on the run" in Kentucky was the
statement made to a representative of
The Christian Science Monitor by Miss
Laura Clay of that State. a daughter
of Cassius l\l. Clay. Minister to Russia
during the Lincoln Administration and
later. l‘xliss Clay Monday night was
the guest of honor at a dinner given
by the .\lassachusetis Woman Sut‘l'rage
Association. and left yesterday [or
New liampshire where she is to ad—
dress several meetings in the interests
of equal sul't‘rage.

“ln Kentucky the power of the
liquor interests." Miss (flay said
further. “has been greatly broken in
the last few years. due to the general
growth of the t(_:m]_)erance sentiment
all over the country. More than one
hundred of our 120 counties are dry
by local option. and there are only
four counties where there are no dry
precincts. You see. in Kentucky we
have both county option and precinct
option. and that is why some counties
are wholly dry and some partly dry.

"The prohibition prospect in Ken—
tucky is tine. Both the temperance‘
people and the liquor interests seem to
.t'eel that it‘ the Legislature decides
that a dry amendment shall be put be—
fore the people. there is little doubt
but what the people will vote to ac—
cept it.

“In Kentucky there are no ant,i-'
' ;':ut't’ragr~ organizations. but. ot’ course,
there. as elsewhere. the liquor inter—
ests are decidedly opposed to us: in
fact. they are the only organized forces
in the State antagonistic to our cause.
The Legislature does not sit until
1918, but we are expecting then to ask
for the submission of a constitutional
amendment granting equal suffrage, to
be voted upon in 1919. We may also
ask for the presidential vote and the
right to vote at primaries, for these
privileges are within the gift of the
Legislature and could be given to us

“Of course we already have the right
to vote at the primaries on school
matters. This right was given us in
1912 and is. I think, the most ex-
tensive given the women of any state
except those in equal suffrage states.
But the Legislature has the power to
grant us the right to vote at primaries
on other questions besides school mat—
ters; and it also has the power to
grant us the right to vote for Presi-
dent. It is only lately that we found
out that the Legislature c‘Ould give
us these rights without a constitu—
tional amendment. but our women. as
soon as the news came. turned their
attention to it, and I. consider it the
most promising new feature for gain-
ing increased suffrage rights in Ken—

“What is very interesting to me is
the fact that in Arkansas and Texas
where this method of enfranchising
women was introduced the discovery
that it could be used was made by the
men. This seems to me to be of great
significance. aside from the tact that
it. is a new and effective way of en—
tranchising weinen without the delay
of a constitutional amendment.

“In general the attitude of those
people in Kentucky who have reflected
upon the subject is favorable» to we—
man suffrage. The W. C. T. U. and
the Grangers have stood for it for
years; it has been indorsed by labor
union organizations. church conven-
tions and the Federation of Women’s
Clubs. Many of the men belonging
to the Republican party favor it. The
Republicans indorsed it at the last
election while the Democrats kept
silent. and this. I am convinced, cost
the Democrats many votes.”

Miss Clay was the first president
0*" the Kentucky Equal Rights Asso-
ciation. which was organized iii-1888,
and remained president for 24 years.
The present president is the only
daughter of Senator William Bradley.
Republican, former Governor of Ken—




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"‘0 wad some power the giftic gi'e us
To see oursel's as ithcrs see us. '


106-110 Seventh5Ave” N. Y City


The First Estaglished and Most Complete
Newspaper Cutfing Bureau in the World


Date ....... A“


_ i
“Ballots for Both” Will be Her Topic Before the Providence'Civic ;
‘ Forum at the Casino Theatre. ' ' 1

Miss :Lagra. C1ay,,the' suffrag st who. is; Association,- has. been Vlce, President-zit-
t'o __sp'eak atytheyPg-Oxiiliienjce Civic Forum? Large: of the Southern States, 'de'an’.
. ‘ afternoon a}: Ithe'CasifiB‘ Thea: Suffrage. Conference, [an .officendf'tlie »W '
"Both 77 _ _ _‘ EfidTéfiU.WFederati§n 9f" Women’s. Cldb:

A . .r, .e oma’
.k‘nowp .jnatlonal‘. figtgre A n svueffrag gthe :fifStwomap S «5:316: 3:526 sspheszt
having been . fl . . , , B' -;an:.Epi§cop'a.1' Church. Congresis', ,ls apraéL
DI? ‘ , , > A , t1c_al;l»f‘a.rmer‘_.ama§ :h ‘s :s‘polv- ".at'f'Our-Sf’a, é
-onst ' >. " ‘ on . éfi-E, clgy'
' . ahoIn'a




Intended for


“O wad some power the giftie gi'c us
To see oursel's as iihers see us.


106-110’ Seventh Ave., N. Y. City


The First Established and Most Complete
Newspaper Cutting Bureau in the World

Address : Providence,

Data, M c-
[”155 Clay Supplements
One of Her Arguments
To the lCditor of the Sunday Journal:

My :lttr-mir-n has been called to a letter
from Mrs. Marion L. Misch in the Jour-
nal of March 23 in which she makes de-
(hm-tinns I little expected from a portion
of an address of mine which was fairly
eunuch rrported by “Old Maid." The gist
ot‘ this was that Greel-t tutors of Roman
voutl: and American women as mothers
and teachers were in one respect rile.—
qualified from teaching: young Cititrens
the duties of citl'renship.

i did not suppose that ani'one would in-
tcrprct tile remark as meaning; that
native—born American women are aliens
as were the Greek tutors. which is not
true: but I did mean to point out what
ievtrne—thet: both American women and
those Greek tutors had been denied cer- -
tatn privileges of citizens which it is
deeply important that mothers and .



lgtearhers should instruct young citizens
.l to value and preserve.

. Because such American governmental
V maxims as “Governments derive their
just powers from the consent of the. gov
erned" are not practically applied to
women 1 do surmise that few women
who do not believe in suffrage for women
can logically teach children that the
maxim contains sound governmental prin—
ciple. in fact, I have asked mothers who
do not believe in suffrage for women how,
in teaching their children the principles
of American Government. they overcame
the disparity in the theorfsr and practice
of such maxims as. these: and Without
exception I have found that they had
never taught their children on these
points at all.

Of course. suffrage mothers and teach-
ers can and do point; out that the prin—
ciples of our Government are not .\'ct
fully applied, and that it should be the.
ideal of the young citizens patriotlcally
to help to carry such principles into con-
sistent practice.

My lifelong" patriotic devotion to Amer-
ican ideals and by patient persistence. in
pointing out the inconsistencies in politi-
cal practice and the dangers which in—
evitably attend such failures, American
sut'fragists finally have brought every po-
litical party to indorse in its national
platform the rightfulness of woman suf—
frage as being" in accord with the prin—
Cil“l~'£'f~' "ll WU? Governor-vii.

l. WAY.
Lexington, Ky. Mun-u -'

“Citizenship“ Defined in
Interests of Suffrage

To the Editor of the Sunday Journal:

in View of the. letter in last Sunday's
Journal, criticising my letter. signed
“Old Maid," in the Sunday Jourial of
March 18, I am going to ask you to
let me have one. word, more because T
really simply can't stand having Miss
Clay accused of either lack of logic or
lack of patriotism.

I quoted Miss Clay as saying it had been
said. although she could not vouch for
it. that the downfall of Rome was occa—
sioned by the fact that the old Romans.
while. greet fighters. were not great schol~
ars. so they hired the Greeks to teach
their children. The Greeks, full of culture.
and great learning, failed in one thing
toward their young Roman charges—not?
being,r citizens of Rome, they failed to‘
teach citizenship to their pupils. Miss
Clay applied this theory to the fact:
that While mothers are naturally in-i
trusted to teach their children. there is]
one very important. thing that they can-
not teach them at. present—the)” cannot
teach them citizenship understandingly
as they could if they were. themselves,

To me this does not seem lacking inl
logic. '11” we employ a teacher to impart!
a foreign language to our children.
do we not requireI that he shall

w to

.l' 0\V' flip .! v" -‘ . ‘ IS if tC‘QPh?
\n - unn Ll]'"'+.,,,_,nn “Miss [M _

which “to cfiln'u'on of {111;



dictionary gives ”q. H
. .natul‘alized 7 (
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ODIe ,. fill

Who 171‘
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Dllhlxc Officer;
Ofi'iCes in thel

' that thm
ere :2-
’50 well teach m
‘ ue had pracliruj
ourselves. N ha
amuse little I
.. ‘ u (.1
little children

“:nrnnn Q‘ll‘.’
learn ”.MVEH, liovv
H - If tl ~
tall {linl' 'v 79) (l
tilineed“,1}{pon 1'7 think" big as men a}:
’mOthep ‘iqnthe child '8 . ' i at
' cet ‘ '
fut tl‘lng, CO” :Lse to have that _.3 his]
[m why WP “thaniOnshjp with“; “under-‘1
[equally rankedllllk mothers thm‘. f‘ilflt
Ito c'OI'Itinue c andfli’lalmcd Witl'omd be
. That is th OmDéInlons to t . ‘1 fathi‘l‘s
tlent a 5" grain of . . ' S01m.
labout CqCUrSat'lo“ of “it“ ' he ”Stu't
Some 15mg?“ real ”"6; i '
(r ‘ « t .
1 do notbeqbooq “'Ol‘nen lfllt)“;”]d “'Ol'k,
1 say " 3" “'6‘ w SO mile
We are .. Omen are “ - ' '
the a--~ -- ‘ “0t ‘(‘n'v - Allen "
- M _ . men. ’ . S.
ZanShJ-D.l.nlit:0n S'H'oll (”JOYZ' aCCOI’djng. t0
guardian (3160179 or t « noblestszy‘ “PM-
I 01.601. to te [young Can toqollngs a
. or» - I .
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tire it" ' “9 say “let us ’lltlt tooch
- '- A v . 1
of ('Ol'l‘SG ~ 1718;-
(”CPU-Se Ni '


nobody “-
l have . 85‘ 013." of “
Pent Just noted on
’ ' Convention
read; “Miss

oulrl ever
lack of p
:1} amount
Litura (713.8181)

herself t},
Speech in h

. of the re—l
ington. and"
of Kentuckv/

he .3
‘ “ lino “~
ehalf o 7”“t'

a fiery
A merican
necessxtate goin
much of life"
‘ The wr '
Jurr- the
. cans
holds as 9
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[she has done. so h

Bren if

3’ lo “-3“ l . It'sliould
she Said." “’3‘ think 100

r uphold—f
iter would be y l

of ‘ ... to in-v
dear as _ ' cause she"
e suffrage f 2 and she is so ‘:l
I ‘7. rlends will feel .‘Vl 1:
v I . S . , L l.
t“ hat seemed to l O “mm-en?” (“It I, q 7
of w . , 191- a ll ' ‘ 'mg

I 0mm] S p(- ' ' . nhle illust* '
present ’1'?“ :sttlon in our Q‘qt ‘ IREIOH
I ) V . . .l. e at the
l Iantucket. Marc]? ‘1'? HEA L. IL” L 4


 “Return Visit
of Rochambeau"

4n Appeal to This Nation to Set [[5
Banner Beside Those of Allies on
French Soil, as Part of [is §liarc in
Battle for Liberty. 33’ A. ,- .1 J¢j§

,‘o the Editor of the Sundd/y .oui'hal:

A little more than 30 months ago we
sat and silently watched Belgium as she
entered the “valley of the. shadow of
death." A slight shiver ran over us, but
at the behest ot those we had put in au-
thority above us we. closed our mouths
and sealed our lips. “'0 recovered from
our shoc< 'to ail appearances, but it left
a tii‘ige of red on our cheeks, a faint
blush ol' shame, of which we. have not
yet been able to rid ourselves. ‘thn
Poland bowed her head to the. axe oi? the
executioner we. mildly pitied her and
listened to her moans as to the. distant;
echoes of some far—oft tragedy of the
midmg‘ht, turning,r over on our luxurious
couches again to slumber and repose. \Ve
had l)ecome Well accustomed to the sight
of blood when the head of Serbia. rolled
into the 'l‘euton basket and the Ca iras
ol" the Germanic hosts around the scat—
l'old roused faint emotions in us as they
teebly beat upon our distant shores.

But we have had a distinctly uncom-
fortable sensation in our bosoms. a vague
and =ndel‘inable feeling that all was not
right With the beating ot‘ our hearts, as
{on many months we have anxiously
Watched the situation ot‘ France and
shuddered with alarm at the frightful
wave ol’ peril as it swept onward to her
destruction. or eagerly and joyfully saw
it driven back and lush itself into fury
as it stmck the stern and rock—bound
rampart of her mighty spirit. This fee]-
ing: has frequently risen to the surface
among us for many months. nor have we
endeavored to disguise it or repress it.
And in the last few days. now that the
shadow of this grim and hideous spectre



has travelled swiftly westward with the.
setting sun and its gaunt and bony fingers

are already hovering over our devoted
heads remy to clutch at our throats.
France has sent us a, message which will
make our hearts throb witn joy and
pride. We must—we will answer it!
Through one of her sons, high in the
councils of his country, she has opened
her heart to us and this is what she says:
“in your young days you felt arise
“ithin you a burning thirst for liberty
and you drank deep draughts from free-
om's swelling fountain. You passed the
Cup to us. The elixir entered our blood,

coursed through our veins and fired our‘

hearts. Its effects have increased as the
years rolled on. \\'e have carried the.
standard valiantly and faithfully through
many vicissitudes of fortune. Foes within
and enemies without at times have
snatched it from us and trampled it in
the. dust. But ever faithful to our trust
we have recovered it and held it liifvrh
aloft again with hands that. have never
wenried. “'0 have grasped it. in a grip
of steel as the icy snows ot‘ winter and
the burning;r suns ol’ summer have seen
us all these long and weary months
travelling through this vale. ol.’ tears.
The clouds of darkness are scattering.
Already the first faint rays of the rising
sun of victory are shining on its folds.
But your life also is sought and you are
arming for the conflict. An ocean sep—
arates you from your enemies. but it
does not protect you. Our sons and Eng-
land‘s are all we. need to accomplish the.
ruin 01? our desperate and despairing foe
and hurl him to destruction—tovstop for
ever this modern lake's progress. The
conduct. of your part of the war is 01‘
course in your own hands and l‘or you to
decide. But although you do not speak
our language. we know you think our
thoughts. and it would swiftly hasten the
end of this gigantic struggle and staunch
the bleeding wound of the world if you
would send us only one division of your
valiant sons to plant your glorious ban-
ner on our ramparts. What more fitting
time, what: more solemn moment. what
more latel’ul epoch in your and our life
as a people to return the visit of Lafay~
ette and Rochambcau, to whom we en-
Ti‘usted the blood of our countrymen to
pour upon the altars of your liberty?"
Shall we not do it? Shall we not joy—
fully and eagerly rush to her side with
this handful of the best that is in us?
Let the. crimson bars of our flag be to
her the. emblem of the mingling once
more of our blood with hers, this time
in her righteous Cause, and let its stars
shed their bright rays of hope and cour-
age into her storm-tossed soul, buffeted
so long and so cruelly by this tempest of
terror. Let us pour out a golden stream


from our bursting coffers into lltl‘ lap

and fill her armory with the bright an-fil

burnished weapons of her triumph. And.

at the close of this long and dreary
day when the lingering rays ot the setting
sun break through the clouds that have
hovered over this sea of blood and mid
the field of victory of another Austerlitz,
let our sons too be there to kneel to-
gether at her side and join our prayers
to hers in her thanksgiving. Let us fire
vith her the farewell volleys o’er the
grave—let us place our wreath of love and
honor side by side with hers upon the
.ltars of her noble dead and let us sup—
port and comfort her as she drags her
sorrowing footsteps back to desolated
firesides. And on the glorious morrow of
her triumph, let it be. our proud and
sacred privilege to heal her broken heart
and bind her wounds with the balm of
our devotion, “to give. unto her beaut-r
for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the
garment of praise for the spirit of heavi-
ness." Let us “feed her flocks and be
her plowmen and vinedressers. ” Let us
minister to her hunger from our riches.
clothe her from our abundance and re—
pair her waste cities. Let us cherish her
and comfort her and wipe away all tears
from her eyes. “Then shall we lay up
for ourselves treasures in heaven Where
neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and
where thieves do not break through nor

Leesburg, \‘a., March 26.


 (Editorial from The Evanston News-
Index, February 1, 1917.)



There really seems to be no reason

behind the disagreement and strife be-
tween» the two groups of suffragists
who are exercising themselves so in-
dustriously at Springfield. The ob»
ject which they seek to obtain is iden‘
tical and the two methods need not
be antagonistic at all. The effort of
the constitutional amendment contin-
gent which has succeeded in getting
such support for the amendment as is
suggested in a favorable majority re-
port out of committee, in no way
threatens the endeavor of the other
group to secure support for the con-
stitutional convention. We may have
both and to advantage.

The passage of an amendment to
the state, constitution providing full
suffrage for women will not make it
more difficult to secure favorable
action upon a constitutional conven-
tion, and it will serve the very‘valu-
able purpose so far as suffragists are
concerned, of giving to the women of
the state their ’part in the choice of
representatives to that convention. A
man-chosen convention offers no such
positive assurance that there will be
an article giving universal suffrage
that women can afford to resign them-
selves to that one agency to secure the
ballot. There’s many a slip between
a constitutional convention and woman
suffrage. Anything which can reduce
the number of chances that there will
be'unfavorable action upon the ques-
tion should be taken and that with
the full accord of the women who are
making themselves conspicuous by
their labors at Springfield. ,They
should not forget that they hold’in
their hands not only their own politi-
cal‘ happiness but that of the many
hundreds of thousands who are not
able to take a prominent part in the
fight. It is a trust which they have
undertaken and one which they should
not barter'for personal ambition and
love (if leadership. ~



I ’nfiwawaylmntt/ 151tl1CtL1eA3‘1it.

Madison Farmers To Purchase
- In Pool Next Saturday.

Cotton Seed meal in one ton
and carload lots will be purchas—
ed in pool by Madison county
feeders at a meeting to be held at
the Union Supply Company on
Saturday, January 19, at 2 p. 111
All fa1‘111e1‘s who intend to use
cotton seed meal will find it to
their advantage to b( at the
meeting smce t’h’e larder the 01--
der the. cheapm and quicker the





 Tuesday, Afternoon— LEXEF '

Hit lililit,” a s i. * _ . t
filth either i

'MfThere is a tendency on the part of back to the wall the French will
a great many speakers, some of whom figl‘1\t{"1] tl F 1 1 f lt ‘ll
- . ‘ 1 . re 4110' isr l”l on W]

5’ 'r're l ‘ srt . D. b ,’
, you hm no doubt lémd’ to‘as e ithey stay wrth their guns? wet as
1 '.that we are at war with the German‘mHg as they are able to raise the
1‘ r -' - - . ‘ v - . ‘
1-?'harser, or that we are fighting the Linon Jack they will fight.
1 n Y _' - ,,. l
“f German government, but I say untoi1 XV hat llfmd 10f Said?” are our
. ‘ \_ . , . )oys’ manntr .10W (0 iey compare
(you that we are fighting the German with the mena’of the Allied armies? J.
-—-D601319- This statement 39131105 DOt have seen-the troops from Canada.
lonly t0 the Germans in Germany hilt Australia, New Zealand, and 'lndia,
i:holds inst as- true ot the Germans in [ the soldiers of France and England
0111‘ lllldSt, W110 are spreading then [and Italy, and they are all great and
l damnable propaganda. _ . fine men, but I must say, tho possibly
“There are 110 hyphens 111 America} am a. wee bit prejudiced, that the
BOW, 110 1361‘8011 can be G91‘111311‘¢3111._€1;1‘ 1 American boy is the finest, clearest-
can, 01‘ f01‘ that matter an Efighsn: ; eyed, most upstanding of them all.”
French or Italian-American, they must‘r, ___._
be Americans.” 1
\Vith these forceful statements,
Mrs. Idah "McGlone Gibson, newspaper
correspondent, writer for The l.eader,1

Red Cross worker and lecturer, lately
returned from the battle fields of Bel-
gium, France and Italy, opened. her
address before a crowd that filled to
overflowing the Opera house last (11
night, Sl
The stereopticon slides With which in
Mrs. Gibson was to have illustrated be
her speech were ruined by an acci- 01,
dent at Henderson, Ky, but as the al‘
dicted by Chairman George R, Hunt,
who introduced the speaker, they tli -
were not necessary, so vivid were the 1" '
descriptions of the scenes which she 't
presented. 1?
“Every man in France between the ""
ages of 20 and 40 is in the army un- ti -
less so badly wounded that it is im» P1 '
possible to return to the trenches,” 1t
Mrs. Gibson said. "Ask a French child 31'
where its father is and you get one of C11
Itwo answers. ‘He is in the army,’ or '
‘He is dead.’ ” . DC
In addition to the hospital work of .th ,
the Red Cross it has undertaken to W“
care for the families of the men at 39
the front, and this work, the speaker .t
said, has increased the morale of the 5
French army fifty per cent. i;

Red Cross . l
| Saved Italy. ' i 1

“But for the work of the American i(
Red Cross Italy w0uld be in the same '(
i condition as Russia today. W’hen II
Italiansoldiers found that their i'ami— it
lies were starving they were roadin
to quit fighting, but the headset the } ,
,. IRed Cross sent four ambulances fill-it , -
ed with: clothing, a carload of food t'
and four million lire to the sufferers I f
with the message that it was sent by 11
America, and the tide of: battle was]
' turned. *
“General Pershing, whom I inter-
— yiewed-on New Year's Day, said 01" the
5 Red Cross: ‘It is the first construc-
51tive expedition of the American
1 army,’ ” Mrs. Gibson added. . .
! Unqualified hatred of the Hun was


1 .


i ‘- 7
1. Mrs. Gibson 5 plea.

_ “You can’t fight, you can’t kill, un— ‘
:1 less you hate,” she said, "and you,
. must kill the Boche.” ‘
—| “There is 'but, one business in!
I‘ll America today and that business is]
lwar. It Is tirie that every man, wo-
,man and child is taking a part in that
1 business.” . ' . ‘. ,
this, Gibsonsaid that there were'
- three quest-ions which she‘was called' .
upon to answer moi'e frequently th‘anl
any other and she would ansWer them’
‘in closing. _ * S
“First,” she said, “will the French]
stick? Just as long as there isa foot'
48- of French soil left upon.- which the,
last Frenchman can stand with his

_ r- n MWSSI NERS;


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