xt70rx937t9n_405 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_37/Multipage17927.pdf 1916 1916 1916 section false xt70rx937t9n_405 xt70rx937t9n  



1916. - TVVENTY-



“From Press to -Home



Within the Hour”




Sworn Net Circulation, Month of February,
1916, Daily Average, 80.250; Sunday, 57,489.‘




N, D. 0., FRIDAY, MARCH 3,









« fit/7i






1’5 ’ '





minimums ~
,lllllZfNS, l3 BlilM

Most-Be Friend of Administra-
‘..,v.|on_,1.S‘ays» Mr. Mondell, in
Seeking Information.

“Unless you are a friend of. the
administration you cannot get a
passport,” said Representative
Mondell of “fyoming today in a
Statement regarding two resolu—

tions he introduced in the House.
_ One resolution asked the Secretary
of State to furnish information regard-
ing orders that have been promulgated
from the State Department regarding
the issuance of passports; the other

asked the Secretary of the Treasury
for all the facts concerning the guns
on armed merchantmen which have
cleared from American ports within the
past sixty days.

The second resolution also asks
“what orders relative to the use of the
armament, either from the owners or
the belligerent governments, were car-
ried by the masters of such vessels.”
The statement by Representative
,Mondell was: -

Difficult to‘Get Passport.

“The administration ,‘talks of the

abridgment of the rights of American
citizens. So far as that goes, the ad—
ministration has been ahridging the
rights of Americans to travel at sea
for several months. It is exceedingly
difficult to get a passport from fhe
State Department. Unless you are a
friend of the administration. or can
show that your business is of the most
extreme importance, you cannot get
a passport. American citizens desiring
to go abroad, 1 understand, have been
turned down by the thousands. You
are put through a most rigid examina—
tion before you are allowed to travel
’on the sea, although the administration
talks about upholding American rights.
“A naturalized American from my
state, desiring to go to lreland, where
his mother was on her deathbed, on—
tainecl a passport only after 1 had rep-
resented on my word of honor as a
gentleman and a member of Congress
that his request was genuine. They
even wanted me to make an alllrlavit
that his mother was sick in Ireland. I
desire to know while the :Hli"'?:i-:i" :llifi‘
is talking about the ‘abridgmont of
American rights,’ how many Americans
have been denied their rights by the
arbitrary refusal of the State Depart-
ment to issue. passports."


waits House 13





a vote on the floor of the House,

No Resolution Agreed Upon.

lnsistence that a vote be taken by the
rules committee action if necessary
came after varyii‘ig reports as to the
has been agreed upon in the committee
on the resolution. As yet no resolution
has been agreed upon in the committee,
which will command a majority vote
and there was no positive ass‘urance to-
day that any resolution ever would be





reported by it. Chairman Flood ex-
pressed the hope that a. satisfactory
resolution would be drawn today and
reported shortly after the committee
meets at 2:30 this afternoon.

Administration leaders in the House
are hopeful that it. will be unneces-
sary to report: a resolution in a rule.
It is taken for granted that republi—
cans would fight such a rule, and with
one exception such action is unprece-

It would also be a setback to the
President to haye him to_ turn to the
rules committee after being defeated
in foreign affairs, it is argued.

Mr. .Pou has told members of the
rules committee that he regards the
present situation above partisan pol-
itics, and for that reason there will
be no secret session of the democratic
members to arrive at someplau of ac-
tion. He wants a non-partisan vote in
the present situation.

Pro—German Influence Felt.

was evident during the
pro-German influence was
strongly in favor of a motion
houses to table.
them that motions to table would not
be clean-cut victories for the Presi-
dent, as under parliamentary law, La
motion to table may mean that it can

in both


be brought forward again at any time.

Some of the President's friends
:strongly urged that he accept nothing
in either lionse but straightout votes
that would leave no doubt how the.
‘legislative branch of the government
feels. ‘

'l‘hey wondered why he would accept
.1, vote to table in the Senate, whit-1r is
strongly with him, and insist upon a
straight vote in the House, where his
opponents are much stronger. The. only
explanation appeared to he that the
President. absolutely knows what to
expect in, the Senate in the. future,
’while in the House he Would not wish
to have the legislative condition left
where it could again be called up or
to have a vote that would not be mu
t-gpted by the country as final or def—

Senator Owen, colleague of: Senator
Gore, who amazed the Senate with a
report that the President had said the
entrance. of the United States into the
ilCuropean war might render a service
to civilization, conferred with the
President this morning, and said later
he had found Senator Gore’s account
cntircly without foundation,

Went to Learn Exact Status.

Senator Owen went to the White
House at the request, of several other
senators to learn the exact status of
the international situation before the
Senate. voted on the Gore resolution
warning Americans off. armed ships.


President Determined to Have
out Vote on Floor of House on
, Warning Resolution, However.

day that.

It was considered by.


It was said at the \Vhite House that the action ofithevSenate ’to— '
day in tabling the Gore resolution was satisfactory and met the
wishes of President W’ilson. 'It was added that attention now would
be concentrated on thesituation in the House. ' ' I,

The President, it developed today, afterhe had. conferred with“
Acting Chairman Pou of the rules committee,

is determined to have

even if a special rule containing a

resolution is required to get it. He conferred forh'alf an ihour'with
Mr. Pou today. Mr. Pou declined to discuss the conference, but said
the rules committee, he thought, would stand by the


the President. He-said after .his con-
ference that while the international
Situation was grave, it was not nearly
as bad as pictured by Senator Gore in
the Senate yesterday.

Acting Chairman P011 of the 'House
rules committee saw the President and
told him a victory for'his position was
sure in the House.

Mr. Pou declared he' still thought the
foreign affairs committee would be able
to reach some kind of an ageement to
get the uestion to the floor. He said
the, rules committee did not plan “to
move until it was plain that the for-
eign affairs committeewould act.

Mr. Pou discussed the international
situation generally with the President
so that he could have information for
other members of 'the House. The
President reiterated that he did not de-
sire a vote of confidence.

It was indicated that the administra—
tion leaders were laying careful plans
for bringing the question up in the
House, but' Mr. ,Pou refused to dis—
cuss them.





]Now Over 80,000 Daily

The daily average net cir—
culation, of The Star for the
month of February was
80,250 copies, an increase of
2,374 a day over the month
of january.

The average net circula—
tion of The Sunday Star for
the month of February was
. 57,489 copies, a11_,i11crease of
1.373 copies each Sunday as
compared with the previous
month. '

Yesterday’s Advertising
Local Display

. . 22,5 15

Total other 3 com~

bined ..... ... . . . z . .I7,93o

The Evening Star.

2d Newspaper. .
3d Newspaper. . ‘ ..
4th Newspaper. ...

\Vashington in e r c ha iits
know from results the effect '
of this circulation andrhow
thoroughly The Star covers
\‘\"'ashington, and therefore
largely concentrate their ad-
vertising in, The Star.




Senator Owen said he would support I

_ the administration.




Action Regarded 33 Victory for President _
Senator Gore Endeavors to Save
' the Measure. — ' '



By Parliamentary Move Oklahoma Solon Offers‘Amendmeiit
Making [035 of American Life .By, U-Boat
/ Attack Cause for War. '


barrassed President Wilson in the

motion by Senator James, one of
fight to the House.
Chamberlain and O’Gorman were

all republican.

In place of this warning had
cause for war between the United

Senator Gore».

Senator Gore Springs Surprise.
As the roll was about to be'called.
.Senator Gore asserted his right under
the rules of the Senate to amend his
resolution before it was voted upon.
He was permitted to perfect his resolu-
tion. And by such action he was able
to prevent the Senate‘from voting
down his original resolution. .
The vote of the Senategrhowever,
must be considered a virtual and over-
whelming victory for the President.
The very fact that Senator Gore amend—
ed his resolution so as to give it_ a
meaning diametrically oppos1te to its
original meaning is considered ev1dence
of the weakness of the original resolu-
tion in the Senate. _
The text of the amendment to his
resolution by Mr. Gore was as follows:
“The sinking by a submarine With-
out notice' or warning of an armed
merchant vessel of her public enemy,
resulting in the death of a citizen of
the United States, would constitute a
inst and sufficient cause’of war be-
tween the United States and the Ger-
man empire.” ‘ ‘ .

Stick to Support of President.

As soon as the amendment had been
offered, it ‘wasevident that, without
debate, the senators must cast their
votes upon a new question, exactly op—
posite to that for which they had as-
isembled to vote.

Believing that the parliamentary trick
would be evident to the entire world,
and that they could best express their
willingness to support the President by
voting as they would have done on the
original resolution, supporters of the
President in this crisis, includingSenz‘t—
t'or Lodge and many other republicans,
voted “aye” on the motion to table.

The scene in the Senate during the
voting was more stormy than it
been for years. The galleries were
crowded to their utmost and hundreds
of persons stood in .the corridors un—
able to obtain entrances On tne floor
of the Senate scores of .
the House lined the walls. Every mem—
ber of the Senate, except a'few who
were sick or away from \Vashington,
was in his seat. The tension in the air
was manifest long before the question
of voting on the Gore resolution came

Senator Stone Starts Proceedings.

As soon as the introduction of peti-

tions, bills, reso‘lftions and reports had
been completed. Senator Stone, the
chairman of the foreign relations com-
mittee, who is opposed to the President
in his present policy regarding the
armed merchantmen question, but who
declared his willingness to co—operate
with the President to get a vote on the
question of warning Americans off
armed merchantmen‘, asked that the
Gore redolution be laid before the Sen-
ate. .
Towering beside the senator from
Missouri, Senator James of Kentucky,
an ardent supporter of the President,
was on his feet at the same time as
Senator Stone. - .

“I move that the resolution of Mr.
Gore, the senator from Oklahoma, and
all amendments and substitutes thereto
be laid on the table, and on that mo-
tion I demand the yeas and pays,” said
Senator James.

Mr. Gore Gets in Amendment.

“A question of personal privilege,”
interrupted Senator Gore “1 have the
right to modify my resolution, under
the rules of the Senate. I demand to be
allowed to use that sacred right."



“Mr. President,” shouted Serial.“

Senator Gore himself voted to table his resolution. .Senators’

The Other twelve anti—administration votes Were

The .whole meaning of the resolution
twinkling of‘ an eye by a quick parliamentary move 011vthe'partl,of~i ..

The Senate had assembled tovote on
resolution, the leaders On both sides havin
such a motion would end all debate.
that the Senate would support the President and-“would", table the,
Gore resolution by'a large majority. . ' ' ‘


members of‘


By a vote of 68 to 14, a greater majority than they expected, ad»
ministration forces in the Senate today tabled Senator Gore’s resolu- ‘
tion to warii Americans off the armed ships of the European beli " I‘
ligerents and thereby finally quelled the agitation which" has em-f,

submarine negotiations with/Ger: .

Senator Gore's resolution, a substitute by Senator McCumber,
a republican, and an attemptby Senator Gore to strengthen his
original proposal, all were defeated at one time 011 a roll call 011 a ,
the administrationwhips,‘- to" table: , ,
them. The administration victory in the Senate transferred the,

the only democrats to vote against

\ 1


The roll call showed forty—seven democrats and twei1ty¢onefre€
publicans voting to table the resolution.
two democrats ‘voted against the motion to table.

When the vote was taken, howe
stripped of its warning ,to American citizens
armed merchant vessels of the belligerents. . ' . “



been inserted a- provision that the

sinking of an armed 111e'rchantman, without'warning; by'ra‘Geirma‘n
submarine. resulting in the death of an I '

States and the-German empire. .
had. been changed 111 the

\ ,\~\

James, f‘a motion to lay on the‘table is
not'tlebatable. I make the point that
the senator ‘is too lateT’

a‘tor G'ore had

a rightrto
olution under

amend his res-
the rules

of the Senate,-

Senator Gore’s amendment was then
read to the Senate, the ayes and'noes
ordered, ' and- *the. voting began amid
.turbulent scenes. ’

Dramatic Scene During Vote.‘

Never was a vote taken in the
under more dramatic conditions,
rarely, if ever, has a roll call proceeded
with so many acrimonious interrup-
tions on the floor. At one time there
were so many demands from senators
that. the sergeant—at-arms had‘ to'be
called ”to restore order. ‘

Senators desired to explain their votes
on the amended resolution, which, un-
der the rules, they are not allowed to
do after the roll call has started.

Senator Ashurst of Arizona, the first
senator on the roll call, was on his feet
the instant his name was called, sho'ut-
ing “Aye" on the motion to table the
Gore resolution. At the same time
Senator oBrah and others were de-
Senator Borah and others were de-
mentary inquiry.”

“The roll ‘call has been
answered to my name,” roared Senator
Ashurst. “l. demand the regular order.'.'

“I addressed the chair before the agile
senator from Arizona ‘was on his feet,"
snapped Senator Borah. - ' .

Senator Borah Shut Off.
The Vice President ruled that the roll-





started, I have


was the fourth called, and he voted

When the name of Senator Clark of
Arkansas was reached, before he could
lbe stopped, he declared that he would
lhave voted against tabling the, original

Gore resolution, but that he would vote
iaye on the resolution in its present

Senator Smoot of Utah. when his
name wasvcalled, requested the Senate
to excuse him from voting, saying that
he felt that he could not vote since he
was prevented from voting on the orig-
inal question. ’ .

“I object," said Senator Borah. “I
was in the same position as the sena-
tor. I think he should vote.” _

It was decided that the question
should be settled as to whether Sena-
tor Smoot should vote after the roll
call had been completed.

When it came the turn for Senator
Stone to vote, he, too, started to ex-
plain his position. Senator Borah kvas
on his feet in an’instant, declaring that
if “the Senate is to be gagged. I intend
that all senators shall be gagged”.


Calls Sergeant-at-A‘rms.

Senator Stone turned in anger upon,
Senator Borah and began a statement
to the effect that he did not propose to
have the Idaho senator tell him what
he should do or should not do. The
Vice President rapped loudly on his
desk for order. There were calls for
the sergeant-at-arms to restore order
by senators in their seats. / Finally,

Senator Stone said:
“On this resolution as amended I
vote aye.”

lery as the clash ended.

Senator Vardaman of Mississip i,
speaking so quickly that no one con (1
prevent said: “I regretfully vote aye
on this amended resolution."

Senator Ashurst, who sat beside him,


laughed loudly, calling a rebuke from.
the Vice President. When th/owrol


" a.’

Twelve republicans and

VCI‘, the» resolution‘had been“.
not to travel upofi

American citizen, would be i A

amotion to table the G0f'e i
g approved. the" plan; for , '1
It was known beyond all doubt, L

The Vice, President ruled that Sen-',

but that he must do so without debate. '

Senate ,

call had begun. Senator Borah’s name‘

Laughter swept over'the Senate gal-


 “ vote on the motion of

2" t

. -.-;I"'






death of a citizen of the

German empire.”

the belligerent nations; and

the nation, therefOre be it

legiance to the


power. ‘

The text of the resolution, as amended by Senator Gore,“ and
the resolution upon which the vote today was cast, is as follows:

“The sinking by a submarine without notice or warning of
an armed merchant vessel of her public enemy, .
United States, would constitute a Just
and sufficient cause of war between the'United States and the


The text of the Core resolution, around which for days the
international storm has waged, is as follows:

“Whereas a number of leading powers of the world are now
engaged in a war of unexampled proportions; and

“Whereas the'United States is happily at peace with all of ‘

“Whereas it is equally the desire and the interest of the
American people to remain at peace with all nations; and

“Whereas the President. has recently offered fresh and signal
proofs of the superiority of diplomacy to butc
of settling international disputes; and

“Whereas the right of American citizens to travel on un—
armed belligerent, vessels has recently rece1ved renewed guar-
antees of respect and inviolability; and

“Whereas the right of American Citizens to travel on armed
belligerent vessels rather than upon unarmed vessels is essential
neither to their life, liberty or safety; nor to the
dignity or security of the United States; and

“Whereas Congress alone has been vested with the power to
declare war, Which involves the obligations to prevent war
all proper means consistent with the honor and v1tal interest of

RESOLVED by the Senate (the House of Representatives
concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress, vested as it IS
with the sole power to declare war, that
United States should, in
safety and the vital interest of the United States, forbear to exer-
cise the right to travel as passengers upon any armed vessel
of any belligerent power, whether such vessel be armed for
offensive or defensive purposes; -
the Congress that no passport should be issued or renewed by
the Secretary of State, or by any
used by any person owing allegiance to the United States for
purpose of travel upon any such armed veSsel of, a belligerent

resulting in the


nery as( a method



all persons owing al-
behalf of their own

and it is the further sense of

one acting under him, to be












.had be'en finished Senator Smoot then
inade his request that he be excused
from voting, which was put to a vote
‘lllCl carried viva voce.

McCumber Substitute Tabled.

Before the voting began on the Gore
resolution Senator McCumber of North
Dakota offered a substitute for it. His
resolution, after proclaiming the right

of: American citizens to travel on armed.

merchantmen ~of belligerent powers,
made an urgent request that all Amer—
ican citizens refrain from traveling
upon these vessels until questions at
issue between this government and

Germany has been settled through
diplomatic means. The effect of the
Senator James
was to table this substitute as well as
. the Gore resolution. -

' After the Gore resolution had been dis—
»..-- , —1: Senator Stone attempted to
c. -.,.. apwithe Jones resolution, , which
assails the President for his position in
regard to the right of Americans to
travel 'on armed merchantmen, with
the intention of haying it laid on the
table also. But before the resolution
could be laid before the Senate Senator
Jones leaped .to his feet and withdrew
his resolution, saying, however, that
he would offer it at a later time.

United, on American Rights.

Senator . Reed criticised statements
made in the Senate that the President
had been harassed in his foreign policy.
The speech in the Senate yester-
day by Senator \Villiams
> sissippi had done much to strength—
en that -belief, he declared. “In
cases like this, it is inevitable that
there should be differences,” he said,
“but the only differences are those of
the best policy to be observed in serv—
ing the United States, not differences
growing from a desire to serve a dif—
ferent people." '

“There were some things said yes-
terday in the Senate and the press that
might better be left unsaid. 1t is'of
the highest importance that all the
world understand that on any question
of the rights of the American govern-
ment or the American citizen, our great
people stand as a unit and it should be
understood that they will uphold, sus-
tain and defend those rights, if neces—
sary, to the la st; breath.

Repudiates Talk of Traitors.


“I believe the effect of these utter—
cnces yesterday are to assert that in
this nation are those considering the
interests of Germany rather than of
the United States,” said he. “There has
been much. talk of traitors. I believe it
would be difficult to find in the whole
United States 1,000 men who wouldn‘t
assert the highest degree of loyalty to
the country.

“I utterly,abominate and repudiate
the statesnrien attributing to any one
the desire to act against the interests
of the United States merely because of
his conclusion that he will be in accord
with the interests of the supporters of
one of the belligerents."

Senator Jones. republican. declared
the tabling of the resolutions had
further fogged rather than clarified
any issue. ' _

“Nothing has been decxded today, ex—
cept that the Senate of the United
States can be gagged absolutely,” he
said. "We have not passed on,the is—
sue. We have only done like the ostrich
and in the face of danger have covered

our heads in the sand. I voted
against the resolution on general prin-
ciples. A motion to table is always
made either to cut off debate or to
avoid an issue.

r“Have we complied with the request
of. the President? What did he say to
Representative Pou? That he felt jus—
tified in asking permission to urge an
earl}r vote on the resolution in order
to give an opportunity for full public
discussion, and this is the full public
discussion we have."

“Perhaps the senator from VVashing—
ion is not in touch with the subter-
ranean passageway to the White
House,” s ggestcd Senator Borah.

“Issue Not Settled Yet.”

"It is easy to introduce another res-
olution,” continued Senator Jones.
“The Senate has not settled the issue
yet. The President is not advised on
the sentiment of the Senate on this
proposition, and the people of this
country and the nations abroad, know
it.” He expressed the hope that the
discussion would serve to prevent any
Americans taking passage on any ships
Owned by belligerent nations.

“The nation’s anger should hang- on
the foolhardiness of no man,” he said.

In reintroducing his resolution Sen—
ator McCumber protested that debate
could not be shut off, and that either
later today or tomorrow he would call
up his resolution.

Senator Clarke, democrat, of Arkan—
sas, also protested against the Senate's
action, although he voted with the

‘ .“The Senate has not disposed of the
question today with the dignity the

pub ect demands." said he.
-, ”inquest - asset—SJ} W9-hM-beeneb
A , , -‘


of Mis— -




solutely neutral from the beginning,”
added Senator Clarke, “that the un-
fortunate struggle in Europe would
now be well on its way to an adjust—

”There‘is no overlooking the fact
that all the declarations of this gov—
ernment have led in a certain direc-
tion: that official America at least was
interested in the success of one of the
contestants, and it-does not require
much ingenuity to determine which. I
do not think that the view of official
W'ashington is the view of the Ameri-
can people or of the American Con—
gress. ,

“I am out of patience with those con-
stantly seeking to magnify theimpor-
tance of the utterances of the Presi-
dent, who feel that his having once ex-
pressed an opinion, others’
must instantly be paralyzed.

- :‘uuam‘. :-

Seeks to Prevent War.

“I have as much respect for the Pres-
ident as any one, and as much interest
and as much respect for the democratic
party for this Senate, but I have
not so much respect for any of these
as to keep me from doing all I can
to prevent this nation being embroiled
in the European war." ‘

“I did not favor the provisions of the
Gore resolution. as it was introduced. It
sought to ask us to give up the privilege
of traveling on ar’med ships. It was un—
necessary to go that far. I am perfectly
willing to let a. citizen of the United
States travel as he wants, but I am un-
willing to let him make his travels the
subject of international controversy. The
resolution was designed with the purpose
of getting the senators to vote down
something they really favored. It is
time enough for this nation to go to war
when there is a real cause.”


Senator Gallinger Explains Vote.

Senator Gallinger said that as the
only New England senator to vote not
to table the. Gore resolution he was
entitled to explain his\\vote. -

“I think we are‘ entitled to debate
this question in the open. By our ac-
tion today we have reached no conclu-
sions. I am in favor of doing all we
can to prevent war, and I think it wise
to advise against Americans traveling
on armed ships.”

Senator Borah on the other hand said
that he was in favor, after full debate,
for Congress to go on record as sup—
porting the right of Americans to go on
armed merchantmen, a right recognized
for 500 years—and to tell the World
that any nation which did not recog—
nize that right would. be held to a strict

“Senate Germanized Today.”

“\V’e denounce Germany because we
do not hire her system of government






The roll call was as fol—

Ayes -~ Ashl flank-
head, Beckham, Brandcgee,
Broussard, Blurleigh‘, Chil-
ton, Clark, \A’iyoming; Colt,
Culbcrson, Curtis, Dilling—
ham, Dupont, Fletcher,
Gore, Harding. Hardwick,
Hitchcock, Hollis, Hughes,
Husting, James, Johnson,
Maine; Johnson. South Da—
kota; Kern, Lane, Lee,
Maryland; Lewis, Lodge,
McLean, l\vlartin, Martino,
Myers, Nelson, Newlands,
Oliver, Overman, Owen,
Page, Phelan, Pittman,
Poindexter, Pomerenc, Rans—
dell, Reed, Shafroth, Shep—
pard, ‘2 Shields, Simmons,
Smith, Arizona: Smith,
Georgia; Smith, Maryland;
Smith, Michigan; Smith,
South Carolina; Sterling,
Stone, Swanson, Thomas,
Thompson, Tillman, Under—
wood, Vardaman, Wrads—
worth, \Valsh, \Varren,
\Vceks, \Villiams. Total,
68. ‘

Nays —— Borah, Chamber-I
lain, Clapp, Cummins, Fall,
Gallingcr, Gronna, ~Tones,
La Follcttc, i\:’IcCumber,

4 -‘L


Norris. O’Gorman, Sherman,
\A-rorks. Total, I4.






or her militaifi‘sm,” said Senator Bo-
rah. “Yet tit“ Senate of the United
States. the hi 'est legislative body in
the world, waej'Germanized today. We
took the sam’"’- attitude and reached
the same resultizby the same process as
the highest Gérman legislative body
would if direc'f'ed by the kaiser from
the throne. jg?" ‘

“Suppose the-.presjdent had said to Rep-
resentative Pen-.5 ‘You will proceed imme—
diately to conjure up some scheme to stifle
debate and their take the vote on this
resolution, ,so that 1‘ may have the view
of the Senate,’iwhat would have been the
expression 0fthe people Of this country?
There would have been immediate con-
demnation so severe and so general that
there would home been another remarka-
ble and immediate change of views."

Senator Borah continued that the
vote was of no Value to the President
as an expressiOn of the sentiment of
the Senate. “It is most unfortunate
that we disposed of it as we did,” he
said. “I am no afraid of war if it is
necessary to protect American rights.
I am not afraid of sacrifice. We can—
not hope to play, our part in the world
If we are not brave enough to make a.
sacrifice for Our, rights,

Fears Degradation of Senate.

“I am afraidivof the subserviency, the
degradation of the American Senate in
the eyes Of‘the American people. This
body, characterized as the highest and
greatest legiSlative body of the world,
will fall fromfjthe esteem in which it
has been heldi‘by the American pe0ple
when m a great world crisis like this.
With the eyes of the world centered
uDon us, we come here and cringingly
crawl to our destination under the di-
rection of same power without the
chamber. \ u

“1 would rather that a battleship be
sunk than .t0,ha.ve the honor of this
Senate compromised before the world.”
, Senator Lewis of Illinois defended the
course of the Senate in the matter and
said that no more expeditious method
could have beentadopted to serve notice
to the world that the subject matter of
the resolutions was overwhelmingly
disapproved in'e‘the Senate.

Statement of Senator Gore.

“I am content,” said Senator Gore.
“I had another resolution which I
would have liked to have submitted, but
I could not get an Opportunity. That
would have resolved that the executive
department of the government is vested

with authority to carry on diplomatic
negotiations just’ as Congress is vested
with authority ‘to declare war. It would
also have expressed the view that the
executive should not be interfered with
by Congress in the conduct of diplomatic
negotiations. I guess, however, I will
not press it.”~ 1

Senator Lodge of Massachusetts de-
clared that there could be no confusing
ot' the attitude of the Senate because
'of the parliamentary entanglement. ”In
tabling the McCumber resolution along
with the others,” said Senator Lodge,
“the Senate went on record as oppos-
ing a direct warning to Americans and
against any interference with executive
authority. The. McCumber resolution,
slightly modified, is in order, but it
will go to the calendar, and there will
be no effort made to pass it.”

Plans of - House Leaders.

After the Senate vote, House adminis-
tration leadersdirected efforts toward
obtaining a recommendation from the
foreign affairs committee that the Mo—
Lemor'e resolution be laid on the table.
As such a proposition wOuld. admit of
only forty minutes debate on the floor,
it was highly regarded by both sides,
neither beingdesirous of delaying the
controversy any longer: than is abso-
lutely necessary:

President Wilson has been anxious
since the outsetgot‘ the controversy for
action on the McLemore resolution, but
until today other leaders preferred a
shorter proposal». They now are unani-
hous, however.

“W'e look for a very satisfactory
solution of the whole affair ~ soon,”
Representatiwofiflarrisnn. the adminis-
tration’s l’eaderjzin the .House warning
resolution fight-",3 said early this after-
noon. . if . ‘

Expect HouséiAction Tomorrow.

A request. made“ by Representative
Pou‘, who is :chairnrianw of the claims
committee. as W'elll‘i-LS acting chairman
of rules. today that the House meet at
10 o’clock tomorrow morning instead
of noon caused a. report to be circulat-
ed =that he was planning to bring out
the resolution in' the morning. ,

The report caused much comment in
the cloak rooms'and lobbies until it
was learned that‘MrnPou’