xt70rx937t9n_404 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_5/Multipage17872.pdf 1915-1916 1916 1915-1916 section false xt70rx937t9n_404 xt70rx937t9n A



President, in KanSas City Speech,
Cites Wdr With Spain as Example
Of U npreparedness of Country

The text of President Wilson’s speech
at Kansas City last night follows:

“You have certainly given me a most
royal welcome to Kansas City, and I
esteem it a very great privilege to de—
liver the message which I have come
to deliver to this great throng of in-
telligent people. My natural duty to
you. ladies and gentlemen, is in Wash—


President Tells Citizens of Topeka
Th at A mericans Must Be Respected
All Over the World and at All Times

to do it. Nobody in authority, nobody
in a position to lead the policy of the
country, has proposed great military
armaments, and nobody who really un-
derstands the history or shares the
spirit of America could or would pro—
pose great military establishments for
America. But I have heard of men in
Kansas who owned their own firearms
and knew how to use them, and if there
is any place in the Union more than
another where you ought to under-
stand what it is to be ready to take
care of yourselves, this is the place.
All that anybody in authority has
proposed is that America should be put
in such a position that her free Citi-
zens should know how to take care of
themselves and their country when the
occasion arose.

”VVe have been proposing only a very
moderate increase in the standing
army of the country because it is al-
ready too small for the routine uses of
peace. I have not had soldiers enough
to patrol the border between here and
Mexico. I have not had soldiers
enough for the ordinary services of
the army, and there are many things
that it has been impossible for me to
do which it was my duty to do, because
there were not men to do them with.
You are not going to be jealous of an
increase in the army sufficient to enable
the executive to carry out his consti—
tutional responsibilities. And over and
above that we have proposed this: That
a sufficient number of men out of the
ranks of the civil pursuits of the coun-
try should be trained in the use and
the keeping of arms, in the sanitation
«of—earning, in the meneuvers 0f the
field, and in military organization; to
be ready and pledged to be ready if
the call should come, upon an act of
Congress, to unite their force with the
little force of the army itself, and make
a great multitude of armed men
ready to vindicate the rights of Amor—


to hold others off from the invasion
of every right which we hold sacred.

“So I have come, to you with the utmost
confidence that the moment you un—
derstand the issue all differences of
party, all differences of individual
judgment. all differences of point of view
would fall away, and, like true Amer-
icans, we should all stand shoulder to
shoulder in a common cause—America
first and her vindication the law of our
life. For, ladies and gentlemen, it is
only upon the most solemn occasions
that I would appeal. to you as I have
been appealing today.

The Final Test Has Come.

"The final test of the validity, the
strength, the irresistible force of the
American ideal has come. The rest of
the world must be made to realize from
this time on just What America stands
for, and when that happy time comes.
when peace shall reign again and}
America shall take part in the undis—'
turbed and unclouded counsels 0f the? ington, not here. I have a certain

worll it will be realized that the prom- scruple of conscience in being away the navy now is splendid, and I
ises of he f le . h .mb'tion of . Should expect very great achievements
tl t ,1 at; [‘5’] t f a t] I S “from Washington for many days at a from the fine officers and trained men
16 men vs 10 .ougi or ie . . that constitute that great navy. BUt
soil of Kansas, the ideals of ti it is not big enough; it is not numer—
who thought nothing of their . ous enough; it is incomplete, and ii.
comparison with their ideals, lave must be completed. And what the pl'eS-
been vindicated, 81161 the world will‘ cut administration is proposing is that
say: ‘America promised to hold this we limit the number of years to five
light of liberty and right” up for the ir' '

. , .a1 within which we shall complete a
1guidanlce ofdulor Meg/find: b01101d. she a definite program which will make that
ias ret come icr pr mse.

navy adequate for the defense of. both
“ller men, her leaders, her rank and‘

- . . . coasts.
file are pure 0f heart. They have purg'.'-’8Dl‘056nt you “1 reslz'ont t' “But on land. what stands behind the
ed their hearts 0f selfiSh ambition and“ ould keep in “Bus am’ll President if ‘he should have to set out
they have said to all mankind: ‘Men ose changes. 1011 WI ' 't v in your behalf. to enforce the demands
and brethren, let us live together in dit me when I say'thaWhlich Grail-B .Of the United States for respect and
righteousness and in the peace which extraordinary occasieznnng such con- Fight? An army so small that I havo
springeth only from the soil of .ne away from duties n not :hkd men enough to patrol the
righteousness itself, n tant attention. h come away Mexicanlvf'ird?n
“I would not ave f‘T is e a..\ _ . 10
ashington had I not border, I adrfilxborilternilslsa thirywhdili
here was a strongiert co southwestetin lenlgeiig
‘ ua n y sou iern
editseciceilfcgffggrsaichan there twasltigex‘gg whole Tampons-
U ' ~ 7 6 a ‘ , 1 v1.
.a‘n during thls “88}: at t ENithOUt ET T36 .y~ nat t is ‘3. multitude of knaves, but
‘mee, for you W81: J " V if it were a multitude of kiiaves. as
describing ’0’" Il'tz'has hm numerous as the people of the Pmt‘r‘d
' , ee I ales 80 poised, States, you could-make an honest’ na-
’ 0f keeping “the $0110 man Should tion out of 'them in_ this way; theyare
m day to day” la r the other any not all interested in .the same things
OW into one S‘C‘Lle O ld impel‘ii the solfishly at the same time; they are g0-
ke—weight which Etoutes 1701” I have ing to take care of eaclrother and neu-
Ceh 0tf the #:déedlepegdihé “130“ your tralize each Othmthantd lnspll‘gigrlllfe a2;
t a you 7 . tur— - other. Suppose a an au
fovernment to keep you out, ofegltllgf the ad now, if you please, because i am great as this surrounded, let us say, a
veil which is disturbing the r me f—tisking the Congress to give the gQV- foot ball field, too far away from the
dorm. You are counting upgntromie eminent an army adequate to the uses field to hear anything that was said
.h0 more than keep you out 0 we US of peace, to the uses of the moment, out in the middle of the field itself, and
0 sowever. You are counting “Veils of some gentlemen go about and prate 0t suppose two men dressed in ordinary
t e to it that the rights 0f 2“,,” ht military establishments. They see phan— street dress and not expected to pom-
hie United StateS. Wherever-gig: 15011 toms, they dream dreams. Militarism mel each other as the players perhaps
11 e, are respected by 09:18.28 that your in the United States, springing-outt :f are, should come out before the may
e ve counted upon gleased along the any of the proposals of the adminis r — ers and, standing in the sight of that




sea do: what those in charge of sub-
marines do; what those who are con—
ducting blockades do; upon the judg-
ment of a score of men, big and little.
hang the vital issues of peace or war
for the United States.

“This month should not go by without
something decisive done by the 1360'
ple of the United States, by way of
preparation of the arms of self—vindi-
cation and defense. My heart burns
within me, my fellow citizens, when I
think of the importance of this matter
and of all it involves.

“I am sorry that there should be any-
bOdY in the United States who goes about
crying out for war. There are men, but
they are irresponsible men, who do a great
deal of talking, and they are appealinr:
to some of the most fundamental and
dangerous passions of the human heart.
They are appealing, indeed, to one of the
handsomest passions of the human heart.
If I see somebody suffering, suffering
cruelly, suffering unjustly, and believe
that by the aid of force on my part I.
can. stop the suffering, it is not a low but
an exalted passion which leads me to
Wish to go in and help. And there are
men‘in this country, men by the thousand,
who believe that we ought to intervene
to stop the intolerable suffering which is
involved in some of the processes of this
terrible war. Yet, for my part, I am so
convinced that we can help better by
keeping out. of the. war. by giving our
tinancxal resources to the injured world.
by giving our cotton and our woolen Stuffs
to clothe the world; i am so convinced
that the processes of peace are the help—
ful and healing and redeeming forces that.
I do not. see how any man can think that:
by adding to the number of guns you can
decrease the suffering or the tragedy of
the world.

“There is tragedy abroad in the world.
my fellow citizens. W'e, in these peace-
ful areas of this blessed country, go
about our daily tasks unmolested and
unafraid. It seems very strange that:
this tragedy should be enacted while

‘lyeiiao still and peaceful i," ”‘3‘"
. fies VetfithtLJSEQJLLCL-hKZJéri-l

i su‘c'fl'» fil'Fc—alh, seen war with
_ terrible features, seen the
' of destruction conipari-ible to
that which is now devastating the
fields of Europe. we think our own
civil war one of the bloodiest wars in
history, but all the sufferings of all the
four years of that war are as dust in
the balance as compared to the losses
and sufferings and sacrifices which are
being witnessed in Europe and upon
the seas today. We are witnessing a
cataclysm and God only knows what
the issues will be.

The text of President “‘ilson‘s speech
at Topeka, Kan, yesterday afternoon,

"It is a genuine satisfaction on my
part to find myself in Kansas again. I
feel that every word that your gov—
ernor has said is true about Kansas. It
likes to know what the facts are, and
it likes to give them an open and frank
consideration. Moreover, I believe that
you realize that i would not have come
away from \Vasliington except upon a
very unusual occasion. Obviously it is
my duty, so far as possible, to be al—
ways in \‘Vashinigton during these criti-
cal times of change, when nobody
knows what an hour will bring forth
or what delicate question will assume
some new aspects. You will realize,
therefore. that it was only because 1
felt it my imperative and superior duty
to come out and discuss matters with
you that l have left Washington at all,
and that only for a few days.

“For I have come not to plead a cause
———the cause 1 would speak for does not
need to be pleaded for—but because I
would assist, if i could, to clarify judg—
ment and to sweep away those things
irrelevant and untrue which are likely
to cloud the issue of national defense
if they be not very candidly spoken

which every-American is entitled to
enjoy, and America is not going to
abide the habitual or the continued
neglect of those rights. Perhaps not
being as near the ports as some other
Americans, you do not travel as much
and You do not realize the infinite
number of legitimate errands upon
which Americans travel-—errands of
commerce or errands of relief, errands
of business for the governments, er-
rands of every sort which are making
America useful to the world. Ameri—
cans do not travel to disturb the world.
They travel to quicken the processes
of the interchange of life and of goods
in the world, and their travel here and
there ought not to be impeded by a
reckless disregard of international ob—
ligation. -

Rights to Neutral Markets.

“There is another thing that we ought
to safeguard, and that is our right to
sell what we produce in the open neu—
tral markets of the world. Where'tliere
is 2). blockade, we recognize the right
to blockade; where there are the ordi-
nary restraints created by a state 0f
war, We ought to recognize those rc-
straints; but the world needs the wheat
of the Kansas fields and of the, other
great flowering acres of the United
States, and we have a rig t to supply
the rest of the world with the products
of those fields, \Ne have a right to
send food to peaceful populations wheu— '
eve ( . W E Lucd colluitlons 01
war make it possibfe- 0 Woospaluiid‘er 630
ordinary rules of intern ._ a v. e
have a right to supply th
cotton to clothe them.
to supply them with our manu

“We have made some mistakes,
fellow-citizens; for several generations
past we have so neglected our mer—
chant marine that one of the difficulties
we are struggling against has nothing
to do with international questions. We
have not got American ships to send
the goods in, and we have got to get
them. I am going to ask yOu to follow
the fortunes of the so—called shipping

for a little navy, as well as a party
in Congress that was for a big naVY-
No nation ought to wish either an
army or navy to be proud of, to make
a display with, to make a toy of.

“It is the arm of force which must lie
back of every sovereignty in the world,
and the navy of the United States must
now be as rapidly as possible brought
to a state of efficiency and of numeri-
cal strength which will make it practi—
cally impregnable to the navies 0f
the world. The fighting force ' of

afraid that it is not going to be done.
I would not do the injustice that that
implication would involve to the gal-
lant men upon the hill yonder in Wash-
ington who make the laws of the na-
tion. They are going to do a good deal
of debating, but they are going to de-
liver the goods. Do not misunderstand
me. I do not mean that I can oblige
them to deliver the goods! They are
going to deliver the goods because you
want them delivered. _

'I am a believer not only in some of
the men who talk, though not all of
them. but allso in that vast body of my
fellow citizens who do not do any
talking, and I would a great deal rath-
cr listen to the still small voice that
comes out of the great body of the na-
tion than to all the vocal orators in the
land. But there are times when I must
come out and say ‘Do not let the VOice
be too small and too still”; when I
must come and say ‘Fcllow citizens,
get upon your hind legs and talk and
tell the people .who represent you,
whether they are in your state capital
or in your National Capital, what it is
that the nation desires and demands!
Because the thing that everybody is
listening for in a democracy is the
tramp, tramp, tramp of the facts.

“Did you ever realize what the force
of a democracy is? May I give you a
small, whimsical example? A cynical
English writer once said that the prob-
lem in every ,nation was how out of a

‘04""“""'% of knavesto mil-k“ "

. raw}; a!“ uuu



'ree alter the aspect of af-
‘wportant for your sake.
add, for the sake of

that those who

'ile stations
t 9...}

the peace of the. wor




of Texas, and the



No New Crisis AI-Ias_ Aflsen.
“You will ask me, ‘18 there some new
crisis that has arisen?’ I answer no,
sir, there is no special, new, critical
situation which I have to discuss with
you, but l want you to understand that
the situation every day of the year is
critical while this great contest con—
tinues in Europe. I need not .tell you
what my own attitude toward that con-
test is. I have tried to live up to the
counsel which I havegiven my fellow~
citizens not only to be neutral in ac~
tion, but also to be neutral iii the gen-
uine attitude of thought and mind. It

.10 . n to prevent

. ig across the border

01" Mexico mt the United States. It
has been 2‘"very mortifying circum—
stance, ill/oer]. I have been tempted
to advje/ Congress to help Texas build
up ‘s little force of Texas Rangers;


Coming Primary for Election

Essence of American Tradition.

Part: Assigned to America.
“Is there anything inconsistent with

the traditions of Kansas or with the
true traditions of America in a pro—
posal like that? The very essence of

“See, therefore, the noble part that
is assigned to America—to stand

steady, to stand cool, to keep alive all

tion—Which man must have a very fall

is easy to refrain from unneutral acts,
but it is not easy, when the world is
swept by storm, to refrain from un-
neutral thought.

"Moreover, America is a composite
nation. You do not realize it quite so
much in Kansas as it is realized in
some other parts of the Union. S0
overwhelming a portion of your popu-
lation is native born that you naturally
feel your first consciousness to be of
America and things American, but I
imagine those communities, and they
are many, contain very large
bodies of men whose birthplace, whose
memories, whose family connections
are on the other side of the sea, in
places now swept by the flame of war;
men for whom every mail brings news
of some disaster that, it may be, has
touched those whom they love or has
swept the face of some countryside
which they remember in association
with the days of their youth. Their
intimate sympathies are with some of
the places now most affected by this
titanic struggle. You cannot wonder,
i do not wonder, that their affections
are stirred and old memories awak-
ened and old passions rekindled.

The Majority Are Steadfast.

“The majority of them are steadfast
Americans, nevertheless. For look
what happened to them, my fellow-
citizens. You and I were born in
America; they chose to be Americans.
They deliberately Came to America,
welcomed hither by some of the fair-
est promises and prospects ever offer-
ed. to mankind. They were told that
this was a land of liberty and of op-
portunity, as it is. They'were told
that this was a land in which they
could throw off some of the restraint
and trammels under which they had
chafed in the older countries. They
were told that this was the place for
the feet of young men who had ambi-
tion and who. wished untramineled
hope to be their only leader, and of
their own free and deliberate choice
they have crossed the waters and join-
cd their destinies with us, and the
vast majority of them have the pas-
sion of American liberty in their
hearts, just as much as you and I
have. I do not want any American
to misunderstand the real situation,
and I believe that to be the real situa-

"Some men of foreign birth have tried
to stir up trouble in America, but, gen-
tlemen, some men of American birth
have tried to stir up trouble in Amer—
ica, too. If you were to listen to the
counsels that are dinned into my ears
)1] the executive office in Vl'ashington
you would find that some of the most
intemperate of them came from the line
of men who had for generations to-
getlier been identified with America,
but who for the time being are so car-
ried away by the sweep of their sym—
pathies that they have ceased to think
in the terms of American tradition and
American policy.

Situation Briefly Reviewed.

“80 that the situation for us is this:
There is no country in the world, I sup—
pose, whosc heart is more open to gen-
erous emotions than this dear country
which we love. You have seen what
the result was in the extraordinary

amount of assistance which we have
tried to_render those who are suffering
most grievously from the consequences
of the war On the other side of the
sea. I express no judgment concerning
any matter with regard to the conduct
of. the war, but. the heart of America
has bled because of the condition of the
people in Belgium, and you know how
we have poured out our sympathy and
our wealth to assist in the relief of
suffering in that storm-swept land.
America looks to all quarters of the
world and sympathizes with mankind
lll its sufferings, wherever those suf-
ferings may be displayed or undergone.

“So what you have to realize is that
everywhere throughout America there
is combustible material—combustible in
our breasts. It is easy to take fire
where everything is hot. It is easy to
stait a flame when the air is full of
the floating sparks of a great confia-
gration, and we have got to be On our
guard; and it has been our dailv and
hourly anxiety in W'ashingtou to see
that the exposed tinder was covered up
and the sparks prevented from falling
where there were magazines.

“I was told before I came here. and I
read in one of your papers this morning.
that Kansas was not in sympathy with
any policy of preparation for national
defense. I do not believe a word of it.
i long ago learned to distinguish be—
tween editorial opinion and popular
opinion. Moreover, having been addict-
ed to books, I happened to have read
ihe history of. Kansas, and if there is
any other place in the world fuller of
fight than Kansas, I would like to hear
of it; any other place fuller of fight on
the right lines. Kansas is not looking

\Vliat then? W'hat w

AmeriC-an tradition is contained in the
proposal. Every constitution of every
state in the Union forbids the state
legislature to abridge the right of its
citizens to carry arms. At the very
outset the makers of our very institu—
tions realized that the force of the na—
tion must dwell in the homes of the na-
tion. I do not mean the moral forces
merely; I mean the physical force. They
realized that every man must be al—
lowed not only to have a vote, but, if
he wanted to, to have a gun, so that
when the voices of peace did not suf-
fice, the voice of force would prevail;
knowing that great bodies of men do
not use force to usurp their own liber-
ties, but to declare and vindicate their
own liberties, and that there will be no
collusion among free men to upset free
institutions: that whereas cliques and
coteries and professional groups may
conceive it to be of their interest to in—
terfere with the peaceful life of the
country, the general bodies of citizens
would never so conceive it to be.
“W'hat we are asking is this: That
the nation supply arms for those of
the nation who are ready, if occasion
should arise, to come to the national
defense, and that it should do this
without withdrawing them from their
pursuits of industry and of peace, in
order that America should know that
in the foundations from which she
always draws her strength there
wolled up the inexhaustible resources
of American manhood. This is not a
military policy; this is a policy of
adequate preparation for national de-
fense and any man who represents it
in any other light must either be ig-
norant or consciously misrepresenting
the facts.

. As to the Militia.
“You will say, 'we have a National
Guard.‘ Yes, we have a. National Guard,
and the units of it, so far as I have.
observed them, command my admira-
tion and respect; but there are only
120.000 enlisted men in the United

States, taking the nation as a whole,
and they are divided up into as many
units as there are states. And the
Constitution of the United States'puts
them under the direct command and
control of the governors of the states,
not of the President of the United
States, and the national authority has
no right to call upon them for any
service outside their states unless the
territory of the nation is actually iii—
vadcd. i want to see Congress do cv~
erything that it can to enhance the
dignity and the force and to assist
in the development of the National
Guard, but the National Guard is a
body of state troops and not a bodv
of national reserves, because the Cop‘—
stitution makes them so. no matter
whether we now think those are the
best arrangements or not.

"The other matter I want to speak to
you about is not the plan itself, for
that is a question of detail. I have
given you the idea of it, and time does
not suffice to discuss the detail in
meetings of this sort. The detail is
printed, for that matter, for anybody
to see who wants it; but the other mat-
ter is this: suppose you had a great
body of. let us say, half a million men
sufficiently trained to arms to make the
nucleus of a great army if it were nec-
essary to create a great army.

People Must Make Desires Known.

“What would be your idea that you
would do with it? That is the matter
that we need to clear up most of all.
There are all sorts of people in the
United States, and there are people who
think we ought to use the force of the
United States to get everything we can
get With it. But you do not think that,
and I do not think that, and not one
American in a hundred thousand thinks
that. We would use this force, not car-
ry out any policy that even smacked of
aggressxon of any kind, because this
nation loves peace more than it loves'
anything else except honor.

“I like that exclamation of Henry V
in that stirring play of Shakespeare’s,

bill in the present Congress and make
suggestions to your congressmen as to
the absolute necessity of getting your
wheat and your other products out of
the ports and upon the high seas, where
they can go, and shall go, under the
protection of the laws of the United

”But that is a mere parenthesis.
Aside from that, so far as there are
vehicles to carry our trade, we have
the right to extend our trade for the
assistance of the world. For we have
not been selfish in this neutral atti—
tude of ours.

Denies America Is Selfish.

“I resent the suggestion that we have
been selfish, desiring merely to make
money. What would happen if there
were no great nation disengaged from
this terrible struggle? \Vhat would
happen if every nation were consum-

Ing its substance in war? W'hat would
happen if no nation stood ready to as-
s1st the world with its finances and to
supply it with its food? We are more
indispensable now to the nations at
war by the maintenance of our peace
than we could possibly be to either side
if we engaged in the war; and, there-
fore, there is a moralobligation laid
upon us to keep out of the war if pos—
szble. But by the same token there is a
moral obligation laid upon us to keep
free the courses of our commerce and
of our finance, and I believe that
America stands ready to vindicate
those rights.

_“But there are rights higher than
either of those, higher than the rights
of individual Americans outsde of
America, higher and greater than the
rights of trade and of commerce. I
mean the rights of mankind. We have
made ourselves the guarantors of the
rights of national sovereignty and of
popular sovereignty on this side of the
water in both continents in the west-
crn hemisphere. You would be ashamed,
as I_would_be ashamed, to withdraw
one inch from that handsome guaran-
tee, for it is a handsome one.

U. S. Has Nothing to Gain.

“For we have nothing to make by it,
unless it be that we are to make friend-
ships by it, and friendships are the best
usury of any sort of business. So far
as dollars and cents and material ad—
vantage are concerned, we have noth—

ing to make by the Monroe doctrine.
We have nothing to make by allying
ourselves with the other nations of the
western hemisphere in order to see to
it that no man from outside, no gov-
ernment from outside, no nation from
outside attempts to assert any kind of
sovereignty or undue influence over the
peoples of this continent. "
“America knows that the only thing
that sustains the Monroe doctrine and
all the inferences that flow from it is
her own moral and physical force. The
Monroe doctrine is not part of inter-
national law. The Monroe doctrine
has never been formally accepted by
any international agreement. The
Monroe doctrine merely rests upon the
statement of the United States that if
certain things happen, she Will do cer—
tain things. So, nothing sustains the
honor of the United States in respect
of these long-cherished and long—ad-
mired promises except her own moral
and physical force.




Independence for Philippines.

“Do you know what has interfered
more than anything else with the
peaceful relations of the United States
with the rest of the world? The credu—
lity of the rest of the world when We


Decision to Be Rendered March 7.
Other States to Record Pref-
ences Later.

President Wilson will get the thirty
votes of Indiana in the next national
democratic convention, through the state-
wide primaries to be held there March
7. The republican delegates will be for
Charles W. Fairbanks, former Vice Presi-

Indiana is the first state in the country
to hold state-wide primaries this year,
and those people out there are having a
hot time, despite the snow and sleet and
the chilly atmosphere of February. In-
diana has a real presidential preference
primary, the choice being from among
delegates who have stated their prefer-
ence not only for President, but for Vice

In Indiana. the candidates for dele-
gates in the republican primaries are
all for Mr. Fairbanks and in the demo-

cratic primaries they are all for Mr.

Jot: Con-test Over Some Offices.

c ergies should hr

in order that you

, 'ie lawyers speak of the law having a

7 of that?

Huannels ,Of flworld as the only na-
' fed and ready to serve it.
. Expected me to see that the

)u hfithe world permitted America

0 express and exercise her hu-

.e and legitimate energy. And I

ave come out to ask you what there
"as behind me in this task. You knOW

tinction back of it. The judge, as he
its on his bench, has something back
'6 him. He has the whole physical
lirce of the nation back of him.

'i,“The laws reside and sit upon him,
',~matter how commonplace his indi—
V, ual aspect, with a sort of majesty.
because there is the sovereignty of the
People and of the people‘s government
back of him. And when he utters a
judgment the man against whom it is
uttered knows that he dare not resist
it. But when I, as your spokesman and
representative, utter a judgment with
regard to the rights of the United
States in its relations to other nations
what is the sanction? W’hat is the
compulsion? What lies back of that?
You will say, ‘The force and majesty
of the United States.’ Yes, the force
and majesty of the United States. But
is it ready to express itself?

“If you resist the judge there are the
bailiffs of the court; if you resist the
bailiffs of the court there are those
who assist the sheriff of the county;
if you resist the sheriff there is the
National Guard; if you resist the Na—
tional Guard there is the army of the
United States. But if you ignore in
some foreign capital what the Presi-
dent of the United States urges as the
rights of the people and government
of the United States what is there back



Although th‘e’re ‘is no don‘tdst - - --
presidential lines, there is hot fig
for all the other offices. Senator
has no opposition for the nomii
for United States senator withi‘
own party, but in the republican
there are three candidates for the
ination. The fight is between tw
these and both are well known
\Vashington. They are James Wat.
former republican whip of the HOI '
and Harry New. for many years
publican national committeeman fI‘(
that state. Both Watson and New to.
that the republican candidate for sci *
ator will have a good chance of clec
tion in November and they are at it
hammer and tongs.
For the gubernatorial
the fight also is spirited. Represent—i1
at'ive J. A. M. Adair of the eighth dis~
trict will not stand for the democratic
nomination to the House again, and}
will seek the nomination of his partys
for governor. He is opposed by W. F.‘
Close, but Adair seems to be the win- )
ner. according to information here;
For the republican nomination, J. P.“
Goodrich. republican national commit-11
teeman, is the leading figure. ‘
For the congressional nomination
the hottest fight is against Represent
ative Cullop, in the second district.


Primaries in Other States.

A week behind Indiana there will b

nesota, where the candidates announc
their preferences.

states is March 14.

elect four delegates at la.r

remainder by Congressi . ’
Senator \Veeks will . 1
tunity to get his fir.- ave an loppor—
Hampshire. His . delegates in. New

‘ lends are making a.

-'e states will elect. dele-
10th conventions by primary,
nly nineteen of them is there



have made statements of our sincere
unselfishness in thes