xt70rx937t9n_402 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_36/Multipage17830.pdf 1911-1916 1916 1911-1916 section false xt70rx937t9n_402 xt70rx937t9n >1

"Curtis habitually said “lawf,” instead of

against the hearthstone.

, ridiculous by petticoat government, but


- By James B. Morrow.
Washington, June 19. 1915.

ICTURE a man, who as a 1303’.
lived on the banks of Rattle-
snake Creek and ate big, thick,
Indiana soda biscuits, split in
‘ . the center, with pork and mo-
lasses between the pieces.

Then imagine this boy, after he has
grown up and become famous all over the
‘land, as weighing, say, 250 pounds, and as
.having a voice as deep as the notes of a
horse-fiddle, a chin as broad as the blade
of a hatchet and hands as large, and al-
most as hard, as cobblestones.

And finally, suppose you called on this
man, and, finding him in his shirt sleeves,
should cou1ageously ask his opinion in
respect to woman suffrage? What, do yOu
1think, would be his answer?

' The boy was Moses Edwin Clapp, and
"than. of course, is his full name at pres-
ent. P1 om Rattlesnake Creek, where his
.father was a log gei, he‘— mov ed to VViscon-
sin, thence to, Fergus Falls, in Minnesota,
and, some 14 years ago, to the city of
IVashington, inasmuch



annnt.‘ (:1

men have read or heard that George Wil-
liam Curtis argued that women should be

given the ballot. But George William

“_“laff,” and "dwouty" instead of "dooty,"
and parted his hair in the center of his
head and wore bushy, though well~c0mbed
(heek whiskers

" Somehow old-fashioned males have al—
‘rtvays, felt until recently——and may yet,
possibly—that it was an unfailing sign of
oz'feminancy to admit publicly, no matter
what'might be thought privately, that
Women, in their own right, ought to vote.
Viroman’s mmslon was at the cradle over
Cradle had the
ring of shelter and of sentiment. Wash-

tub would have been an unromantic and a
self-accusing word. ‘

I A Saloon Keeper’s Victory.

“Why shouldn’ t I be in favor of giving
my wife the ballot? She is better mor-
ally than I am; she is better educated and
better qualified to judge of things. Now,
why should I say that she is not entitled
to the same‘~rights that I am?”

.‘These unmanly expressions were not
uttered by a sissifled husband, made

by William H. B1right.a robust saloon
keeper, whose place of business was at
South Pass City, a mining camp, and-
who; for the time being, was a member
of the Wyoming Legislature. Not only
did Bright speak, but he wrote a woman

as he had been;

Senator Clo;






women haven’t husbands and d1 , . {.1 1

them, and that other great mult
widows. Moreover every marrie ‘

lives many y'eals, at one time o 11:31 . "l

and another, without the guardl . 1 ' .’
ship of a. husband. She has no . .1.::i~1..11: .v
before her marriage and mortz ..
Oids show that she is very like 1 . ’
come a widow. ' '
"In my view thelprotectioni ::;1.>r; '
unsound. How many divorcesevs to: ‘3
annually? In each case of dome:
happiness and appeal to the Courts,
supposed protection has brokr.
Theoretically .man is woman’s 1)~‘1i)f
but who protects the female clerk, '
teacher or stenographer? The mu
woman goes to work for a man in . 1.1
or an office they meet fact to face "MT.
defender and ward, but, to a degr ;»


The Missing Ideal Husband
“The argument that the husband a": «I:

do all the voting is also fallacic-u;

cause it assumes ‘that the hush-1.1111 is:
ideal in all ways—that he is sensibl::. ,1 1.‘
intelligent and godd. Even were the 111-11
ment well founded, woman suffragI
would be indispensible, as a mat I 1
justice in a democracy. But the 3131
husband is not.found at every ‘houqn
every street in every town. Like
thing else that is ideal, he is.ofte;.
sired. but rarely is existent. W111.
actually and not only in theory,
frequently approximates towards
ideal than does man.

“Woman,'. We‘are told shouldremai“



Suffrage resolution. and bv shrew '-

"‘ ill -.,.1"~



home and care tor bier] children, ",1.
,- I .' -. the 1world ge

' - - ' Into the mar.
. , 1.1T" :1 e mother, lar
1...;3: 1:”'-.i.'.'11-g_ and choral


11:1. a democracy.




1., 1. 0, they must have power to






her children. Usually,
aced. A mother,
rsonal standards than has a father.
IAlthough the mother in most instances



{es theresponsibility for the rearing

her sons and daughters, forces are at
rk out of doors that increase her dif-
1lties and o‘fter nullify her effortsal-
ether. And over those forces she has
control, being deprived of the ballot
. all part in dealing with such forces.
‘Remain at home,’ the Government
111.: the mothers of America,

when properly that they may the useful
worthy men and women: Your hus-
ls will make the laws. They will see
the moral lessons your children are
ht at home are not unlearned when
leave home.’ I don't accapt such a
'ine because I know that it isn‘t

incoming the electorate, then, you
re in numbers, as 1well as in quali-

rtainly," Senator Clapp replied.

United States is'a democracy and
:racy means numbers. I never have
ht that too many men are voting in
ountry." .

l-Ie Knows When it Hurts.

'. are not a good many voting. ig—
:lyf?" _
tor Clapp, still sitting, wheeled his
* in its castors, close to me, digging
"ie rug with his feet, and. sticking
1 9X finger nl!11rg.=;t_iu_t1: In: I “hr ”.141
"than“lanW it, when somebody is
1 1g on his corns.
'ety," he went on, “is composed
good and intelligent and of the
.;t and the bad. The class that
here the other class gives its own
3 the government. It would be
,ome assert, to separate these
. 1 1 and establish a standard. A stand-
x‘i 1 ing been set up, however, who is
,11 ? What tribunal could apply the
' i say:' ‘You are not worthy to
You reply: ‘I am fit, but you are
‘41) there is a deadlock.
be settled that those who can
.in and work out a problem in al—
web .1 re eligible to vote,- then there
l1: a test workable in practice. The
- Estate‘s, however, would no longer
Tests of various. kinds
men suggested—by those who seek
111:1 ll"‘.",:33€ their own authority.
’ =11.» i101; believe in a ruling class. In
1.111111: .ry the good and the intelligent,
. 7.1311”. as the ignorant and the bad
.1. the ballot box side by side. We
. :est but we have a task. The
sic. :. ~ give good men predominance
1 ' vernment. We'have done so,

,' ‘1"1-“1‘” l11.


acticalbility of a democracy is
1.vn in the United States. We
1.1.1., gone far enough, however, to
“.‘ely that it. will be permanently
Some changes, I think, are
_. in our instrumentalities. The
.L'.!;‘t have power to enact laws
Legislature refuses to give





which imperil their interests

', the people mus: be given

1 nd the employment—as is the

1.te business—of an elected of-

.11"1 - atrays them. With such pro-

. 1ures on the books, I, for one,
1; 1. ' disaster to 0m Democracy.”

‘ 1men in the United States
' have been permitted to vote.
1 any noteworthy results?”
11.1;- ' :uiry,” Senator Clapp an-



’3 Sufimg

it is 1wisely so
naturally, has better

”keep l
11' houses in order and ,‘bring up your‘

main question. I can‘t answe
cifically. W'hat women have do
states 1where they have suffrag
be detached from that which
have accomplished by workin‘

“I think, however that indust_.
helpful to females, and laws agains:
labm can be- traced evelywhere to
influence, if not' the votes, of worr.I
Some states have better laWS than oth1j
though women may be voting in all
them. Women, I know, have raised 1 .
age of consent, and ‘
dously important matt
merly, a girl could ba ‘ ‘ ‘1
at the age of 1‘2, but c ~ "
until she was 18. I,

"To take a yardstic . 1 -
try to measure What 1 1 . ,. 3
done with the ballot ‘n 1 .. . , .1‘ l
A measurement of he ‘
issue. A prophecy of 1.
is not the issue. The 1 1' -
woman what belongs t. . . ..
been done, I am sure 3, :1 ‘ r '
and her love of justiCI-
use her vote for the be 4 . ' 9

"But wouldn’t women, ,
with their fathers ant '

“Oh, that may be so, 1.1 " 1:
wasting your time alt.» .
very grave question. i .. .1 ,,
uses it, the right/Cc '9 = ‘
woman. Property ca. ‘
from a legal heir beca _.-.

\it would be employed 1.», 1‘

E A Woman May,


“Coming to the real 311:
inquiry, though I thinl'
trifling, I would guess 1111...:
who, have suffered we
license saloons, even
and fathers did so."

"If women are perniitE-sr
all the higher officers of ,
they will, in law and 1:1 ’ ’.
hold such offices themes-l1 1””
”Have you ever though: 2.
might be elected Presider: 1;. ’
“Yes; and'I know of , .-~s-.".1 ~ :1
who would have been as ; ti
ic in the Presidency as
men who have'occupie .1 .
tion. Nor do I think Cc» 1.. . . .
fer in the least by the 112-11 m
in .the seats provided fr . ‘32:. ,.:1.;1
have no sex prejudice." [1‘
“Are you in favor of at 71-9,, :1
suffrage amendment to 1; ..i
stltution?” .’ z
“I am. Many sinceie persons nowevin
think that it would be better to have thg
states act separately in the matter - I be
lieve in an amendment to the nationa
constitution because there \‘are industria.
conditions in so e of the states which
would defeat any effort that might b1:
made to confer suffrage on women.’ 1"
Such then are the opinions of the freer.
spoken and always extemporaneou‘f
"Black Eagle of the Northwest" on sex
e1 al of the big questions of the hour. I}
has been a progressive in politics f1,
neaily 30 years. Away IbaCk in 1887, l
was the Attorney- General of Minneso/
and 'began vigorously to enforce a n6
law regulatory of freight rates. The pi'
gressives of a much later time echoed _
arguments and copied his performancri-
“We are drawing near to the day,".‘/
said, at the end of the interview, ”1'11!
leadership in this country will no
commercial, will not 'be fl ancial, Wi
be industrial, will not 11.. political.
stead, it will be intellectual.”








racts from the dignity of the

'[Oopywright 1915, by Jam '5' B. Moi-I



 clergyien bed? we... ~
cented' an [invitation .V‘t’o' "fight...
Englitd he. told the railroad men hewfiisw- ‘
gleda await; of peace and had strug- all‘.u.. ‘ V
‘Deace,' but 1:11; the .United‘ States at Sgfilptnsmne“ ’- '
and honor of thecionf-ldered the liberty "Wu l‘the _majorpar.
Deaf? 1a ion even more than makee {KEG}; a worldwhicx ""
“Vv‘oe to any- ,cv cann , ‘ -w4e cannot alter, Whic
‘3. 128122.233? “$25.?!“ from°ttiiiniviict§iimi”‘“'°°“di“5“
1' personal ambition t k ti we would be c “a W eXiStS It i ' t ‘
.over candor honor an a e precedence . . a hopeless piece Of . . i I
, . ' . (1 us 1 _ eialism to s provm- “
iiillsighé‘pfi.S?rv1c€{” said the ePfii‘sels'idEiit think differe‘ilal‘ioigo'fihailt, because we And d° y°u
1 a ing of his'defense plan b 1' world, we are 'E “E reSt 0f the
e ore the rest of thde libeil‘gy to assume that relationship;
wor will permit I

the railroad men H
. . e declared tl t
count v expects action' tl ' ' m the t i i
,_ . .. . L . . us is a ' r ‘ O enjoy tha ’. .
g; (ilefinliliiemg' and the accounting 1131:3132 ance. ‘ t thought “Ithout dISturb-
on the purgnofhe'vm'u‘t .of parties and “It is a sur
Wishes to en‘o , cveiy indiVidual who that men should allow
”For m‘. Dir: Ifulbnc confidence, or personal ambition t
public life “511' iODe ‘3,"61‘3' man in d‘scussmn of this‘rflmd ‘
him“. said Ml) vie; what 5‘ Coming to How can Americans diffmental thl
21an applause. . 1 son amid laughter safety Of America?
he President 'i‘sse‘
. ‘. . . . ited th .
‘i’Xl‘llEllcald people love the priaiiciptllelg
. ii,on which their political life is fou d
ed'Ilfetter than peace. 11 -
_ 1e text of the addre. 4
ill Tflnother column. . ss “111 be found more diflicult thin u
hear President W'ilson‘ .t ' ' ti g Ian the great}
way Busmess Associationabathe 138.11- OHS on‘ the Other Side Of the un-
(gr . .‘ (v. ‘ nue I 7 I My"
i113} o’pglsticlhelt Of New. Yorquamifi' Ease done. .In all the belligerr. party.
Panama; Sgfigmgf figfdifgnnsfylgnia half: rgen. Without’distinctiromplish a' out gentlemen i
o iio, ' rawn t .the war. IS ’ ,
successful progggiiltfgiififd '8' more de-

Fi'ank Trumbull '

.. , chairman f

(.1135; .7 — , . , 0 the _

ipealie and Ohio railroad; John H. 1t" not a inore‘difficu’emericans should
Sirable thing that usessiorr aside, and

(lg‘ii‘ltlieii‘bei‘jresmfnt 0f the United States
president 0;. (filllellng‘ice; “T- G Besler, DUt partisan luv the successful pros—
New Jcrsev' Aifl‘el flitrap Railroad of draw tOgethere? I covet that distinc-
of the Non" I’orkcn ‘Slmt1?~ ’Dl‘eSident epution of pgrica, and I believe that
erick D I'nd . , bentraliimes; Fred- tlon for‘.‘ going to Enjoy that dis-
Erie railroad-€13; 00d. preSident of the America. . . . .
of the National 955509,.Pt9pe, Dl‘eSident tiRCtiQIthe other day, the leaderof
facturers: M. C i{;)l'iliC1?.lon 0f, Manu— Q‘e‘publican minority in the House
the Cumberland-Valleev(}.’ Pl‘esment of tI?'Representatives delivered a speech
liain T. Noonin priestly lalh:Oad; W’il- .hat sh'Owed that he was ready, and ’I
“falo, _Roclieste13 and Clint: 10f ~the Buf- take it for granted that the men be—
lac-Mi; Irving T. Bush, p1.e:,f.f;1,§hoffi{e hind him were rleady,1to forget party
USl Termin .. lines in order t at a 1 men may act 2’ ..
01; Ohio. al, and former Go“ with a common ,mind and impulse for' And the you; me
ieorge A. Post, r s“ . V . - _ the services of the country. And. I
‘51:) Plsusiness Assoeciift?§1t1,gfintg-gclliiileld want, upon this first public occasion, to
to pr’elesident' “1 an address/devoted
1‘aih‘o‘lplasiedness and the futpre of the
. message ‘1; Hi: said the Pres‘dents last
..n.... .44.s8n§€s§8.ree.eusgyaasae
tion of the railroad problems might be
reached through a sincere govern-
mental study of the reciprocal relation
of the carrier and the carried.

partisan feeling
0 creep into

States His Own POSition.

that f: I, for my part, am ambitious Alene“
inerica should do a greater ‘and a

mg to

d not the ga
. their spirits,
only sort of lea
sort of safety

and justice and
political action.

to do this thing
the time .
ideals. .Suitable,

did learn before
pecting to addre

tion to him. . , .
“I find it hard, inde‘e' ;-~‘ tot-rapproaCh There
this subject without deep emotion, gen.—
meen, because. ,when we speak of
America. and the things that are to be
conserved in her, does it not call a
Wonderful picture into your mind?
America is young still; she is not even
in the heyday of her development and
power. Think of the great treasures
of, youth and energy and ideal pur-
pose still to be drawn from the deep
sources from which this nation has al—.
ways drawn its light.

_“Think of the service which those forces
can and must renderto the rest of the
world. '

Keith logic.

“But the ‘circu
ent time are the
in the ,world,

. Addresses Motion Picture Men.

After he had finished his address be-

, fore the Railway Business Association,
the President and Mrs. Wilson ,went to

the Hotel Biltmore, where the Presi-

dent made a brief speech at the annual

dinner of the Motion Picture Board of

Trade. The President 'spoke extem‘-
poraneously and was frequently inter-
rupted by applause.

,(The address. is

Leaving the Biltmore, the President
and Mrs. W'ilson went immediately to
the Pennsylvania station, where they
,left at 12:30 o’clock this morning for
"Washington; -'being recognized and
cheered along the route. Before board-
ing his private car Mr. Wilson said he

' was more than pleased with his recep—
tion in thiscity and' well satisfied with
the manner in which the first of his
appeals for national preparedness was

elements of it 0

Think of the pOSition into which regard to
America has been. drawn almost in spite
of herself, by the circumstances of the
present day. She alone is free to help
find things wherever they show them—
selves in the world. And she. is forced
also, whether she will or. no, in the'decades
immediately ahead of us, to furnish the
world with its chief economic guidance
and assistance.

And members
and distracting,
_within a sufiici
time for them

that is coming.
things predicted
war, but I don't

printed in another

Presentation of. Ideals. is over.

"It is very fine to remember what ideals views as to

will be back of that assistance; Economic
assistance in itself is not necessarily
handsome. It is a legitimate thing to to rush into it.
received. make money. Money brings with it “Neither party
The President. at both banquets and power, which may be well or ill employed. talking about, a

all during his day's visit to New York . -
was greeted with enthusiasm. On his And it should be the pride of America
ride between the hotels where the ban- always to employ her money to the high-
quets were held he was escorted by a est purpose. And yet If we are drawn
band and the 9th Command of Coast into the maelstrom that now surges across
Artillery of the New York National thewater and swirls even in the western
Guard. Thousands of persons packed regions of the world, we, shall not be per-
{131:1 tslt)reets and cheered him as he {fitted 3311:9913 a free hand to do the high
, 1 y_ ; , ings a we intend to do. And it is
Dgring 1115 speech before nearly 1,500 necessary that we" should eXamine our-
bus1ness men at the railway banquet, selves, and SO order that We can make
where he cast aside almost entirely the certain that the tasks“ imposed upon 113
text. of the address that he had pre- will be performed, and well perform-ed
vioushfz prepared for delivery there, he “America has been reluctant to match
31:11:58 requently interrupted by ap- 1116; wits “at? thef rest 0% 1tihe world. When. prehend that If
. ‘ -' . acea oyo men ethis, it is 9.1- so far asm a
M-‘o‘hOl‘trlp‘ before the speaking began, most incredible to remember that only y
is. Viilson, accompanied by Miss Mar- yesterday they were afraid to ut th '
, garet Wilson. the President's daugh- wits into free‘com etltion wltl ti: em
\te' a d D d1 Fil - p 1' ewor‘ld'
1, n u ey e d Malone. collectOI The best brains in the world afraid to t
f the port of New York, entered a bal-_ brains With the rest of the 71d inla ch
ony box overlooking the banquet hall. have preferred to be provinc' ivorw' “re
is they appeared the President arose pfeférred to st (1 bemia. e have
th the other - n _2‘ and joined in the (1 no A d an n51; protecting
3.1:” . . .. , ‘ _Péd them. en es. 11 now we are thrust: Out to
i. t“ g . . . do on a Scale never dreamed of in recent
)0 w \W - 1‘04 He Arrived.‘ tgfigeggiiilolns in America the business of
.~" . ' I
,. grow _ ‘ , “We can no longer be a ror' ‘
\uSY Wilsol‘fs bulsy fiom the nation. p “nelal
‘ hnflent v55 - eéri yesterday “Let no man dare to say,- if he would
‘a br) arfi, belit at midnight, for speak the truth, that the question of
denarf‘v“? Washington, before ggzpfiigation for natignal defense is a
i 1:. , _ s i n 0 war or 0 peace.
.tO spa-“:38: a ._1n the mlddle We“ “If there is’ one passion more deep-
tt f mmedness. In addition seated in the hearts of our fellow-
d rend. banquets last night cscinointrymen than anfither, it is the pas-
a 98 . n or peace. . 0 natio ‘
$1,353.st int oko twice during the world ever more instinctivell1 1;) thfl
5’18 h is With a group of suf— ,- y urne
1‘er ts Ind 3k two automobile rides away from the thought of war than
n . 11:30) spent the day' shopping belcsairigelgii to whlich _we belong. Partly
131'”;th only a short time lin- in the iinresigigteadltatrleie ooff ‘ltts power,
.0 , .ie afternoon, wh '- ' ' ‘ 1 S oppor-
Ht Riverside drive togetheeriz they tuntilties, it has found nothing to covet
. , . .. innatigispossessmns and power of other

an opinion;

out of

facts will get a
come to have a
the' facts.
sometimes befor
and that has led


"There issues"

,“But that is

our yesterdays,
tain what they

cannot tell you
relations of thi

let the country

“America will
sor; America w
last point at vi

turb the peace 0
ica does not
of the

that may affect

No Spirit of Aggrandizement.


we. must
apparently it is
some excited p

f “There is no spirit of aggrandizement
in America. There is no desire on the
part of. any thoughtful and Conscien—

a tious American man to take one foot of
territory from any nation in the world.
And I myself share to, the bottom of

‘ my heart that profound love for peace.
I have sought to maintain peace

against very great, and sometimes
very _unfair, odds and I am readefiat
any time, to use every power that is in
me to prevent such a catastrophe as
war coming upon this country.

“So that it is not permissible for any
man to say with anxiety that the de—
fense of the nation has the least tinge
in it of desire for power which can be
used to bring on war. But, gentle-

. men. there is something that the Amer-
' ican people love better than they love
peace. They love the principles upon
which their political life is founded.
Theyiare ready at any time to fight
for the vindication of their character
and of their honor. They will :11 no
time seek a contest, but they will at
no time cravenly avoid it. Because, if
there is one thing that the country
ought to fight for, and that every na-
tion ought to fight for, it is the integ-
rity of its own convictions. W'e cannot
surrender our convictions. I would
rather surrender territory than sur-
render those ideals which are the
staff of life for the soul itself. And
because we hold 'certain ideals, we
have thought it was right we should

great machine
apply itself.
of edged, tools
them for_' exact
very impatient

that the creati

have to use the
how to use.
“But we don‘t
ica is always
in two ways. .8
the purpose of
to use it as ll
into those thin
licvc iii—name

“There are
of preparation.

al side.

that would ensue 1

have rushed down ,. into Mexico

_ . insist that we. shour ’ ‘ . v

. ,.\V011d.

prismg Circumstance, also, reflected upon the 130 . the
Nobody Seriousl ' ‘

k y S!‘ to .fea‘l an

iihge that the United s+.' ’ v.

. invasion of 'it. 'll’l'd '
er about the America hasms?”

thing to fethe ‘
' to opei

y... gates to the. i . ey
‘e‘riCan friends to t‘ y m.

and you

We must all of us thinl ,

and must learn what it is that Ame
has set out to mainta
for all those _w

“But, gentlemen, we 1
and suitabl

understand the
when you learned, as

of preparedness, about tie public policy
of the government, I ail Opposed to it.

into our ears that what business want,
ed was to be let alone lWere, many of
them, men who were 'i Slsting that We-
pay my tribute of respect and 'obliga-‘, should start up at Controversy

‘ ' meant that we could IOt let it alone.
is a great dea 'smore op'nion,
vocal, in this world thin is ,(‘O’TSJE‘W-‘n‘ 3"

Points to Economici Revolution.

revolution. (5
stands that revolution,

part of the business of' cgislation ivith
internationa trade can be
undertaken until we d’ understand it.

busy, their duties are

to mas er

what is going to happen: when the war
and neither do
“There are two
immigratio 1..
tell us that at least a million men, are
going to leave the country, .-,and others
tell us that many

prudent individuals who
like to know the facts 1
not out
prudence. I

enough to know

I have mad to yield to them
eye open, in order thatul.
e " have not the

leave the government without the ade-
quate means of inquiryu

Conditions Changed by' Time.

What I am trying to impress upon you
is that the circumstances of the
world today are not
or that they were in any of line about Mexico 1

morrow and I use the
And I would not dare
suppose that tomorrow' those

was certain toibe 'as bright as today.

volved, to avoid the things which dis—

control the circumstances is to induce him to hire a hall.

world, and we.
that we are faithful servants of those
things which we love and are ready to for
defend them against every contingency tense. At least, so I try to pursuade

“But, as I was s
It goes without saying,
this country never will endure is a sys—

tem that can be called militarism.

Defines Militarism.

“But militarism consists in. this, gen- American people are going ~10
It consists in

ted to use them, and I
ment is an insurance of peace.

lieve that it involves the danger
the temptations that skillful persons


her citizens to take. care of themselves.
two Sides to the! questiOn

the military side, there is thei industri-
And the ideal which ,I have in to

i ll to
0‘ to
men: Ve ought
gentle a great ‘ k me'
to their task
ied with equip

t not drawn _
-which haV‘c

nind is this, ‘
rave. in this c01untiy
industrial ant voc
,uncler- federal guidance an large per—
ie'ral aid, in “Which 3 vefiythis :ounti‘y
d of the you i o_. _' ‘ ,_ 5

Siziiiafi: given tra‘ ‘ ‘ in tiieciblfildshdi’
use and application of the piilnesis. And
science in maneuver and 131115;“d highly
‘ it will be perfectly fefiiitb and combine
ble to l .0. t .. ‘ an—

“- ligistiiait such ' ' ing inrthe‘qmcch

e . .. ‘ 0:. a“ H

ism and use an . . . S'miler
tisanitation of the camp, in €321.12.in 1‘,
r. forms of maneuver and 016; industri-
on as will make these. sained‘ilii llv service-
-c—i efficient and indivi a. _ L

ional defense.

‘ - andICivil Side-

at it W
i which I proposc‘
t will work, becaus

’ w v'ill work.
out . .
sist upon,”
million trained
under con

wn. able forznat
Industrial ‘
“The point about such .
be that its emphasis Will he
that dustrial and civil side. of- life, an use navy that tl‘. .-
“HCh l'ke all the rest of America, the ‘ navy is 0b
. f 1 ' ' the. background The army,
' of force Will only be in . ‘ t men to compreh
ii}. (iii: andi‘as the last resort” So tha d have a. r.“
triteihicb will think first Of their families ann arinies'wlgiechwl:
so the‘ "i' dailv work, of their servrce 1d the 191.11“ we S“
.5 evelop ihe 1 , . . fields of the COUlltTB‘,.’il.{l%v theln'yfinc
"— ' I. 3‘ ~ areaie.
31811211; 1 0f the” at American s\

as . ’ ‘I .' ' 1

, r. - that it n_ Y , .
Sstealig ate and that ‘5‘ “ hat
' i the to divest 1113' 0
11same 50 ObVious an
' defense that


11 no
u W1 want
on the in— night, beca
d that. not the gain.

a systei


. have

to _ .
arms. That isthe

“But, gentlemen,
such a system over ‘

notcreato such a sy.

to be built up, .' fie‘

‘lt up‘ by slow and. e c be . .
d there'is something to . not ‘

time. ,We must. see proper


. av
tizens increase 0 he n
0811' into

pen? . , . . ‘ , .. ut th
America ”1 reditable to this c9untiy, f01 B ’ 1
-.,., and. 1 01 . 3,, - ' of intelligg-n’: 11131116 kno“ .
ibliciwhio 1. uld‘ have exhibite 0_ ’ s eeches i .
. * ~tha ho, have sognetli‘i‘ilitzsl save SOmethmg f

have to

‘ ~ xaimple we . ..
'Wolligi ‘ ‘.iof.rstiipidiiy_ an rho
lexalste of Think of'askingmein‘ “Hm
I ' h v r

‘ ‘nbes Yaw be easilv_ . . to cowgirl 3d and on land, .v.

segue " l 'field crude, orant, inexperience ~ of it and I

rnationa erely'furnish thec‘Stuff for camp fevei _ t want to 1

tlemen‘ who and the bullets of‘the enemy. _ ‘ do no N t .

HaV\1h‘”1gt0n to ~ “‘The sanitary experience of our army the nnpressmn

I H in the Spanish war was merely an ltldlflt-

ment of Armor _ ence itg tli: .. t.

a ‘fest lessons . _ - . , ‘3‘ ‘ ‘. only
iiialtiler of ordinary preparation. We have lh'elleivligduals
got the men to waste, but God forbid that and inc tlia
we Should waste them.‘ Men who go us

as efficient instruments of national honor

into the field afford a very handsome

spectacle, indeed: but men- who go in,

*‘ ' ‘ boys only indict those tions. Y
elude and lgnOi‘gbiiflstupidity and neglect. for themselx es,

. . v .- r c
to me that it is our man— anybody vs ho .
a proper citizen re-

eme 1.0
0n. ' th



, what
has any—
‘ dabout,

‘ ‘s‘rhere.
01" in authority

And so it seems
infest duty to have

“3's, , serve. _ '
\n ' ‘ ~- Americans. in
National Guard Con51dered. pert accountant

' is
i ' National books contain,
' 0 'be deceived.
“No man is g


' » can ever
5 to a year 0
dershi J and

that _ meric- I . _ . ‘
i a “I. am not forgetting oui

1' Guard. I hadithe privilege of being gov—

rnor of one of our great statesr‘a state iexcuses.

hich furnishes this city with a great giiduiin}

al of its intelligence. Some Jersey: public life
i. on either side here enjoy that veiy him.

n tern 5,

'as a standar
0 love libert
the r ghteousness of
if this
“I as Governor of New JersevajVaS because of th
't into association With Wh'clL 1 am deeper “131.1
~ ._ * believe' was one of the 11105t than cheers.
ime? Perhaps bolt-long of the National Guar mots of our
..dare say you‘ Timed Stiites. 11e2\rned to admire be deceived
hat. 1 was ex-,‘ 1E1“? my}, to respect the officers and to 138- cern
xiii-2 {line National Guard: AP“ 3- ‘3... “one? 5.
defense Silhalia gireai iii-gnu? :iild na 10 . everythlnm
o. . )4: m1 ' . , , , .
Stat s 7t . ‘stitut10n_ .the 111 ‘
. e i is undo. the dwection of incie
than _two score Stags and that it is not
permitted to “13,1‘aional government (1'1-
lectly .-t_o, _dlrect Its d(:‘elopment and or-
ganizationn And that (my upon occasion
3173'an "~ "no President. oi’.‘ when
{ 'i,.‘.‘,\:hlth‘:irfl I i “4““HT \ aux ready
for my part. ziiii ; mid, ilimnr‘i n.-
genl‘lemen differ [with me, that there is
no way in which that. force can be made
a. direct resource as a national reserve
under ,national authority.


What the Country Needs.
“ will.say

we need is a body of men was full of
association with units of the iideas now s

'iist find 1110:1115 1 "But

which iare suitable to,
to, our own
to flu. e: Does any-

ss you 2011 the subject

11 who ,vere dinning it
examine, not
their hearts.


.148 i.

13"1- ill

mstan is of the pres- .

se: T are is going on
'uirder our eyes, an
‘ man under—
io ‘man has the
learly¢n his mind, no


trained in

army, a body of men organized under uine Of the

0'rear. h cart

of Co’ ‘ are too authorities, a body
-.0 multifarious
to mke it possible
ently hart space :of
the change
aigreat many
'he end of the
‘nythlng about

'I hear -

diam et ‘ically

President Wilson, speaking before the ing
Motion Picture Board of Trade, in New
York Ilastaiiight said in "part:

“I found out what was going on in
Mexico in a very singular way—by
hearing a sufficiently large number of
liars ‘talk about it. 3
fore he forms “It is very tedious to hear men lie,
wisdom, but particularly when you know they are
thathzifv'el 'dbverilotfcilllige' lying. .You feelylike reminding them
way from me»_ I have that ,really your tlmens important to
wholesome respect for you, and that you wish they would get

down to business and tell you what is
really so; but they don’t; they want
.this adventure of their invention, they
want ‘to give an excursion to their!
minds before theygetxdown to busi—
ness. And what I particularly object
to 'is a very able man with a lot of
invention coming to me and lying to,
me, because then the interview is very
tedious and long before we get down
to business.

plications o
millions 'are going and, wrong.

knows what they are
nd I am one of those
would really

fairs or priv

e I saw {them coming,
me to 1"»‘ep a weather
y see them

_: ni’u‘ch‘ .1 i _ understand-

or one w
dvice‘ is :concerned, to

another .. parenthesis.
' Anticipates Their Story.

‘ “‘I got to know that story so by heart
what they were that the last [time a deputation visited
thought I would
time. and told them exactly what
. _ were going to say to me, and
what the international they went away very much confused;
s country Will be to— they wondered how I had heard it,
word Iliterally. because they knew it was so.

keep silent and , “And yet underneath all of this are
great pulses; which throb in
great bodies of men, and drive the
' great powers of state. And I wonder
ill always seek, to the how men venture to try to deceive a
rhich her honor is in- great nation.

“The best way to silence any friend
of yours whom you know to be a fool-
. ~ . Noth—. =
ing chills pretense like exposure; noth—