xt70rx937t9n_399 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_1/Multipage17707.pdf 1900-1905 1905 1900-1905 section false xt70rx937t9n_399 xt70rx937t9n  






Willi ii. llNES

lie Wants Florid
to Hold Office.




A \Vell Known Democrat of Brevard
County, if Elected, Will Work for Radi-
cal‘Changes in the Present Primary
Law—The Buckman Bill.

’ Titusville, April 10.—VVade H. Jones, one
oi? the most prominent and popular citi--
zens ot‘ Brevard county, and a son of
Judge Minor S. Jones, has consented to
run for the Legislature, and in an an-
ncuncement he declares in favor of the
Buckman bill, and strengthening the Rail--
road Commission Wt Mr.
Jones' principal plank in his platform is
the one favoring women to become can—
didates for oillce.

This will meet with the approval of
thousands of voters in Florida, who b ‘—
lieve women should at least be placed on .
the various school boards throughout the
State. In this regard Mr. Jones says:

“I believe that the State primary law
should be amendedf'so as to allow women
to become candidates for ofiice, because
I am satisfied of the fairness of it, and 2
am satisfied that an infusion of the purity
of womankind into the doctrine of office
holding would add to the dignity and
cleanness of the public service."

If elected, Mr. Jones proposes to make
a. vigorous fight before the Legislature to
have the law so changed that women will
be allowed to hold oflice in Florida... It is
said that several members of the nevt
Legislature will favor women on school
boards. but oppose their holding other
political or official positions.

From announcements that appeared last
week in the country press it seems that
two-thirds of the candidates favor the
Buckman bill, and the indications are
that the bill will stand as passed by the
last Legislature, except the next Legis-
lature must make the necessary appro-
priation for building the University of
Gainesville. .





Local Association Adfixx ssed by
l Miss Laura Clay on Cor—

rent l'opics.

1l‘l1litor Journal:
Miss Laura (flay 3311911 talk before
vithe members of the local l‘lqnul [tights
I \ssociation and 21 number of their
=1f1'iends at the residence of .\11'. W111.
'lH Ave1 ill, on Tanuury 20th at 3 p
1Bills that hme been passed throng}.


i 1 the influence of the Kentucln 11.11 11 (Ll

1Ri0‘hts ASsociution and the two bills
lnow 1)91111ing,i. e. “CO-011:!I‘tlillnfihlp1
10f Childr’en. ’ and “Schoolb Qufi'r 2109.;
for \Vomen” were explainel 1
5 All present realized that the right of
petition h 111 been wisely used by their ‘
linl’L'Sentlttere“. That, Without lhei
Use of this right, several :mrient. laws 3
concernijg‘ property rights 111111 w 11ge§ol ‘
innrried women would have still 1,11'oh- 1
1:1hly been extant, owing to the pro ‘
erastinution of former law 111aker5,j

\Vl1) while 1'11'1iili'zi112‘ the rigl'its ofj

_\\'omen waiteil for their petitions

.; tl'1e1‘eupon. 1

Miss Herndon presided at the meet- 1 '
11.n- wnieh was opened with prayer-1
l)\ \liss l\llSS(‘3ll.

\lembeis unsnering to the roll call
View: Mrs. ’l.. l’ ‘Averill, Miss H. G. 1
Averill, Mrs. A. It. Bin-1121111. Miss;

1 Hallie Bernilon. Miss Mary ll:1‘rison
Miss Margaret liilSsell and Mrs. Hf
H. \Vatson.

The numesof Mrs. Joseph Bailey

and Gen. Lafayette Hewitt W1 re a fled

to the number enrolled two years ago. i


 ' _

School Editor of The Globe:

Sir—Recently a president of a college,
for men only said, put, all1 the women out
of the school and fill their places with
men. “A man principal Should have men
under him." says the twentieth century
man. I would like to hear the principm
of a girl‘s high school (say Wadleigh High
School, New York City) give his opinions_
Or the principal of the Buffalo State NOr—
mal School. Were it not for the women
pupils these, last named gentlemen would
losc “their jobs."

lt the. women are not allowed to teach
what is the use of fourteen years’ train-

ing‘.‘ For the pleasure they get out 01,

life, I suppose. Well, until this 01c
world gives its women a little hotte‘
chance. to get through it “alive." they
cannot devote fourteen years just learns
ing how to get the, most out, of lite_

Well, then. let them scrub for a living,
: “No hollar" is put up by the men because
women are doing too much scrubbing.
,Nothing is ever said about the. drudgery

that. women do. .\'0 learned man comes.
forth and says that men can do it, bet—
tor for “double the pay." It is only when
women put their heads above water 'and
look around that the. sweeping condemna-
tion comes from the head of a school
which excludes women. Then and then
only are they crushed to the bottom and
told to remain there in a ladyllke way
such as God intended them to do.
1 Stay at. home, daughters and sisters, to
earn money (making butter, raising chick—
ens, working in a sweat shop), to send
your brother to school and through college.
i'l'hon comes the. just criticism that. men
lliaye more and better hrnlns than womcn.
They do more of the thinking of the
world. I should think that they ought:
to. SiHCe we have living our first woman
college graduate men ought. to have done
.more than they did do.

Besides all this, if ever a. woman at-
tempts to do anything except, just, what
,man wants her to do to suit. him, then
‘the cry is: “Put, woman in tho plat-o
.u'lwre she belongs."

Ever}- law and rule for men should he
‘mado hy men——-in other words. “men
:should have. men under them." That is
all right, but what. we women do not un-
derstand is that men go still further and
say that every law, etc.. for women should
likewise be made by men. t,Why is this?

Manhattan, Jan. 21. H. M.



 ‘. *vg'f‘fr'i‘i‘i’f‘il“_"‘" “ ‘

‘ r’\' AM w‘m/ Wwv-M


neg“ ,.


Editor and Provision

”*"V’W‘W‘v\—~J \AfJ 42,1. n.A/W~N.’_,— . ,. "

Wednesday, May 13, 1903.

SUBSCRIPTION Pinon—Sent to any address
for one year for $1.50; for six months, 75
cents; for three month, 50 cents. Payable
.n advance.

Russ FOP- Anvamrsme.—One inch, first
insertion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion,
50 cents. Local notices, ten cents er line
for first insertion; five cents per ine for
each subse uent insertion. Obituaries and
L ributes 0 Respect, Notices of Thanks,
and all ersonal notices of a political na-
ture, are charged as regular advertisements.
Liberal contracts made for three, six and
twelve month. Write for terms.

COMMUNICATIONS-“re are always glad to
publish letters on matters of public inter-
est. All communications must be accom-
panied by the name and address of the
writer, or they will be given no attention.
No communication of a personal character
will be ublished except as an advertise-
ment. V e are not responsible for the views
or opinions of our correspondents.

For further information address







From a Cat Scratch

on the arm, to the worst sort of a burn,
sore or boil, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
is a quick cure. In buying Witch Hazel
Salve, be particular to get DeWitt’s--this
is the salve that heals without leaving a
scar. A specific for blind, bleeding. itch-
Sold by Fairfax

ing and protruding piles.
.Drug Co.

I, -—-—--——o-o-o——-—-——-

,W'e rejoice that the day has dawn-
e , even in our belated State, when
women feel safe in travelling without
,special escorts on railway trains. Of
(course there is no such thing as trav-
elling alone, for the trains are usually
full of people. And every woman
that travels with a band-box or bag
and doesn’t feel equal to handling
her baggage is sure to be helped by
the conductor and porter, who make,
it part of their business to assist em-
barking and disembarking passengers.

The idea of women really needing
men escorts in travelling under pres-
ent conditions is obsolete. It be-
longs to the days of stage coaches
and travelling through wildernesses,
infested by savages and robbers.

Over ten years ago a young woman
travelled round the world as a news-
paper correspondent.

In New Orleans last March I met
Miss Belle Kearney of Mississippi,
who travelled to Alaska alone. And
readers of the Union Signal know of
Miss Jessie Ackernian, who has trav-

‘ W

Made Young Again.

“One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each
night for two weeks has putt me in my;
‘teens’ again," writes D. L. Turner 9
Dempseytown, Pa. They are the best 1p
the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowe n.
Furelv vegetable. Never gripe. Only 250.
"Fairfax Drug (30.,0. B. Addison of Brun-


lee’s two Japanese servants are now
engaged in caring for at least a mil-
lion of silk worms, recently brought
from Japan for the purpose of test-
this section.
vants, encouraged by the admiral
and his good wife, are trying to es-

—elled round the world in the interest tablH} }
I the future
i 3

atmosphere afierd the best locations
in the United States for this industry ,

the .
quick and profitable returns wrll re-


Charleston, May 'T.—-With a view
of establishing a permanent colony
near Charleston a party of French
Canadians from Fall River and New
Redford, Mass, visited Charleston
today and inspected the truck farm-
ing lands near the city and made
other investigations of the advantages
offered to settlers who desire to locate
here and engage in agricultural pur-

The party is composed of Father
J. Provost and seven others. Father
Prevost said that when he visited
Charleston last winter he was so well
impressed with the country, the cli-
matic conditions and the splendid
advantages offered for agricultural
pursuits, that he determined to bring
a delegation here that they might see
for themselves.

The entire party appears to be
much impressed with the land and
general conditions about Jedburg and
Summerville and this will probably
be their place of settlement. They
want to establish a colony, have
their own churches and schools.
Father Prevost gives the people an
excellent name and says that they
would prove a welcome addition to

South Carolina. 5

The X-R ays.

Recent experiments. by practical tests
and examination with the aid of the X-
liays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of
the Stomach is not a disease of itself, but
that it results from repeated attacks of
indigestion. “How Can I Cure My Indi—
gestion?” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing
thousands. it will cure you of indigestion
and dyspepsra, and prevent or cure Ca.-
tarrh of the Stomach. Kodol digests what
you eat—makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Fairfax Drug Co.


Beaufort, May 5.—-—Admiral Beard-



ng the utility of the silk industry in
These industrious ser-

eyond a doubt that silk cul-
. Believing that the seai
slands’ splendid climate and worst


admiral feels confident that
suit to every family which undertakes
the work. It is a well known fact
that multicaulis trees, whose leaves
furnish food for the silk worm, grow




1'. Emily Stowe of Toronto.

The Canadian papers, The Globe
and The News of Toronto, bring tid-
ings of the death of Dr. Emily Stowe,
the pioneer woman pbysrcran of Can‘
ada. She was already married when
she studied medicine in the how
York l‘viedieal College for women.
She returned to Toronto where she
practiced most successfully" for a
Quarter of a. century, overcoming the
bitter prejudices with which she had
to contend. She was not only the
pioneer woman physician but the

ioneer woman suffragist, who here
he brunt of much adverse criticrsm;
but today women are reaping the
benefits this true lover of humanity
was chiefly instrumental in bringing
about. Some of these benefits are
municipal sufirage for women (now
the law in Canada), sanitary arrange-j
ments in stores and factories, women’
on high school boards, seats for shop

g D-r. Augusta Stowe-Gullen, Dr.
was elected

spontaneously on all of the sea is


lands, a number of which are flours
ishing here.

The Wastes ot the Body.

Every seven days the blood, muscles and
bones of a man of average size loses two
pounds of wornout tissue. This waste
cannot be replenished and the health and
strength kept up without perfect dig-es-
tion. When the stomach and digestive
organs fail to erform their functions, the
strength lets own, health gives way, ‘and
disease sets up. Kodol Dyspepsia Lure
enables the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all of the whole—
some food that may be eaten into the kind
of blood that rebuilds the tissues and pro-
tects the health and strength of the mind
and body. Kodol cures indigestion, Dys-

epsia and all stomach troubles. It is an
ideal spring tonic. Sold by Fairfax Drug


/// An Ancient Slander.

The less foundation there is for a
slander the longer it lives. How
many ideas are in existence today
that have been handed down through
the channels of literature and verbal
tradition and are firmly believed in




Stowe’s only daughter,
to the school board.
The Editor of this paper met Dr.
Gullen at New Orleans in March last.
Dr. Geullen is a very handsome and
elegant woman, and a most success-
ful physician. “’9 tender our sym-
pathies to this beloved friend in this

by the mass of mankind, and yet are
absolutely erroneous. For example,
take that cornmon idea of woman’s
garrulity. From the prevalence of
this mistaken notion one might imag-
ine that man has lost the power of
speech and that woman is the sole
medium for verbal communication,


heart—breaking bereavement.

writes Robert Webster Jones in the
May Housekeeper. The SOrC‘fllled
“comic” papers teem with jokes in
which woman’s alleged fondness for
“words, words, words,” as Hamlet
says, is held up for ridicule. The men
who write cynical paragraphs for the»
press are continually harping upon l
this ancient theme of feminine lo-
quacity with such remarks as this:
. “A Man in Missouri hasn’t spoken a
0rd to his wife in six teen years; per-
iaps he was unwilling to interrupt.”
r “It was said of a certain great
man that he could be silent in seven
languages. It is rarely that a woman
performs oneiseventh of this feat.”
Funny? Perhaps,but with a sting. ~
Let us see whether verbosity is a
purely feminine characteristic. The
. law and preaching may be regarded
as chief among the “talkative” pro-
fessions, and these are filled almost ,_
exclusively by men. Barbering, too, .
which is somewhat of a conversation~
a1 calling, attracts many more men
than women, and who ever heard of
a female auctioneer? The truth is, ..
the power of speech was given to both »
men and women for intelligent use,-
and one sex abuses the privilege .
about as much as the other. But to
lay the entire burden of criticism up-
on woman is the essence of injustice.



 Fairfax Enterprise.

0111' Motto: “FREEDOM r011 ALL.”


tditor and Pronrietor. '

are. '\/‘."va~

Wednesd amm 1 903.

, Sonscnrrrion‘ P1110 Sent to any address
for one year for $150; for six months, 75
cents; for three wont-,h 50 cents. Payable
n adv ance.

RATES roe ADvEnrrsmG.—~One inch first
1nsertiou,$1 00' each subsequent inseition,
130 cents; Local notices, ten cents per line
for first insertion; five cents per line for

eh subsequent'111se1t1011 Obituaries and

bntes 01 Respect, Notices of Thanks,
and all personal notices of a political na-
ture, are charged as regular advertisements.
Liberal contracts made for three, six and
twelve month. YVrite for te1 ms.

001111111130 irrons —-\-’\ e are alwa 3's sglad to
publish letters 011 n1atte1s of public inter-
est 111 connnunications must be accom-
panied. by the name and address of the
writer, or they will be giv en no attention
No co111n1unicatio11 of a personal character
"-.'4'lll be published except as an adveitise~
ment W e are not responsible for the 1' it)“ s
or opinions of 0111' correspondents.

For further information address

From a Cat Scratch

on the arm, to the worst sort of a. burn,
sore or boil DeW1tt’s Witch Hazel Salve
is a quick cure. In buying Witch Hazel
Salve, be particular to get DeWitt’s—this
is the salve that heals 11itl1out leaving a
scam A specific for blind, bleedino' itch~
in0 andprotruding piles. Sold bv Fairfax
Drug 00.

um -


Alice Stone Blackwell.

In The State of May let appears
a portrait and sketch of the above
named lady whom the Editor is
proud to number among her most
valued friends. Alice Blackwell is
one of the most tireless workers and
one of the noblest souls now on this
planet? Isolated! yes—for thus Des-

tiny sets apart the mighty spirits.

tho climb Pi: gah tops.
‘ --«——-——-—o-o—-o—-—-—~n————

h'ed Though Not Guilty, Pan
cloned Yet Never a Criminal.


' fun

Columbia had a sensation last. week
in the pardon of Mrs. Plume Hall,

fax Drug (30., C B. Addison of Brunson

Her voice! IA veritable harp,

Such as (the silken strinos being tied
within the window)

The soft Eolian notes respond

To winds, charged with the breath

' of flowers.

Her voice! Reviving like the dews of

After long heated days,
Full of the s11 eetness of the light
That looks into the blossom’s heart

And bids it live

Virginie D Young.
Ap' il 24th 1903.

The election of Dr. Mary Farin-
hcldt Jones as vice-president of the

Mississippi State Medical Associa- ,
tion is a. graceful compliment~ to a",
skilled physician and a deserving andi»

accomplished woman._- As the-physi-
cian of the Industrial College of this
city, she has for years past'filledthat
trying position with- satisfaction to
the school and with infinite credit to
herself It' is pleasing for her friends
here to note the recognition given
her talent and ability over the State.

—-Columbus DisPatch.
. _ W

The X-Ra 5.

.who, it is believed, was never guilty.

of. the clients cimputed to her

The State says “her 11a1d fate and
the palpable injustice of her convic-
tion and long sentence—life impris:
eminent—have aroused the deepest
sympathy for her.” Within a few
hou1 s aft-e1 her case was known to the
women of Columbia. .9. dozen or more
were on their way to the peniten-
tiary to help her. \Ve are proud to
say that 11 daughter of Barnwell
county, Mrs. Sarah Aldrich I’iehard-
son, was foremost of these, 11nd ap—
prech itine D Mrs. Ha .ll’s absolutely
dc tute condition took her in a car—
.' to the hospital, where a posi~
i-‘ion "was secured for her through
Mrs 33.1.. lf‘lennilcen.
(ll-(\lum ii 1. women declare (so says
The" ') that i1‘lrs.l'lall has been
workltn for the -‘3tr to of South Caro~
line for seven ye are. (101. .15.; everything
in her 130N61 for the betterment of
the co iidi on of the w men prisoners
in the 1’1.ia1'y, and that. the time
h: :1 come ior the women of the‘ Sta to
(if' the Slate itself cannot do it) to
olfer some restitution for the long
prison service for nothiiio.

Any 1101 son desirino to contribute

may send money toD Mrs. Hal W.
' 191.0 Sumter street, 00-





; here-
?rniun -
t'act ory

ss pas-
hod in

man y,
Ii nest
3 been
11 this

g the

the '

s of
f its
3 de-




ailiVEtl tEfiflUlfi

Initial Steps Taken Toward Establish-



ing One


At a 111e<.1ting‘ ot' the Equal Rights
Association held at. the Woman's Club
3building late Friday the matter of the
establishment ot.’ a Juvenile Court in
Lexington came 111) for discussion and
a 111oven1ent‘. is this direction was start-

Mrs. Desha Breekinridg‘e was the
first. speaker Friday and after an ad-
dress on “Personal l111pressions olf
.Ct‘,)l<::';1d<;" she discussed the question
“of the Juvenile Court in Colorado.


She was followed by Mrs. Mary C.
doarlc, who gave a short history and
explanation “What Is a Juvenile
(ilourt‘T’ Juvenile Courts were not
known in this country until 1808, when
‘one established in (lhieago by
1111il:1.11thropists, ably seeonded by as
The suceess of


‘1 'étS

eociations otf women.
this eourt; speedily attracted attention
in other States, and Juvenile Courts
have in about sixteen
States, sometimes by city authority,
and sometimes by State law, as in
'Coloraoo. where, supported by the in-
‘tiuenee of the women voters, it; has
'1‘eached its higlu st usefulness.

been adopted

Both of the speakers held the close
attention ot’ the audienee throughout.
A discussion on Juvenile Courts vas
invited. and Mrs. Breekinridge was
asked to give her observations of them






in Colorado.

Mrs. Roark was followed by re-
marks from Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Mrs.
Luella St. (llair and Mr. Snodgrass.

Mrs. M. (l. (trainer moved that the
chair appoint a. committee to take ac-
tion looking: to the establishment of :1
Juvenile Court in Lexington, and that;
similar eonnnittees from the Woman's
Club. the \V. C. ’l‘. ll.. the Civic League
and other soeieties be invited to join
in the el‘t'ort.

The chair explained that a vote on
this subject would not; bind any 11111111-
ber of the association who did not.
choose to join with the committee, as
the sole obligation of 111(‘111l11'1'ship is
giving: the names as subscribing to
equal rights prineiptes and payingr the
annual dues: 'With this understandinsr
the motion was carried, and Mrs.
IBreek’inridge. Mrs. Roar]; and Mrs.
Cramcr were appointed.

An invitation to join the association
was extended, and the new names re—
ported in the 111i1111tes or handed in
Were: Mrs. \Villiain Barkley, Mrs.
Mary (‘arriek larth. Mr. J. \\'. Zaeh-
ary, Mr. \Vieklifi’e Mrs. I“.
Mussleman, Miss Nancy Musselman.
Mrs. Luella St. Clair and Mrs. A. F.
EHelm. ”






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7*? In Woman’s Clubdom.

Equal Rights Association.

Perhaps the first undenominatioual
Woman's club in this city was the Louis—
ville Equal Rights Association, organized
at the home of Mrs. B. F. Avery on March
1, 1889, with a membership of nine, which
later increased to thirty.

The first officers were: President, Mrs.
Margaret .1. \\'atts; Vice President, Mrs.
C. A. Leech; Secretary, Mrs. Marion A.
Huber, and Treasurer, Mrs. Mary F. Rog-
ers. The meetings were held once a
month, and questions of public interest
were studied and discussed.

The work of the Louisville organization
was practically identical with that of
the State association and did its full
share of the work for the improvement of
laws affecting women. The passage of
the following laws was secured:

First—In 1890 a law making a
wages payable only to herself.

Second—Iii 1892-3 a law giving a married
woman the right to make a will and con-
trol her real estate.

Third—In 1894 was secured the present
righteous husband and wife law, the main
features of which are: (1) Courtesy and
flower are equalized. After the death of
either husband or wife the survivor is
given a life estate in one-third of the real
estate of the deceased and an absolute
estate in one—half of the personalty of
such decedent.. (‘2) The wife has entire
control of her property, real and per-
sonal. Sho cwni' her personal property
absolutely and can dispose of it as she
pleases. The statute gives her the, right
to make contracts, and to sue and be
sued as a single woman. This clause
enables a married woman to enter busi-
ness and hold her stock in trade free from
the control of her husband and liability
to his creditors. (3‘) The power to make
a will is the same in the husband as in
the wife, and neither can by will divest
the other of dower or interest in his or
her estate.

Fourth—Succeeded in opening to women
the doors of several colleges, which are
now co—educationai.

Fifth—In 1896 in conjunction with the
TVomen‘s Christian Temperance linion
prevailed upon the General Assembly to
provide a House of Reform for juvenile
offenders. one for girls and one. for boys,
and that women shall be appointed on the
Boards of Management of both institu-

Sixth—Making mandatory the appoint-
ment of at least one woman physician in
each of lhe insane- asyli'ms (See History
of Woman Suffrage. volume IVY, pages

One of the failures most greatly to be
deplored has been to raise the “age of
consent" from twelve to eighteen years.

The old association continued its exist-
ence. until 1900. in the autumn of 1001 Miss
Laura. Clay. President of the Kentucky
Equal Rights Association, called a meet—
ing and organized the present Louisville
Equal Rights Association with twenty
members, which number has since in-
creased to thirty—five, several of whom
were members of the first organization.
Men are welcomed. and there are names
of a number on the roll. "he ofiicers are:
Mrs. Alice H. \V’hitc. President: Miss Car-
oline Leib. Vice President; Miss Annie
Miller, Secretary and ’lTreasurer. The aim
of the present association will he to carry
on the work as originally contemplated.

“Kentucky was the first State in the
Union to grant any form of suffrage to
women by special statute, as its first
school law, passed in 1838. permitted wid-
(‘Ws in fhe country districts with children
of school age to vote for Trustees. in 1888
further extensions of school suffrage were
made, and in the. country districts. in-
cluding fifth and sixth—class cities. i. e.,
the smallest villages. any widow having a
child of school age and any widow or
spinster having a ward of school age,
may now vote for School Trustees and
district school taxes; also tax—paying
widows and spinsters may vote for dis—
trict school taxes.

“in 1894 the General Assembly granted
women the right to vote for members of
the Board of Education on the same
terms as men in the second-class cities
by a special clause in their charters.
There are three of thescwCovington,
Newport and Lexington. This last act
was repealed in 1902 . . and is the only
instance where the suffrage has been
taken from women after being conferred
by a Legislature.

“In the one. first-class city, Louisville
(and in the above mentioned three sec-
ond-class cities). the live third—class cities
and the twenty or more fourth—class cit-
ies, no woman has any vote."—History of
\Voman Suffrage, pages 571-5.

“At present the father is ltgal guardian
of minor children, and at his death may
appoint one even for a child unborn. If
the court appoints a guardian the law
(189-1) requires that it ‘shall choose the
father, or his testamentary appointee,
then the mother if (still) unmarried then
next of kin, giving preference to the
males.‘ "—11. \X', 8., page 674.

"The only mother who has a legal claim
to her child equal to that of the married
father is the woman whose Offspring is
the sign of her own shame."—-Leaflet
Kentucky E. R. .-\.. 1896.

At the present session of


the General



‘ to hold fast

Assembly of Kentucky an effort will be
made through the Legislative Committee
of the State Association to secure favor—
able action on the following important

First—General school suffrage for
women, with an educational qualification.

Second—Co-guardianship of father and
mother of minor children.

Third—Some women Trustees
Board of State College.

Fourth—Presidential suffrage for wo—
men, with an educational qualification.

It is believed that the Equal Rights
Association has a place especially its own,
and while many of its members are active
and efficient workers in other clubs which
are pushing wise legislation of many kinds
and especially such as affects the children
of our State, it has generally adhered to
its policy to give attention only to m t—
ters concerning the rights of women.

on the


Miscellaneous Notes.

The Musical Art Society will h
attractive programme to render tomorrow
at the \Voman's Club Building at 11 a. m.
Miss Overstreet will be heard in the
Andante S-pianato and Polonaise by Cho—
pin, the Scherzo from Sonata, G minor,
by Schumann. Rubenstein’s Romanza,
Poldini's Etude and Leschitzky’s Taran—
telle; Mr. Schmidt alone will give
Fischer‘s Au Bord du Rinssean, and
Mr. Schmidt and Miss Bishop together will
give Grieg's Sonata for Violincello and
Piano. ‘


l t 0
There will be an all-day meeting of the
King's Daughters circles of the city on
Thursday of this week at the Y. M. C. A.
From 10 to 1 o’clock there will be sewing
done. when a recess will be taken for
lunch. Each member will bring her own
lunch and devote the day to the service
of the work being carried on. At 3 o'clock
Miss Kate Jenkins, the district nurse. will
talk of her year‘s work, and at the con—
clusion of her address there will he re-
ports from the various circles.
* t I

The. tenth annual report of the nurse
work done by the City Union of the
King's Daughters has just been issued in
a dainty little booklet giving in a nutshell
the work done the past year. Almost 1,800
visits were made by a competent trained
nurse, nearly 1,000 garments given to des« -
titute persons. and untold blessings in
renewed health and better living—these
mark the work done by this noble band.


Business Women’s Club.
The Christmas sales of the. club reached
the very gratifying sum of $561.50, and
many friends were; made for the club.

The first of the medical lectures took
place last Thursday and was well attend—
ed. The next lecture will be a continua—
tion of the. first on “Home Nursing and
Emergencies" and will occur this Thurs—
day evening.

2h :31 alt

The dinner to be given on Main street
for the. club has been postponed till Febru-
ary, when pleasantei; weather will prevail.

IR 3

Many orders were taken at the recent_
sales for the edibles from the exchange
consignors, and an increasing quantity of
cakes, mince meat, jellies and breads will
be constantly on hand.

Sunshine Society Notes.

The Lexington branch of the Sunshine
Society carried gleams of brightness into
the Old Ladies’ Home at Lexington in its
gifts at Christmas to each one of the
ladies there. A box of home—made candy
with some little indmunaT‘remembrance
such as a handkerchief, apron or some
similarly useful article was given to each.
and the sunshine of a “homey" feeling
pervaded each memento.

=€< it it:

The Uniontown Sunshine Branch car-
ried many rays of happiness into other—
wise sober homes on Christmas, preparing
a. Christmas tree. for the children who
would else have had none and carrying
to every home in which such things were
needed a basket stored with everything
essential to a comfortable Christmas

11 it £<

Another donation of 3310 has been re-

ceived towards the building lot fund.

The Club and the Life.

Speaking of the possible effects to be
looked for from the existence of women’s
clubs Mrs. Cecil Smith. of the Sherman
Shakespeare Club, Dallas, Tex., observes
in The. Clubwoman:

“No one takes more pride in the achieve—
ments of club women than I, and yet
there was never a perfect human institu-
tion. and even in club life there. are dan-
gers to avoid and mistakes to amend. we
are not a class apart. \Vhat is good for
club women is good for all women: but,
being in the vanguard, it is our duty and
privilege. to take counsel together. observe
tendencies and direct them into proper
channels for good of all womanhood.

“\Ve hear much of ‘the simple life' be-
cause the need of it is so great. Does
your club life. then. tend toward simplic—
ity? Are club women less wordly than
their non-club sisters? Does your club
and its attendant duties complicate rather
than simplify existence?

“To live in a mad rush of distracting
duties is not to live! No time for silence
and soul growth; no time for sweetness
and light; no time for the simple joys of
home; no time to thank heaven, kneeling,
for a good man's love; no time for the
bearing and rearing of children! Though
schools. hospitals. libraries and even
churches spring from such a woman‘s
life. it is a verit