xt70rx937t9n_381 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. National American Woman Suffrage Association minutes text National American Woman Suffrage Association minutes 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_15/Folder_14/Multipage16916.pdf 1906-1908 1908 1906-1908 section false xt70rx937t9n_381 xt70rx937t9n  

















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The Opening meeting ed the 40th Annual Convention of
the N.A.W.S.A. was held in the Y. Mo-Ca A. Building in Buffalo,
N.Y., on Thursday, Oct. 15, 1908, at 3:50 P. M., the preetdent,
Anna H. Shaw, in the chair.

The meeting was Opened with prayer by Rev‘.Antoinette
L. Brown Blackwell, D.D, After the singing of "America" by
the audience, addressee of welcome were given by Mrs. Helen 2.
M. Rodgers for Women.in the Professions, by Mrs..John Miller
Horton for the Buffalo City Federation of Women’e Clubs, by
Dr» Ida.C. Bender for the Teachere' Association, by MISo
Frank Shuler for the Weeter New York Federation of Women,e
Clubs, by Mrs. Frances W. Graham for the State W. C. T. U», and
by Mrs. L. L. Blankenburg for the General Federation of Women’s
Clubs. Miee.Emily Howland Spoke on "The Spirit of 1848," and
responses to the addressee o£.weleome were given on behalf of
the State by Mrs. Ella Hewley Croeeett, president of the New
York State Ww S. A., and by Rev..Anna H..Shaw in behalf of the
N. A. W. S. A.

The International‘Report was presented by Mrs. Rachel

Foeter Avery.

It was announced that a reception would be given to‘
the Convention by hre,_thn millengflorton of Buffaloe

The Corresponding Secretary called the roll of States,
that those wishing to submit any new business might do so.
hone of them responded.



 An executive session was held at‘ the Y. H. C. A.

Building, Buffalo; 17.31,, on Friday, Oct. 16, 1908, at 9:45

The meefiing wee called te orde: by Miss Kate Km Gordon.
LiBSTSh’W announced that Rise Laura Gregg weuld preside at a
Conference an increase of Memberehip, the special teeio to be
"Building Up Membexehip in the tewn and Country". Miss Gregg
Opened the subject: and bxief addreseee were made by Mise:Mery
¥illiame of hebreeka, Hiee.fleura Clay of Kentucky; endghree
Zerriet;Taylor Upton of Ohio.
At 10:45'A. M. the regular meeting began. Rev»
Anna E. Shaw took the chair and announced the appointment of
follbwing committeee:
On Credentiale
. Catherine Reed Balentine, Va.
Jean Gordon, La.
Mary Williams, Nebr.
Mary L. T;.Gennett, N.Y.

Mary S..Andrewe, O.

Mrs. George H. Lewis, NQY.
Mrs. Ella Keeley Croeeett, N.Y.
.érace Chamberlain, N.Y.

Mary Be Buckie3 Pa.

The Minufiee were read and approved;
Kiss Shaw requested the delegation from each State

elect its member of the Committee on Resolutiene.


 The Gorxeegonding Secretary gave her annual report,
and it was accepted with a rising vote of thankeg

r‘ee Shaw anneunced that all college women were
invited to attend the meeting of the College Equal Suffrage
League, and read a} memerandum from Preefideet Thomas of Bryn
Mawr, explaining WhO‘WGIGLinCluded under the term "college women “‘

The report of“ the Headquarters Secretary was read
by Miss Elizabeth J..} t and accepted.

The repert et '7 Auditere was given by Miss Leuxaa
Clay, and accepteda

The Treasurer's report was read‘hy Mrs..harriet Taylor
Upten' and acnepted with a rieing vote of thanks.

The State repert cf Gelifernie was given by Mrs.
Sperry, and that of Connecticut by Mrs» Baconw

It was voted to adjourn at 12:15 to visit the Barkin‘


A meeting of the Em A. W. S. A. was helé Friday;
Oct. 16} 1908, at 2.50 P; M., the president3 Anna E. Shaw,

in the chair.

Mrs. MCNutt of Hornell‘ ave a.greeting as fraternal
‘ 8

delegate from the Ladiee of the Maccabees.

On motion of M133 Devce, it was voted to send a letter
of sympathy te Mre. Lillian Hollieter, Supreme Ccmmander of the
Ladies of the Maccabees, on the loss of her only eon.

The Minutes were read and approved.

The reportfor the Dietwict of Columbia was given by
Mrs. Jessie Waite Wright: and that of Illinois by fire. Ella



 The report of the Presidential Suffrage Committee was
given by Heme; B, Blackwell; and accepted.

The report of the National Preee Chairman wee read'by
Miss EIizabeth J..Haueer, and accepted with a rising vote of

A Preee Genference.£ellewed, Miee:Haueerzreeidingm
hiss Bertha center epeke on how te get~ euffrage matter inte
country papers, Miee;MatiIda Orr Hayee.on-how to get it into
the large city deilieew There were brief.addreeeee by Miee
Kate E. Gordon and Rise Florence Gaxvin; and Mre..E. De Bacon
displayed 21 yards of press clippings, showing how much
suffrage material the membere of the Connecticut W..S. Am had
'got into the papere:during the year; ’

Mrea.clara B» Arthur spoke onifihietory in the Making."

The report ef the committee;0n' Librarieea by Mree
Ida Porter-Beyer, Wee.read by the Corresponding Secretary, and

accepted with a vote of thankeo

An exeeutive session was held on Saturday morning,

0017.. 1:7, 1908, at 9.45 mm

The meeting wee called ts order by Miee Laura Am Gregg.
mrea.Harriet Taylor Upton presided, and Miee Kate M..Gord0h actei
as secretary pro tem. There wee a Conference an Increase of
Membership, the.epecial tepic being haw to build up membership
in the City. At 10.45 A..M. the reading of State reporte,wae;
resumed; Miee Grace Ballentyne reported for Iowa, MISm Eartha
C. Gwaneton for Delaware, MISe Fannie J, Fernald for mains,

Ere. Emma Haddox Funok for Maryland, Mrs. Ducie Amee.Mead for

Massachusetts and Mrs..Meud C..Stockwe11 for Minnesota.


 Dr. Augusta Stowe Gullah 0f Canada.wa3 intxoduced
to the Convention:

Miss Craft of New Yerk suggasfied that What the
States are'doing be reporfied quarterly in Prograss.l » On
mofiisnrof its. McLean;of Ohio, ascendediby H'Bm Hornbrock of

West Virginia, this suggestion was-adapted.

Saturday, Oct» 1?, 19085

2:50 Pym.

Miss Kate Mm Gordan pragidedu She anncunced that

the Committee on Resoluticns would meefi"at7a.50‘on13unday in

the Star Theatra.

An addrese on Social Proghylaxisrwas-given by Dr“
Foaalie Slaughter marten, delegated representafiive from'the
American"36ciet§ for Sanitary and MoraI Prophylaxis, Rev.
Anna Garlin Spenafir-SPORG on "The nead of the Hour". Thara
were addreseea by Mrs; Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Mrs.
Flarence Kelley.

A telegram from Miss Sadie American wag read bvars.
Harriet Taylor Upton.

On Monday, Oct. 19, IQOB, at 9&45 A. M., a Conference
on Increase of Membership was held in fihe Y..M; C. A. Parlors;
Miss Laura Gregg presiding. The topic was "Building Up

Membership in Large AssemblieSg"


 At 10.45 A. M..in;the Ym M. C. A. auditorium, the
president; Anne H;.Shaw, took the chair. The Minutee were read
and‘approved. Mrs. Marble read the State report for Jebraeke,

'Dr..Hueeey for New gexeey, Mret Croeeett for New York, Ere.
Uptoanor Ohio, Mrs. Lesley for leahomafndhre. Tingley for
Rhode Island.

The Gorreeponding $.3retary read a letter from Mme,
Sibley of Georgia.

first Avery preeented the subject of suffrage poetere.

first Upton yrseided over a Round-Table Conference on
Finance, and the Anthony Memorial: Fonda

Afiter discussion; it was voted on motion of Miss Clay,
seconded by Mrs. De-Voe, to eefiareto the running expeneee from

the Susan: ,.Ahthohy Funds


recommended to appoint a committee to solicit for the Sueen Be ;


It wee moved by Miss Gordon that each State be. X //

Anthony Fonda

It was moved by Dr;.Funok as an amendment that a clear
statement regarding this matter be sent by the Correeponding
Secretary to each State. At hiss Shawie requeet, :he withdrewv
this until Miee.Gordonhe motion wee carried; and then introduced‘
it as a separate motion, which was carried:

Miss Shaw made an appeal for the fund.

Mrs» Balentine reyorted for the Credentials Committee,

127 delegates-present and 14 alternateex


 A meeting was held on Monday, Cote 19,,1908, at 2330

P 0- 114'...

, the preetflent, Anna Hm Shaw, in the Ghair.

wise-Gardline Lexowg Secretary of the National College
Equal Suffrage League, agened the eymgeeium on-"Steck Objections
to Woman Suffrage”; She reelied.te the objection that it
would be a useless conceeeien and would simply double the vote;
hre¢.Mary T..L. Gannett to the objection that women do net want
it, and Miss Maude E. hinery prebatien-efficer of the haw
York Night Couet, to the objection that had wemen weuld vote;
first Kelley epehe on the objectien that we are asking the
ballot for all women, the poor and ignorant ae well as the'
educated and rich. Miee Gregg spoke on "The Reel. Enemy"‘4;
the vicieue interests.

The president read.e letter frem the Buffalesclubs

_An executive eeeeien was held Tuesday, Oct” 20, 1908’

at 9.45 A“. 391., the president in the chair.

The Minutee.were read and approved.

Miee Gordon announced that a.trip to Hiegara Falls
had been arrangefi'for the delegateea

hreg.Croeeett moved that the Executive committee meeting
after the close of the Convention.be held at Niagaxa Falls
connection with the lunch tendered by the Biscuit Company.

The proposed amendments to the eonstituticn were
taken up.

It was veted that the president of the newlymerganized.
National College Equal Suffrage League was a.reguler hember of

the Ennventien, with a right to vote.



Mrs; Balentine reported for the Credentials Committee
as follows:

( insert )

The president appointed as chairman of the tellers
hiee.Laura Gregg, and as Counting Teller Mien Harriet May Mills;
as Distributing Tellers Mien C, C. Croeeett, Mrs, \

Mhe..Day and Dr..Hueeey5 as Collecting Eellere Mrs..Chamherlein5
Mine Ballantyne, Mrs. Sellers and flies Helena Shaw Smith»

It wee voted to go on and take the informal ballot

for first vice president while the votee for preeiflent were

being counted.


The Coxreeponding Secretary called for any new busineeee

Thoee persons who wanted to.go to Niagara Falls and had.
not already expreeeed their wish to do so; were asked to stand.

The tellere reported the whole number of votes cast.
for president as 1903 for Anna Hm Show, 190.

It was voted'that the informal ballot be made the ballet
of the Convention, and_that the Recording Secretary cast it for
Miss;8haw; which was done. U Mice Shaw made an address-of acceptu‘
ancea. '

The tellers announced that the whole number of votes
cast for first vice president on the informal‘bailot was 154,
for Rachel Foster Avery 1546

It was voted that the informal ballot be made the
ballot of the Convention, and that the Recording Secretary
cast it for his. Avery, which was done.

Mret.DeVoe presented an invitation to hold the next

annual convention ianenttle, and read a letter from the


 president of the Fair Association, offering to make
one day National American Women Suffrage Association Day, to
grant the use of the auditorium, and other inducements.

The tellere reported the Whole number of votee-oaet
for second vice president on the informal ballot as 208; for
Mrs. Florence Kelley; 2025

Mre..Haekell‘eaid that there wee a mistake in the
oount,ae she had voted for another oenfiidatea

The tellere were instructed to make a.reoount.

Mffim Avery moved that the invitation to hold the next
annual oonvention:in Seattle be accepted»

Miss Clay suggested that the anoeotanoe be made oon~
etitutional‘on Washington’s succeee in getting a suffrage
amendment submitted;

The tellere.reported the Whole number of votes cast

for recording secretary on the informai ballot ae.1993 for

Miee Blackwell, 1493 for Mrs; Stewart, 44; for Miss Ballentyne,


Voted. one motion: of tee, Stewart that the informal
ballot be made the ballot of the Convention, and, that the
Correegonding Secretary oaet it for Miee Blackwell; which was

The invitation to hold the next annual‘meeting in Seattle
wee ascepted.with thanks, by a rising votet The time wee-left
to the Business Committeea

The tellers reported the result of the recount of the
informal ballot for second vice presidents ”whole number of
votes-cast, 802; for Mrs. Florence, 199; for Mrs. McCulloch, 25

for Mrs“ Croeeett, 1.



It wee voted that the informal ballot be made the
of the Convention, and that the recording secretary cast
Mrse Kelley; which was done.

Mrs..Avery announoed that the suffrage posters would
he ready before the close of the Convention, and asked"how
many each State would take.

Mrue Fitch of South Dakota said she had been instructed
by her State to ask if anything had Been done about medal
contest works

hiee Charlotte F. Jonee read the following fern for
a 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

Art. VI.

Section 1. Representativee shall be apportioned

among the eeveral Statee.aooording to their respective voting


Section 2. The Congreee shall have power to enforce

by apprOpriate legislation the provisions of this article.

The tellers reported the result of the informal balIot
for Corresponding Secretary; whole number of VOtBBg 2175 for
Kate Mt Gordon, 2085 for Harriet May Mills) 5; for Miss
C. C. Croeeett, 1; for Mrea Anna Cadogen Etz, l; for Elizabeth
Haueer, l; for Kate Lewis, 13’ for Mrs“ Truman Ca.White, 1. 4

It wee votefi that the informal ballot be made the
ballot of the Convention, and that the recording secretary cast
it for Miss Gordon, which was done.

The tellers reported the result of the informal ballot
for treasurer: whole number of votee, 2183' for Harriet Taylor

Upton, 218.


 It was voted that the informal ballot be made the ballot
of the Convention, and that the recording secretary cast it for
Mree.Upton, which was done.

HiflS1Cb F. Jonee moved that the Aeeociation try to
secure the form of amendment to the U..St Conetitution which
she had read, instead of the form for which we have usually

it wee moved ae.an amendemnt that the queetion be
referred to the Eueiheee'Committeee

It was moved by Ere..0att as a substitute that this
question and the question whether the Association should oon~
tinue to ask for a 16th Amendment forbidding diefrenchieement on
account of sex be made a.epeoial order of bueineee for 10 A.hr
the next day. This waeaoarried, and the motion as amended by

he substitute wee carried*

The tellers reported the reeult of the informal ballot
to first Auditors' whole number of votes, 200;; for Miss Laure

Clay. 168; £01 are..Stewert, 14;: for Miss Rowland, 6; for Mrs.

Gannett; 6; fer hrs. Stookwe113_5; for Mrs» Colby, 13 for

Miss gregg; 13 for Mite Héameexgx It

It was voted that the informal ballot be made the
ballot of the Convention, and that the recording secretary cast
it for Miee Clay; which wee done.

It was moved that the ballote for eeoond auditor be
collected now, but not counted till afternoon. The motion

It was announced that an automobile ride had been

arranged for the delegateet



Mrs. Avery announced that the whole numbex of suffrage
poetere had not been engaged by the States thus far. It was
voted to increase the number of postere per State in prepon—
tion to the orderet

Ere. Upton announced that an elderly lady in Indiana
had sent a quilt to be sold for the benefit of the Suean B.
Anthony Fund.

The tellers reported the result of the informal ballot
for second auditor: whole number of votee, 199; Mrs, Stewart,
1593 for Miss Ballantyne, 563 for Mrs. Sperry, 8;.

DeVoe, 73 for Miee Heueer, 43‘ for first Croeeett, 5; for Mrev
Stookwell, 1; for fire. Go‘by,l;: defective, 6; blank, 2.

It was voted that the informal ballot be made the ballot
of the Convention, and that the recording secretary cast it for
MYBm Stewart, which wee done.


Tuesday, Oct. 80, 1908.

g 650 P alias!

Mrs. Avery called the meeting to order. Mrs.

Harriette M..Johneton~tood epoke on "Some Legal Phases of the
Diefrenohieement of Women ".

It was voted that the recommendations be printed for

Mres Mary T..L. Gannett Spoke on the Rochester Memorial
to Susan B. Anthony.

Adjourned for the automobile ridee


 A meeting was held on Wedneeday, Oct. 21, 1908, at
10.15 A. E., the president, have Anna E. Shaw, in the chaix.

biSS Pox lo Penfield, a new Eational organizer, was
introduced to the audience by the preg;idont Wiizh a complimen—
tary address.

The Minutes were read and approved, with a correction.

The special order of hueineee was taken up, 1.e. the
ooneideration of the 16th Amendment which hiss Jonee propoeed to
substitute fox the foxm of 16th Amendment for which the Aesocia»
tion has usually petitioneda Miss Jones‘e amendment was;ae

Art. V1.

Section lo Representatives eha31.be “twortaoneo
among the severe. Stateo aocorfiing to their respective voting

Section 29 The Congres e chall have power to enforce
by apprOpriate legislation the provisions of this articles

Dre.Siewere moveé that BEiee Janet‘s amendment be
subetj tuted for the usual form of 16th Amendment for which we
have petitioned: After dieo11eeior1, the euhetitute wee lost“

It wee voted that the Association ehM~ l urge concerted

action to secure the submieeion by Congress of a 16th Amendment

forbidding diefranohieement on account of sex,

Ex 33 Catt moved that the work of the Aesouiation for
the coming few mon the shall be to secure a petition to Congreee
for the 16th Amendment, and that a committee of three be

appointed by the chair to attend to it:



Dre.Siewere moved as an amehimeht that eimultaneoue
letters be written to the preeident by all the State Association
eeveral weeks before he eende out his meeeage, and that one
Week before he doee so, tolegreme be sent him, etpreeeing the
wish of women for the ballot.

The president pointed out that this should come up ae
a.eeparate motion.

first Cott's motion was carriede

It wee then voted on motion of Mrs; Catt that the

Association exert its energies to secure the appointment of
a.U. 8. Senate Committee on Women Suffrage favorable to the

Dra.Siewere reintroduced her former motion,¢ Dfio
Funok moved that it he a recommendation from the National to
the States; Mre..hunck recommended the sending of individual
letters to the president as more effectivet

Drt.Siewer*e motion was carriedt

Hrs» Mary E..Creigie moved that we try to secure the
appointment of at least one member from each of the enfrenohieed
States on each of the Committees in Congress that deal with
women suffrage. ‘The motion was lost.

Miee Kate he Gordon roee to a question of privilege,
and asked that hret Lucia Amos Mead'be allowed to present her
report as chairman of the Peace Committee this morning; inetead
of in the afternoons This was granted, and the Peace report
was read and accepted.

It was euggeeted that the History of Woman Suffrage and
the Life of Miss Anthony be placed in the libraries of Buffalo.

Mrs. Croseett stated that they waxe.a1ready there.



"ee Blackwell moved that the bound velume of suffrage
leaflete be placed in the Buffalo libraries, Miee Mills aeked
that it be placed also in the high eehoolee This went by consent

It wee voted to preeent the Suffrage Headquartere in
Buffalo with a large portrait of Miss Anthony.

Mrs. Fitch reported for South Daketa, fire» Dche for
Washington, Mre..Phebe C. Wright read the report of the Friendle
Equal Rights Association, written by Mrem Mary Bentley Thomas,
and Dr..E. Carey Thomas of Bryn Mawr reported for the Natienal
College Equal Suffrage Leagues

first E. S. Stewart, the newlymelected eudftor; was
introduced to the Convention.

The report of the Committee on Church Work was given
by fire. Lucy Hobart Day.

It was voted that the report be accepted, and that the

reoommendaticne contained in it he adopted,

Adjourned to 2 P.Et

OCte 21, 1908.
2 Fem.
The meeting wae called to order by miss Clay.
The Minutes were read.
Dr¢.Siewere stated that in her resolution regarding
be sending of letters and telegrams to the president elect,
she had meant to include the declaration that this should be

continued in the case of each presidents



Some of the delegatee who had voted for the resolution
had not so understood it, and the chairman took a vote ae to
whether they wished the recommendation to include this oleuee or
note The vote was in the negative.

Miss ehaw arrived and took the chair. She pointed
out that we could not bind the Association for the future, but
it could be voted as a recommendation that this notion should
be continued. It was so voted.

Mre,.Harriet M. Johnston Wood read a list of reeommenda~
tione; and asked that the National recommend them to the Steeeet

Miee Gregg moved ae an emendment that they be reeommended

to the States after the million petitior: had been eeoureds

It was moved that the Matter be laid on.tho table. The
motion was loeta

hree Stewart moved as an amendment that it be referred
to a committee, of which our Legal Advieer shall be chairman, to
report at the next Convention.

Er. Siewere moved as an amendment to the amendment
that the committee report in three months.

MieszGordon moved that it report before the next
meeting of the Eueineee Committee.

hree Harriette Johnston Wood said she would withdrew
her motion to have those1reeommenéatione recommended to the
States, and would subotitute a motion that they be printed and‘
refertro to th fitater for notion;

firse Stewartie motion was earrieiu


 far fiivil

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a pionaerj


. I ' I ill-‘3. J. “L’KLA. UtiVC-i

Mrs. Bella ' ,‘ was intrauq used as a fraternal
delegate from.tha H.
in*“o&u301 and 1015 ef hfir
1551 5.1.1111

«Paulina Stei11am r3 1 . a F 1 t ammittsa an

and maved thfi : .. c Eeaolution, 1 . ” 11? aaopfifid:

annnuncad that t1
conuultation w ". Thoras and 1153 gar: 05% had
the Thomas Gar 'und for tha coming; ur as £01.1ows:
In addition 10 fine 331a: ies $45009 which ocen

. r .i‘ .1"; -. c.
at .-— n ~ givara 01 use mane].


wn'orting 303333
For a purom to be 333033333 later.
'3lainaJ 3333 this fund had
r133 in3 ex; 3:. 333 3 9 333 A3 30
if 0 .3?
33 been

M1‘63, bufi be 633313 333 A3303333 33 to

in new 3 1133 of work; which it could 333 have done
Henry B..Blaok3 e;1 grve *7. aporfi wf tha Sammittea

.3 33333333333; 33 £0110333

0’313 which had been


vofiad to 333133 333 M. :1 =33333*

ovex ':, f ’.=,' sf Hon“ John Jan :133 chairman

H0333 -; fi'D Mi tee, to 393 are a renamination.

Tha resolutions 3833 than 3303383 33 auholav

On motion of M133 Slay, it was voted that unfinished
be brought up on roll 0313 of the States
Commit as mastin.3 the next day.


E333 Avorv d133313yed the new guff raga pCS

1151:1013 ’1’10’1.



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The openinv Executive Committee meeiing was held in the

Y.?;COA.Builfiing, Buffalo, V.Y., @ ;;, ».y§ Ocfihbcr 14/1908,

4:30 p.w.,zhe Presidefii, Rev.Anna