xt70rx937t9n_379 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Kentucky Woman's Clubs documents text Kentucky Woman's Clubs documents 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_15/Folder_12/Multipage16809.pdf 1897-1923 1923 1897-1923 section false xt70rx937t9n_379 xt70rx937t9n  








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“Holding my membership in the
Fort Thomas Woman’s Club as some-
thing sacred and worthy of unfailing
loyalty,I will sustain the Club in its
good work, and guard its reputation

as long as I am a member.”




iflnrt @hnmaa mnman’a


Organized February 17, 1915

Admitted to Kentucky Federation
March 4, 1915


High School Auditorium
First Thursday of Month, 2:00 P. M.

Monthly Board Meeting, Thursday
Preceding Regular Meeting, 10:00 A. M.



”To Help Others is to Elevate Ourselves, and to
Elevate Ourselves is to Help Others. ”








 “The King is dead; Long live the King!
That hath a melancholy ring;

For while they hail the rising sun,
They mourn for him Whose day is done.
But this, our sceptre, passeth not

By death, but by a simple vote;

Of sadness, though, there is a tinge,
’Tis always so, I think, in change.

Then let us join all, ladies fair,

In praise of her who leaves the chair;
Her charming presence, gracious ways,
Will be remembered many days,

While our Miss Quinn with joy we greet,
To her we give the honor seat.”












 (21“ V“ Vk‘ WINE-ta ‘

mung“; ,rh'. 1-? g a“; "fmg‘m! My aihfi "Ff" 4':


Miss Elizabeth Quinn ...................... President
Mrs. C. M. Sinclair_._,..First Vice President
Mrs. A. V. Fuhrman....Second Vice President
Mrs. Geo. Blackford ...... Recording Secretary
Mrs. W. F. Smith....Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Brent Spence ............................ Treasurer
Mrs. Earl Hart ...................................... Auditor


Officers of the Club, Chairmen and Vice
Chairmen of Standing Committees.

May, 1922, Hopkinsville, Ky.
Mrs. W. C. Sanders Mrs. John Storrs

Mrs. E. A. Powell Mrs. Frank M. Opp
Mrs. E. G. Harding

October, 1922, Erlanger, Ky.

Mrs. C. M. Sinclair Miss Elizabeth Quinn
Mrs. E. A. Powell Mrs. T. W. Hardesty
Mrs. W. H. D. Wheat


Mrs. James C. Layne .................... Chairman
Executive Board and Chairmen of Stand-
ing Committees.





Mrs. H. C. Winston ........................ Chairman
Mrs. Chas. Miller .................... Vice Chairman

Mrs. G. A. Brayton
Mrs. J. P. Berry

Mrs. Douglas Hall
Mrs. J. M. Johnson


Mrs. C. C. Southgate ........................ Chairman
Mrs. Lee Ross ........................ Vice Chairman
Miss Mary Cabell Richardson
Mrs. Ben Phister
Miss Elizabeth Stevenson

Mrs. Lucien D. Shouse .................... Chairman
Mrs. W. A. Miller .................... Vice Chairman

Mrs. M. M. Allen
Mrs. D. J. Lyons

Mrs. John T. Hodge
Mrs. E. L. Hundley

Mrs. Edwin Seiter ............................ Chairman
Mrs. Gibson Rose .................... Vice Chairman

Miss Matilda Stapp
Mrs. Robert M.
Mrs. Joe Hewetson
Mrs. Clifford Hunt
Mrs. Arthur Walton
Mrs. Parker Sanford
Mrs. Carl. Wei]
Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. R. S. Burnett
Mrs. Ward Miller
Mrs. Fred Grim
Mrs. Lee B. Kasson




Mrs. Laurel Leake
Mrs. Carl Rauch
Mrs. R. F. Grisard
Mrs. C. O. Bryson
Mrs. Jack Littleford
Mrs. J. P. Sandifer,
Miss Ada Louise
Mrs. Albert Storrs
Mrs. Stuart Ducker
Mrs. Earl Floyd
Miss Irene Eisen-

W _W.w




Mrs. Wm. Matthews
Mrs. C. M. Willson
Mrs. Ellsworth
Mrs. John

Mrs. Earl Hart
Mrs. A. V. Stegeman
Mrs. T. W. Hardesty
l Mrs. Arthur
Mrs R. L. Prather


Mrs. B. J. Skees ...........
Mrs. Frank Stegeman.

..................... Chairman
........... Vice Chairman

Miss Clara Hawes
Mrs. Geo. W. Brown
Mrs. C. R. Robinson
Mrs. W. E. Swift


Mrs. Calvin Weakley.
Mrs. A. J. Nunnamaker ........ Vice Chairman

..................... Chairman

Mrs. C. P. Kendall
Mrs. J eptha Davis
Mrs. John Irby
Mrs. J. E. Radford
Mrs. John Phillips
Mrs. Samuel C.

Mrs. David D. Davies .................... Chairman

1‘ Mrs. Abner Liggett ................ Vice Chairman

Mrs. Chas. Longley


J Mrs. L. J. Crawford...
‘ Mrs. E. W. Buell ..........

’ Mrs. J. C. Layne

.................... Chairman
.......... Vice Chairman

Mrs. Chas. Croninger


Mrs. Wm. C. Smith...

Mrs. L. H. Wilson ........
Mrs. Claude Johnson



..................... Chairman

.......... Vice Chairman
Mrs. John Opp


Miss Byrd Quinn ............................ Chairman
Mrs. John T. Hodge ................ Vice Chairman
Mrs. W. F. Bryson
Mrs. John S. Storrs ........................ Chairman
Mrs. C. W. Adams ................ Vice Chairman
Mrs. C. J. Melville Mrs. James Fisher
Mrs. E. 0. Robinson
Mrs. Allan Waters ............................ Chairman
Mrs. Thomas Hanlon ............ Vice Chairman

Mrs. E. C. Denton Mrs. E. 0. Robinson
Mrs. John Littleford Mrs. J 05. G. Andrews






. E. C. Hettiger Mrs. Wm. Donaldson
Mrs. C. G. Weber

A. V. Fuhrman ...................... Chairman
Elroy C. Denton ............ Vice Chairman
E. G. Anschutz Mrs. Leslie Gardner
. G. A. Brooks Mrs. Burke Keeney
. Walter Faber Mrs. N. J .Kilpatrick
Mrs. H. C. Emerson

W. H. D. Wheat .................... Chairman
Horace C. Drake ............ Vice Chairman
. M. V. Prather Mrs. D. B. Kinsey


Mrs. E. L. Hundley ........................ Chairman


Mrs. Frank M. Opp





_-.-..-....:.: .2.” ‘_.__, _..

,r a...» “C.


Mrs. E. A. Powell ............................ Chairman
Mrs. Roland Pyne .................... Vice Chairman
Mrs. W. F. Bryson .......................... Chairman
Mrs. Fred Hall ........................ Vice Chairman

Mrs. Frank Marty


Mrs. Wm. C. Sanders ................... . .Chairman
Mrs. Webster Helm ................ Vice Chairman
October ................... { 31%;: HTMEVéWHEfistgigh
November .............. 1344f: Yoh 11A.F¥%Z:1(‘)re
Deeember --------------- i flit; ggsfii‘eléifiififii?

Mrs. Robert Smith
January ................. { firs' 3. HS Southgate
rs. . P. chriver
February ................ 3 firs. H. 134. Steg‘eman
rs. W. . Thomasson
March ..................... I‘D/firs. W. J. Y<§mans
. rs. Harry agaley
Aprll ...................... Mrs. J. W. Johnson
M a Mrs. H. K. Wisehart
y uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu firs. AM'rthur ‘WSood
rs. arion tout
June ........................ { Mrs. Chas. Sloan






There will be a fifteen minute period each
meeting given to

Music .............................. Mrs. Willard Bryson
Current Events ................ Mrs. C. M. Sinclair
Citizenship ........................ Mrs. Thorpe Miles

Address .................... Mayor W. H. D. Wheat

Address..... ....................... Frederick A. Wallis

Address—Citizenship .......... Miss Laura Clay


Music Department
........................ Mrs. Willard Bryson, Ch.

Address....Mrs. Ada Hamilton Clark, Korea





 44%:‘153‘1131‘53 “154 ‘ WWW ‘ ». ; 'm 33;“. ' r are Vim :"(41
; Address ....... ....... ....Mrs. Edmund M. Post
MARCH 131'
Address ......................... .......Miss Alice Lloyd
I Mrs. H. G. Reynolds and Civics Depart-
ment ................ ....Mrs. E. A. Powell, Ch.
Modern Poetry
......... .......Mrs. Rowena Deering Shearer
: Literature and Drama Department
......... ...Mrs. William C. Sanders, Ch.
Inauguration and Report of State
, Meeting


:-§'-'L~ r'-‘ . .‘r- : ~ 3341:”? W“ flmmé 7.1+






Balance in Bank, Sept"... 22, 1921-" ............ $60.34
Annual Dues ... .. . ..67800
Initiation Fees . .41 2.00
Guest Fees ......... .. 9.00
Lenten Lectures 94.80
Collection Thanksgiving Community

Service .. .................... ......... . ....... 19.00
Flowers Sold ..................................................

. $1,007.41


Checks from September 22, 1921, to date.

Transferred from General Fund to


Building Fund .. ....... .............. . ......... $130.75
Postage 11.30
Telegrams 1.20
Lectures for year" .... 137.00
Railroad Fare to Kentucky State

Federation ........................................... 19.70
Rent, Safety Deposit Box... 2.00
Forget Me Not Fund for D1sabled


Families of Disabled Soldiers.
Printing and Stationery .
Flowers for Decorations and Offerings 30.35
Lenten Lectures ......................... .00





Refreshments for Meetings 86.78
Rent of Club Room 10.00
Janitor Service ....... 5.00
Balance for Tuning P o .50
Near East Relief Fund. 19.00
American Woman’s Clubs of France... 5.00
State Federation Dues ... .. ... ... .... ... 55.75


Balance in Bank June 1, 1922.......................$376.56




 The Club also owns $350.00 Liberty Bonds and has
$45.00 in Savings Account, which belongs to Library
Fund. These bonds are in Safety Deposit Box at
American National Bank.

Respectfully submitted,



Building Fund, Fort Thomas Woman’s Club

Balance in Bank, Sept. 22, 1921............$ 4.38
Receipts from Ball given in Decem-
ber, 1921 .. 337.15
Transferred from General Fund to
Building Fund 0.75
Money realized from Liberty Bonds.... 250.63 .
Interest on Bonds 80.75
Dividend on Fort Thomas Building &
Loan Association



State and City Taxes on Lot ...... .$ 33.68
One Share of Fidelity Building &
Loan Association 50000
Initiation Fee on Loan 5.00
War Tax on Ball ....................... .. 33.23
War Tax on Boxing Bout 269.65

We now own Five (5) $250.00 shares in the Fort
Thomas Building and Loan Association and $1,650.00
in Liberty Bonds, all of which belong to the Build-
ing Fund.

Respectfully submitted,


The attached statements were audited and found
correct, June 1, 1922.




 . .w~_u..m.rm.. 4., w =- 7~.‘T’.-—PST v





Adams, Mrs. C. W., 21 Fort Thomas Ave..Hi.459-Y
Allen, Mrs. M. M., Dundee Ave .................... Hi. 873-L
Andrews, Mrs. Frank, Riverside Parkway

Briar Cliffe .................................................... Hi. 28
Andrews, Mrs. J. G., Bivouac Place ............ Hi. 804-L (
Andrews, Mrs. Jos. 3., Fifth and Park;

Newport .......................................................... S. 4676
Anschutz, Mrs. E. G., Riverside Parkway,

Briar Cliffe ................................................ Hi. 887-L
Babcock, Mrs. Edw., 53 Dixie Ave ............ Hi.872-L
Bartlett, Mrs. Andrew, Military Park ........ Hi. 829-X
Beckner, Mrs. Wm., Briar Cliffe ................ Hi.1023
Bennett, Mrs. R. S., 118 Woodside P1ace..Hi. 12-L
Benton, Mrs. Howard, Inverness Apts ........ Hi. 981
Berger, Mrs. Otto, Sunset Ave., Briar *

Clifi‘e .......................................................... Hi. 522-L
Berry, Mrs. J. P., 20 Villa Place... ..... Hi. 589-L
Berry, Mrs. Shaler, Taylor Ave .................... Hi 5-X
Blackford, Mrs. Geo., Tremont Ave .......... Hi.593—X
Botts, Mrs. Presley, Louisville, Ky.

Brayton, Mrs. G. A., Manor Lane .......... Hi. 596-R
Brewster, Mrs. Donald R., 13 Ridgeway

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 710-Y
Brooks, Mrs. G. A., Linden Ave .............. Hi. 605-Y A
Brown, Mrs. Geo. W., 608 Washington

Ave., Newport ................................................ S. 532
Bryson, Mrs. C. 0., 118 Woodside Place..Hi.12-X
Bryson, Mrs. W. F., Tremont Ave ............ Hi.832-Y
Buchanan, Mrs. Frank Jr., Newport .......... S.2082-Y
Buell, Mrs. E. W., 197 Highland Ave ...... Hi. 687-X

14 '




3“: n4 .auJ-£_J
Buenger, Mrs. Jos., Manor Lane .................. Hi. 846-X
Burnham, Mrs. W. W., Riverside Parkway,

Briar Cliife ...................................................... Hi. 40
Burt, Mrs. A. W., 226 Sixth Ave., Day-

ton ................................................................ S. 963-X
Chapel, Mrs. A. W., Villa Place ................ Hi. 585-L
Clark, Mrs. C. 0., 13 Ohio Ave .................... Hi. 864-Y
Clore, Mrs. R. H., Riverside Parkway,

Briar Clifi’e ................................................ Hi. 746-L
Core, Mrs. W. F., Tremont Ave .................. Hi. 774-L
Cooke, Mrs. E. W., Ft. Thomas and Cres—

cent Aves. ................................................ Hi. 1126-Y

Cox, Mrs. C. R., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Crawford, Mrs. L. J., 28 Blue Grass Ave..Hi.614

Cramer, Mrs. Geo., Manor Lane ................ Hi. 803-L
Cramer, Mrs. Louis, Riverside Parkway
Briar Cliffe ................................................ Hi. 43-X

Crawley, Mrs. Arthur, Jr., Briar Clifi'e, Hi. 1031-L
Croninger, Mrs. Chas. M., Riverside Park-

way, Briar Cliffe .................................... Hi. 523-R
Davies, Mrs. David D., 18 Blue Grass

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 7 6 4 -X
Davis, Mrs. Jeptha, Ft. Thomas Ave.

and Manor Lane ........................................ Hi. 120
Denton, Mrs. E. 0., Glen Point ................ Hi. 88 9-K
DeCamp, Mrs. J. P., 5 5 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 8 5 1 -L

Dern, Mrs. W. B., Woodland Place
Dolman, Mrs. Jas., Mt. Pleasant and

Taylor Aves. ............................................ Hi.617-L
Donaldson, Mrs. Lincoln, Shaws Lane ............ Hi.80
Donaldson, Mrs. W. H., New York
Dorsel, Mrs. J. H., Southgate Ave ............ Hi.825-R
Drake, Mrs. Raymond, Tremont Ave ......... Hi.874-Y



 z ..:4.- l- '7-7‘


w; likda

., , u A.“ .....M.

Drake, Mrs. Horace C., Oak Ridge, Briar

Cliffe .......................................................... Hi. 515-X
Ducker, Mrs. Stuart, St. Nicholas Place, Hi. 415-X
Dwire, Miss Ella, La Porte, Texas

Eisensmith, Miss Irene, 56 Mt. Pleasant



Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 465-L
Eisensmith, Mrs. L. C., 56 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi.465-L
Ellis, Mrs. J. W., Southgate Ave ...... H1444-X
Emerson, Mrs. H. C., Bellaire Place .......... Hi.56-L
Evans, Mrs. Thos. L., Riverside Parkway,

Briar Cliffe ................................................ Hi. 793-Y
Eversole, Mrs. P. C., Louisville, Ky.
Faber, Mrs. Walter, Villa Place .................... Hi 587-R
Fagaley, Mrs. Harry, 135 Harvard Place,

Southgate ...... ‘ ....................................... Hi. 264-Y
Fisher, Mrs. James, Villa P1ace.... ...... Hi. 588-L
Fish, Mrs. I. T., 44 Tremont Ave ................ Hi. 791-Y
Fleming, Mrs. Wm. R., Military Park ............ Hi.8
Floyd, Mrs. Earl, Southgate Ave ................. Hi. 433-Y

Foulds, Mrs. C. S., Rogers Park, Chicago
Fryer, Mrs. Robt., 17 Fort Thomas




Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 609-X
Fuhrman, Mrs. A. V., Bivouac Place ........ Hi. 582-X
Gaff, Miss C. T., Sixth and Park, New-

port ................................................................ S. 4869 -
Gardner, Mrs. Leslie, Briar Cliife .............. Hi. 523-X
Gasner, Mrs. B. Q., Glenway Ave ................. Hi. 508-L
Gebhard, Mrs. Andrew Jr., Military Park..Hi. 418-X
Getty, Mrs. S. S., Briar Cliffe ................ Hi. 528-X
Glier, Mrs. Wm. C., Ohio Ave.

Grim, Mrs. Fred, 49 Mt. Pleasant
Ave. ............................................. .. ..... .....H..i. 621-Y



Grimm, Mrs. Geo. G., Military Park ............ Hi. 927
Gregg, Mrs. John, The Plaza, Newport..S. 1460-R
Grisard, Mrs. R. D., 241 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 550-L
Grisard, Mrs. R. F., 241 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 550-L
Hall, Mrs. Douglas, 11 Villa Place ............ Hi. 688-Y
Hall, Mrs. Fred, 26 Villa Place ................ Hi.590-R
Hanlon, Mrs. P. E., Linden Ave ................ Hi.599L
Hanlon, Mrs. Thomas E., Bivouac Place, Hi.115
Hardesty, Mrs. Thos. W., Highland Ave ........ H. 114
Hardesty, Miss Ada Louise, Highland

Ave. ................................................................ Hi. 114
Hardesty, Mrs. Warren, Sherman Ave. ....Hi. 450-L
Hageman, Dr. Anna, Ft. Thomas Ave ........ Hi. 747-R
Harton, Mrs. Sam’l B., Woodland Place, Hi. 612-X
Harding, Mrs. E. C., Audubon Place ........ Hi. 821-L
Hart, Mrs. Earl, St. Nicholas Place ........ Hi.802-R
Harrover, Mrs. P. R., 725 Overton St.,

Newport .................................................... S. 2342-R
Hartsough, Mrs. H. W., Riverside Park-

way, Briar Cliffe ............................................ Hi.957
Hawes, Miss Clara, Military Park ................ Hi. 579-Y
Hawes, Miss Hettie, Military Park ............ Hi. 579-Y
Helm, Mrs. Webster, Mt. Pleasant Ave., Hi. 471-L
Hettiger, Mrs. E. P., Manor Lane .................... Hi. 34
Hetch, Mrs. Dan’l, 828 Washington Ave.,

Newport .................................................... S. 2927-X
Hewetson. Mrs. Joe, Southgate Ave ........ Hi. 441-X
Hodge, Mrs. John, Nelson Place, New-

port ................................................................. S. 3187
Hodgson, Mrs. J. E., 617 Monmouth, New-

port .............................................................. S. 572-Y

Hundley, Mrs. E. L., Mt. Pleasant Ave., Hi. 719-Y
Hughes, Mrs. Madge, Mt. Pleasant Ave., Hi. 652 Y









Hunt, Mrs. Clifford, Miami Parkway,


Briar Cliffe ................................................ Hi. 819-L
Hunter, Mrs. R. D., 734 Maple Ave., New-

port .............................................................. S. 750-X
Irby, Mrs. John, Tower Place ........... ...Hi.565-Y
Irwin, Mrs. Harry, Villa Place .................... Hi. 801-L

Jewett, Mrs. A. A., Seventh and Over-

ton, Newport ............................................ S. 4425~Y
Johnson,, Mrs. Claude, Briar Cliffe ............ Hi. 756-Y
Johnson, Mrs. James G., 229 Fairfield

Ave., Bellevue .............................................. S. 3617
Johnson, Mrs. J. M., 6 Linden Ave .......... Hi. 600-L
Johnson, Mrs. J. W., 58 Dixie Place ........ Hi. 1022-Y
Johnson, Mrs. L. R., Brent, Ky .................. Hi. 722-Y
Johnston, Mrs. Howard, 532 Maple Ave.,

Newport ........................................................ S. 52-R

Kasson, Mrs. Lee, 235 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ................................................................ Hi. 720
Keeney, Mrs. Burke H., 7 E. Villa Place..H. 581-X
Kendall, Mrs. C. P., Blue Grass Ave ........ H. 622-X
King, Mrs. Wm. P., 64 Hartweg Ave ........ Hi. 520-Y
Kinsey, Mrs. D. B., ’7 Altamont Court ........ Hi. 583-L
Kilpatrick, Mrs. N. J., Oak Ridge, Briar

Cliife .............................................................. Hi.11-X
Klein, Mrs. W. E., The Nichols, Ft.

Thomas Ave. ................................................ Hi. 1171

Knarr, Mrs. A. F., Holmes Ave.

Layne, Mrs. J. G., R. R. No. 4, Erlanger,

Ky. ........................................................ Erlanger 156
Leake, Mrs. Laurel, Dumfries Ave ............. Hi. 102-L
Littleford, Mrs. John Sr., Shaws Lane....Hi.623-R
Littleford, Mrs. Jack, Shaws Lane ........ Hi. 624-Y






J‘MM { In
Littleford, Mrs. Roger, Shaws Lane .......... Hi. 624-L
Liggett, Mrs. Abner, Miami Parkway,
Briar Clifie ............................................ Hi.‘ 850-L
Longley, Mrs. C. H., E. Villa Place ............ Hi. 581-R

Lurker, Miss Ida, Sterling Ave.
Lyons, Mrs. D. J., 174 Mt. Pleasant
Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 4 1 6-K

Matthews, Mrs. Wm., 714 Overton St.,
Newport ..................................................... S. 2741-L

Marty Mrs. Frank, Fort Thomas Ave., Hi. 609-L

Marty, Mrs. L. K., 21 Fort Thomas Ave., Hi. 459-Y


Meader, Mrs. Hal, Rob Roy Ave .................. Hi. 525-L
Meader, Mrs. J. P., Briar Clifi‘e ...................... Hi. 28
Melville, Mrs. C. J., Sherman and Sheridan

Aves. .......................................................... Hi. 450-Y
Miller, Mrs. Chas., Southgate Ave ............ Hi.856-L
Miller, Mrs. R. B., Carolina Ave ................ Hi. 593-R
Miller, Mrs. Ward, 50 Dumfries Ave ...... Hi.856-R
Miller, Mrs. W. A.
Moore, Mrs. John F., Rob Roy Ave ............ Hi. 525-Y
Moore, Mrs. J. T., Officers Row .................... Hi. 900
Moore, Mrs. H. M., Military Park .......... Hi. 643-X
Moore, Mrs. Robson S., Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 633-X
Moser, Mrs. W. A., 6 Tremont Ave ........ Hi.400-R
Muehlematt, Mrs. Adolph, 807 Maple Ave.,

Newport ...................................................... Hi. 749-L
Nagel, Mrs. Harry, Southgate Ave ........ Hi. 444-X
Nelson, Mrs. H. G., Blue Grass Ave ............ Hi. 620-R
Neif, Mrs. Roger Sr., Villa Place ............. Hi. 589-Y
Nelson, Mrs. Geo. E., Briar Clif‘fe ............ Hi. 1036-L
Newell, Mrs. H. W., '7 Burnett Ridge,

Briar Cliffe .............................................. Hi.805-L
Nunnemaker, Mrs. A. J., 53 Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 726-X


.., u » WWW..__ -..


 — . .. ._ ... » v .13 “-0540 “(2&4 f.‘
“we“-r‘LMMrwn . uwfisdrz.» mm W»Mau \5, .5 .M

O'Brien, Mrs. J. F., Briar Cliffe .................. Hi. 649-X


Opp, Mrs. Frank, Rob Roy Ave ............. Hi. 107-L
Opp, Mrs. John F., 91 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Hi. 792-L
Overhey, Mrs. Wm. T., 35 Tremont Ave., Hi. 410-L
Paterson, Mrs. Burt, 709 Overton St.,

Newport ...................................................... S. 1567-Y
Peters, Mrs. Frank B., Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 539-X
Pfeitfer, Mrs. Jennie, Hyde Park ........ Ridge 4302-L )\
Phillips, Mr. John J., Montvale Court....Hi.1‘73-X
Phillips, Mrs. R. W., 525 Maple Ave., New-

port ............................................................. S. 3279-L
Phister, Mrs. Ben, Fort Thomas Ave ...... Hi. 929-R
Pike, Mrs. Horace, Bellaire Place ................ Hi. 820
Powell, Mrs. E. A., Bivouac Place ............ Hi. 583-X
Poyntz, Mrs. B. B., Audubon Place ............ Hi.439-L
Prather, Mrs. C. M., The Mace, Ft.

Thomas Ave. ................................................ Hi. 455
Prather, Mrs. M. V., 3 Robson Ave ............ Hi.1152
Pyne, Mrs. Roland, Briar Clifie .................... Hi.156 ‘
Quinn, Miss Byrd, Linden Ave .................... Hi. 835-Y
Quinn, Miss Elizabeth, Linden Ave ........ Hi.835-Y
Radford, Mrs. J. E., Dixie Place ............ Hi.872-X
Rauch, Mrs. Carl, Manor Lane .................... Hi. 846-R
Ragan, Mrs. G. W., Cold Springs, Ky., Hi. 428-L
Regenstein, Mrs. Ellsworth, 635 Maple

_ Ave., Newport .......................................... S. 1120-R
Robertson, Mrs. James A., 126 Fort Thomas Q

Ave. .................................................................. Hi. 26
Robinson, Mrs. C. M. Jr., Briar Clifie ........ Hi. 850-Y
Robinson, Mrs. E. 0., Cold Springs, Ky....Hi.516-L
Robinson, Mrs. F. A., Briar Clifie .............. Hi. 545-X
Rose, Mrs. Gibson, Tremont Ave .............. Hi. 594-R

20 ‘







Ross. Mrs. Lee, Mt. Pleasant Ave ................ Hi. 280
Rounds, Mrs. C. R... Highland Ave ............ Hi.439-X
Salling, Mrs. M. T., Briar Cliffe ................ Hi.819-X
Sanders, Mrs. W. C., Bivouac Place ........ H.578-R
Sandifer, Mrs. J. P., Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ................................................................ Hi. 984
Sandifer, Mrs. J. P. Jr., Mt. Pleasant

Ave. ................................................................ Hi. 984
Sanford, Mrs. Parker, Fort Thomas

Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 173-L
Schriver, Miss Jessie, Manor Lane ...... ...Hi. 538-L
Schriver, Mrs. O. P., Fort Thomas Ave.

and Villa Place ........................................ Hi. 590-X
Seale, Mrs. Ida Marion, Tower Place ........ Hi.555-L
Seiter, Mrs. Edwin, Mt. Pleasant Ave ...... Hi. 789-X
Seiter, Mrs. Ivan, Blue Grass Ave ............ Hi. 622-L
Shouse, Mr. Lucien D., Woodland

Place .......................................................... Hi. 837-X
Sinclair, Mrs. C. M., Fort Thomas Ave., Hi.88-R
Skees, Mrs. B. J., Linden Ave ...................... Hi. 761-X
Sloan, Mrs. ‘Chas., 429 E. Fifth St.,

Newport .................................................... S. 3943-L
Smith, Mrs. C. M., Mt. Pleasant Ave ........ Hi 719-Y
Smith, Mrs. James, Tower Place ................ Hi. 570-X
Smith, Mrs. Robert, Riverside Parkway,

Briar Cliffe ................................................ Hi.814-R
Smith, Mrs. Wm. C., St. Nicholas Place, Hi.556
Smith, Mrs. W. F., Briar Cliffe ................ Hi.1119
Solar, Mrs. G. T., 50 Tremont Place ........ Hi.752-R

Southgate, Mrs. C. 0., Fort Thomas Ave..Hi. 119-R
Southgate, Mrs. F. 11., Mt. Pleasant Ave....Hi.397

Spatz, Mrs. W. F., Dundee Ave ................ Hi.468-L
Spiker, Mrs. N. T., 120 Fort Thomas
Ave. .......... . ...................................... . .......... Hi. 568-X





A H 5:!‘1; .,

Spinks, Mrs. T. W., Millers and Shaws

Lanes ........................................................... Hi. 1076
Spence, Mrs. Brent, Burnet Ridge, Briar

Cliffe ........................................................... Hi. 805-X
Storrs, Mrs. Albert, Fort Thomas Ave.

and Montvale Court ................................ H. 459-L
Storrs, Mrs. John S., Fort Thomas Ave....Hi. 586
Stegeman, Mrs. A. V., Tower Place ............ Hi. 565-R

Stegeman, Mrs. F. B., Fort Thomas Ave., Hi. 1170
Stegeman, Mrs. H. M., Fort Thomas

Ave. .......................................................... Hi. 571-R
Stapp, Miss Matilda, Tower Place .............. Hi.847-X
Stevenson, Mrs. Clavin, Bivouac Place..Hi.582-R
Stevenson, Miss Elizabeth, Bivouac Place..Hi. 582-R

Stout, Mrs. Marion, Woodside Place ........ Hi. 75-L
Strother, Mrs. J. P., Mt. Pleasant Ave., Hi. 792-X
Swift, Mrs. W. E., Briar Cliffe .................. Hi.1110
Thomas, Mrs. C. A., Briar Clifle ............ Hi.1047-Y
Thomasson, Mrs. Wm. J., York st., New-

port .................................................................. S. 468
Thompson, Mrs. S. A., Riverside Park-

way, Briar Cliffe ........................................ Hi. 1172
Todd, Mrs. John, Fifth St., Newport ............ S. 474
Townsley, Mrs. Clarence, 713 Linden,

Newport ..................................................... S. 2490-Y

Threlkeld, Mrs. G. W., Blue Grass Ave.,..Hi. 816-R

Voight, Mrs. Robert, Water Works Road

and Mt. Pleasant Ave ................................ Hi.169-L
Wadsworth, Mrs. Arthur, Shaws Lane ........ Hi. 623-Y
Walton, Mrs. Arthur, Briar Cliffe .................. Hi. 62
Walton, Mrs. Simeon, Dumfries Ave ........ Hi. 89-)!
Ware, Mrs. Harry, 528 Linden Ave., New-

port ............................................................ S. 3434—X
Ware, Mrs. Raymond, Manor Lane ............ Hi. 538-L



 Warner, Mrs. W. R., 1526 Greenup
Covington ...................................................... S. 2095
Wasser, Mrs. A. J., Tower Place ......... ..Hi. 555-L



Waters, Mrs. Allan, Bivouac Place ........... Hi. 701
Weakley, Mrs. Calvin, Tremont Ave .......... Hi. 1048-L
Webb, Mrs. Warfield Jr., Grand Ave ............ Hi 580-R
Weber, Mrs. C. C., Briar Clitfe..... .......... Hi. 789-X
W'eil, Mrs. Carl, Tremont Ave .................... Hi. 400-Y
Wheat, Mrs. W. H. D., Briar Clifi'e ........ Hi. 734-L
White, Mrs. Victor, Fort Thomas Ave....Hi.847-L
Wilson, Mrs. C. M., Blue Grass Ave ........ Hi.816-X
Williams, Mrs. K. F., Briar Clifie ................ Hi.138

Wilson, Mrs. L. H., Fort Thomas Ave., Hi. 573-R
Winston, Mrs. Harry 0., Hartweg Ave., Hi. 529-R
Wisehart, Mrs. H. K., Villa Place ............ Hi618-L
Wood, Mrs. Arthur, New Richmond, Ohio
Wright, Mrs. Alex G., New York

Youmans, Mrs. Wm., Oak Ridge, Briar

Cliffe ............................... .. ......................... Hi. 649-L
Zimerman, Mrs. Arthur, 95 Mt. Pleasant
Ave. ............................................................ Hi. 631-Y



Cook, Mrs. Caroline ...................................... Hi. 792-X

Richardson, Mrs. Mary Cabell, Covington ...... S. 627

Traub, Mrs. Peter E., Fort Thomas ............ Hi.900

Turner, Mrs. H. E., Fort Thomas ................ Hi. 900

Randall, Mrs., Fort Thomas ............................ Hi. 900



3111 firmnriam



Iflnfl @hnmas lflflnman’a Glluh I


This Club shall be called the Fort Thomas
Woman’s Club. Regular meetings shall be
held the first Thursday of each club month,
from October to June inclusive.


The object of this Club shall be to create
and maintain an organized center of
thought and action among women for the
promotion of social, educational, literary
and artistic growth, and to promote these
interests in relation to the City of Fort


The officers shall consist of a President,
two Vice—Presidents, Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and


' ’ - mantrmwgm._~._ Arnir


 Auditor, elected by a majority vote of the
members present at the regular meeting in
April. Officers to be elected for two years
following the regular election in April, 1922.
A vacancy shall be filled by special election.

Sec. 1. Any member of one year’s stand-
ing shall be eligible for office. ,No officer
shall be eligible for election for three con-
secutive terms.

Sec. 2. The Nominating Committee shall
consist of five Club members, two of Whom
shall be chosen from the Executive Board.
It shall be appointed by the President at
the business meeting in February and shall
elect its own chairman.

Sec 3. The Nominating Committee shall
post the names of the candidates for elec=
tion; the names of delegates and alternates
for election to the State and District Fed-
eration meetings, by the first Thursday in
March. Any club member may nominate
other candidates for oflice, and other dele=
gates and alternates to the State and Dis-
trict Federation meetings; but in order to
have them voted for she must secure their
consent to serve, and send their names over
her signature to the Chairman of the N omi-
nating Committee in time to have them
posted at the regular March Meetings.

Sec. 4. The election shall be by ballot
and shall be conducted by a clerk and three
or more tellers appointed by the Executive


I}: wage/5:3: firth .mt‘yv‘sgw- *:{WW~_ ._.. _—...-.


 Board. Ofl‘icers so elected shall enter upon
their duties the lst of June following their


The government shall be vested in the
Executive Board, which shall consist of the
Officers and the Chairmen and Vice Chair-
men of Standing Committees.


The Club shall not be limited in numbers.
All members shall be elected by the Execu-
tive Board.


With the beginning of the year 1919-
1920, the initiation fee shall be Two Dollars.
The annual dues shall be Three Dollars,
payable a