xt70rx937t9n_28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Ida Porter Boyer text Laura Clay correspondence with Ida Porter Boyer 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_2/Folder_9/Multipage1211.pdf 1906-1907 1907 1906-1907 section false xt70rx937t9n_28 xt70rx937t9n  

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President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers. — — Chickasha, Indian Territory . Treasurer, Miss Margaret Rees, Guthrie, Oklahoma
First Vice President, Mrs. Julia L. \Noodworth, - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Auditor, Mrs. Mary B. Green, — — Chandler, Oklahoma
Second Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, — — — Enid, Oklahoma Second Auditor, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks, Enid, Oklahoma
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Ward Norvell _ Wynnewood, Indian Territory Third Auditor, Mrs. Hat tie Sherman, - — — McLoud. Oklahoma
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cleo lkard Harris, — Chlckasha, Indian Territory National Organizer, Dr. Frances Woods. — — Chickasha, Indian Territory


flimi‘lquurtrrfi, 33mm: 51 31mm Emuplt, §trnuh amh Eirnnhumg >315.

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President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, — — Chickasha, Indian Territory Treasurer, Miss Margaret Rees, — - Guthrie, Oklahoma
First Vice President, Mrs. Julia I... Woodwortli. — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Auditor, Mrs. Mary B. Green,
Second Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, — - — Enid, Oklahoma
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Ward Norvell — Wynnewood, Indian Territory
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cleo lkard Harris. - Chickasha, Indian Territory

— — — Chandler, Oklahoma
Second Auditor, Mrs. Jessm Livingston Parks, - — Enid, Oklahoma
Third Auditor, Mrs. Hattie Sherman, - - — McLoud. Oklahoma
National Organizer, Dr. Frances Woods, — — Cliickasha. Indian Territory


flfivahqum'tem, 33mm: £1 filixhia @rmplr, firrnuh zmh Erunhumy fits.

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President, Mrs. Kale H. Biggers, .- .. .. Chicteasha, Indian Territory ! Treasurer, Miss Margaret Rees, .. .. .. .. .. .. Guthrie. Oklahoma
First Vice President, Mrs. Julia L. Woodworlh. .- .. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ! Auditor, Mrs. Mary B. Green .. .. .. .. .. Chandler, Oklahoma
Second Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, .. .. .. Enid, Oklahoma Second fluditor, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks .. .. .. .. Enid, Oklahoma
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Ward Nowell, .. Wynnemood, Indian Territory Third fluditor, Mrs. Hattie Sherman, .. .. .. .. McLoud. Oklahoma
Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Cleo Ikard Harris, .- Chickasha, Indian Territory National Organizer, Dr. Frances Woods, -. -- Chickasha, Indian Territory

Uvrritnrial itipahquartpra, (fllpirkaahn, 1JnhianUprritnm.

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 Mnman Smffragr Asanriatinn, W ilnhiam mama’s Mnman gmffragv imagine,

President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, Chickasha. Ind. ’l‘er, President, Mrs. J, R. Harris, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.

First Vice President, Mrs. Minnie Keith Bailey, Enid, Okla. First Vice President, Mrs. Narcissa Owen, Muskogee, Ind. Ter,
Second Vice President, Mrs. N. M Carter, Guthrie, Okla. Second Vice President, Mrs H. L. Cloud, Wellston, Ind. 'I‘er.
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Wood Norvell, Wynnewood, l. '1‘. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood, I. '1‘,
Corresponding Scc'y, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks, Enid, Okla. Cor. Sec’y. Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson, Chickasha, I. T.
Treasurer, Mrs. Anna llaskey, R.F.D_ No 8. Oklahoma City, Ok. Treasurer, Mrs. A. K. McKellop, Muskogee, 1nd. Ter.
Auditor: a Mrs. Adelia C. Stephens,0k1ahoma City, Okla.

Auditors 3 Mrs. Mamie Porter Farnsworth
Mrs. M. Taylor, Perry, Okla. Mrs. John Brown, Chicasha, Ind. Ter.

fieahquarn’ra; 1115 1-2 West QDklahnma Amt,
(finilirie, @kla.
Mar 23 1907

Dear Kiss Clay;-

This is'nt a letter, for I mean to write you one
shall he newsy, but what I Want now is material for a leaflet
the Farmers' Unions. You advanced such a fine argument on the
vantage of suffrage for farmers and their wives. It established a
mutual topic for discussion, and of identical interests, etc.
Do you remember *ie* I am trying to get hold of?
Another point I ‘f‘ to incoroorae in 'his s.me leaflet is a fact.,
that Doctor Woods heard a man at Altu s, 3resent,at a meeting there

He stated that the value of the cotton crop in one district he visited)

was about one million dolljs. Of thfis crop the women and children

haa'bhopped" .35 2/5 ”, and picked 7/. I-.~Ia}:ing\the total value of the wom‘fi
\ (emirz/Mxh

en’s labor an imgortant item . This is a fine and practical econimoe

argument. Your idea and the Doctor’s will make a good leaflet.

May I hope that you can send me youn immediatéeiy? we are Wholly

out of literature, and an getting a supplyneady for the printer's M

hands now.

Hope to write yew in a day gr two.

Sinderely Yours,

0([V%/1 bl/fl’L/l/



President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers. Chickasha. Ind. Ter.
First Vice President. Mrs. Minnie Keith Bailey. Enid. Okla. President, Mrs. J. R. Harris. Chickasha, Ind. Ter.
Second V166 President, Mrs. N- M- Carter, Guthrie. Okla. First Vice President. Mrs. Narcissa Owen, Muskogee, Ind. Ter. .

Recording Secretary, Mrs. lda Wood Norvell Wynnewood. i. T. Second Vice President. Mrs. H. L. Cloud. Wellston. lnd. TOT-3 1
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood. l. T.

Corresponding Sec’y. Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks. Enid Okla- Cor. Sec’y Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson Chickasha, l, T.

Treasurer. Mrs. Anna Laskey. Oklahoma City, Okla. Treasurer. Mrs. A. K. McKellop, Muskogee. i. T. -r
Mrs. Adelia C. Stephens, Oklahoma City. Okla. . Mrs. Marnie Porterfarnsworth,,Muskogee. 1-.T-

Auditory: Mrs. M. Taylor. Perry. Okla. Audl_t9rSI

Mrs. John Brown. Chickasha, l. T.








President, Mrs. Kate H, Biggers, Chickasha, Ind. Ter. . ,
First VIce President. Mrs. Minnie Keith Bailey. Enid. Okla. President, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.
Second Vice PreSIdent, Mrs- N- M- Carter, GuthrIe, Okla. First Vice President, Mrs. Narcissa Owen. Muskogee, Ind. Ter.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Wood Narvell Wynnewood. I. T. Second Vice President. Mrs. H. L. Cloud. Wellston, Ind. Ter.
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood. LT;

Corresponding Sec’y, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks, Enid Okla» Cor. Sec’y. Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson,,Uhickasha, I. T.

Treasurer. Mrs. Anna Laskey, Oklahoma City, Okla. Treasurer, Mrs. A. K. McKellop, Muskogee, I. T.. 1
Mrs. Adelia C. Stephens, Oklahoma City, Okla. . Mrs. Mamie Porter‘F‘arnsworth“Muskogee, I. T.

Auditorsi Mrs. M. Taylor, Perry. Okla. Auditorsg

Mrs. John Brown, Chickasha, I. T.








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President, Mrs. Kate H, Biggers, Chickasha, lnd. Ter,
First Vice President. lVlrs. Minnie Keith Bailey. Enid, Okla. President, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.
Second Vice Presrdem, MJ‘S- N' M- Carter, Guthrie, Okla. First Vice President, Mrs. Narcissa Owen, Muskogee, lnd. Ter.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ha. Wood Norvell Wynnewood. I. T. Second Vice President. Mrs, H. L. Cloud. Wellston, Ind. 'l‘er.2 .

. , . . . . . Recording Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood. I. T.
Corresponding Sec y, Mrs. Jessre Livmgston Parks. Enid Okla Cor. Sec’y, Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson, Uhickasha, l. T.

Treasurer. Mrs. Anna Laskey, Oklahoma CitY, Okla. Treasurer. Mrs. A. K. McKellop, Muskogee, l. T.

. Mrs. Adelia C. Stephens, Oklahoma City, Okla. . Mrs. Mamie Porter Farnsworth,.Muskogec, l..T.
AUd‘WSl Mrs. M. Taylor, Perry, Okla. Audrtorsé Mrs. John Brown, Chickasha, l. T.


Oklahoma City, Okla May 9, 1907.

Laura clay,
Lexington, Kentucky.
I am sending a duplicate of enclosed letter to Miss shaw,

also to Miss Gordon and Mrs. Ugton. I have not touched on the Press

work in this because I want to make an analysis of our gapers for

you, according to their political complexion,
I am rushing through things to.day, and expect to leave
on the early morning train for the State Press Convention.

Sincerely yours,







41;, ‘r‘ .2»;
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Oklahoma,City, Okla, May 22n.1907.


This is in reply to the personal part d” the letter youurrote
last week mnd.wlfich effiacte me only~ not the work here. First niece, you will
note that I dii not get tol)r. Gay's until yesterday. When Ix~eadked Okla—
home City April let. the Doctor said the room was not ready; it needed plas-
tering and later would be paihted. Thkz would take about a week. So I went
temporarily to a cottage hotel,ee fewprivnte houses would cere to tqke me
for a week ohly. Next the Doctor said there KEflXX had been some difficulty
eb0ut the rivetering,a strike I think among the workmen. I waited quother


week. Then the pointinw caused a.fleley. Lastly her mother was taken ill and

was in bed for nearly two weeks. So for one reaenn and quother,I would not go

out to her home until yesterday, although I sent my baggage out there last
week when I went to S.VcAleeter;eo as to avoid paying for my roam at the hotel
during the time I was away,1nd I presumed the room would be reniy for me on
Honflny last. Dr. Gay lives on the outskirts of the city. There is but one
house beyond here, and then comes the open country. There is quite a walk
from the street car terminus, and it may be necessary to twke a room in town
Occasionally Wham there is a night meeting. Where are not late night cars,
and on a rqiny or dark night,it would be almost impossible to walk from the
care to her house. There will be a steady item of car fare at least once
a day. There are no oowmutation tickets.

I have been making inquiry relative to private boarding houses, hi
hope of securing lower rates. The renult is not very eucourging. This is
so different frOm cities in the east. I have the addresses of two private
housee,lht both would neceseitete taking the street cars, aui this w>uld be
no advantage pecuniarily, and would be n great loss of time. my board costs

me about $1 40 u: 31 50 a day. I have been entering it on the accountc at
$1 00. If I could form a combination with some one, we could divide the


 l ,

orders and so reduce expensaa, but I hive wot been able to '0 Lbiw.
In reference to 2 janitor, sou,will notice the expense in one a01—
lar n month. mots ii for cwrrying awoy the waste pmpor, as I hnke om~e of


the TOOm myself. 7311’: the rlinposml Of the (EW'l'Een'bs 0.- film waflza baskets needs
a garbage man, and $0 I GomorOmiaod with the janitor for 25¢ per week,

The GIQCtrlG light will cost ab*nh Ofio dollar pa? month.
Evans will take the back portion of fit? room Juno 18L. Hfifl LVis will rcdu
401363 room rent, to 1:510 ' T1731": is Cheaper HY“) I cm 8‘31. a room 1‘31 9. ‘l‘vriv‘fli‘fi
house, and we are now in the central nortion. Taiq is a grad; advantage
Since we have q great many people who “drop in" ngw but who wouli not 80 out
3 i, the way to :13” 9.5.

“ha type—writer costs us $3 00 per month. ;Vhtz Seems like a big
S’I’ice, a 11:1 will soon represent the 0051‘; of” 0, new; chhine. I wiriw WC- JOEL}.
have had our: of {mega from OT‘CgOn.

Now in referenca to my Sfilarg. It i3 ? h, . y $“ible for no to
accept Jour offer of $120 per month to cove? salary and BYWensea, I bhifik

I made it clear that I could not work for leoa than.one hundred lollars Ear

monthg The twenty lollars woulfl not begin to covor thw ogpenaog, even now
when I do fiot have room rent to oonaidar. The item of car fare nnfi board will
amOung to moro than th3rty dollars. Miss 'haw's point in well taken, that “no
fficer or traveling mom has his salary fr'e of all exnenfie; for 1.8L1nco,
when a bra cling man is on the road, he has his expensoo paid, but wfion Formap

nently located he has his salary only.I I can scarcely regard Oklahoma City

as a permanent looationl In the few weeks I have been here, it has been nec—

essary to go out to Blaine County to the west, and halé way across the state

to the east. here are numerous engqgements awn ting me, or someone, among
the clubs and the third week in August, we have oromisod to help the Guthrie

women to conduct the Suffrage headquarters at their Chautauqua, if Dr. Woods


 V v 0 .1.
cannot go to the barbecue in Kiowa Gaunty 1n July, that mate must be

511739 1 1 ed.

my perflonml expenses are much more than when at home. “ho laundry
bills alone are three timeo greater than I can have the same done at homo.
Tkew thorn 13 the questioa of sdbnoriotiong to various public affairs that I
EHVCesoBtained wlwllj filone. find 1% every 2-,» ufivo mafia such as a suffrage
contribution. Vowever, i;'v 1.5 no hgavini

Please 1 . 2't .. D :1; r “Ts. Upton, r - . fire to be


unkind or harsh in ENE o%_ t in} wa are fioing just right anv that you
know Lotta? than anyone elqo wtfih the exobeqnor is warrantefl in pwging. How
I am going to relieve you of embara: meat 3&5 n,;g that you send ECMQ other
worker here to 150k oitar oo Wwalquvrtrrs., I will love everything in much
smooth order thrt .7 3.; a. for WE“ to tNWe tolfi R”Q the information

, A

willba no get-atablg ;“=o - 77¢ wag: Will suffice to grqqp all the points. I
am truly $1? honest}; sorry from the vaxgrlmattom of my hanrt I%TL I :Hnnot

stay right here on your tormfi, for I "ouli ratter do this fluffroge won. than

4 J.

anytting else. It has beofl 2 mourao of rsgvot to me Qth I coulfi not OIWIr

golf wotuitouSIV. M" own affkira are much that I have agaumod financial
u a a

obligations that Require exertion ‘0 meet. That Is tte whole story in a nutshell.

Will you ttink me unfinly offiéious if I suggest that wtoever you
decide upon to take my place, tfiat it be one who will not be antagonistic
at ttis crisis. We are anglifig for €rinnfla, not digg‘ng on“ enemies. I tnve
a very especial reason for :uggasting thin.

Wu Fave had a tremendous correspondence with Erionfls known and un—
known all over the territories. If necessany to retrenoh, tlia uazlbe our~
tnilei, filttough it will he a pity to fail to enlist such sympathiaars. Our
lists of names are highly gratifying. We hwva written scores of letters to
nearly every section aéking:that suffrngists interview candidates. Home of the
candidates are amazed at the 11venesg of the Suffrage question.

I Shall peg away until I hear from you. Please advise me as soon
as your arrangements are rea&y. 'Wbile it does may make much difference to me
where I am .located, yet it in necessary to me to know in time to effect my
personal plans, in order tbtt I do not waste time.

Sincerely yours,
Ida Porter Boyer.





President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, Chickasha. Ind. Ter.

First Vice PreSIdent, Mrs. Mmme Keith Bailey, Enid, Okla. PreSident, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.
Second Vice Presrdent, Mrs. N' M' Carter, Guthne, Okla. First Vice President, Mrs. Narcissa Owen, Muskogee, Ind. Ter.
Second Vice President, Mrs. H. L. Cloud, Wellston, Ind. Ter.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida Wood Norvell, Wynnewood, l. T. d d h d
- v - - - , Recor ing Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Ran olp , Wynnewoo , I. T.
Corresponding Sec y, Mrs. Jessie Livmgston Parks, Enid’ Okla Cor. Sec'y, Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.

Treasurer, Mrs. Anna Laskey, Oklahoma City, Okla. Treasurer, Mrs. A. K. McKellop. Muskogee, Ind. Ter.
Mrs. Adelia C. Stephens, Oklahoma City, Okla. Auditors Mrs. Mamie Porter Farnsworth, Muskogee, Ind. Ter.
Mrs. John Brown, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.

Al‘dimrs Mrs. M.Taylor. Perry, Okla. .


Headquarters Secretary, Mrs. Ida Porter Boyer, Oklahoma City, Okla.

' Dr. Frances Woods, Chickasha, Ind. Ter.
State Lecturers I Miss Laura Gregg, Guthrie, Okla.


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