xt70rx937t9n_260 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_13/Folder_11/Multipage12127.pdf 1919 August-October 1919 1919 August-October section false xt70rx937t9n_260 xt70rx937t9n The Citizens Committee for State Suffrage Amendment
Headquarter rzs 130 North Upper Street
Lexington, Kentucky I .foz: ‘

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 ~The Citizens Committee for State Suffrage Amendment

Headquarters: 130 North Upper Street

Lexington, Kentucky Au gu 8 t g’ 19 19

My Dear flit:—

flfl a nwmher of the State Central Democrntic Comrittee, the
Citizena Comrittne for State Suffrage Amendment requests that you give
your earnoct attention to the enclosed litorature.

We oak particular attention to the dangers of that power con-
ferred on Congrcse to legiclst= in State elections, 1 o idod in the sec-

ond acction of the Sucan B. Anthony Faderal Amandmont, which-in conjunc-

tion with the similar section of the 15th Amendment-subjects the electoral

rights of the majority of the population of ovary State to the control
of Congress. Only the right of white men to vote will be free from Con-
greaeional influence. Such a ro or in the Federal Government was never
contemplated by the framers of the Constitution of the United States.

But if State Control of State elections is abridged-or destroy—
ed in practice-by a new power incorporated in the Federal Conatitution
with go corresponding constitutional check ,rcvionli Concrete will become
possecaed of an autocratic power, dangerous to our free institutions, and
one which can be turned with equal facility againfit any section of our
country when a political or commercial interest in strong enough to domi-
nate Congress.

As for the queation of Woman Suffrage the attainment of that in
the States which do not alrenfiy poeseaa it it safely and aanely provided
for in the Republican and Derooratic National Platforms of 1916.

Very truly youra,


 189 N.Mill Street.
August 12th, I919.
Cheyenne. Wyoming.
Deer Sir:n
I have received your letter of Aug.7th, in answer to a letter
of the Citizens Committee for State Suffrage amendment, of Which I am
one of the eignnese
I am interested in your remarks about the letter; but your eon—
olueione about why we speak of the lfith amendment do not correctly
interpret our meaning.
We have no negro problem in Kentucky. The negroee compose only
15% or less of the population. When white women get the ballot, by
State amenament or otherwise, the negro women will get it on the some
terms, and their voting will/not cause a ripple in our polities.
But we see that fife eeooneveeotion of the Anthony Amenfiment is
eumuletive to the effect er the second section of the 15th amendment
in oonferring power on the Federal Congress to,legielete on State
elections. @ogether, they leave only the electoral rights of white
men free from Congressional influence.
This new power in the Federal government was neVer eontemplatefl
by the framers of the Constitution of the United States; and as there is
no new Constitutional eheek provided it overthrown the balance between

the Federal gOVernment and that of the States, by abridging or in prace

tioe destroying, the State control of State elections whioh was the consi-

tutional cheek provided by the original constitution. Thus Congrees

becomes the most eutooratie governing body known among constitutional


 lKPnturkg {Equal iRighta Awnriafinn

State Headquarters, Frankfort

First Vice President '
MRS. E. L. HUTCHINSON, Lexington

Seoond Vice President

Third Vice President
MRS. JAMES A. LEECB. Louisville

Corresponding Secretory
Recording Secretary
MRS. J. B. JUDAH. Louisville


State Member National Executive Council

Chaim-n of Congressional Work

111..an Emir-go

Ahnianrg Enarh






MRS. s. n. fiUBBAIm.



We so not need to speculate upon how this autocratic power will
work. The Force Bill of the lfith amendment is history; and in the light
of its history the effect of the Anthony amendment may be read clearly.

The 15th amendment applies principally to a small minority of the
population resident chiefly in a few States whose Congressional repre-
sentation was weekeneé by the results of the Civil War. then that cir-
cumscribed minority is sugmentehyyall the women in all the States, the
the effects of Force Bills will be augmented proportionally. The out-
stanfiing results of the Force Bill of 1870 are that while it was passed
ostensibly for the protection of negro men in their right to vote it
became quickly an instrument of the dominant party for exploiting for
party purposes the political and financial resources of the States
subject to its provisions.

Because the 15th amendment applies chiefly to the negroes in the
southern states it has been assumed that the second section of the Ann
thony amendment also will he circumscribed by the negro recs problem,
and therefore it will concern chiefly only the southern States. But
there is nothing in the amendment itself , or in the character of the

Force Bill of 18VO to support such en assumption. 0n the contrary, if

the eviaenoe of history is accepted, Congres with equal facility can and?

will turn this unchecked power against any section wherever two re—
quirements are found. These two requirementg are that the section shall
have too small e representation in Congress to make resistance to autos
oratio measures, and that the section shall afford some prize of parti-

san or commercial advantage sufficient to set in motion the necessary


 leWawmaery. _ , =
Therfifleeeweiehhov‘aee lainageafeooo MWfimofifféfflofl new...
linflfligfiish a part of their State authority and dignity in order to attain
a greater preportionate influence in Congress with its means of inflna
anoing State legislatures to favor their politioal or commercial inter:
eats. The legislatures of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts did not extend
Presioential suffrage to the women of those States; but they did ratify
the Anthony amenfinent by large majorities. It does not appear that they
want woman suffrage ; but they appear to be looking for some other oom-
peneation for the relinquishment of a valuable protective right of Staten
Together those two States have 55 members of Congress; as it happens
the exact number of the three T>aoifio States and the eight Mountain
division States oomhinefl.
Senator Hiram Johneon is basing much of his opposition to the
League of nations upon the ground that it will enable the Japanese to
press their claims for oertain oonoeesione in California whioh the ea»
miniotrations both of Preeiaent Roosevelt aha President Wilson were
willing to grant by treaty rights, but Which were successfully resist-
ed by the State legislature, elected by the people in unabridged eon-
trol of State elections. Yet it is easily seen that if by the ratifioa-

tion of the Anthony amendment the state control of State elections in

broken down the Japanese will not need the help of the League of Hatiénns

to obtain all they want by treatise with the United States. By propagana
do and diplomaoy they can create a sentiment in Congress favorable

to their wishes; and can induce the passage of a Force Bill which will
etfeot what they want in any State whose peoyle might otherwise throw
the obstacle of State legislation in their way.



Our Committee was formed to give voice to that large mafiority of
women suffrage sentiment whioh has expressed itself on method in the

suffrage planks of the two political parties on their platform of 1916.

Our braVe solaier boys have fought a d flied to destroy autocraey in the
L/V W 5:2
world. We do not want the :flnthony ameniament with its suffrage for women __\
L in its first section
in the States whioh do not possess it to become a wedgefltorpfeaeral/W”"”LW7’

legislation on stete elections ofLall the States previfled_£or_inlits

We are going to ask for a state amenflm out without reference to the
foot that the tnthony amenémeht has been submittea to the State legis—
latures by Congress. We shall éo this for three reasons: (I) The amend-
ment may never be ratified. (2)0r, we may gain suffrage sooner than it

is ratified. (5) Even if is is retifieé, it will not remove the were
"male” from the election clause of our State constitution. Whongh it
will be a dead letter, it cannot be removei except by State constitution-
al action. The word will remain there a silent witness that suffrage.

was not granted to women by the will of the people of Kentueky. but was
forced upon them by the action of State LegislatErgg, Suffrage will he

{a poor boon to women if the hearts of the people are not with the gift.

\i4 is surely the wish of all of us that this stigma should he removed

as soon as peooible.

All that we ask is that the two great parties of our State shall
fulfill the promises of 1he national platforms of 1916. Do not the
people of Wyoming, the great pioneer State of woman suffrage. desire
their parties to be faithful to their suffrage pledges of 1916?

I am very reepectfully yours.

Member of Citizens Committee for State Suffrage Amendment.



 :89 E.mill 3t..
Sept.8th. 1919.
Judge J.B.Evane,
Selma, Ale.
Deer Sir:-
Your strong argument ”Who Legislators of Alabama have no

qgght. etc” reeehea me just as 1 was starting to Louisville with a
Committee to appear befor enme Resolutions Committee of the Democratie
Platform Sonvention
aewuaunaumxxeummittae to ask for e State Suffrage amendment reoommenfi»

I am enclosing some literature showing what the States Rights
suffregiete are urging against the ratifioation of the Anthony eoendment,
Te intone to oontinuo our work till the question is settlee in Kentuoky.
For that purpose we shall some out literature to the eendiflatee for the
General feeembly of 1920. Your powerful argument is one I have not
seen used before; one 1 believe it would affeot many who may not be
reached by what our_Comm1ttee has said. Therefore. if you have your
leaflets for distribution I shall be very glad to see that they reeoh
our candidates. Our legislature is oomposee of 158 members. one the
eeneidetee are double that number. I believe it is preferable to have
this literature from another State. as it shows that other Bemooratio'
States are fighting the inthony amendment; but if it is not convenient

for you to supply these leaflets, will you permit us to reprint them?
I Judge from your published letter to Sen. Keller that you are

opposed to suffrage. Our Committee are ardent euffregiete; and we are

urging state action. Therefore, we can use your leaflet only ee it

does not bear any sign of antiaeuffregiet eontimaat, In its present


 iKmturkg Equal flights Aaanriatinn

state Headquarters, Frankfort

First Vice President .

Second Vice President

Third Vice President
MRS. JAMES A. LEECH. Louisville

Corresponding Secretory
Recording Secretary
MRS. J. B. JUDAH. Louisville


Annianrg Enarh







State Member National Executive Council

Ohs rggp of Congressional Work .
1H S. SAMUEL KENNING. Louisville

Appreciating your able handling of the legal points. I would greatly
value your criticism of an argument we are making to the Western States,
Which is briefly this:
the historical verdict of the Operation of the Force Bill of May Slat,
1870, under the 15th amenonent is that Whilst ostnsibly that Bill was
passed for the protection of negroes in the newly bestowed right of enf-
frage. it quickly became the instrument for the partisan purposes of the
dominant party in Congress. Its ability to become such resided in the
fact that the new power.oonferred upon Congress, without say correspon-
ding new constitutional cheek upon it. enabled Congress to force State
elections to reflect the will of tee seminant party in Congress, rather
than the dominant party in the several gtates. Under the Anthony atendnna
ment this power will be augmented so that no state mill or section will
be safe against the influence of congress unless that section is pretest
ed by a large representation in Congress. For that reason, it appears
that the West. Where eleven states of the Paoifio and Mountain divisions'

together have only 55 members of Congress, are and must remain week

against any machinations of the more populous states. Lately Penn. and

Massaehueetts legislatures refused to eonfer presidential suffrage upon
women, and in a few days, by large majorities, ratified tye Anthony Inni
amendment. It does not appear that those states want woman suffrage.

Together they happen to have 55 members in Congress. They can well at-

rbr .t aisle up some or their d17nito and ..w.


 Lexington, Kantucky.


tehfliofi 023196
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than one million qula:B without_that cand1t'i on., f"

menuLonlng‘tnls vieN to 4zv. C Hendrce‘HurrisonL.

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ivarSity is horifig to make afla..fl

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,ind namen W? are deirL
‘the educat w.= L; _ .3; f shall be avidenc that tie
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comeflucatioh fi rmly eatah; h" . t?w.guhliu school

systems of all the S'etes.

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'tnelr intergst in eduCatloq shculrzi be stimulateé. hv

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Li 2116.?


 After Jive (luys. l‘utm'u t0


State Capitol Building, : gfi 0\ ”WA
Frankfort, K3" _ “X l l ‘9; , .— v- ,

M ~
KJ - z’f"

Miss Laura Clay,
Richmond, Ky.


 Selma, Ala, Sept l3th 1939

Miss Laura Clay,
Lexington, Ky.,
Dear Madam:
My absence from town must be my excuse for not replying
sooner to your very interesting letter of the 8th inst.
I tank you for your kind mention of my brief against
the Anthony Amendment . It was hurriedly written while I was attend
-ing a session of the legislature at Montgomery, and I realize that
the point made is rather crudely presented. It is ridiculous to
presume that the framers of the Federal Constitution intended by
that instrument to confer on legislatures the power to destroy or
amend the constitution of a State, and the proposal of amendments
such as thé 15th and the 19th to legislatures, indirectly it is true,
does that very thing. The answer of the legislature to the Congress
should be: "The people of my State made its constitution; we have
no power, directly or indirectly, to violate or alter
any of its provisions; the Anthony amendment, if rati—
fied by this legislature and thirty-five others. will
operate to annul a most important part of the constitu—
tion of our State; if the Congress deems that amendment
necessary it should, under the power conferred by Arti-
V.,propose that amendment to a convention of the people
of this State, who alone have the right to amend or alter
its constitution, and not to this legislature each mem—
of which would have to violate his oath of office to
vote in the affirmative; we must, therefore. respect-
fully reject the proposal"

In my opinion this is the only position a conscientious legislator

can take, regardless of his views on the suffrage question, and al-

though he may have the honest belief that the Anthony Amendment is

both necessary and desirable.

Many able lawyers, some of them legislators, have stated to
me that, in their opinion, this argument is unanswerable, but none of
them seem to have the courage to push it. I have never taken an active

part in politics, and have very little influence in that direction'

I am sending you all the multigraph copies I have left, and
if you can get some good lawye4to take it up I would be glad for you to

reprint it, or, better still, to use the idea in another paper as I


 flpow it can be amplified and presented in a more forceful way; or, you
might use the frame-work of my article and make such changes or ad-
ditions as may suggest themselves to you or others.

The argument you are making to the Western States is absolutely
sound, and applies with even greater force to the Southern States, es-
pecially the blackbelt districts. While the 15th Amendment has been
nullified to the extent that we have practically eliminated the negro
from politics. its very existence as part of the organic law is a con-
stant menace, and has forced the South to solidify into one party, or,
in other words, regardless of men or measures, its people have been com-
pelle y public opinion and for self preservation to be "yellow dog"
Democrats, i.b.to vote the ticket however disreputable the candidate may
be. It is a mistaken notion that the constitutions of the Southern
States protect them from the negro vote, except indirectly. The negro
is kept from voting by the absolute power conferred on the Registrars of
voters, whose judgment of the qualification of an applicant for regis-
taation is final, unless and until Congress intervenes by"appropriate
legislation", The Supreme Court of the U. S. in Giles vs The State of
Alabama held that the remedy of the person who is illegally refused
registration is "political and not judicial" meaning thereby that it is
for Congress and not the Courts to enforce the right. The more conserv
-ative of the Northern Congressmen, realizing that the l§th Amendment
was a horrible mistake, have consistently lent their aid to Southern
members in defeating legislation under Sec 2. of that amendment. Of
course Congress has the power at any time by "appropriate legislation"
to put teeth in the 15th amendment. If the Anthony Amendment is
ratifiediwho can doubt that it will be enforced to the letter?. and
how can Congress enforce the one without at the time enforcing the other

In that event a wide belt of Counties extending from the Atlantic coast

. 51
through the Carolinae, Georgia, Alabama, Missippi and Louisiana will

be mongrelized, for the negroes are overwhelmingly in the majorityx and
could easily take possession of County affairs, and even elect members

of Congress. In this County, Dallas, they are 6 to l, and in some coun-
ties of Miss, they are from 20 to 30 to l. Mrs Catt'e highly financ-

ed organization would see to it that both amendments are enforced, and

how would the Congress go about enforcing them? The simplest way,



and doubtless the most effective would be adopted, and that would be to
appoint U. S. registrars wherever needed. If the party in power at
Wahsington saw the chance to carry one or more Congressional Districts
by means of the negro vote the Registrars would be instructed to enroll
enough negroes to carry them regardless of their qualifications under as
State laws, and the only appeal from Caesar's mandate would have to be
made to Caesar. Or, they might take the other tack, not register the fix
negroes. and cut down our representation in Congress under the 14th
Amendment, but I believe the former plan would be adopted, particularly
as Mrs Cattis organization has announced and re-iterated that it was the
their purpose to seeko it that negro women should vote on the same terms
as white women. and if the colored lady votes the colored gentlanan can
hardly be denied the same privilege.

it is my opinion that if the Anthony Amendment is ratified
both it and the l5th Amendnent will be strictly enforced. and centrali-
zation of power at Washington will be an accomplished fact. A State
without full and complete contra] of its suffrage ceases to be a State
and automatically becomes a province. V

You are correct in presuming that I am opposed to woman suf
-frage. Men and women can honestly differ in opinion on the wisdom or
unwisdom of women participating in politics; but I cant comprehend how
men or women who love their Country can support such a measure as the
Anthony Amendment, because I believe that when our dual system of gov-
ernment is gone. and the Federal Gavernment, the Creature of the States.
has. like a Frankenstein, destroyed its Creators, the beginning of the
end ot the American Republic is at hand. It will be either Bolshevism

and Soviets, or the Man on Horseback, and of the two E prefer the last.

The fact that for the last fifty years the South has been
"solid". ( a condition necessary for the preservation of its civilization)

is, in a large measure, responsible for the present unfortunate state of

affairs, The South is responsible for Woodrow Wilson,-the greatest calam-

ity that has ever befallen America.r With all the unbounded ambition of
‘Napolép for World conouest, his genius for political intrigue equals that
of Napoleon for military strategy. and like Napoleon, he is absolutely
without scruples and without honor in dealing with anything calculated to

hamper or to further his conSUminQ ambition to be "the foremost man of


 all the World". He is playing a great game of World Politics, and the
South and the extreme West with their racial problems are but pawns on his
-chess-hcard which he will sacrifice without compunction when he deems it
expedient in his mad desire to make himself the first President of "The
United States of The World.“ This Opinion of Mr Wilson is very prevalent
throughout the South; there is a very strong undercurrent of indignationfl;
against him among the people who feel that they have been betrayed in their
own house. and only self seeking politicians, in and out of the legislature
are paying heed to his miserable plea of "party expediency" . If a man
dares to speak out publicly against him, the speaker is admonished that his
Democracy will be questioned, and not to be a "good Democrat" hurts a man
socially and efi%y other way. Isnt it pitiful/,- and yet it is only too true;4
and this in spite of the fact that Mr Wilson has absolutely destroyed the

National Democratic Party by renouncing the principles that were its only

reason for existence, and transformed the Organization into a curious mix-

ture of Socialism and Autocracjwith but one object and aim.- power. and

still more power. If they succeed, (and I,who have voted the Democratic
at efry election since I was sixteen years old,pray on bended knee that
Wilson and all his sympathizers may go down in defeat) God only knows what
will Vappen to the Country. If domestic ruin and social and political equal-
ity with the near decendants of African savages is to be our portion, the
dose wduld seem less bitter if administered by the hands of our avowed po-
litical enemies instead of traitors whom we put in power.

I beg your pardon for writing at such length , but my feeling
against that man Wilson is so intense that I cant help letting a little of
'it out when I get the’flhance. If I can help you in any way in your fight

on the Susan, please commend me. "W

I am, Madam, with much respect.Eé9fE§:/jgggéif


 It will be said, however, that Congress, following at least
the letter of Article V., has chosen to ignore the people and has sub—
mitted the Anthony Amendment to legislatures, and that if thirty-six
legislatures Vote to ratify, it becomes valid as part of the Federal
Constitution. It will be said, that inasmuch as Congress has the right
to submit amendments to legislatures, the submission of the Anthony
Amendment is legal. That may be true, but will it be legal for a leg-
islature to vote to ratify an amendment that violates the Constitution
of his State? No legislature is under any moral or legal obligation to
vote either to ratify or to reject any amendment, and when such an amend~
ment as the one under discussion is so submitted, how can a member of the
legislature of Alabama, who has any regard for his obligations to the
people who put him in office, sworn to support that constitution of his
State, and which that people made, vote to strike down a most fundamen-
tal provision of that Constitution,— control of suffrage,- and Seek to
shield himself behind the fact that the Congress of the United States
in plain violation of propriety and the rules of political decency, has
invited him to violate his oath of office, and claim that his actiOn
is legal? This is plain talk but 1t is as true as Holy Writ, and is
borne out by the unsavory and disgraceful history of the 15th Amendment
and its twin iniquity, the proposed Anthony Amendment.

The Constitution of Alabama restricts the suffrage to males;
a minority or the people are of the opinion that it should be conferred
on women, but the question as to whether such an extension of the suf-
frage would be wise or unwise, is not before this legislature, and can
never be presented to any legislature for final determination. That
question the PEOPLE and only the PEOPLE, have the right to decide. THE

LEGISLATCRS OF ALABAMA, took a solemn oath to support the Constitution
of their State; a Congress, dominated by political partisans, and for
political purposes, has asked them to violate that oath; the authori-
ties in charge of-the Government at Washington, with impertinent in-
terference with State affairs, and with the confessed, shameless motive
of "Political Expediency", are urging them to do so; will they yield
to such importunitiee from a mistaken idea of party realty, from fear
of punisiment or the hope of reward, or will they keep the faith, and
stand, as all of "the great and good ones gone" would stand, if they
were with us today? The Congress has no moral right to invite the
legislature of Alabama to mutilate or alter the Constitution of its
State, or to accomplish that end by concert of action with thirty five
or more other legislatures, and the legislature has no right, either
moral or legal, to accept that invitation.

What is here written of Alabama applies with equal force to
every State the Constitution of which restricts the Suffrage to Males.

Selma, Alabama

August 27. 1919.


 T: 1'7e:::7iiver'i the 0737 ies of r brief ugz«i:1st



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171311171711 t' 1111 177117.71” 777173.735 as

-'7. «-41.. -- . » '7 ~:. ~ 4' 7‘ «114'
smut Jpn S‘czv ,' .3 7'?» - 17116: 77.1mm,

1t; I am stars of ‘ : fl ' :7; 1; but .lwam dire ting 1113,

“ruserignv t ’7» "a , 1e (3 1.1188 the oanger to t11e smith is

alliesciy aggrenended, 2nd -' 7 ’1. 7‘ the n'1i71;7 .7:';-_-?1:'fi::1smt claim that


”31th has s110< 90571111" 7111.1t wit 21 the vote of

can deal xtit'n tiid’hzgro eman- in 11:62 szme manner. This point
’1 A . /

ver7 swul usly s.tre;sed, Seem it prevents attention being given to

4V 1

mat the new never of ongress,‘ to legislate 2117011 “Late elem

1' 4‘

s, oznne tuimefi 'vvith equal facili :7 against any 1:11 71: of ”me 'cr.,1:7,ntt

trymnenever an inducemrfit sufficient is furnishedV to ti;e_d¢3*1ln&31~
Wfipwwto exercise its 77701 ev‘ '
1‘ .' . I believe 1:11 13 ”571111115 leaving itself iinguwrd 6. b3 ixmngvtmnygrsnt
claiming too great attentio n to its own domestic problems, with an in”?
tensity of feeling 77hicn1' eXcludes from 11mm mindf tne 51111118 of 0.

‘\v/ 7
:3 GM 8.118771011111113 ' ' 3 , ' _ 7- thefie





, ,77 7 '7. ' '1
' 7 ‘. ' 7' ‘7‘



‘is as thoroughly committed . t 775711173 Touth is to White sunremacy.


1 a

mention that tmzsgcmikrzzvtznmirmlm not to be "a good

, Vfituth hurts a man socially and ever77 oih‘er way"

in tn'e .,7est for one omosed to woman sufiruge Vln Vf‘zéct,1tX£xp 33$. "


. Democrats alvurently 1:
States. Yet the southern ennte :re as utteriy indifftmrent to the preds”'


icum11t in which firéfvfluce t eir« estern feliow Te emocrnts by unxnnpax:
Extiyximmo'uble ohfiur; . v1 ';, w.man suffiiwge quesfi.on. Though e southern
w:mun myself, I a: ' Ce? . L;e concluc icn that it is Ule suxth-now

which is principelly res1onsih1e :or the hold the intmony eneidmait has
gained 1p3n the ”Gayle. Whether or not there are still some hereons in

- ».,_ 2t 1 ;et in some
_the ”with who believe that m:mun suffrrge may he finally defeated Xfixfiflis

St 1388, WV .1, ’ .
nanni tryinw e o«nntN Lt inrge it,is aconited-es a foregone conclusion
that woman suffrage mmst heotme us WhiVGTSLl i1 this o :ntry es manhood


suffrcge. Therefore, 'enocruts in the north and west see ntthing in the .

‘ nth rn fiemocretic stand exceht e selfish and ttate—hovnd'foint of View;

which refuses to r08 To 1“ pn_i(n11 vIelixre of the rartyhégérfnee‘ixfii~' f

vinusisji :goiitinians :nre: sure eE the: en; Iggggloi' men w'ho hmre no emai—
“ 'h;¢ flieir constituencies
Lions 'hevond state h11itics are ccnfidznt that Lhey wi11.bevsu1m orted

in their steLe hound views,\ no m1


‘ n, “ V a .0 7.; h
t r “.1 ctmes oi naL11-

jmlt is dfii’ecfiiy evident tn t the nth czn never regain Or retain enyf
,gr1:t eagt in M - nul :111 ire nnless it c: n rind allies in some  oLher

section. V" “'est is its netur 1 and logicel ally, as has been provedg
7 ; Democrut ' , ‘ciitic .l fete ’_
"1in late yezrs1 IYet.every nubiie: man in the “est hold his posi_ionNin_

jeopardy if he ventures to withstand :the adhere to the 1 mooratic plin


aisle 01‘, ‘v i g'h ts on t e Momen question, béoeuse'the HOUDQPTD
‘ocrsts 0y their ohdurecy are conv1nc1ng the 11>£1e that they will not

,meke'any con ce siins whatever to the oil ions of Mrs rest of the c
’on H215 miestion \69 he‘ De mocrat