xt70rx937t9n_26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Alice Stone Blackwell text Laura Clay correspondence with Alice Stone Blackwell 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_2/Folder_7/Multipage1144.pdf 1912 1912 1912 section false xt70rx937t9n_26 xt70rx937t9n  


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 3 Monadnock street,
January 19,1912.

(.3533 16719.3-
Laat week the Iatianal ‘rfrag Board met in ”em
Among :36 subjects discuSSed was the mumam‘s Journal.
lumbers 3” the Board
33Mich tlwa paper
3 some tim.‘:3 **.t 239 Journal is not
to increase its
circulati 0:1.
I ook this in goo- pgrt " " is ffiirer and better to
or iéwise frankly a and our disc ssiofi of tue matter
amicable. Some of the faults that tney pointe& Git in the
Journal I can $96 t0 be iaults, and 3:311 tly ta ageafi theo
ather critiCisna I do lot regnr3 as T~.i fbunéeé
Since ‘fiverybody is wiser than ""y‘03"” I am a king the
tate Presidents to give me their opinion”(not for pualication)
tha folloWing points:
Do you cansider The a” f 3"" $43335+9actbfy?
What features in it
What tfll“{8 afiout it do you dislike, 23; i; what réspects
woulfi you li‘:e ts fie it i groved?

Yam will oblige me esnecially by answering the
carefully anufifiiiix anrg3 fully.
I feel sure that the pessimiatic View ta‘.w ? tie Journal

the Board is not due to ”2“ pa.33331 ill

will ioward me. But I think tgeir opinion is ; .. perhaps

unconsciously to udemaelves, by ineir very

tne ,3aper moved to Haw York. Tney believe


 The Journal at Headquarters, toth its literary and its business
department could be immensely imptoved, and tmoir mindo aro b;
filled with this idea that they see through blue spectacles ‘
everything which is done for the paper in Boston; bv either
3133 Ryan or b3.mc)whilo they see everything that is or Hiéht
be done for it in flow York through roseacoloreo outs. in Foot
oinoo the mooting of toe fiatiooal Board, they nave written mo
that they to not think it wise for 'x: Foord to appropriate
money to push The Journal unless I 'l; onsont to move it to
flew York.
The majority of the'hational Boaro have not taken this-
ground, nor has toe Association at large,
Before the Washington Convention, too fiatiooal Hoard 2X
preeoefi the wish to have the Journal become the organ of ‘ho
‘ciation, and asked me on what terms it could be arranged.
I explained distinctly.th&t the paper would have to otgy in
Boston, and toe Hotiohal Convention voted unanimoualy to agree
to this. Both before the Louisville Convéntion and at Louisville
I again otated distinctly that, whether toe Headquarters Went
to Chicago or stayed in tow E'rk, The Journal would have to
stay in Boston. Nevertheless the Convention elected me as
' - . ' at 4
editor without a dissenting vote, and K3 the closing Exocotive
-Conwittee meeting, toe National ExecutiVe Committee voted
unanimously to renew last year!o contract with The Journal.
The Convontioo, if it chose, coulo have Voted that Tno'Jouroal
must eitoer move to Eow York of ceaoe to to tho Eational organ
in which case The Journal would oiooly have ceased to be the

fiational organ. Such action by the Convention onld hate Ewen

legitimate5 though @erhops’not Wholly Justifioble from an


I.’ .

ethicalxakaxyninkx standpoint. Since The Journal‘s big de-



ficit is wholly due to hue costly imbrovomentg introduced by
the National (enlarging the paper, lowering 1%: prioe,multi-
plying tne pictures,etc) it would not nave
for the national ‘to get The Journal into a hole and omen
leave it there. But nothing of the sort wag duos, or oven
sug;gested in the Conventidn.
I doubt whether the dissativ afao tion with raw Jourqal is
t'lese members of 11.119. Board think.
impartial ju ige in his own cos

mistaken. At any rate,whether tae

good or bad, we should all be glad to ha'. “ kufi batter.

Therefore I shall be greaLly obliged to you if you will
answer my fihroe questions ago tug» fang *“St lotto“ on to
your Staie menbor of the'haiional Pwecutlv Somwittee, in
0rd r that one may answer them too. I sqoulzl lilo t re—
ceive d))-8t1018 ir:31 the whole Committee as to d irable»
1moxove“erte. Pleaée reply frankly, and do n t be a bit.
afraid of hurting fly feelingg. I w.nt your réal opinioné

Sincerely yours;




T89 3.1111 Ptroot,

Jan.IIth, I91?



anzr lairhi Jxétix T ()f .Iurx.81&1 ILS jlust éit E1u1Ni. 4


anoreofate the xesiro you and @133 breakinrifige yxoress to have me on the

I J.


aiingly firs.La Wollette's resignuhnon;


‘k the nuwo of fine wife of a “resifiential oanfiiduto on our Board moans


\ v



a grenL final to our cause yolitic


to be elected groVidofi


In amwvotr to your question; I “cold. “we willin





toe vote wow unanimous for me, but not otherwise. I do not untici at




‘31 %e @0“¢ihle to Set a unanimous vote For we; 31d I hope in tout



0:88 my friends will not allow their foelmfigsho he hurt in “he ;.“nt so


he will no? he anfi I anoulfl regret to he the means of injoo



.J D


inw any .uinefi fierwoxal foolino infio L40 elect on.
.J A l L


‘18 T : i0“: Lc) illt fgzisa irrto fuxo ;n:iJ. mi, oruze, I axisrl yzm 21 ¢;g;&, wxnw

" .-r).:


Yofr, arq fvoat snooooo £®m%%fifibfiournal.


- ~ \ .. . «, . ~ - .V H 1:. .- :1
ilmagys {Lff5a03,lxafiafim?l;f ;<1uI' 4}“lGTua,











Dear Friends:-

The great success of the Suffrage Parade has delighted
us all. The growing interest in the cause in every di”ection ought
ta lead to a corresponding growth in the circulation of the Woman’s
Journal. It will if all take hold and help. To this end I invite
your cooperation.

There is special reason for putting forth effort during
the next few months. As the Journal is now the organ of the
National Association, I think its officers and members are entitled
to know something about the difficulties with which the paper has
had to contend.

In describing the difference of opinion which has arisen
in the National Official Board in regard to the Journal’s merits
and usefulness, I want to say in advance that I think Mrs Dennett
and Miss Ashlev have been acruated by good motives, and are doing
what they honestly believe to be for the beat interests of the

Here are the facts of the case: Mrs. Dennett and Miss
Ashley are much dissatisfied with the way in which the Woman’s
JOurnal is edited. Miss Shaw shares this feeling. They all
think that the Journal should be moved to New York and should be
"professionally edited." Miss Shaw is also strongly of the opin-
ion that the Association should own the paper. They had meant
to bring up this matter at Louisville. But the Louisville Conven—
tion was stormy, and they decided, apparently, that it would not
be wise to introduce another element of discord at that time. So
the question was not brought up, and the vote to renew the previous
contract with the Journal was unanimous. According to this contract
the paper was to continue to be published in Boston.

Soon after, Mrs. Dennett and Miss Ashley began to put
pressure upon me to move the Journal to New York, and to make other
changes. I had already made a good many changes at their request,
and I expressed myself ready to try any further changes which the
Board might desire (and for which it could raise the money), short
of moving the paper to New York. But it soon became clear that our
Headquarters officers would not be satisfied with any concession
short of going to New York.

At an early meeting of the new Official Board, the Head—
quarters officers had been empowered to appoint an Advisory Committee
on the Woman’s Journal. They appointed Mrs. Mary Beard, Miss Eleanor
Byrnes, Mrs. Henrietta Livermore, Mrs. Stanley McCormick and Miss 0.
Anita Whitney. Miss Eleanor Byrnes sent in a report "representing
the opinions of a majority of those asked to suggest desirable changes
in the Journal." These were the same opinions that the three offi-
cers at Headquarters had been expressing for some time. Among the
criticisms were that the Journal "looks dull and unimportant," that
its "news is not arranged with a sense of prepnrtion - one gets a
muddled impression;" that it "gives very little live, fresh news; on
the other hand, it seldom has any first class articles”, that "Miss
Ryan's articles are not sufficiently well written or authoritative
to be worthy of the Journal," and that the paper's policy is timid:
"Readers want a paper which isn’t afraid. The Journal seems afraid
of everything and everybody — even of the anti suffragists. Most
readers would rather be shocked and displeased occasionally than
bored all the time."

Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Livermore dissented from the com—
plaint of timidity. Mrs. Beard made no criticism, but set forth the


 constructive pl~n recommends b use cuvl o y ; - viZ' fhu‘ thp
dourna‘ and as nvun2«orler suffrage ,lg5": as p~sslhlg gs Cop‘c]¢ggg+gd”
into 3 -3l lie V *he stvie of 5.. Saturday Ev pin; Poe ' :hHJV‘
wo0,000 he rai H; .cnqtione ,de sal~ of s‘ock L nd fi£n~ ri‘h
Etiollg?“ Slilkfl“l€fif 91 ;2;' _ L', {will or is L sued b‘1?11195~3 npgnfjpfllnm‘ t 1%; $;3%'

, V J.

Cl". e papa 1‘8 {7‘0 1 1’] 5:1: nt 0
tr “

‘e Iirst Wear on the

cure the be t ta 5 a 1; ,3“ country. Foch of
this combination w: ‘0 have representation for
editorial board of *" ’ W magazine.

The DTOPOSW] to move the Journal to New York "1d
into a new publication '“dxy whully u p apanr C my? + ”w” Enuflflmmerfl,
did not commend ’ r: f .w Even if $50,00Q could be raised to

-‘nli ‘; din2p 'ns tlrw ln1ckei:
arrying on sue" a magazine as the Sarrr‘ay Evening
Post. The s Lfle JMUFHML'S pressn. v4». :it JC uwlbg Lu ghn fact
that t1; 4 to lower the pr co and enlarge the paper
Without p To? ‘ I” afvance to meet the cost of 1hese sXpen-
sive improvements; 8“ it seemed to me nwise to "pl n e" further.
moreover, while I edited the Jou nal it would be edited with a fair
degree of discretion, but after it passed into new hands, there was
no telling wnat might happen.

merge it

start the new perioc' a. 'hst sum would be
V‘U’ C n i t C {lime

.J .~—A
Ci: C.) ‘0‘. :-+
H- (D O


. To the rhjections made to the ediTorial conduct of the
Journal, I replied thAT I thought there was force in some of the
criticisms, but that take: as a whole *hey were too severe and too
sweeping. I reminded the Board that, owing to the Association’s
poverty, ;"* Evan and I had each of us had to do several women’s
work on the paper ~ 1.». work which in most papers would be divided
amon several persons. I had done the editing gratis, had done it

as well as I could under the circumstances, and if the result was
not satisfactory Tue Board ought to give me more help. I pointed.
out that, lI the money were forthcoming, the Journal Could be im-
proved to an? extent, as to size, shape, variety of articles, an en—
larged staff, etc., without removing it from Boston, and depriving it
of my editorial oversight, which I regarded as of value to the paper.

This is the root of my objection to moving The Journal to
New York. I Could write editorials and send them on, but I conld
not exercise any supervision as to wnat should fill up the seven
other pages of the paper.

Miss Jane Addams, who came upon the Board without bias
either way, thinks that it would be unwise 0 move the Journal to
New York, and she has also advised me strongly not to part with the
ownership of the paper. Mrs. McCormick now favors the plan of
trying to build up and improve the Journal in Boston. ~

As no one can be an impartial judge of his own work, I
sent a circular letter To the State presidents asking for criticisms
on the Journal. The answers showed that most of them thought well
of the paper; and when criticisms were made, they were hardly ever
the same as the criticisms made bv the Advisory Committee appointed
from Headquarters. A few said that they did not like Miss Ryan’s
articles, but a much larger proportion said they did.

Mrs. Beard and Miss Byrnes resigned from the Advisory
Committee. The Headquarters officers still longed and planned for
a big suffrage magazine in New York, and there was talk of secur—
ing this through an arrangement with the fashion magazine "Dress".

All through the year this difference of opinion about
the Journal has made things uncomfortable. When the matter was
discussed at the meeting of the National Board, Mrs. Bennett and


wost press
a ’ around 4» we saw
into hankrnptCy because
.«., and mafiazines wit:
.1 1, Times JR) r1r1T) suicc~wwdirlr
end Wis wall prehed. Everi
01s1ness man ger and expects h;m to
jiv:A h m an appropriation to do it With Miss
gi1>n dn1, and nwd worked 1p our remarkable in—
crease 1? circular: n simpl out of “or own t1 1. s. She cad now
wskei 01 or nopionrisiioi Mrs. T M1r1etfi and TvT1c s As ley wafited an
t18€1TSTE 11t ei1ito1‘ :d1o .iirnilli fliiriite :1e1 1i"rr “wutaz rEUl Tfievr YlirLT 811d
111i stould do 1ne "making un" ~" 13 ,e 1 1.e. the arrang-
j: of the .'U"T3‘CT:;E< 1‘11: 1351353 ' :‘1' f ‘1 ,, : nsv1ng an 5.1.>-'Si.>=1;ant
editor, but wanted To .~ the mekéno w- fixes.“ Tinally a compromise
wws agreed «p01, 1rd voted ‘11nnac1ihg n esqistant editor was to
be chosen by Mrs. Dennett ~rd Miss *rnve1 a'd its was “o make up
the pAper, got pict~res, veil down ray: so 1". desirable articles,
etc On 1he ot er wand, Miss nyan Awe to have. an app cpriation with
“1 “b3 pus? 'wie busA133ss e k3. “Fm.1nilers‘ano11wr w:s innit the
on , wis to be ho rv~w us we hrd a legacy soon to be paid, this
as: a feasible. To o d 1. L': Mrs. Den ett and Miss Ashley asked
is “new io seni 3nt a .*, : reconsider. They said that on re~
Tecf:ion they rid not ijn; 1: was worth WmiTe to try :0 improve
‘hc pape“ or to pu:h it t“) r l would promise to let it go to New
vork. T‘ev also cecTin * C’nose an assist nt editor. A:f‘e r con-
s-derable H1iting13ack 51d fortl, the motion to reconsider fai Ted by
one vote; but M:Lss Ryan '3‘ not provided with any money.

1 "\

Tnen Mrs. nonn01? and Miss Ashley asked the Board to take
steps toward havin; tn: 1:11u al AssociatLon drOp the Woman’s Journal
as its organ unless it would 10 to New York. I objected to the
method by wnich to»y wished to bring akin about, as not in accordance
with my undersranding of the contract, (The question was whether the
Association had to give me fhe required term of nouice, or whether the
Board could do so without a vote of the Association.) Mrs. Bennett
and Miss Ashley withdrew their motion.

The Headquarters officers Urged Miss Ryan not to give me
any help in the way of getting pictures or getting the Journal to
press, in order to prove to me and to everyone else that I was not
capable of getting Vhe paper out alone — to me by the overtaxina of
my strength and to our readers by the de“erioration of the paper.

But Miss Ryan said tiat as a matter of business the paper could not
be allowed to deteliorate, and unless some ozher helper were prOV1ded
to look after pictures, etc., she must do it.

Meanwhile the autumn and winter, the time of year when it is
easiest to push a paper’ s circulation, were frittered away, and still
Miss Ryan had no appropriation to work with, and she was having a
great deal of MDTOTbl through what seemed to her unbusinesslike meth-
ods on the part of the National Treasurer. For instance, Miss Ryan
had got a great many people to work for new subscribers by offering
them a cash prize, pract1cally a commission, since the money was to
come out of the sobscriptions. The cash for the subscriptions was
sent to Miss Ryan, she sent it to Miss Ashley, and Miss Ashley was
to send back the commission to those who had worked for it. Miss
Ashley often delayed for mOnths to do so, although the sums were
small, not large amounts which the Treasury might have been really
unable to pay; and Miss Ryan 1w as flooded WlTh complaints f'rom suffra~
gists who said that they wanted to work ior more new subscribers, but
it took all the heart out of them and their clubs to have to wait so
long. Other small bills were allowed to run on for many months, and
the Journal’s credit was destroyed.


 Finallv Miss “yen, ,f;;¢ c ;?_:g rnpmfitedlf =3 W393 leh~
ley and ge tin: no answer, wror‘ * ~he yfiviflory Tommitt c. When
that (Vwmnitiee zwmv Ffrwi’ sppoi11:37, 3r»; asked liiee *“ .o wve
it was to oiVISe on the bwsiness end or t“? "d‘toriol end of the
J urral, and she had answer d "On both.” Se whee Miss Ryan con~
swlted me as tr whether it would be proper “or her to lay her dtfw
ficwlties before The Adv~sory dommittee I told her I ‘oough“
would. Her letter was not written in an ill natured spirit, fcr she
Knew that tee treasohv was 11 straits sni t.€t tie tredsnrer was hav~
ing 9 nerd HI 2 but wise Shaw and Miss Ashley were moon displeased
bv Miss Rye» : Taking her diff culties to rhe Advisory Hommitiee, and
ever since the every thing that she hos done his been a subject of
criticism e» u dqoarters.

The March meeting of +he National Board weq cweered by
the news of 3 gift of $6000. from a jencro e friend who was much 1n“
herested in the Journal ”his paid off the most pressing debt~ of
the Associwtiin and o? the Journal‘ The same lady expressed the
belief thit tee Journal could be mode 30 pay, and that the money
could be raised to tide it over the period hefore it could become
self«suppovtinq. (It SWOdld be explained here that papers do not
eXpe0t to pay t? fr expenses out of their subscriptions elonc‘ They
do it lergelv .“ of their advertisihg; end until the circulation of
s Estithai paper reaches 30,000, the? cannot get m”CE advertising.
It is the intermediate per 0d, before tee circulation gets up to
30,000, that has to be tided over‘)

At this meeting of the Board, the question of the Journal’s
receipts and expenses wee threshed out. It was estimated that the an-
nual deficit was about $8,500. (An expert accountant employed by firs,,.
McCormick to so over our books has since estimated it at about $7748.}z3fifi:

Miss Jane Addams dealered that even with This deficit, the Association [aflflmv

was getting its organ uncommonly chess, es organs go, She has hed eX—Ab/WMF
perience with The Survey, the organ of the Charity Organization Socie—‘fiegr'k
ty. 3he said that she thought Miss Ryan and I had done remarkably well,”“”“’
both with the business end and with the editoridl end, considering how
little help We had had and how numerous the difficulties had been, and

she urged that a strong effort should be made to raise the money to

carry the paper through. The meeting adjourned with that understanding.

At a special meeting of the Official Board in April, Miss
Esra A. Levein was engaged as assistant editor. Through e misappre—
hension on the part of some members of the Board, who had been led to
supyose that Miss Ryan was not oncoged as business manager but only
as circulation manager and advertising solicitor, it was voted that
Miss Levein should be business manager as well as assis+ant editor.
Miss Ryan’s contract with the Association describes her as business
manager, and specifies that she is to perform the business manager’s
duties; and her engagement (which I hope and expect will be renewed)
does not expire till June 50, 1912. The action of the Board in en—
gaging another business manager was therefore quite irregular. But i
the intention of the majority of the Board had been not to supersede
Miss Ryan, but to set her free from other work and enable her to give
her whole time to pushing the circulation. Miss Ryan has therefore
agreed to waive the terms of her contract, and will divide the work
with Miss Levein. Miss Levein comes to us highly recommended, and
I hope that she and Miss Ryan together will make a strong team.

Since Mrs. McCormick wee chosen as an auditor of the Asso~
ciation, she has caused a model system of book~keeping to be intrc~
duccd both at National Headquarters and at the Women’s Journsl Of—
fice, which is expected to do away with the complications that have
made trouble in the past. The way therefore seems to be cleared for
a great expansion of the Journal’s circulation and usefulness, if all
our friends will take hold and help Miss Ryan carry out her planes



Miss Ryan means to exert herself to brins the c roulatiov
up to 50,000 between now and the National Wonvention. Rhe is cap hle
of doing a "great stunt", and I hope you will lend her your cooper~
ation in every possible way. She has built »p the Jfixrhal wonder“ul«
ly in the last 18 months, and can keep on and carry it through if she
has proper kelp. Her business talents, ewergy and resourcefulness
are extraordinary; and what she has already done is an earnest of
What she can no in the future. he devorion to The Mom n’e Journal
and to the cause has been whole~hexrted. Even before the Nat OHH1
Board had made overtures to the Jonrns to bee me the Nation 1 organ“
Miss Ryan had proposed to we to help we build up tve paper. I told
her frankly that I could not afford to pay her. She fnen Voluwteered
to work for the Journal without pay until she had brousht tre paper
up to a point Where it could give her a salary.

Ever since she took hold 0* the paper she has “oiled-for
it early and late, and the tee taken only ten says vacation in two
years. Sines pivt res were needed to make the street sales a suc—
cess, and I was not able to get us pfctmres, she has secured them,
though that is no part of the business manager’s proper work. She
has arvanged the pictures, prepared attra’tive headlines to make the
appearance of the paper more modern and interesting, read the proof
of tee advertisemwnts, and during my summer vacation; has read all
the proof. Almost every Saturday she has personally sold the paper
on the street. In srort, she has lent a hani wherever it was n~eded.

Sirce last October the oisasreements in the Board about the
Journal, and the uncertainty ar‘ Worry, have worn :pon both her
healfh and m he, and we have neither of us been able to do our best
work in censequence. In addition is this the Association is owing
me $1,447.00, mostly for arrears on my secretary’s salary. Of
course this is due to the low state 07 the National treasury.

If the Journal can be put upon a firm financial founda—
tion, the strain will be relieved on both sides. In case it is
decided to retain the Journal as the National organ, the Head-
quarters officers will not feel so mwch distressed about.it if it
is no longer a drain 0n the treasury; and in case the Aescciation
prefers to drop the Journal as the National organ it can do so
without the reproach that would attach to it if it got the paper
into a hole and then left it there. '

I would therefore urge that a special eFfort be made to
push the circulation of the paper all along the line, because the
summer is a hard time to ge: business and because we want tn snow
as good reenlts as possible at The National Coevenfiion in November.
Every subscription coonts, every cash contribution, every copy of the
paper sold on the streets or at suf rage meetings. We need every
possible kind of cooperation from Those Woo believe that the Journal
is valuable to the suffrage cause.

Alice Stone Blackwell.

3 Monadnock Street,
Dorchester, Mass.



 Lexington, WV

A.“ a

(jet, 2L €311, 19.7.0

L1, .

1" ‘ A c "I V 7‘ . h ‘ ' VI ”-r, h‘
“id? Hem: 53138 ulfiCwaelJ- ,

reoeivefi a letter from Wire Ryan,


you Aexefi how I m . .w u had

flying a vote for preeiflent this you?

4 0


feel so grefieful to ”2 DrOgTOQOiVG Heruy that I would vofio for its

“Coate, except is so strong

at T cannot reconcile myself to e tnird term. Cnthat account, I

have not made up my mine, have no vote, whether or not I mania

overcome my at achment to true tivn and vote

for fir.§oosevelt, or whether

T Yould vote for Ir.?ileon. I .megine you wilT T am very unfla-

for e efeuneh snffregiet mv mine slowly, and


have not felf all this time.

I enclose our recent Xy.¥.?.n. convention. Ehe

'eriter oi the fr.Deeha Sreckinrifige, the husbanfi

of the new

Very oorfiizlly yours,