xt70rx937t9n_250 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_13/Folder_1/Multipage11810.pdf 1918 February 1918 1918 February section false xt70rx937t9n_250 xt70rx937t9n 4-1., 1

vdll be held in Lovis'

1111 5a ,3
members of 1Le Board be 01 sen1.
I had hoped to errla e 1he board

meeulmg for Frant1011 but 11 seems 1ha1 it will be elmost

impossible to secure a quorum here, in

mem ers of the board live in Louis 1lle x o“- 1bere


is far less exyensive.

meeting e>:ce91 1l:a1 1he in110ouc1ion of 1;b
Sona1or Richardson demands in1media1e action
1he board members 10 make every effort 10 be

I have found that 1he ary men are

not behind Sen. Rio rarfis n's bill, our frienfis among 1he Drys
1ell me that the in1roduction of 1his bill is a Stanley
1his being hie case, we must deeiae at once what we are

10 &o about it.


 -fi w , .v. J,‘
¥CLa1 @aao ago a0
.. M .,..1,_ -
I an: 71x9“;

is true but so far none of

Such yerson. I will continue

hope to be able to know by the ‘ maeting

is any truth in ., ., n


Hoping th‘t no hi:


John ;. -»» South)
Centuoky Equal Rights gob


 Smuthern 37mm 133111112111 ,éé'ufi‘ragp Olnnfpfpfirt"

MR8. 0- F- ELLINGTON, Rec. Sec’y, 1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. MRS. JAS. M. MCCORMACK,
721 w. Markham 8‘” Lime Roe)" Ark' LAURA CLAY, Vice—President at Large, 107 Brown Arcade, Baltimore. Md.

lSE COLLENS Co. Sec’ Lexington Ky- MRS. w. M. STONER, 2d Auditor,
MAR]: 15011] St N Orleens La y, ’ 1538 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C.

155 Audubon Boulevard, New Orleans, La. New York City

419 Camp Street, New Orleans, La. Washlngton, D. C. , .

January 90,1Bib

To the Governors of jouth oaroiina. Jeorwia. Alabama, giesiosiopi
and Louisiana,


1 am writing in duplicate co the Governors of the five southern
states which would be most vitally effected by the ratification

of a Federal Amendment"forbiuuing dieirunchisemcnt on account of

Waman‘s enfranchiaement . whatever your personal attitude may be
toward the issue. must come as an immediate effect of the war and
the nation's need and demand for the activities of women, It must
be granteu to justify the drafting of men for the supreme sicrifice
in vindication of the nation's good faith in a government by
couceflw. It must be granted if we would not stain by hypocrisy
those immortal words of :rcuicent Vilson”bo make uho world safe
for democracy".

As a southern woman who believes that any permaneht social recon-
struction must include wowon suffrage in its cornerstone and as
one who has dedicated for over twenty years whateVQr abilities or
advantages gosaessed to attain the ballot es an essential to self-
government, I am writing to you as Governors of these vitally in-
teres ed states to taxe concerted action in calling upon the
southern states to render this tardy justice.

It woald appear like yoetic justice should the rockribbed democrat—
ic "3011a south" created emu welded such for nearly half a centu~
ry by the forgeriea of the 14th and 15th amendments. be passessed
of the yowor thro' party solidarity. to call conventions or by
special legislative action .snatch as a yarty victory this last
and greatest extension of too suffrage. Such action would make

the submission 0: the Feuerol roman iuffrage Amendmena useless

and ita ratification impocsible. and save the bitterness. ranoour
and bloodsheu which the forcing of another suffrage amendment

will uncuestionably engender.

I call to your antsntioa the fact that the nation hes drafted
negroos into car service. §ha unenviable position of the south is
obvious if we continue to deny them political protection as a
stigma of inferiority, but refuse at the same time to raise our
women to a status of oiticenship granted by the Unitefl States to
negroes. It willfully removee the sympathy which now exyresses



gvnuthprn fitatw woman gaufi’ragp Olnnféfpiirr


721 W. Morkham St., Little Rock, Ark. 1800 Prytama Street, New Orleans, La. MRS. JAS. M. MCCORMACK,
LAURA CLAY, Vice—President at Large, 107 Brown Arcade, Baltimore, Md'
MARIE LOUISE COLLENS, Co. Sec’y, Lexington. Ky. MR5. W M STONER 2d Auditor

1309 Berlin St. New Dr] L . ‘ '
, eans, a HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS 1538 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C.

155 Audubon Boulevard, New Orleans, La. New Y‘grk Cit); P. BELMONT’

419 Camp Street, New Orleans, La. Washington, D. C. NEW ORLEANS, LA.

itself for the couch, in 517‘»’ “ “ '” R03 enforcement
of the ids-til one; goth .El“:1;Li.’..=-J.‘"..'i'


no Goveynors of the
E 1

To summarize I suggest, Lho“ ‘ ' ' ' a

jouthern fitatesior if ueomod : " » “ w '* Lil he s toe} be
called by the five states in “E 2‘ ~ supremacy ie threatened.
to take immediate steps to confer 0 plan whereby as a war meas-
ure the women or the United states x» enirunchised by their res-
pective states.

I am bribing this letter personally not in my official capacity

as ?residon; of the Southern conference. The ponferance 13 plan

ning to submit to the Rational Jemocratic committee and the State

Democratic Committees Lhe foliowing recommendations;

1. ?he wisdom of the esfific Democratic south improving this
opportunity to pin incontovercibly to she democratic standard
the victory for tho extension of woman suffrage to the women

f the United abates ouch as iormnueniobly zo :hair credit in
the exoension of the suffrage to working meme

2. 75nd the wowen of hue south caneot any louger be maintained
the political inferiors of negro men iu their Unita& gtates
citizenshp Justified by political expediency. Whoa conditions
dictate both as a matter of goliciCal exyediency one national
honor the enfranchisement of women.

3. Them we demand of one only party to whom we can aopeal to
put into effect the party platform. and not to treat as a
"scrap of Paper" the recommendation of $59 an. Loais Convention
"for the extension of the suffrage to the wagon of the country

‘”l“*f non the some terms as men“.

will you let me have a prompt reply and your opinion on the eugn
gestion. fin ardenc believer in self—government for the state as
well as self-government for the individual. I believe the time has
come for democratic action in fidelity to democratic principles
to insure both to the notion. my prayer is that justice will be
done to all and that the South particularly the five threatened
states will sauna this new call to jhgéoofi.

Very truly.


 "mu m ‘


 ’on'?‘ n ~

Tab?" “7:"





 Er nhfort, Ly. Feb.

I rm inelosing 2 co;
Bulletin eont by the NfibiOnil leeoei tion, I
oopiee of theee bulletins 5 ye they are
to each of the Bowed iember,

You eoubtleee remember at
Convention it wee voted trw‘ Kentucky r iee fumes to
purcheee en embul.nce ze hhown as The L5 *7 Clay
Ambulance”, I wrote :1=’:‘ flfiv. Jatt if 1_. umbulunce
would be eecepte& =3 "1'* F s l .ition t 5?e Oversee
Hoseittl Unit, I 7;*fl -~3 v 1% *' »t e “lo? jbom he?
wed I will guote t J . 4"~ 3i e “I note your
desire to r iee e fund to pureheee an embul nee to be
known as the ”Liar“ Olly Ambul=nce”. It is ,uite goeeiblo
for you to raiee the mouut of money neeeeeery fior the
maintenance of an ambulance and contribute it to the Unit.
And we shall in turn iniorm the Unit that one of the


embul noes is to be Known as the "Laure ml ? Ambulance".

One of the clubs in Ben York did that; *til. two five
ambulances in the corps. I Hm un'ble to <* ex etly how
much this nmount should be, but I am writing to file.
Tiff ny, and I am asking her to wyite you ihoet it, so
th t you will hove the iefinite inform tion. I think it
would be a Splenfiid thing :or leatuchy to do, nfl I home
you Mill be able to carry it out."

38 eooa .
me the emount it wou a re mire to “ F ‘ “1e embul nee
I will write you. I .m strongly i. ftvor of maintainihg
the :mbulanee to be Known ee the "L are Gley Ambulance",
Kentucky, 0: eouree will we :ekea to help with the Oversee
fiespitel and I believe we wouli all be more intereeted
in having our eonntion go thie way. Will you write me
your opinion in regerfi to thie zwtter.

With the re ueet that you write
soon your pinion in this matter, I Fm

Sincerely 30ers

H.S. I see that I have feiled to tell you thrt the Nation-
31 has asked Kentucky if possible to contribute as much as
9500.00 to the Hoeyit 1 Unit, I doubt if the maintenénce of
the mbuhence woulfl be a great fieel more then this.

You are eekeé not to mention the early vote on the
Federal Amendment, the National wishee this kept guiet.



 189 N.Mill St., Lexington, Ky.
Febr.26th, 19:8.
My dear Hrs.qouth,
Your letter of the of the 25rd, with enclosures,
is received.

I quite approve of your suggestion about the ambulance for

’the Overseas Eospitel Unit. I believe the convention left to me

the particular disposition of the ambulance; and so I take this
occasion to say that any plan agreed upon by our Board will be
acceptable to me.

On other sheets I am enclosing the selections of literature
for the Prize Contests to be given to tne contestants. We do not
think it necessary to make a division cflitersture between that
offered to High Schools and that offered to Colleges. I am also
enclosing the items of my expenses to the two Board meetings held
in Louisville, which you can send to Mrs.Judah at your convenience.

Very cordially yours.


 Literature for firize Contests.
Rainbow serieea English.

(I) About Voting.

(2) The Yemen's Reason- Because.
(5) people Say- We Say

(4) Women Citizens

(5) Women in The Country

(6) Women in the Home

Single Leaflets.
Facts and Dates to Remember
Mothers' Sphere by M.MOD. Breckinridge
Should American Women be Enfrenohised as a War Measure?
Six Arguments from the Suffrage Map.
Why Women Should Vote. Alice S.Blackwell
Woman Suffrage , ts relation to “orking Tomen and Children
Eminent People Declare for Equal Suffrage
Summing Up the Case for Eoman Suffrage,3y Justice David J.Brewer.
Twenty Facts About Woman Suffrage
Women Suffrage an Economy.

Double Leaflets.
Our Real Enemy. C.C.Catt.
Women Should mind their own Business.

Pamphlets. ~
Brief History of Yemen suffrage. Ida Husted Harper.


Efficiency Series.
Suffrage Argument.- Outline for Speech or Bebate.

I would also be glad to have one of each of the Special Debate
Sets, to see if thoir selection is better than what we send, at
an equal price.
If you have that the Zy.E.E.A. has none and “roposes to do, it
would be well to ad& one in each envelop.
Laura Clay,
Chairman of Committee of trize Contests.


 Expenses to Bord Meetings due to Laura Clay,

Jan.28th, I918. $.cte/

Taxi at Laxington-———--——-- - - - - - - - .50
R.R.tiokets to and from Louisville — - - 4.42
Room at Hotel ----------- — - 2.00

Two st.oar fares.in goaieville ----- .IO
Baggage at Lexington .

Febr.5th. 1918.
St.car at Iexington -------- — - - .06
R.R.tiekets to and from Iouisville - - - -4.42
Lunch and St.cars at Iouisville — .45




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 iKPnturkg Equal {Rightfi Aaanriafinn

State Hemlquurteru, F) , “ -' , ADUIEUIH Endrh
Frankfort _, a much”... ~
First Vice President ‘ "”71”“? 1 , . "AURA CLAY,
nus. 1“»:lean .\. .\lrl)()\\'l-1LL, ' " ' ' Lexington
Luuimillv. " 1V ,
Sflmaggs"hlfolgl;:}acn;LDFKQOV ,, _ 0". I r' DICHHA “HECKINRIDGE.
> . Middlenlmro /,‘_’“_'>‘ ‘ '1’, ‘A thinxton

'l‘hlrd Vice President

uks. JAMES A. Lmzcu. mum-in.- “WW” JEFFERSON SWH‘

L uisvillr,
Corresponding Secretlry "
’ ‘ -‘ 7 ‘ ' ~ ' . - .
.\ll.,\. L. L. IILTLHIN>IL\, lrlllllk‘lhll JAMES BENNETT,
Recording Secretary W‘Mr-S‘I'k-W ; Richmond
nus. J. n. HAYS, ()wennboro “‘“V’” ““"F -

’l‘rmurer .\l KS. JOHN H. CASTLEMAN,

‘1'“ -’- 2;. """ML L‘"”*"”‘* wnm States. Full Sufl’mge: Shaded Staten, Pun-um Muir-will"
Auditor Suffrage; Dotted State, Presidential. Municipal Ind
MRS. w_ F. LILLARD. IAwrem-elmrg I’m-tin] Cuunty Sufl‘ruze: Dark States. No Ruth-axe. .5" M. uljnnAlu)_

Chnirmnn of C-mpnign - Hickman

mas. HARRY n. wm'ncsum. ”am;

State Member Nntlnnnl I‘ixu‘uth‘r (‘oum-il
MRS. EDMUND M. POST. l'mluvnh

(lh-lrmnn of Congreusionnl “fork


- 1‘3 :“.1- ‘1 ,
-_, »., _ L ,

Miss Laura

:11fl; weltifi
succeed in

. ** understind
tter tha‘ you u- f= a [e = the envelopes
here n' this office futfz c ‘?”- ~. " 1 .' w‘rWive listed
by “h *1 I barely *“ -~ yackage '0 . ”f this
literature when 1 receive . “ acts for ‘

-gret tnat I have no more of
Ithe Sgeciai Deoato Sets, v N only a few and i sent the last

ones to Larbourville and lefllesboro a shor; ting Since.

or‘ially yours,




'1 2m