xt70rx937t9n_22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Alice Stone Blackwell text Laura Clay correspondence with Alice Stone Blackwell 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_2/Folder_3/Multipage951.pdf 1893-1907 1907 1893-1907 section false xt70rx937t9n_22 xt70rx937t9n ovmucor / t/Zfé'ZazéaL\ /

The Woman’s Journal,


Boston, .. ,. .

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 The Woman’s Journal

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 The Woman’ 5 Journal
No. 3P3 rkStrc ,Ro om 16

5% W/ mi”
Boston, Mass 190

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The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16 Q a
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No. 3Pa rkStre ,oR om16


Boston, Mass . 190


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Boston, Mass ,



The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16 .M" "i: ' ,7 ~ 2‘




 '51 lCeO
The Woman’s Journal



 No. 3 Park Street, Room 16 9 31h“. ,. ‘,:_ . 1'

Boston, Mass, .. ..

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 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

Boston, Mass.,


 R5} /
9' 3 / MpsZ/eééfi/ai ; / 1/“:

C l

é/M/ W W Lflxwijg .,;


 Richmond, Ky.

July 28th, 1997.
”lies Blackwell,
I thank vou so much for 3e LLeing me eee Hrs..
Buniway's letter and 011 u1fm1 g:e, whiofi I re-enoloee.


I still aeeyly awe reL LneL Lne one ine, oee oomqivteu 3

l noL woto some
hely no the Oregon campaign. Verhape we may still be able Lo do so-
j.f {he pet n is really secured and proclaimed by who LovernOr. I
think Lnet Lne yolitioiene are going L0 be in1 luen ed ion by
ViCui n LheL women s “?_1§~ : sound Lo come and tent they ought
b a for Lne women voLe, just as Lne Republicans bid for the negro voLe
LfLar Lhe war. IheL ie My huge in the
011 . ” em exyeoting eomeLime partisan poli ti oiane will Lnke up
our cause for Lhefir own oenei i' I think it is of Lie grew; est importanee
:91Ln1ld.?)e 1w1L A. *1; ~1; vgteri {1‘3 GSIICLLLiife
cannot be os1riei on. an Lnie , ‘ 1 ~ . I disagree with
eonlé he vergr Lgun1f1 L: have * ‘* ‘..» in “re3on if not
were made in its fa o:. I Lnink a: 1 f“ 3.1.; 1 ehenoe now
_Fi:1&'fiit L(; L U313? 13‘LF3°0
rogreL exone11n ly Meet 318,5uni:av
in 1938. Her newspaper wriLing
grobably VLPe LT: n““3 71 ‘,. states unwilling Lo have Lie Ne-
Lionel run cam :7wn 3* v f“ ' e1 I believe I the written before,
’nir there 3.“ 9- " ‘ ' e ~z~eone for t1eir obje oci:ns anyhow,

which I Lhink W; 1 ’ 31“ J 1. ~r more ”no more.‘


 mill continue to send me lcfiters and
it is probahle you receive some that I

would not , P N'se have an 0p5ortuni


?1ease give my regarfls to y“

Very cordially your friend,


 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Oliice of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16


' x‘~'f=;’,"=;/L..J w . (.7


Besten, Mass., vvh


442' ‘ n
(/22, s )3; xvi/LE ’ ~13"


 Telephone I791 Haymarket Office of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 6 Beacon St., Room 1018



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 Telephone I791 Haymarket Office of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

Boston, Mass., .......... 1W.é .......... 19(7


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No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

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 Telephone 1791 Haymarket zomce of

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Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of

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No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

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‘* Boston, Mass., ................................................ 190

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Telephone 1791 Haymarket Olflce of

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 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office 01

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3Pa r'kSu-e e,t Room 16

Boston, Mass” ..... 4%77‘ ................. .4! ....... 1907


/&M< 6&2 WW,/?



 Richmond, fCV.


:fiy florr iiss ifliufi: ell, I iwui 'C Y m Lte :nn1«‘«n aCCCIth of Ou?

convention, when I receivefl yew? .Ulf , r Elm? , “ 1 l,vspgww" aaccunfi
of i{. “a have no daily page? in ". . " a { the qorourh” elsewhere

not ve?* fuflgz so I carried out my infienfijon, and encloge type-wriv'»

I n 1

report. T ihjnk it is ratkem long; so yin may cut t ultuout fea?.

feel:ngVOllwnu 05, fig there is so much of ““n9r(l
'M.Elackwell ‘Ll ;Z%§ tin“-
Jacksoh'for'a confe:ence
monf b, and I am going,if » ;: greveltJ. This is not for publication, but
.q also invitefl, are


Hiv- mv regarfls fc

Always cordially,vcurs,


teeocietien nelfi its annual convention in
was a VQTET 8110085553
of welcome tere receive? from the Heflison Co. Equal
fieniii ‘335w . Club-enfi toe noncol Improvement
In the evening the Xeyor of Eichmond, Tr.Cler~
ence 'ocoe, Lelconec the convenii‘ in the name of the city, and 1reeented
its keys. ;r.loofis is a suffreg' i .“1 r nfiing, and h'e velcome has
therefore ¢articularly valuefl.
.ions of fieticnel Com it ees xer
Qo not ell 1,-T frequent meetings, yet all can‘relr more or


the work of ,3 ”etionul Com it:ees. Kiss Laure Clyy we: etgointw
ea e : on-Churc? “crk. f'»e 41:1: 1 "rite, of isnland, gave

an interesting retort on Vance end ’rhitretion, mhfi was epgointed commits
tee on ”eace eno arbitration.It has rotea to ask Congress for a 16th
Amenfiment, ‘3‘? -3 -1 m. “ganchésement of women on account of sex.
ri‘he report of .5 .- . o on Fichool Suffrage enomexé much gooé
work effected, aré file xenon ere hepeful that an increased measure of
school suffrage will be geinefl from the incoming legislature. Governor
elect A.R.Willson, ena Piyerinteifient -e1ect Crabbe have both given

their hearty endorsement to the extension of fichool pr." 13 The Fed;

-eretion of Tomen's Clubs 2 d the fitate ?&ucetionfll

resolution in its favor by large majorities during the last eummer.

As usual, a strong sentiment u’iStef in the convention in favor of
making Increase of membership a prinoinel feature in the year's work.

It was votefl to edopt a plan of enrollefi membership; and enrollment cards
are to be preparefi by the EX/.Committee, and supplied at cost price to
the local clube vhich wish to use them;_ They are to be of goofi card-hoarfl,




and are t0 be inscribee as follows;
I believe in the right of suffrage for tomen, and I hereby enroll
myself as a member of the flew ‘


1-3 L (m E) . ..-_
?tr et Number/.






The sieners of these zeres do not neeessarily obligate tiemselves to pay


Cues; LE5

National convention,xnn1nssxnnexieen 'V')‘ 3'"n a not pay sues, or the
local club to anion they belong -oes not key fines for them.‘ ions of the
clubs twink of raising e ":T.:= {3’3 ‘ gay the dues of all tnrse

may join by these enrollment cares. However, these enrolled members are
to sign on the understanding tnet tee; have all the fluties of maintaining
our principles, except ine regular geyment of dues. After once signing,
tney will be consideree permanent members,XKfiX§EK and their nemes\will
not be dr pped except at their onn request.

Ehe Press Superintenfient, firs.Lifie C.Obenchain, hes fione exeellent work,
as she always does. She was re-elected Dress Suyerintendent. All the of—
ficers were re-elected , as follows: Miss Laure Cley, Wresident, Lexing—
ton; Ars.Mary B.Cley, Ist.Vioe-Vresident, Riehmonfi: Mrs.Mary.C.Cremer,
2nd Vice—Pres., East End Ave. Lexington: Mrs.N.f.floLeughlin, are Vice-?res~

ident, 1011 Scott Street, COVington: firs.flary C.Poerk, Corresponfiing Foc-

retary, Richmond: Mrs.Emme M.Roebuok,'Reeoreing Eeoretery, 112 W.Front-

Street, Newport: Mrs.Isabella H.8hepere, Treasurer, 51 East thh Street,
Covington. Mrerarr n. Giltner, fiember of National RX.Committee, 1554
Madison Avenue, Covington. State Historian, Mrs.M.B.Reynolds, Covington.
The proposes Legislative *ork includes asking for Cofiguardienship
of father and mother of minor children: fierliamentary @uffregei Constitu=

tionsl Amendment for full suffrage; and women on boards of punotive,



 charitable eni educet ionel 1351itut ione of the state.
7?-eaeant feature of 5.- 11o‘eum nee ff 3 e 13%“;3 11 E:uel fiuffr 3.3%
to the.lihrery of toe Bee ern A7.horqel School, m a at Rich-
books were the four v lanes of the History of “Oman Suffrage;
“ores of iuene 3.flnthony; J.fl.£ill's Eubjection of women; Aunt
fientucxy, by our own Exmlune‘c tin; and Joeieh ‘llen's Tife, 33
“e were sorry me e ulfl"not ob1ein in time a ooty of
Ecoleeygs Republics 7er:ue homes; but we
euflition to tFRi, f.e 1 %,Clay

[Joutna1, eover

-eloquent reegonee of acceptance nee made in behalf of the School by Profl.

Lithfull; oeeugied b3 music from I e Cec -Liin Club,
“Eressee fvog f4; 3 oiarence \' u~ ; u,-E V Joflcllan,
TLew. Eiee ihew tee the yrincigw L' . ‘ each evening, anfi greats

PSGG t-e lai.gc audiences. Twenty new mewovmi mere 3(eeu

as follows:

The Elks courteously gave the use of their beautiful hall for the day
sessions; and there the ladies.eerveo , 'elicious lunch, to m1ic11 all the
delegates and the hostesses were invited, so they enjoye ea a social hour

Laura 0 3V.