xt70rx937t9n_215 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_11/Folder_14/Multipage10669.pdf 1913 April 1913 1913 April section false xt70rx937t9n_215 xt70rx937t9n  

 Lexington, fv


April QtMQEIglfi
fly Qeér Ars.0benchvin,
I got home flanflay evening from ”t. LOliS where 1'
atfendefi The Miss.7a119y :1ffru0 Conference, affier a month's campaign
in Hiéhigan. I fofind your lottér of fiarcn Zahh awaifiing me; but the nanv


little t ings which have to De atTended to after an absence from nome p,1~
we Ilted my be ginning to answer my corresponflence till this morning.

I.am glad tO'know-that 1 am to be your gfiest whilsthI am in Bowling.
Gfeéh. It is a grenfi pieasure to be with you; and I finfi very frequent,
.requiremenfs'whenaver"I-trave1 to anWar questions about Hrs: Eli z; 811—
V.Vert Hall! _i ._I , F

. . .‘l I - ‘ ~ w 3. ~, M ‘
'_I am maklng THIS-parfiloulat tour unoer tne ausplcns of the ¢.C.T.U..

and T fina I am booked for‘ Cave City the evening of ipril .8th, Bowling

Green th ne 19th, and than my next appointment is for.the “.C.C.U obnvention


infl flairbille Ifor the 2.nd; and so 1t1qeems that‘I have the 26thI1afifl EistH
unoccupiefl. I shalJ he glad if vou can Iuti1ize those dates in an;r way
you fihink they can he of sIervioé.' 1 sha1I1 be g1ad to spealn fo the xémfinfl
Cluh‘;T mtturflay afternaon, and shaII not finfl in at $13 fafiiguing to\ I
Wéain in the evening. Wh.ilstT have bean camiulbning in Vansas anfl

ganI I have frmquanflv spoken threeI ana four tamea- a flay.' As T suppose


(sha11 stav over sunday I Hmejd 1ike to giv a a  Bih1e Reudlng,vnhe 81515

f forI4qua1 Wignts” if any of the churcnas 0a11d ha obtainea for tlrxnt purnIrq,31


”pose. Ihan, if the club ngan ara studvlng civil_ gerv1ce reform at R33


it might INteresf Them +0 have an qdflzeqs onI That subjec+ Tonday, IIIf you/W”


shoulfi desire me to Speak on that subject Henday, however, please notify ma
at once; as I am somewhat ruety on that lecture. I only suggest this, ferv
I shall not object to one day off. 7

nose what you say about the mem ner hi w; carfle. The Heafiquerters are'
taking charge of the cards since they were rentefl. I have been at fiome so
”Short a time'I have not found whether any one is there now Or not,


Kr.Este3 completed his engagement the first of thie month; mné MreJ
inrifige we 8 in 5t. M via the same time “ was, \I fear Ere.§oehue§ is
for her health has been very preearious for two yeere now, and when she
ié Well she is a goed correSpondent. I am mailing you a quantity of earl
[which I hullpen to have Wi th me. ~~~~~~~~~~ Er.metes has just Celine me
up from headquarters. , I did not know he was there; He wants me to Q?
‘at some 938008 in the southern part 0f 1;he state; so you had better not
a {Jositive engagemen1;for Mond.ay, as he mafy win h me to go some wher‘

else on that date. But I ehe3.3 he gmad to efeak in a churc,h »on Sundaé;

Item still waiting for the yoeelhillfv of goofi news from fiiahigan; I


’the large eiti e3 Wruld go egaznst me; and poeSiblg the rufal flietrictS‘

not v61; been hezrd frOm.


' Hoping to see you soon, I am

'Very sinoefer ydur fr.


 Lexington, Ky.
April 10th, 1913,
Hy dear Mrs.fliller,

YOur lcfiter of feroh Sfinfl follceafi me to fiichigan an
back, and finally reached me some weeks nfier in Was wrifiten. I wee
home a month in the Hicnigen campaign,aunc then none to it.louie for
Tisei.eiypi Valley “uffruge Conference.

Yes, T hufi learned wiin much gratification that fire.Brock1nrifl”efl\:
organizefi an “.H.l. in “educah, and I am bled to know that it will hel§“ine\\\\
the es {fly-mign. H‘

A The Xy.F.F.A. never had a eigest of the Iy.lewe relufiing to women print»

ed; but it has hufl several ecitivne of fhet the Kr.1.7.5. Has Pena tor
the laws in reference to yomen. I enclose you a copy of/the lest eflih_v
It is our purpoee to get out a revieefl, uy—t0~ date edifiicn; hut.it he
yet been done. In default of a digest already prepared, F eugbeet in:
borrow a hook of the Hy.Syetutee from some lawyer, and look up the va:
points. By the efforts of our Association principally, and with the a
ofiner societi es, fine laws of Ty. can compare favorably now with the m
of the states in laws relating to women.

Do you take the Women's Journal? l wish to be very emphatic in :33»

ing that it is practically impoeeihle for your T.R~A. tO‘hQ intelligent on
the {regress of the suffrage cause and of women’s nrcgrcse in general withn .
out reefling this Jenrna1_ It is the bent of the cert publishec in fine u‘?lfl.v

The Kiss, ValleyConference to: tifiefl 1:,(‘2 its value by the fact that nearly
every stnfie representefl there subscribed for a share of the capitefi stock
tof fine paper for ifie state association. To are now engaged in raising the
$100 necessary for buying e ehere for the fly,E,R.A, We feel that by bein
a shnrenholfler we will give some impulse to all our locals to subscrib
the paper and to help to enlarge its circulation. By this mail I'em 9,
ing e sample copy, hith the wieh that you will get several subscribers.
[other reaiing will keep you quite so well apnetea on our cause as the 30
11511, I, ,. , I ' '
LeXt week l am going out on e lectufe tour through the southern gart off
the atefie; and as I an frequently from home. I hope you will unfleretand ”
that probably absence is the reason for any apparent delay in answering
letters. , ,

Woping to hear from you from time to time, I am
Vory'eincerely your co—worker




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lies Laura Clay,
189 Eorth hill street,
Lexington, hentuohy

Dear miss Slat:

‘npril 15 reminds me of
08 I re turned from the
I had fully intended

to trite to y n ‘ .V' 3 you for your excellent
he21p in carrving \ a; plans at the Conference. To
tell the truth, ' ve been overvhelmei with work
Sine e I ea no ho e , ’ ave not even had a char ce to
visit hiss Dluunr L ,: home and tell her in
more detail h0w

You are In 9' '. to send in the
money for the share 01' ~ -' nany thaiiks for the
“raft for ‘100103. We are having the certificate
made out in the name of the Kentucky Equal Rigits
Association? end we are sending it to your state
treasurer,.flre. Warfield C. 1|nnett, Richmond, lon~

.4. ,— _,,
Ullijhu. a

Under separate cover, I am sending you
one hundred subscriptions blanks. I as euro you we
send them 3ladl;, and we are most grate1ul ior your
past help and this indication of your future activity
in behalf of the Journal.

L'ee Blackwell clapped her hands with
joy when I told her that vou had been the first to
send in ;lOO.GO for the stock. I shall have a good
time telling her about our visit and about the Con~

Yours sincere e13,

g’béALL/‘T X211 :xo


‘\ ‘;

1333. SLH


 Natinnal Ameriran Mamet: Suffrage Asanriafinn

President, REV. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, Pa. Recording Secretary, MRS. SUSAN WALKER FITZGERALD, Boston.
1:! Vice-President, MISS JANE ADDAMS, Chicago. Treasurer, MRS. KATHERINE DEXTER MCCORMICK, Boston.
2nd Vice-President, MISS C. ANITA WHITNEY, Cal. 15! Auditor, MRS. HARRIET BURTON LAIDLAw, N. Y.
Corresponding Secretary, MRS. MARY WARE DENNETT, N. Y. 2nd Auditor, MRS. J. T BOWEN, Chicago.

(flungrwsinnal anmmittpp

MISS ALICE PAUL, N. J., Chairman.



April 25th, 1915.

Dear Suffragist:

The Woman Suffrage Amendment is now before the

Woman Suffrage Committee of the Senate. Will you not

aid in its passage by having the enclosed Resolution passed

at as many meetings as possible and forwarded to every
member of the Senate Committee?

It will also be helpful if you will write a per-
sonal letter to every member of the Committee urging the
course of action outlined in the ResolutiOn.

The members of the Committee are as follows:

Charles S. Thomas, Chairman.
Robert L. Owen,

Henry F. Ashurst,

Joseph E. Ransdell,

Henry F. Hollis,

George Sutherland,

Wesley L.‘Jones,

Moses E. Clapp,

Thomas B. Catron,

The address of each is Senate Office Building,
Washington, D. C.
Very sincerely yours,

Chairman Congressional Committee.


 RESOLVED: That this Meeting urges the SENATE
COMMITTEE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE to make a favorable report
immediately on SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1, proposing
an amendment to the Constitution of the United States
extending the right of Suffrage to women.

RESOLVED: That a coyy of this Resolution be
sent to every member of the Senate Committee on Woman

PASSED at a Meeting held at...................

.OCDCOOIOICIOII0.0000C ......... OIn.0-oocoqooooooooooouo.o

Chairman of the Meeting.










6 3C PM







MOTHER GOOSE up-to-date.
Sing a song of suffrage,
The world is all awry;

Just because the men folks
Are eating all (the pie).
Whenfithe ’polls are open
To women, ’we will sing
All are free and equal
Democracy is King

" A. D. P.

Slime); press


.t .‘7 I

30th, I913


Please find eneleeefl poet~offiee order for three dolln*

.L‘OA v. .

for subscriptions to ”omen's Journal as Pollen

4. n E
(I) Ere.George H.Rud:, Rural Telivery, Cuenshoro, Kentucky.
(2) Mrs.3ames A.Hitchell, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

(3) firs.m.¥. fiennen, Huweeville. Kentucky.

Please commence all these subscriptions with the
May 3rd number.

I have receiVefi the “.J. subscription blanks. for which T fihank you,

I am glad the xy,fi,:. . 18‘ he f‘rafi paifi—up share holfler of the 3'“


sissippi Valley Suffrage Conference.

Verv “incorely yours;


 h w

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