xt70rx937t9n_212 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_11/Folder_11/Multipage10596.pdf 1913 January 1913 1913 January section false xt70rx937t9n_212 xt70rx937t9n W44J%(5/\2L: ,(Q/(X A:/ /Q, {3:
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 National Amerimn woman $ufi‘rag2 Assnriafinn

President, REV. ANNA HOWARD SI-IAw, Pa. Recording Sacretary, MRS. SUSAN WALKER FITZGERALD, Boston
[st Vice-President, MISS JANE ADDAMS, Chicago Trsasurer..MRS. KATHERINE DEXTER MCCORMICK, Boston

2nd Vice—President, MISS C. ANITA \VHI’I‘NEY, Cal. 1:! Auditor, MRS. HARRIET BURTON LAIDLAw, N. Y.
Corresponding Secretary, MRS. MARY WARE DENNETT, N. Y. and Auditor. MRS. J. T. BOWEN, Chicago

Cilnint finangumllfimrwsinn QInmmifiw


5“” EQUAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION OF THE D' OF C' MISS ALICE PAUL, Chairman Representing the Congres-

POLITICAL STUDY CLUE, D. C. MRS. GLENNA SMITH TINNIN, Pageant Sec’y g Representing the

members of flrnrvaninn Committee

ANTHONY LEAGUE; 13- C- MISS EMMA M. GILLETT, Treaxurer D‘Of C $ufimge

«@01 1420 F STREET N.w., WASHINGTON. D.C. Januarv 8.

Fellow Suffragist:~

A Woman'Suffrage procession will take
Washington, D. 0., on the afternoon of Monday9 March 5rd under
the auspices of the National American Women Suffrage AssociatLOn
and the Suffrage Societies of the District of Columbia—

The procession has been planned for this
in order to take advantage of the host of spectators who wi
gathered here from all parts of the country. Many will come
places where the suffrege movement is still weak.
monstration of strength, such as a procession affords, will probably
do more than any other one thing to spread the suf’rage cause in
these regions.

This is the first time that a National Sur~
frage procession has been undertaken. It has a peculiar sig~
nificance, not only because spectators will come from every part
of the land, but also because it is to take place at the nolitical

center of the Nation.

We hope that suffragists throughout the country

will feel a responsibility for making this national procession a

success, and one which will bear comparison with the Inaugural parade


 on the following day.
As organizer of
States, I am writing
tLe procession and
Please have the enclosed ple b“
possible. Can you let me know
court upon from your So,‘
We also hope that
contribution toward the cost of the : w ,ss’ “ all contr'butions
to be sent to Emma M. Gilfe , Treae“r ; ‘ "., N. W., Wash~
ingtcn, D. C. Neither the District A it T~ 'cties nor the
National Association assume any fira Ci r sponsibility with
regar to the procession, so that we must depend entirely on
voluntary contributions sent to *r‘ Procepsion Committee.
Washington women are en savoring to provide hos-
pitality for as many marchers as possible. Any one Wishing
hCSpitality or information with regard to boarding houses should
apply at once to Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, 1420 F St., N. W. The
congestion of traffic at this time is so great that trains are
frequently several hours late, so that our marchers should all
aim to be here by Sunday, March 2nd.

Information may be obtained from local railroad

officials as to reduced rates which are offered at this time.

Very sincerely,

Organizer of Delegations from the States.






MRS_ LINDA NEVILLE, LEXINGTON {Kenturkg jfetnzratmn moment ($111115

. a rm 1 2t, lawman.

Harrodsburg, K9, January 11, 1915.

My dear Madam:

Last winter during the attack on the State Board of;

lie-L1,.) s5 1 eat-Ln :-

, which resulted in its comnlete vindica—
tion, the 511“ tion was; derieivelv exalted: "What have the women

of Kentucky to d; with ha; ;” um tare?" This question has occurred
to me many times since, and I hRTB wondered if the members of our
Clubs rea.‘ e their reefoneihility for had health conditions. The

‘L ,

V ital tati tics BL.‘11'e:—.111, for "‘GEL1..101'1 the Federated Clubs are

chiefly reeponeihle, and which haa well heen called "Kentucky‘s

Big Family Bible" because of the family reeorde it keeps, has showed
that 47 out of every 100 deaths in 3‘ ' last year were from
preventable dieeesee. The women " e must do its nursing
and its sorrowing in addition to s ‘ children and
themselves as unneCHSSary sacrifices to L a » '5c . Do you not
think it is time for you and all the rest of us to get busy and
actually i something to keep disease away from our homes? Do you
realize that the conditiin of ohe stables and out—houses on your
and your neighbors‘ premises has as much t; do Vlth the causation
of disease as all the other things put together and that bad condi-
tions on the premises of your neighbors and tenants are almost as
dangerous to your home as if it were not kept clean, and that these

conditions 3,1 r house no cleaner than the filthiest place


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‘5 stamped;


 containing l0 little bottles, and it will be your part to get 10
school children among your acquaintances to furnish you specimens
from their bowel movements that you may send to the Laboratory.

If you will do this and help to stimulate the other members of
your Club to do it, I believe we can accomplish more for the health

of the next reneration of Kentuck than has ever been even attem t-
o Y P

ed by any other oreenization in the United States. May we not count

on you?

/7 fiincerely,
( -' // I";

‘ , /-...l/



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 kentuckp (Equal Rights: gssudatinn

“If Ye Abide in My Word * *‘ * Ye Shall Know the Truth,
and the Truth Shall Make You Free”

WSL, Lexington
First Vice-President, mman—R‘mm.
Second Vice-President.Mr5. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington

.Desna Sven} :inrmM


Third Vice-President, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, Covlngton

- \


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express the thanks of LT



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'fi- ~0- 7-(<‘Hr‘ M ‘..T
Corresponding Se‘cré‘té‘rfizmfifirfcgihnflltkffimonfi
Recording Secretary. Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck,
112 W. Front St., Newport
Treasurer, Whammy]: Shepard,
al‘E’LTW'clfth S

_ 4 "Covington
”8} :1 fig; uh}: ,

Equal sacciaticn have reufl

eky Federation of .abor, in conven~


M;ie 00~01er tLJun of the

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umennr ant.

cf suffrage

Curreaponding Secretary


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Branch of international Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Wolnen

Anna Howard Show
Moylan. Pa.

lst Vice-President
Jane Addams
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

2nd Vice-President
Charlotte Anita Whitney
2121 Webster Street, Oakland, Cal.

Corresponding Secretary
Mary Ware Dennett
505 Fifth Avenue, New York

College Equal Suffrage League
M. Carey Thomas, President
Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Telephone, 6855 Bryant


Recording Secretary
Susan W. FitzGerald

7 Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain. “lass.

Katherine Dexter McCormick
505 Fifth Avenue, New York

lat Auditor
Harriet Burton Laidlaw
6 East 66th Street. New York

—— 2nd Auditor
WHITE STA‘TES . . FULL SUFF‘fiAGE Louise I)e Keven Bowen

DARK " . . no ” 1430 Astor Street, Chicago, ill.

National Press Bureau, Elinor Byrns, Chairman. 505 Fifth Avenue, New York

Friends Equal Rights Association The Equal Franchise Society

Mary Bentley Thomas, President Mrs. Howard Mansfield, President
Ednor, Maryland 535 Park Avenue, New York

Headquarters, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York


”‘1 ( L. ‘J..

‘Qcommend to nae Jniona; for

Lmlh ". v 'M? .- ...H ~1 :U

.a at can he&“ '“*Hu J,' 1:5 - Hlm‘ DTOETHW will nest sult'lts ro—


I do tJifik it “all t" rm: ‘ mind tuat the plan adopted ‘0?


mark is fflhkt of'fiO—oy yVfifi'x' hit? any Obnar Society agicn an;
Mork'in pTOerES. In Iii: 3e AOTKQG with nae Federaiion oi Vomam$

Clwamu fur "anool ‘uffrnge. Chis year our plan is to oo~dparate mi$m\tno

5 ‘oeiatimn 1L4" “1‘s in the submission of a Gonnfiitutionu

-" l (1 A5) \L {:3 {’1

‘Vrngo far Gomeh, from fine Lenarnl isfiewblg of

fis time to put in

would reanmmend inufi you senfl ten centfi in stamps tc
Ana uukionvl~rmwviann Vowam “uffrage fiasmuiafiioh, 5&5'



.n Avenue, Newaork, for-ammpla lanflefi». I reéommend these rfifihef Lnan

‘ on thessuhjeat hqnwuee ,' Wiil presant‘éomewhnt a

«point. ‘ - ’ ‘ ,

is“ JON Gould mubsarihe for the Toman's‘Jonrnal, 585“”


fitfiocfi, fioston,.fiassg Oriee/ fiT.00 a veur; or ?our MonthSIVtriakxsubsqrig-L

.. x I

fiion PCT $5 mania, /

Ear program, I-reaommend:g

ifi gnu become unexcughlylfaMiliar with your Séhool Suffrage proyil

, ‘1‘




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lflNDMAN,KNOTrCQ.KL.January, 1915.

My dear Friend:

The great change we have heard rumored for years has come at last, and
the railroad is now only twenty miles distant. For two years, everywhere
through the mountains, new lines have been projected or under construction,
the work of the coal and lumber companies who discovered years ago the
wealth of our:resources; last summer the first train was run to Hazard, the
County Seat of our neighboring Perry County. We no longer leave the railroad
at Jackson in "Bloody Breathitt" for the long two days' journey to Hindman,
but can come through, in a hack wagon, in a day, or by nag back in half a dozen
hours. We wonder if our summer and fall visitors who have made this trip so
easily can realize what it has meant to haul shingles, cement, furnaces,
piping, fencing,——everything that has been needed for the building up of our
Settlement School,——the full forty-five miles. Our faithful teamster, Frank
Gayheart, can now make three trips a week to the railroad, but we wish we
could do justice to the patience, courage, and cheerfulness with which he has
brought in all our materials when a single load of fifteen hundred pounds
meant a five days' encounter with mud, holes, "slips in the road," washed
out trees, high water, and the beds of streams.

Our visitors, so rare in the old days, have given us great encourage-
ment by the approval they have expressed. You who are friends of the school,
and have faith in it though you cannot be eye witnesses, will be glad to hear
some of their opinions. Mrs. Frost, of Berea College, one of whose letters
we have quoted on the circular, said, "You who are struggling with the ob—
stacles, feel the defects, but don't let your teachers think of these to the
exclusion of the really big things you are accomplishing in the midst of ob-
stacles and in spite of defects." Another visitor of unusual prominence
said, "You are too economical——you don't spend money enough———you ought to
have a great deal more to use." A Pennsylvania physician asked, "Have you
had any man to direct this work of fencing, road—building, and getting your
grounds in order?" When answered "No," he said, "Well, excuse me for
saying it, but usually when women undertake those particular jobs, the
result looks feminine. But this place hasn't any such marks——the work has
been done in a man's way."

The solid strength and permanence apparent in all the work done on the
grounds is due to the invaluable supervision of the president of our board,
Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp. She has spent a month of every summer working
hard over just these problems; teaching us how to tamp fence posts, stretch
wire, make roads, lay sidewalks, fill the silo, and build stone fences, ready
with her immense practical ability at every turn. She directs all the work
of crop planting and caring for the farm, by letter, and her services to the
school are inestimable.

Another event than the passing of the forty—five mile journey, that has
typified the changing conditions in our town was the deathzafeW'weeks ago of
the "old grandmother of the town." Dying at ninety-three, she lived.her life
in those most melancholy days for the mountains, when long isolation and
loyalty to the early feudal ideal had bred violence and utter recklessness


1‘ "

W.C.T.U.—2 (

of life. Her husband, two sons, and two sons—in-law were killed in feuds or
disputes over land, and her daughter, whose husband's murderers shot into his
grave with steel balls, was ordered by them to leave the mountains within
twenty-four hours. Let no one suppose these tragedies brought little suf—
fering to her, because the days were evil. They meant anguish to her, as
anyone knows who has seen the smiling and heroic reserve of mountain women
break down in the presence of death. Her grandson has told me how, as a
child, he was profoundly impressed when his old grandmother sat mourning for
the murder of her son. "Oh, my dear son, oh, my dear son," she moaned for
what seemed to him years. Yet so entirely have conditions changed that it

is impossible for this grandson's children to carry with them such memories
as their father's. His term in the Senate was one of distinguished service
to his State; as one of the leading citizens of Knott County he furthers every good
movement; while his children, who were among the very few pronounced
physically perfect at the last clinic, are being trained in gentle ways and
purity of thought.

Hindman itself, with its many attractive new cottages, amply and con-
veniently planned, its good stores and elec‘ric lights, bears witness to
the fact that the long isolation of the mountains is past. Yet perhaps just
because the railroads are coming in, the need for first rate schools is
greater. As the coal companies buy up the land, the original owners move
out, unready for new conditions in the lowlands. Consequently unprepared by
education or experience, these who have such possibilities of service
to their country, are easily assimilated by the most no-account
element in the towns or cities where they go. Probably for the next twenty-
five years the schools in this region have "emergency" work to do.

Mrs. Frost says, "Thus far I cannot see that the railroad is affecting our
problems very deeply. In vicinities where there has beenzirailroad for
twenty years there is the same lack of ideals in farming, home keeping,
teaching and religion." One of our boys visiting a railroad town for the
first time, was asked if he liked the looks of the girls with their elaborate
hairdressing and fine clothes as well as of ours. "No," he answered
firmly, "and I don't like their manners, neither! Just walkin' up and down
and standin' at the corners to talk, as if they didn't have nothin' to do."

The State and Federal health authorities are coming to recognize
that because of the new freedom of movement, the fight with trachoma is also
emergency work. Our September clinic was unusually interesting because of
the presence of Dr. MacMullen, U. S. EXpert, who at the invitation of
the State Government spent the summer investigating the eye diseases of
the mountains. We quote from his report, "In company with Dr. R. W. Duke,
the county health officer, I arrived July 12, 1912, at Hindman, the county
seat of Knott County, twenty miles from the nearest railroad, and reached
on horseback over very rough roads. I found the people much interested and
willing to lend their assistance and hearty co-operation to any measures
which might benefit the appalling numbers suffering from the "sore eyes"
or "granulated lids" as trachoma is known there, and this was particularly
true of the doctors of Knott County. The majority of the country schools
were in session at this time, but none of the town schools, and it was de-
cided to visit as many of the former as possible, in various sections of the
counties, since some communities are much more heavily infected than are
others, sixty to seventy-five per cent. of the families being infected in
some neighborhoods.

"The examination of four schools, which was the usual day's work,
meant a ride of twenty or more miles. Many persons were examined along the
roadside and in the homes in passing, and there was practically never any
objection'to having their eyes examined, as the people are well acquainted



with "granulated lids" and its fearful sequelae, usually willing to
discuss the subject, and always interested in learning matters pertaining
to health.

"In Knott County twelve schools were visited, 659 school children
were examined, and 119 were found to have trachoma——more than 18 per cent.,
or nearly one in five. Two of the twelve teachers were found to have well
marked.cases of trachoma. Outside of schools, 400 people were examined
throughout the county and 102 cases of trachoma found among them. Some of
these 400, however, were presented for examination because they were known
to have sore eyes, which accounts for this rather large percentage. A total
of 1,059 people were examined in this county and 221, or about twenty per
cent. were suffering from trachoma. The schools have averaged from two to
forty-four per cent. of trachoma, with a general average of about eighteen
per cent. It is estimated that from eight to ten per cent. of the popu-
lation (11,000 estimated) of this county are suffering from this disease,
or about 900 cases of trachoma. This county was taken as a typical one for
purposes of investigation, and therefore more time was spent there and more
people were examined than in any one of the other counties, the local
doctors heartily co—operating and lending every aid in accomplishing the task.

"Among the hundreds of cases of trachoma seen, I witnessed cases
pathetic in the extreme. I saw small children shut out all light from the
eyes, so intense was the photophobia. They probably had not seen daylight
for weeks or even months, and these unfortunately, are by no means isolated
cases. In one school visited a number of the nearer neighbors were present,
and there were cases of trachoma which had existed for a lifetime and had
ended in the terminal cicatricial stage and total blindness. These are
only instances of the many pathetic sights to be seen in these mountain
counties as the result of this dangerous, infectious disease, which, without
proper care and treatment, not only lasts throughout the lifetime of the
individual, but makes victims of others and gains strength as it advances
——certainly a terrible handicap to struggle against through life, only to
pass their final days in darkness, a burden to themselves, their families,
and their friends.

"The time and means which Dr. Stucky is giving and the splendid work
he is doing in the mountains entitles him to much praise and substantial
encouragement. The field, however, is a very large one, and in my opinion,
one which will have to be dealt with in a very persistent and systematic

Our hospital work through the generosity of the lady who has paid
Miss Butler's salary is to be extended so as to make it of very large use-
fulness. Another nurse will come to take care of our settlement family
and have charge of the hospital we hope to build this summer, leaving
Miss Butler free for district nursing, demonstrated lessons in the care of
the sick, mother's clubs, and preventive educational work in our own school
and the country schools. Whatever work of this sort she has already done
has brought large results, and we believe Miss Butler's new freedom to carry
out her splendid plans is a fine thing for this entire community.

One of the most interesting things about this settlement has been
the way in which new workers, seeing its needs and realizing that the board
cannot possibly meet them all, "fall to" themselves. The new workshop
with its ample second story room for sewing is the achievement of the
teachers, who raised the money for it and for its furnishings of tables,
benches, stools, stoves, and new sewing machine. It is quite the most



satisfactory of our buildings, and the carpenters about town say it is the
best built house in town. Another very delightful evidence of the workers'
interest was the letter asking for a new power house sent to Mr. Rockefeller,
by the boy whose business it was last year to "run the lights." He had
struggled and worried and grieved over our dark, ill—arranged power house
until it came to him that if Mr. Rockefeller only knew how much we needed a
new one he would give us money for it. This appeal met with no response,

but its naivete touched us very much.

.The school proper has never been so well organized and ably handled in
every department as it is this year. The first six grades are now divided
between three rooms instead of two, and the young woman who came as a volun-
teer worker last year, is now the regular teacher in the extra room. The
primary teacher still has eighty-six children, but the additional room is a
great help. A Smith College graduate, herself a Kentuckian and full of
enthusiasm is volunteering her services in the high school, and cheerfully
putting up with crowded quarters although she has been used to the best equip-
ment, because of her interest in the school.

With the fencing complete, and our enemy, the hog, routed, improvements
in the grounds are very evident. One of the teachers coming in at the opening
of school and seeing the new drains to carry the water off the hill, grass and
clover growing where the land had always been bare, and the new, splendidly
engineered road said it was a joy to get to Hindman after the discouraging trip
from Ashland, that this was the only country place for a hundred and fifty
miles where things looked thrifty and cared for. This fall thousands of
blackberry and raspberry bushes have been set out on the steep creek bank to
keep the land from washing away. We have been able to outwit the hog,——this
fight against nature is a far more serious one. We plant rye to serve as a
cover crop,—~she sends a great rain and washes off the seed before it has had
time to root. We set out a garden, the creek rises and carries it away. We
build up the bank with all the debris we can lay hands upon, a tide comes and.
washes it a hundred yardsciown stream, But we do not quit struggling and try
to keep up the fight in the spirit of our children who were hoeing corn this
summer. One scorching July afternoon when they were hoeing on the steepest
part of the hill, just as the clock struck two, they broke forth into the
doxology and sang hard for one solid hour.

The Fireside Industries Department steadily grows and keeps us in
constant touch with country people anywhere from two to ten miles away from
town. You will be interested in this account of her "home manufactures"
given us by one of our regular basket makers. "The fall is the very best time
to get the willers because the sap is down. It will do very well if they are
pulledabout the time the corn is laid by. You have to wait until the young
growths begin to come and then you can get them. Willers grows best in creeks
and swamps. They are two kinds the golden and the brown. You gather 'em
first, and lay them up to dry. I lay some up over the fire board. You kin put
them on something and put them out in the sun. You dry 'enluntil they get
seasoned.and.you can tell that by the bark turning red. I wait about a month and
a half before I work mine. You take 'em down and put 'em in hot water and scald
'em until they get soft and then take 'em out and work 'em. Scald 'em when they
are green if you are going to peel them. Peel them and let the ooze set in the
kittle and put the peeled willers out to dry. When you want to color them
you put them in the ooze just for a few minutes. This makes gray. _Put
copperas in the ooze or onion hulls to make it sorter yeller. The pretty
greenish gray ones is made by putting in a little copperas. I color some
with.broom sage root too and copperas. You jist put a little pinch of copperas
in it. I have been making baskets about ten years. I bought me a cow for



'twenty—five dollars, a couple of bedsteads and springs for twelve dollars
and a half, a cook stove for six dollars and a half, paid off five

bank notes for fifty dollars each, bought five barrels of

flour, paid a man to put in my crap each year and everything that my family
needed to eat and wear I have paid for witllmy basket money."

Some of you have already heard of Miss Southworth's Sunday evening
Bible Class. We can best estimate its effect on character building by the
letters full of deep appreciation for it that constantly come back from former
members; and its good works are numerous. Last year it arranged for two
Christmas trees in the country and they were the most delightful, thrillingly
interesting trees we have ever had——this year they are planning for two more.
When our whole school was grieving over the deatllof Pearl Hays, one of the
most promising and manly boys we have ever had, the Bible Class determined
to raise $100.00 for a memorial scholarship for him. No one from outside
was to be asked to help, for this memorial is to represent the love and
interest of Pearl's friends, and of those at home who believe in this school.
About half the amount is now raised.

No sums of thousands of dollars could ever mean more than did the gift
of this class, last year, to the school to be established at Pine Mountain.
After their last year's Christmas trees, the class had forty—five cents
left, which they wanted to use for missions. Various fields were studied
and at last the vote of the class was taken——between Dr. Grenfell's work, a
station in Africa, Korea, Ramabai's work, and Pine Mountain. Miss South-
worth's account of that memorable meeting is too good not to give in detail.
"They all were very much interested in their topics and very nervous when
they came, for each was so anxious to do his best for that particular station.
I found myself getting very anxious when it was time for them to speak, for I
was so anxious for the way each station was represented, but so very anxious
for Pine Mountain.to win, for it seemed to me such.a splendid thing for these
boys and girls who have had the helpful influence of this school to realize
their responsibility in reaching out a helping hand to the less fortunate
right here, yet I would not, or tried not to, let my personal influence be
felt. S——- talked his outline over with me after League, and you could
understand something of how earnest he was when I tell you that instead of
going to walk with the others, he went to his room to think it out. It was
delightful to see how he took it to heart and how anxious he was to present
it in a way that the others would see the need of it as he did. All did well
with their topics. S——- came last. I cannot describe his talk. His
expressions were so funny. We just gave way to a general laugh. He was
frightened for you know how hard it is for him to speak in public. His face
was red and covered with perspiration. Once he forgot everything, but for—
tunately I knew his outline and could prompt him. Hard as it was for’hinihe
would not give away until he had done his best for Pine Mountain. He told
of their need, what you hoped to do, how much they wanted the school and
finished by reminding them there were Bible verses that told us to help
those along side of us first, before we went to help the others in foreign
lands and as they had had the help of this school, they ought to help start
this other school. The slips were passed and all voted for the station they
preferred. When R——— was ready to give us the report I nearly held my
breath. He reported from four to eight for the other stations and thirty-
two for Pine Mountain. Wasn't that splendid? And best of all they did it
through the appeal of one of their own number and no outside influence.

P—-— said after the meeting, "I just felt so sad for those wimmen in India,
I wanted to send the money to them. Then I thought folks all over the world
would know about them and nobody but us knowed how much they needed a school
at Pine Mountain." The class was able to increase its gift to eighteen
precious dollars.



Miss Pettit and Miss de Long will leave Hindman this spring to start the
new school. We are glad that there is to be another settlement school with the
educational ideals of this one, for it has long been our hope that suclla devel-
opment could come. Yet in order that this new school may mean a real growth
and not a crippling of the work here, we want to ask every friend of Hindman
to be loyal to it, and to do for it all he has done in the past that "the
work of our hands may be established unto us."

Miss Stone will carry on the work here with the assistance of Miss Ruth
Huntington, who has been the teacher of woodwork for the last two years.
Miss Huntington is a graduate of Smith College, in the class of 1897, and is
rarely qualified for her new work, by the unusual opportunities of her life
as well as by her large natural gifts. The school is fortunate in the en-
thusiasm, good judgment and fine ideals she brings to her service as a
member of the Committee in charge.

Miss Newman, our former Secretary, is spending this year as our
"financial agent" trying to raise the $100,000.00 endowment fund which
will mean so great a relief to us. If you can help her in any way please do so.

The old order is changing here in the mountains. We long for an edu-
cation to come to them that shall develop as sterling traits of character as
did the old civilization now almost gone. A moment ago I was called from
my desk to talk to an old lady of sixty-four, the grandmother of the
brightest girl in our school. She has never been.a day in school, she cannot
read or write a word, but the record of her life would be a marvelous docu-
ment, in those essentials of patience, kindliness, and purposeful labor
that are the solid foundation for the race. Married at nineteen, she had
thirteen children of her own, and has raised sixteen other children who have
just come to her from "hither and yon." She has kept the house, ploughed,
hoed, tied wheat, pulled flax with her own.hands, spun and woven everything her
family wore, and the sheets, tablecloths, and towels