xt70rx937t9n_150 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_8/Folder_3/Multipage7015.pdf 1908 July-October 1908 1908 July-October section false xt70rx937t9n_150 xt70rx937t9n E ;e l()Cia§. x).:;i:11; T.'Hs d£3u :;Le;/ ’L.101k:}LU

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1' a :3 530

:Lw;;;(21;f; {)11» fiat) 11i1€a (317}l<+1h le.11:}

Hi;¢ Game to ¢ho Convention in Atlanta.


mg that I shall car ainly meet you t




 Moment Smffmgv Aaanriafinn


Zflnhian iflflnmm’a Woman $ufi‘ragp 31.12am»
(19f @kiahnma

Woman Suffrage Association Wk Indian Women’s Woman Suffrage League

President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, Marlow. .» - President Mrs. J. R. Harris CI ' k
lst Vice President, Mrs. N. M_. Carter, Guthrie. lst Vice fires" Mrs. Narcissaj Ovslileii,al$g111:l{ogee.
2d V106 PreSIdent, MTS- anle K.Ba11ey,En1d. 2d Vice President, Mrs. H. L. Cloud, Wollston.
Recordingglglcrletarm (13“th J1u112i§ g Vgfiogwgth, Rec. Secy., Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood.
‘ aloma 1 y, or u son. . Cor. ., M . M ' ' '
Correspoailgling Secrgtai‘y, Mrs. Julia Dunham, Headquarters‘ Secy rs artha Phillips A’Egfiiicslggéha
ahoma. ity, 1147 W. Main Street. - - '

Treasurer, Mrs. Adah F. Wattson, El Reno. 220% W- Mal“ St: Room 2 ifigjaifgfisp Mrs. A. K- McKellop, Muskogee.
figgil’tcfill‘agggfé gégtegerliquay’ Chandler. ‘ Mrs. Mamie Porter Farnsworth, Muskogee.
- ( ', , , l ‘ ¢ .

Mrs. Ida. Porter-Boyer, Oklahoma City. Mrs John Brown CHOkhLSha

@klahnma Gitg, (19km, July 2 , 1908

Eear Sir:

The policy of the leahoma Woman Suffrage Association is to

ascertain the individual aentimenta of the legislative candidates, in the
. various political parties, on the question of Woman Suffrage. We shall
toss the influence of our organization in the respectiye districts in
behalf of the candidatoh who believe that the principles of human
liberty inolufie both men and womén.

We know that it is almost superfluouo to ask the position of a
Socialist on wonin"a onfraoohioement, yet we aeaire to put your answer
on our files.

Will you kindly aeclare your position on the following question:


VVe hope for a short statement expressing your views, and trust
we may receive a reply before July 10th, as we expect to begin our
work immediately.

A failure to reply will be interpreted that you are opposed to our
cause of Woman's Suffrage.

Gorfiially yours,


 woman finffrage Aaanriafinn


Iflnhian mummy martian $ufirage ifimgur

Woman Suflrage Association

President M1s.K21te H. Biggers, Ma1low.
1st Vice President, Mrs. N. M. Center, Guthrie.
2d Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, Enid.

Recording Secretary, Mrs Julia. L. Woodworth,
Oklahoma City, 1128 North Hudson.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Julia Dunham,
Oklahoma. City, 1147 W. Main Street.

F. Wattson, El Reno.

Treasurer, Mrs. Adah
Auditor, Mrs. C. S. Feuquay, Chandler.
Headqual ters Secretary,

Mrs. Ida Porter— Boyer, Oklahoma City.


in our off


i are

make an honest living;

government rests on

in all

party of:

Le no argument for
freedom ofxnen that does not apply with
lieve that as human beings women have a claim to
one woman out of every five must be a
representation is tyranny,
snpport of the government and the pay of office—holders;
the consent of the

‘ (19f @kiahnma

Indian Women's Woman Suffrage League

President, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Chickasha.
1st Vice Pres, Mrs. Narcissa. Owen, Muskogee.
2d Vice President, Mrs. H. L. Cloud, Wellston.
Rec. Seem, Mrs. Minnie Randolph, Wynnewood.
Cor. Secy., Mrs. Martha Phillips Atkinson,
Treasurer, Mrs. A. K. McKellop, Muskogee.
Mrs. Marnie Porter Farnsworth, Muskogee.
Mrs. John Brown, Chickasha.

220% W. Main St, Room 2


{IL-131' 2 9

@klnhuma (Eitg, om,

:home Women “a Gig tion is to

legislative on he question

ehell use the influence of our organization

the non Mdates who belieVe that



D8,? -a1f Of

iberty include men and


women ‘1

parties, and we ore obso-

oure the election of men to office

. 1

who wll represent the vhole

mean men and women.

industrial and social
equal force to women. If you
equal opportunity to
of moo ern indostrielism
wage-earner; thet .ation witho ut
and women moot contribute their taxes to the
that our

and women are governed;

the political,


under the stress


if you believe th ese max ims are true, than women have a clear title to
voice their opinions equally with men.

\“ill you hint 117 declare your nosition
hope for a short statement expressing your views 9 and trust
we may receive a reoly before July 10th


IF uhdblup’
Ttfi RE


OULH {03'

L) 6.1M? t4

work immediately.
A failure to

sense of

r Ely
Lemon’s Suffro



n the following question:




as we expect to :egin our

11 be fifiz orproted the t you are opposed to our

fiordielly yours,



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July 18, 1908.
Dear Miss Cla‘.

I must apologise for having left your letter so long unanswered, but I am

not in my office regularly in summer.

I have read your letter with much interest and am very glad to think that

your niece is to be a member of our Freshman Class next year. I hope that she is as
good a suffragist as her aunt, whom I know by reputation, as does everyone who is inter-
ested in the "cause".

I have looked up the application of your niece and'of her friend Miss Runyon
and find that in order of date their applications for rooms come almost at the end of
the Freshman Class list. I wish it were possible for me to do something. but the choice
of rooms is one of the most difficult subjects in the whole management of the college.
and we have found by experience that the only way to arrange it is to allow entering stu-
dents to choose in strict order of application. Our Secretary's Office is now sending
out the lists of vacant rooms in the various halls of residence to the members of the
Freshman Class, and each entering student chooses in the order of her application. It
is impossible for us to say now whether there will be any rooms vacant in Pembroke Hall
when your niece'e turn comes, but if not, will you not tell her from me that our other
halls are really just as comfortable and pleasant. After the first year, students have
an opportunity to draw for rooms in other halls, so that there would in all probability
be a very good chance of getting into Pembroke in her sephomore year.

With kind regards,

Very sincerely yours.

Miss Laura Clay.


 Natimml Amerimn 1331mm Smfi’ragv Assnriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenf, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan. Pa. Recording Secrclary, Alice Slant: Blackwell. .
Fin! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swanhmmc, Pa. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mats.
Second V l“ P’“id°"" Florence Kelley. Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.

105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Correspondinl Secularu. Kale M. Gordon. DQ Audllan: Laura Clay. '89 N. Ml“ St" Lexmglon. Ky.

. M S' 5 try.
IBOO Prymnia Sum, New Orleans, 1... Warren, Ohlo ”y mm 21°60 Pacific Ave.. San Francisco, Cal.

July 24th, 1908.

I beg your yarion for the aeley in replying to your letter of the
1st, as I have been replacing the receipts in their proper order in the file and
note the corrections 5g ,‘ made. in odd moments, as I lay other work aside.

The first one referred to, the erasure of 10. 00 is an error and has been reu
ire seconl one, that of the absence of an order for 31.80, for Dr. Francis

Woods, is accounted for in this way. . ~ of the Journal a credit for this

31.30 s entered with the explanation that L id by the National, temporarily


and in turn the Eational was reimbursed-hr Illinois, the credit ofrsetting the

debit, anfl thus making no difference at all in the total of the account for the year-

If you however, think an order essential, I shall have one signed.

The third, the absence of both orier and bill for 58.85 for Wise Blackwell, has
been reyleced by a duplicate. The original bill with the order attached was sent
off in the regular we; the order was signed and returned but the bill was not res
ceiyted, so I returned bill and order to Miss. Elachell ta fiissmfiixskwekix asked
her to receipt anfi return to you which she did not do . Whether the letter was
lost in transmission or in her offic I do not know nor does she, but she signed
the duylicate order which was sent her and mailed duplicate receipt, so that is in
its yroper ylace, now.

The fourth, the 10.00 charge for postage has been noted and order and bill corrected


 The fifth mistake, the error of l.OO,ih the President's office expense will be
corrected by a memorandum on the margin of the page referring to Journal page in
the Wresent one where it will be entered and paid to her with_present office expena
see, if this will be satisfactory.

The sixth error,the one in the small journal was in the postage account, and
has been altered.

THE IMHELA BRUCEmLEGACY: Ye are not running the Bruce Legacy as a separate fund,
for all the money derived from this account is turned nto the general treasury and
used in Common with any other money received by it. It is entered as a sepa.zte
account however on the Ledger, in orfler to trace it readily at any time. I have
transferr- "F v- . from the Miscellaneous to the Laure Bruce Bequest as you sug-

xception of the l.OC error in he President's office expense ,

the financial statement for the gear was correct as these were posted in theww

Ledger, and the Bruce receipts all come under the head of Miscellaneous in this
record for 907.
This was pretty careless and I shall try to avoid so many, at least, this year.
If there is anything about these corrections to which you wish to take exception
kindly advise me whet . u and how you prefer to s, 't done.
Thanking you for the pains you have taken I am
Yours truly,

Hinnie Hauser.


 f rem


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Sectian 2 flf Article ll Gf the Sanstituzion of Lb e 3’1"e 0f
shlll he and hereby in amended L0 read as follomx a:
secticn 2. In all elections 53Gt oLierwise privided far 2y this 'On-
s;jtuticn, every citizen of (he {Tuited States, of t7:1e age uf twenty-
ewe _ye.rs and uphaids, wue =Zwll have rexidad 1n ans “Laue during the
six .ne of convenience. Our Constitution does nrovine
that the expenses of the officers to eni from the convention shall be
paidteee .nf-aflgvw VI‘ ). Lven if there ehoulfi be few aelenotc this
would ensure the necces erv ousineee oi the year being attended to.

we some ection mast me taken at once 1 am writing to put some questions

to the vote.

(1) Wet enocnfiti e have you to make ehout securing an inv t.t :ion

the conventiOn this iall? '

She-.11 to -.. est: entertinnent for the :3 electee" NI) (M

ghell we can entertainment for one cificere: W "

Shell he not for place for holfiing the meeting enfi hellfon evew


Or $1811 W leave e11 these rointe onen, and ott in as m h aeedLe
find is convenient ior our trienLie? QAILNAA. \-

How e11 tceee questions may he 6e.ncefl by vote grevions to the cone
vention, if we think it best to co so by our vote; or we may try to car-
ry on our ue 1n:1 mettoo, on: gut them to the vote of the convention. I
have no suggestion to make.,10n1y ask a grompt reply from each member,

so 115u 1 cacll :nou how“ to yroceefl. .

I have recently received a letter from ire.WRe11 et t.Unton, who is
making a Lt1tt LOT fies than for the fell, Hie es ”in w oein3 now in Turope.
fire.Ugton says she can give a fiate to fy., if nieeeire1,1orthe third
neck in Xoventer, which is about the time ve nsne11y h:1ve 011r conventions

(6) Shell we hole our convention at the time in 10v.mber, between eleca

tion day eni “nonnc31v1ng? Egbé '

(7) ”hell I am? 6311: the date f‘t‘erefi "m? "Ire 3) 113011, 62131 not et eteé‘a M
yen g Pf“‘safiflhiwrfifififlflr$¥§h$fi—gfitr63“e‘Uffifig—Sv . "“?\u

I know you all apprecie to the necessity of writinw your vote; at once

for I must re ceiVe it before I cen take .ny move to errence for e. convenr
tion. it he as been euggeetea that as th' e is not the .LeLl isletive year, ,
one “‘1'? co onvention would suffice. “lease inflice .te also £229€

(8) low man Jdaye no you Wish the convention to ne aeloi “A

Hopin33 for a full and promwt reply,1 em

Gordie. 11y yours, M 3124. {ytwvvd

WM. agéflné


 31(quth Equal Emma Awnrmfinn

“If Ye Abide 1'71 lily lVorrZ "" * * Ye 5711211 161020 the Truth,
and file Trm‘}; Shall Zlf/ake You Free.”
Pram/mt. Miss Laura Clay, Can-emondz'ng Secretary, Mrs. Mary C. Roark, Richmond

189 N- Mil] Stu Lexington. 16emrzli;1g$ecreta7y. Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck,

First Vice l’rerz'n’ent, Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Richmond. 112 W. Front St, Newport.
Secmza’ Vice Preridenl, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington. Treasurer, Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard,
T/zim' Vite Preridem‘, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, Covington. . 3’ E' Twelfth St" Covington.




Jf 0'1


1 v





 home in the Summer! y '
examples of what might be called traveling
Courtesy? I don't wish to be hard on my sex,
but I have to admit that the first thing a wom-
an does when she starts traveling is quite likely
to be an act of discourtesy, says Christine Ter—
hune Herrick, in the August DELINEATOR. This '
she perpetrates at the ticket otlice. If she hap—
pens to be late or in a hurry, there is apparent-
ly no principle about her to deter her from
pushing in ahead of those in line before her
and bullying the ticket agent to serve her out
of turn.

All the place for courtesy is by no means
past When you reach your destination ; in point
of fact, it may be said to have just begun. At
the Summer watering places, in seaside and
mountain hotels, I have observed more lack
of courtesy even than in traveling.

In the first place, many girls are noisy. I
like fun as well as any one, but never yet have
I seen any reason why joy should be expressed
in shrieks of laughter or noisy demonstration
I don’t mean that I would have the foot on
the soft pedal all the time, but there are
mirth and pleasure which are neither silent
nor strident.

The other day I heard a matron express her
mind vigorously anent the so-called “Summer
girl”. , .

"They disgust me!” she said. “Girls who
are nice and well-behaved at home seem to feel .

ree to act as they please when they are away,

—and they are generally pleased to do ill-
bred things. On steamers, in trains, at the
beaches, they career wit strange men, pick up
all sorts of acquaintances! Why must a girl
forget she is a lady just because she is off on a


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ML 052:?“ M pLQWM— M/Z/f W]: W M flM’M/ym “,6; W
fiflméfizLM/M Vf M%—/MM— M7WW 5 ¢?/V «m»- MRS. IMOGENE BATH

Hillshoro, Ore.

Portland, 0%, Sep. 2d. - I90 8

My Dear Miss Clay:

As you will see iv the enclosd clip, we are going rig ht ghee
ahead,teing compelled to keep moving to extricate ourselves from the quich
sandss,into which we were plunged (there is no use in shieing an the.truth§

by our affiliation with W.C.T.U. in 1906—6.

The dish other day l was driving wiiAa party of friend at the Seaside . A
lady who didn't vnow the danger of the quic< sands drove us into them un—

awares. It was a close call . We jumped for our lives. "Keep movinV‘cried
a lad who saw the horse and tuggy sin$ing. We kept moving. But.the horse an-
buggy could not he moved.till,after much difficulty we got a piece of scan

ling on wich our lad, §od hless him, stood dtil1 he freed the horse from

.the tuggy Then, we all pulled toeether an got him out. The bug gy came much
harder;hnt we got a lot of non to the rescue and sawed it from heang car~
ried out ty flood tide. fut they had to work a different "purchase " on

,the wheels to succeed; Just so with our cause.A/e have been wrestling wit.
the quick—sands of whisky and W.7.T3U.;Put we're wriggling out. however,

we find as new movement necessary: so we are now trying.tavaaying SUffrage

and ,strange to say, the wheels are moving. our petitidns for a new vote

along new lines is securely tilled for 1910. it first,we didn't like.the

idea.Eut we concluded that ”half a loaf was hetter.than no bread,F so we

are now trying for the half loaf. Now,if we will all stand together.as

Suffragists,and steer clear of isms,we have a better chance to take a for-
ward step than at any thme since 1905. I have written Miss lackwell
and Miss Gordon fully. My health has become full restored,and 1 can ,as

you see,again use the typer.

Cordiallv and ratef
”Jr/gw/«z/ 1194M


 MEL fiwlLk/LM (5/


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 T112 iflummt’fi (Dutrlum: gut

MRS. JAMES A. LEECH, President
1735 First Street
MRS. BASIL W- DUKE, ~ - ~ First Vice President
212 East Broadway
MRS. JOHN THIXTON, JR., - Second Vice President
1317 Third Avenue
MRS. JOHN A. STRATTON. " Third Vice Prcsident
211 St. Joseph PiaCe

/ ,

Lnuifiniliz. "Ky.


' £3712 5/



MISS OLLA STUBER. - - ~ - Recording Secretary
222 East Walnut Street

MRS. WILL S. HAYS, - - Corresponding Secretary
1021 Fourth Avenue

Corresponding Secretary, Pro fem.
1735 First Street
MRS. CHARLES EARL CURRIE, - - — — Treasurer
Villa Thyra. Bardstown Road

>2:// Jééx¢/~/? 6;;W/ /




 Sept.14th, I

1-3? firfi.Leech,

I‘ ~rncni“r1fl~e

0 receivefi

1 H

lecture engag ement

118 Rennefit, who


for our



umafl school loaatefl

W a i, S:

,. .1
reachaa. wr~10VV


‘1: 1w


two or hhrea days. 'I an mi tha letter

Breckinridge to 30m:

smf 1’1? 2-1;; 0

able to take one lecture, as they


gette movement particularly. 1 High it were Possible

thing is to n.0Va


but circumstances grevent mo.

personally, for 1V good work these

vacate our cause;


_I am glafi to hear gov anfi .1.S fiarolyn have re:urva

summer trip.

Corflially vcurs;




finculfi F~V8 has

”1; but the arramgea‘


many young
for fift v 6011 ars

receive a reply

wrote to firs.


~ . '7 1
L WiIL'Ej 0’3

the ‘ su ffra-

. a \ 1
to yo someaé


lacturers ad-

? be afititéd


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 President— Financial Secretary—

) L‘. ll‘AIL.‘ IO’I‘TDU‘IIW ' 8. .B0 'A M
IRE A $352 autism, P0rfinnd,A(§re. OREGON STATE EQUAL MI320 I-[Ikiblmrlzlléit‘u Portland, Ore.

Vice President at. Lnrge— Treasurer—«MRS. W. E. POTTER



215 7th St” POI'tluudv 0““ Honorary Presldent——MRS. HENRY WALDO (7014: MRS. 17. E