xt70rx937t9n_139 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_15/Multipage6353.pdf 1906 November 12-30 1906 1906 November 12-30 section false xt70rx937t9n_139 xt70rx937t9n I8I N.Mill St., Lexington, Ky.
Nov.15th, 1906.
My dear Kiss Averill,
I received yours of the 7th, and I so not wonder
that you feel discoursged_unfier the circumstanes. However, I saw Miss

Mary Harrison in Lexington-the other day, and she promises to help you.

Also, I understand that Esther Burnam still considers herself a member

of the Frankfort F.R.A., and has not joined the Hadison ?.?.A. in con-
sequence.Drop her a line, and tell her to send her dues.

I do not hhink the principal object of the Frankfort E.R.fi. is by
any means to stand by us when our Committne comes to Frankfort, by to
Ihelp our cause all the time by”stan&ing up and being counted” as on
the sifie of Equal Rights,so as to give the only answer thich convinces
when our opponents say that women i0 not wish to vote. Nothing but be-
longing to a suffrage association can convince the floubtfnl that women
do wish to vote; and therefore we make our only.obligation of membership
’ giving the name and paying the annual dues.

I I fancy that Hrs.Shepard wrote to Mrs.0harlotte Vatson; but as I
knew she had gone to T":‘whitsh’as thst spelled right?— ) I wrote to you.

Please do not let the Frankfort Esp, fail us this year, but collect
the dues of the few and try to enlist more. Could not Miss Mary Tarrison
or you be prevailed upon to go to Ashland to the convention? You would
find it a pleasant occasion.

Very cordially yours,



 181 }.fiill St., Len ngton,
Nov.14th, I9m6.


Your letter and literature come this morning at a very aus-
picious moment. I have long tho :ht it desirable to join the Grange;
but it is impossible for me to take the laboring oar in any other or-
'ganization then the Equal Rights association; Therefore since your meet-
ing here I have been ousting abort for a sniteble person who i might
get interested in the Grange. In my mind I hsfl fixefi ufon hiss Laura
Estill, of Lexington,or rather its vicinity, who is-a very intelligent
young women, the deug.ter of one of our lezfiing farmers, sni one whose

interests are.eltogether with the farminq community. She passed the


night at the house and at Breakfast I was talking to her on this sub-

ject, :md‘she hsfi askefl me to Write to you for literature, when the
mail came in and I received your lett r and literature. She says she
.Will consider the question one will let me know later, If she will help
I am sure she will be a valuable assistant. I have given her my name as
one of the signers of the petition of sixty.

I noted the names of those to thom you write that you hrve sent
petitions. Isee among them Mrs.Etta DeLong and Dr. Taylor. I doubt if
they can do much good right now, for they were instrumenyal in pushing
one of the Mutual Investment Companies which terminated so disastrously
that it impaired the confidence of the community in the soundness of

their judgment; sni since the Grange is not well known, their advocacy_.


 will not recommend ifi.

3133 Laura fistill's [address is Lexington, Ky. firobably it will
not be desirable to write to bar until E learn whether or not She cares
to lend a helping hand in organizing. In t; ogqo; I
myself. qhe has a much more oxtondefi acquaintaxoe wifih
than I hevo, and knows person 11y themost influential of f%
herself anon on uttraotivo lady that if she will assist o“
feel that I have done the very best goosible Eon in Gnangé in this

718889 say to firs,”oleott thafi I roe” vnfi
for which I thank hor. l was quite diafiygointed

passea through Lexington, but I know how-many oalls 01 have upon ycur

time as yoy firavel.

“lease give my regards to Irs.“oloott, anfi believe me

Very truly yours,


 Eslablished 1830.
Druggists’ Sundries .

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Z. Jame cs Bell
Bl‘iughurs’t‘s Spemal’des.

Laclies‘Depnrhnen’t ‘/‘71'.bl()l Sdlt‘ (IllCl R(}l lclil D11l()()181-
Surgical Insh-Lu-nents and Appliances.

()01':S2ixlh 6,4 M a rkel Sly-eels.

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ries; and the gentlegfi am& most courteous intimaticn that the program com-

mittee_finfis other tLing more Arefituule or interestring than heajing of
their faitZ ful labors of the yearhas, to mv mind, a disco zra ginr ais-

organizing effect.£heref0re, for theseand similar reasons, I desire at the

same timefyhat I resign half the time of the YV.m.F.fi., to make the respect?

ful reques that the Program Committee bringto the attention of tigizrogram

Committee my remonstrance as one or the state presidents; ané my firmher


 request that the mambers of the nexfi irogram Committge Should carefully

proviae for fihe fiima presumably given fio the reports cf the states, so that
no accfiaent or exce$sive vrogram shall lead to the repetition of the humil-

assoeiafiions which has been neseesary this




 I81 K.Till

Iov.25th, 1906.

3r,cf Low.25rd, reached me “Egg iv



“vs helC in gshland, Hov.2, 1nd

it was an agreeable anfi encour—

90 if Vtu Skufilfi

am unusualu
1ork unieh en-
.ae ifie eifurt to
of Tenruary
11 be there.

.renae will


 a/ /
/«"1//f7 a” ’l’ 4 /"(,/ /€(A _/


/ /
K (J/(z/é M/jé (floL/jZL


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary Presidenr. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. ecording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 ark Street, Boston, Mass

Vice President at Large, FSCERENCEZKEEELgY, N Y 1: C L C L K
1 ast n ireei, ew or iiy. . , AURA LAY, exington, y.
. Auditors. {DR ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St, N., Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.

1800 Pryiania Street, New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNoRA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.

Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.


Wartime m, 3%., 'r-i-zrv. 27,190,}.
new ‘f-Fmber‘ a! +310 flaming” ;. “mmmimfi-
."fi' Paw-<3 receive-3.9. WOW: firm: was Shaver—1;. uf Signage, that fiftsr
investigating, a n‘vmi‘errr' (if missile in iaiiz' vicinity :tf Miami“ ifali, aim finde Mia.
Palmer Hams off’nm We hesit- r'e‘ma, is: fact- ‘Llie (Lizfihbf‘fi‘ 21:1; 326i; make a rate 43.»; they
311?." the: we as: ermm 2: all Mai: timz: that r. 1:23.: (Enri'i. wish in, engage 5hr: comm aware
their? 'ifiimj"; “the: re "vivid be "05‘- a 23-0 delegetw to M enteriflinad. firm Steward. 32.135
”aha-r. ixhey "'~;'..-'ieei‘. “h: entertain newly 3:3." the dfiilfigésfififi e: that this; canine be taken
into cannfirlramzdzriz-n 2“, $51. 1:": gaw'ifling .1"; of???» mg"; «i 15:33.. Tim I 13.13%.)313 Sufimfiz Ass'n
is? fir.- amt'?rta;in We Engine, I"‘4zz:1'irr~.irt; he mt: rm Hm. E‘hewax“; Wifiiitid w decide vary

quick}?! and in he)“ eetl‘ira‘ifiaz‘; thin v.31; :3 imim was the ‘Viil't‘ff inward. I max 3

majmneibilihr m? graying mm I knew the: ‘fv’hélti "we all right; 2-5! ti; 1.31:1 Bursinemza 570mm-

{.56. The}: time r3ff=11".riri 2m 1'1 1mm Mammy? :mi’iwn vargl' ,gmii mini-i fur the .é-luemnaisa 11cm:-

mii‘v-Fm and £03 their gala They gaging; a runner: 2):” $4.55; a dag; fit-’2‘ ram, arm in a

rmmmr $2.00 a (161:1 for W: in a mum, She Elev, maid frahar. '32.}it1'i?'r.‘r were": many” gnu-lure


and a club MW! in 4mm “metal, which afield. be: used {me of ci‘;.=;iy‘*g;,rce is»? comm? A mam-a
finger I feel. mar-:5 43min? grist»: m '53. $6393. 'tha: I dz” 1251311. in taking iii: ”UPS:si'lhflibii.:Lliily
of railing Nina. Sizimzirt ‘77?»3‘22 ‘6.’ F'yfimqr Earn-m; Winfici’r he; kill vigil?» anti 3. Emmi ‘wri {San
askin: her i‘m' “the. raters of mans with inert-hi; far we er mere in a Kiwim. If I have
thies 4mm nan-tier; in trim. I will gem; if. is; "Pregtflm" for Liza;- Dean-ruimr 1min). i also

hope ta h: able *7 mnmmm t}.‘-“1 mailman? mtg; in the Hemmer}; r "Prtgr‘e£§8“.

Very truiy yearn,










 :afl 32TH?“

nu 52?.


 g/ij it] {755;}

Pprtland, Oregon, EVIovembm‘ 17, 19013.

Doubtless you are familiar with the conditions existing in our
State in regard to the Suffrugt‘: work. We do not deem it necessary to enter into
detail, but muld simply say that leaders of the movement consider there 13 immediate
necessity for united action of all loyal suffragista in order to retain the ground
already gained in the recent campaign and to prevent the scattering of the 1021393.

To this end the enclosed call is isszmd, with the requst that i
you are in sympathy with this affort far thorough State organiza‘aion, you will gleam
sign it and also secure as many signatures as possible and forward the same to the
committee, Room 635 Union Block, 22'? 1-2 Stark St” Portland, Ore.

Clara Bewick Colby
Lida M. OBryon
For the Committee.
( c o P Y )


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, Susan B, Anthony, Corresponding Secrcla 71;, Kate M. Gordon.
17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y. I800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. "
Vice Presidenl a! Large, Florence Kelley.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

. Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Audrlars: i Dr. Annice F. Jeffreyr. Portland, Ore.


Dear ”embar- oi‘ the“ * zines-m»: C‘ommitten,

You i' rovtc'mber at; time ‘rmsainzss. CO'zt‘rmiubfifi martini, in Octo-

7 T . z‘ A. ~. ,,r r" m m ., 1
bar, it, was votetfi, tum, the Rational satmuld take: 475,00 0.». the .;L,,o..;o..s

whinunic ip 7: 1 5:17. 5134:7138 which Him. ”0 Ci: