xt70rx937t9n_137 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_13/Multipage6235.pdf 1906 October 1906 1906 October section false xt70rx937t9n_137 xt70rx937t9n 181 N.fiill 3t., Lexington, Ky.
Oct.Ist, 29:16.
My dear Ars.0bonohain,

I have just rocoiv "- .~..5». . lit-rt: both 1111:;
and I am glad you wrote directly to me rather than wait longer on firs.
Shepard. I have heard from her once .52 or reiurn;nnd in «Hut lot.er
written from Canada she Says she sometimes " J I lottur- in ins mails;
that she was not to return home for several f‘nl' n1: sue fiifi sze
nould write a full report of une finances. I have not hoard sinoe, an& I
have tam time pass unconsciously, A. I ”new a remittance snoulfi have boen

made to you before this.7nen I do floor, I will ': g?' " arrearagos of

salary are paid and tnat a sum for gostage is *6 ' too meantime, I send


m check for $25.00 five dollars of whip h is advanced for nostag ~ and
y n .w 1

the other is what I am paying to the free-will fund, as I explained
letter from Oregon. [.8 it has partly iro n the confu51on that

our metnoé of paying dii foront or»an e: fhot caused so much trouble

if“! i‘

tling‘yuur account, I am enclosing a form of rooo'*+ be union
knowledge this own to Jrs.1h eiazd.
In my last letvor I wrote Lv Jaw so hnrfiiefily tan a 3‘1 ..6 acknowl-

51L) U

idge your first prompt anfi very satisfactory letter; a »‘l . 3 your l=

\efore ibis I had not reuil; oboervofi tum” on; a: t;.1 NI 1: so. You tuin


leople have no adequate iflea now no "*i ' “5* a " 1 1: fl‘. :y’; xiithfir


we have had! I an 30 in oh i” *1 sir .; ., I“ L" w “a 11* I real?
1y do not know h w I could nai Clo yrelininury arrangements 1‘? .1 state


convention, .uiah comes off in fisnlanfi, tho latter “a”: of Iovombor, days not

yet fixed. I nave 1.tol two

f ;» Wanwp gm} "5-5.1: to
j’been able ,0 LPJL.U. ..


 2. ' H


eYefilngs on neat occasigibbut I must hemr again before the days are finally *



I know your report will be one of the most encouraging features of the

conventionyYou will see by the minutes that the money for your little salary
\ ‘ .

" -r

was'raieed at the conVention, but I :m informed 0y irs.3hepard it has not yet
been collected. fihe was not present at the convention,.whieh is probably the
gvhn it has not been oollectefl sooner. However, I hogs soon to wet all Luis


straifihtened out{
I encloe . cli ning relating tg

Corfiirllv yours,

3‘ I a“ Joinw 1n ~l..

.3 \,/ ‘ ‘ .- ~. :30 r If; h; ‘-
TTt’“ 0‘73 "let “ ~’U-Slnegs » ' M u i
"‘ ** -J. i. “ in“ . - u; .1 i _

.. . $115 13"”); L“ _ Jig”. 1*. .. a ‘
-+3Ttuut campaign 1p my ‘1 ' ’ Oh t“9
4 meeting w“
" g} (.4k_,C{}E'3f.r‘j§.-»ml.

‘ ‘q.



E;ceiveo chm lies 1“, T3511" flu ‘.. in perfi payment of Salary of

I9C6 of :rees Sup't of iy.o.l






Grand Ra ids Mich
hiss Laura E. Clay, p ’ .’

Triclunorud, ifir.

Dear Madame:—

Laving made a long and very interesting study of the
question of walls and their best sanitary as well as decorative treat»
ment, it has occurred to me that the information I ha;e gathered and
the data that I have collected might with advantage be placed in the
hands of the many Woman‘s Clubs in this and other countries and be
used to advantage.

Knowing how practical the work is in the clubs it seems to me
that a department of home sanitation might be of great value, not only
to the homes of the members but to the community as well, and knowing
how broad your sympathies and how keen your interests, I take the
liberty of asking you to cor sider the work for the coming year in your
club calendar.

In order to get some authoritative data, I sent out a series
of questions to the leading physicians in this country and asked them
several questions. Among the queries were these: “Is it true that the
walls of the home under certain conditions become a harbor for tuber—
culous germs and other infectious and contagious bacilli? Do germs lie
dormant on papered walls for years and later come to life and infect
families? Would you approve of tinted walls in preference to papered

From the many answers I quote from an eminent Chicago sanitar—
ian, who says,—“There is not much room for doubt but that papered walls
often harbor infection. In =.ny er perience as health officer in two
cities I have observed the recurrence of many cases of infectious dis»
eases that I could not otherwise account for. Cases where there was the
history of other cases of like disease in the same room, and a fresh
outbreak after disturbance incident to repapering. I ALWAYS ADVOCATE

WALLS TINTED with a substance containing an antiseptic material."'

Many other physicians say the same thing and the consensus of
opinion was strongly in favor of tinted walls. If you care for these
things in detail, I shall be very glad to send them on to you, I am in
business, (but not in the decorating business) and this is merely a
fad, if you will, to furnish study and information. If it so happens
that the information can be turned to genuine service, so much the
better, for I am of the opinion that there is grave need for more in-
telligent sanitation in the home.

Wishing you continued success, believe me, Madame,

Yours cordially,
L4ééfééccAiénm¢ ;Z:


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 n :4-(1 4-:
W all Sanitation
A Profitable Subject for Study.


Chairman Legislative Committee, Michigan Federation Women’s Clubs,

The subject of Wall Sanitation is attracting much.
attention at the present time, claiming its word from
physicians and scientists; and naturally has appealed to
club women, since they are the home guardians. Forthe
subject is vital to the health of every home, for
whatever the surroundings; whether the rooms be
large or small; whether the house be cheap or expen-
sive; whether it is in the city or in the country; whether
it is in a village or metropolis, there is always the ques-
tion of the four walls and ceiling in every room, and so
the subject of Wall Sanitation is one that confronts with
vital interest every member.

It is not an occult or abtruse subject, for sanitation
means simply cleanliness; and Wall Sanitation is but a
discussion of the best ways to make walls clean and
keep them clean. '

Continuous Study.

The subject of Wall Sanitation should present con—
tinuous and continuing study. It should notbe taken up
in a desultory way or any attempt made to cover the
subject in a single meeting.

Suggested Line of J‘tudy in Wall Sanitation.

Causes of Unclean walls.

Dust, steam from kitchen and furnace, coal soot, scales from bodies
of occupants, exhalation from breathing.

The Kitchen wall.

Effects of steam from cooking, greasy steam from range, soot from
range, dust from floor, odors, color, light, creasoting of walls,

Living Room walls.

How frequent recoating, how to over come spots, the best color, the
permanent coating, rough or smooth surface.



Special work with regard to sleeping rooms, open windows, furnace
heat, temperature, color effects, solid wall stripes.

Bath Rooms, Closets and Pantries.
Special conditions, colors, cleanliness and permanency.
Schools and Churches.

Special inspection work with regard to preventive means, effects of
dust and dried sputem on walls, color, heat, re-coating, etc., etc.

Condition of walls.

The first thing to consider is the present condition
of the walls. Here we are usually confronted with a
number of very unsanitary conditions. In relation to
the walls as they stand at present the subjects to be
considered are the coating first, which is us-
ually wall paper; the material with which the
wall paper is applied; the length of time that the paper
is on the wall; the physical conditions of the room,
whether it be light or dark; whether the ceiling be a
high ceiling or a low ceiling, whether there are cracks
in the wall, whether the corners are closed. Very
frequently seams present themselves in the corners
caused by the shrinkage or settling of the house.

Having considered the conditions of the wall, the
conditions that exist as they now are, the next step is to
consider the situation that has produced these results.

The atmospherical conditions have been one factor;
but the most vital factor perhaps, has been the inhabit-
ants of the room.

Periodical Cleansing.

Walls are usually left undisturbed as long as
they look fairly clean. This usually means a period of
of from one to tWU or three years. No one would think
for a moment of leaving windows to be cleaned an-
nually, or bi-ennially or tri-ennially, yet we have been
leaving walls in just that condition. There is added to
the wall the same dirt that is added to the windows only
the glass being clear and transparent, the dirt is more

Disease from (Halls.

It is no doubt true that much of the disease which
suddenly injects itself into a household in seemingly
mysterious ways has come through the wall as a vehicle.
The concentrated breaths, the accumulation of dust
from the carpets, and dirt from the streets have each
added their quota to produce a condition that is far
from cleanly white at the same time the color ofthe wall
hangings may not be destroyed. Because the appear-


 ance of a room is artistic: because the colors are unfad-
ed; because the harmony is maintained, it does not fol-
low that a room is clean even when it has been wiped
down with the ordinary cloths. This is especially true
with regard to papered walls whose porosity makes a hid—
ing place for many germs and whose seams and laps
present a resting place for all kinds of bugs and dirt.

How to J‘ecure Clean walls.

Secure a wall that is sanitary as well as harmonious.
The best medical opinion says that this can be done
only by tinting the wall with a material made from an
antiseptic base. The most preferable material is always
that which is made into a solution by the addition of
clear cold- water. There is nothing more cleanly than
water, and when clear water is added to a substance
that is mineral in its origin and antiseptic in its effect,
an ideal trinity is formed.

All these subjects are worthy of study and in fact,
are most vital elements that enter into the home today.

Legislative work.

Wall Sanitation has now been considered by the
Lake Placid, (N. Y.) Conference where the nost ad-
vanced experts on the subject of Home Economics are
gathered, the leading Colleges of this country where

Home Economics is taught have added Wall Sanitation
to their list of topics.

The Womens Clubs of Toledo, Ohio, have
introduced an ordinance prohibiting wall paper in
tenements, etc. New York State, section 108 page 55,
now has a stringent law on the subject. Chicago. in sec-
tion 1229. makes it a part of their municipal code.
Massachusetts has a bill pending, No. 528. New Orleans,
La., prohibits wallpaper. Boston,Mass.,prohibits paper
with arsenic in its coloring matter.

Kansas City, Mo., has a new Tenement House Com-
mission to consider the subject. New York State offi-
cers and Missouri State officers as well as others have
endorsed the work of ‘ Wall Sanitation.”

Much effective work can be done by the legislative
department along these lines. There is no field which
presents greater opportunities for the amelioration of
social conditions than securing the passage of laws with
reference to the introduction of harmful elements into
the home and there is no more harmful element n the
home of the poor especially than wall paper or
unclean coatings as well as dirty coatings. It is not
only dangerous in its coloring material which is largely
composed of arsenic, much of which is free. but it is also
harmful because of its tendency to harbor disease germs.
bugs and much animal and other filth


 New Bill.

A Bill to Secure Better Sanitary Conditions in Walls and Ceilings
of Private and Public Buildings Within This State, and to
Remove the Danger of Contamination and Disease From Such
Walls and Ceilings.

77% People of [/16 Slate of Mic/123a” Enact:

Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to place or cause to be placed any wall
paper upon any wall or ceiling in any dwell-
ing house, hotel, fiat, apartment house, store, office,
church, hall. theater, opera house, or any other
building, whether public or private, within this state,
unless all wall paper and other substances adhering to
such wall or ceiling be first removed therefrom and such
wall or ceiling be thoroughly cleansed and freed from
all foreign substances and impurities.

Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any owner or
part-owner of any tenement house or lodging house
within this state, or any officer or agent of any corpora-
tion owning or controlling any such tenement house or
lodging house, to permit any wall or ceiling in any room
of such house, the same not being covered with wall
paper, to remain for a period greater than one year
without being thoroughly coated with a material made
from an antiseptic substance. And it shall be unlawful
for any owner or part-owner of any tenement house or
lodging house within this state, or any officer or agent
of any corporation owning or controlling any such tene-
ment house or lodging house, to permit any wall paper
upon any wall or ceiling in any such tenement house or
lodging house to remain upon said wall or ceiling for a
greater period than two years, or, on the removal ofany
wall paper from any such wall or ceiling, to fail to have
said wall or ceiling, within the period of ten days there-
after, either thoroughly coated with a material made
from an antiseptic substance or covered with wall paper
in accordance with the provisions of this act.

Section 3. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished
by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not
more than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and
by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not
more than two hundred dollars for a second or sub-
sequent offense, and the costs of prosecution, and in de-
fault of the payment thereof, shall be confined in the
county jail until such fine and costs shall be paid; but
such confinement shall not exceed ninety (90) days.


 . z r‘.“
CC L: . C’: .3.‘

0f Uctober, you can

Shall be obligefi to go 5; a ;\ i h. i" a mask tomorrow, so

if you a p“ ' -[ 5 ; _,. ‘ s ‘":‘w V" Hennett know, or flrox me a

.. ‘ . ‘. ,. 7* .- L .' ., - 7, . ,_ “I Z ,.
lzne --.m (‘,, . . m A . (“A _; :nturn.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

. s

Honorary Preside/1!, Susan B. Anllmny, Corresponding Sccrclary, Kale M. Cordon. L
17 Madlson Street. Rochester, N. Y. IBOO Prytuma Street, New Orleans. a.

Presidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw ‘ r , ‘ Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Sheet, Boston, Mass.
7 ”f.

443 DCVO’H SUCH» ML AiIY. PhilfldClPlliav Pa. Treasumr, Harriet Taylor Upton, \Vancn, Ohio.
Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley,

‘ 4 {'1 , 5 Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.
l05 East 22nd Street, New York CllY- ‘ uu ”5 ' ( Dr. Annice F. Jeflrcys. Porllnncl Ore.


Warren, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1906.
Dear Miss Clay:

I have looked up the matter of Kentucky's pledge for
Oregon and find that your assessment was $84.90. #55020 of this has
been paid, as you will see by the little statement enclosed.
I will now add to this the $14. 50 for which I herewith enclose

When I left the office yesterday afternoon I fully
emected to return to say my Goodbyes to Miss 837161“! and you. however,
I found that it was best for us to go to the end of the line to take
the car and Mrs. Kelley Was late getting back to her room, so I did
not go book to the office. I went with Mrs. Kelley and Miss
Blackwell to Youngstown and saw them safely started. Mrs. Kelley
wanted me to say to you all that she hoped you did not think she
was lacking in courtesy because she did not come into the Headquarters

for a little final visit. Miss Phoebe Sutliff came to see her
about a Child Labor Committee which Miss Sutliff has recently
organized here and they spent the time in. talking about that. I
promised Mrs. Kelley thatI would say Goodbye to you all for her.

With love and all good wishes, I am,

You rs f ai thfully,



 D.Rmith,Jr., ?afiucah, Ty.

I'77-‘m:.r~_ ,.
.1: via“. 41'

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to V0u.it

nee. Snob

sure . s ,' ~- ‘ ,,m. a ‘_ ;:“..H‘Z‘ a} a? -i- ; ' :v”


no 0116



simple method Will often bring into membership persons whom we probably

did not think were at all interestefl- for our caise has grown wonfierful-
9 2


ly in popular sentiment during the lest few years. XaVe you read firs.I.m.

Harper's article on Women Fuffraqa-& ‘, " in ine Earth flierjean Review
of Sept.213t? If not, you will finn it ‘s-; *»rce 1i and also the edi—

_.\l‘:,_.l, .. ,. ,r, i. "in-,H-
ndedueweau of human buiirng;

€3.11, U. 131;.(3 gr (-3", :3. u

I m 21- J L in“.
moving: _ A v


.1 ,‘

.‘ VL ‘. .__,





. q"



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$0 .1158 flaw.

asz the .snlana

tat busika€~

1w 3' w 1:
.L/ .( A. 44 “L,

.‘ l '
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L" iii J. 4",, I



 aance of collecting :ua dues

=w ones, if possible. The matioa—

urwused a hevlthy y”r’t of yrogress glen: ihis llne;

._ A I.
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uni, snurb muchLL :rab

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Fae Mistsfi in 39‘
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a; 1‘ '1'1 *





People’s Gas Fixture Company.


515 Main St., 126- 128- 130 Government Place, Lincoln Inn Court Building, CINCINNATI. 0.

WW LW/V p/ZfiZ/C/ M? flé @W /55 “400“” 728310: 59 M'am


Gas Elec.

Gas Elec.‘

@W ‘ / / / 32w MLVVVVZ (a 6 1/ ‘ rm Mam/V454
/ / / 373/ flj/M/Z? "‘ /. 3,574 " "
‘/ 333073 Mama/my 3 gym 3 .i
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@W/WML' / / V2 Hm WLVVVX M-‘flmVaVéVéWVA /J 5 7/ %M
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W Max {.2 34:7 N /0/fa LIX/f0 /0
4M (- 3 / / JMM/VVV%/7/w/wé (2220 Ma/MZ em 7&0 M A
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’QWL///‘-“ I/ _n

W T / . ‘/ Jag/fag, u 11
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MMQfiO/W/éiym Td/j





People’s Gas Fixture Company.

515 Main St., 126—128-130 Government Place, Lincoln Inn Court liulldlng, CINCINNATI. 0.


Telephone 59 Maln


. LIGHTS moi—E‘s”

Gas Elec. Gas Elec.








 J. D. WHITAORE Te “when": Main 59. F. W. MUHLHOFER.

mm mg @ng flommasy,

Cnimmlgte (Sniff
' “ @133? J


4’ r”? ‘
515 MamS‘i V 126 £28= s30 Gavemna:


WWW, 5%.





Gas fitter,

Gas and Electric Fixtures,
Gas Ranges, Radiators,
Welsbach Supplies, Etc.


Near Fourth,





Phone, Main 2663.





LE}: 3 NE fr 0 N,

/ 1'
WWW" 'rx \, .




‘n ll)?“ ’06)

pf? I7 F‘





 I81 N. 111 Htrcct,

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{annJuil ccuzvsngiith A~g :T“: f5" T 1 ‘ “ h2c¢3 bceyn
¢., iflit71'L ; 3‘5 1‘ . Elcrr 9 . ‘TQV.
‘nd n7 1:; to hmjc aiso
instructive 5x; ; ‘f,fU X0; it behoovec all the locals to ccllect dues,


ueni a written 57, 2", an? delay te' fi'f :4 “ nakc t?i ice
most successful conVani n 03 our history.

I wrote to inn cavernl timcs gLile *iU ‘ abrcai, anfi fclfi
solicitude wncn T - _; _‘ f" ‘t . “m’~‘ y'g‘uu tip I hcaffl ??mm TTE.
Roebuck of #91 w'_‘;alx ": :"fl 35““W7, -.2 -a. gfl.fi- 4.. ”g” part
faitflfully u; 5“= Newport ccnvcntiwn. 7 am confident we will hncr Tram it

'i~ ”c' =:“ I hope you will he a: ; uttenfi the convenii n,
“:t wbulfi gnnl advise :in11t our
herrd from firs.fiuflonnell she wcs
11y and ounc: a :uuragemcnbs;
tle club on our
write to 2' a; ibis conveniiwm. “nu M w "‘ - our
Lake care cf itself; L'K ' ‘iT : club c :_+ one


that it snrulfl not relort the next, il circumstances a


I wish #0 thank vvu €cr ihe gcncrqns ccntrihutic

assegsment for Ine'fircgon campnjgn- I know

do our part 10 keeping up an crefifit For zeal on

Hoping to hear prom tlv from vou and 10 see =. at the convention
. 9 J . ’
I Lm cordlaliy yours,







 xt., Lexington, Ky;


1rs.A.I.Glenn, 1 Ashland$.7.fl.,

Dear I?S.Glenn,

-.- .. (v.

----~. » ’ ., +1;
J. VLFUUV: 1-; ...li;2fi.j “NHL“; Jlfi}

=onvnnai W hefuro E recollectnl "‘9' P.- :. nritten me she

,.A, L.

the ””nniuiws nu -u.; time. Var: n;u\ M ;.- will forwarfi my


.,'-';7 .

but for f.r, " ‘4.31 H :1‘1 : _w-- ,1” substanoa of them.

fF‘nks of the TX.CommitTee for
ishlnnd. We have long
'nisnefli;' brirg ‘2 “1;” ”‘3’.Liv '”gi“$ ‘ fl-- “'4" unfi $0 fee
{hat this is a vary
met Kev.xnnu H.3haw f_.".7vz5: 7', ‘ .a:' she afireed to
e as November fiIst and

h... .,- . . , «2. . H 1 ‘r’ 4 .7- ~, T a. ' -
Hugh Cub came “5 . ~— u\ .. ‘ , unwraioye Will yrohab]; strive some-

:jme-tahle, E F%V; act uSCCfl

picahla for the delegateS tr arrive
:av the orening of the confiention;gnd our con-
‘58 ?X.Commi$@ees before
,?wre I it mn_fi V ' sJ’s 1 “the friéads
inflates *“ Fur fl=~v J-:; m fine afternoon of fihe ZHtk

finree hifihts and two duys.?1ease let

:1 going to write to all the auxilia-


I nave been instructefi E, EX.Com. to ask if any of yuur members
will pvepare tapers ion any subject they may select to be given at the
convention. The business fiiscussi'ns take up so much time that we have

not much left €or papers; but we think one or two add interest ts the


L»o,rum; ‘nfi : note :cmo will he preyured bv_friends in iéhlund or Catt—

lettsburg. I mill give the annual sfldrews in the first afternoon, leaving

tne'oveninTs free tor Tiss “haw.
T strongly urge collecting the x x.‘: :11 present members .gd a66-
cone new onss, if gossihlo. I vish your 3.?.fi.might do something to
inflarsst in the fiattlettshurg momoers.0f course, y u till elect 5919
'gto regreesnt ycur club; the basis of representation is one dele-
gate-et-lwrge, :nd one for each ton psifi no membérs. In zdoitisn Lo ihose,
ajl members of rthe association who are present ave usually invitefi L0 the


Cturtesiss 0

ihs fl cr,though only the selected delegates are entitled

to vote;

"a uwulfl liko row to secure some ministers to omen the evening fl?§t~
injs with a short inv00mtion:we will cull u;on members or the coanntiun
to 40 so at the day mo

If 'ou could arrange a goofi, -hort musical program for Lne evenings
it w‘uld uflfl an mgrheatle foatflre.
'“0 you wish the programs printed in ishland or no ya 5 ii that we‘
have hem done elsewhere? It is our custom to n.ve the state pay for
yrinting Loose; Lnfi the fee of too sweater of the evenings. And toe invi-
ting olub contributes the hall and advertising the convention locally.
Please lfib me know if it will he oonveniont for your tssociation to

Tnths evenings it is u_ua1 to take a collection for incidental exwenses.


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(v; rpm,
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