xt70rx937t9n_133 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_9/Multipage6114.pdf 1906 June 1906 1906 June section false xt70rx937t9n_133 xt70rx937t9n fl D6141 O gig/TV)” c piggy/{[1 ( A?

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 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony. ' , , ‘ Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Gordon,
17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y. I800 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, -. Recording Secreiary, Alice Slone Blackwell, 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. aim

Vice President al Large, Florence Kelley.

2 Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Laura Clay, Lexinglon. K

. y.
I05 East 22nd Street. New York City. Aua'rlars " { Dr. Anmce F. Jeffrey's. Portland. Ore.


Warren, Ohio, une 18, 1906.

Dear Miss Clay:

I am awfully afraid that you will be cast down at the
result of the campaign and I do wish you could have come here to
Headquarters for a few days until we talked things over, but that

did not seem possible. You never will know what a strain I had
after the morning of election. For a whole week I never heard anything
until Wednesday morning I got a little telegram from Miss Shaw which
did not mean much and on Friday I telegraphed for news. Meantime
the office was flooded with letters containing inquiries about Oregon
and I was hopeful and gave up by turns. Of course it was harder for
those of you in the field, but still it was hard for me. I did not
rnow anything about you except that you had gone to Salem; I did not
know where you were, what you were doing, What the other speakers

were doing, what became of MTs. woodworth; I did not know whe.her
Miss Laughlin went on in the field or not. I presumed things and
I think likely that what I conjectured was right, but I did not know
at all. Then When the campaign was over nobody told me when you were
all going, or where you were going to be. I held back a lot of
routine work for you all to act upon and I did not know where to
send the letters. Miss Blackwell wrote me en route to Boston,
a philosophical letter about the campaign, telling me why we did not
win, and incidentally put in a sentence which lead me to think that
you have gone to Kentucky, so I am writing you there. Somehow I feel
that you are going to be very much discouraged over the campaig.. You
were there a long time, you had the awful strain alone and then I
remember how badly you felt about the repeal of the Kentucky school
law and I have been afraid this would break you up. Now I do hope
you will wipe all this off the slate. rfiw have got a big fight ahead
of us and we cannot afford to dwell with the past. There is a future
for us and we have got to be ready for it. Then too, when any of us
get nervous and disheartened it runs through the whole rank and file,
so we each have to be brave and I know you will, but somehow I feel
that just now you do feel pretty badly. Of course there is no use of
my saying that the opposition was too great for us to overcome or
this or that is so because you know it as well as I do; it is just
like a case of death. The family know that the one who is gone is
better off and the suffering is over and all that, but at the same
time that does not comfort the one who is left. If I should say that
you all made a brave fight and you must not regret it, etc., you would
still regret it. Still it is a great comfort to me, with my optfln-
istic disposition, to know that the principle of woman suffrage is a
great principle and that it is right and right is bound to prevail
in the end and that although your work of this campaign does not seem
to count in the way you wanted it to count, yet it does count and has
counted, and will count. —"—_


 Somehow you are always so braNe and calm and good that I
can never talk as tenderly to you as I feel, but just now I do want
to say that I am so glad I have been associated with sou as an
officer of the National Association and that in many ways you have
done me great good, taught me many things and made me feel as if I
aIWays had a helper and an up-holder near me. You are a dear, good
woman and I know that the rank and file of our Association would say
Amen to this last parafirayh.if it were subjected to them.

Lovingly yours,



 fqual fluffrage fissociatio'n
09f (lbklahnma anh Elnhian Gtx'ritnrg.

re sied ent, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, T rrrrrrrrr Miss Margaret Rees,
Chickasha, Indian Territory. 4 Guthrie, Oklahoma. .

rst Vice President, Mrs. Julia 1.. Woodworth, Auditor, Mrs. Mary B. Green,
Chandler. Oklahoma.

Okl h m Ct Okl h m gm...“
ond Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, “— ' @ ~—_ 2nd Auditor, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks,
Enid, Oklahoma. Enid, Oklahoma.

orndi ng Sec rtar ry Mrs .aId Ward Nor ve,11 3rd Auditor, Mrs. Hattie Sherman,

Wyrm ewo o,d I: dia neT erritory. McLoud, Oklahoma.
esonp nid necgs rerta r,y Mrs .eoCl Ika dHar National Organizer, Dr Frances Woods,

Chi cak sa,h In dlizli nTer ritory. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Eprrimrtal fieahquartera, (illiirkaaha, 3111mm: Gerritnrg,


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 BROOKLYN, June 19, 1906.


VVhat is the most important work to be done to help the suffrage cause?
By all means to increase our enrolment lists. Why? Because it is imperative that we constantly try to
find out how many sympathizers we have in every community. These sympathizers will attend our meet-
ings, sign our petitions, furnish new members for our local leagues, stand ready to assist us in organiza-
tion or campaign work, and best of all help us to answer the usual query of the legislator, “ How many
people stand for this bill?” by actual lists representing thousands of constituents

The N. A. W. S. A. at the Baltimore Convention again endorsed this work. W'hat can you do to
help ?

ist :—If you are the president of a state suffrage association, see that a state chairman of en=
rolment is appointed.

Send her name and address to me.

If you are the president of a county association, see that a .county chairman of enrolment is
appointed. Send her name and address to the state chairman.

If you are the president of a local league, see that a local chairman of enrolment is appointed.
Send her name and address to the county chairman.

2d :—Each state association should print small yellow enrolment cards (The cost is about $1.00 per
thousand). The State Chairman must stamp her name and address on the backs of these cards with a
request that they be returned to her.

3d :—The local chairman should give at least ten cards to each member of her league, to be signed
by men and women, not affiliated with suffrage clubs. After these are signed and collected.
the local chairman should make an alphabetical list of the names secured for the use of her league, and
should send the cards to the county chairman.

The county chairman,-after all the returns have been made by the local chairmen, should make a
list of the enrolled names and addresses for the use of her county association, and should send the cards on
to the state chairman. I

The state chairman must keep the cards in her possession, and send merely the total number
of enrolled names to the national chairman.


I. Names of signers of the cards must be written in full to show the sex of the signer.

2. Lists must be revised each year by local chairmen and duplicated names or the names of deceas—
ed persons stricken out. Notice of such changes must be sent at once to the state chairman. If the names
of the club members who secured the signatures are also on the cards, this work can be greatly facilitated.

3. Enrolment cards should be distributed at all public meetings, and at all fairs, and each mem—
ber in the state should pledge herself to procure a specified number of signatures during the club season
and the summer vacations.

4, The total number of cards signed in each state must be sent by each state chairman to
the national chairman of enrolment not later than January 5th, that the national chairman may pre-
pare her report for the National Convention.

We have now on file 45,501 enrolled names. This represents the work of only thirteen states.

Won’t you help us to double this number this year?

I earnestly appeal to you to arouse your state to the importance of the enrolment work.

Write me for further particulars.

Yours cordially,
Nafz'omzl Chairman ofEnroZmem‘,
16 South Elliott Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTEONY, ”Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,
105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,
1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

. , LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
Auditors. lDR. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.


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 June 28th, 1906,Richmond, Ky.
My dear Miss Gregg,

I reached Richmond Saturday night, and found your

letter of the 12th inst. awaiting me, enclosing a postal order for

$£O/ (forty dollars), which pays in full all you borrowed from me. I
enclose the memorandum of the first $25.0 , receipted. I think you
ought to have kept out the whole of the carriage hire, as I expected
you to do; but if you think differently, it is all right .

Yes, xi I was very sorry not to go to fir.Jeffreys' fer that final
dinner party, but on that day I was not able to eat either luncheon or
dinner, but went to bed after leaving Miss Shaw's room and stayed there
till next'morning, I could not go to the evening meeting, either, on
Friday night, and so missed bidding good-bye to many of my friends.

I was all'right. though, by the time I reached Bellingham, and had a
pleasant visit to my niece and to my friend in Seattle. Miss Gordon
overtook me on my way home ,at Glacier, and we went to St.Peul together,
and through her I learned the latest news from Portland. Well, I do not
intend to let my spirits sink, but shall look for success in two years
from new.

I sehll direct this to Portland, and I should be glad to hear of
you and to have your address. so that we may keep in touch through the

summer. Miss Shaw sailed to Europe the 25rd.

Very cordially yours,