xt70rx937t9n_129 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_5/Multipage5973.pdf 1905 April-May 1905 1905 April-May section false xt70rx937t9n_129 xt70rx937t9n z/wémlé fl / ya a

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,, / » fl/“3 j
I t E; ,7 LL...— ?2/c:} //reefu‘ient, the member of the EX-
ecutive Committee anfi one delegate.0f course the F~efi r g“ expects to attend;
but the-delegate nomieetei by the first clud *L -; f-; - 100 members migh

be made the Eember of Ex.Com.,ené the next no @elegete at lexge.Teeee three

woulfl have voting trivilegee.1f theta shoulo be others, I thine you migit eefe
1y promise that seats will he reeervefl for them on the floor,that invitations
will be secured to them to all courtesiee extenaefl to the eelegetcegand that
we will trv to obtain for them the privilege of dieoueeion on any question
that comes up, though our Constitution will not yerm't the extre ones to vote.
I believe these attentions will Satisfy most of them,enfl will leave the Pres-
ident with an incentive to offer to the el'us. I

4th.Seaeide meetings in flew Jeree;.l vote that no assistance be given

year.It does not seem likely they will be able to get a National speaker and
we had better practice economy in the circumstances.

5th .Ballote for the Conventirn. I do not thinP it worth while to go‘to ex-

pense to print more ballots, since there are enough to do, for the miete“\,'


 having the Cor.$§o.prooooe the Reo.$eo.

I have no sn)bo1u1 no afi firooent to offer :2 f 2’ r the July num;er O€£&*
Progre 3.1t seems to me thafi it woulfi be 7 . f 11*. ihot a convention numbé!
givinm a brief reporfi of what was.; m; ”11" .211 it ought not to ho yub-
11% Exam till To her late in the monuh, ? ‘1 . a r : . w} 1: 1 :he con-
on DC ooiffnrent

ventinn.flifforen yoints in fihe COfiVefitLGE


persons to write no, so that it woule not h1 aorfl ' 3%§%fiflfifib C’Q

0111 be (311102113; ,- 'r a; the oomvenfiiwn. Could you unotxg'flalg it on
”a; “1

Elan? E
I believe i have

10 afid how much I aggreoiotefi your lotto of 19
of fihe success of m(ur mono; lottoro, JT‘ hope 5 g ‘ ~ many Fora

es.The queoti n of oollar momborshiys is likely 10 come 13 in some

if you can £0 50, it W ulfi ha u$of111 €or you 10 make a 1131

a dollar; and a staztoment of how many of them are not m.euM H“ of

looal organizotio . 1 give a fiefinito idea how mony dollars

tional 13 .-1, fl, 1 11 a": local has a ohanoe to get-

It woulfl be ungrateful 13 me 30% to exoreso my aypreoi.ti:n of the ve17 kind
oommento you made in the lac H.001umn on my stay 17 Warren.1'ossure you I
value toem vary muoh.I ro.1q 3 who 1y o‘ay there ana I know I learned muoi
Ithat will be useful to my
Pleas give my love to Mrs.Upton an& to all in the office.I see I have not
said that I have not the key to fine office;ana 1 cannot even say Whether I m
responsible ior misla;71ng it or some one else.

330 write


 Telephone, I79! Haymarket Office of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 7

/wa/Z7 W47 ”4&4.

a 74%” awe, WM 7% M WJ
o/Z/Ko, fray/am”: ”2% fair”,

Via—742.2. MW. / flf/Kz/Ifl
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