xt70rx937t9n_122 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_6/Folder_19/Multipage5511.pdf 1898-1899 1899 1898-1899 section false xt70rx937t9n_122 xt70rx937t9n  

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 234 Clay 32., Parkland, Ore.

May 3rd, bBB.

My daar Mrs. Avery:

’ust at hand.


Your fave? of Avril 28th 13
Unlike our highly estficned friends, the active leaders in the “.A.T.L
'each year“ finds us ”more Lhoruughly convinced” of thn necessity uf deferring ”cure-

ful and extensiva orgfinizaticn in any Staha” until we have firat *aacured tha subm

misaiun of an.awendmant, since nu Sidtfi which pursafis the canvas cOflWflfldfid by your

committee haa evor receivedthe submissicn of an amendment at all, nv? carried it at
the polls. Colorado gnd Idaho are shining exampleg 0f the success nf our mauhcd in

the bfillok. flew York, Pennsylvania ard all Eastern States ara exumyles of
pursuing the ozhar my Opyusica cuurfe.

Idaho wag honeycombad for over twehty years with suffrAga aentiuent which
permeatad all sorts of irmturwnl organizntlmws, and so was Colvrnfio; but there was
no ”careful and extensiva” suffrage organization to invita the enemy 10 Cumbinfi aha
defaat us or we woulfl have had no chance at all Lu wln.

Orflgon's amd Washington's suffraglsta had to rest upnn Lhuir oars far tan
years to recovnr from the W.C.T.U.'s Waterlon of organization before we could again
get amendments submitted. Since all the success we hava ever achieved has come
through our mathod, we feel justified in pursuing it furthar, and we shall continue
to do so until, by the methods of the National officers, they shall have succeeded
somewhere. This is not said in a captions spizit.

we are all united as t9 our desire for success; gnd no matter which rnad we
travel, all will finally lead to liberty.

Most lovingly and cordially yours,

(310"wn) ABIGAIL 300?? rwwlwav.


 gem (which we can only hapa to fly by antagonizing or stapping upon the prahibition

buninn, which claims so much that votars will not aacapt its leadership in anything),
wa mean to hava a great Pacific Coast Jubilas, Whfifl hemors to-our beloved Eastern ca-
workara will be in order, and we will rejoice t0 have tham with me.

Lovingly and cordially yours far liberty,

(mgr-Gm} ABIGAIL snow mmww.


 C 9 P Y.
2?4 Clay $t., Portlanfi, OPfigon.
May 3th, 1395.
My dear firs. Avary:

As I fear I amicted stating z.a reasons why organization for thn States, as
raeommanded by the officars of tha w.A.W.S.A., only bring us éafaag, I will now give
aoww 0f tfiem for your aarnast cansifieratinn.

lst. Every such nrganization bananas at once a tax upon the community,
not snly for local anfl stats suppurt, but as an aid ta thfi Nfitifififil Faaflquartera.

The W.C.T.U., with all its baastinga of 'gGud' which it claims ‘a accorwliflh through

organizatinn of this aharaetar, has only auecedded in alienating voters from the suf-

frage ranks, largsly EhPOth its canatnnt demands for money. 0? caursa, I $peak of
the Pacific Coaat, and testify only he that which I know.

2nd. fiinuta local organizations speadily deganarate into cliques. Thw
more influantial woman are mat uSMally their lfiaders, but women who act as wasps to t
stir up hostility toward our work &meng the vetera are always on hand. In is not
yae ganerally known in tha East, but it is a fact that the women of Idaho gained
their cause by observing this truth and kaeping wa:ps comparatively quiet. Bun for
the insistanee of Eastern wnman, thmrn would hava been na general fittergt at organi-
zation sitar the submission of the amendment; and I know that if any such attempt hafi
been mafia bafmrahand tha amandmant would n0: have been submitted a: all! I am.now
quite out Of aopica of the aampaign document that did the wwrk in Idfihm among tha
vctars, but 1 shall hava a new aditicn soon, and will $find you one. Histury wili
§g£_place thfit victory to the credit of tfia Eaétarn claimants. I am planning for
the 8&ma sort of a oamyaign in %ashington to restore ska work thrt was dfifehfiwd by
the W.C.T.U. organizatien, which is now, happily, so nearly moribund that it has
little influence ta arfiusa counter organxzatiun. It is trying to claim our dear

Aunt Susan new, and the 'Whiakioa','fintis' and Prohiba' have bsen uhoutinn lastily



that tha 'prohibs' have caught her! But she has cowe to fihe raacue -— bless her
heart? and trey cannot usa her honorable name $gain in auch a boast withaut my bring-
ing ducumants an éefond her common sense, hacked by hay denial over her own signa-
ture. You see the 'whiakiea” buasted that she had gona over ta :ha prohibs baeause
they saw an that declaration a big appurtunisy to rally the voters against us. The
'antia' used it as a two-edged sword to on? againat U8 both ways; and tha ”prohiba“

who can only ace as a mola 3835, have baon proclaiming it cvarywhere as a graat

achievement of tfie w.c.?.u. So we have been in a triangular fight lately with three

opposing farces.

3r6. Organization exposes our batteries t0 tha ambushed enemy and enables


him to defeat us the Legialature with muney and votes, bath 3f which we must work
without. We have found that by educating public sentiment until an amendmént cmm
yaign is upofi us, we have no oasified elehent calling itself an organization, to kaep
all the rast of the people on the outside, as the W.C.T.H. is always deing. Our
idea cf a Wational organization is .2: “. is a rrpre£ensut1ve body, cvmpmaed of
officere and dalegataa to msat annually at washington, to compare methuda, invite co-
operanion. 930., eta. Our State crganizationa ara made up 0f members from the fiif!
fevant counti35 who are chosen by our Lyafinfid leaders with diraaz rafereroe 10 thair
soeial, intellectual and moral standing in :Fe communities in which they mpernta.
They hoid thamselves in readiness to gathar into an active, brief, decisive camp&igz,
shortly prnaeding an amandment elactian, all the peopla from every wtfier argarizntion
that tfla community supports, thu$ making Our work amhraoe all classes of fiopular
philanthrOpy, art, science, philoaephy, amasoment, music, education, etc., etc.
This is why we hold congraeses, and this tea is why so many of ms work in clubs. It
1% the only way ta counteract tha casifying procefiaes of the W.C.T.U. which I arz
sorry to 333 tha V.A.m.fi.&. is continually trying to imitate.

If our Eaatarn frianas still balievn that their way (or that 0? the W.R.T.
U.) t0 be right, shay hava ample room to kaep it up in States where thay have haen

trying to all along without success. Juat as sown as we win in Washington Fthat Ore-


 119 N. 13th St., Philadelphia.

Dear Membnr of Business Committee:

COVER 0? MIWUTES. You will perhaps remember a vote taken in the Business
Comwfittee instructing me to have the report of the Convention beund in green, that
being a color which had not lately been used for ttle oaver of the fiationml Minutes.
It was impossibla to gat a pretty green, excapt by a special order which would hava
involved some extra cost, and, thertfore, I have, without oonculting you as it
seemed a matter of small moment, taken the raaponsihility of daaiding and hava ussd

a gray.

STAT? MV"31V”T CAMPAIGWS. In reply to my letter to State Presiéenta,
sent out in accordance with the instructions of the Business Conrdttee, in regard to
the precipitation of State Amenfimant Campaigns without previous sufficient organiza-

tion in the States, I have received only or 3 answer, and that comes to me from “rs.

Abigail Scott Duniway, the Dreaident of the Oregon Equal Suffrage Association. I

think it wigs that the Bunineas Committee should see a copy of this letter . In

acknowledging it, I have teld Hrs. Duniway that I thought 1: was a lptter which

ought to be presented to the Business Committee.

Cordially graurs,

/[m KCWZ/ //;?/

Got“. 890. N...“ “:0 30.51.



 .S. UETT.



Dmnmeaay B. MANCHESTER.KY. June 13th, 1898.
Miss Laura Clay,
Lexington, Ky.
Mi s 3 Laura :
Last fall the Court of Appeals in deciding a case

arising under the Married woman's Property Rights Act, passed

. . . 3. . .
in 1894, referred to it as the Weisinger Bill, and in another

opinion rendered by it recently has done the same thing. In
a number of instances the newspapers have used the same term
to designate the law. Of course I would have no objection
to giving my friend, Hon. Rozelle Weiginger, credit for any
good thing that he may have done, but do not care to be de~
5;r¢;;fiia V; éégarijf /Lq zeaatlep( Jessa! 5% aaagazi;7p g3 44111‘Zzzézck Jéacli inezl
prived of the honoerf having reformed the common law rules
affecting the rights of married women in this state that were
so long a disgrace to our Commonwealth, and had in great de~
gree become a part of our Statutes. Mr. Weiéinger neither
offered nor suggested, nor did he pass the new married Woman's
property Rights Law as it exists in Kentucky. He had noth—
ing to do with it save to vote for it and to make two or

three speeches in its favor, after an interest had been cre—
ated in it by myself and others. In fact he had a bill of
his own which merely tinkered with the law as it was, making

a few not very important amendments, and was not inclined at

first to support my bill. One of the chief reasons I had

for going to the Legislature was to remedy the laws with ref-





erence to married women's property rights, and you.will find
on referring to the House Journal of 1894, page 62, that on

the first Bill Day I introduced a bill providing a proceeding
for relieving married women of the disabilities of coverture,

being known as House Bill 20 of that session; and on the same

day introduced a bill to define the interest of a husband in

the estate of his deceased Wife, being known as House Bill
22 of that session.

on the 16 day of January H. B. 20 and H. B. 22 were re-
ported adversely by the committee. I made a fight for than
before the House and secured the reading of said bills the
second time, the opinion of the committee to the contrary
notwithstanding, which Kept them.alive and put them in posi—
tion to be printed and voted on by the House.

on January 22, I moved to take both said bills frmm fine
Orders of the Day, where they might have slumbered throughout
the session and never been reached, and hasCthem,made special
orders for January 30, 1894, at ll o'clock A. M.-(See page
179 House Jornal.) Before that day arrived Judge Vance of
Henderson, who took an interest in the question, and I had
a conference, at which we came to the conclusion that a gen—
eral bill reforming the law as to married women's property
rights could be passed, from the termper manifested by the

House from.the fight that I had made to secure the second
reading of the aforesaid bills.







We agreed on a substitute, which he undertook to offer when
the House took up for consideration House Bill 20. This
was done on January 30, and the substitute will be found on
page 280 of the House Journal. I offered several amendments
to perfect the substitute, which will be found on page 284.
The Orders of the ray were postponed and the bill as amended
by the substitute was considered and passed by almost a unan-
imous vote, receiving 76 votes, and only 14 voting against
it. You.will find the bill on page 286 as passed by the

House. I moved to reconsider, and then to lay that urtion

on the table, which ass a motion always allowed the leader of

the fight for the measure that has been passed. This motion
was adopted, which closed the fight in the House until the
Senate had acted. The bill then went to the Senate Where
it was reported January 31, and taken up for consideration on
February 3, When it had its second reading and was referred
to the committee on General Statutes.-(See page 3V1 Senate

On February 9, my. Weisinger frdm the Committee reported
the bill with an.amendment. It was made a special order for
wednesday, February 14, at 3 o'clock P. M., at which time on
motion of Mr. Weiéinger it was postponed until the next day

at ll o'clock A. M., when it was taken up and amendments of-


fered by Messrs. Goodloe, Weisinger, Salyer and Landes. It


 [2.8. JOUETT.



went over until February 16; amendments werefloffered and the

bill discussed, and the bill went over until the next day
when it was passed by 21 to 10.

Hon. W. W. Stevenson of Mercer, who was the real leader
of the fight in the Senate mbved to reconsider the vote by
which the Senate had passed the bill and to lay said motion
on the table, which was done. The bill then came back to
the House for action on the amendments. On February 21 the
House refused to concur in the Senate amendments.-(See page
681, House Journal.) Ehe Senate refused to recede, which
necessitated a Committee on Conference. Messrs. Weiggnger,
Tyler and Salyer were appointed this committee in the Senate,
and Vance, Dickson and Gocke in the House. I was not on
this committee, because our court was in session and I was
compelled to be at home for a few days engaged in the trial
of a cause of importance in which I was directly interested.
On February 26, the report of the Conference Committee was
made to the House, and adopted by a vote of 60 to 19, and the
bill passed as amended. This action of the House was re—
ported to the Senate on February 26, but it became apparent
to me that the bill as amended could not be passed again in
the Senate, where fierce and bitter opposition to it had

arisen. I regretted very much that the House had not con—

curred in the Senate amendmentfiprommtly, as none of them.se—







riously affected the bill: several of them were very good and
really improved it. A refusal to concur had produced a
tangle. The House in having adopted the report of the commitw'
tee of Conference had lost all control over the measure3 and
after consultation it was agreed between its most ardent
friends that the Senate should be asked to allow the bill to
be withdrawn so that the House might have power to control
future action with reference to it. Judge Vance quietly
made the motion to appoint a committee to go to the Senate
and ask a withdrawal of the bill. You will find this on
page 82 of the House Journal. The motion was made March 6.
MI. Stevenson on the same day moved to the Senate for per-
mission to withdraw the bill as requested by the House, but
Mr. Miller moved to lay his motion on the table, which was
done. On March 7, the Senate took up for consideration the
question of adopting the report of the Committee of Confers
ence, and on March 8, voted against the adoption of said re-

port by 15 to 19, which seemed to be so decisive a majority

as to and any hope of passing the bill. Had some one 5? the

Senate then moved to reject the bill as reported from the
House, or to take up a consideration of the bill as reported,
and to have a vote on it, an adverse vote would have finally

killed it. There was but one other hope for the bill. Mr.

Stevenson, Who is an excellent parliamentarian, and Who was





its ardent friend, and myself had a consultation, at which we
decided that the only way to secure its passage then was for
the House to vote to concur in the Senate amendments and pass
the bill as amended in the Senate.
A finrce opposition had also sprung up in the House in
the meantime, and the Senators apposed to the bill had done

a great deal of active work in prejudicing the minds of meme

bers of the House against the bill. The trouble about

voting to concur was, that the House had.already voted to con—-
concur, and under the general rule prevalent in parliamentary
bodies, another voteAcould not be had without a reconsidera-
tion of the former action of the House. The time had gone
by for this under the rule. I had it in my mind that
there had been a decision to the effect that the proceedings
when there was a disagreement between the two branches of the
legislative body, are different from the proceedings in oth—
er cases, and that the paramount object of all such proceed-
ings was to bring the two branches to an agreement; that
whilst the House might refuse to concur in an amendment, I
Malia «WA alga—LL» wfl/VM 2/6“ @MWM
might afterwards insistfiapen/its with the amendment, yet it
might ultimately without reconsidering any of these votes
recede from its disagreement and concur in the action of the
other House. Mr. Stevenson agreed to look up this matter,

8AM WW9 ‘ - .
andAreported that he had found a decis1on by Speaker Carlisle





in the 49th Congress, on page 7826 of Volume 1 of the record,
which was on all fours with what we wanted. He brought me a

copy of the manual of the United States House of Representa—

tives in which this ruling had.been printed.

On Marchle, the Senate amendments were concurred in, and
then the question came on the passage by the House of the
bill as amended in the Senate. The opponents of the hill
in caucus had decided to break a quorum.and thus defeat the
passage of the bill, there being only two days more of the
legislative session.

The members of that House will remember who it was
that led the fight and managed the bill through all the par—
liamentary maneuvering and quicksands of March 10, until
finally 50 votes were had for the bill and 2 against it, mak—
ing the quorum.required by the Constitution and giving a ma;
jority of 48 for the bill. The motion to reconsider was
made and laid on the table, which ended the fight for the

passage of the bill. It had then to be enrolled and ex—
amined in the two Houses, which under the Constitution re—
quired a quorum to be present. A conspiracy was formed by
its opponents to prevent its being read by breaking the quo—
rum. I looked after the enrollment carefully and got it

ready for the committee by Monday morning, The Committee on

Enrollment being hostile to the bill did not give it consid-





eration that day, and in the afternoon I moved that the House
adjourn until half past 7 o'clock for the purpose of having
this bill reported by said committee. my motion carried,
but the Speaker being away, and the Speaker pro tem being
hostile to the bill, adjourned the House before the bill was
reported by the Committee on Enrollment.

The history of the fight that night to secure a report
of this bill by said committee would be interesting, but is
too lengthy to be detailed here. On Tuesday morning I got
a report of this bill, which was finally read in the House
and sent to the Senate to be there read and examined in open
Senate, when one of tie most unique and remarkable performr
ances ever witnessed in that Honorable body took place. The
same tactics to prevent the reading of the bill by breaking a
quorum were resorted to. By dint of persuasion and various

and sundry arguments known to those who have been active in

parliamentary bodies, an examination of the bill was finally

secured by the Senate, but not until it had been whispered
that the Governor would veto it. The Legislature adjourned
Tuesday night. I stayed in Frankfort until Friday morning,
taking occasion to visit the Governor's office every day and
discuss with him the provisions of the bill. Governor

Brown gave it careful consideration, and although admitting

that he was not much inclined to make such radical change§in






the common lawg yet was enlightened and just enough to see
that this bill would right many wrongs in this Commonwealth
and was a vast improvement on what the law had been with ref~
erence to the property rights of married women. He signed
the hill with two pens furnished by myself, one of which I
sent to Judge Vance in recognition of his services, and the
other I keep myself a- a memento of so important a change in
our laws.

Now what I ask of you is to take some steps to vin—
dicate my right to whatever credit there may be in the in—
troduction and management of the fight for this bill. It

was not so much Mr. Weisinger's bill as it was the hill of
either Judge Vance oi’hr. ‘— ._ r “.s hearts no less
than his were enlisted in ‘ » g >A—.r, 7 who were more ac—

tive and efficient at periods " i it was at its crisis. Mr.

C I t h
Weisgnger introduced a bill concerning the property of marri—

ed women on January 3,~ (See page 28, Senate Journal), and on
January 12, introduced another bill to amend certain sections
of the Statutes relating to h spend and wife,—(See page 105,
Senate Journal). Neither of these bills received further
attention, because my bill was pushed in the House and was
fuller and more comprehensive. I persuaded Er.\Neisinger,

after several interviews, to support my bill, which he did

loyally and faithfully. The active members of the House






and men like Senators, Martin, ubCVL“ on , Gross, Holloway and
others, mil A 2‘? 5‘ *, t”- fact til at I labored for the
bill in season and out of so s i W d was recognized as its
author and chief sup fort.
I think I am entitled to the credit for it, and know of
no one so semiotclt to have “ si_el done to me in the matter
as vour.s elf, and hence write to you. You were there during

the struggle yourself, aid whilst not acguainted perhaps with

the details of the fight, knew my position. A short state—

ment from you published in the Courier—Jsurnal might be suf—

ficient to correct the matter.
With »‘ -- t regarls, I am,
Yours sincerely,

24/ }€<\ /<§e/z>4éAAL/v-
aAMWéL/é J)



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 State Board of Examiners. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT.

CHAS-W-BELL’HARWDWe Department of Public Instruction.

0) w

@/%z2¢2€§;é;tfi 1:;E32/ II<31rum flicé1‘


'1EHTCCY, we have nothing
arovinoe being Simyly to construe it
is. 7“] ed (71 . ?_i_c‘{‘,
in chapter “31’ d 01? snaecifically as found.
volume, enrta“ . ‘rm: ,f women ere designated as voters; while such

is not tho case in section 100 th102 provides for elec ions to estab 7i s“

gradec or :u sobools. Besifié, ” method of re-submitting this quoo

a vote when once defeated after a layse of

may vote in Sbeoific teimm to J3~o“‘ voters." ._a 1 s are defined in


section 145 01 the present State constizution "i , Kentueky Statutes.

’torney Generel'rar_or evreee with me in _’s Iclusion, having



given his written 01in ion to that effeeg before form No. 85, wage

_;11s<>~7:v:’ted in that volume.

should be 1'7 71 to see women given a right b0


s I feel that ‘.; school inter—ate of their

would I2e equslly as safe in their needs as in those

men, but before they exercise this privilege under our constitution and

Laws it 31st be iven to them in specific te_ms by the Le is ature
g 8 y


 State Board of Examiners.




Department of Public Instruction.

in \‘U



Turihormore, I am of opinion that

readily make this concession to the

before that Body.

VG?V resvcctfu1lv

, A v ‘

/ [xi/kl fl/4 WV



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